Friday, December 31, 2010

What if Snowdrift Snooki met up with the REAL Jersey Shore Snooki?

Apparently yesterday Snooki Polizzi, form the Jersey Shore cast, tweeted this message:

Sara Palin has a reality show? ....I'm bored..maybe ill come stir up some excitement in that alaskan home..
29 Dec via ÜberTwitter

Personally I find the idea of Snooki and the Grizzled Mama meeting up in the wilds of Wasilla to be a compelling idea for at least ONE of their reality shows. And you have to admit it would be a hell of lot more entertaining than watching Kate Gosselin bitch about the weather.

Could you just imagine the mind numbing conversations that the two could engage in?

They could compare bumpits and fake tans all day long. And it would undoubtedly TRIPLE the ratings from  last week's episode of SPSAFTVFT.

While she was in Alaska Snooki could even give Palin some lessons on more effective attention whoring.  I don't know if Palin has done ANYTHING as potentially humiliating and hard to ignore as what Snooks has coming up for tonight.

Don't worry, I'm still gonna be your fricken' NYE hamster ina ball...I wish NYC would focus on digging out ...
19 hours ago via ÜberTwitter

Perhaps it is just me, but he idea of putting Sarah Palin in a glass ball and dropping her from a great height has a certain appeal.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Wishing everyone a Palin Free New Year!

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Slow news day huh?

    Hang in there, the year end silly season is almost over.

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Read this

  4. Facebook Lurker7:21 AM

    Happy New Year Gryphen and the rest of you haters ;), I hope the new year brings everyone good health and happiness. I hope I was able to contribute some worthwhile information and entertainment to the blog and it's readers. This is my favorite stop on the Internet highway every morning, and it's so much fun to read the posts and incredible comments.

    I can't wait until the Bristol tabloid spread with Gino and the 12 pound preemie comes out....2011 will be a very fun year...Dunn and McGinnis books, Palin email release=good times

  5. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Be fair - have the show set in neutral territory like Chicago.

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Happy New Year to Everyone, and especially to Gryphen for his fearless reporting.

    We have not seen or heard from Sarah in a week, and it's not like her or her ghost writers to be so quiet. So, Gryphen, when you find that there is nothing else to write about, how about a quick trip up to Wasilla to see if there are any lights on in either of the big houses. Maybe it really was true, and they all moved to Arizona!

  7. ManxMamma8:18 AM

    Gryphen - the happiest of New Year wishes to you and your daughter!

  8. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The Jersey Shore clowns were voted as the least desirable neighbors. Your kind of neighbors for sure.

    This summer you will be whining your ass of because of the tourist invasion caused by SPAK.

  9. Bear Woman8:34 AM

    With Snowdrift Snooki having been so quiet, do you think she has been filming as part of the competition on Oprah's new network for her own show? I hope Oprah did not give her that platform for another show of her own or as a judge of other contestants!

    I think the JS Snooki would sound more intelligent that Snowdrift Snooki -- at least she knows just how inane she is!

  10. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Did you know the ice queen was on Hannity last night talking about " standing up for America" and her book " America by Heart?" I tried to find some quotes and/ or other info and wasn't lucky last night. I only saw one tweet where they said Sarah was bitching about the media covering her children but not the Obamas! DUH!! Does whis stupid brickhead ever learn or listen? And what's the comparison to Obama as if she is a equal. Yuck! Can you find anything on linr Gryphen? You are good at that!

    Oh on MSNBC, one guy from Politico says we will be seeing even more of Sarah next year! Please no! Is he trying to kiss her butt? He actually stated that if she doesn't run, all the candidates will be clamoring for her endorsement. Seriously politico????

  11. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I watched that MTV show a couple of times.

    I think Snowdrift Snookie would be in trouble if it came to trading verbal smackdowns or a real bit%hfight. Also too.

    Sarah better be careful not to offend the real Snookie on F.B. or twitter. Her fans and family also too.

    Palin is really quiet, like somethings cooking. Got bun(s) in the oven?

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Hey! Snooki looks like Liz Taylor!

  13. Anonymous9:04 AM

    O/T but this is just wonderful!!!

    Happy New Year, Mr. President. This is for you.

    'This blog was created out of necessity. When the best American president in decades is treated with complete disrespect and viciousness by a corrupted media and crazy racists from the right, and when many of his "supporters" simply joined them - Those who follow the facts, know the truth and understand the unprecedented hate machine that works against him - must step up and do something.

    So, this is my modest effort. This blog provides news, photos, videos, links, and any available information that can help spread the truth about Barack Obama's presidency.

    Comments are moderated, so if you're in the business of bashing and trashing this president - don't waste your hate here. The Internet is full with places for you.

    But, if you believe in the intelligence, the decency, the grace, the courage and the big heart of Barack Obama - Please stay, enjoy and love.'

  14. JenniferinVA9:16 AM

    I'd like to see Bris-dull in a glass ball like that so we could see her from all angles. Hell, she could even wear the 14 scarves she's so fond of sporting lately.
    BTW, I was looking at a picture on MI's site that showed Bristol backstage on DWTS when my son's girlfriend happened to walk by. She looked at my computer and said, "Oh wow, is Bristol pregnant again?"
    I guess it's pretty obvious - even to those folks who don't engage in "conspiracy theories" and "Palin Derangement Syndrome."

  15. Anonymous9:20 AM

    As we come to the end of "the Year the Palins REALLY Became Overexposed" it is my sincere wish that Sarah is flushed out and figuratively disposed of like the political and cultural bedbug she is.

    And with her, may the republicans who gave her recognition and fame (many of whom continue their shameful, if lukewarm, support) be brought down as well.

    Happy New Year, Gryphen et al.

  16. Anonymous9:48 AM

    It would be a supernova of stupidity. But I'd like to see Palin go to New Jersey and look like a moose in the headlights.

  17. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Here's an entertainment idea. Use it as a fundraiser for charity. Should bring in a bundle:

    Tag Team Wrestling Match!

    Team 1: The Snooki's: Snowdrift and Jersey Shore


    Team 2: Gosslin and Bristol: Payback is hell.

    Tickets on sale at a wallmart near you.

  18. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Scarah would not do it, but would recommend Bristol while she screeched from the sidelines.

  19. sorry but this isn't about the desert love nest10:31 AM

    Snooki original wins any contest with snowjob snooki of the frozen tundra.

    "Did you know the ice queen was on Hannity last night talking about " standing up for America" and her book 'America by Heart?'" Heart? it's more like by Fart.

    I hear the charity Hannity show was a repeat and she rehashed a tale about her son Track Charles James Palin and the only thing she can say about his Army experience. He traveled home on a commercial flight or something. Not like his friend Jeremy Morlock who had his travel arrangements at DOD expense. Did the Army frame him? That would be some serious sh*t. Where are his friends and why don't they tell his story? Where are Jeremy's hockey buddies telling about the Jeremy they know and what happened with the Army drugs?

    It is Christ's season, Sarah and the Palins, have you no Christian spirit? Why won't you speak up loud and clear about your friend? Tell what the government did to him. No one listens to April and you left her high and dry trying to say what was done to him by the government. It is cheap and cheesy that only Bristol gave his sister a trip to LA. The Morlocks don't owe the Palins but the sister, April, went on national TV in support of Bristol being a good mother. Does anyone else believe that after what we have seen?

    Sarah if you are going to rehash Track tales please update his tattoos. The one about the Statue of Liberty means he is an expert. Give us more of his expertise? Every tattoo tells a story, story.

  20. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Check out There will be a Tea Party magazine, Tea Party Rewiew ( and Sarah will be on the first cover in Feb.

  21. I am ÜBER bored with all things snooki. ÜBER, ÜBER BORED with snowdrift. ÜBER, ÜBER, ÜBER ,ÜBER BORED with snooki "gum-snapping boobie-shaking multiparous abstinence advocate" and the Arizona ÜBER CRAP DISTRACTION. ÜBER, ÜBER, ÜBER, ÜBER ,ÜBER BORED because no one in media is going to go for or will print anything to do with reality.

    I rather read about the history and effects of rumors, the part they play in getting a story told.
    RUMORS. The good, the bad and the ugly. Why so many rumors if we have transparency and freedom of the press?

    If we can't have intelligent direct conversations we have satire, court jestures, going back to Gulliver's Travels and rumors. They really can't squash a people down forever.

    THANK YOU BLOG IM and the wonderful refreashing views you allow. You are terrific. While there are good reasons to keep on all the snooki's of the north country and may be south country, DON'T FORGET THE PALIN MEN FOLK.

  22. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The President and Michelle keep their kids out of the spotlight-- the Press has no reason to notice them-- duh! What's to say about them? They were annoying for the cams ONCE during the election and we've not seen or heard from them since.

    If the real Snooki cones up, I doubt that I'll even bother reading any commentaries on it. K8 was jumping the shark, but Snooki is-- if the President gets seen with her, I'll see her as worthy of watching a SPSAkFTVFT. Wait-- if the Prez gets seen with her, I'll ignore him AND SP, but I always ignore SP as much as possible.

    I've quit clicking on anything Palin @ ADN.

  23. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Wow, looking at that hamster ball pic makes me realize that dude who plays Snooki on SNL is spot on... scary.

  24. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Where is the Good Sister? Where is our wild
    little media whore? She is like a super stinky
    fart--no matter the embarrassment and agony
    she causes, you can't keep her in.

  25. womanwithsardinecan12:03 PM

    OT, but I was about 15 miles from Maricopa yesterday when we were avoiding the freeway to Tucson. That area is nasty. Mostly feedlots, dairy feedlots, reservations, and cotton. That pretty much sums up the area. Casa Grande is the only nearby town that doesn't look like god took a crap on it. Bristle can shop there. Maricopa is only about 20 miles from the south part of Phoenix (Tempe), but it is crappy highway through the rez. Absolutely charming place to live. Not.

  26. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Sarah is still opening her piehole - she was on Fox w/Hannity and it sounded like it was for the majority of his show yesterday or day before. I forget, because I was moving through channels. I caught her at the end of the show.

    True that she is being quieter as to her idiotic tweets. I, personally, think it is wonderful.

    Hopefully, she truly goes away and soon! AZ you can have the Palin clan - we no longer appreciate having them in Alaska. They've been detrimental to our state!


    12:03 PM

    I love boots and the ground photo excursions. Any chance you would venture into the God forsaken territory again?


  28. When screech was on Hannity last night (re-run), I caught the last 2 minutes.

    Hannity asked Palin how she will fight the Republican machine - out to get her - and the media - out to get her (I'm paraphrasing Hannity's question).

    sarah said she will use PRAYER SHIELDS! Yes, she DID. Well, she actually said "prayer shillds."

    So odd. I think the Dominionist whackos and their "prayer warriors" may be the scariest thing of all things Palin (not that there aren't plenty of horrifying things to choose from).

    Her base is made up of end-of-times fundie freaks and horny old men. Luckily, there are not enough of them to put SP in ANY kind of power.

    Once the "white out" implications (that she whined about in "Going Rogue") become clear, the fundies will abandon her - also, too.

    SP is NOT pro-life. See how this pro-life site "rates" her!

    Sarah Palin
    Former Governor of Alaska (R)
    Tier 4 - Personhood Never

    "As a candidate whom many pro-lifers want to support, her actual abortion record and rhetoric is shocking to the conscience."

  29. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Tea Party magazine, Tea Party Review ?

    Not a Ron Paul Tea Party magazine? A Sarah Palin Tea Party magazine?

    I can barely wait. All the more reason to put our children and their children in further debt to China and support the endless war in Afghanistan. Can't we spectacularly shock and awe bomb Irack again and any place the drones can miss their targets. Sarah will lead us through it all.

    Who are these crazy Tea Heads and do they want war or not? The best and brightest of the Wasilla Tea Party.

    Just a short time before sonny boy was spewing Bristol. I betcha dad was sure glad he got away. What happened to the fire investigation at the Wasilla Bible Church. We were promised they'd get back to us with updates. Gatto was quick to talk and then shut up. Certainly his status with the Anchorage Fire Department isn't void. After Sarah apologized for her part and fingers were pointed to certain suspects it all went quiet. The Church, the town or anyone in Alaska has no care in the world about an arsonist on the loose? Some claim it was attempted murder. Why do they only want the rumors?

  30. Anonymous3:10 PM

    anon. @2:16 - That is a pretty picture of sarah (before she turned into an ugly old hag) with Rep. Carlo Gatto, "oathkeeper, teabagger, joe miller supporter."

    Excellent find re Gabe's FB (myspace?) 2007 page - WOW, very interesting! THANKS!

  31. save the babies3:47 PM

    Snooki Polizzi is more virginal than any re-virginated or Snooki Palin. Polizzi must be insulted to be compared to these women that have so little regard for life.

    Bristol Palin is working on her new REALITY SPECIAL. She is going to teach pregnant girls how to hang out Wasilla style.

    While facebook lurking has anyone noticed that it is alright for pregnant in Wasilla to be around second hand smoke? Bristol/Levi/Sadie's friends have no thought of how they expose embryo, gestating or young infants to deadly and debilitating toxins. This is beyond ignorance and a poor education. I think these people, including the ones that just stand around and aren't pregnant, should all do time for child endangerment and sometimes murder. The parents that can't deal with a truly open and transparent discussion... they can all go to hell or prison as well. There is no excuse for the silence. What do they do? They ignore the babies well being and make excuses. They lolly gag about loving cute babies but don't wake up and see they are part of the hurting and death. Some Christians claim to be better Christians than other parents. They are all nuts and won't take responsibility. Denial is a sacred place for them all. Sadie Johnston did one good post on unwed pregnant Wasilla but lost interest in the important subject. It is not easy to tolerate the silences. Some people have lost their souls and it is a problem.

    No wonder so many babies die and have no obituary in their beautiful scenic Valley. I don't see the parents or grandparents in Sarah's age range lifting a finger to save babies. They only go on about abortion as murder. No wonder Sarah had to hire a city manager, she can't manage diddly. Everyday she proves why she quit on the State of Alaska and produces a pathetic TV program. The money is good and she'll do more. Bristol will get her share of the funds.

    Wasilla stop destroying and killing your babies and stop trying to hide the serious problems you have with your youth. They post the most unbelievable photos on-line and lie about the cigarette they are holding. Idiots, second hand smoke kills. You don't pose for a picture while pregnant and blame that you are holding the cancer weed for someone else. Why don't any of their parents monitor this dumb ass kids? That is also a crime that they have no supervision.


  32. Anonymous7:53 PM

    If they put Sarah in a ball of glass and she were to sing, what would happen to the ball?

  33. larry9:30 PM

    What a fascinating window into the Snowbilly culture of 2007 Alaska.

    Guzman: 'u like that bazooka huh haha'
    Gatto: 'c-ckboy huh haha a-- hole yeah I need to call Bristol
    Did Guzman call Bristol or Lacey a bazooka? I feel real bad for this Gabe. His language is foul but he said he would like to call her. Something bad happened but he wanted to do the right thing..

    Urban Dictionary
    bazooka, A girl with a phat ass.
    bazooka, Weed and Crack rolled into a joint.
    Bristol or Lacey must have been all over that garbage to be called a bazooka. Bristol's ass wasn't phat in 2007, or did they know something we aren't aware of yet?

  34. save the babies3:11 PM

    We know that Jeff ___ and his wife, do some kind of policing on the kids but they don't deal with much. They certainly skipped the Palin girls internet crime spree when they stalked and bullied some boys. I guess they think being a friend is the way to deal with out of control kids? Or they just may monitor to keep anyone from posting anything that could be an embarassment to the adults. They are trying to do something but it is not much and not what matters. Bribes fail in utero life.

    This is about Bristol and her many secrets as well as the parents, Todd and Sarah, and all in denial in Alaska. Why the different ears on a baby they call Trig? Why do they not clear up the questions? The Palins made it look like there are two different Trig Palins. Why? This one was at Kristan Cole's baby shower for Trig and Sarah. There is more documentation. What happened to this baby? Was he/she exposed to first or second hand smoke or what other chemicals? It is a big concern for all if he/she is living or dead and about the quality of life if living. We also see another Trig Palin, he is rounder. We can't be sure of his safety or if he is getting his needs met. Although it is true THAT round Trig1 takes very cute pictures.

    Bring it on in the New Year for the precious unborn and the babies born to the hell raisers. Do something to help these babies exposed to second hand smoke and worse. As it is every bodies business.


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