Thursday, December 02, 2010

Palinman has a website! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Oh yes he does, and it is right here.

This the heading:

For The Everyday American Who Shares An
Interest In Restoring Proven Conservative Core Values

Now WHO could not find that inspiring?

But wait, there's more.

Palinman represents the everyday woman and man; an icon for all Americans who believe in the healthy principles and conservative beliefs on which our great country was founded...

These principls were structured to deliver ordinary people like us a voice in the public forum, and a system to have that voice make a difference.

Palinman is asking all fair and reasonable thinking Americans like you to join this cause and help restore those conservative ideals.

Here's to a swift return of Judeo–Christian principles, conservative core values, and a much stronger United States of America!

So according to Palinman the "everyday woman or man" dresses in their Palin inspired Underoos and stalks Caribou Barbie like a jilted lover?  Well that explains why the country is so screwed up these days!

Just listen to how excited he is about his nifty outfit.

Okay so the guy seems to be a few bricks shy of a full load.  Still he is kind of endearing in a "I think you are probably harmless but no way am I turning my back on you" kind of way.

Besides thanks to Palinman you no longer have to worry about what to get that crazed fundamentalist neo-con in your family.  Just click here and your Christmas shopping worries are over.

And THAT my friends is a shining example of just what kind of individual still supports the idea of Sarah Palin running for President.  Feel better now?


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I can't believe that. OMG. So in need of intervention....

  2. Facebook Lurker1:51 PM

    WOW, gotta get me some of those Palin garanimals matched sets for the holidays!

    Gryphen, take a look at Sarah when she gets asked an innocent question by CNN at her book signing:

    Her hair and wiglet thing she popped on her head are a mess..and she freaks out about being asked about Romney. That is one nasty bitch.

    PS, for all you fashion-philes, the Blooming Rose jacket is back, baby!
    Can someone please get Sarah a stylist?

  3. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Whoever is behind that camera is the one who has put him up to all of this. It's a money making enterprise, right? As if people are going to be flocking to buy those shirts...

    In a way this is just so fitting. Someone exploiting the "offness" of a goofy guy to advertise products, in the hope of making a buck, all courtesy of Sarah Palin and her circus. Perfect.

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    It's like staring death in the face..oh wait, that's Palin's face I'm thinking of.

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Wow, so inspiring. Another old white fart for Palin.

  6. This has GOT to be a joke.

  7. SME1311:58 PM

    Oh my............. That is truly funny and scary. He even has palin on his shoes.

    I'd bet money he has had her image added to his sheets so he can sleep with her every night. LOL

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Hello, Robert John Bardo! Let's hope Sayruh
    continues to live up to his high morals. *Snerk*

  9. Anonymous2:03 PM

    lol! The fat guy was rubbing his nose with his
    hand & tried to shake her hand with the other
    and she pretended she didn't notice him. Then
    she shook the hand of the next person! Ha!
    Snubbed by the queen!

  10. Anonymous2:12 PM


    He just needs a bigger flag behind him.

    Grape kool aid awaits this buffoon.

  11. Anonymous2:13 PM

    This guy has absolutely no life whatsoever. He must not have a female companion or wife but only dreams of his Guv and how happy she is going to make him. I'm sorry - former Half Term GINO.
    Real sad

  12. Anonymous2:17 PM

    That CNN clip is unfuckingbelievable.

    So professional, Sarah. Why does she start to stand up when she's asked a question by legitimate journalists? She's THAT agitated! Her helpers look like they're gonna shit their pants because they know they'll be the ones who'll get in trouble for the cameras having been there. The hand over the camera is beyond belief.

    On the other hand, great to see the Tournament of Roses jacket again, and rat's nest hair on Sarah. Shades of last year's book tour. Looks like the recent spate of bad publicity is getting to her..... LOL.

  13. Forever Anonymous2:27 PM

    Well, there was an Obamagirl so I'm sure Sarah wanted this poser to show up at her events to create a buzz.

    I see nothing genuine on this poser.

  14. MC30312:28 PM


    This is just laughably sad. Poor dude.

  15. Anonymous2:32 PM

    FL @ 1:51 - that's priceless. She couldn't even handle that simple encounter!!!!!!! See, people? See how incompetent she is? She acted pissed from the very, very first with this reporter.

    Her handler felt the need to put a hand over the camera is wrong with these people? That was the freaking MSM for God's sakes - CNN. That was an opportunity for her to look like a professional, to behave in a gracious manner. If she can't comment on opponents comments in a more skilled fashion, well, she can't attempt a run.

    She just can't handle it.

  16. Lynne2:35 PM

    He really is a rather pathetic man, and he does seem harmless. I guess we all need heroes in our lives. I don't quite know what else to say.

  17. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Ha, Ha, Ha. If he is not nuts he is just trying to make a buck. Think Sarah will do a Levi and come after him and his 15 minutes of fame?

  18. Anonymous2:43 PM

    'Underoos' - 'Garanimals' - ROFL!!!

    My kid just made fun of me as I ran down the hall with my legs crossed!!!!

    Was not ready for these hilarious references!! Thanks for the comic relief!! You guys are BAD!!!!!

  19. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Can he hike those pants up any higher? Bet he wears black socks w/Bermuda shorts in the summer too.

  20. There are others out there like this guy. What happens to them and their psyche when the realization that she is simply a greedy grifter who lies for a living finally dawns in their skulls?

    I wouldn't be surprised to see more reactions like that guy who shot his TV when Bristol managed to survive (with bot-ballot-stuffing).

    If I were Mrs. Nitwit, I'd have a hideaway that nobody knew about to retreat to. The former slavishly adoring masses probably won't have much self-control once their idol has been shown to be made of salt, sand and mud.

  21. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Joe The Plumber gone bad!

  22. Anonymous2:52 PM

    This should help her ascend to POTUS.

    Surely she'll be facebookin' soon about how he doesn't represent her America.

  23. Lisabeth603:18 PM

    At least Palinman's favorite charity is the Boston Food Bank. That made me feel sorry for him because he is SO clueless about Sarah. I wonder how he would feel if he knew about the cookies story (bringing to starving native Alaskans)??

  24. California Dreamin'3:40 PM

    I love how the neo-cons like to characterize the founding fathers as conservative. Ummmm, no, they were LIBERAL for their day and time, idiots!!

  25. emrysa4:15 PM

    omg that is so sad. so sad.

  26. Anonymous4:55 PM

    The guy has to be a six pack short.....

    OMG did you see that dead animal sticking straight out of the back of her head in the CNN piece????

  27. newmom5:35 PM

    What a flipping loon.

  28. Anonymous6:15 PM

    don't give him his 15 mins. on your blog, he looks like a bafoon.

  29. Gasman11:29 PM

    He needs a cape to go with his überdorky jumpsuit. Man, how can one person be so fu%king stupid?

  30. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Already pajamaman is following the Palin trail. Will he continue following her to Alaska?

    How long before her "push-up bra" short skirts, wriggles, kissy, eye-winky ways get to him and his Sarah worship turns to lust?

    How long will the poor bastard stalk the queen of quitters before she accuses him of wanting to rape her or her daughters and demands the FBI to rescue her from her favorite roll of victimhood once again?

    The poor fool doesn't know it but he is just another ACE in the hole for Sarah for when she needs another big MEDIA FIX, or "Red Herring" to cover up another Palin scandal.

  31. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Palinman = the embodiment of Sinclair Lewis's definition of Fascism (“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” )

    Palinman just needs to make his cross a bit more visible and he'll have it down 100%.

  32. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I look at it this way:

    It could be far worse; he could be wearing a flag-patterned SPEEDO.

  33. Anonymous10:22 AM

    He follows her around all over the country? Isn't that stalking?

  34. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Plain Posse - Palin Pussy - same thing. They all live in a constant wet dream that one day she will grant them access to her putrid portal of pulchritude.

  35. kabiddle3:03 PM

    Oh my. i thought you were hoaxing me with Palinman (I just discovered your blog the other day and have been catching up during this MI cold spell which is prob tropical to you) You are hoaxing me, right? This can't be, um, actual? Palinman w/ Palinman SHOES?


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