Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The New York Times gives Sarah Palin an early Christmas present. Update!

From the New York "Freaking" Times:

On how Palin's close knit group of supporters function:

Her inner circle shuns the media and would speak to me only after Palin authorized it, a process that took months. They are content to labor in a world without hierarchy or even job descriptions — “None of us has titles,” Davis said — and where the adhesive is a personal devotion to Palin rather than the furtherance of her political career.

On whether she is considering a run for the Presidency in 2012:

“I am,” Sarah Palin told me the next day when I asked her if she was already weighing a run for president. “I’m engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here.” Palin went on to say that there weren’t meaningful differences in policy among the field of G.O.P. hopefuls “but that in fact there’s more to the presidency than that” and that her decision would involve evaluating whether she could bring unique qualities to the table.

On her avoidance of the media:

I asked her if by avoiding the national press, she didn’t bear at least some responsibility for the way the public viewed her. “I’m on television nearly every single day with reporters,” she shot back. “Now granted, that’s mainly through my job at Fox News, and I’m very proud to be associated with them, but I’m not avoiding anything or anybody. (And I bet she said that whole sentence with a straight face.)

Her opinion of the media:

Palin told me that because of the media’s unfairness toward her, “I fear for our democracy.” She cited a recent Anchorage Daily News article that commented on her casual manner of dress at a rally for Joe Miller, as well as a Politico headline that used the word “drama” for an item about Representative Michele Bachmann’s quest for a Republican leadership position. Palin viewed these references as sexist — but also, she said, as “distractions.”

Purposefully distracting, I asked, or just simplistic? “How can it be simplistic?” she scoffed. “They’re the elite,” she said sarcastically of news organizations. “They know much more than I know and other people like me! So, no. They know just what they’re doing.”

Her impact on the White House;

His voice dripping with exasperation, the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said to me one July afternoon in his office: “If I would have told you that I could open up a Facebook account or a Twitter account, simply post quotes, and have the White House asked about those, and to have the entire White House press corps focused on your quote of the day on Facebook — that’s Sarah Palin. She tweets one thing, and all of a sudden you’ve got a room full of people that want to know. . . .”

Gibbs shook his head and continued: “Now, I could say, ‘You know what? I’m not going to deal with that.’ And big headline: Palin Accuses Obama of X. The White House Had No Comment.”

Here is an interesting tidbit:

It’s a curious feature of Palin World that none of its charter members knew her before 2008.

(In fact it appears that ALL of them arrived on the scene AFTER April of 2008.  Things that make you go "Hmmm.")

Here is the article's introduction to the Grizzled Mama's number one Palin-bot:

But it is Rebecca Mansour who especially personifies the amorphous yet fervid network of Palin World. Mansour said to me with undisguised relish, “I majored in English and history and minored in philosophy, but I’ve never been a Beltway person, so that does confuse people.” A graduate of the American Film Institute, Mansour was writing screenplays in L.A. when, following the 2008 election, her disgust over “what I perceived as unfair treatment” of Palin inspired her to start the blog Conservatives4Palin. Mansour’s knowledge of Palin became so encyclopedic that in the summer of 2009, Meghan Stapleton asked her if she would come to Del Mar to help with Palin’s biography. The blogger had never met her subject before. She showed up with binders full of research, and when she was introduced to Palin, “the first thing she did was hug me — I was like, ‘O.K.,’ ” Mansour said with a laugh. “She is the most ordinary person. She’s shorter than I am.” At the same time, Mansour was impressed with Palin’s nimble mind. “I remember sitting with her while she was working on the book; she would be typing furiously, and I’d ask her, ‘Governor, when was the year you did such and such,’ and she’d say, ‘That was the year we did the budget.’ And then she’d be reading the chyron at the bottom of the TV screen while typing and talking to me. And then would read to me what she just wrote, and it was brilliant.”

(As somebody who sat through WAY too many of Palin's self written speeches, "brilliant" is not a word that even comes close to describing my impression. I even attempted to listen to one after getting hammered and the stupid still killed more brain cells than the alcohol did. This is just an attempt by RAM to put down the rumors that SHE, and other staff, do every single bit of Palin's intelligible writing for her.)

Snowdrift Snooki takes a moment to drive her heel into those divorce rumors:

Then again, Palin confessed to me a tendency to avoid longtime political operatives — “these unprincipled people who are in it for power, money and job titles.” Her wariness extends even to her top lieutenants, who have thus far been excluded from her 2012 considerations. Instead, she relies on Todd — “the one person she trusts,” according to Rick Halford, a longtime friend and a former Alaska state senator. “Todd is somebody that I think really grew and took on the job of being her support system, way beyond his education and where he came from.”

Yep Todd knows his place alright.

Palin's view of Liberals:

I brought up her past efforts at bipartisanship to Palin. “I was so innocent and naïve to believe that I would be able to govern for four years and if I ever moved on beyond the governorship I could carry that with me nationally,” Palin said. “And it was proven when John McCain chose me for the nomination for vice president; what it showed me about the left: they go home. It doesn’t matter what you do. It was the left that came out attacking me. They showed me their hypocrisy; they showed me they weren’t willing to work in a bipartisan way. I learned my lesson. Once bitten, twice shy. I will never trust that they are not hypocrites until they show me they’re sincere.”

Well THIS liberal is sincere Sarah.  I sincerely want to reveal the truth about you and deflate your attempts to lie your way into a position of prominence in this country. NOW do you trust me?

Later in the piece the journalist discovers that even after agreeing to write up this story as a love letter to Sister Sarah that one wrong question can get his head bitten off:

Palin became testy when I asked her about the books I heard she had been reading. “I’ve been reading since I was a little girl,” she snapped. “And my mom is standing 15 feet away from me, and I should put her on the phone with you right now so she can tell you. That’s what happens when you grow up in a house full of teachers — you read; and I always have. Just because — and,” she continued, though in a less blistering tone, “I don’t want to come across sounding caustic or annoyed by this issue: because of one roll-of-the-eye answer to a question I gave, I’m still dealing with this,” she said, referring to her interview with Katie Couric. “There’s nothing different today than there was in the last 43 years of my life since I first started reading. I continue to read all that I can get my hands on — and reading biographies of, yes, Thatcher for instance, and of course Reagan and the John Adams letters, and I’m just thinking of a couple that are on my bedside, I go back to C.S. Lewis for inspiration, there’s such a variety, because books have always been important in my life.” She went on: “I’m reading [the conservative radio host] Mark Levin’s book; I’ll get ahold of Glenn Beck’s new book — and now because I’m opening up,” she finished warily, “I’m afraid I’m going to get reporters saying, Oh, she only reads books by Glenn Beck.”

(Quick to anger and insanely defensive, yep that's the Sarah Palin I know. Nice try Mr. Draper, but even kissing her ass was not enough to placate the nasty middle school girl that is at the heart of Sarah Palin's personality.)

I am shocked that the New York Times is now carrying Palin's water.  However I knew all along that when she got closer to her announcement she would have to start reaching beyond Facebook and Fox News in order to get national attention.

Some have questioned WHY I have started to post about DWTS, Palin family dramas, and the tabloid side of her life.  The reason I have drawn attention to those seemingly lightweight stories is NOT because I have lost sight of the bigger picture, it is because that has BECOME the bigger picture!

While everybody has been waiting for Palin's big announcement she has ALREADY been running her presidential campaign via Twitter, Facebook, Fox News, People Magazine, DWTS, and now "Sarah Palin's Alaska."

Sister Sarah is doing an end run around the "Lamestream media" and speaking directly to her supporters, and bringing in thousands of new ones I might add, right under the media's nose. 

So my job, as I see it, has been to draw attention to her stealth campaign tactics and, hopefully, pull the curtain back to reveal what she is attempting to smuggle past public scrutiny.

It is time to realize that Sarah Palin is NOT in the process of deciding whether to run for President or not, she IS RUNNING!

Update: Even Barbara Walters is treating her like a serious contender.  Check out how smug she has become.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Gryph, why do you say she is gaining in support? You've seen the unfavorables. They go down down down. I don't think the article did her any favors. Did she sound presidential to you? Most of her comments made no sense at all. she trusts no one, disparages everyone, lies, and offers nothing in the way of substance. Only the bots can and will love this fraud. Melly

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    If Palin grew up with teachers and she is into reading, what happened to her children? No schooling after high school? Sarah was showing math flash cards to Piper during the presidential campaign of math problems she should of learned about a few years earlier if she went to school and not flying around to grocery store openings.

  3. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Ah, I think we've known that for awhile. She's been playing coy for about 6 months now, offering charming little comments.
    Really and truly, legally she could not have kept that PAC otherwise.

    She is going to run for president. But I think she just wants the campaign, not the actual job.
    We'll see.

  4. laprofesora1:16 PM

    Hopefully she'll run right into a brick wall.

  5. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Yes, she is.

    How could she not? It's not in her to resist the spotlight.

    Gawd, can you imagine her kids in the White House? Misery 24/7.

    Just read the article on the link on your blog to God's Own Party about the end of the world: a fringe cult says it will be May 27th, 2012.

    The only way I could possibly lend any credence to that claim would be if Palin became President. Then at least it would be the end of the world as we know it.

  6. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Thanks for keeping the focus on all aspects of Palin. If more people had done the same about George W, perhaps the 2000 election and the 2004 election might not have been so easy to rig.

    Keep it coming, Gryphen.

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Read this this morning. I wondered about why no one before 2008 is included in her inner circle. It does make one go hmmmmm. Most people have long time friends and allies by the time they get to be in their mid 40's. Sarah appears to have neither. I've always wondered why people say she was supposedly seen as such a friendly, open, smart woman pre 2008. Now she's a mean vindictive secretive un-curious politician? And "they" are trying to peddle this tripe as the fault of the MSM? Sorry, someones personality doesn't do a 180 because the media asked questions. You don't go from knowledgeable to moron because the media was too inquisitive. She always had those traits. The mask has just fallen. I agree she has a HUGE secret that she is keeping, and that's why she no longer has any pre 2008 confidants and surrounding her.

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I didn't realize that Cracker Jacks added a new prize to their boxes.
    RAM was lucky when she got her box and it contained a Graduate Certificate from the American Film Institute.

  9. Anonymous1:33 PM

    " the last 43 years of my life since I first started reading...." Isn't she 44? Did this child prodigy start reading at the age of one?

  10. Yes, you are 100% correct. She is running now, and has been all along. No question about it. The New York Times will roll her right in to the Oval Office, just like it rolled Bush Whack's crazy war right in to Iraq.

    No one ever asks any questions or points out her real "record."

  11. Anonymous1:40 PM

    You can talk to her mother to find out she (can) reads.
    Holy shit, and to the NYT no less.

    I dont know what else to say about this piece; I almost get a notion of some tongue in some cheek. At the same time, gryp is correct, she is going to try to run for prez using her tweeter.

    Now that theyve got todd doing her makeup and using the camera, why its a pageant.
    She has demeaned everything she goes near.

    godzilla goes to washington.

  12. Anonymous1:45 PM

    And I for one am so glad to hear that she has been reading since she was a little girl! THat means that maybe you attended GRADE SCHOOL!

    But the question was never whether you knew HOW TO READ; the question was WHAT you have read lately!

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I'll bet Rove is salivating like a rabid dog, waiting to rip her throat out.

  14. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Shes 'discussing it with her family'..?
    The same ones who are abject asshole brats with little to no parenting whatsoever; constantly having mom buy their way out of trouble while they keep making asses of themselves;
    with the ENTIRE family displaying overt PARANOIA at every thing and anyone who does not think she herself will bring on the rapture...

    She is going to 'discuss' it with this family before she tweets it.

    How low has this country gone when 'twits' n 'tweets' become 'policy'.

    Jesus wept.

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

    RUN SSCarah! Split the GOP vote! Thank you!

  16. Let me see if I follow Queen Sara's logic...

    If you have a drooling moron and a competent genius, you should automatically give all of the power to the drooling moron, because that genius is just a filthy elite (regardless of how they actually conduct themselves).

    And America wonders why the world thinks they suck...

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    she cant hold up in one on one situations.
    cant hold up in ANY situation that is not an inside one.
    ...cannot do it.

    she will attempt to tweet and phone and todd-film it in.

    We're not talking sci fi movie.
    We're talking a presidential election.
    She thinks she can phone it in and is trying to convince others of this, with inspiring commentary from her 'ghostwriters'...which she can then recite to the camera while todd holds up the crib notes and she tweets it.

    Which would mean...if she were dead how would anyone know?
    Does she think she is
    big brother on the big tv screen of 1984?

  18. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Palin is running.

    Rove is silenced.

    fatal combination.

  19. Anonymous1:58 PM

    It is over. We might as well face it. Sarah wins. I am sorry Gryphen. I cannot come back here anymore.

  20. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Excellent post, Gryphen! I've always wondered how involved Gina Loudon and hubby might be in the babygate hoax, given their expertise in facilitating Down Syndrome babies' adoptions. Just a thought . . .

  21. sewnup2:02 PM

    Well, we can see for sure that Monsaur can't tell the difference between a "brilliant" mind and flight of ideas, a sign of a real problem. Mosby defines it thusly: "(in psychiatry) a continuous stream of talk in which the patient switches rapidly from one topic to another and each subject is incoherent and unrelated to the preceding one or is stimulated by some environmental circumstance. The condition is frequently a symptom of acute manic states and schizophrenia."

    And Levi ought to be able to make hay off that book. Now's the time for him to hie himself to a lawyer with expertise and go for it.

  22. emrysa2:08 PM

    sorry gryphen, I gotta disagree with you about the "bringing in thousands of new supporters." people have made their minds up about palin, and most of them don't like her. her numbers have been declining for the past 2 years. you've seen it, we've all seen it.

    while there are many, many things that will prevent her from becoming president, the biggest thing is that SHE QUIT HER JOB. she broke her vows to the state, abandoned her constituents. her opposition will use that at every turn. the possibility that the president of the country might up-and-quit because the going got tough? the majority of americans will not take that chance. the majority of americans will not vote for someone who quit on their state.

    and now look at alaska... the state rejected her senate pick - her pick lost to A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE. her pick had more baggage than hartsfield and laguardia combined. sez it all, and I don't think that's going to look so good on the campaign trail. oh, and only 1 pac donor in the whole state. yeah that's how much her 'beloved' alaska loves her! hilarious, really.

  23. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Okay, now is the time to "RELEASE THE KRAKEN(S)!!!

    1)Did Sarah give birth to the child known as Trig?

    2) Is Bristol currently pregnant now while earning money giving speeches on Abstinence?

    We have to know now in order to stop the bullshit being dumped on America by the Palin family.

    Thank you to anyone willing to step up and become our national hero.

  24. AKRNC2:21 PM

    It's amazing that she is so stupid as to think she could continue to lie about our President and not get called out on it during the campaign. $arah really didn't have any problems that weren't directly attributable to her very own actions. She screwed up interviews and was called on it, it would happen to any politician. I think it was all supreme payback for her saying Hillary Clinton was a whiner! $arah, nobody whined as much as you have done despite your continual seeking out the publicity you crave!

  25. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Has anyone ever done a straight, factual account of Palin's education, past work experience and record? I am talking about no opinions, just verifiable facts taken from records. Someone needs to do that and publish it as widely as possible. For example, isn't it a fact that she spent an inordinate amount of time in DC looking for earmarks when she mayor of Wasilla? Didn't she leave Wasilla in debt? Didn't she quit another job before quitting as governor?
    Clearly outlets like the New York Times are just going to continue to take her word for it. I really don't get why EVERYONE is so deferential to her.

  26. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Maybe Sarah and Todd Palin are not divorced, BUT "legal separation" could be a possibility. Alaska recognizes legal separation, although it appears AK only recognizes legal separation for one go round (episode). Palin seems to stretch reality, e.g. she has never said she birthed Trig, but rather she "had" Trig. She would not be remiss to say they are not divorced, when it could be true that they might be legally separated. Why legal separation, you ask? To preserve health insurance, financial, and business interests.
    I came up with this theory after reading a comment on this blog a few weeks ago, when it was mentioned that someone associated w/ the alleged Palin stalker restraining order had noted her name was spelled out as Sarah Palin Heath on a later legal document associated w/ the restraining order. Just this past week, a comment here mentioned the rumor that Palin may have bought a house in Arizona. That led me to look up divorce court info for AZ and AK, which also mentioned the concept of "legal separation."

  27. Anonymous2:27 PM

    manic states w/o a doubt.
    another reason she prefers to hide; shes never quite sure what her moooooods will be at any given time; another reason she would not commit to schedules speeches etc.

    but she can tweet!

  28. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Maybe Sarah and Todd Palin are not divorced, BUT "legal separation" could be a possibility. Alaska recognizes legal separation, although it appears AK only recognizes legal separation for one go round (episode). Palin seems to stretch reality, e.g. she has never said she birthed Trig, but rather she "had" Trig. She would not be remiss to say they are not divorced, when it could be true that they might be legally separated. Why legal separation, you ask? To preserve health insurance, financial, and business interests.
    I came up with this theory after reading a comment on this blog a few weeks ago, when it was mentioned that someone associated w/ the alleged Palin stalker restraining order had noted her name was spelled out as Sarah Palin Heath on a later legal document associated w/ the restraining order. Just this past week, a comment here mentioned the rumor that Palin may have bought a house in Arizona. That led me to look up divorce court info for AZ and AK, which also mentioned the concept of "legal separation."

  29. GrainneKathleen2:28 PM

    i refuse to devote this much time to reading bs about an idiot. besides, the ny times lost me years ago.
    does anyone know for sure whether sarah is buying a house in az? since she is not so well liked in alaska, it would make sense to have a home base with more teabaggers to throw their arms around her (icky image). any thoughts gryph? would she even carry alaska if she somehow managed the nomination?

  30. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Wake up America.
    "Now Check this out:
    "Sarah Palin says she is seriously considering a run for the White House, and she believes she could beat President Obama in 2012, the former Alaska governor told ABC News' Barbara Walters. "

    Just imagine SP and her tea party cronies leading this country. Think about it. The attraction of Christine O'Donnell, the Sharon Angles, the Joe Millers, and the rest. OMG..This is disgusting.
    Who is to blame? Short sighted Americans and the media who chose to elevate this woman to prove a political point.
    Gryphen I agree with you 150%. I have been warning people in the lower 48 east coast about SP's intentions.. her eye for 2012 since 2008 since she lost. The mudflat opened my eye about this woman, how she ran for Mayor and governor in Alaska. same tactics.
    Some of you still can not see how dangerous it will be to have this woman run. Americans are taking a big risk. This will be a move people in this country will regret.
    I mean seriously, I do not mind her making money or becoming a TV Icon, but president, that is a big NO.
    If Sarah is running for president, we are all running. She will have to deal with well informed smart women who does not take her nosense first.
    This will be Sarah presidency,going to war with every nation.. seriously. I do not trust this woman not even a bit.
    Same strategy and same tactics, when she ran for office in Alaska.Ofcourse she will abandon America for bigger money. Remember her sponsor is worth 6.2 Billion.. Just saying...
    Do you know how many people from both the left and the right dismissed my warnings, and told me she is just out to make money.
    I have had sleepless nights thinking about this woman and her intentions as I can easily see through her head.
    My husband even said I am just elevating her. Today my dilusional obsession as per many, is coming out to be true.Because of my disguise about how people are so short sited and blinded to see through this woman and the GOP drama, I stopped writing anything about this woman, because people were saying I am wrong. Sarah has no intentions to run for the white house. She loves money, and just using the platform for that purpose. Well, from her own mouth today, Sarah is actually looking at the landscape for candidacy. You hear me America? My message to the GOP is, you asked for it. You can not have Sarah work her butt to raise money for your party and expect that she will be swept under the rug. Basically GOP sold this country. So just man up and let her throw herself in the ring, and see how Mike Hackabee and Mitt Romney will dance with the crazy tea party movement that have crowed the queen of hatred and division in this country.
    You asked for it.
    In short Gryphen and many of us were right about Sarah Palin's intentions from day one. The sad news is, she is a fraud.

    Gryphen, Palingate, Mudflats, Cetic Diva and many more have been pouncing on Sarah palin's intentions, but the all t be dismissed as the Palin haters.
    Now Check this out:
    "Sarah Palin says she is seriously considering a run for the White House, and she believes she could beat President Obama in 2012, the former Alaska governor told ABC News' Barbara Walters. "

    All I can say is ,like Gryphen and many Alaskans,
    ...I told you so..
    I am sure Rupert Murdock asked her to start her exposure with New York times.
    Murdock owns New york time media papar in case you did not know.
    There you go..
    Sarah for 2012!!
    For those who are thinking it will be a walk over, you are so wrong. One example is the cheating of Bristol scores. The media is in Palin's favor.. under instructions to give her the exposure she needs to win the white house.
    Just my opinion.

  31. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Why is the election of 2012 starting to feel like the current season of Dancing with the Stars?

    Seriously, anyone with a brain should be shitting his/her pants now. We're so fucked.

  32. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Wake up America
    Check this out:
    "Sarah Palin says she is seriously considering a run for the White House, and she believes she could beat President Obama in 2012, the former Alaska governor told ABC News' Barbara Walters. "

  33. Anonymous2:38 PM

    She's discussing it with her family? Really????

    Is that anything like her discussion about running for VP?

    In interviews in 2008 with ABC's Charlie Gibson she said when she was asked, 'I didn't hesitate'.

    Her interview with Hannity - her answers were total opposite. She said she discussed it with the family.

    Here's link to excerpts of Gibson interview - just for a refresher for old times sake!!! (ducking!!)

    GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

    PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?
    (That haunting soundbyte we hear)

  34. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Of course she is running.

    She has been running for the past year and a half.

    She is running because it keeps her in the spot light and feeds her delusions.

    She has no interest in the job, that would be work, she just wants the attention.

    And can you imagine that pack of trailer trash living in the White House? I certainly can't.

    Wasn't there something about the people of Wassilla coming forward and telling the truth about her fake pregnancy? Where are these people?

  35. Anonymous2:43 PM

    It was easy for her to play her political pawns before 2008. You know Ruderich, the chef, the jet etc. but we are on to her now and will never let her into another position of power. Not in 2012, not ever.

  36. Anonymous2:45 PM

    And did I mention that Rupert Murdock owns Newyork times.
    Do not have your chins high... its another Fox news outlet but just in a paper... wait and see.. you will never see any more negative digs about Palin.

    ABC....??????? go figure... GOP Millionairs owns many of its shares. so there you go... You have Sarah for President..

  37. loveandknishesfrombrooklyn2:45 PM

    Anon @ 1:26pm: X1. This election WILL be a hard one to rig, no matter how much moolah is floating around out there to present Saint Sarah and her brood in a fabricated positive light--witness the rhythm-challenged Bristol on DWTS. It's all so blatantly fixed; the majority of people are aware and speaking out, but the Powers That Be keep attempting to roll right over it with their daily Sarah escapades and paid trolls. I predict the "librul media" will keep bashing President O. and the Dems through posts and polls to the point of demoralizing the Left and leaving the path open for disaster. We have to keep hammering away at the truth. People are paying attention. Didn't Sarah's pet, Joe Miller, just lose by a wide margin?

    And now, let's give dear Sairy a little gift of our own, shall we? How's about a counter campaign slogan, starting now? Never too early. To paraphrase a 1964 line used against Barry Goldwater:


  38. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I've always said, she's not running, I'll believe it when I see it. She destroyed her career when she quit the governorship and went Hollywood.

    However, from this article it certainly seems like her head is getting bigger and bigger, and the ego may be totally taking over. It's that bunker mentality, like Hitler had. She trusts few in the inner circle, by her own admission, and those few will tell her exactly what she wants to hear to feel important, and to feel adored. Given that fact, I'm thinking she may run as a tea party candidate. That's the only thing I can think of, because honestly, the GOP isn't going to let her anywhere near the white house.

    In a word, she is batshyt crazy. And those types of people cannot survive nationally. There's an old saying, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

    After the midterms, several prominent mama grizzlies fell off their wishing horses. One day it will be SP's turn, if she's not careful.

  39. ...a house FULL of teachers...

    Really, her dad sub-teaching and coaching...?
    Her mom a secretary...?

    Did I get my info mixed-up, or is SP at it again

  40. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I still don't think she'll run.

    Oh, she'll got all the way up to the edge-- collecting 'exploratory committee' donations from her slavering fans-- but the minute Romney/Huckabee/etc's people start threatening to open their bag of deep background dirt on her, she'll tweet "SEXISM!!" and withdraw saying that a 'good and decent' person w/a 'servant's heart' like her just can't compete in this wicked, wicked world.

    She knows she could never get the nomination and she doesn't really want the job, but the chance to play the victim AND stuff her already overflowing coffers with tribute money from her bots? You betcha!

  41. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I think you are correct that Palin is running an atypical campaign, aimed mainly at her base.
    I don't think that she will engage in debates if she can help it or interviews with the back of the bus or campaign plane if she can help that either. She will take individual interviews and wear her push up bra and hooker boots.

    But eventually even with the MSM covering her ass she will have to reach beyond her base. How will she do that and can she possibly be successful doing that? Or does she just assume she will get cheated in like Duhbya was?

    If elected she will have to deal with the Washington Elite hundreds if not thousands of them, as they are the ones who know how to make that very complicated machine run.

    As Obama is finding out running this country and dealing with the home grown political opposition is like trying to survive in a snake pit. I can't see Palin doing that. I can see her like Duhbya as the dunder-headed egomaniac puppet who thinks she is in charge and eventually realizes the she has bee duped just as much as her political opponents.

  42. scarlet/oregon2:55 PM

    "It is time to realize that Sarah Palin is NOT in the process of deciding whether to run for President or not, she IS RUNNING!"

    You are Spot On about this! DWTS was $arah's trial run at putting her TeaPartyTeam in charge of voting Bristol to the now $arah's ready to get those same idiots to vote her to the top of the White House.

    And as long as the major Media Players cower in the background we are in for Palin Hell!

  43. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Remember Wayne Anthony Ross? Does Sarah call that reaching across the aisle? This women is delusional. It was Dems who called her out on her bull crap.

  44. Anonymous2:56 PM

    It is easy to understand why Sarah uses expressions about having cojones. It's because she has so much nerve, such balls, that she is actually running on bullshit. (Excuse the language, but nothing else describes the woman who bristles at the simple question about what she reads and considers being the leader of the free world at the same time). As long as she is picking fights with Levi, Joe McGinniss, and anyone else who crossed her, Sarah remains petty and immature, and at the same time, she has the nerve to think that she could actually govern. She couldn't last 4 years in Alaska. I live in a city that has more people in it than the entire state of Alaska, and she couldn't handle that job and the criticism that went with it.

  45. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Oh yeah !!!! I forgot !!!! Bring it on Sister Sarah you are the key to Obama's next win!

  46. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Watch her eyes close when she says she can beat Obama. Even she knows it's a lie. If she really believed it, she would not have blinked like that.

    This is a HUGE tell with her.

  47. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Yes, she is running, but her strategy is backfiring. Her favorable ratings are going down daily. After last's nights DWTS debacle, her daughters' homophobic slurs on Facebook, fake reality show, and nonstop criticism of the President, her favorable ratings will continue to go down.

    This woman has an extremely high opinion of herself and her followers are like some Cult group. The GOP and Democratic candidates will have so much ammunition to use against her. Hopefully they have enough ammunition to knock dumbass off her pedestal and send her back to Alaska where she belongs.

    Oh, btw, did you see Roseanne Cash, Johnny Cash’s daughter tweet to her Hein-ass. Its classic! Most Americans had enough this woman.

    So if she wants continue with this charade of believing she is qualified to be President, I say Bring It Sista!

  48. Anonymous3:03 PM

    If you wanna call a lump of coal and a peep under the skirts and behind the curtain "an early Christmas present"- then go right ahead.

    Did we read the same article?

    Every name mentioned that a curious reader googles- what will they find?

    Fred Malek is one prime example. I know what you'll find.

    Some interesting details to check out.

    And yes of course she thinks she's running, but she might need to quit.

  49. womanwithsardinecan3:03 PM

    I know someone who had to go to several meetings at which Sarah Palin was present, back when she was mayor of Wasilla. My friend says that Sarah was always the one who had to have stuff explained to her again. She was also the one who always wanted to grab the mike and talk incoherently. Also, according to my friend, she was a chest thruster if there was a man present.

  50. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I know everyone is up in arms about Palin running but this is the best news of the day because now Palin is going to have microscope up her ass. Just like the press found out about John Edwards, if Palin have the skeletons that some have talked about she is going have every walking talking man and woman with a camera or a notepad digging for dirt. So if Trig isn't her, then the world is going to find out.

  51. Anonymous3:05 PM

    They’re the elite,” she said sarcastically of news organizations. “They know much more than I know and other people like me! So, no. They know just what they’re doing.”

    Yep. Even Sarah sometimes tells the truth. Anyone who knows what they are doing, who knows more than she does is the an elite. Gosh, that makes this very simple. There have to be millions of people in America who fit that description because she has set the bar so very low.

  52. scarlet/oregon3:05 PM

    Another great writer 'nails her'.

  53. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Baba WaWa lost it years ago...

  54. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Full Sarah Interview with Walters

  55. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Sometimes you sum it all beautifully.

    This is one of your best observations and articulated to perfection.

    My message to Lower 48'ers since the Palin VP announcement: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.

  56. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Anon @ 1:30

    "I've always wondered why people say she was supposedly seen as such a friendly, open, smart woman pre 2008. Now she's a mean vindictive secretive un-curious politician? And "they" are trying to peddle this tripe as the fault of the MSM? Sorry, someones personality doesn't do a 180 because the media asked questions. You don't go from knowledgeable to moron because the media was too inquisitive. She always had those traits. The mask has just fallen. I agree she has a HUGE secret that she is keeping, and that's why she no longer has any pre 2008 confidants and surrounding her."

    I gave kudos to Gryph's perfect post. I give props to your perfect summation also too.

    M in BET

  57. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Anon @ 1:33

    " the last 43 years of my life since I first started reading...." Isn't she 44? Did this child prodigy start reading at the age of one?

    LOL, it goes hand in hand with her assertion that she used to pour over Senator Joe Biden's Senate floor speeches when she was in 7th Grade.

  58. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Sarah, come kiss my liberal arse. You'll never represent most women in America because you're a monster.

  59. Remember people, DWTS you are allowed at the beginning to vote legally 12 times computer per email,12 times each cell, 12 each landline.But the palinbots bragged about voting 300 times, in the election they can vote once, and remember Bristol was at the bottom again last night even with the cheating.

  60. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Here's an article you'll like better, one that isn't delicate in pointing out SP's problems running for President:

  61. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Keeping in mind that she is usually photographed or screen shots snipped under very bright lights, on stage, on TV.

    How come her pupils always seem dilated?

  62. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Just read all the comments and want to thank each and every one of you who said she will not win. Yes, I got a bit depressed and deluded thinking that with the latest scotus she might prevail. But Romney will eat her alive, right? Pawlenty will tear her to pieces, right? Right?? God help us all.


  63. 10catsinMD3:29 PM

    She's a ball crusher all right. Hold back and get them to come to her. She's not any of it.

    About the reading, she reacts to this still. Why can't she relax and just talk about it.

    I read everything in sight, have a ton of books and end up at bookstores all the time reading books and mags. Favorite pasttime.

    I thinks she's boning for run. Catching up on ideals, etc. She needs to get more in touch with reality. That probably won't happen.

  64. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I'm sure Stupid does think she can beat PRESIDENT Obama -- but he doesn't strike me as the type to enter into barroom brawls or fights in the trailer court with a 'lady' (loosest possible definition here.)

    I wonder if Babs had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing.

  65. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I am with...
    loveandknishesfrombrooklyn said...

    I will join you.. If Sarah think she is very tough, wait until she meets real tough smart women.. Bring it on Sarah, I am a mother of five too.And I disaprove your message.
    I want a woman president, but not a nutcase like Sarah deviding this nation.

  66. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Unfortunately, reporting on the various articles about Palin and wringing our hands about the fact that the media is facilitating her long con on America isn't working. It does feel good to vent, of course, but it doesn't make this situation any less frustrating. If you know something about babygate, Gryphen (and I believe you've said in the past that you don't have enough to go on?), please reveal it. We're at the point where the NYT covers this idiot as if she's a viable candidate. Sad ass state of affairs.

    As a side note: AS ALWAYS, any glimmer of hope (in this case, the Politico article about how the GOP would take Palin down after the midterms) is extinguished, in my opinion. This circus sideshow freak is Teflon, truly.

  67. If the NYT can put up 5 pages online without clearly pointing out that the woman is a nut case, the article isn't worth reading.

    Sarah is running. Who's gonna make her quit?

  68. This piece NYT piece is terribly disturbing. Too many of its reporters in recent years have been far too cynical and cavalier about what's important in leadership/politics/life/death. Think Judith Miller. Think the whole crew of the "anointed" press that had such a good time making fun of Al Gore and handing us eight years of the decider. Frank Bruni, NYT's correspondent, wrote the best-selling "Ambling Into History"--basically a puff-piece about traveling with the press corps with Bush during the 2000 election. Playing with fire might be a fun hobby for the east coast Villagers, but they need to be confronted and shamed. Palin needs to be completely debunked, exposed, and defanged. Now.

  69. Anonymous3:42 PM

    For all the puffing up and turd polishing that is done by various media, et al for this woman, I have just a few questions:

    1.) What happens if (when)she loses? Who will be there to pick up the pieces? I don't think 'Celebrity Rehab' comes on any more, though she and her family could probably fill a season on 'Dr. Phil.'
    2.) If she wins (I bit my own tongue on that one,) will they be satisfied that they were complicit in putting an obviously dangerous, incompetent sociopath in office? If nothing else has been clear since the 2008 election, it is quite clear that SP is only out for SP and will trample on those of us small people who don't agree with her narrow agenda.

  70. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Has to be a way to turn this all around and end this nightmare....

  71. Anonymous3:46 PM

    You are right on the money about Palin running right now. We are being swamped by the Palin media machine glorifying the Palins. And now the NYT is legitimizing it . . .

    Sorry to go O/T, but this new interview with Maks from DWTS caught my eye:

    "I felt really disappointed with Bristol. On Monday night, I found out that she went on record saying that I said something about her along the lines of, "I don't like her because she's still here and she's not a good enough dancer." Every time I've opened my mouth about Bristol, I've been nothing but supportive...For her to come out on Monday night and totally smear my name the way she did, that's just completely uncalled for...I have no idea where she got it from, but wherever she got it from, shame on her and shame on whoever told her that."

    Sure sounds like Palin modus operandi to me . . .

  72. Anonymous3:48 PM

    OK, the die is cast. Where are all the brave Alaskans who are coming forward to stop this disaster?

  73. Anonymous3:54 PM

    If Hillary couldn't beat Obama, what makes this ding dong thinks she can be him.

    Yikes, this woman is delusional.

    This interview with Barbara Walters is just another smooze fest. Frankly, Barbara is just another low level piece of garbage as Palin. She slept with a married man and knew he was married. These two deserve each other.

  74. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Apologies for those that have to watch a commercial before the clip, but you have to watch this, this helps illustrate what a philistine Sarah is, she's like the blond antagonist incapable of seeing the beauty and teachable moments in art and writings.

    It's hard to see anything when your whole world-view is so starkly black and white, but consequences for bad behavior is only to be heaped on "haters" and not the reflection in the mirror or at anyone at her dinner table.

    It doesn't matter how hard Sarah pretends to read, she can't comprehend.

  75. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Don't take this as an insult because that is not the intent. It is an honest question.

    Have you read the NYT article Gryphen links to? BTW- The NYT IS NOT a Murdoch or NewsCorp paper yet. The NY Post, and the Wall Street Journal are but not the NYT.

    If you haven't read it and are commenting on it then WTF? That's phoning it in eh? So go read it and then come back.

    It is worth discussing- but when there are no comments on the more important items in it then something is wrong.

    Like this little revelation.
    " On the day before the elections, she could find time to record only one final robocall of more than 25 she made throughout the campaign cycle..."

    She has endorsed these candidates, and someone else is paying for the robocall to be produced and sent out to voters. She passes up the chance to support her endorsed candidates and her own political ambitions by not recording more than one robocall that day.

    How long does it take, how hard is it especially when
    " Because Palin often works 20-hour days, so does Mansour, because “the governor reads, checks and approves everything that’s under her name.”"

    This is a failure, probably caused by not being able to focus, and not listening to the advisers. But according to this article she doesn't really listen to them.

    If some more incentive to read the article is needed, then go looking for this passage in the article:

    "But her young son, Trig, was to have an operation — routine but still worrisome — on the Friday before Election Day, and so the mother was loath to commit to anything. Trig’s procedure went well. That evening, Palin’s political adviser, Andrew Davis, pulled an all-nighter arranging for her to make a Saturday drop-in on behalf of John Raese, the West Virginia senatorial candidate who was trailing the Democratic nominee..."

    See I told you you need to read the article.

  76. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I want to put a call out to individuals in the Alaska media to please use your unique position to shed some light on Palin's record. Look at what an excellent job some Alaskan reporters did covering Joe Miller: That was actual journalism. They asked real questions and follow ups and did actual research to verify facts. They actually informed the electorate. Same with the local papers in Delaware. They did real reporting on Christine O'Donnell so that voters could make an informed decision.
    People need to know about Palin's record. The Mat-su Dairy story would be a great place to start. I believe Palin just brought it up as an example of her accomplishments. From what I understand, there is a lot more to that story.

  77. Anonymous4:03 PM

    What it comes down to is this: Sarah Palin does not have the maturity or mettle to handle power over others.

    When this novice first introduced herself in a quieter setting with Charlie Gibson, saying that she didn't even 'blink' to run as Senator McCain's second-in-command, that she was wired in such a way to essentially press the red button without hesitation - it should have frightened any reasonable adult.

    Dr. Ian Malcolm's brilliant analysis of the danger, inherent, of a Jurassic Park immediately comes to mind when it comes to Sarah Palin - she used her 4" heels to stand on the shoulders of others to take advantage of wide public discontent of corrupted leaders and generate wildly popular support for her dubious strengths cloaked in a phony Frontier woman narrative.

    All her success has not been acquired by any discipline on her part to obtain it, but rather by the fervent projections of what we voters hoped she represented.

    Sarah is Pretty Woman, she is anything you want her to be, except an adult.

  78. aj weishar4:05 PM

    Sounds like another Bush relationship with the media. Ask the wrong question or make a critical remark and you get kicked out of the press room.

  79. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Well, looks like you have another blog entry to write soon. Mercede's latest blog entry (an hour ago) will be needing your attention. Personally, I'm not buying her smoke-blowing. I'd love to hear your take--is she being pressured? Bribed? Why wait until now to write this entry? Hmmmmm.

  80. Anonymous4:09 PM

    This is good too:

    " The fate of another endorsee, Joe Miller — who was running for a U.S. Senate seat in Alaska against a Palin nemesis, Lisa Murkowski — remained in doubt....Nonetheless, it was a good night in Palin’s estimation: a majority of her endorsees won, the Republicans took the House and Bristol survived another round of voting on “Dancing With the Stars.”"

    Team Palin suffers a U.S. Senate loss to a write in who just happens to have the last name Murkowski in Alaska. But Bristol wins on DWTS. Maybe she really thinks that is a good night.What does Joe Miller think?

    No love or regrets for Joe Miller here. The topic is ignored except for this little mention.

    So does Sarah still heart Joe? How about Joe heart Sarah? The Miller loss to Murkowski will bite her where it hurts. She can't take care of business in her home state. Her friends at the state level won't protect her against what Murkowski will bring.

  81. Anonymous4:10 PM

    @3:30, au contraire, you may be a mother of five, but Sarah Palin is the birth mother of 4 (like me!) and the ADOPTIVE (maybe, she might just be renting) mother of 1 human free pass. That's right, Trig is the ONLY reason this dipshit ever reared her head. And it's becoming more than obvious that the only thing that will bring her to her knees will be the revelation that she did NOT give birth to him. So, bring it on!

  82. meena4:16 PM

    She first has to man-up and quit whining and blaming the MSM and all. AND she needs to sit down with Katie and Meadow.
    Foremost she needs to enroll herself and her kids in Eng. grammar class if she is going to debate the Pres.
    BOY, she needs to read, read, read not just the highlighted lines that's been handed to her.

  83. Anonymous4:28 PM

    3:56, I (and probably a lot of people on here) DID read the article. What, exactly, is your point?

  84. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "I continue to read all that I can get my hands on — and reading biographies of, yes, Thatcher for instance, and of course Reagan and the John Adams letters, and I’m just thinking of a couple that are on my bedside, I go back to C.S. Lewis for inspiration..."

    Give me a fucking break!

  85. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Well I hope Mercedes has some bandwidth with that title!!

    And it is interesting and well written. I can't imagine being in her position and having to decide whether to live a life of hiding- or to have to write something like she has written here.

    So many lives the long lasting Wasilla storm has blown into and over. I hope she continues to put it back together like it seems she has. Good wishes for mom and brother too.

  86. I am very frightened after reading the NYT fluff piece. I read the comments (now disabled) and these were filled with mostly snarky responses.
    However, a few people mentioned the Koch brothers, Rupert Murdoch, etc. and questioned what would happen if they were behind her?
    The media is afraid to ask her pointed questions and call her on her inaccuracies except for that writer from Wall Street Journal. She has no ideas beyond talking points Yet, she stirs the hearts of people who feel she is just like them. She motivates them to express their ignorance and biases without consequence. Please remember, there were people in Germany in the early 1930's who thought Hitler was a joke and had no chance of winning. Many people though he would fade away.
    Why now is she telling everyone that she is running? Are their shadow people behind her? Our country needs good investigative journalist not paid hacks for do fluff pieces.

  87. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The C.S. Lewis I actually believe-at least somewhat (having to do with actually read and comprehended in a substantial way).

    Is she reading the Screwtape Letters?

    20th Century Fox (owned by NewsCorp!) is making a movie adaptation- due out this year??

    Focus on the Family Radio Theater (yes that Focus on the Family) produced an audio version of this book in 2009.

    If one is familiar with the plot and characters there is even more.

  88. Anonymous4:59 PM

    225 comments visible there- Went there and reloaded page and clicked After reading they are disabled. Try again should get them back.

    Might have been a botswarm infestation to be cleaned up also too.

  89. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sarah Palin was discussed by the McCain campaign staff as "mentally unstable", but the NYT decides it's more fun to posit a run for the presidency than to VET the woman.

    Sarah Palin is a sociopath and everyone at the NYT knows it. So they give Sarah Palin an early Christmas present and build the fantasy as high as they can. To make the inevitable exposure of Palin's mental condition more, er, lucrative for the media.

  90. Chenagrrl5:07 PM

    Just what our nation needs an insular political figure who trusts no one and relies on a staff of sycophants.

    George W. Bush in a skirt, snappy heels and, yes, as her daughter said, "prom hair."

    By all means, Sarah, run!

    Where in the devil is Elizabeth Dole when the GOP needs her.

  91. Anonymous5:14 PM




  92. Anonymous5:19 PM

    About her family, They all know the truth and are supporting her decisions. Track does his own thing. Piper is always with Mckinley and friends. Bristols on her own but still close to the family as always. Willow enjoys traveling with mom and probably will do better with homeschooling since valley schools suck and people probably wrongly harass her (see tmz). Sally's got Trig when Todd and Sarah don't.

  93. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Why are there no photos of Rebecca Mansour? Highly unusual for a professional.

    She is smitten with Palin and can't give an accurate assessment. She is tops at manufacturing the propaganda for her. Something isn't right with her and it is hard to believe all of her personal story.

  94. Anonymous5:31 PM

    O/T: Mercede has her new post up... about Trig...

  95. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Apology to Bristol Palin 101..

  96. OMG. I just watched the video. When asked if she could beat Obama, Palin says "I believe so". But watch her head and face. Palin closes her eyes for the entire sentence. THAT is one of the biggest DECEIT body signs there are. She also scoops her head and rolls her neck so that when she opens her eyes, they aren't looking at Barbara or the camera. THAT is another huge DECEIT sign.

    Palin knows she can't win. This is more Palin theater.

    Anon at 1:30. Do you remember the "elite 6" (I think that is what they called themselves). They were 5 of Palin's closest friends and were interviewed together just after Palin was selected to run for VP.

    Where are all those women. They disappeared long ago.

    Palin doesn't have a prayer. She has screwed over every single senior Repub in Washington. One came out and blamed her for losing the Senate for the Repubs.

    Palin will run. We all knew that. But she thinks she has more in her pocket than she really does.

  97. MC30315:49 PM

    Not buying Mercede's story. It just doesn't ring true to me. I'm not saying she's outright lying but it just feels .... hmmm, what's the word ... clamped down. I can feel her energy just being shut down bit by bit. (not her life ... just her energy)

    $100 bucks says she isn't being truthful.

  98. Anonymous5:58 PM

    If that fucking look doesn't say "elitist," I'm not certain what does.

  99. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I've been wondering about Bristol in LA/Hollywood since Sarah hates the left coast Hollywood thing. Now I'm thinking Rebecca Mansour, the former screen writer and architect of propaganda, has a plan. Sarah can hardly go do a Hollywood thing and while the right wing kids may love her, she doesn't appeal to many others. There are plenty of kids that aren't that into politics but love celebrity and shows like American Idol. It is a family show and voting parents and grandparents could be thrilled to see her pudgy and trying so hard to work.

    A funny thing about Palin's new book is that she is writing about "American Idol." I haven't read it all but so far it is soooo weird. Didn't Bush have something to do with the show once? She may think it is Presidential to go on about her take on it?

    Bristol Palin's Body Language In PSA With Jersey Shore's The Situation
    Swaying, fidgeting, or playing with the hands, can be indicative of something more. According to some websites, swaying can mean a weak ego, fidgeting can mean the person is bored or has something more to say, and wringing ones hands can be a display of nervousness.

    What does Bristol have to be nervous about?

  100. Anonymous6:00 PM

    She doesn't have the wherewithal to finish her term as governor. Does she actually believe she has the 1. intellectual curiosity, 2. stamina, 3. knowledge, 4. interest, 5. ability 6. exemplary character, 7. lack of selfishness, 8. enthusiasm, 9. tolerance, 10. morality to be leader of these United States?

  101. Anonymous6:05 PM

    If all of us non-Palin bots stopped clicking on links about her, reading magazine articles about her, watching TV programs with her, Palin would LOSE ALL POWER.

    She hooks us in when she makes her outrageous statements and we keep paying attention to her because we know she will keep us hooked by spouting some enormous lie. I feel I am being used by Palin to feed the demand which in turn fills her coffers.

    She gets the clicks and the ratings so the media keeps her on the front "page". We are our own worst enemy.

  102. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I agree. I think she sort of knows things, she knows all the rumors, she has no confirmation but she has suspicions. I kinda think she may be telling the truth about what she witnessed, however. And is playing dumb for some strange reason.

    I do feel the timing is completely suspect. With Sarah's geared up PR blitz crap, it would seem likely that folks are going around and trying to threaten, subtly or not so subtly, those who could make life more complicated for her.

    Mercede basically doesn't want anyone approaching her for more information. Maybe she knows some things are about to come out in the open, and she is on the record saying she is not involved.

    I think she is scared. Way too many disclaimers in that post.

  103. GA Peach6:07 PM

    "The third, and most important, reason why I think Palin won't run for president is because she is spectacular at being a star. Look how the media hang on her every tweet, Facebook musing or Fox appearance. She's making money hand over fist, still has an outsized role in the Republican Party and national politics and none of the responsibility or accountability that comes with an official declaration. Much of that will disappear if Palin jumps into the presidential sweepstakes. And she will prove that she's not nearly as savvy as I think she is."

  104. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Yes, where did all those friends of hers go? I bet they know a whole heck of a lot.

    We just need one break in this dam, and it will all come flooding down.

  105. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Her response to the question about reading reminds me of an experience with a lazy high school classmate. He had to write a book report on a work of nonfiction. He copied an entry about Hemingway out of the encyclopedia, and claimed to have read "the Autobiography of Ernest Hemmingway."

    Give us titles, please.

  106. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Mercede, 6th thru 8th paragraphs dont jive, with me.
    Was she so duped by bristle
    laying out the 'oh we think she may be' crap?
    Yet BP becomes hostile not knowing what is going on.
    THAT would be a 'normal' reaction, confusion as to just WTF was in fact going on.
    Since mom grisle was launching this preg ruse.

  107. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Sadie is a kid. I wish her well but long ago gave up that she could do much. I do think she would have liked to be able to do more for her Mom and what happened with that set up.

    At this point I don't care if she is intentionally holding back about Trig or not. It is plausible that she was a bouncy bright eyed teen with nick names who only saw the world with rose colored glasses. She is not good about dates so she confuses me at times. She doesn't want or have a mind to sit down with say the dated photo of Sarah's flat stomach with the child at a museum and compare it to the dated Sarah photo with the Gusty lady and come up with an explanation that makes sense. At least, she would not write about details like that. She isn't talking about the photo and video of the square pillow stomach Sarah patted and bragged about her abs. The medical and hospital is a lot to go into.

    As I understand Sadie did not see that much of Bristol, as I said she isn't into dates. She is gullible and may be too trusting of Levi. She may have only seen performances others wanted her to see. If she is fibbing or too taken in, that is on her. She doesn't need anymore grief about the Palin garbage. She is a minor player that got caught up in it all. She could do a truth teller about life in Wasilla Valley and all the wild drunken parties and camp outs. Give people the back ground scenes. Life where ATVs are status and the way they ignore the environment. It is all about whoopee and speed and snow machine crap. Shopping, tanning, cars.. hockey, of course. It would be a great help to understand their social lives and relationships. The drug culture is huge and religion has a great influence. If she was just someone's baby sis she was probably not aware of much. She had talked like she and Bristol did not have a good relationship ever, maybe the first 10 minutes. Bristol did not want Sadie to see her and stayed in the truck with one story, how often was that the case and Sadie not even aware when she was being played?

    I think Sadie did go to public schools. Bristol did at times but she and Levi where home schooled by Sarah. She could write about the whole home school situation up there. Bristol has staff to help her with her official writings. Others know her from places like FaceBook. Much on FaceBook is intentional gibberish. Not all and we've seen that Bristol's education failed her. Sadie is a better example for the public school system. Are all the home schooled children failures? Sadie may not be concerned about Bristol's current obvious health condition but in general that is something to discuss. Sarah just spoke in Pennsylvania about cookies, Nanny State and schools. That all relates back to Wasilla. It is certainly a clear contrast that Sadie has another perspective on her diet and school.

  108. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Im not avoiding any thing or anybody. LIAR.
    she fears for democracy since writers use the word 'drama'.

    Since 2008 shes surrounded by those working to continue the preggo Lies.
    oh, yeh, and she cant trust liberals *til they prove to her* some shit.
    Hold yer breath honey. No one has to prove shit to you.

    This article is one big
    long oxygen depleting PROJECTION. Its what she does:
    "Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person unconsciously denies their own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the weather, or to other people. Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have those feelings.[1]"

  109. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Every GD thing she insinuates or infers she does this way, as does the whole family:

    "projection is an especially commonly used defense mechanism in people with certain personality disorders: 'Patients with paranoid personalities, for example, use projection as a primary defense because it allows them to disavow unpleasant feelings and attribute them to others'[17]."

  110. angela7:02 PM

    I don't know. The article made her sound snotty, defensive and uninformed. Everyone can carry all the water they want to for this twit. She's a loser.

  111. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I do believe you are correct Gryph...she is already running. The good news is that the GOP has already decided she ain't gonna get far with it though and her efforts will be thwarted by the party machine because she is unelectable and hasn't 'earned' her right to run. We may just see some dirt in the coming year as the field starts to form and I'm sure the GOP has all the dirt they need to put an end to her hopes. As with any narcissist, her ego needs to be fed. It's an ongoing process that has no end...running for president is good for 1 1/2 to 2 years worth of concentrated attention.

  112. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Even if SP does run, and if she is nominated, she is too lazy to take on the job. It is a 24/7 job, and she won't be allowed to slouch off the job early every day. The demands, responsibilities, decisions, drawn-out meetings, she wouldn't last a second, simply because she wouldn't let any demanding job take precedence over her selfishness.

    Her mind wouldn't be on her mission. The only mission she might complete as President would be to carry her little black book of grudges. And she'd be playing "payback" to anyone who spoke out against her in previous years.

  113. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Jon Stewart did a good opening segment on Palins tonight!!

    Joy Behar (HLN cable) did a segment about Palin & Family tonight. One of the panel was from In Touch magazine which is one of the rag mags that pays the Palins 6 figures for interviews. I know they did the Palin/Bristol at Bristol's condo.

    Funny part is, the person was not in support of Palin parenting on the FB rant of Willow & Bristol. If it wasn't for the money, I'm sure InTouch would find themselves under the bus!!!

  114. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "Bristols on her own but still close to the family as always."

    After Ivy Frye became too noticed with Bristol and Joe needed her in Ak, Frye flew away. After all that time she was glued to Bristol, suddenly she is gone. NOTICE IT DIDN'T TAKE LONG AND THE GIRLS GOT CAUGHT TROLLING AND GANGING UP ON A FRIEND, CYBER BULLYING. Others are taking Frye's place now. Bristol is NOT AT ALL ON HER OWN. She is very independent on the Palin machine. BRISTOL IS NOT HER OWN PERSON. She acts like she is a cult member. She is needy and not showing signs of developing in a healthy independent way. That is all propaganda for her brand, actually Sarah's brand. Bristol only exists for what Sarah is cooking up to foist on America.

    They are all attached to the compound but that does not mean they are close. People believe all the memes about Track is doing his own thing, Willow enjoys traveling and some people will buy into all that. It is not about real. Willow probably does enjoy traveling but the reasons she is not in school and all is more of a cover up because she has issues. Every day that passes less and less people can believe any of the crap Sarah's propaganda experts are shoveling out.

  115. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Sorry, but a lot of the gibberish on Facebook is 100% intentional. Or, rather, it can't be helped since these kids are so poorly educated and are sadly bored out of their minds with their lives. That is not their fault, but they are surely not holding back their intelligence or their knowledge.

    An intelligent young person doesn't engage in that kind of conversation on Facebook or other social networks. I know intelligent young people who are these girls' ages, and they go to places like Yale and Harvard and University of Illinois. They do not speak this way, period.

    The Palin girls may have an innate intelligence, but it is currently being squandered. Reality TV and half-hearted bluster about Presidential runs (bravado, maybe, but she will fail) are all these girls can aspire to. It's sick. Let's hope the era of the Palins will draw to a conclusion sometime soon so we aren't talking about a Senate run for Bristol in 6 years' time.

  116. Anonymous7:42 PM

    The bigger they are the harder they fall.

  117. Anonymous7:46 PM

    The NYT carried Bush water and helped Cheney take us into forever expensive wars. They can be flacks, no honor and stupid at times.

  118. Anonymous7:57 PM

    If Sarah Palin is able to win, that means there are some very powerful people pulling the strings. That is just plain scary.

    I am beginning to believe more and more that she is a sacrificial Queen to win the Presidential Kingship in the long run.

    There will be lots of sound and fury when she campaigns. And ultimately she will lose in the primaries.

    But another Republican candidate will look much, much more palatable and sane to the American Public (Jeb Bush?) after we feel the full brunt of Sarah's brand of crazy. We only have to look at the Henryetta Mear's saga to get Roberts on the Supreme Court.

  119. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Well, where should we start? Who's going to start tracking new latest lies?
    I'm particularly taken with the bit where she's "loath to commit" because Trig is having surgery "on the Friday before Election Day."

    "Trig’s procedure went well. That evening, Palin’s political adviser, Andrew Davis, pulled an all-nighter arranging for her to make a Saturday drop-in on behalf of John Raese."

    They really work that as the reason that she wasn't on the Tea Party Express bus (or whatever that was).
    They would have had to leave pretty early on Friday to get to Charleston, South Carolina for a noon event. How did that work? Or was it a private jet?
    And what happened with poor Trig? Who stayed home with the baby that had surgery? They were gone weeks.

  120. meena8:28 PM

    This eve Daily Show LOL Is there anything on TV that doesn't have a Palin in it?
    As a way to mock Sarah Palin's new television show about Alaska, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart has created a faux show called "Jason Jones' Bayonne, New Jersey."

  121. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I don't think because corps like NYT and ABC have right ring executives this gives Palin that much more appeal. Yes, she has money and a machine that promote her. To me, she has always been running away from something. Not running to or for. She is a dangerous deceptive run away that met up with some big daddy's and all. It may come to throwing her hat in the ring, I don't know if she will be a contender after she goes through the meat grinder.

    America could be so far gone, so deep in the right wing corp control that there is no turning back. We all must stay diligent, be more diligent. Remember she is sinking in polls, for what polls are worth. Murkowski's win was spectacular because the write in was such a long shot and it brought out more Miller/Palin creepy uglies. Our whole system of elections hit a low point when McCain didn't vet the sexy tease when he needed the Christian block of votes. I think we are screwed if we can't be better organized and do something about the electoral system and voting cheats and schemers. If there is a silver lining with all the Palin moosepie it is that she is accentuating flaws and corruption and there is an opportunity to recognize and do something about the weaknesses. Powerful personalities come along. They can be evil and do a lot of damage but they can be stopped.

  122. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Palin is such a bald faced liar. It was never the "Liberals" who went after her. It was her own Party. Hell, it was even her own former mentors whom she had back-stabbed. This is pure pandering on her part. What a disgustingly devious and shameless c*nt she is. I can't believe you let that one get by you, G.

    RAM is one pathetic shadow of a person. I was embarrassed to read that paragraph here she spins her sycophantic lie.

    I'm struck by how much Palin claims to read now. If she actually had read anything approaching this list when Katie Couric asked her what she read that informed her opinions, then she wouldn't have been struck dumb by the question. Katie OWNES Palin! Palin will NEVER get over being exposed for the ignoramus she is.

  123. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I'm not surprised by the NYT. They carried the water for the Bush lies leading up to the Iraq war.

    This is how Palin thinks she will attract Liberals and Independents. Personally, I don't see her able to rehabilitate her image. She is far too damaged by her own words and deeds.

  124. Anonymous8:50 PM

    My daughter has a friend who was at a Gwar concert in San Diego a couple of days ago. Apparently, they had some kind of doll to represent Palin and annihalated her on stage. Hmmmmm. What an odd venue for Palin. I guess she will go anywhere for money.

  125. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Well, Gryphen, Sarah Palin has finally said she's "going to run." What else is new? You've been predicting/fearing this moment since I began reading IM a long time ago (or ions ago, in Palin-speak).

    As I understand it, your sole purpose in writing about Palin has been to reveal the "truth" that will stop her in her tracks. Yet nothing whatsoever has changed, no truth has been unveiled, and she's beyond control. In fact, each and every day this hateful scourge barges onward, playing the victim and riding the crest of publicity via Facebook, Twitter, a Fox contract, a teevee reality show, book tours, screech gigs, political manipulations--all the while becoming a media phenomenon and amassing millions of dollars through possibly illegal financial schemes.

    And here we still sit, tearing our hair, rending our garments, raging about a MSM that's enabling a crafty grifter and her odious family in perpetrating a gigantic scam upon the entire nation. What will you do now? Spring those hidden truths that have been lurking out there, waiting to be exposed? Pull some trick from a hat at precisely the right moment?

    It's a bit late for revelations. This ugly game has gotten out of hand: Palin gleefully feeds off her detractors, while they dutifully heed her beck and call. By now everybody has come to love the game--the adrenal high is addictive. Unfortunately, it's also dangerous.

  126. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Her strategy is clear - do the interviews to shake off the things that the media popularly questions her about, but do it only in print, so people can't see the body language, the hesitations, and so on. Then, when she feels the air is clear, go out on TV beyond Fox, starting with only what she deems as "safe" reporters, and so on. Very calculating.

  127. This palin crap has hit a new level today, so many things happened at once in the whole family. Usually these types of psychos cannot keep up the facade forever. Did you see her cleavage and tan today? She looked hot, right?
    Don't be fooled, Granny Grifter is getting help, look at TLC, NY Times. I sense some danger here, we are all laughing, but that is the time to be double sure it is really a joke. Well, nevermind, the facade is cracking, it is going to be a wonderful ride watching her falling apart piece by piece.

  128. Anonymous11:00 PM

    She's nuts.

  129. Anonymous12:08 AM

    O/T: I watched "TMZ" tonight--not something I normally do--and they had two negative Palin stories. They led off with Willow's anti-gay slurs on Facebook and also mentioned both girls' grammar errors. One of the staffers said, "My parents taught me that there are certain words you never use in any situation, no matter how angry you are." Harvey Levin brought up the fact that Sarah made a huge deal of people using the word "retarded" as a slur and said she needs to step up and do the same thing with terms like "faggot" (we know she won't, of course, but way to point out the hypocrisy!).

    The TMZ staff also said they'd posted a poll on their website asking what people thought of Sarah Palin's parenting, and she received a resounding F.

    Later on the show, they interviewed Mark Ballas. They claim that he's defensive because TMZ has pegged DWTS as a Republican show--I don't know whether the last bit is true, but he was agitated and defensive, indignantly insisting that not all viewers are Republicans. Ballas said people vote for Bristol bc of "our hard work and the journey we're on." The cameraman asked if that meant the show is about a journey, not talent. Mark shot back, "Are you saying Bristol isn't talented?" Way to pick up that Palin defensiveness, Mark! I don't know what the cameraman replied, but the snarky voiceover said, "Yeah, that's exactly what we're saying! How else would she still be on?!"

    Still no mention of babybumpgate, but I thought the rest of it was pretty interesting.

  130. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Capeheart tells Palin she is a:
    1) "Whiner"
    2) "Half Assing It"
    3) "Star", not a candidate

  131. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Gryph,Did you notice that the type of people in her stable are the ones who are known for sleaze,opposition info,tells you how nasty and vile this will be.Also for someone who claims to be a big fan of Regan and Maggie T, she is only now reading their biographies. I also thought it very telling, that Todd was goggling for her interviews,as all she ever does is spew out some buzz words to sound smart.This is Desperately trying to make Sarah look sane and smart.

  132. imnofred6:32 AM

    She likes to talk about her record but only where she can put her spin on it. From what I have read, she has quit almost every position that she has been in and as both mayor and governor, she left both with more debt than when she started. I'm sure that her primary opponents will bring this up.

    I am sure that the other Republicans in the primary will not play "avoid the media" but will answer questions and at the same time they will hammer Sarah for hiding from the media. She will also have to debate in the primaries and if she is the only one to refuse debates she will get crushed not only by the press but by other Republicans.

    If she somehow makes it to the general election, she needs the independent vote to win. Independent voters do not vote on pure "exposure" and talking points like Sarah wants to do but on ideas and explanations of how these ideas will be carried out.

    That being said, anyone who has the
    goods on her needs to deliver. Alaskans...don't be afraid of her and wanna be tough guy Todd. Tell us what you know before this woman gets a chance to truly destroy our country.

  133. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Anon @7:57, you are probably on to something. The other possibility, not that far-fetched considering we are dealing with a megalomaniac, is that Sarah will do a third party run and split the vote. A win-win for us, if that happens.

    The GOP may use her as long a possible to consolidate the Tea Party voting bloc, hoping to integrate them under the same tent come election day. I just think it may backfire on them as it did in many ways with the recent Senate campaigns. They would have done better with out the Tea Party. (Which is your point, I think: "moderate" Republicans will look very attractive to those who don't like the Tea Party freaks and also perhaps to Independents who don't like Obama.)

    I just wish I didn't have to see her fake mug every single day on the internet, in the papers and on TV. When will we be free of her? Ever?

    Who has the goods on her, and when are we going to see them in any way that will make a difference - not just on our blogs, I mean.

  134. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I've said this before and I'll say it again, palin doesn't want to be president, she just wants to beat President Obama. If she can't get past the primaries for 2012 with I believe she won't. she will not attempt to run again.


  135. Gryphen, I'm with 8:59. Every day, for more than two years, I've been reading your blog and it has been pretty clear for a long time that this travesty of a woman, Sarah Palin, has been the GOP's stunt joke. She
    will continue to outrage the public until 2012, when with great relief, Jeb Bush will step in to win the day.
    If SP actually wins the primary and the election (thanks to Diebold et al), well, she'll bring on the Rapture. Also too, Mercede knows a lot more than she dares confess--she can say that baby is Trig, but we know him as Ruffles, and she didn't lie about that.


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