Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yeah I don't think Conan O'Brien is going to have Sarah Palin on his new show anytime soon.


  1. wakeUpAmerica6:22 AM

    I still can't get past her daddy reloading for her. I can't believe she didn't insist on having that edited out. What a dimwit!

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    the clip shows exactly how children reacted to her show. What a maroon.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Sarah the Elite Huntress doesn't load her own weapon...she probably doesn't pump her own gas either.

    Props to Conan...way to poke the Grizzly.

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Mrs. Palin is proud that she accomplished a clumsy assasination after the awkward fish clubbing incident. People say her next mission is trapping scorpions in Arizona. Season 2!

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I asked my husband, who is an avid hunter, about Chuck reloading for her...and it's a big NO-NO, as I'm sure everyone with a lick of common sense knows. He said if you can't reload the gun on your own, then you shouldn't be shooting it. Is she authentic about anything? Always a poser.

  6. Thank you, Coco. Hope your ratings go through the roof. I'm reading a book about natives who live near the Artic Circle. When a caribou or moose is killed, the native spreads ashes and says a prayer in appreciation for the animal giving its life to sustain theirs. It is a solemn act, a sacred act. Not fodder for a stupid TV show. Sarah should be ashamed of her elation over killing any of God's creatures.

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM


    Why is Mercede so quiet?

  8. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Some of the Palinbots over at Pee Central have actually posted a few positive comments about the Conan clip.

    JimR3 says:
    December 23, 2010 at 8:17 AM

    Good morning C4P!
    A hilarious clip from last nights Conan O’Brien:
    “Rudolph Meets Sarah Palin”

    M.Minnesota says:
    December 23, 2010 at 8:23 AM


    That is HILARIOUS!!!

    Have a great day!

    JimR3 says:
    December 23, 2010 at 8:47 AM

    Yeah, I thought for a change that was some good natured fun without being offensive toward Sarah and her family. Well done Conan.

  9. laprofesora7:27 AM

    Sometimes I wonder what I would say to Scarah if I had 30 seconds alone with her. I think I would say, "You're a joke. The whole world is laughing at you." Conan, also, too.

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    wakeup I agree.
    guess her saying should be "don't retreat, let your daddy reload for you!"

  11. She's just awful. And not in a good way.

    btw, I would like to wish our president a restful and pleasant visit to Hawaii. Now, please end these miserable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thank you, Sir.

  12. Anonymous7:33 AM

    It's so disgusting and discouraging and downright creepy to see an ad for Sarah Palin's book right on your webpage. Do they do that deliberately somehow? I know it helps support the website and makes it possible for you to carry on but why couldn't it be an ad for a car or anything but SP. Hearing all the horrible stuff she does and then seeing her looking happy and triumphant reminds me of those pharmaceutical ads which show happy people and happy music while the voice over tells you it will kill you. 8~)

  13. Anonymous7:48 AM

    why is a woman's voice coming out of that hunter's mouth? Is that a "tranie"?

  14. Anonymous8:06 AM

    to be accurate ..

    they should have shown Sarah shooting five times before hitting Rudolph.

  15. lolol! i love the look of horror on conan's face at the end. we share your pain, dude.

  16. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Alaska pipeline not in long-range projects

    Federal analysts believe it will not be economical to build a major natural gas pipeline in Alaska for at least the next 20 years, according to a recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

    Benneche said Wednesday that projections call for the average wellhead price in the Lower 48 to improve to the point where a project would make financial sense around 2033. Following construction, a line could be in service by 2036 or 2037, he said.

    Palin's speech at the 2008 RNC:

    And despite fierce opposition from oil company lobbyists, who kind of liked things the way they were, we broke their monopoly on power and resources.

    As governor, I insisted on competition and basic fairness to end their control of our state and return it to the people.

    I fought to bring about the largest private-sector infrastructure project in North American history.

    And when that deal was struck, we began a nearly forty billion dollar natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence.

    That pipeline, when the last section is laid and its valves are opened, will lead America one step farther away from dependence on dangerous foreign powers that do not have our interests at heart.

  17. Anonymous9:11 AM

    What I don't understand, that in SP's 'show', the animal just stood still as she took shot after shot.
    Wouldn't it run after hearing the first gun shot? What was it, clever editing?

  18. Anonymous9:15 AM

  19. Anonymous9:17 AM

    In the next episode of SPA we get to see sarah drape a scarf over Bullwinkle´s antlers to prove she ¨knows how to field dress a moose.¨

  20. Anonymous9:20 AM

  21. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The very same Tom Van Flein discussed above emailed me about this post. Not about "Sign No. 1," but about "Sign No. 2." Here's what he had to say:

    Mr. Capehart--just so you know, the Popeater story about a second season was a complete fabrication. Palin's team does not speak anonymously like that. If you see a "report" that is citing "Palin insiders" or "close friends of the Palins" 95% of the time it is fiction. Maybe even 99% of the time."

  22. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Sarah just wants to have fun when she fills up her freezer. As we have seen, her family would starve if she couldn't slay Rudolph. Isn't he just some pagan image anyway? The Palin message is to return us to the good old days and happier times, when children were free to do as they pleased.

    I'm seeing a great new Reality Show for Bristol coming out of all this, and who says Sarah is not a good example and parent?

    What girl doesn't want to go from this to DWTS or a beautiful Cover Girl?

  23. Anonymous9:50 AM

    she was shooting at a stuffed

  24. Anonymous10:36 AM

    what are you talking about sign 1 and 2, and Mr. Capehart?

  25. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Sarah Palin Uses Info Gleaned From 'Treasonous' WikiLeaks To Pen Op-Ed On Dangers Of Iran

    Twitter: SarahPalinUSA
    Inexplicable: I recently won in court to stop my book "America by Heart" from being leaked,but US Govt can't stop Wikileaks' treasonous act?
    Mon Nov 29 2010 09:25:36 (EST) via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    Palin Facebook:
    First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

  26. Forever Anonymous10:59 AM

    I think she killed her political career when she shot Rudolph.

  27. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Anonymous 9:23

    If you see a "report" that is citing "Palin insiders" or "close friends of the Palins" 95% of the time it is fiction. Maybe even 99% of the time."

    Of course it's fiction. Palin has no friends. Only people she can use and discard.

  28. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Daddy reloading for her gives sarah ¨a great feeling of accomplishment¨

  29. Anonymous11:44 AM

  30. Anonymous11:47 AM

    anon @ 10:36- that is part of a story on signs sarah is not running for president. the link to the entire story is below the quoted part

  31. Anonymous11:50 AM

    After that bitter "Thanksgiving" rant, wonder what the Christmas one will be, not of caribou I am sure. Merry christmas everyone and a bright and happy New Year! We don,t need Sarah for That!

  32. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Too Funny.

    Wonder if she will go after Bambi next.

    Actually somebody should work over the opening of Disney's Bambi where the evil hunter kills his mother, and stick Sarah in it.

  33. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Mercede is busy living her life and will soon be traveling to LA VIP style. Gotta milk it all while her family can

    Actually that is all true btw. They are going to LA in Jan

  34. Anonymous2:58 PM

    True story: I picked up some cheap Xmas cards at Wal-Mart with Santa feeding apples to his reindeer on the cover.

    Underneath the picture, I took a postage label and covered up the "greetings from Santa" message and wrote my own.

    "Watch out for Sarah Palin boys! She shot Blizen last night for her Christmas Special."

    I send the modified card to a close friend, and she had a good laugh.

    You know that clip of SP shooting the caribou is going to be an annual event like her Thanksgiving clip, and 4th of July "I Quit" speech. She just can't help but be a parody of herself.

  35. Anonymous3:04 PM

    O/T Just got back from last minute shopping, and one of the tabloids I passed had Bristol on the cover: "Steals another girls boyfriend; they are having sex".

    Stay klassy, Palins!

  36. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I think I've finally figured out why her nose looks so big. I think she had that little bump on the bridge of the nose removed. I saw some pictures of her during the campaign and her nose looks so much smaller, but now that part where the bridge is is less deep, if that makes sense, or more concave like they shaved off some bone. Anyway, it makes her nose look huge.

    She was so much prettier before all the surgeries. Now she kind of looks like a porn star, the way she wears her makeup.

  37. National Enquirer just "broke" the story of Bristol:

    Ho-hum. The spin in on. She'll have the shortest pregnancy since her mother's with Trig.

  38. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Somewhat O/T, but definitely the best description of Scarah that I have ever read.

  39. Very enjoyable takedown on Huffpo:

    She really doesn't know much of anything, and we all are pretty well aware of that, even her acolytes, who largely like what she "represents." There's no actual expertise that anyone can point to. No one has ever seriously thought that being ceremonial mayor of a 9,000-person hamlet was evidence of world leadership. Quitting as governor halfway through removed any chance of experience.

    She's never been outside the U.S., except for one speech in Hong Kong and a photo op in Haiti. She told Glenn Beck that her favorite Founding Father was "All of them." She struggled to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with. She couldn't name a newspaper or magazine she read. Being able to see Russia from Alaska was the answer a clueless third-grader would give. She cowardly runs from serious interviews. She doesn't even have expertise in her sole area of self-professed "expertise" -- oil, never having actually worked in the oil industry, but serving on a state board, briefly.

  40. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Gryphen, I just looked at this. May be your readers would like you
    to revisit it?

    I forgot she said all this.


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