Saturday, November 20, 2010

Once again Mercede answers your questions.

For those who have not noticed it yet in my blogroll, Sadie has taken to her keyboard and attempted to answer some of the numerous questions that cam her way after last post.

Here is just a taste:

3) I am shocked that you guys have been so trashed by the Palins and that Bristol continues to take shots just like this week on DWTS about her being a golden girl and never (having) problems until she was with Levi…..why is he not going to court about her talking negatively about him? The judge said that was not supposed to happen, right?

First off, don’t be shocked because they will continue to do this to everybody they can, especially us. But yes, that comment about Levi really set me off!

You are right, that was part of the agreement that no parties should talk badly about each other, And if they did, from my understanding, they wouldn’t be able to spend time with Tripp, yet what has she been doing this whole time? Bashing not only me all over Facebook, but bashing Levi at every possible opportunity she can get. She has done it on Facebook, in almost every interview, and even on DWTS. Just imagine what she says behind closed doors IN FRONT of Tripp!

My biggest fear is that Tripp will grow up despising his father’s side of the family all because of how vindictive and cruel the Palins are toward us. I can only imagine the hateful and untrue things being said to, and in front of, young Tripp.

I have had her friends tell me to my face that she slams my whole family in front of my nephew. I find that completely unacceptable! She has no right to say those things in front of an impressionable child.

Yet the Palins get away with it. Why don’t the Palins ever seem to have to face consequences for their actions? I thought the law is the law, and everyone is equal. But I guess that isn’t the case if your last name is Palin.

I think Sadie really tried to follow the directive laid out in the custody agreement of not speaking negatively about each others families, but it was obvious to me right away that would do her no good. And as we have seen the Palins themselves never even attempted to honor that agreement.

The Palins are perhaps the most vindictive group of people I have ever known.  The Valley is chock full of stories about people who suffered after crossing paths with this family, and clearly they feel a special animosity toward the Johnston's.

In my opinion everybody in Wasilla, includinig Sadie, should take the gloves off and start taking this ridiculous family on en masse.  Sarah has the power to cost people their jobs, and have thousands of threats sent to her victim's e-mail account, but she CANNOT stop an entire town that has finally decided they have had enough!

Secrecy is the shield that protects her, and bullying is her weapon of choice, but truth is the antidote to her poison, and ultimately what will defeat her.

I know some, but not all.  Sadie knows some, but not all.  However with a few more voices we could finally put all of the pieces together and finally get this vicious woman off of the national stage for the good of our country.


  1. TNbluedot8:29 AM

    From your lips to God's ears, Gryphen!
    I hope somehow those who 'know' will be able to come together and feel the power and strength of numbers to stand up to the Quitter Queen. Since she obviously doesn't have the intelligence to know right from wrong, she so badly needs to be taught. Put her in her place!

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    While I understand that Levi is naive, surely he sees that he needs better attorneys than the clowns that have mismanaged his case so badly that he hasn't seen his son in four months. Tripp is being raised by nannies while his mother waltzes around the dance floor.

    On the other hand, he may have signed away all his parenting rights when Bristol re-engaged him this summer. He may have sold his soul to the devil and has no path available to see his son.

    Family values strikes again. Why would anyone deny a great grandma in poor physical health access to her grandson. The answer is quite simple...Sarah HATES great grandmothers!

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I have to stop reading this stuff. I am so sick of the shenanigans of the sociopathic Palin family and rue the time I waste reading about them.

    I'm not knocking anybody here, just venting my own feelings of overload. If it isn't Sarah, it's Bristol, then Willow. When did America become all-Palin all the time?

    Part of me says this is much ado about nothing. Surely America is smart enough to realize that this tabloid family is not to be taken seriously? Another part of me is afraid that this nitwit (Sarah) is an idiot savant when it comes to exploiting the modern American political and media scenes.

    Carry on the good fight, everyone. I can't take it anymore.

    My name is Anonymous and I'm a Palinholic.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    As I was reading your post, I was thinking what you wrote before I got to that sentence. Thinking, everyone should just get together as a team and put her in her place at once. Because while I know she's a political joke with no future in that regard, she is toxic to the national conversation and pushes all the important stuff off the stage so she can say "look at me, I did poopy in my pants!" And like a cancer she is spreading, because she's on tv now, and has her sewer-mouthed daughter on tv too, and I'm sure onto the next project. One lie after another, one mess after another. And I'm over it.

    Maybe everyone will be sick of her all at once, and vomit her out.

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    yeah, like that's going to happen. the only one with any integrity and guts is the kid on facebook.

  6. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I feel really badly for Mercede and her family. Hopefully they realize that they are dealing with people who are mentally ill/abused. While I can't say I feel sorry for Bristol (as she's such a nasty person), she is the typical product of an NPD mother.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM


  8. Anonymous9:07 AM

    There is strength in numbers. If only the people in the Mat-Su Valley would understand that and come forward, one after another or a couple at a time, then the reign of terror would be over.

    History demonstrates this over and over again. Common sense reinforces it. Bullies cannot and will not stand against those who stand up against them, particularly en masse.

    May your words and those of Mercede finally break through the fear and the reluctance.

    Even if the folks don't want to do it to save the country from Sarah, perhaps they will do it free their themselves and those they love.

    It will only get worse the more power Sarah gets. Doing something now and joining with others can put a stop to her rise now.

  9. Anonymous9:09 AM

    It reminds of that movie on lifetime where the town bully got killed and the whole town was in on the cover up.

  10. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I hope if this was an inadvertent mistype/mistake/slip Mercede will clarify asap.

    1) Respectfully, what’s with the photo where Levi is holding a baby and there is another baby’s arm cut out of the photo?

    That photo is a picture I took of MY BROTHER HOLDING HIS SON with our young cousin on his lap. I cropped out our cousin because I did not have permission to post a picture of her online.

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Saying negative things about Levi in front of Tripp, especially coming from his mother, will hurt Tripp tremendously in his life. Bristol does not know better now, she may never know better. It is obvious that her mother, Tripps grandmother, would rather hurt Levi than protect her grandchild. Sarah is a nasty piece of work.

  12. AKLynne9:15 AM

    Yes, all of this really needs to stop. I hope enough people band together to overcome this fear of reprisal from the Palins. Good luck to you all!

  13. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Yes, yes, yes. Maybe Sadie can lead the way. The truth will set everyone free.

    Anyone who is willing to tell any morsel of truth about Sarah Palin will be a hero and true American patriot, in my book.

    They will have the gratitude of literally millions of people, I quite am certain.

    Can a secret gathering be arranged or something, where people can come together and make a decision about how to proceed with the disparate pieces of information? Probably unrealistic - how to organize something without word getting out?

  14. Anonymous9:27 AM

    And that's it truly- it's in America's best interest. Since she's so rich now, maybe she could buy an island somewhere for her and her followers and leave America alone.

    Wishful thinking.


  15. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I will personally make my world famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for everyone that speaks out - doesn't get more enticing than that does it? (ha ha).


    And 8:56 - I hear you - I wonder if there are meetings somewhere?

  16. In a post from Malia Litman She pretty much voiced what you said.(What I hear is Stop this vicious woman and her family from taking this Country hostage) There's power in the truth and we have the truth on our side. The press has bombarded us with half truths and innuendo,with no fact checking.When Palin was picked to run for VP I started to check her background, interested in this attractive woman and what appeared to be a normal, healthy family .What I discovered was the exact opposite.My point?We know what she is,her life is an open book and she's been exposed by the people closest to her. She is a cash cow with a totally false persona .I'm not a mental giant just an old guy with a meager education and time on his hands!I saw truth in the many blogs I read (The ones Palin hates so much)Then I saw it in Palin She runs away from anyone who challenges her and then she disparages and lies about them.I've started a new Blog (I had another that mysteriously disappeared )The new one is~~ the palin I'm not much of a writer so I'm linking to the blogs who expose the truth about her (Some commentary of my own)Also I refuse to buy products that endorse her (Koch brothers for one)I have stopped watching Learning Channel and it's affiliates I never watch fox it hurts my ears.Boycotts made Glenn Becks sponsors run! Its time to get serious !!Spread the Truth and Boycott,Boycott til it hurts it will draw attention to this dangerous woman's agenda most of all it will expose her Puppet Masters.

  17. emrysa9:41 AM

    "However with a few more voices we could finally put all of the pieces together and finally get this vicious woman off of the national stage for the good of our country."

    no snark intended but I'm not holding my breath. I concluded a while back that the reason people don't speak up about sarah is because of their own skeletons. you can bet the palins have dirt on others. people are worried about their own dirt getting out there, some of which might put them in jail. good families for the most part don't hang and associate with bad families. so it seems to me that it's most likely that good people aren't the ones who have the true dirt (with evidence) on the palins, it's people who are like the palins who know their dirt. other dregs.

  18. Anonymous9:42 AM

    @ 9:11

    Trying to verify that statement but keep getting a 'Connection Interrupted' message for Mercede's site.

    I hope someone has saved a screen shot of that thread in case her blog has been shut down.

  19. AKLynne9:45 AM

    Another thought that just popped into my head regarding Mercede and Bristol...would jealousy about blonde and beautiful Mercede be part of what's motivating Miss Piggy?

  20. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I once read something about a Truth and Reconciliation program, not really sure about the name. It was in South Africa. The criminals got a way out of going to jail but everyone could speak the truth and find out what happened. It may not be the ideal forum for Wasilla but there is definitely power in numbers and truth telling. If a block of people could make a stand and draw a line to get their stories told, it would be a start. Where there is a will there is a way.

    The Johnston family can't do this alone.

  21. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Things still smell fishy to me

    1. Mercede says she’d like a recent picture of Tripp to see how he’s growing. But if she has access to Bristol’s facebook, then she has access to recent pics of Tripp.
    And Levi obviously just saw him as evidenced in his prof pic.
    2. The Levi/Bristol dating timeline still does not add up. There’s myspace evidence that Lanesia was pissed at Bristol for hooking up with Levi IN 2007, They would’ve been juniors. Maybe the end of soph year was when it started but Bristol was a Juneau so I doubt it
    3. like with Sarah, those who already like Bristol will always like her. Those who do not will always hate her. Small town minds are known for jealousy. People who think Levi and family are publicity seeking rednecks will continue to do so. People who blindly believe some teenage girl’s Bristol-rants on her blog will continue to support the Johnstons. Sadie needs to be careful. Ive seen some nasty messages from the past written by sadie to Bristol.
    4. does sadie realize she just proved she too is willing to use unethical means to get her way. Blackmail is never good or moral. Whats she going to do when Bristol moves out of state eventually. Shses young and will move on eventually
    5. Considering Bristols friends hate Sadie and feel she is only seeking attention, Im pretty sure they never told her anything face to face
    6. Sadie needs to move on and get a life. No one of substance cares. Shes depicting herself as vindictive and a whiner. I have no knowledge now, but before Aug 2010, BRistol did not badmouth Sadie aside from the "blame for taking pics of her condo" comment
    7. oh and Sadie? Faking a pregnancy has nothing to do with being narcissistic.
    You threw that in because you’ve seen it used to describe Sarah
    8. When did Sarah or Bristol say they only met Sadie once? I couldn’t tell who she was talking about. Sadie needs to go to college.
    9. Why did one of Sadie’s friends tell her they knew Bristol was pregnant but they didn’t know it was Levi’s? this was in Oct or Nov 08
    10. Sadie never commented on why she and Levi told different stories as to how B and Levi told them they were pregnant

  22. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Everybody in the Mat Su knows Brisket honed her skank skills in the eigth grade.

    Most just marvel at the way she pulls the wool over her mommy and daddy's eyes.

    Brisket has to be trashy mean. Goes with her skank reputation.

  23. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I will say Bristol isn't fond her Sadie or her mom, probably because of her fallout with Lanesia. I think Sarah couldnt be more removed from Bristol's drama, she only supports her daughter as a mother should. Bristol definitely strikes me as someone who doesn't change her mind about people. Sarah cannot change that. She can only support her.

  24. Anonymous10:20 AM

    @ 9:ll

    Can't seem to locate the picture Mercede is talking about in answer 1) but I wonder if the picture of the baby with the cropped arm of the cousin is one of Tripp & Levi, not Trig & Levi.

  25. Anonymous10:25 AM

    She's addressed the pics of two kids before. I think this time she just mistyped. both kiddos are in each of Levi's arms

  26. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I would like to know if Mercede or anyone has anymore further proof of cyber bullying. I don't live in Alaska but know kids that are on social network sites with Alaskans. The Palin pals are popular and they get a lot of their comments saved. I've seen some far out things. I would think there is plenty of material that will expose the Palins for what they are. How to get the pictures and captures on record?

    Mercede has learned about having her family photo disappear. I hope she has a good back up now.

  27. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I still dont see how what Bristol has publicly said has been disparaging to Levi. She simply answers questions posed to her in a non-elusive way. Believe me, if she were to simply say a "line" like "i'm glad Levi is happy" or some bullshit, it may come across worse. Usually in interviews the person starts the catty behavior and Bristol just says one or two things. He did similar things in response to her oprah interview.

    And commenting on facebook is not breaking the court order. Didnt the courts specifically say "in public?" Well, if you count Levi's recent remarks about Bristols' mother, you cant accuse her and not him. it's the same thing.

  28. Anonymous10:34 AM

    What, do pro-palin people and anti-palin people never meet each other? Because the one time I visited Wasilla, everyone I talked to adore Sarah and her family. I just find it bizarre that there are huge groups of each set. Actually, aren't there 2 republican support clubs?

  29. Anonymous said...

    @ 9:11

    Trying to verify that statement but keep getting a 'Connection Interrupted' message for Mercede's site.

    I hope someone has saved a screen shot of that thread in case her blog has been shut down.
    I was the one who originally asked the question on her blog and do have a screen shot of the original question and the response.

    Comment by nswfm on November 17, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    Respectfully, what’s with the photo where Levi is holding a baby and there is another baby’s arm cut out of the photo? Any insight into that?

    [I know, I know...Respectfully--you!?!?! Hilariously, I didn't catch the connection about Trig/son and was paying attention to the cousin part until the CASE CLOSED comment on the earlier thread. Thanks for alerting me so I could get the screen shots.]

  30. Could Levi be convinced to get a decent lawyer and could a legal fund be started to help him out ? I don't have much, but I'd contribute.

  31. Anonymous10:41 AM

    It is past time to run the hillbillies out of Wasilla.

  32. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Have you told us all you know, Gryphen? Howsabout you lead the way?

    I'd be content to have you label any info that is iffy, but I'd like to know your total take on it all.

    If you are not willing to go first, why would anyone else take the lead?

  33. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I'm sorry, I do feel for Mercede, Levi and their mother BUT, I cannot imagine letting anyone intimidate me into not seeing my child, nephew, grandchild. I hate to be negative but, gee whiz already. No, I do not live in Alaska so maybe I just don't get it. Isn't that little kid worth fighting for? I can not imagine being a victim and not fighting tooth and nail to see him. What else can they do? They aren't seeing him anyway so why doesn't Levi man up and talk to a lawyer about Bristle consatantly putting him down in public. Maybe Levi has decided that he doesn't want to be a daddy. I am just appalled that the Johnston family lets this happen. Also too, where is Levi's dad? Doesn't he want to see Tripp? I am a grandmother and there is NO WAY in hell that I would EVER give up any rights to see my grandchild. You Alaskans aren't as tough as you let on to be.

  34. Aussie Blue Sky11:31 AM

    Now that Bristol Golden Child Palin is such a national celebrity I'm sure the whole country would be shocked by her nasty-ass FB postings.

    Someone should expose her.

  35. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Sarah and Bristol keep dancing circles around your whining ass.

    Dancing With the Stars $$$

    Sarah Palin's Alaska $$$

    Book tour $$$


  36. Anonymous12:10 PM


    Start publishing stories of Palin's vindictiveness. Once it is made public then the power is transfer back to where it belongs.


  37. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I'm confused. Didn't Levi just see his son, as his fb profile pic suggests? And back when the Johnstons did see Tripp randomly but several times, why didn't they take him to the GGGrandma and extended family? Mercede sure knows how to dramatize things.

  38. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Anon 9:42

    The majority of times when you can't get on to a page, it's not because 'it's been shut down'. It's because new posts have created more traffic; the server on which the site is has a problem or doesn't have the capacity of traffic and could be your own server having a problem connecting to it. There are other things too that could be the problem.

    I have no blog but have experienced many times the inability to connect and have therefore been 'computer free' for sometimes 3 days. Crap happens with technology!! Ya love it and ya hate it!!

  39. Anonymous12:25 PM

    As someone posted above: "Saying negative things about Levi in front of Tripp, especially coming from his mother, will hurt Tripp"

    The Palins believe themselves above the rules, above the laws.

    As much as the LSM they use and read, they seriously have given no thought that what they say has been documented, whether in text or video, and will be easily searched and available when he is older and can see for himself.

    That thingy they call the "WWW" - can come back and bite you!!

  40. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Mercede didn't answer one HUGE question that she wrote in the post but then didn't complete:

    Why isn't Levi taking legal action regarding this trash talking? The Palins are violating a court order. WHY doesn't Levi take this to the judge?

    My name is Anonymous also, and I'm a Palinholic, too.

  41. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Anonymous said...

    9:06 AM


    That was an extremely interesting read. Thanks for the link!!

  42. Anonymous12:34 PM

    @she is the typical product of an NPD mother. 8:59 AM:

    agree completely.

  43. Anonymous12:40 PM


    Any truth to it??

  44. BanditBasheert12:43 PM

    Personal story: this happened to my husbands kids. His ex badmouthed him for years. At this point, they barely even speak to their mother. They deeply resent the nastiness, manipulation and badmouthing. They both have good relationships with their dad. They refuse to discuss him with their mother.
    Children are smart and perceptive. Tripp will decide what place he has with his father - and he will base it upon Levi's actions, not Bristol's.
    As painful and hurtful as it is, if Levi doesn't badmouth Bristol or the Palins, Levi will end up someday with a good relationship with his son. Tripp will seek him out.
    Kids figure out very quickly which one is the nasty one and they do NOT like it. At all. They deeply resent when one parent disses the other.
    Levi needs to be "there" and just wait for the good to happen. It will.

  45. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Sarah has embraced the image of Queen Esther. She relates to the part about Esther being selected as Queen because she was the fairest in the land. She explained to Piper that Esther had to work hard to get what she wanted. What she didn't mention to Piper is that part of the selection process was based on beauty, and the final test was whether the beautiful young girl please the King (in the Biblical Sense, you know what I mean).

    What Sarah didn't tell Piper about is that Esther was willing to sacrifice herself to save her people. She was Jewish, and she heard about a plot to kill the King which involved the Kings' "trusted" prime minister. Esther was Jewish, and she chose to reveal this secret to the King in order to save the Jews in Persia from being killed. She was willing to sacrifice herself in order to remove the evil Prime Minister.

    The moral of this story, one that Sarah does love, is that in order to rid your town of evil, people are going to have to bite the bullet, take a chance like Sarah's heroine, Esther, and reveal secrets. In the long run, the only way to get rid of her is very much like the solution to the Agatha Christy novel, "Murder on the Orient Express." Everyone has to do it!

    I can understand people being afraid of losing a job, having secrets revealed, their taxes audited, but that is nothing compared to the huge machinery that is behind Sarah Palin. She didn't do any of this on her own; she is not that capable a person. She is an ornament, a pretty distraction, pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.

    Seriously, if Alaska wants to live in fear, then keep your mouths shut. If enough of you reveal what is know about Sarah in closed circles, then Sarah can't hurt you anymore. She lose her power. The best disinfectant is sunlight.

  46. Anonymous12:51 PM

    @10:34 - there are plenty of Republicans in Wasilla who do not like $P. Wake up.

  47. Anonymous1:01 PM

    BanditBasheert, your story made my day. I am the stepfather of two, and my wife and I have been the subject of disparaging talk by the kids' biological father for years. (The kids don't talk about it much, but they slip up sometimes, which is how we know.) We, on the other hand, have taken the high road.

    My wife always tells me they'll figure it out someday. Your little tale gives me hope she is right.

    Signed, the Palinholic @ 8:56.

    (Hey, you didn't expect me to go cold turkey until the comment thread was finished, did you?)

  48. Anonymous1:01 PM

    This is sort of O/T but interesting. Last night I attended a national touring show of comedians at a 2,200 person venue at a casino in Minnesota. Also, no alcohol is served there, so the audience was pretty much all sober.

    One of the comedians, said "Sarah Palin, she's a republicu**t! All the women in the audience started cheering and woohooing and laughing. Then he said "how many men here would screw her if you didn't have to hear her talk?" Then all the men cheered, woohooed and laughed.

    Just goes to show that middleclass America is not buying into her and her "middle class" family like she thinks we are. She is after all just a big JOKE.

  49. Anonymous1:12 PM

    America used to be obessessed with Paris Hilton - now you hardly hear about her..I have to be postive that Palin will go the same way..

  50. Anonymous1:14 PM

    OT...A passage from the egomaniac's latest scribbles:-

    "This is my America, from my heart, and by my heart. I give it now to my children and grandchildren, and to yours, so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free."


  51. Anonymous1:16 PM

    From GvS Faux interview
    "PALIN: I know that God has a lot in store for Tripp and I, so I'm just going to see what my options are."

    EOnline Guiliana Rancic did an interview with Bristol this week. She also comments as to what she may want to do. First clue it won't happen! -- Hayyyyyy.

    A thought. May have found Bristol's new job. Guiliana and her husband Bill have had a extremely hard time having a baby. There have been stories out there that women have offered to be a surrogate --- Bristol????

    She has said more about Levi in this video than any others that I am aware of. Was she more comfortable?? Hmmmm???

  52. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Pics of Bristol leaving studio Friday afternoon. (4 pics)

    Question: Where's her truck?? She's getting into driver side of a red car.

  53. dancingthroughlife1:37 PM

    Don't know if you've seen this yet, but Willow tells "In Touch" she's not having sex (the interview includes the sentence 'Sex is bad.').

  54. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Here's the pic of Levi with Tripp that is in question.

    And anon @12:40pm

    You had to ask? Really? Come on!!!

  55. I can see why locals are 'afraid' to talk, but seriously this is getting ridiculous. I don't care how backwards Wasilla is, for god's sake this is the 21st century not some Gothic novel.

    The Palins don't have super-natural powers, they don't own that town and they don't control people's jobs.

    Sarah couldn't get Joe Miller elected and she couldn't fill a small venue in Anchorage; she only has the power people allow her to wield.

    Sadie and her family probably can't afford to fight this custody stuff in court but lucky for them they don't have to- the other side is famous so do what the Palins do and go public. This is the perfect time! Sarah is starting her book tour so any publicity relating to her will be big news.

    Millions of people deal with custody issues every day, but unlike Mercede and Levi, they don't have the ear of people like Larry King- so go open that floodgate because if things are as you say, they aren't going to get better if you keep doing what you are doing now.

    Go for it, don't let anyone tell you to sit down and shut up!

    And Gryphen that goes for you too (wink)

  56. Hannah3:02 PM

    Okay, I wasn't going to, but I did! I watched a little bit of Sarah Palin's Alaska with my family. My husband was shocked that I needed to get up and walk away I was so stressed. Why, you ask? Well, everyone wonders where she gets her "accent" from, and if she's affecting a down-hominess kind of talk to seem more every-American. Well, this is what I hear: I grew up on an Ontario Indian Reservation. Until this show, I NEVER really heard Todd Palin speak at length. I had a miserable childhood, being one of the only white kids on the res (my dad worked as an "agent" on the res), and hearing the sound of Todd and Sarah's dialect, and the way they move their mouths as if they have no lower teeth just slammed me back to my childhood, where a walk from our home to school always took us downtown, past the doorways the drunks had passed out in, and people would be begging on the streets because poverty was so bad. So I didn't hear an affected speech pattern, but an indegenous speech dialect.

  57. Anonymous4:07 PM

    8:56 I feel your pain. I wonder why I keep reading this stuff- there's so much else to do in life. But I'm hooked- I keep waiting for that take-down so I can get back to what I love to do.

    -also a palinholic

  58. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Some of us for some reason or another are not able to go to Mercede's site. Is there anyway you can copy her post on Trig's birth here so we can all read it. I have tried everything.......Please

  59. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I want to feel sympathy for the Johnstons but it's really, really hard when I see how Levi basically sits on his hands and lets it all happen. He's a young guy probably more interested in hunting and dating than parenting. Seems like seeing his kid once in awhile is enough for him.


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