Friday, December 10, 2010

Operation Payback, launched to punish those who spoke out against or stopped doing business with WikiLeaks, did NOT go after Sarah Palin.


Although the media had reported the group planned coordinated attacks on, the groups representative said they do not have any malicious plans to take on Amazon nor had they attempted to. He also said the group was not responsible for any coordinated attacks or hacks on Sarah Palin, although she claims to have been a target.

“We don’t really care about Sarah Palin that much, to be honest. I don’t really know what she’s trying to accomplish or what attention she is trying to gain. We personally don’t care about Sarah Palin,” he added.

You guys ought to give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back.  I don't think ANY of you bought into Palin's attempt to connect her name to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

I, on the other hand, was so caught up in the idea that Palin might have had to suffer the same kind of attack that her minions inflict on others, that I did not take the time to really consider that Jake Tapper was being handed a load of mooseshit.

So thanks for straightening me out.

Wow!  Can you believe how pathetic and desperate this woman is for attention?  Even I was caught off guard by this one!

Update: Obviously I am far from the ONLY one who believed the report of Palin being attacked by Operation Payback.  Here is Politico reporting it simply as fact.  I also saw it on both MSNBC, and CNN, and though I did not watch, I have to imagine that FOX certainly made a big stink out of it.

That is one of the great benefits of being a blog, which is that we are somewhat fluid and can respond to new and pertinent information, or reinterpret the already available information, to reach new and more realistic conclusions. 

It also helps that the visitors on IM have Palin figured out well enough that it is almost impossible for her to pull a fast one on them.


  1. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Yeah, I have to admit I was surprised by your initial take on this Gryphen. It was so transparently obviously to me that she was trying to get attention. Or resentment that Assange is going to beat her out for Time's Person of the Year!

  2. Sari7375:23 AM

    HA! If this doesn't convince folks she is mentally disturbed I don't know what will!

  3. Anonymous5:26 AM

    OT - But there is a story on Politico and Huff Post regarding a trip by Sarah Palin, along with Franklin Graham, her husband Todd and their daughter Bristol, to visit Haiti. Do you suppose there could be a "convenient adoption" of some poor orphan child by either Sarah or Bristol while they are there?

  4. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Yesterday, I posted that the issue with Sarahpac could not be from Operation Payback. When going to the site you received the message "The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved." This is not what happens with a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. With a DoS, you will timeout or the site will be extremely slow. Plus, Operation Payback NEVER had her site listed on their target list. They have had very public communication about what sites they were targeting.

    Tapper at a minimum should have asked the IT support staff at ABC one or two questions about a DoS attack. Another example of the media not doing it's job properly!

    I still think that her IT team created this issue, either to cover up their own mistake or were directed to change the page. Whatever the reason, she is paying them way too much!

  5. Anonymous5:43 AM

    She just wanted everyone to think (once again) that she is important enough to warrant that kind of "attack". Please.

    The "adoption in Haiti" idea will be interesting...when they show up with another little blonde baby. I suppose there will be pictures taken of Bristol on this trip?

  6. Anon 5:26 Haiti visit...
    I just read that story in AOL news...wonder who is watching Willow, Piper & Trig.

  7. Anonymous5:49 AM

    President Obama dominates the headlines. Sarah is jealous.

    Wikileaks dominates the headlines. Sarah is jealous.

    Kate dominates the entertainment headlines. Sarah is jealous.

    Alone, sarah is not headline worthy so she attaches herself to the headline worthy topic. (¨Wikileaks is attacking me!¨)

    She is supposed to be media savvy. I was very surprised she could not see how the ¨Balloon Boy¨ headlines were golden opportunities for her to latch onto a bunch more headlines.

  8. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Only Palin would be stupid enough to bring home a blond baby from Haiti. Unless, of coarse, Bristol likes dark meat. In that case, Palin is just trying to make lemonade out of lemons.


  9. padoreva5:53 AM

    O/T: Palin is described as "the most compelling political figure in the country" in this article:

    Hopefully in the next two years Americans will see what a phony and a liar she is.

  10. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Most people believe what they read at face value. Whether something is true or not is not an issue w/ her. Keeping her name in the spotlight, daily, is. She has been doing a very good job of that and I see no signs of that letting up.

  11. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I am sure the trip to Haiti with Bristol involved is a sneaky dealing. There could be many things involved. Bristol having a abortion or giving her baby up. Who knows it is a bunch of BS.

    Sarah goes to another country to
    show respect for minorities what a loser she and her family and elk are. Franklin Graham and his business of religion making billions is a joke.

    I have not posted in a long time but do follow this blog daily. I just have not wanted to contribute attention to a lady Sarah "the butt ass full of sh*t" Palin that is the biggest bambozzler!

  12. Anonymous6:01 AM

    It will be interesting to see Sarah in Haiti around all those people who don't look like her. One wonders if she will do what George W. Bush did when he travelled to Haiti with Bill Clinton. After shaking hands with some Haitians, Bush wiped his hand on Clinton's shirt. Know everyone saw that clip. Maybe she'll be on a float like homecoming in college and toss sugar cookies to the masses.

  13. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Münchhausen syndrome--I'm telling ya. Bitch
    is crazy.

  14. Anonymous6:17 AM

    You have got to be effing kidding me:

    The Wall Street Journal is not only having an op-ed piece from the quitter, but is doubling down on the psychosis by having her write about death panels?

    Have they no shame? No pride? No desire to retain a shred of credibility?

    That death panel crap is dead & gone, its already been said over & over that it is b.s. Why oh why do they do this to people, why must we listen to her inanities?

    Much as I love to have her shoot herself in the foot, as she or her ghostwriter for the piece undoubtedly will, I cannot understand why the media gives her these platforms?

    Subscribers to WSJ don't buy her brand of bullshit, and it's not sold at the Circle-K, so WTF?


  15. Anonymous6:17 AM

    It is unlikely that a trip to Haiti involves anything to do with a baby in either direction, for obvious reasons.

    Now if they want Christian charity cred for this trip, there is going to have to be publicity, which means pictures of Bristol!!!!!

    Can't wait.

  16. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I was following the cyberattacks on Twitter. They did not coordinate an attack on Palin.
    The other attacks on MC, Visa, PayPal, Swedish prosecutors office were all tweeted and bragged about. Anonymous participants were proud when they succeeded.
    Palin is a liar.
    How many times does she have to prove it?

  17. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I was thinking about her promise to parents of handicapped children.
    I guess they don't pay or pay enough for sarah palin to help them.

    If for no other reason, and believe me there are plenty, I would never vote for palin based on her lack of awareness/help/voice for handicapped children, their parents and families.
    Palin supposedly made a decision to continue her pregnancy when she found out she was having a DS child. Since that time, she has not been a spokesperson for DS kids. She has given very little of her wealth, even the donated kind to charities supporting kids and families. She has sponsored no legislation to help families and kids.
    Trig is a prop. She has spent little quantity time with him. He is never photographed with his glasses or hearing aids.
    Nope the perfect family has to be put on display and woe to anyone that questions that perfection.

  18. Unfortunately the "Death Panels" are alive and at work in real time in AZ as Gov. Brewer has cut funding for transplant patients.

    KO has had several people on the show who are desperately in need of a guy literally on the OR table and with several children.

    Miss Quitty Pantsonfire opens her mouth, spouts something that she "thinks" makes sense to fire up her base, and then the real ramifications of her idiot logic are self fulling as Americans are left to die.

    She is so narcissistic that it never concerns her that her actions have serious consequences...God help us if she gets her hands on the button!

  19. Anonymous6:29 AM

    My first thought about Haiti and Bristle is that she is going to dumpeo her next kid with th missionaries to adopt it out...didn't the missionaries in Haiti do some illegal things with adoptions before?? Surely a blond baby would be easy to adopt out. Sad that this is where my mind goes. But, they brought it on themselves.

  20. And yes, I absolutely believed from the first headline that she made the attack on SarahPac up to garner more "Victimhood".

    Also, let's really see before and after pics of Ms. Repentance-Teen- Mom in Haiti.

  21. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Are you kidding me, call me a cynic, but I never believed a word of it.

  22. Anonymous6:38 AM

    That death panel crap is dead & gone, its already been said over & over that it is b.s.

    6:17 AM

    There is a death panel.
    It in Arizona a Republican-led state government.

    Arizona Politicians Cut Off Funds for Life-Saving Transplants While Cheering ...

  23. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Awww Poor Sarah!

    Rebecca Mansour is now not only the former amateur screen writer that invents stuff and writes lies for Sarah and Bristol in Facebook to try to make them look better than they really are (not hard to do) -- she's been promoted to doing press releases. Who got thrown under the bus now?

    Just goes to show that Sarah is a know-nothing, a zero, and always will be. She has to invent things for people to like her. Then she truly has nothing special to offer. What a loser. The only people that like her actually like the Sarah Palin product, the fictional character, not the real Sarah. No one likes the real Sarah. She has no true friends.

  24. Anonymous6:47 AM

    You just know there will be plenty of news cameras following her on this trip (why, I still can't figure out).

    So you KNOW that Willow is going to go and they will claim it is Bristol. They look very much alike and it would be easy to pull off (it's happened before).

    Then Sarah says "see, all you haters that said Bristol was pregnant on DWTS, here's proof. Look how slim and trim she is - stick your pregnancy rumors up your ass".

    Meanwhile, the REAL Bristol will be holed up in Alaska or Arizona, away from the prying eyes of the media, hiding her latest pregnancy.

  25. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I actually first saw this on Inside Edition where it claimed Caribou Barbie was a "VICTIM" of those evil Wikileakers. Every story I've ever seen on Inside Edition re: all things Palin has been sunshine and unicorn farts. It's amazing Obama can take a wizz without her inserting herself into the story.

  26. Anonymous6:52 AM

    What is wrong with Todd Palin. He looks thin and unhealthy.

  27. Haiti? Bristol? Adopt? She wouldn't. Would she. . .?

  28. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sarah Palin's drug of choice is celebrity. Each fix has to be higher, bigger and louder than the last one. And, when there is a bump in the road, it takes a massive big hit to wipe out the latest bum trip.

    Sarah wanted to be the All American Great White Huntress in that last TLC show, and when she looked at the show before it aired, she was mighty please with herself. Then, it aired and it was followed by criticism that she didn't have a hunting license, tags, didn't know how to shoot. The caribou blood under her finger nails at Glenn's rally (Aug.28) predated the Sept. 4 caribou kill. Damn those pesky details.

    Each time that Sarah clammers for attention, it has to be a bigger moment than the last time. Wikileaks personally hacked her PAC and her personal credit card accounts. Todd's too. Kate and Margaret made negative comments. Sarah has the be the media star every moment now, 24/7. Even announcing her foreign policy trip to England and Israel didn't bring a big write up from the press. She really does have to get noticed.

    Franklin, gas up the plane, we're going to Haiti. We'll pose with some minority-looking Haitian people, nobody who is sick please, and we'll get back on the plane. Is there anyplace else that we can go to get the same kind of attention? The book tour is over, Bristol isn't dancing on the stars anymore, the TLC show is such a joke that it will soon be an SNL satire skit. Franklin, please I am begging you, get out the plane and let's do something that will get publicity!

  29. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Sad that this is where my mind goes.
    Yes you are sad.

  30. Forever Anonymous7:15 AM

    C4p was moving to a new server or site, they probably had some issues linking Sarahpac to the new blog and took the opportunity to play victim, also FEC has ask Sarahpac to clarify a number of entries in their financial report, it would be highly convenient to lose some data due to "attacks".

    I just want people to pay attention to her show, she can fake hunting and any other kind of activities, no so hard to see that she is delusional, cynical and arrogant enough to fake a pregnancy.

  31. Anonymous7:15 AM

    OT. LOL

    Bush's book is #1 at Amazon. Palin's book is #30!. Dropping sales already despite having her PAC buy thousands of her books and Newsmax giving them out for free, Bye, bye, Sarah.

  32. Armchair Psychologist7:16 AM

    Gryphen, please read THE SOCIOPATH NEXT DOOR by Martha Stout, Ph.D., when you have the chance. I have been reading it in short spurts and there are so many personality aspects exhibited by Palin which coincide that it's uncanny.

    For example, and relevant to this post: sociopaths are always looking for pity. They prize this above all else, because it means they've been able to use your emotions for their own gain; they, however, are not encumbered with feelings, as in guilt or remorse. So every day, Palin looks for a way to make folks pity her, the perpetual victim.

  33. Anonymous7:19 AM

    While I would not be surprised if $arah made the whole thing up, I would not trust Operation Payback as a credible source. Look who they are defending, Julian Assange.
    But it still would $arah right.

  34. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Question: does anyone know why Sarah wears a military bracelet that honors a guy named Matthew?

  35. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Gles: the same people who always watch piper and the others, no one, or some aunt or maybe grandma, who the hell knows? What we do know it that they have no steady discipline or care.

  36. Anonymous7:45 AM

    WTF is with our media? Are they not going to correct their incorrect reporting on this? I am so GD sick of the pathetic state of journalism in this country.

  37. she is so predictable in her insanity, it's almost boring now. she wishes that they cared about her. like she said in her waste of trees, she is a "speck".

  38. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Sarahpac was hit with a DDOS. shows a huge traffic spike for Sarahpac beginning on DEC 7.

    You're full of shit as usual.

  39. Randall7:54 AM

    What is so funny is Sarah's statement:

    “No wonder others are keeping silent about Assange's antics,” Palin told ABC News. “This is what happens when you exercise the First Amendment and speak against his sick, un-American espionage efforts.”

    His "antics", his "sick, un-American espionage efforts" could be construed as FREEDOM OF THE PRESS! Part of the same Amendment she's so fond of touting.

    That goes for just about everybody on Fox News as well. They either don't really understand what FREEDOM OF THE PRESS means - i.e. reporters need not fear governmental reprisal for printing the truth - or they don't give a shit.

  40. What happened to news reports differentiating word-of-mouth stories with substantiated stories? A little 'Palin says' here or an 'alleged attack' there would make a big difference when they don't fact-check. They earn her LSM label every time they report on her.

    News organizations used to correct stories, too. Is it too much to hope we'll see Sarah's 'balloon boy' story as front page headlines. BREAKING: Sarah Palin Is Stupid & Paranoid -- Believes She's the Center of the Universe.

    c4p is also saying they were hacked as they struggle to get their website on a new server.

  41. Gasman7:57 AM

    Gryph, you better than anybody should realize that if any scenario can best be explained by assuming that Sarah Palin lied, bet on that lie.

    As for Politico, they are decidedly right leaning hacks. That they pushed a meme portraying any member of the GOP as a victim should not be too surprising. Any such cliam from them should be viewed with extreme skepticism.

    Will Tapper admit that he was duped with some sort of on-air correction? His inclination will be to ignore the whole matter, but we all need to make enough noise about this latest Palin lie that it makes Tapper squirm. WTF was Tapper thinking to run ANY story sourced only by Sarah Palin!?!? She is easily the LEAST trustworthy figure astride the national political stage. Even if Tapper offers no retraction, he needs to be made to feel that he can never again trust any utterance from the primping, preening buffoon.

    How far was Palin willing to push the lie? Claiming that someone compromised her credit card is fraud and that's a felony. Would Palin be willing to go to jail over this?

    She'd probably have nothing to worry about in court, however. Her legal defense would surely be insanity. Any jury in the land would heartily endorse that claim.

    No matter, for it surely will not be long before the feckless Palin machine tries to push the next bit of hyper ridiculous ludimocrosity furthering the victimization of Saint Sarah.

  42. Enjay in E MT7:59 AM

    Do you suppose SP & bots will be blaming the lack of book sales on WikiLeaks ??

    Not only are they "traitors" - but interferring with "free market capitalism"


  43. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Is the MSM going to report on this and correct their mistake?

  44. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Good comment 7:02 !

    Can you imagine the field day that SNL is going to have with a parody of SPA - it will win an Emmy !!

    I can't wait !

  45. Isn't it amazing that they will adopt a little blond-haired blue-eyed baby identical to Tripp on this trip? (@5:26AM) What good thinking! and to imagine, pulling in Graham, a good (?) Xtian man, into the deception.

    Wonder how Todd feels about his next little fish-picker being born in Haiti.

  46. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I never believed Sarah was a target. It was just another opportunistic attention-grab that is just so Palin.

    I'm confused, though. Operation Payback says they did not and do not have Sarah Palin on a list of targets. However, this article on titled Twitter Dumps Operation-Payback After Stolen MasterCard Numbers Leaked has a link to a cached page of showing a lengthy list of suggested targets for future DDoS attacks, including Sarah Palin.

    Is Anonops different from OP?

    This is the link to the cached page:

    This is the link to the article:

  47. Anonymous9:02 AM

    @7:23, a few military families gave Palin their deceased family member (soldier)'s bracelet during the '08 campaign. Sad. She should have a special kind of karma coming at her for that.

  48. To be fair, Operation Payback doesn't have a spokesman, neither does Anonymous. It's mostly just a loose collaboration of hacking/pranks drummed up spontaneously on the /b/ message board. Anyone claiming to be their spokesman is either trolling the media's ignorance of 4chan/Anonymous, trolling Anonymous by claiming to be their spokesperson, or both.

  49. “We don’t really care about Sarah Palin that much, to be honest. I don’t really know what she’s trying to accomplish or what attention she is trying to gain. We personally don’t care about Sarah Palin,” he added.

    Absolutely perfect answer. Sarah will hate it. She isn't important enough to be bothered with.

  50. Anon 5:16 ooooh, I'll bet you're right. Assange is certainly a much better candidate.

  51. Anonymous10:47 AM

    It was SO bloody obvious she was trying to hone in on Assange's media whore attention...
    "Here I am, I am part of this too" "Look at me, listen to me, I am a victim..."!!!

    Fucking Pathetic! Funny someone posted yesterday about if they wanted to hack her, they could but didn't give a shit about her; basically a waste of their time...

    Haha beeatch! So Stupid you don't even know what their game is. How many more times are you going to cry wolf and there will only be the sound of crickets?

    Stick a fork in her; she' done.

  52. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Jake Tapper is a neocon suck-up.

  53. Chenagrrl11:11 AM

    This is why blogosphere has to start using the same "show-me" criteria, the "lamestream" is supposed to use on any pronouncement from someone ambitious.

    Beware raw Sarah!

  54. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Critical thinking is dead. Americans just swallow up the bullshit story of the day.

  55. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Like I keep saying...I want our media outlets to ask Palin tough questions...if she says she read a book, ask her a question about it for proof. Ask her history questions about Alaska - the pipeline, etc. Ask her questions about the history of the U.S. - questions directly about the one-line statements she so often makes.

    Remember too - before she quit as governor of Alaska (I've resided in the state since 1950), she would not do a press conferences
    unless she was in the company of her commissioners, so she could defer to them. The local press got on to this and she actually stopped doing press conferences because she was determined to be totally inept and she knew it.

    The woman is a fraud from one end to the other! You folks in the lower 48 need to vet her more thoroughly.

    Her interview w/Barbara Walters was idiotic as usual. She makes me want to puke!

  56. Anonymous4:28 PM

    5:26 AM No adoption but they will say how they want all the babies. How hard it is to leave them behind and not take them to the wonderful life in Wasilla... yadda yadda. Tease that they are considering another child. They will oooooze with compassion and their servant hearts will take center stage as best the script writer can do. Who said Bristol can't act? They are prepping Bristol to fill in for Todd. They are also studying up on how to convincingly act unfortunate and unhealthy. Like when something like cancer strikes.
    Whoring in Haiti sums them up just right.

    No one will dare to doubt the humanitarian non-racist Sarah after this Samaritan Purse photo trip. Where is Tripp? She probably left him with the Johnston's just to look truly compassionate.

  57. Anonymous4:48 PM

    6:47 AM

    As crazy as that seems it is a doable scenario.

    6:52 AM

    Todd is on his last leg now. Poor Dude, Cheney could out live him.

  58. Anonymous5:20 AM

    They'll try to turn Bristol into the next Mother Theresa. She'll be photoshopped with needy children (or have stand-in Willow pretend to be her). The world will be over-exposed to her new philanthropic focus and the fake praise will ooze....

    Then they'll swing the plane into AZ on the way home, pick up Bristol and her new baby and present it as Bristol's selfless way of helping out the needy children of Haiti by giving Tripp a brother or sister. TLC will launch another reality show of Bristol the single mom of two and the victimhood whining will ensue.


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