Thursday, December 23, 2010

Alaska Supreme Court gives Joe Miller, yet another, smackdown! Gee do you think he will take the hint THIS time?

From Political Ticker:

The Alaska Supreme Court has ruled against Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller in his appeal, denying his claim that state law was not followed on counting write-in votes, setting up the very likely scenario that write-in candidate Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski will be certified the winner of the Alaska Senate race.

In the ruling, the Alaska Supreme court affirmed the decision of the superior court, saying, “There are no remaining issues raised by Miller that prevent this election from being certified.”

A spokesman for Miller’s campaign said they were “disappointed” with the decision and are “weighing our options.”

"Weighing their options?"  After taking it to the Alaska Supreme Court and getting royally spanked just what other options do they have?

If the Alaska Supreme Court decision did not turn out in its favor, Miller's campaign earlier told CNN it's considering taking the fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Really?  Mr. "Keep the Federal Government out of state business" is going to go whining to the Federal courts now that he did not get his way in state court?

Well what did we expect?  Sarah Palin picked him so how could he NOT turn out to a complete hypocrite?

And I guess as long as the intellectually challenged Teabaggers and Palin-bots are willing to send hm money, he is more than willing to waste it on frivolous court cases.


  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    sigh--that's nice that he's thinking of taking it to the Supreme Court. However, he doesn't note that it's entirely up to the Supreme Court whether to accept the case and there's no reason to believe it would take this one, after the State Supreme Court has ruled.

    This is one of those Thurston Howell III statements about going to "the highest court in the land." And kind of shows what a crapola lawyer Miller is.

  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I think your summary was correct; it is all about milking as much money for "campaign" expenses for as long as possible.

  3. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Joe... You lost!

    Sell the drapes on Ebay.. use the money to buy a razor.

  4. AKRNC5:50 AM

    I'd love to know how he's allegedly supporting his family at this time. He was complaining about $$$ being tight and yet he's not working, just trying to milk every dollar he can from his supporters. It's how he is using this money he's raking in that is going to be under question in the future. I know there is going to be plenty of questions when all is investigated. Maybe he's hoping that people will forget all about him and he'll fade from their memories along with the money he's "received".

  5. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Lisa Murkowski: Joe Miller Continuing Legal Fight Would Smack Of 'Desperation'

    Miller also raised questions about voting irregularities, including precincts where election workers failed to mark whether they'd gotten voters' identification and ballots with similar signatures. The latter may have been due to voters asking for and receiving legally acceptable help in casting ballots. He also raised the specter that felon sex offenders may have been wrongfully allowed to cast ballots.

    Carey tossed the first two claims as unsupported. The justices agreed: "Pure speculation cannot support a fishing expedition for evidence to oppose summary judgment in an election contest."

  6. Randall5:55 AM

    Typical conservative: his principles (state's rights, in this case) last exactly as long as the outcome doesn't affect him.

  7. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Uh oh, The Grizzled Dingbat isn't gonna like this one at all! HA! Conan better get ready for the PBots.

    Conan O'Brien: Sarah Palin Killed Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

  8. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I wonder if his recount fund was set up the same as Palin's original defense fund. You know, the one that allowed her and her family members to spend the money anyway they wanted?

  9. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Kate Gosselin Calls Camping With Sarah Palin 'Cruel & Unusual Punishment'

    Rudolph Meets His Maker -- Sarah Palin

  10. Anonymous6:04 AM

    She is such an embarrassment around the world.

  11. Anonymous6:05 AM

    What, no tweet from the Quitter expressing her disappointment with the ruling? Not surprised! Just like she's been strangely silent about AGIA.

  12. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Mike Huckabee Takes Michelle Obama's Side In The Sarah Palin S'mores Wars

    This is the latest member of her own party Palin has found herself up against. Just last week respected columnist Charles Krauthammer questioned her intellectual bona fides, and earlier this week the O'Reilly Factor discussed how she might be the year's biggest loser (as far as presidential candidates go). One gets the sense the soundbite facade -- so good for the blogosphere -- is wearing a tad thin even for her supporters.

    Presumably there will be an upcoming note on Palin's Facebook page about how the lamestream is blowing this all out of proportion, which raises the question: why not edit it out in the first place? That segment was filmed in July. Oh wait. Ratings. Of course Huckabee, too, has one eye on ratings making it hard to know whether this is a battle over media profile or for the conservative base. Listen to Huckabee below.

  13. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Poll: Obama leads 2012 GOP hopefuls in Florida

    Obama easily bests former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin — 52 percent to 38 percent

  14. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Just remember, folks, you're not "fit to tie his combat boot laces." According to a certain half-term governor who truly loved Alaska so much, she tried to make this sleazebag your senator.

  15. Anonymous6:11 AM

    The most hysterical part is where he was so cocksure that he was actually measuring the drapes in Washington DC. What a disgusting, arrogant PRICK.

  16. Anonymous6:13 AM

    One of the lame duck's biggest surprises was how reliably Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted with Democrats. Her "yes" votes on DREAM and DADT repeal arguably put her to the left of Democrats Jon Tester and Joe Manchin -- during the lame duck, at least.

    As she darted out of the Senate chamber Wednesday afternoon TPM asked her if those votes would've been harder to cast if she'd never been primaried and was still a member of GOP leadership.

    "Nah," she said, as the elevator doors closed.

    So I guess that answers that.

  17. nswfm6:15 AM

    This reminds me of the comedian who said guys didn't pick up on signals unless his girlfriend "used semaphore flags to spell out I HATE YOU!"

    I feel that way about $P, also, too.

  18. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Lisa Murkowski goes rogue

    Lisa Murkowski isn’t gunning down caribou on national TV like that other famous Alaskan, but the Republican lawmaker is going rogue in the Senate just weeks after staging the most stunning back-from-the-dead political win of the 2010 cycle.

    Murkowski is already showing a fierce independent streak, becoming the only Republican to cast votes for all four items on President Barack Obama’s wish list: a repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a tax cut compromise, the START treaty and cloture for the DREAM Act.

    Read more:

  19. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Joe Miller is unconstitutional. Maybe he can teach electoral law at a community college (or better yet, enroll as a student of same).

  20. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Any word about the possible criminal charges against him regarding the deletion of emails when he was working at the Fairbanks Borough? I'm still waiting to here about that.

  21. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Miller has to keep this charade going or his family will be back on welfare and Denali Kidcare and foodstamps and they may even have to auction off all his property (if he hasn't already used it for collateral for his many loans) . Freakshow doesn't have a JOB and what with 8 kids and a wife to support SOMEONE ELSE surely has to do it. Oh wait, didn't he use that platform as a candidate that we need to take care of ourselves? Goes to show that big fancy schools and law degrees don't mean you are smart. Shit, I just graduated from high school and I knew that he would never win! HAHAHAHAHAHA Joe!!

  22. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Senator salaries are not great but the benefits are. A lot of these guys rent rooms or live in their offices. He couldnt afford to move his family of a zillion here. Anymore info about the affair with Adele?

  23. Anonymous10:07 AM

    8:49-- do you have to bring up the affair with Adele? That makes me imagine her in a cheap neglige in his probably messy house with him calling her, "My little song bird" while she sings for him about Jesus. And hearing his wife yelling at the kids to leave Daddy alone while he visits with Aunt Adele. Joe is lying on the bed in cotton boxers sporting a hard-- it's too icky to think of! (I just had to fill you in!)

  24. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Thank you, Todd!

    You convinced Sarah to convince the Tea Party to donate wads of cash for fellow-sociopath Joe Miller’s campaign. Yep, that was a great idea: buy an Alaskan US Senate seat and fill it with your un-vetted, ultra-right, religious-nut, “Joe-puppet”. Also, too, spiteful Sarah would have the extreme pleasure of humiliating Senator Lisa Murkowski who, in your delusional Palin world, is evidently your arch-enemy.

    But, despite Sarah/RAM’s ardent support, Joe unbelievably lost big time to Lisa in the General Election…lost to the very same Lisa that he beat in the Primary!!! Yep, guess you’d been banking on Lisa quitting on Alaska like Sarah did. But, in fact, Lisa was the first successful write-in Senate candidate since 1954 and the first woman ever to accomplish this feat. Unheard of! History-making for Alaska!

    Worse yet, it was proven that Joe is a paranoid, paramilitary, lying, incompetent, arrogant, hypocritical welfare case, completely devoid of honor, integrity or decency. Surprisingly though, Sarah didn’t get implicated during the vetting of Joe’s illegal shenanigans to oust GOP Chairman Randy Ruedrich (yet).

    Now, despite Joe’s insane attempts to steal the election with his slew of bogus lawsuits, the Courts have thoroughly thrashed Joe’s “legal arguments”. The Alaska Supreme Court wrote, “There are no remaining issues raised by Miller that prevent this election from being certified.” So, Lisa has won the election with 10,328 more bonafide votes than obstructionist Joe.

    To make matters worse, the CBS News politicos considered Senator Lisa Murkowski as one of the BEST candidates of 2010 and Joe Miller as one of the WORST… Ouch. Now, that’s gotta sting. I mean, this is Sarah’s very own state and Joe is Sarah’s very own candidate…

    Sarah, I’m sure ya feel cheated and hollow. Ya went to bat for Joe, donated SarahPAC money to him, and ya got absolutely nothin’ outta the deal. Heck, Joe didn’t even say you were qualified to be President…on Fox News, yet!!! Ya’d think a so-called lawyer like Joe would know the meaning of “quid pro quo”...Well, anyway, we’re all aware that Todd told Joe off for that horrendous insult to Your Worship. (I think Joe thinks he’s way smarter’n you.)

    Sadly, all ya got now is another lousy pregnant daughter.

    Ya know, Sarah…you’re the poor victim in all this… Hey, blame Todd! Todd’s the one who originally recommended Joe so Todd’s the one that caused ya to look like a pathetic fool to the whole world. Todd mighta cost ya the gosh darn US Presidency, for Heaven’s sake! After Chuck loads up for ya, let Todd have it with both barrels! That’ll show ‘im.

  25. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "Gee do you think he will take the hint THIS time?"

    No. Joe isn't that smart. The only thing he "takes" is government handouts.


  26. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Yes, I see the Sarah and Joe trend: Milk the Faux News people for as long as possible. I also see Sarah sees her own star diminishing ... thus the Samaritan Purse gig. She will team up with the CBN now and milk the poor folks who donate there. And Mr. Graham is desperate — funds are way way down sys recent report.

    Go figure ...

    Palin the retro Bircher and Graham the "Give To Me Forever Club."

    They illuminate the stupid in this country.

  27. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Because of the Gore v Bush decision in which the Supremes decided against an accurate manual count of every vote, it would be pretty embarrassing if they turned around and changed their mind on that point.

    On the one hand they said that decision was never to be used as precedent, effectively admitting that it was an incorrect decision legally, and the they as the Supreme Court have no actual legal function.
    But Miller would have to use it as precedent to knock down the manual count for Murkowski.

    Aw heck let him go for it, it would be highly educational to see how dizzy the RepCons on the court get trying to untwist their illicit decision of 2000.

    And it would serve them right for having made such bad bench law to have to eat it.

  28. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Hey! DO you think the GOP will encourage Lisa to run for the Big One next year?

  29. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I wonder if some of Lisa'a non TP votes are in recognition that if the TPeeers oppose her next time around she will need the democratic votes she got this time in the runoff.

    She may become a right leaning moderate even with the R behind her name, which puts her in the same political sphere as Obama, which would give Alaska a liberal and a moderate Senator, which ain't a bad deal.

  30. Anonymous9:10 PM

    8:49A.M. I don't know about Adele- but I'm wondering whether he had campaign staff helping with those D. C. drapery measurements.

    Can Bernadette Wilson run a tape measure? She must have done something for Joe ($12,000 worth-IIRC) just check the last campaign filing for the exact details. The payment was made right around Nov 1 in a lump sum.

    Can't remember for sure and the holidays have already started so no more research tonite- But IIRC Adele was also paid campaign funds
    on that last filing. Less than the party planner was.

    Link to previous IM post with pic of Adele, Bernadette and the bearded wonder.

    Former Fairbanks Mayor confirms Joe Miller's unethical behaviors.

    All those campaign staffers on a train to nowhere with Joe unless he can start ginning up some courtroom wins PDQ.

    Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan also was the subject of internet informational posting and speculations- concerning payment of government funds to a "party planner" earlier in the year.

  31. Anonymous6:02 AM

    He's taking it to Judge Judy next.


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