Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Keith Olbermann provides the color commentary on the slow motion Sarah Palin train wreck.


  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Great editorial today from Richard Cohen on the "fierce stupidity" of Sarah Palin. Enjoy!


  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Facebook | Who the fuck is Sarah Palin?

    "Republican men like her because she knows when to shut up and take it up the ass and giggles when McCain calls her a cunt."

  3. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Why does Sarah Palin love names? She wants to know where to unleash her hounds of hell for besmirching hers.

    When has Sarah ever resisted a dig at her? She tells Greta she'll ignore this crap, while dedicating her interview to this very crap?

    What a big F'in loser. Couldn't even take the heat of an already elected position, she quits and spends the next two years being paid as an amateur a foil to progress; because let's face it, she still hasn't boned up on anything of substance to take on anyone in the establishment.

    She swings her balls around as if she has any. She can shove her pointy elbows into anyone's ribs because she hides behind her children, her Blackberries, Fox News and her rabid followers. With followers like hers, like the fellas in Drop Zone and supporters with bad backs at Rand Paul rallies, who needs to hire security or take gotcha questions?

    Sarah, you are a loser. You are not exceptional, you are below average. You are an underachiever that has fallen bony-ass backwards into positions over your head. Your bluster and bravado are the only thing that helps you with your delusion that you are competent at anything but going Native.

  4. Randall4:48 AM

    PLEASE, Sarah, PLEASE run for President in 2012!

    Your country needs you to run for President in 2012 - please!

    PALIN 4 Prez 2012

  5. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Bless her servant's heart. She'd run if no one else steps up to the plate. That instills such confidence in a leader without peers. . .

    There she goes again, affecting her Frontier prowess with the King Salmon reference. Sigh. She is used.

  6. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Anon 4:48 (the first one): Love it!!!

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    One perspective is that Palin is ignorant or stupid. In fairness that Palin must not know facts. At this date I beleive Palin does not care about facts and her personal agenda for power, her MO and personal pattern of strategy to asend is to confabulate, outright lie, make things up while declaring she is the one and only truth teller.

    Palin is a master of shooting down the work of others, springing vile lies which tangles people up to get out of, orchestrates chaos and has a propensity for misidentifying and twisting things to be more the opposite of what they are.

    Palin indeed has the ability to rile people up, tap anger and rile them up to threaten violence. I do not see anything in her arsenal of personal or political bag of tricks that brings a positive outcome that serves to better understanding, any christian values, nor a goal of critical thinking to find solutions to major issues. Palin makes proclamations then makes up facts to prove her declarations are "right" turning her MO around inciting anger and fear only other people "make stuff up".

    Palin appears to suffer from sincere delusions she is just like Reagan and that she is an actress.
    The upcoming reality show is now twisted to be a "documentary". Reagan did not quit a political office to become an "actor" starring as Ron Reagan super sportsman. Kate Gosselin and Kim Kardashian do not suffer delusions they are actresses therefore that proves they are Reagan nor Shakespaere if they mispronounce a word.

    If we pay attention, anyone who does not share the delusional, i.e. grossly exaggerated, warped or twisted skewed misidentification of Palin's claims then people are assignated they are doing what Palin does. Even C4P did not think a reality show was "presidential". They debated the merits of a top notch classic documentary that Discovery channel does. The Palin clan has filmed a reality show doing outdor activities including a rality tv family. Now they are entitled to convince people it is a top notch "documentary" for that is "presidential". Well pathalogic lying is also misidentified as person of God, truth telling and would never lie".
    Palin now is changing her pioneering tough woman huntress self to a creer actress. Personalities who alter, twist, constantly change what is have serious mental defects. Period regardless of who they are.

    An ignorant person is a seperate category from an unstable personality, mentally disabled person who twists and rewrites factual reality and has imploding rages when sane people don't go along with their random cognitive distortions. I agree she is "not tethered in reality".

    There is a Catch-22: when people have manned up Palin casts people as demons, falsely alleges they are sexual perverts which indeeds riles people up to commit violence.
    This has become a pattern of hers.
    When Bristol changed her job position in Anchorage randomly confabulating to impress people. the red flag is not to be ignored.

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Won't it be lovely to see the shriek from hell in the Oval Office, knowing that the only reason she got there is because YOUR husband, brother, father and son would like to fuck her!!!

    Well ladies, get to work and make damned sure this doesn't ever happen!

  9. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Anon 3:59 am - Great article. Thanks for posting the url...

    My favorite line from the post....

    "She seems hardly better informed than when she was a lone sentry, binoculars trained on nearby - and forewarned - Russia."


  10. Keith Olbermann has also decided to (at least temporarily,) stop his "Worst Person in the World" segment and may discontinue it permanently in response to The Rally to Restore Sanity. In the spirit of sanity he is giving this a try.

    I for one, applaud this effort. Taking the angry rhetoric down a notch is what we need. Keith has at times used the segment to rant on what often felt like personal and less than newsworthy issues.

    Of course we don't expect things to change at Fox, and honestly I think it will only get worse as time goes on.

    But we do not have to compete with their ignorance. Showing civility, reporting the news honestly and without the angry, name calling, and amped-up rage does not reflect the feeling of the average American who is simply trying to get through some tough times and care for their families.

    I attended the Rally and mingled with the two hundred thousand plus real Americans of all different faiths, gender identities, colors, and political backgrounds. Yes, I even talked to moderate Republicans!! These folks are extremely tired of the media's portrayal of us as angry. The media only pays attention to and even encourages the loudest and angriest people.

    Thanks for this effort Keith! This moderate Dem appreciates it!!

  11. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "crap" "bastards" Yep, that's Presidential language for sure!

    Oh $carah.....your mean girl fangs are showing again!

  12. Anonymous12:59 PM

    and eeeeuuuw what is dripping from them?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.