Friday, December 10, 2010

Lisa Murkowski is now, and will forever be, Lisa Murkowski. And isn't that a shame?

From ADN:

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who said Wednesday she supports the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" ban on gays in the military, voted against the underlying defense authorization bill that includes language to overturn the prohibition.

The vote failed 57-40. Democrats needed 60 votes to proceed with debate on the bill, which includes language that would lead to the policy's reversal. Murkowski and several other Republicans who support the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" had said they would vote to move the bill forward for debate -- but only if they were allowed additional time for debate and more leeway to propose amendments.

Wednesday, Murkowski said in a statement that America is "the loser when it denies those who are willing to make the great sacrifices demanded of our men and women in uniform the opportunity do so on grounds of sexual orientation."

But she also warned her support of the underlying legislation was conditional, and she wouldn't vote to move forward on debate of the defense bill unless Democrats gave the GOP additional time to debate and amend it.

For all of my fellow Democratic and Independent Alaskans who voted for Lisa Murkowski INSTEAD of supporting Scott McAdams, I would just like to say "Fuck you.  Fuck you very much."

If you had stiffened your spines and voted with the same courage and conviction of those brave Alaskans who carved this great state out of the wilderness, we could have had TWO votes just like this one:

Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, supports repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, and voted to proceed with debate on the bill.

Yes I agree that Murkowksi is infinitely better than Joe "butt-boy" Miller, but I have a pimple on my left ass cheek that is better than Joe Miller as well, big deal,  But just imagine how much hope Alaskans would have for our future knowing that Scott McAdams was going to be working in the Senate to help move the country, and our state, away from its reliance on fossil fuels and toward a brighter and cleaner tomorrow.

You know sometimes Alaskans really piss me off!


  1. angela2:43 AM

    Bravo Gryphen!

    I think her vote welcomed her back into the warm rotting, cankerous arms of her colleagues in the GOP?

  2. Aussie Blue Sky2:58 AM

    Who scratched the new Lisa and revealed the old Lisa inside?

  3. Anonymous3:05 AM

    I'm very sorry Gryphen.
    These people ar pathetic.
    F 'eem all.
    Have their ben any studies about who ctuall gets sexually harassed in the military? Can it be shown that it is heterosexuals who do the harassing? Better yet, can't we just ask he people in th e military who are serving with each other is they give a SHIT about anyone's sexual orientation? The current generation was raised in a afar bettre atmosphere and are very diversity savvy. Why do we keep electing assholes who have not evolved with the rest of us??
    Again, sorry.

  4. wendy isbell3:19 AM

    I am in total agreement, my so called progressive friends sold us down the river.

  5. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I'm sorry, but Lisa Murkoski looks like a parakeet in this picture. Very unfortunate looking woman.

  6. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Murkowski does not support the repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell.' When you support a moral issue you are not sidetracked by politics as usual. I believe she wants progressives to think she supports it but used 'conditions' as an excuse not to have to actually vote to repeal. We are in for another long 6 years of this from Lisa. You are right. It is a shame.

  7. Anonymous5:40 AM

    What a shame, especially after what Alaskans went through to get her re-elected. Liberal Alaskans should pack up and move to the left coast. We've got gorgeous mountains, oceans, and wildlife galore, too.

  8. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Gryphen, I've been a big fan, but the tone of your posts have been getting nastier and nastier.

    I want your message about Sarah Palin to be accepted by more people. I want to be able to share your blog on facebook and on my blog. But I can't when the tone is too nasty.

  9. KiheiKat5:47 AM

    I just commented similarly at ADN about the Democrats & Independents voting for this toe the line witch.

    The only thing I left off was the Fuck You that I thought, but didn't voice. Sadly, her vote didn't surprise me in the least. She never had the least intention of voting for ALL the citizens of AK, just the damn bigoted Republicans. In that way, she'll continue to vote the same as Miller would. To say Alaskan politics sicken me would be a gross understatement.

  10. i asked my son who fought in iraq,if it mattered if any one in his company was gay...he said "hell no, who gives a shit"he said no one cared,and they all fought next to one another to stay alive..he is a marine

  11. Anonymous6:05 AM

    The shocking possibility of having to get a real job must have put such a big scare into the ol' whore that she'll probably be worse than ever.

  12. Anonymous6:19 AM

    After her vote on DADT yesterday I hope Miller drags out the recount so she does lose all her leadership positions in the senate.

  13. Anonymous6:23 AM

    My senator, Corker, voted against the DREAM act.
    Said it would promote illegal immigration. Very same
    Bob Corker who owned a construction company that
    was caught hiring illegals. Fucker.

  14. I voted for Scott McAdams because i thought he was the best choice for Alaska, that and I am sick of the party of NO!

  15. You're posturing. The whole thing is stupid- she would still be in office to make this vote even if she had lost the election. Her term doesn't expire until 12/31. Either way the vote was on 12/9 so guess what? It doesn't matter.

  16. Anonymous7:49 AM

    You don't earn a permanent frown like THAT by being an "up" and progressive thinking individual.

    Nope, its from many years of "inside thinking" of a negative quality.

    We can expect to see more of it from the "they're all out to get me" Palin, as time goes by. Already, when she isn't POSING for the camera, the candid shots of her depict a sour personality.

  17. i say to my senator olympia snowe, fuck you very much, too. susan coliins, you surprise me and i thank you for your courage in standing up to your party. i won't start that facebook page making fun of your wacky voice.
    and fuck you to lisa as well.

  18. We knew Lisa was a snake when we picked her up.

    Looked at the last two years.

    Asked myself, will she change?

    Self said No.

    I then voted for McAdams.

    No one should be surprised if a snake bites when you pick it up.

    She's a snake, always has been.

  19. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The democratic party picked Scott McAdams was a placeholder in the recent election and events took a turn that none predicted. It is inappropriate for you to chastise Alaska voters who selected Senator Murkowski as the best candidate on the ballot for this race.

    Please don't delete my comment. I am not using any profanity or disparaging the physical features of anybody.

  20. Chenagrrl11:24 AM

    This sheep doesn't seem to understand she has new shepherds. Baaaa! Baaa! Where are you Mitch McConnell. Comfort me with your rod and your staff! Baaaa!

  21. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Anonymous 9:56 you are mistaken as an Independent voter who voted democratic I was extremely disappointed in how the AK Democratic Party campaigned for McAdams.I was even more dishearten by the number of supposed democratic minded folks voting for Murkowski. Truly a shame these weak knee Democrats were.

  22. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Two women from Alaska that cannot be trusted - Palin and Murkowski and I voted for neither thank God!


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