Monday, December 27, 2010

Joe Miller blinks.

From ADN:

Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller announced late Sunday that he would continue his challenge in federal court of the write-in election of rival Sen. Lisa Murkowski, but added he would not oppose certification of Murkowski's victory by state election officials.

U.S. District Court Judge Ralph Beistline, who is hearing Miller's federal challenge, had already said he would probably lift his order staying certification, allowing Murkowski to assume office Jan. 5 without losing seniority or leaving the state short a U.S. Senator. In a prepared statement e-mailed to the media about 10:20 p.m., Miller said he planned to go ahead with his federal lawsuit "for the sake of the integrity of the election."

I swear that Miller is only continuing with this fight because he knows he does not have to get a real job as long as he can still rely on money from Teabaggers to support him and his family while he tilts at windmills. (Miller's website is still up and running with a giant "Donate" button prominently displayed to solicit funds for his "Senate Defense Fund." Nice work if you can get it.)

And believe me the ONLY reason he is not continuing to challenge certification of Murkowski's win is because he knows he does not have a snowball's chance in hell of stopping it at this point.  I think the legal system in Alaska is just about done with his vaguely bearded ass.

Well at least ONE good thing might have come from Miller's campaign.  Though I hold out little hope that it will continue on much past January 5th, at least for a little while Lisa Murkowski was finally someone that I could proudly call MY Senator.  If she has the guts to continue playing the role of the moderate she could actually get a lot done for this state, and make a name for herself that would finally put to the rest the criticism that she is simply "daddy's little girl" serving as his surrogate in Washington.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    National Favorable Rating:
    Sarah Palin,Favorable&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Now shave your beard, ya freak!

  3. Anonymous6:16 AM

    And in other news.... John Bolton is reportedly considering a ReTHUGlican run for POTUS - much as I can't stand Bolton (arrogant, hypocritical, warmonger. probably responsible for the lies taht got us into Iraq.. usual reTHUGlican, and the most undiplomatic diplomat, ever) imagining a debate between Bolton and $carah on foreign policy should be enough to keep us giggling ALL week.

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Yeah, remember when the arrogant prick was prancing around Washington DC measuring the drapes and bragging about all his new 'colleagues'. Sarah has a MAJOR FAIL with this yahoo and I wish the MSM would trumpet this loss to show the state of "Sarah' in Alaskan politics...a big fat FAIL.

  5. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Juan Williams: Palin Not On Same 'Intellectual Stage' As Obama (VIDEO)

    Juan Williams hit out at Sarah Palin on "Fox News Sunday," saying she could not match President Obama intellectually.

    Williams was speaking about the potential Republican presidential candidates for the 2012 elections, and decrying them as "weak." He mocked the idea that someone like Indiana Congressman Mike Pence could go head to head with Obama.

    "There is nobody out there except for Sarah Palin who could absolutely dominate the stage and she can't stand on the intellectual stage with Obama," Williams concluded.

    This prompted a chorus of "oooohhhs" from the rest of the panel.

  6. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Miller is such a f'ing ideal candidate according to Quitter.

    Jeez, I really do hope Sarah et al palins are really moving to Arizona because it's clear that Sarah hates Alaska by foisting the Miller plague on us. Hey Sarah, we hate you right back!

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    ...And not only is it hard work, but this week we faced down the most difficult teenager in all the land -- 16-year-old, eye-rolling phenom Willow. Oh, Willow got on Sarah's last nerve in this episode. Each of Sarah's kids look a little catatonic in every scene of her show, as if their will to live has been completely sucked out of their lifeless bodies, but nobody has perfected the look of blank contempt quite the way Willow has. And this week, she made our favorite Mama Grizzly GROWL.

    ...In between it all, Sarah pecked, prodded and squawked at Willow about how important it was to work hard and be confident and learn to cook and put the damn phone down once in a while when her mother was talking to her, dammit. Meanwhile Willow rolled eyes left, then right, then up, then down, then sighed and huffed and puffed and texted and slumped and scoffed and generally drove her mother around the bend. And it was exhausting. And yet somehow deliciously satisfying. Fight the power, Willow!

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I was thinking the same thing before I read the above sentence. I was thinking some how Miller is making money or getting paid to continue this fight because he does not have a job.

    For someone who believes the federal government is too involved, it is funny he is now going to run to them. Especially somebody from the State of Alaska, “the leave my dessert alone state“, the state where we eat smores to prove the First Lady of the United States is wrong, the only state in the union where our kids goes on DWTS - a dance marathon week after week and gain 150 lbs.

  9. Anonymous6:42 AM

    You may recall the tale of Juan Williams, controversially fired from NPR after saying he feared Muslims on planes. Conservatives rallied around him at the time--he was subsequently hired by Fox. It's possible, though, the right is beginning to regret this adoption. This Sunday as part of a panel hosted by Chris Wallace, Williams offered his frank assessment of possible 2012 Republican candidates (video below). "This is such a weak field," he remarked. It's too weak, even, to exploit Obama's considerable flaws. The only potential candidate who could match Obama in charisma is Sarah Palin, he concluded, "and she can't stand on the intellectual stage with Obama." Bill Kristol was not happy, and the other panelists didn't look too charmed, either.

  10. Anonymous6:59 AM

    "There is nobody out there except for Sarah Palin who could absolutely dominate the stage and she can't stand on the intellectual stage with Obama."

    That caused oohs from the panel and led host Chris Wallace to suggest “there’ll be a lump of coal” in Williams’ stocking.

  11. Anonymous7:19 AM

    To the first poster @6:07, that poll is from July 2009. You'll find several since that have her down to 22% and not the 37.6 your poll stated. I hope your post was to show how she stood and not a positive for her. She hasn't a positive I can find, except maybe how she "sometimes" looks. I hate the leather jackets. She's certainly not a biker bitch. A bitch yes, but not a biker.

  12. Chenagrrl8:01 AM

    I am with you Gryphen. Here's to hoping that the huevos that Lisa Murkowski discovered in the lame-duck session indicate that she understands who her new constituency is.

    Happy New Year, indeed!

  13. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Should Obama Pay Attention to Sarah Palin? Fox News contributor Juan Williams weighs in

  14. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Cue gasps from fellow panel members Dana Perino and Bill Kristol (naturally). Some might say Williams is picking up where Karl Rove left off and is merely voicing reality too many GOPer's are unwilling to speak up about.

    Meanwhile, could anything be better for Fox News than a on-air contretemps between Williams, who was welcomed into the Fox family following his NPR debacle with open arms and a multi-million dollar contract, and Sarah Palin, their star contributor?

  15. Anonymous8:18 AM

    From a commenter on one of the threads claiming Sarah is being victimized:

    "And there is no "trash Palin" effort..she manages quite well on her own. She talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. She SAYS she puts family first, but she makes her decisions, then consults them. She says she loves her toddler, yet she is not home enough to even raise him. She pretends to be 'one of you' yet how many of us are multimillionaire elites? She says she is for small government, yet Alaska gets more federal money (gladly) and takes individual payments from oil and gas every year (gladly.) Doesn't sound like less government to me. She says she wants her children to obey, yet her son was in trouble for vandalism, her daughter was pregnant at 16 and still hasn't gotten around to college, her teen now mouths off to her and her boyfriend heads upstairs in front of the TV cameras, and her 10 year old acts like a spoiled brat. If Sarah were ever actually mothering these children, they might have a chance. But since she is raising a pack of media hounds who are not even grateful for their new wealth, I doubt she has the wits or stamina to run for another office."

  16. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Another good comment:

    "What hard work does she do? The hardest job in the world is raising children, and she managed to sidestep that by being mayor, then Gov, then running around the country to make money. She LOOKS like she's working hard for the cameras. It's an act.
    What common sense does she have? She says it all the time, but I have seen little evidence of her possessing any. Commonsense would tell a woman with a handicapped 4 month old, a pregnant teen, and an important job that 2008 was NOT the time to be running for office. Common sense would tell someone who wants people to like her enough to vote for her that attacking a common sense health initiative of the First Lady's would not endear you to anyone. Common sense would tell someone that being on the attack all the time, and showing no ability to forgive, no ability to admit mistakes, and no ability to tell truths would not make one a viable candidate.
    Problem-solvong? Oh, yes. She managed to put Wasilla in the hole, as well as Alaska. Her daughter got pregnant, so she paraded her around the country like some prize. I wish she'd solve the problem of SP and go away."

  17. Anonymous8:27 AM

    What a hack. Joe's just holding up the Republicans for a job. He needs one, and this is his only leverage.

  18. Anonymous9:57 AM

    This guy needs a therapist to get over losing.

  19. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Maybe when Joe Miller runs out of contributors, he'll write a tell all book about Mrs Todd Palin to raise some cash. After he works out the immunity deal of course.


  20. fromthediagonal12:48 PM

    Gryphen: I like this picture, because he obviously is saying "FFF-ck!"
    Yeah, so-called principles be damned, he is milking the gullible for all they are worth. What a disgusting PoS.

  21. You're right, Gryph. Joe Miller is now essentially unemployable. In blatant disregard of policy, he used his employer's computers for his own nefarious means, then lied about it, then lied about lying about it, then lied about lying about lying about it. Who knows what other kinds of shady stunts he pulled? Who on earth would hire this clown?

  22. angela3:49 PM

    sixdollarman said. . . .
    Who knows what other kinds of shady stunts he pulled? Who on earth would hire this clown?

    Well, there is the whole of the GOP. They are kinda of skanky and duplicitous lately. Joe would fit in as someones Chief of Staff or one of their a hit lawyers.
    No scruples, no honesty and no class.


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