Thursday, December 09, 2010

Brief clip of Barbara Walters interviewing Sarah Palin, and her ventriloquist dummy husband, about the Teabaggers and Bristol's success on DWTS.

(Palin interview starts at the 1:33 mark.)

That is just insulting to the television audience.  Palin knows full well that nobody had to individually call the Teabaggers, They responded to the websites that encouraged them to vote for Bristol and then gave out information to help them cheat more effectively.

Palin knows EXACTLY how that worked, and decides to hide behind feigned ignorance when confronted on camera. And then she has Todd, who has now been reduced to the role of one of those teacup chihuahuas that wealthy women tote around in their handbags, to echo back whatever mooseshit that falls from her lipsticked mouth in order to earn his room and board. ("See Barbara?  I am not lying as proven by my emotionally abused husband who is completely dependant on my good graces.")

 From the Washington Post:

While Palin may not have called every tea party in America, The Washington Post did -- although not specifically to discuss Bristol Palin. A months-long survey of the nation's tea party groups showed that only 14 percent identified Palin as the tea party's leader, while 7 percent identified Glenn Beck. A third of the groups identified "no one" as the movement's leader. So, whether Palin called every tea party group or not, she still has strong support within the movement.

Also, a Washington Post-ABC News poll, found that, at the time, 54 percent of Americans thought that Bristol advanced on Dancing with the Stars due to large-scale voting by viewers who support her mother. Only 14 percent thought it was because she was one of the best dancers on the show. Twenty-six percent of respondents had no opinion on the matter.

A conservative blogger also claimed credit for the massive voter turnout in favor of Bristol, saying he orchestrated the fracas to get back at Democrats for years of voter fraud at the polls.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM does appear to have an issue!! if you go to the site, you get "The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved."

    I don't think this is a DoS attack that Operation payback is doing, they do not mention Palin as a target on any of their communications, and a SERVER UNAVAILABLE message is usually displayed on DoS attacks. This could just be her own great IT folks updating her page

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Totally off the subject...I just watched this weeks "Sarah sees Alaska for the first time" and did anyone else notice Chuck keeps calling his daughter Sarah Palin??? Weird!

  3. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm going to dismiss the whole idea that the tea partiers scammed the DTWS system, because, really, how could I have phoned each one of them individually to request they support Bristol???? And if I didn't call them, how could they have come up with the idea? Puke, puke, blah, blah, blah, yes, you're right, I haven't stopped lying and scamming through my teeth.

  4. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Nice that Toad dressed up for the interview!! Bristol has the best work ethic of any young person she knows? Must not know too many. What a fraud she is. Imagine these bozos in the WH, representing the US. Was Toad having a bad hair day, that he had to wear that cap?

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    With that red hat on Tawd looks a little like Forrest Gump in this interview. And why should he have to sit on the chair arm? They couldn't get another chair for him? Sheesh!

    I also thought he looked like he's been ill---he looks thin. Maybe he's worrying himself sick about something? hmm....

  6. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Barbara Walters is as bad as Palin

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Walter's has become the "John McCain of Journalism"...her credibility is forever tarnished because of Palin. She's been snookered by the grifter, and she looks like a fool now.

  8. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Way funny.

    Like the Sowah and Toad dismiss the idea that the tea freaks didn't push thier untalented preggo kid to the finals, because they could not of called every tea freak!

    White Brisket is the present White Precious of a couple decades ago.

  9. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Gryphen, You are perceptive and I fully understand and have witnessed a relationship in which the spouse MUST only reflect back, parrot and be the "dummy" to repat what the dominating abusive spouse says. No matter how big a lie, confabulation to pathalogical fiction for there is only one voice allowed, one person controlling the script and personal fiction.

    I do question if it is premature given this short clip to identify Todd's subserviance to act as Echo to Narcissus.

    Another thing I note is the intentional dressing down of Todd literally clothed as if he fell off the back of a pick up truck in contrast to Sarah's outfit, hair, nails and makeup. What is up with the teenage phase of wearing a ball cap indoors. At least Todd did not use a sharpie on his hat.

    Honestly I do not want a spouse of a VP or other elected job who is uneducated yet seeks to be a bully flying monkey behind the scenes and can't be bothered to wear appropriate attire. It demonstrates a lack of class and poor taste and even an attitude of disrergard and arrogance. Especially when the female is going glam and often rocking the biker chick stripper shoe classlessness.

    It becomes more and more obvious why the RNC needed to have a stylist and to
    clothe the Palins. Hoodies and chunky high heel patent sandals, baseball caps would not have flown at the RNC nor camo jackets over a dress. Bristol spoke of a designer wedding gown and the guys in camo..just saying this family is not an image to represent our country. I can't forget the race track attire images with enhanced breasts and the exucuses either.

  10. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Wouldn't it be fun to have a TV special interviewing a bunch of the 13 percent who actually thought Bristol was one of the better dancers? Oh, lordie, that would be interesting.

  11. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Where IS Bristol???

    Shouldn't she be a part of this "interview"?

  12. Anonymous7:13 AM

    hey Wapo, you mean alleged voter fraud.

  13. Two Blue Jays7:15 AM

    I thought there was a comment on an IM post weeks ago that Todd had contracted a serious STD and it was starting to affect his appearance. The commenter implied that it was HIV. I have read other comments that suggested that Todd is gay. If he is, and if he has HIV, I would imagine that his closet is a sad and unhappy place to be. I can't imagine any sympathy or support coming from anyone in his gay-bashing family or church.

  14. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Todd speaks? Remember the campaign, not once did I see Todd speak; whereas all the other politicians' wives (including McCain's) were constantly giving interviews and speeches.

    Hey Todd, how did/does it feel to be muzzled by your wife? As Palin often states, limp..., no cojones, etc. applies to you! HA, HA, HA, HA

  15. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Anon 6:42 Whoa, please do not insult Forest Gump for he was honest and his mother instilled values in him:)

    I agree SP must not know many kids if hard work is exeplified by Bristol being "the best". If they say so, it must be true. Disagreeing will be awarded with the label of "hater" lol.

  16. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I totally agree with Anon 7:01. Barbara Walters has become a joke. I couldn't bring myself to watch this clip, but saw Barbara on GMA this morning and in the clip they showed, Barbara addresses Palin as "Governor" - WTF? She also asks her again about what she reads. Of course, Palin has a prepared answer and lists a bunch of things she supposedly reads, then ends it with how she reads anything and everything she can get her hands on, as she has done since she was a little girl. Yea, right. Barf.

  17. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I try not to click on stories about SP on other sites but this one is pretty funny....

  18. Anonymous7:53 AM

    It is obvious by Sarah's body language that she is lying. She's shaking her head vigorously as she denies knowledge of a vote fix for DWTS.

    That comment by Two Blue Jays is disturbing because, if true, Todd will indeed be suffering on all levels and even though I do not respect either them, none of us want him to suffer that kind of ordeal. After all, just being married to someone as wrapped up in herself as Sarah is must be hell in and of itself.

    I had not heard that rumor, and I hope it is not true. Maybe Todd is just on the same Red Bull and Crunch Wrap diet that Sarah is said to prefer. He did not look well though. Perhaps he isn't getting outside as much as he used to and that might also account for his paleness (or Sarah could be sucking his lifeblood out of him).

  19. Anonymous7:54 AM

    While that post above is rather sensational, I will say Todd does not look well in this interview. He didn't look well in his appearance on DWTS when Bristol was rehearsing in AK, either. He has lost weight. For whatever reason.

    I want to see a picture of Bristol from this week! Bristol, Bristol, Bristol (fist pounding on table)!

    Btw, another theme of Sarah's stupid show is "work ethic". She just hammers that home almost every other sentence.

    Very interesting, being that they earn their living in so many half-assed ways.

  20. Anonymous7:56 AM

    PS One doesn't have to engage in gay sex to contract HIV, not that I would care whether Todd were gay.

  21. Anonymous7:56 AM

    My wife had this interview on (or maybe it was a snippet shown on one of the "entertainment" news shows) and it caused me to hear the part where Barbara asks Palin if she could beat Obama in the next presidential election.

    Her reply had me instantly feeling a sour taste in my mouth, and thinking, "That woman has the biggest ego in the universe."

    I'll bet if Babs had asked her if she could FLY, she'd have quickly replied, "Of COURSE!"

    Like the insane course the lives of Elvis and Michael Jackson took, believing there was some substance behind all the praise and adulation everyone around them heaped upon them, Palin has gone from ignored bimbo, to this weird "political celebrity" very quickly, and is spinning out of control--unable to distinguish reality from phony hype.

    You sycophants who enable her erratic behavior are mostly at fault, by the way. If lots of people treated ME like some sort of "god" like that, I'm sure I, too, would morph into an egotistical maniac.

  22. AKRNC8:00 AM

    Hey Sarah, your arms are not toned so stop trying to look like Michelle Obama. She's always so obvious in whatever she says or does. BTW, Todd really looks like hell during that interview. How ignorant to appear on TV looking like a bum. They are totally w/o any class. It's one thing to dress casually for day to day duties but to go on a television special with a hat on your head because you probably didn't bother to take a shower prior to Barbara Walters showing up, indicates that you think you're better than anyone else and can do whatever you like without fear of reprisal. How's that working out for you, Sarah? So far you've been revealed to lie constantly, just as you're pretending to know nothing about the TP'ers voting for Bristol. Damn, you tweeted about voting for Bristol more times than I can count. Your loyal cult followers might be gullible and naive but the rest of this country is not.

  23. Anonymous8:00 AM

    This makes it sound like she's ordering carryout!

    Palin: "I'll get five caribou and do I need a sheep no a moose..."

    Thanks to the production team’s diligence, here’s proof that Sarah had all her paperwork in order with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The entire episode was recorded September 1-5, 2010. This video was recorded on September 2, 2010, and the permits purchased were valid September 3-4, 2010, because of the no fly and hunt rule. Sarah shot her caribou on September 4, 2010.

  24. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Two Blue Jays, that is a really serious allegation about Todd. There's a lot of stuff to be said about how the Palins conduct themselves but speculating about that seems a little out of bounds to me, speculating about an HIV status. A lot of rumors have truth to them but something like that is really serious with terrible ramifications for everyone around him, whether it was true or not.

  25. Accidental Tourist8:06 AM

    I am sick to see that Barbara Walters would spend the end of her career in this drivel. She could be doing something worthwhile. Like highlighting serious problems as the more conscientious are busy doing. No wonder I never watch ABC anymore! I'd prefer to see a young start up, like Mercede Johnston, taking over for the useless. Bristol should have been there to prove she is not a wimp and to speak up for herself if she wants us to believe the happy united family moose crap. That family does everything assbackward and half ass. Now they are taking Walters to their level at a time she should be shining in her past accomplishments. This is how the young will remember her now? Sad.

  26. Anonymous8:08 AM

    They are not just updating her page-pretty sure they will scrub her pages too.

  27. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Todd is ill, pre-existing condition. He is lucky he qualified as native. When it gets bad enough they will probably say it is another disease and make a martyr out of him. Red is for Republican and energy. He should wear green for healing.

    Where is Bristol now?

  28. johnie2xs8:17 AM

    ["A conservative blogger also claimed credit for the massive voter turnout in favor of Bristol, saying he orchestrated the fracas to get back at Democrats for years of voter fraud at the polls."]

    Facts, facts, facts, where are your god-damned facts????????????


  29. Anonymous8:19 AM

    For a supposedly sharp minded interviewer, Barbara Walters is a pretty dim bulb. Maybe she's getting senile or something, but she has been exceptionally soft on Mrs. Todd Palin.


  30. Anonymous8:22 AM

    7:15 That is really over the line.

    I see you posted the links so that the truthiness of this may be verified-NOT.

    Of course the next time you post an allegation like this you can link back to your previous comment.

    Given all the true and reasonably suspected issues there are; posting something like you just posted that really smells like a troll. It smells like a troll trying to discredit everything posted here with
    disreputable bullshit speculation.

  31. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Thank gawd Walters shows are on tonight in that that bitch has pimped her shows so much - she too has shown herself to be a whore. No mattter what you turn on there is WaWa pimping her show including clips and talk of Palin. WaWa must have her head up Palin's ass she's so desperate for interviews. Somebody tank those bitches.

    FYI - Palin is on the cover of TIME this week. They too are desperate for interviews and buying into the BS Palin spews. Confirmation MSM is tanked!

  32. Yes, Bawbwa insulted me. As she admitted, there's going to be more of her on ABC than I care to see...which is nothing. I'll check IM to see if Palin was asked any real questions.

    Todd = teacup chihuahua!!! Funny.

    Bristol's work ethic -- anyone whose work ethic has to be fueled by a desire to one-up another or to show off for a perceived enemy doesn't have a clue. She has a strong work ethic like she has thick skin.

  33. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Whatever "pre-existing condition" means. Pre- what? And why would they have to call it something else?

    It is rather odd he would find it appropriate to wear a baseball cap or whatever that is for a television interview of such potentially high exposure. Is he covering something up?

    Somewhat strange.

    I realize I have just been guilty of it, but I do agree with others that to speculate on something like this is iffy. Todd's altered appearance is something new, however.

  34. Love Joy Behar's face right after the Palin clip ended. She looked like she just threw up in her mouth a little.

  35. Anonymous8:34 AM

    So Sarah is fucking stupid or she is pretending to be fucking stupid. Which one is it?

    Based on her entire family being fucking stupid, I'm kinda leaning towards Sarah is fucking stupid.

    When you consider Sarah is playing to her fan base, I'm also leaning towards Sarah is pretending to be fucking stupid.

    Either way Sarah, her family and her fan base is fucking stupid.

    I hope they all choke on caribou.

  36. Anonymous8:34 AM

    For the love of God, why is Todd wearing a baseball cap inside, during an interview on national tv with Barbara Walters? I agree that his appearance is disrespectful, atrocious and uncouth. And, how come he isn't sitting in his own chair? Come on Barbara... it looks ridiculous.

    If Todd is really ill he should have stayed out of the interview. But just like Sarah and Bristol he may be "trying to hide it". Just how insane are these people??

  37. Karen Y.8:34 AM

    "I also thought he looked like he's been ill---he looks thin."

    PLEASE! Don't mention Toad's squirly womanish voice or that he looks frail. He must be wearing a gallon of make up. 'Sarah Palin' will have to go on one of those "have you seen Todd?" tirades, as if he is a strong sex object. The truth is that speed kills and even if you can get off the meth you are left with it's residue. Some of the problems won't go a way.

    It is strange that both parents are thin while some of the children are going the opposite way. That family has serious food and eating issues. That would have made a better show. Take on Michelle Obama and her stand about nutrition. No one wants to see or hear anymore about the Bristol myth. It is time to deal with reality and real issues. Barbara is not even entertaining.

  38. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "Anonymous 6:35 AM said...
    Totally off the subject...I just watched this weeks "Sarah sees Alaska for the first time" and did anyone else notice Chuck keeps calling his daughter Sarah Palin??? Weird!"

    Hey Anony 6:35, maybe Chuckie is too ashamed to admit that Sarah Palin used to be Sarah Heath and he is responsible for spewing his demon seed which resulted in this uneducated twit.

  39. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Bristol has the best work ethic of any young person she knows?

    OKAYYYY, that is why Bristol was Wasilla High's valedictorian and received numerous scholarships to attend the same school as President Obama did.

    Or were they talking about Bristol's getting pregnant work ethics? They really need to clarify themselves.

  40. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Re: Todd's looks. My sister married into a conservative religious family. Turns out Dad was gay, had rent boys to hide it and got HIV, gave it to the mother and they both died. This was years ago, they might have lived now...

    But, the most unlikely family for this to happen to. They are still in denial. Daughter thinks Mom was cold and the only sex Dad could find was gay, which is NUTS of course.

    Point: You never know.

  41. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Anonymous 7:08 AM said...
    Where IS Bristol???
    Shouldn't she be a part of this "interview"?

    Bristol is too busy in the woods squatting with a stick in her mouth trying to deliver her third bast, I mean baby. The Palins are too embarassed to go to a hospital.

  42. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Do they both have Rosacea or is it the tanning salon?

  43. Anonymous8:50 AM

    "Bristol has the best work ethic of any young person she knows?"

    Were they talking about Bristol's work ethics at the dining table? In that case Bristol needs to slow down and not work so hard (if you ask me).

  44. Anonymous8:53 AM

    As other commenters have said, Todd does not look well. Maybe the hat covers thinning hair or hair loss?

    Sarah will NOT help Todd (if he needs it) because Narcissists don't take care of others, they demand that other people take care of them. For example, she couldn't even do the interview by herself, she needed support/help from Todd's presence.

    I am thunderstruck by Todd's appearance and hope he is doing okay.

  45. Bristol's Paunch8:55 AM

    Todd looks and sounds extremely feminine.
    Just sayin'.

  46. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Who is stupid? Why is Sarah Palin fucking him?

  47. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "For the love of God, why is Todd wearing a baseball cap inside, during an interview on national tv with Barbara Walters?"

    Men do that when they start to go bald. No one believed me when I first said that Bristol was not innocent or that nice, sweet kid from Wasilla. No one can believe what is going on with Todd now. Just hang in there folks.

  48. Anonymous9:10 AM

    See what I mean about the attacks - whenever someone cries "troll" on here, invariably it is about a posting that has some detailed gossip - founded or undocumented, doesn't matter.

    I say anyone crying "troll" is actually a troll themselves!

    (Sarah, Todd, Bristol, Rebecca hello?)

    It's a predictable pattern if you watch - tells me the posts perhaps have a grain of truth and these Palinbots are getting scared.

    The rest of us just don't care that much about trolls I think, particularly since none of us know who any of us are anyway. It's a futile effort to try to keep track of this.

    Just keep the critical faculties going and the bs radar up, but take it all in people, so we don't miss something...

    Look closely at the posts folks are crying "troll" on; file them away because we might need them later on to connect the dots.

  49. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Wow, Todd does look bad. He reminds me of a couple people I know who have Hep C., skinny and jaundiced looking.

    But maybe Sarah is slipping him a little arsenic in his coffeee to get rid of his reportedly cheating ass without a divorce. She can't divorce him since Gryphen outed them. Her pride would never let Gryphen be right.


  50. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Re: Todd wearing a baseball cap and looking scruffy vs Sarahs' look for the interview. Perhaps it's his passive aggressive way of dealing with a controlling narcissist? He may consent to do a tv interview for her but by god he isn't going to dress up or contribute anything but echo what she says. He may be growing very weary of her BS.

  51. Anonymous9:21 AM

    BaBa WaWa has been a hack for so long maybe a chair in some waiting room somewhere will fall over when she leaves but that's about it...

    Hacks interviewing hacks?? What good is that?? Just more hackery !!!

  52. Kelli9:25 AM

    7:15 AM

    I don't know about the STD. Back in the day Todd Palin was a star at the Tesoro Iron Dog when methamphetamines ruled Wasilla. You can read about how he pushed beyond what is normal for any human. Sarah would brag how he never slept. I don't know which disease he has or how he got it. If you know about the the races, Todd's past or methamphetamine you might think he contacted something in ways other than sex. That may be part of it. Who knows?

    In any event the Palin's health and diets do matter at this point. If he is showing signs of deterioration and they are thinking he will be the First Dude, his health must be front and center and thoroughly discussed until the lame-stream media gets on the ball. To quote Bristol, Walters "sucks" and I hope everyone lets her know all the ways that is true.

  53. Anonymous9:41 AM

    "Greatest work ethic of any teen I know." You have got to be kidding me! What jobs has she had other than a short stint in some doctor's office?

  54. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I saw Sarah on a Fox show with a ridiculous little black sleeveless dress a la Ann Coulter. It sure beats those shapeless oversize t-shirts she wears on the beach, and those 70's era running shorts, but it is still not the right look for her.

    She's trying to adopt Ann's image of conservative-cougar-with-smarts. Ann can't pull it off, neither can Sarah.

  55. TO 8:22 AM_ 7:15 That is really over the line. _

    7:15 brings up an important matter. Many rumors have truth and they serve to start the questioning. The Palins are doing this media performance for their political aspirations. It is not a time for them to keep hiding things. The public deserves transparency.

    Track's anger is noticeable, Willow's homophobic and gangster style is visible, we can all see that Trig is not in glasses or the aids that he needs, Piper is nine and in the body of a twelve year old, what was seen of Bristol is just HUGE! Without bringing up Sarah the family has psychological, diet and heath issues that must be scruntized. When they want that to end they will address and answer questions and show that they are taking care of everything.

    Betty Ford was addicted to alcohol and drugs. She didn't keep hiding. She accomplished great things when she faced the truth. That is what the entire family must do with all their issues. If not is is going to only be more of what you call "over the line." Much more and much worse is in store for them all until they each have their Jimmy Swaggart moment.

  56. Anonymous9:46 AM

    There they go again, pushing that bullshit narrative about how shy, sweet and reserved their brilliant little introvert Gristle is and how she surprised them all by agreeing to do the show - to again, show off her work ethic and prove that hard working single mom's in their second trimester can slut it up on the dance floor with minimal effort.

    Bristol put in as much homework on learning her lines for her Teen Mommy cameo on that show as she did with her performances on the DWTS. As much homework as her mother has done on learning any issue in the history of the world and this great exceptional christian nation under God, including what exactly does a Vice President does? Amen.

    They have to keep repeating it, so that their low-brow followers can recite it by wrote when caught on camera or trolling the blogs.

  57. Anonymous9:48 AM

    OK, so I watched it with the sound off, as I have been doing with all Palin clips lately. Anyway, Toad looks like the gay friend of the Atlanta Housewives...the way he is sitting and holding his body up looks just like that gay guy .....what is his name?? Darryl?? That is the most bizarre seating arrangement I have ever encountered. Ridiculous.

  58. Anonymous9:55 AM

    @8:17 AM
    Where are the facts? You idiot it was all over the #teabag #DWTS and what ever other stupid ones they have Orca? Tammy Bruce telling them all to vote for brisket, complete w/phone info.
    As for Toad, I don't give a crap what he has, whatever it is its Karma, and snowflake snookie is next!

  59. Anonymous10:09 AM

    After reading the comments of Todd looking sick, I watched the video. At about 1:51, his face is visible, and he looks very gaunt and pale. He has completely lost the rugged, outdoorsy look he used to have. If someone can do a screen capture of his face in the video compared to earlier photos, there will be a stark contrast.
    What is wrong with him? I am so glad that he has access to socialized medicine!!

  60. emrysa10:10 AM

    so, ya think "todd's health" will be her excuse for not running for president?

    that's probably the only reason that the bots will accept. they'll think she's a saint, so concerned about todd and not wanting to put him through that.

    he looks bad. but it also appears that he's missing a lot of his beard. maybe he always looks that bad without his facial hair. given that they're both a couple of cons I wouldn't put it past them to be staging something.

  61. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I get the distinct impression that some Wasilla insiders are trying to tell us that it is likely that Todd did meth during his races, and there are health complications or ongoing use. Unbelievable. I am starting to see why the woman who discovered the truth about the Palins couldn't bear to be involved any more. I feel that once all is revealed, we will all feel relieved but also pity this whole family.

  62. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Notice how she doesn't say no when asked if she would do DWTS?

    Blind Gossip, 11/19

    There’s some controversy on a popular reality show right now about whether or not politics may be influencing the results. Now there is a very, very famous political figure who wants to be on a popular reality show so badly that they are in discussion with producers and network executives about the possibility of doing so. While the politico’s participation would absolutely send ratings through the roof, the execs are debating whether or not the show would then become more about politics than entertainment. As incentive for the execs to swing their way, the politico has offered to pay them a cool million to participate.

    Blind Gossip guesses Bill Clinton for the item but based on the Walters interview I think it's Palin.

  63. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Now CNN is reporting that Sarah Palin was hacked. ?????? Thought they checked facts first before reporting


  64. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Talk about over the line--- are they so desperate as to brand their hopeful 'First Lady' as a man?

    Kate Plus Eight (Plus Todd Palin?)

    Even if it is true that Kate hankers for a "hunk" like Todd Palin it is well known she whines about her lonely bed and loneliness has blinded her. TLC will do anything to promote their awful shows and appeal to the baser qualities of the right wing base. Each scheme exposes them as neglecting what they are doing to the poor children that have no choice but are now reality show stars. When I see Kate's cubs I think of the The Dionne quintuplets A Depression era freak show

    At the expense of children TLC is capitalizing in a similar manner. Do they really need to go deeper in the gutter with this about Kate being so delusional that she craves a sick looking man? No they don't mention his puny look, it is all about fantasy and child neglect.

  65. send money10:38 AM

    Todd may be in treatment for cancer. He could be the next Elizabeth Edwards if they play their cards right.

  66. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Todd couldn't have is own chair? How sad :(

  67. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Remember that Bristol was always the frontrunner on dialidol, a system that was pretty darn accurate in determining the week's loser. It nailed it every time except when Flo was voted off. Try again

  68. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Remember the campaign, not once did I see Todd speak


    Todd gave a couple speeches and interviews.

  69. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The only thing I can think of that would cause Todd to lose weight is training for the irondog. The whole family did gain a bit of weight this summer while filming. (Look at willow in the first episde then in the second, which was filmed in august)

    in dwts backstage photos, Todd didn't look as skinny

  70. Anonymous11:01 AM

    " Only 14 percent thought it was because she was one of the best dancer"
    that many ????

  71. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Todd certainly doesnt appear as strapping as he does when he has facial hair. isnt it better to run the irondog (with electrical/duct tape) without the excess hair?

  72. Anonymous11:05 AM

    to 941, BRistol worked at clothing stores and coffee shops throughout high school, as well as fished and desired to work on the cruise

  73. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I am the anon at 7:15

    I don't intend to argue this, but here is why I questioned what was said by others, not just 7:15.

    First, this what I think of Sarah and her family:

    Sarah Palin couldn't even run the City Of Wasilla with the help of a city manager who had to be hired to do her job. She did worse than nothing- she screwed up the things she did. Build on a site not yet owned by the city and so on.

    As a Governor she was a failure until she quit.

    Her whole family is being used to sell her and her schemes to the nation. She and they are both users of her supporters, and tools of others.

    I am not religious- but thank god she is not now either the Vice President or the President. As bad as things are now, they would have been much worse.

    That said, I am old enough to remember what it was like before AIDS. I remember when little was known or understood about AIDS. People were scared, and did and said terrible things.

    People were in some cases falsely accused accused of either being at risk ( before it was proven that everyone can do risky things- not just teh gay)or having AIDS. People were also accused of spreading the disease on drinking fountains and door knobs. That was what it was like.

    Sometimes these things were said
    because of ignorance. Other times it was because of sheer hatred of those that were 'different' in some real or perceived way.

    People I knew died.

    In one case a young man was buried with no services, because his parents couldn't sort out which of his friends were gay- and in their eyes responsible for their son's death. To prevent being around 'gays' and so that supposedly none of their friends would know what happened to their son- they disappeared him.

    That is why I reacted negatively to allegations such as I commented on. I do remember how some holier than thou folks died because they led a lifestyle of denial. That doesn't make it any more suitable to post rumors like these here IMO. I question whether it should be posted as a fact if it were a fact.

    I don't know if there is any truth to the supposed rumors, that is something I would not wish to be true for anyone.

  74. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Bristol will be in Houston in a week for Mark's Burn the Floor show. Mark said on twitter he should be seeing her soon and earlier he said she wants to see the show.

  75. Anonymous11:37 AM

    If the Palin handlers are serious about her running for office Todd will need to do more than a few speeches. He needs to start practicing and go before the public like YESTERDAY. He doesn't screech but he is pathetic at public speaking. He comes off as weak. His girly side shows, that is why very few speeches. Were there as many as two? I know of only one. When are they going to pump him up as a great orator? They need to get going.

    I don't think anyone has been able to communicate to Sarah what a VP does? Will she ever learn about First Families and what the First Spouse does? If so when will she prove that she has a clue?


    8:05 AM

    When people lose weight rapidly and start to look like Todd, THAT IS SERIOUS. Commenting on rumors, not so serious. What matters is they are comparing him to Michelle Obama and he can't even give a decent speech. He makes no bones about caring for the children when the mother is off ruling the world or what it is she thinks she does. He needs to be an example like a worthy opponent for the job they might be vying for or he needs to take a shit or get off the pot.

  77. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I am going with Todd has early balding and his daughters all steal his cookies. The voice is how he was born or something happened at a critical time in his life. He didn't fully develop after puberty. It is critical to discuss and learn the facts if he thinks his wife will be running for President of our great country. These idiots have had plenty of time to get their act together and look at them all. They only get worse. Who are the dumb puppet masters behind this? Expose them all.

    You gotta love that line "Greatest work ethic of any teen I know." Too funny. Bristol worked as a barista for how long? She wanted to work on cruise ship like any 5 year old. What a work history! She was working so much and so hard during school years. No wonder she is a drop out and her mother had to pay people so she could pass her GED to get that cover spread about graduating.

  78. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "Bristol will be in Houston in a week for Mark's Burn the Floor show. Mark said on twitter he should be seeing her soon and earlier he said she wants to see the show."

    Will it be like Rum Runners where no one can see Bristol?

  79. The Palins want to be the First Family of an entire country. Not merely the 14% of the craziest loon cult. They want to be the executive branch of an entire country! Why can't some people understand that? What is wrong with their
    publicists and why don't they fire them? They are THE WORST PUBLICISTS THE WORLD
    A week is an eternity in the game they are trying to play. They must get out in front of all that is coming out, it is already too late for Bristol. She could weigh in at 100 pounds next week and it won't matter. Her parents were doing damage control (a little late) about Bristol with Barbara Walters and Kate Goselin has to do damage control about Todd's illness look. Bristol hiding for another week is not going to help. That is a very bad move on the Palins part.
    Even if Bristol can show up svelte, or like she did in the earlier photo in Phoenix with the other beauty and dancer. So what? It all looks like smoke and mirrors and doesn't change this photo (look at the chins and the face). So she has an abortion and manages to work out and trim a pound or two. In another week it could be anyone of them that needs more damage control for who knows what. Their publicists have not learned to get out in front of these stories. Will Todd have to go in hiding? Will he go on the speech circuit to build up his cred? So far the publicists are failing damage control and it looks all down hill for the Palins to sell their lies.

  80. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Wow !!! Looks like Todd got himself some bad crack.... with the high effeminate voice maybe he's the one handing out the bad crack !

  81. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Todd and Sarah both get pretty defensive when someone disses their kids, as any parent would. that's what leads me to believe all this publicity stuff is 100% Bristol's doing. Sure she runs it by mom, inpart because she needs a lawyer for contract purposes, but Bristol has been pretty gungho since Tripp was born about creating the best life possible for her son. She was also pretty pissed at the Johnston's using the Palin name for their benefit and at Mercede when she sold pics of Tripp before Bristol could.

  82. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Todd does look like crap, no way is he gay, cancer treatment, maybe, more likley stress. AIDS not so much. love your work here but those sorets of rumors, along with the "no license" rumor, and telegraphing your suspicions so they can be addressed before you get proof "in the can," is self -defeating. I know it's fun but this lady and her family are seriously um...ill, as sarah would say. be serious about exposing her...that is all. thanks.

  83. Anonymous1:14 PM

    What are you talking about, rum runners? People did see Bristol. Shes in several pictures. No controversy. She attendedher dance partner's gig with her cousins, they ate nachos, fries and drank water. They all mocked the press on facebook for like a week over nachogate.

  84. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Who's comparing his to Michelle? The first spouses will always be compared to each other. It's not exactly right but it will always happen. What's your point? They are different people with different strengths.

  85. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I still think whoever is insinuating an STD or AIDS is way over the line.

    I'm not at all saying that Todd's off-limits to be questioned or anything like that. I agree with everyone that he definitely looks sick and the outfit chosen for the interview is certainly questionable.

    There's a lot of things that can be wrong with a person to cause rapidly and visibly declining health, though. Unless there's some tangible rumors going around (and in that case please post a URL link to back it up) let's not all jump to "OMG TODD AIDS".

    Let's try to be classier than Sarah, Bristol and Willow at least.

  86. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I remember the 80s. ALL of my close friends died within 2 years of each other in the mid 80s. ALL OF THEM. So that is why I don't appreciate random speculation on the topic. Todd is no doubt training for the irondog. He barely has facial hair in the video clip. He has always had a bit of a babyface. The same week (or perhaps just a day or two apart to this BW interview), he was looking healthy and happy at dwts and in post show pictures.

  87. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Really guys? People cannot control how their voice develops. Believe me, I wish we could. My voice could beat Sarah's screech any day but I don't apologize for it and people don't criticize me because of it. II've been told I sound like a 5 yr old boy. I'm a 31 yr old woman. On the phone, he sounds COMPLETELY different btw

  88. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I still think Sarah was sexually abused somewhere down the line. College? Maybe but Ive always suspected early on

  89. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Why does Todd look so bad?
    He looks like a cancer patient.

  90. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I have to agree with all the comments about Toad not looking healthy...must be the Bailey's or Red Bull or maybe Sarah is slowly poisoning him so she doesn't have to give him the millions she promised him.

  91. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Todd looks terrible, maybe they were starving
    before she went & got that $40,000 caribou.

  92. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The view of Todd is SHOCKING!!

    What is wrong with him? That man has to be sick. Cancer??

    And ditzy doo is full of it. What a complete phony she is....

  93. Anonymous3:58 PM


    Are you worried about the rumour that Todd has an illness??

    When you all jump over here, we know that something is really getting to you.

    Gryphen, what do you say about the gay issue (question) from all your sources ? Have you mentioned it before??

  94. Anonymous4:40 PM

    1:14 PM Anonymous

    "Shes in several pictures."

    I forgot about the Palin enemy list. They really are scared and had to censor a newbie, Bryan Dunagan. If there are "several pictures" like you said, at RumRunners, please do link. If no more pictures or links ignore this, we are on to your games. Where are all the pictures she took with the friends, those cousins that are not on the Palin enemy list?

    The Palin friends at TMZ posted one nacho picture to get out the bogus story about a state investigation of a Palin. It was just more manipulation in the media for the Palins benefit. Look, see the state will go after them (when they already knew she wasn't the one drinking). It almost looks like Harvey TMZ Levin is treating Bristol harsh with the fake news and ugly pig out picture.

    Bristol, cousins and April Morlock in Anchorage to watch Mark Ballas. btw how old is Morlock and why didn't anyone check on what she was drinking?

    It looks like a vodka red bull.

    "We tried to get some footage of Palin herself, but her handler wouldn't let us near her. We were told she doesn't care much for Alaska Dispatch. I'm not sure what the issue is -- I have been an intern for the Dispatch only three weeks now -- but her handler said something about her not liking that the Dispatch staff sometimes appear on conservative talk show host Dan Fagan's radio show on KFQD."

  95. I just hope that if something is medically with Todd, there is someone who is there for him. I doubt Sarah is capable of being there for anyone.

  96. Anonymous5:08 PM

    ....I still think whoever is insinuating an STD or AIDS is way over the line..... 1:20 PM

    Your opinion is welcomed. I definitely think it is a chronic and serious health matter and the sooner they get out with the truth the better for Sarah. I don't know it is Aids. I don't know the extent of his alcohol or drug use. All sports have a dark side and it is not unusual for participants to use steroids or any available drug enhancements. It is documented that Todd doesn't sleep much. I will try and find the link where Sarah said he sleeps like 2 hours a night. That may not be from speed. He has other characteristics that look like he could have been on something. People who play around with those things could easily use needles and they get into sexual situations that may not be their norm. There are many ways to contact Aids or Hep C.

    Now that people at ABC are helping with their political campaign everything is open for speculation. When these questions come up they need to be hashed out. The Palins are creepy people and not likely to open up about what is wrong with him. No one has to like the possibility of STD or AIDS, who would ever like that? I doubt the STD or AIDS speculations will go a way since there are no answers that make sense. And the Palins will be in denial like when other family has obvious problems. Everyone can see what
    Todd looks like. He did not look that bad last August so this is VERY RAPID. I would like to hear all the speculation about other deseases that would do that to him so fast. Perhaps there is something that makes more sense than AIDS? If it was cancer wouldn't they just open up about that and use it for sympathy?

    John Edwards wife had cancer when he was running for office and they didn't hide. Why would the Palins hide cancer?

  97. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "Todd and Sarah both get pretty defensive when someone disses their kids"

    That is why they keep them in the spotlight? So they can get defensive when someone disses their kids. How much press would Sarah get if she didn't have her kids out there? Everyone would have taken her more serious if she hadn't used props. She needs the props and it is her call. Bristol is a sweet good girl, remember? Bristol has Sarah's back, had her mother not wanted her to go on that DWTS journey Bristol's love of her mother would have kept her out of the spotlight. No doubt about that.

    "Mercede when she sold pics of Tripp before Bristol could."

    You think that is why Bristol did DWTS? What happened to the mediation she and Levi were to do? Families can work out these issues without doing one up man ship by way of TV shows or publicity.

    I think Margaret Cho is right on about Sarah and DWTS.

  98. Call her Cleopatra, because she's the queen of denial5:57 PM

    No one here wishes illness on another we want to know about a family that wants to be in the White House, the people's house. If they have a multitude of secrets we need to know. There are many topics that no one wants to talk about. At times we must grit our teeth and dig into the most unpleasant ones.

  99. Anonymous6:54 PM


    Just saw Todd on that interview and man, he really looks bad.

    I feel sorry for him :(

  100. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I watched the video of Todd and the airport altercation with "Hawk" in order to really see if he really looks very different. That video was in August.
    I just watched the interview on ABC, and although he doesn't look as thin as I thought he would from the IM clip here, he definitely looks drawn and pale and not nearly as healthy as he did in the airport clip.
    I hate to think of anyone getting terribly (fatally?) ill and I hope he isn't. He's certainly not a great father but he may be the only stable force that those unruly kids ever have.

  101. Beldor Cohnhed7:47 PM

    "ventriloquist dummy husband" C'mon Gryphen, that's just mean! Keep up the good work, dude!

  102. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Pre-Existing Conditions 8:28 am. I hope that helps.

    I feel sorry for Dick Cheney. I would never want anyone to live without a heartbeat or a pulse. He has tons of money and that will soothe his sad and end days. Whatever a person does and whoever they kill off in their quest for wealth doesn't matter at the end. I feel sorry for both Dick and Todd.

  103. Anonymous10:13 PM

    'Who's comparing his to Michelle? '


    Comparing his what to Michelle?

  104. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Anon 1:25
    On the phone, he sounds COMPLETELY different btw

    1:25 PM

    Like when he is on the phone yelling at the insurance company that they don't need no frickin birth certificate for Tri-G cause he's governor Sarah Palin's "natural born son"? lol!!!

  105. Anonymous4:02 AM

    However credible their sources, Alaska WTF has posted "suggestions" several times that Todd is gay; so have other blogs. The HIV thing was mentioned very recently and was surprising that I actually googled it. Why would this be so far-fetched? Gay married to straight? Closeted and married? Why more shocking? Because he's married to WGE? And she's "so hot" she'd turn him? Because he hunts and fishes? Whatever. As a gay man who bow hunts, goes ice fishing, and was married early in my life to "so hot", let me assure the trolls, TEH GAY is alive and well in the great outdoors, among sportsmen, athletes, and YES some of us have HIV. So take your small town Christianist prejudice and shove it. Who knows, someone you love might be gay and you don't even know it...yet.

  106. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Todd may not be gay so much as he was just caught up in a sports thing with the Iron Dog macho team. It only takes one time. Not that uncommon in high energy sports events.

    Sarah Palin is a slave to the blogs. She has to go to Haiti to look humanitarian and the far right version of Angelina Jolie. She is taking her own "fair&balanced journalist"
    Patricia: Why is Sarah Palin going with Franklin Graham as well, surely she'll be a major distraction/menace? Presumably it's another photo-op for her political aspirations and attempt to appeal to evangelical voters. Does she ever spend any time meeting the emotional needs of her own children?

    Will Todd be at her side? People can then speculate that he contacted Cholera due to the Palin love and devotion to the less fortunate. Who is their script writer?

    Quantity time with her own kids?

  107. Lois C.11:48 AM

    If they are aware that Todd has a debilitating or fatal health problem that may be why it is so important for Bristol to be strong and America's sweetheart. He was the shadow gov at one time. Not exactly the dummy puppet but the ventriloquist. It is something to consider in regard to what we are noticing with Bristol as well as Todd and Sarah.

    The Haiti trip is something that can be controled to the max. They need family humanitarinan and unity shots. It will be interesting to see the photos that Fox will produce for them. IMO Bristol had to have an abortion. If she knows her father's limitations she could be molded to do anything. She has her mother's back more than ever. Track is clearly a loser and with Todd diminished Bristol is everything to saving Sarah. She is more important than the Trig prop now. Will Willow and Piper go to Haiti?

  108. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Tawd didnt get Sarah's fancy lighting and makeup. That's why he looks so *^&#%%.

  109. Ferry Fey9:47 PM

    In talking about Bristol's great work ethic, Sarah draws attention to her merciless statement on her TV program that Willow was going through a lazy stage. It's a wonder Willow doesn't kill her as she sleeps for that.


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