Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm grateful for President Obama.

I had somebody e-mail this to me a while ago and ask if I would post it today.

I am not a DJ and do not always take requests, but this one seemed very appropriate.

See if you don't agree.

Happy New Years Eve my friends.


  1. TNbluedot9:52 AM

    Thanks for posting that excellent video, Gryphen. I appreciate the effort put into making it and hope it goes viral! I wish we could make Snowdrift Snooki watch it. (She'd have a stroke!) Happy New Year to you and yours and thanks for all you do.

  2. Thank you Gryphen for sharing this with us. It makes me smile and cry at the same time. I love my President so much. Namaste.

    Happy New Year to you and your daughter.

  3. Look through the round up of behind the scenes pictures of the White House on HP. They show what kind of a person our President is. Absolutely hearwarming.

  4. Pat in MA9:59 AM

    Thank you!! What an excellent video! It's easy to forget when the whiny negative party of no ideas gets all the attention. Seriously, who else of all possible options could you see at the helm to deal with all the crap of the last two years and the crap to follow? And always, he remains the grown up in the room, navigating through the muck of supposed beltway wisdom and Washington politics and trying his best for this country.

    Happy New Year!

  5. I totally agree! He continues to inspire me.

  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Couldn't get past the military part. This kind of worship of a leader is unhealthy. Consider what America is doing in foreign countries on false pretenses and consider that this helps to justify it rather than discourage it.

  7. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Now this is someone I believe in! So terrific to see the work that has gone into this blog that mirrors the pride and honor I feel with this President. The bullet that we dodged in 2008 becomes more and more apparent as we watch the decline of McLame and his MILF-ass running partner. Thank the GODS for NOT letting those two excuses anywhere near the White House.

    Happy 2011 and 2012 when Mr. O will once again be our hallowed and responsible, brilliant and visionary, kind and humble ADULT leader.

  8. FANTASTIC!! Thank you Gryphen. We need some visuals for the good there is in our government.

  9. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Thank you. What a great tribute to a wonderful President.

  10. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Oh my goodness, Gryph. The tears are flowing. Thank you so much for putting this video on your blog.

    I am so Grateful President Barack Hussein Obama is OUR President.

  11. This is so beautiful -- and I have a follow-up from the same blog:
    "Happy New Year Mr. President" It is long, but worth the time, if anyone would care to see.


    Have a wonderful New Year, Gryph -- and to everyone here!!!


  12. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Made me cry...Thanks for sharing!

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Thanks for that.

    And here's to a productive New Year for all.

  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen for all you do and for sharing this wonderful video. Happy New Year to you and to all the other IMers who make me realize I'm not alone.

  15. Anonymous10:54 AM

    That made my day.


  16. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Bristol isn't sitting down or shutting up.

  17. Anonymous11:06 AM

    May I also suggest the blog, only adult in the room by the X-kos diarist, blackwaterdog. He rounds up the good stories and lots of fabulous photos, like this one of the President and his daughters playing in the snow:

  18. Me, too!11:12 AM

    I love it-- the person who created this speaks for me.

  19. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Thank you....

  20. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Thank you Gryphen, for putting this up there. I voted for President Obama and I have been very angry with him over some of his actions/non-actions.
    But, he has been a source of personal inspiration in one very important way.
    As I've been fiercely targeted, defamed, threatened, and hated by the powers (including the Mayor and City Council) for reporting the news of this little town in my small paper; as elected officials worked actively to damage my business and force me to leave town; each day I think of the number of death threats and the depth of the opposition faced by President Obama.
    I've watched as he calmly and deliberately ignores the haters and continues to do the work. That is a model of leadership that has been an example and an inspiration for me to follow. And for that, if for nothing else, I'm grateful for President Obama.

  21. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Thank you!
    This was a wonderful video

  22. Have to admit that I cried a bit watching this. Those of us who worked for Obama's election and who voted for him, should be proud of ourselves for electing this man to the highest office in the land. Each time I visit this site and read of Sarah Palin's latest insult to the intelligence of Americans, I am grateful that people like you, Gryphen have worked so hard to expose her for what she is - the true antichrist. Happy new Year and keep up the great work.

  23. Anonymous11:43 AM

    President Obama RULES!

    I know there were issues beyond his control (like the party of "hell NO"), but he did the best he could and got a lot of shit done despite all of the assholes in congress.

    He has done SO much for the people in such little time with so much opposition.

    I am proud and grateful for President Obama!

  24. Anonymous11:50 AM

    President Obama is a great man with an honorable family that well represents America.

    I am so thankful for President Obama.

    I am so thankful for President Obama bringing America out of a depression.

    I am so thankful for President Obama's ability to lead America.

    I am so thankful for President Obama's ability to be able to talk and work with people who try their hardest to bring him down everyday even at the cost of America going down with him.

    I am so thankful for President Obama for overcoming the lies and hate that was directed towards him during the presidential election process.

    I am ashamed it was somebody from Alaska that brought embarrassment, diversity and hate to the forefront of politics.

  25. Anonymous11:52 AM

    That clip is just wonderful! Now can anyone imagine the Payme Klan living in the White House? It would be daily chaos and drama! We would be the laughing stock of the world.

    Thank you President Obama for the great man you are. I am proud of you and your beautiful family.

  26. Oh damn, Gryph. That made me cry.

    And I'm grateful too.

    To your anonymous requester: Thank you.

  27. Anonymous11:58 AM

    That was beautiful.

  28. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Thanks for posting this. It's nice to take stock and get ready for the new battles ahead.

  29. Anonymous12:11 PM

    What was John McCain thinking when he picked an uneducated money mongerer trailer park pageant runner-up for a presidential running mate?

    Sarah Palin, a person who is unable to raise decent a family was an old man's heart beat away from being president of the United States.

  30. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Beautiful Gryph. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year to you and all the IMers.

  31. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Looking at this video of President Obama brings back memories of a great year for America.
    What a wonderful family.

    Just imagine Sarah Palin's end of the year video with clips of Willow and the Colony Girls breaking into houses and selling drugs, Track avoiding jail time and laying around the house, Brisket's embarrassing moment on the dance floor with her big gut hanging out, Piper never attending school and holding books for her mother with a horrible frown on her face, Trig going around without glasses and shoes on, boys going in and out of the girl's room without parental supervision and Todd confronting fellow Alaskans just for looking at his wife. What a horrible family the Palins are and we were that close to having them near the White House.

  32. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Happy New Year Mr. Gryphen. It has been an absolute pleasure to visit your site every day. It's the last place I visit before retiring for the evening because I totally believe in ending my day with laughter. Your personal touches on every perspective is the kind of conversation I like to have when discussing and issue (whether I agree with your point of view or not). I hope the new year brings happiness to you and your family and friends.

    P.S. Thanks for posting such a beautiful reminder of how awesome President Obama. Years from now, books will be written on how he managed the world stage with poise, grace and a high dose of cool during the highest times of adversity, anger, resistance and despair. Kudos to you and the videographer!

  33. FEDUP!!!12:37 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for posting this uplifting video.
    Yes, I am also very, very grateful for all of the above - AND for not having to face the alternative-that-almost-was in the White House!

    I have to fight with my hubby almost daily, though, since he is one of those fair-weather supporters who wanted everything at once, and does not see how MUCH our President has achieved DESPITE the Party of NO!

    A very Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your daughter, Gryphen, and also to all your readers/contributors of this blog!

  34. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Happy New Year. Thanks for your hard work.

  35. happy new year to you gryphen and to the IM community!
    and thank you for posting this video. i will be forwarding this to many friend and family. i am proud of my president, as imperfect as he admits he is. he needs our help to get his agenda done - we should never forget that.

  36. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Happy New Year!

    Major Health Care Reforms Take Effect On January 1

  37. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Top Five Political Catch Phrases Of 2010

  38. Thank you and to whomever sent it to you. It brought tears to my eyes.

  39. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I agree wholeheartedly!! Thank you for posting this wonderful youtube. The world is truly blessed to have this President in the fast changing world we live in today. He is a brilliant, intelligent person, with a down-to-earth real perspective... Considering the congressional climate of power hungry corporate interests, he is doing a marvelous job.

  40. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Gryphen---thanks for all you do & to your many bloggers who work tirelessly to expose the sham that is the Palins---hopefully, 2011 will the year of their much deserved downfall!

    Happy New Year to All

  41. That was very moving and beautifully done. Thank you and Happy New Year!

  42. Ok guys I was dried eyed until about 3:15! Thank you Gryphen for's personally been a terrible, horrible, very bad year for my family but I have NEVER given up on this man! I can't wait to get back to the phones and the streets to support his vision.

    Happy New Year to all and a better 2011!

  43. Beldar Conehead (from Idaho)1:56 PM


    That's all. Just.. damn.

    Happy New Year to you, Gryphen. Thanks for sharing this video and keeping an eye on shit for us.

  44. ManxMamma1:59 PM

    Thanks for posting this Gryphen. It was a nice high note on New Year's Eve.

  45. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Oh, I'm sorry Gryph, I forgot to wish you a Happy New Year! I hope you and your lovely daughter have a bless New Year.

    Also, thank you for this blog. Without you and others we wouldn't have known the evils of the Palin Klan. I'm truly Grateful they are not in the White House.

  46. erica from dallas2:07 PM

    Thank you for all you do to keep our spirits and keep directed and moving forward in your blog community.
    I am happy to say I love our President
    Happy New Year

  47. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Thank you Gryph.

    All year long, throughout all Palin's circus acts, I've often said thank God she's nowhere near the White House.

    Being an international joke aside if that dingbat or her WT family were in DC, I cringe to think about what kind of quality of life people in the U.S. would have. I guess 'Soylent Green' really would come to fruition... one person shot from a helicopter at a time.

  48. Anonymous2:30 PM

    And the one for Sarah Palin:

    She quit her job to whine and make more money.

    That is all.

  49. WakeUpAmerica2:37 PM

    And thank you, in spite of big business and all their influence, for being for us.

  50. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Well how about that, there must have been at least a dozen crying so far! This is scary in that nobody even stops to think that Obama is your leader who is keeping a phony war going in both Iraq and Afghanistan which are both costing the lives of innocent foreigners. Scary because all it takes is a little demonstration of positive propaganda and they will willingly forget the evil your country is perpetrating under this leader's name. You've reinforced that Gryphen but never mind, the people will go right along with the wars so easily anyway with a little prodding.

    And the ones who say they love their president? Well, they probably actually do love him at some strange level. Americans most likely are the only people in the world that actually love their political leaders! Imagine that and imagine what they will do for their president if only asked.

  51. Anonymous3:08 PM

    President Obama: Two Years of Progress

    A look back at President Obama's accomplishments over the first two years of his administration. This is IMPRESSIVE!

  52. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I was proud to vote for him and even more proud of the job he is doing. He is up against so much with those nasty Republicans in Congress. He certainly rises above them in thought, word and deed!

    God bless you President Obama!

  53. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Thanks Gryph, for sharing goes out to all the young people in my clan; they voted for him, believe in him, and are working toward those same goals. They even are thinking about banding together and putting the most qualified of the bunch into politics...Happy New Year to all.

  54. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Thanks Gryphen. Too bad the administration's marketing skills aren't up to the task of getting its accomplishments "out there".

    Happy New Year to all!

    (Hey physicsmom, are we related?)


  55. Janet in Texas3:44 PM

    OMG. Love this. Made me cry. I just shared on my FB. Thanks, Gryphen.

  56. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen. May the New Year bring better health, more wealth (of spirit and appreciation of life as well as monetary boosts), and more recognition of your time, energy, and hard work. You have dedicated yourself to serving Alaska and America by exposing fraud and corruption in both a political and spiritual sense. We are grateful for your efforts. You educate us and help direct us to our better selves by reminding us to use humor and constructive outrage to make our country and ourselves the best we can be. Blessings to you and yours.

  57. Anonymous3:56 PM

    President Obama makes me proud to be an American.

    He has ended active combat in Iraq and will bring troops back from Afghanistan on schedule - he keeps his word, even when so many forces conspire to delay and discourage him.

    Sure, I've been frustrated that all the promises haven't yet been fulfilled and am scared that the Republicans and Tea Party idiots will dismantle as much as they can, but really, President Obama has begun the process of turning us around, given us hope and tangible benefits. I actually feel physical healing occurring after eight years of turmoil and dismay.

    Blessings be to President Obama, his family and to all of us - and particularly to you, Gryphen. You make daily sacrifices to ensure we are kept abreast of the latest deceptions and buoy our spirits with your light.

  58. It's actually amazing to see all that our President has accomplished to make things better for us, no matter the disappointment from those who wanted more and in spite of all the static and stonewalling from those who wanted less, far less. Thank you for posting this video as a reminder of who we have as a President - we should be grateful.

    On this last day of 2010 also, just wanted to say, Gryphen - thanks for being there and doing what you are doing, seeming effortless at that! (I know full well it is far from easy...)

    Peace and good wishes to you and all IM readers.

  59. Anonymous4:22 PM

    You just made my New Years eve. I shared it, and going Viral in the entire world.

    Yeah... Thank you Mr President for being you

  60. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Thanks for a good year, Gryphen. For all your work in our common cause. I love the Obama video. He is a decent and capable man -- high praise in my book, because we have been without for so long. --Amy1

  61. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Two sad people on this thread are
    @ 2.43PM and 10.10AM...
    Here is a napkin for both of you... Get over it, President Obama is cool.
    He did not start the two wars, Bush started the wars and President Obama is ending both wars.

  62. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Anon 11:06 posted:
    Bristol isn't sitting down or shutting up.


    FYI - Clicked on buying tickets and it took it to Paypal site setting out 'Tickets are $20.00'!!

  63. Thank you, Gryphen, for all you do.

    May the new year bring you blessings, love and laughter!

    And that goes for all the great posters on here also, too....

    Happy New year!

  64. I'd like to take this opportunity, Gryphen, to say Happy New Year to you and your daughter and a "big" thank you for the video of our wonderful president!

    The Palins have had us on a "Merry-go-Round to nowhere!" Let's expose them for their lies and in 2011, make sure "all" the trash gets taken out.

  65. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Did you see the great Peter Souza, behind the scenes at the White House Obama album over on Huffpo? Well worth a look.

    Grace, charisma, a sense of humor, kindness and class pervades every shot.

  66. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Happy New Year to you Gryphen. I hope you know how much your time is appreciated.

    America knows who the real crooked Sarah Palin and her retarded family is about because of your efforts.

  67. Hey, thanks for this. Taking time to look at these huge improvements over, say 5 years ago, is a good shot. Sometimes it looks so screwed up but, hey, look at 5 years ago.

    Happy New Year!

  68. Awhile back, I sent this letter to the White House then out of frustration started a blog. The letter is a bit dated. I respect and admire the president but...

    I like your site and will visit often. That's one of the joys of my blog experience. Please drop by and read for awhile. I'm based in Kentucky and if you'll take Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, I'll gladly take Sarah Palin. Cletis Stump

    To: President Barack Obama
    From: Cletis Stump
    Re: Missing Backbone

    Mr. President: Sir, I voted for you as did my wife and entire family. We cried tears of joy the night you spoke at Grant Park. Sadly, we are once again on the verge of tears; unfortunately, we are not so joyous this time. You have absolutely and totally failed those of us who believed you were strong enough to fight for what is simply right. Mr. President, I believe you are a good man, perhaps a great man, but right-mindedness without strength of resolve is merely a gossamer dream; beautiful but without substance.

    Fortunately, sir, each day a man has an opportunity to remake himself. Look in the mirror and square your shoulders. People are drawn to decisiveness and even those who detest you will respect your sense of purpose and fealty to your convictions. Diplomacy may well be the art of the possible but it may also become the refuge of the timid. Begin anew with this tax issue. Stand before the American people and say you will absolutely not allow the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to be extended. Briefly lay out the numbers and tell the American people to call their senators and demand we extend the tax breaks only for the middle class.

    Sir, as Joe Louis once said of his opponent, "You can run but you can't hide." Quit running from these small men who have hijacked our country. Stand up and be the man you told us you are.


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