Thursday, December 09, 2010

Courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel: Sarah and Kate annoy Alaska.

I dare you not to laugh at this.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    now THAT'S funny!!!

    bill in belize

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    OK that was FUNNY!

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    LOL!! Unbearable women, how true.

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    sarah to haiti for humanitarian (?)

  5. I love the "low esteem" bear- it was a very cute spoof.

    (Even the bitches might laugh...)

  6. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Nail on the head. hilarious!

  7. igettit25:03 PM

    Literally, out loud laugh!

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    OMG!!!! I don't care who you are, that was funny!

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    How funny! :)

  10. Anon@4:52. I saw that. Disgusting woman. Is there any hope that she will NOT drag Piper along as protection?

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    More good news for PALIN:

    (1/2) Palin "America By Heart" Sale Details per BookScan: 108,580 copies sold in 2 wks. "Going Rogue" sold 667,000 copies in 1st 2 wkks.
    23 minutes ago via web

    (2/2) Hundreds of thousands of copies to be returned to publisher Harper-Collins. & paperback "Going Rogue" published September: 20k sold
    22 minutes ago via web

  12. Anonymous5:23 PM

    That was great!!

  13. Anonymous5:24 PM

    That's hilarious

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM

    random but important question:

    why does Levi's name come up when you type it into this website? do all alaskan residents come up, and only those who are married show it?

    It would explain Molly commented in esquire "levi's wedding ring"

  15. Anonymous5:31 PM

    America By Heart book sales are down more than 84% from Going Rogue.

    Palin: "What? No way... that can't be true."

  16. Facebook Lurker5:31 PM

    Exactly, the two most annoying women on the planet deserve to share the same stupid fucking channel. Please someone on that network send Sarah over to Stacy and Clinton on What Not To Wear, they will have a field day with her.

    Then both Bristol and Sarah can make their own episodes of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant, Piper can finally have the spotlight to herself on Toddlers and Tiaras, and wrap it all up with Chuck Heath and his House of Skeletal Horrors on Hoarders.

    TLC is the perfect home for the Palin circus sideshow.

  17. Anonymous5:37 PM

    A few more tweets:

    @IanLazaran she sold 664,000 of the other book in the first two weeks. Explain the 84% collapse please.
    2 minutes ago via Twittelator in reply to IanLazaran

    @IanLazaran 500,000 unsold, to be returned
    12 minutes ago via Twittelator in reply to IanLazaran

    @nickmarschel I'm not running for president nor claiming my book is the instruction manual for the US... SALES DOWN 84%
    32 minutes ago via web in reply to nickmarschel

  18. Anonymous5:42 PM

    That's awesome news about the dwindling book sales, I love hearing that interest in Palin is waning quickly. How many books of that count did her PAC purchase, because that should be deducted to show the actual sales from rill customers.

    I hope her show continues to tank as well. Got a haircut today and my hairdresser said she watched the first show for about 5 minutes and couldn't stand it anymore!

  19. Anonymous5:43 PM

    That has to be the best review of this show EVAR. Next time, tell us to swallow before we click on these things!

    I'm still not watching her show, media extravaganza though it may be.

  20. Anonymous5:51 PM

    sooo, Bristol may join Sarah and Todd in haiti

  21. Anonymous6:03 PM

    hilariously AWESOME!!!

    carolyn in honolulu

  22. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I love it but the one of her hunting Rudolph is even better.

  23. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Will she do more than fly in and out in an hour or two?

    starting a pool...

  24. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Gryphen are you game? Or maybe your daughter can be the "boots on the ground."

    Palin book signing in Alaska will be on Saturday, December 18, 11-2:00pm at the Costco in Anchorage

  25. Anonymous6:33 PM

    hope they keep her

  26. Lynne6:37 PM

    I can hardly wait not to watch it. Your previews and reviews work just fine for me.

  27. Next time, please include the following warning:
    Viewing this video may cause the expulsion of any solid or liquid substances from your mouth. Please swallow before viewing.

    I wish I had done so. It was hilarious.

  28. Loved Lawrence O'Donnell just did his "re-write" of Sarah Palin, who, he says (don't we know?) that Sarah Palin has not left Wasilla unless it was to make money for herself. 'Nuf said.

  29. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Okay, she's still weeknight fodder which means too much free exposure and whatnot, but at least it isn't dignified exposure.

    Suck it Sarah. We don't have to have political differences with you to wish you into obscurity - you and your white trash family just pull a Greta Garbo already and develop agoraphobia or become recluses and leave us alone, then we'll leave you alone.

  30. meena7:40 PM


    New day at Fox!?

    Glenn Beck Criticizes Sarah Palin For Remarks On Julian Assange

  31. Anonymous7:43 PM

    My guess is Sarah's going to Haiti to one up Barry finally (taking her challenge, cause Sarah's the only one with ideas in this country) to go to Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Sarah does realize she'll have to use her sharp elbows to push the Cholera victims away?

    Compassionate all of sudden?

    Did she care when her elderly constituents were dying in unprecedented rates due to delay in medical access under her Governorship? That Native citizens had to chose between food or heating fuel in 2008? That rape victims had to pay for their own effort for justice when she was Mayor? That the only Special Needs clinic was shuttered due to lack of funds in her own Valley? That the STD rate, youth skin trade and other social ills are rampant in her beloved Alaska and she's done NOTHING for it?

    Go peddle your servants heart in the White Middle Country America where they'll buy it Sarah.

  32. hauksdottir7:57 PM

    When I saw that Sarah was heading to Haiti, I immediately thought of "cookies for cholera" and her "aid" to the starving and freezing Alaskan natives.

    I must be psychic because I KNEW that she was flying with Franklin Graham again before clicking on the link.

    The question now is, of course, who is providing the cookies... or is Piper baking them?

  33. Anonymous8:02 PM

    What's Sarah bringing to Haiti? A plate of cookies?

  34. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Kudos to Kimmel for using the term "media whore." Look that term up in the dictionary, and you'll find a picture of Palin there.

  35. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Payme is going to Haiti? Un-flippin believable....what could she possibly offer those suffering? If she thinks she can become Princess Diana, she is wrong....Diana had a real heart and soul.

  36. sallyngarland,tx8:27 PM


    Mark Putnam is asking for your opinions about the Senate race in Alaska on his blog. He posted McAdams videos and is asking for input. There aren't many comments.

  37. Anonymous8:39 PM

    FYI - Palin is on the Time Magazine cover this week.

    The interview in the magazine was conducted via e-mail -- yes via e-mail.

    The person who interviewed her was on Chris Matthews show tonight & Chris asked her how she knew it was Palin on the other end!! Her immediate response was that it was sent to Palin's email address.
    (Like that means much in the life of Palin a la ghostwriters!!)

    Chris went further and asked if it was Palin or her husband or someone who works for her answering the emails. The interviewer said that she was 'pretty sure' as Palin has a certain 'tone'.

    So chalk another interview up to BS!!!

  38. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Wow! That was a great way to end the day!

  39. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Apparently Palin's latest interview with Time Magazine was done via Blackberry.

    What a chickenshit. Go away you brainless cock tease.

  40. jimmy kimmel is usually spot on with his palin comedy. this was hilarious.

  41. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Sometimes I wonder if I´m underestimating TLC. The way sarah unwittingly humiliates herself, time after time, may be viewed as brilliant programing.

    And, Todd, you should cooperate with the Feds. There will be no kid glove treatment for you in the pen. They will bend you over and rupture your rectum every night.

    Every night.

    It´s coming.

    Save yourself.

  42. i did a double take when i saw the article about sp going to haiti w/ todd and maybe bristol.... haven't the haitians suffered enough?!?
    she does realize who the population of haiti is.....?
    i suppose this is to boost those international bona fides of hers. i don't think i can recall her tweeting about her concern for haitians in the recent past.

  43. Hi G Man:

    I read the discussion beloew regardin SP claiming that her mastercard account had been hacked. Stupid woman... here's the straight info about what has been going on from a tech website. She isn't being attacked, it's the mastercard and visa sites and backend serrvers that make the card "unuseable"

    PS video was the funniest I've seen!


  44. I fell off my chair. I admit it. I kept a straight face until the damn thing hung itself.

    The two most unBEARable women.


    I think TLC just lost its cachet.

    My sides hurt.

  45. @ 5:29 PM,

    I typed in names of two people who I know have never been married, and who have lived in Alaska for many years, and both names came up. So I think it doesn't prove Levi has been married.

  46. pursang11:33 PM

    Funniest thing I've seen in ages.

    In regargs to Palin, is America finally realizing who and what she is? For the sake of this country I certainly hope so.

  47. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Interesting that someone who is (literally) incapable of feeling empathy is going on a humanitarian trip. As someone else said, she'll be in and out of there within a few hours. Missy NPD is not gonna enjoy herself in Haiti.

  48. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Very, very, funny video.

    I used to hate the free press Sarah got for the past year, but something is happening to her that happens to all overexposed celebrities - they become a joke.

    The media which was her best friend and hanging on her every word (still is), is kinda a liability now. She is SO overexposed it isn't funny. And linking her to Gosselin on a reality show is not in her best interest, although she probably thinks it's brilliant because she'll look good by comparison to whiny Kate. This is just a variation on the old pretty girl/fat girl trick. (Stand next to the fat friend and the guys will think YOU'RE hot) But generally in the reality show/tabloid world this distinction is not made. As was just proven by Kimmel lumping them together.

    Sarah has shot her load too early, and dragged that ass around too many places. It would have been much better for her long term to drop out of the spotlight a while, then come back and do another book. The public is clearly tired of looking at this broad's face, as evidenced by the low book sales and low viewership on TLC.

    I can't figure out why in the world she would do this, being so brand and business-savy. There are a few possibilities. One, it may be that she's trying to shovel in as much as possible and make her money now before the next election, when the GOP may force her to step aside and get off the front pages. Another might be that she knows she will be overexposed, but has built up the Palin name so much that she figures she can ride her children's coattails when they get their own shows. And the third possibility is that she just has an ego the size of mount rushmore and can't help herself.

  49. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Palins going to Haiti?? With all the other missionaries there, trying to convert the poor haitians to Jeebus? Or trying o rip of the Haitian kids for adoption in the US? Maybe Bristle is planning on dropping her next baby off in Haiti to be adopted away.....
    They do realize that most of the population in Haiti is black, right??
    Also, too, let's hope she doesn't wash her hands well and comes down with cholera. That would teach her!!

  50. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Greed and stupidity do not sell books Harper Collins !

    Franklin Graham is the kind of all for profit christians, who are behind Palin,same gig as Sarah,spew hate and bigotry in the name of "Jesus". They make Jesus cry!

    She was on Beck and never offered a word regarding the earthquake in Haiti.Now it is a political stunt!

    As for Time Mag..We should all tweet "Time,spent Time with Palin Ghost Writers".

  51. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Franklin grahman. That media hungry, money chasing preacher? Last time they teamed up on a humman trip, they brought 'cookies and bibles'. yea, that's it. Sugar them up and hope they'll listen to you so they can donate cash to you.

  52. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Thanks for the laugh--that was really good!! BTW, scara going to Haiti to do good-----day late and a dollar short, honey. No one is going to take you serious now.

  53. Oh thanks Gryphen - that was a riot! Jimmy Kimmel knocked that one out of the park!

    Scarah's bringing cookies to Haiti? Isn't she wonderful. That's an amazing foreign policy! I think I'll vote for her. NOT!!!!!

  54. Gryphen:
    here is part 2 :). Aired last night

  55. 10catsinMD2:37 PM

    So funny. I start reading your blog with this short capture!


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