Friday, December 17, 2010

Bill O'Reilly calls the Mama Grizzly out about her reality show and Snowdrift Snookie insults America's feminists AGAIN!

"Strategery?" Has Palin been watching Stephen Colbert or something? (No of course not.  If she were she would not be so damn ignorant!)

Nobody calls Alaska "America's Fort Knox" except Palin and her "butt-boy" Joe Miller. And it is both a stupid and false thing to say.

And that damn show of hers does NOT promote Alaska.  It promotes Sarah "freaking" Palin and that is all! If anything it is turning people off to the idea of visiting our state by the hundreds.

"No Mommy don't make us go to Alaska, they have bears waiting to kill us in our sleep. And they beat fish to death with baseball bats!  And if that ex-Governor of theirs is any indication, the people are all lunatics!"

"I am sorry I am not so hotty-totty?'  What in the hell does that mean?  Was the idiot trying to say "hoity-toity?" Gee do you think she really mispronounced it?  Or was she trying to squeeze the last little bit out of her naughty librarian shtick?

And no, a liberal woman could NOT be a Mama Grizzly because they do not overreact to every single perceived slight like Grizzlies are known to do in the wild, and Palin is known to do on Facebook. Instead they are much more reasonable and thoughtful mothers who are perfectly capable of protecting their young, but tend not do so in a way that embarrasses their cubs, and makes them fodder for the tabloids.

By the way REAL Mama Grizzlies do not just teach self reliance. They also teach their cubs to scavenge for food, steal a kill from a smaller predator when possible, and to eat garbage when they find a landfill or unsecured trash can.

You know that DOES sound quite a bit like Sister Sarah's parenting style!

I have to imagine that EVERY single time Palin starts spouting off about feminists portraying women as weak and incapable of caring for themselves, that there are TRUE feminists and women's right pioneers all over this country who fantasize about getting five minutes alone with Palin and showing her which one of them is actually the weak one. Palin either seems to have NO understanding of the battle for women's rights in this country or she is purposefully lying about it to fire up her male supporters who visualize feminists as motorcycle riding, mustache wearing, dykes.

P.S. About Alaska WTF and the Willow story.  Yes I know what it is about.  No that is NOT why I was in Wasilla on Wednesday.  And there is much more to the story than what AKWTF put up, but it is not my story to tell, so that is as much as I can say. Sorry, but I don't ever betray a trust.


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I'm one of those women who wants five minutes alone with the fraud. Palin thinks she's so tough, so capable and so clever.....oh brother! Clueless and arrogant. That's what she is.

  2. Anonymous4:28 PM

    and she continues on. We live in one fucked up world. the harder she falls the better.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Why, Why, Why, did G go to Wasilla? Post coming soon I hope.

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Her ship has sailed and she's too stupid to know it.

  5. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Okay G. We know you're working on a story and we're patient.

    Excuse me while I say something to Wasilla :-).

    SARAH! it's too little too late. Now you suck up to the hated lamestream media with your claws sheathed for the moment. You want some gravitas.

    How would you like that served missy? /Snark off

    Yeah kiddo, you are done.


  6. Olivia4:40 PM

    Real mama grizzlies also abort their pregnancies by absorbing the fetus when conditions are too bad to raise a cub.

  7. angela4:50 PM

    Good grief! The stupid hurts so much from this woman. Someone make her stop.

  8. Please don't make us wait too long to find out why you were Wasilla.

    I've had to step away from all things political and this is the only site I check for updates on Palin. I don't even watch Olbermann or Maddow right now - the news from Washington is just too disheartening.

    But coming here is my one source for updates - thanks for all you do.

  9. Ripley in CT5:00 PM

    I appreciate your not stepping on AKWTF's toes. I like that blog because it pulls no punches. And I'm not afraid of a little foul language once in a while! God knows I say it often myself with regard to the Palins ;)

    Please don't make us wait to know what you are working on. Just a hint would suffice.

  10. Anonymous5:00 PM

    She can't talk on substance, so she resorts to the only thing she knows: trying to bring others down in order to lift herself up. Yes, she's pathetic to watch, but I hope she keeps it up. The more she puts herself out there, the more others begin to see through her. Notice, after much self publicity, her "likability" has never been anything but a steady decline. No matter how hard she tries, she cannot hide the truth about who she really is: a very immature girl with a dark, empty soul, masquerading as someone she will never be, even by the smallest fraction.

  11. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I don't consider myself "hotty totty" or "hoity toity," but will say I am educated, female (feminist) , have a good job and live in Appalachia..hence I am an "elitist" and I hunt. "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is a huge joke - and those of us who are hunters/outdoorspersons know it.

    Also, in my neck of the woods, contraception information/products are available for even the most stupid of young people - so, here, Willow would have no excuse.

  12. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Is Alaska WTF down? I tried several times to go there.

  13. Anonymous5:13 PM

    FYI a conservative woman, such as I am, could never be a 'mama grizzly' either. Why? Because my brain cells are in gear and firing on all pistons. My life is not a fake. My daughter can be seen in public without someone wondering 'is she, or isent she?"

  14. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anon 4:33. Yes, her ship sailed. She was after all, waiting at the airport when it left.

  15. Anonymous5:20 PM

    sarah, just keep talking.
    you are a idiot, the more you talk, the more people know you are a idiot.

  16. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I can't see AKWTF either! Dying for news!!!

  17. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Just one minor gibble - women who ride motorcycles, with or without a man, should not be judged as "dykes."

    If you are a dyke, no problem. But I am referring the derogatory manner in which the term is normally used.

    You can still be feminine and heterosexual, well-educated and polite and still enjoy a great motorcycle.

    I am in my sixties and started riding two-up with my husband when he got his first bike a couple of years ago. I am even considering getting my own license next year, so though I love you Gryph, let's hold down the stereotypes and derogatory asides.

    I honestly think you said it without giving it much thought because you do not seem to be the type of guy to really mean it as a hit, but why perpetuate a stereotype like that.

  18. Erica from Dallas5:23 PM

    Seems like WTF is down!!!
    Is Willow really pregnant?

  19. Boy, G. you get an "A" for mind reading. I've been checking in to read an update on Willow.

    The Palin family just seems to insist on laundering their dirty laundry in public. This is not what I consider leading by example.

    Sarah, get those girls of yours on birth control pills....pronto!

  20. Anonymous5:35 PM

    The "hoity-toity" seemed like a dig at Establishment "blue bloods" like Barbara Bush and Peggy Noonan, or perhaps it was directed at Mitt "the Varmints Hunter" Romney!

  21. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Alaska WTF's server appears to have been dismantled. Damage control?

  22. Mary in Indy5:39 PM

    I believe I speak for a large number of friends (many of whom are quite conservative) that the joy and frivolity displayed by SP as she battered fish bloody and finally shot the caribou was appalling.

  23. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I suspect an attack on AKWTF. That story is explosive. I got there about 30 minutes ago, but have not been able to get back. I am suspicious.

  24. WTF is not suffering an attack.

    It is just overwhelmed with attention right now.

  25. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I think WTF must be getting overwhelmed by traffic. Same thing happened to me.

    How in hell can Sarah Palin just slide around this one, if now a second daughter is pregnant? It's unreal what is going on with these young women.

    At what point will the reality of Sarah Palin's life burst through to the public's awareness? It's like we're in a parallel universe, watching the other one continue on, completely oblivious to the truth.

  26. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Her desperation is showing. At first she shunned the 'lame stream media' and now she is jumping up & down, screaming, "pick me, pick me".

    Sorry, sarah, nobody wants you on their team anymore.

  27. lwtjb6:03 PM

    Does this woman EVER stop to breathe? I know she has no idea what a period is but doesn't she have to BREATHE once in a while?

  28. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "By the way REAL Mama Grizzlies do not just teach self reliance. They also teach their cubs to scavenge for food, steal a kill from a smaller predator when possible, and to eat garbage when they find a landfill or unsecured trash can."

    You forgot "and break into people's houses."

  29. Anonymous6:09 PM

    America already has a Fort Knox. It's in Kentucky, madame.

  30. Anonymous6:09 PM

    i cannot get on wtf either--are u sure the bots havent taken it down. I find it funny to see Palin hoisted by her own little brood of petards.

  31. Anonymous6:17 PM

    So is Bristol faking a pregnancy to cover for Willow? What's another baby after a broken engagement?

  32. Chenagrrl6:20 PM

    I was raised in the back roads of Fairbanks by women who were building a community where none had existed. Most were military vets who took no crap from anyone.

    Most are no longer with us, but I find it hard to believe that they would be conned by Sarah. I suspect they would think she was cute and all talk.

    Her pretenses about Alaska are painful. It is a difficult place to live no matter what creature comforts are available. To be portrayed as a tough Alaskan woman with top of the line camping gear and fabulous aircraft at her disposal explains nothing.

    I was part of the butcher crew that followed the hunting parties every fall. We dressed warm, carried a couple of pairs of gloves and prayed that the moose or caribou would be downed in a spot that wasn't too difficult to get to and pack out of.

    Like the supposedly suicidal lemmings in Disney's "White Wilderness." Sarah is a fraud.

  33. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Wish the owner of AWTF would come on MM and let us know what's up. Nice to be able to hear it from the horse's mouth. ( pardon the expression) ;-)


  34. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Thanks! I wrote in another thread about this. I wanted to stick my hands through the television and wring her throat!
    She REALLY again showed her stupidity about women in in this country. It made her look really like an ignorant hick. She sounds like Anne Coulter ( the other conservative tranny) only Anne doesn't want ti be president. Sarah really offends almost all women except for the stupid rednecks who keep following her. I DESPISE her and have never felt this way about any one in public life. She's not a politician so I won't call her that.

    Go to he'll Sarah. Millions of liberal women will be like lions going forward to this election. Game on you ignorant illiterate dolt!

  35. Anonymous6:33 PM

    $arah is such a self-reliant feminist that she has to have her daddy carry a gun and reload it for her.

  36. Anonymous6:35 PM

    PS to the conservative women who posted here, thanks for your braveness and standing up to this idiot. All my life I've had conservative and liberal friends and we had great discussions. Sarah wants to tear this country apart! She's not a patriot. She's the divider and the " hater!"

  37. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Arizona must be the geographic fix for Willow's problem. And Bristol's.

  38. Anonymous6:51 PM

    OK, don't get hysterical. I Googled Alaska WTF, got the link, and got to the site. And it doesn't say much more than the "Breaking News" headline.


  39. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Such a coward.

  40. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Is the real story that Bristol's pregnant but they're going to pretend that it's Willow's baby so Bristol can keep her abstinence $$$? I gotta think that there's a clause in the contract with Candees about not getting knocked up. I mean, if you were a national brand doing a cause-based campaign with a national figure on it, wouldn't you put in a clause penalizing the person for getting caught being a hypocrite?

  41. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Whenever Screech starts "spouting off about feminists portraying women as weak and incapable of caring for themselves" she's really describing all the Fundamentalist women who follow 2 steps behind their men and accept that his word is law because doG said it was so.

    Why doesn't this offend her Xtian community? Because they're as fake as she is?

    Everyone is talking about how Screech is coming out of her cave & giving interviews, but being interviewed by her favorite MSM means nothing. They continue to ask nothing but softball questions and never hold her feet to the fire on any of her stoopid answers. Disgusting!

    I think too many people are trying to access AKWTF's blog. That always clogs things up. I'm waiting until later to try, try again.

  42. Did she say "strategate" in the beginning? She really bludgeoned the word "strategy" almost as badly as she bludgeoned those poor halibuts. Guess those girls of yours have really got the true work ethic, eh, Sarah? Keep doing those Kegel exercises, girls. About the only real labor you're gonna see is the birthin' kind.

  43. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Isn't a hotty totty an alcoholic drink? Perhaps she had one too many, along with what her home town is well known for.

  44. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Sarah had plenty to do with perpetuating it too!

    PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care'

  45. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Few people know about this little ditty early in the life of America's favorite imbecile. I know, because I was there.

    During the Miss Alaska beauty pageant there actually was precedent that should've raised red flags as to Sarah Palin's character and modus operandi.

    In fact, as she was answering those obligatory questions about fulfilling her roll if she were to be coronated, microphones in the vicinity of judges 3 and 4 picked up some interesting stuff...

    'If I was Miss, um, Miss Alaska, I would work tiredlessly for world peace...'

    "I'm not so sure about this one Charlie, I think there's more here than meets the eye; seems to be a darker side she hasn't done a very good job of hiding."

    "Oh, you think she had something to do with the bra switch in the semis?"...'' concentrate on the things that are most important to the citizens of Alaska...'

    "Well, you have to admit it's kinda hard to get a 36D into a 34C and have it not stand out in the evening gown event..."

    "Haha, it WAS kinda funny watching her run off the stage in them heels, trying to stuff the suckers back in."

    ...'children's books, special needs, teenage pregnancy, juv'nile delinquency...'

    "Yeah, talk about wardrobe malfunction; now THAT was a pair o' nipples not to be forgotten..."

    ...'law enforcement and ethics in government...'

    "Yeah, well, there were only three contestants left at that point, and I can't imagine that it coulda been Miss Juneau, what with her having her own problems in the talent portion..."

    ...'Anwar and Bristol Bay...'

    "Oh yeah, the Crazy Glue on the tuba mouthpiece, almost forgot about that..."

    ...'polar bears and the Alaskan wolf...'

    "Well, that wasn't the half of it; whoever it was waterbased her eyeshadow had a cold cold heart..."

    ...'religious diversity...'

    "Boy, she looked like a friggin clown when she started crying, black running down her cheeks and dripping off her chin, 'n her lips stuck like that..."

    ...'and give something very special of myself back to native Alaskans...'

    "I think we oughta just disqualify her outright and send her back to Wasilla where she belongs."

    "Yeah, I know you're right; but Charlie, this'd be a cloud that'd hang over her head for life; she'd be the laughingstock of Alaska. Besides, it's not like she's gonna have any relevance outside her kitchen curtains...where the hell is she gonna get into anymore trouble? Plus she's so friggin..."


  46. Anonymous7:25 PM

    What does Willow's facebook friends have to say about the little youngin' in Willow's oven?

  47. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Is that why Willow did not go to Haiti for the Palin family photo op? She is with child and does not want to catch anything?

  48. Anonymous7:29 PM

    There is no question that Billo is no fan of Palin. His questions were designed to make her look a fool...which they did and you could just see her seething beneath that made for TV smile. Go Bill! Just keep twisting that knife in a little deeper.

    The whole mama grizzly thing is such an absurdity with Palin...yeah...she really makes it all about family doesnt she? What a joke!

  49. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Why does she stick her tongue out when she speaks? Only grown women trying to be cute do that. In fact, she is doing the cutesy act moreso now than ever. I could actually listen to her rambling stream-of-consciousness talks in the past, but the cute stuff is intolerable. I think the smack talk from Kraut and other repubs, is affecting her; not to mention the family drama. It appears her self-confidence is crumbling...

  50. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I am late on this comment, but $arah v. Kate was nothing more than mean girl wars. Both have no real female friends, love the limelight and use their children to increase their own popularity. Sarah was a condescending hostess at best, "I'm going to protect Kate" was a poor attempt to assert her dominance. Kate is younger, prettier and has more kids... it was a competition for SP. Yes, Kate left, but I think she just wanted to get away from SP and used the weather as her excuse.

  51. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Too bad the Tundra Turd doesn't realize what a turn-off her sarcasm is. She drips snark. Such a Christian.

  52. Anonymous7:54 PM

    LOL! Perfect!

    Anon at 6:33:

    Anonymous said...

    $arah is such a self-reliant feminist that she has to have her daddy carry a gun and reload it for her.

  53. Anonymous9:18 PM

    The next time we see Bristol, if it is true that she will be living out of state, she will be slim.
    Question- do you think a Palin girl would give up a baby for adoption?
    I don't know if she is pregnant or not, but all in all, it does seem odd she would move on her own and leave the support system of the clan.
    I think she is a unhappy girl. They may have money now, but they have paid a price for it. I would bet most of Sarah's kids are not happy.
    Bristol does not present well, she needs to go back to school and think about her future.

  54. Anonymous10:09 PM

    "The former Alaska governor flipped out after learning recently that her 16 year-old daughter Willow was not only having sex, but feared she might be pregnant by her 18 year-old boyfriend, sources told the Enquirer. 'Sarah was shocked," a close source divulged. "She felt like she was reliving a nightmare!' According to the source, Willow began to panic when her period was a week late. 'She went out and bought a home pregnancy test and was on pins and needles,' divulged the source."

    Well, no real shock there. Personally, I'd like credit for breaking the story that Willow Palin is following in her big sister's footsteps by banging random Alaskan hicks. Then again, since Willow always stays home while the rest of her family flies around in planes and kills animals or whatever, that fact was probably pretty obvious to everyone in the country who isn't named Sarah Palin.

    I know unexpected teen pregnancies are a terrible thing and blah, blah, blah, but god, I hope this true. I'm dying to see how Sarah will spin this story into some bullsh!t about how bears are taking over America or whatever the hell she's trying to tell us these days.

    My theory is that Willow is jealous of Bristol Palin's Dancing With the Stars fame, so she's trying to land a spot on 16 and Pregnant or Teen Mom. As a bonus, she might also destroy her mom's presidential hopes. She's a genius!

  55. Watching this clip, and listening to Bill O'Reilly's tone--the cadence of his speech, it's my opinion that Mr. O'Reilly talks to & treats Ms. Palin as the idiot cousin Hick from Pumpkin Creek......

    At the start of the "interview," O'Reilly starts speaking at a normal pace--then his phrasing becomes faster, like he's trying to catch Ms. Palin.

    Granted, the only time I've seen O'Reilly is when he was a local news caster in Portland Oregon (a gig that would make anyone look useless), and when O'Reilly was going at it with Colbert and Jon Stewart.

    O'Reilly and Stewart, especially, are fun to watch, because the two of them fence with such different styles....

    But based on the three or four clips I've seen of O'Reilly interacting with Private Citizen Palin...I'd have to say that O'Reilly acts like he's trying to be polite & respectful to either the village idiot, or some local yahoo that was the Buttermilk Queen, or some random contest winner....

  56. Wow, Lady Rose, I know just how you feel right now. I never missed Maddow, Olberman, Stewart or Colbert any time I had the opportunity to watch them (prior to the election). The rally in Washington was the last time I felt really happy politically. Now the most I can do is this blog, and only Gryphen's snarky sense of humor keeps me from going off the deep end.

  57. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Can we get transcripts for these videos of Snowdrift Snooki, Snooki Senior, Granma Snookie?

    Some of us cannot bear to watch her or listen to her.

  58. Anonymous3:08 AM

    UPDATE - Breaking News:

    Palin girls are fighting each other over scarves. Since Willow has been putting on weight, she has decided to wear scarves like her heavy sister Bristol and it turns out that there are not enough scarves in Wasilla to cover their ever growing tummies.

  59. Anonymous5:21 AM

    ..."If you are a dyke, no problem. But I am referring the derogatory manner in which the term is normally used. You can still be feminine and heterosexual, well-educated and polite and still enjoy a great motorcycle."

    And you can be feminine, and a Lesbian, and enjoy a great motorcycle. You seem to be stereotyping yourself. I took no offense to Grypen's post, in the context that he used it.

  60. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Andrew Sullivan has an interesting post on how two neocons reacted to this interview. The big shots in the Republican Party are realizing the tremendous threat Palin represents. She really over-reacted to the Krauthammer quote (as she always does), and was mean and nasty (as she always is) to a very influential person, and someone naturally inclined to be on her side. Though she says she hasn't made up her mind, I'm convinced she's running, and that she'll bring the Republican Party down in flames.

  61. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Could not watch the whole video clip interview and have not watched full episodes of SP's Alaska (it's just the SP show, as actually focusing on Alaska would take attention away from her), but did manage to see part of the caribou hunting episode (getting to camp to her dad loading her gun for her). I say BS on promoting Alaska and Alaska's natural resources as she mentioned in the clip. Unless it was mentioned in a part of that episode which I missed, I understand the Kavik River camp and the remote camp was a matter of miles away from ANWR. So why didn't she take the opportunity to discuss ANWR, the 1002 area and the issues of opening it up for oil and gas exploration [which I oppose by the way], the various migratory herds in ANWR and, what is really interesting, the city/town of Kaktovik in ANWR and its history. These topics can be discussed in an objective and non-partisan matter. Nope, the state of Alaska is competition for attention. Ditto re: its resources.

    Ditto the request for transcripts as I can only listen to so much (can someone volunteer?). She just insults and tries to demean every possible group, well, except "rill Amerikuns". Guess the 'bots just can't figure out that the perpetual meanness is not very Christian.

    Thanks for what you do, and belated congrats on the BBC interview and the SP enemies list (you have a lot of company there!)

  62. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I think Willow's pregnancy will be the nail in the coffin for Sarah's presidential ambitions. Even the RWNJ's are gonna have a hard time explaining that one.

  63. Anonymous6:50 AM

    You know how it is revealed that Todd is the production manager, director, set director and his job includes telling Sarah how awesome she sounds and looks?

    They really need to gay up their help because that backdrop is cold and inhospitable to the eyes. Plus, that wall color matched to closely to with Sarah's puke green jacket - making her look green also too.

    As to what she says? I won't listen anymore. My PDS is reaching a milestone just in time to beat my new year's resolution to not consume Sarah Palin 24/7.

    Who says an unReal American can't progress?

  64. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I am with Lady Rose and Lynne. This blog is the first thing I check in the morning and the last thing I check at night. Pretty pathetic,I know. The bad news every day is overwhelming and I guess the "Fall of Palin" is the sign I am looking for that the era of crazy is ending and reason will prevail. I want my country back, too.

  65. In her defense (gah!!!! I hate to say this, but I must be fair!)

    "Strategery" was part of an SNL skit satirizing GW Bush and his penchant for mispronouncing words.

    I think she was doing it to be adorable, frankly---but honestly, this one was more than mere stupidity.


  66. Anonymous8:58 AM

    When SP says "Why bless his heart" regarding Krauthammer, she is putting him down. It's a "ladylike/Christian" insult someone uses when they don't want to come out and criticize someone. She in effect is saying she pities him. Southern women will understand this. She has used it a few times.

  67. Anonymous1:45 PM

    If Willow is pregnant it wouldn't be a surpise under the circumstances. She has very little parental supervision and her sister has basically become a wealthy, TV personality (somewhat) merely by having a baby.

    What teenage sister wouldn't be filled with jealously over the attention Bristol is getting and want the same for herself? It's a pretty clear message of getting pregnant equals road to riches in any teen's eyes, and that's the danger of promoting Bristol, who has accomplished nothing to have her popularity.

  68. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Funny Sarah acts like a man. Her type of feminism must be emasculating because Todd is just a bitch just like Sarah's old 'buddy' Brad Hanson.

  69. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Sarah Palin is so dumb she think she can cure Wikileaks with Depends. God, Save us from this stupid woman.


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