Tuesday, November 02, 2010

New poll shows the Senate race in Alaska is one of the tightest in the nation.

A Hays Research poll posted at 2:00 p.m. today confirmed the findings of other recent polls—Lisa Murkowski is in third place in the three-way Alaska Senate race. The poll shows voters leaving both Murkowski and Miller as Alaskans respond to Scott McAdams' message that this senate race is "About Alaska," not party politics or national agendas.

“This poll confirms what we’ve been saying all along—that this is a wide open race,” said campaign spokesperson Heather Handyside. “It’s gratifying to see our campaign support increase week by week and day by day. That tells me that people have gotten to know Scott McAdams, agree with his policies, and believe he will best represent Alaska values in the U.S. Senate.”

The poll shows McAdams within striking distance of Miller:

Miller: 27%
McAdams: 26%
Murkowski: 25%
Undecided Voters: 22%

“This poll shows that Joe Miller can be beat,” said Scott McAdams. “And I’m the candidate on the ballot who will beat Miller.”

I can remember when the outcome of Alaska elections was virtually a foregone conclusion.

We knew every election season that Ted Stevens and Frank Murkowski would ultimately hang onto their Senate seats, and that Don Young would continue to be our sole Congressman.  No excitement, no drama, and no real good reason for Democrats to turn out and vote.

But my friends the world has changed. There is a gifted biracial gentleman sitting in the White House for the first time in our county's young history, a Democratic Senator representing our state in Washington for the first time in 29 years, and the opportunity to have TWO Democrats representing us for the first time since 1968. (see for yourselves.)

In other words THIS is our year!  And ALL we have to do to seize the day, is to show the hell up!

There are no long lines to discourage us from voting, or fear of violent reprisal to frighten us into staying home.  Sure there is new fallen snow on the ground but BFD?  That might keep Texans huddled under their down comforters staring at the frosty landscape through fear widened eyes, but we are ALASKANS!

We are the same people who turn to our lovers after an especially powerful earthquake (That would stain the skivvies of most out-of-staters),  and say "See baby?  I told you I would rock your world!'

We are the same people who drive the winding snow covered road to Alyeska with one hand outside of our car scraping ice off of our windshield during a blizzard, because we just KNOW that the conditions will be perfect for skiing and we want to beat the crowds.

We are the same people who survived on Pilot Bread and Spam, back in the sixties and seventies when the only green thing you could find in your refrigerator was the mold growing on the meatloaf that you made and forgot about two months back.

Democrats in this state have earned the reputation of being spineless pansy asses.  THAT is one of the reasons it took me so long to register as a Democrat. The "Spineless Pansy Ass Club" is not a club that gets to count me as a member! But the "Come From Behind and Kick the Opposition in the Ass Like We Did in 2008 Club" is a club I don't mind being a member of.

So I don't know about the rest of you Democrats in this state, but goddamn it I fight to win!  And since I joined your pitiful excuse for a political party I want you to get tough, get motivated, and get out there and show the Republicans that we are ready to return this great state to its deep blue progressive roots.

And don't give me any of your excuses about not feeling motivated, or start bitching because Obama did not walk on water like you expected and now you feel all disillusioned, because I don't fucking care!

My attitude toward any Democrat who fails to vote today is essentially the same as the one demonstrated by R. Lee Ermey in possibly my all time favorite commercial.

Look, all jocularity aside, your state, and your country, NEED you to vote. There is still so much more to do, and in order to get it done we need to elect as many REAL Democrats as possible.

Alaska NEEDS Scott McAdams.  And perhaps more importantly, after so many years of Republican domination, Alaska DESERVES Scott McAdams.  We have had our share of grifters, criminals, and whores, isn't it about time we finally elected one of the good guys?

And speaking of "good guys," Harry Crawford, Ethan Berkowitz, and Diane Benson are pretty damn impressive as well.  As long as you are already voting for Scott McAdams, why not vote the straight Democratic ticket and send Sarah Palin into a histrionic rage that would be ten times more entertaining to watch than that crappy "Sarah Palin's Alaska" show? 

Now THAT would be "must see TV!"


  1. you go Alaskans!

    I'm on my way out the door to canvas the vote for Feingold.

  2. Anonymous4:39 AM

    As a Texan who lived at Ft. Richardson for a few years, I take a little offense at the comforter line.
    I voted early here in Texas, I have little hope of unseating Governer "Good Hair" Perry or any other Repug.


  3. MC30315:28 AM

    Seriously, all the ethical dirt that's come out on Miller and he still leads? Alaska peeps - get out there and make it right! :)

  4. Rick Hill5:52 AM

    I would love to see him beaten(take that as you will) for many reasons but mostly for the tweets about moving into his new digs before the election was held.

  5. Annonymous 4:39 said, "As a Texan who lived at Ft. Richardson for a few years, I take a little offense at the comforter line."

    I lived in Texas for a while, most people don't know about the ice storms there. You wake up and everything is covered in ice. Leaving the house actually does put your life in danger because the freeways are like skating rinks.

  6. Anonymous6:07 AM

    It's a teeth chattering 55 here in Dallas today, but I made it out from under the comforter!

  7. laprofesora6:24 AM

    Great pep talk, Gryph! I hope Alaska listens.

  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Glasser would be proud.

  9. Wow! That's great Gryph! I've voted in Washington State. Patty's OK; I held my nose, voted for the incumbent Congresscritter, and vowed to work for one of his Democratic opposition next time. But Alaska, you have someone to actually vote FOR, not the lesser of two evils. Get Scott across the line for all of our sakes. America needs lots of someones like him in the Senate.

  10. My best wishes for your elections today, I will be thinking of you.

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I wouldn't put it past the scum bags to come up w/a poll that makes Miller in the lead and then he wins because the voting is rigged. In my opinion, that's the only way he could win.

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Mr. Asshole himself - O'Reilly - has issued the following warning:

    "I am going to issue a viewer warning right now for children to not watch MSNBC, because some people may commit suicide, alright? They may set themselves on fire over there, and it would be gruesome to watch that."

    Can you believe that ignorant ass. I think it's time for more boycotting of all Fix News Sponsors.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.