Friday, December 31, 2010

Stupidest idea EVER!

So there is this new website that has decided that the best chance for Obama to win a second term is to organize Democrats and Independents to help elect Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee in 2012. 

The group is call Primaries for Palin, and this is their Mission Statement: aims to nominate Sarah Palin as the Republican presidential candidate by encouraging Democrats and Independents to purposefully vote for her in state primaries. In head-to-head polls with President Barack Obama, Palin consistently fares worse than other possible Republican candidates because of her divisiveness. If Palin is nominated, Obama has a much better chance of winning reelection in November 2012.

Now either the individuals behind this group are suffering from a terminal case of "head-up-our-ass-itis" or they are some Pro-Palin group using this transparent half-assed excuse to convince Independents and Democrats to vote for Palin in the primary. 

You know they DO seem a little overly defensive about this second scenario.  This from their site:

Are you secretly a pro-Palin organization?

No, but we recognize that some may see us as supporters of Palin through “reverse psychology.” We are a group of liberal individuals that wishes to have Obama reelected in 2012. We routinely post highly critical stories about Palin. While a pro-Palin organization could also post anti-Palin stories, thus using “reverse psychology” deception, we also post numerous poll results that show she would be severely trounced by Obama in the general election. If anything, it is these poll results that should prove our intentions: Numbers don’t lie.

Uh huh.  Well if this movement is NOT some Palin panty sniffers pathetic attempt to trick liberals into backing Palin, than it is some spineless Obama supporters pathetic attempt to stack the deck in our President's favor because they lack confidence in his ability to win the election in 2012.  Either way these imbeciles should be ignored and marginalized until they get a clue and shut down their ridiculous enterprise.

Look Obama is going to destroy ANYBODY the Republicans put up against him in 2012. Believe it!

When people start to use deception to win an election, THAT is when a sure thing suddenly becomes a near miss.  Obama will win, count on it, but we can fuck that up by trying to game the system or attempting to outsmart the Luddites who still support the Republican party.

There were progressives who pulled that crap in Alaska, and they damn near delivered the vaguely bearded Teabagger candidate Joe Miller right onto the Senate floor.  And as others have pointed out, there was another Republican candidate that the Democrats felt would ensure an easy victory for their sitting President as well.

In late 1978, Ronald Reagan, himself a former governor and media star, was considered a has-been politician who had tried for the presidency in 1976 and had fallen short. Reagan was ridiculed, like Palin, for his alleged lack of intelligence and his alleged extremism. Yet, in 1980, Ronald Reagan beat President Jimmy Carter and became the 40th President of the United States.

Now Sarah Palin is NO Ronald Reagan, but my point is why take the chance in allowing the worst possible candidate imaginable to get THAT close to the White House.

Obama's amazing list of accomplishments will serve him well in the 2012 Presidential contest, and the memory of the last time a Republican President sat in the Oval Office will hang around the neck of their next candidate like a rusty anchor.  That should be enough to give the Democrats confidence in their President.

Sarah Palin has lost virtually all of her credibility with the American people, so why give her even the semblance of electability by faking a groundswell of support.  Remember the lesson of Dr, Victor Frankenstein and Senator John McCain.

Sometimes, the creature gets loose.


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Its the Palinbots spin.. They are desperate...LOL. Liberals are not that stupid to buy into the Palin Crap.
    Good try Palibots, but no thanks with your Primary Vote Palin... No she is too dangerous and stupid to be close to the white house.


  2. I could not agree with you more on this one, Gryphen. Sometimes the creature gets loose, indeed. Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix will be released to the publisher after midnight!

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I know you aren't a D.J., but maybe you can post this today also too!


    Miller ends challenge in US Senate race

    "Miller didn't announce his future plans, other than a trip to Disneyland with his family if he can afford it, but said he would not reopen his Fairbanks law office. He was noncommittal about any future run for office."


    "Supporters at the news conference, held in one of his Anchorage campaign offices, outnumbered reporters probably 10 to 1 and cheered many of his statements and shouted down a few challenging questions by reporters. It was Miller's first formal press conference since Oct. 11, which he left without taking questions.

    Merry Christmas- Happy New Year- and go away all things Palin!

  4. womanwithsardinecan4:18 PM

    Gryphen, I'm 100% with you on this one. I simply refuse to court disaster by trusting voters. They have not shown enough critical thinking or awareness to be trusted to keep that witch away from the White House. Electing Obama was an anomaly in terms of voter smarts. I'm not counting on that. Obama has a genuine record of success that will serve him well during the election. No need to play the stupid bitch card to get him reelected.

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    DWTS, deja vu.

  6. I agree! I posted this on twitter, buzz post and my FB which should hit around 5,000 people. I told everyone that I hope they are not stupid enough to be a part of this and that all serious democrats need to shut this down. Everyone thinks she could not win but look at Bush...twice! NEVER underestimate stupidity and now with the tea party and the money they have...anything could happen. You are spot on...this is STUPID!

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses.

  8. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Sarah Palin’s Nomination Chances: A Reassessment

  9. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I would not participate in this Palin for President joke. Sarah is so damn ignorant dumb, she would think we are actually voting for her instead of laughing at her.

  10. Anonymous4:42 PM

    the progressives though delivered Murkowski when they were to chickenshit scared to vote for McAdams. You cannot call yourself a Democrat if you voted for Murkowski

  11. Julie4:51 PM

    Sounds trollish to me---the "I voted for Obama, but...." kind of troll.

    Don't participate!

  12. Anonymous4:56 PM

    President Barack Obama: Two Years of Progress

    A look back at President Obama's accomplishments over the first two years of his administration.

  13. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I'm with you 100% on this one, Gryphen. Try something else, Palinbots - that scheme isn't going to fly.

  14. JenniferinVA5:13 PM

    This woman is unqualified. Why give her and her feeble-minded bots any legitimacy? She doesn't deserve to run; she hasn't put in the hard work of public service and the study of public policy. She doesn't give a shit enough to even learn more than Hallmark card phrases about American exceptionalism rah-rah-rah.
    She should be laughed at - not handed the GOP nomination.
    Dumbest idea ever.

  15. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Typical stupid "above it all" democrat idea. Reeks of the misguided maneuverings of AKM and Shannyn Moore, a la Joe Miller. Puts the STUPID in stupid.

    Sorry, I know that's harsh. But I don't want stupid anywhere near the White House again.

  16. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Bush cheated himself into the White House twice.

    Also he defeated Ann Richards to become governor of Texas. Richards had a 66% approval rating.
    How do you defeat an opponent with that kind of public approval. You cheat.

    It is always advisable to hope that any opposition candidate is of the highest quality that the other party(s) can put forward. It raises the bar for both parties and that person just might end up as you rep or you POTUS.

    Better is always - well - better.

  17. Chenagrrl5:24 PM

    Liberals, Dems and Progressives are not this well organized.

    To ferret out the source, check the pro-Palin sites for these sentence constructions.

    "We are a group of liberal individuals that wishes* to have Obama reelected** in 2012."

    * Usage dictates who.
    ** Reelect is usually re-elect.

  18. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Looks like Bristol not only has a speaking engagement in Feb, but one in Jan. I'm thinking she moved south to continue her work

  19. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sounds like some real Newsmax crap. Don't even think about hitting that button.

  20. I like these stills of Sarah where she looks like a braying donkey or a laughing hyena. Her true self is revealed.

  21. Anonymous5:41 PM

    It's a stupid game. There's some foolish Dems4Palin nonsense going on over on twitter too. I think we need to concentrate on GOTV for 2012 because Republican's are going to be so full of themselves with all the state legs and Govs they scored in Nov + the US House of Reps. Never trust them and never slack off.

    I'll be pissed for the next 10 years at the weasels that did not vote in Nov. We're all going to pay a very high price for that garbage. There was no point or message sent and now Repubs are in control. So no I won't play that vote for Palin game because I want to send a message to Repubs in 2012 that says : YOU LOST GO AWAY! Dangerous to do anything else.

  22. Anonymous5:42 PM

    It absolutely disgusts me that Undeclareds, NonPartisans and Independents opted to vote in Alaska's closed Republican Primary for Joe Miller in the hopes of sending a 'message' to Lisa Murkowski. Granted, mostly just the fundies came out to vote on the abortion measure but there was enough of the others to tip the favor in Joe's corner. So crazy ol Joe Jamillngnuk thought he was viable, thought he was bonafide and started picking out furniture and fantasizing about redecorating the Hart Senate Office into his liking. . .

    Electing Sarah Palin to anything, boosting her book ratings to give her bragging rights to being a "Best Selling Author" and all that, just pisses me off, cause this woman hasn't even earned 97% of her accolades.

    That she puts conservative-ass self out there and takes the punches doesn't make her a hero, she's a deluded narcissist that truly believes she's the second coming.

    No matter your political affiliation or predilections, DO NOT continue to give this woman credibility in thinking she's a player in the political field.

  23. Anonymous5:52 PM

    President Obama also keeps proving that, compared to the talking-head Left of the Democratic Party he knows how to get things done that actually change lives and matter-- health care reform, actual gay rights (instead of mere slogans), actual education reform, etc. President Obama seems to be the only grownup, not to mention the smartest person, in many a room, or at least any figurative "room" where his detractors gather in the press, on TV and in blogs.

  24. Anonymous5:54 PM

    It's as simple as this: she does NOT DESERVE the right to be a Presidential candidate. She does NOT DESERVE the right to be heard anymore. She does not speak for the average American, and having her even get close to the finish line would forever change the political landscape, simply by enabling the fanatical Tea Partiers to have more of a voice than they currently have.
    As it was written in Andrew Sullivan's blog last week, it would be better to see a Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama than to see a Palin win in the Republican Primary.

  25. Aussie Blue Sky5:54 PM

    I've had my own political philosophy worked out for a long time. I'm a proud Democrat.

    I would never, ever, ever change my registration or vote for a Republican or so-called conservative. Not for any reason, and not evah!

  26. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Three things make me very wary of a strategy like this:
    1. SCOTUS decision awarding the presidency to Bush
    2. rise of the Tea Party and the resulting lurch to the right of the Republican party (which has put some scary RWNJs into office)
    3. Citizens United decision and the obscene amounts of money that were spent on the 2010 election with no transparency as to their sources

    Recent history has shown that our elections can be manipulated. I don't want any Republican candidate that I couldn't live with as POTUS.

  27. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Too many pro-Scott McAdams people voted for Joe in the primary to ensure Scott would win. They learned the hard way what happens with THAT.

  28. Anonymous6:22 PM

    After seeing what alaskan democrats did in an election which had the worst possible republican running for senator,(refusing to vote for their own parties candidate) I can see this would be a bad idea. The chances of the democratic party screwing up an easy victory are too great.

  29. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Anon @ 4:42 - telling Alaskans to vote for an unknown for one of the highest offices in the land with our State on the line isn't a way to prove you are a progressive.

    McAdams still has to prove himself worthy of statewide electability and fitness for office.

    I liked his seeming competence in his town hall meetings and commercials, but I think Sarah Palin has taught us to look beyond the narrative.

    I'm grateful Murkowski was certified today, I can wake up to 2011 feeling a little better about our State's future.

    Happy New Year Gryphen, looking forward to your 2011 posts.

  30. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Isn't is coincidental that out of the blue these "Dem" groups come out of the woodwork with their Palin campaigns? NOT! I heard about the twitter campaign yesterday, now this website? Strictly R dirty tricks again.

    These people stop at nothing! If, perhaps there are Dems ignorant enough to try this (I don't believe it) I have one thing to tell them - "Take your heads out of your nether regions. You don't F with our elections, get off your butts & vote!"

  31. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Fricking maroons. If it is legitimate, they should be promoting all the good things Obama has done instead of this stupid idea.

  32. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Agree with Anon@5:54PM.

  33. Such a great idea, yep, let's monkey around with the primary elections. Worked out really good here in Alaska; we almost ended up with Joe Miller because a bunch of really "smart" folks encouraged independents and undeclared to vote for Miller in the primary because, Scott McAdams would be a sure thing.

    Never in my life did I think I would be grateful for a Lisa Murkowski win, but wow, we sure dodged a bullet there.

    Dems for Palin better be careful because fire will burn, and this is America we are talking about, not just Alaska.

  34. Ignia6:56 PM

    "The Road to Disaster is organized by the righteous, planned by the well-meaning, and paved with their good intentions"

  35. This is a horrible idea. Palin spreads misinformation, is polarizing, antagonistic and creates chaos. She is intellectually impaired and has no interest in learning. She excells a snark and lies.

    Gryphen, I agree Obama will run and may be re-elected due to accomplishments. Palin would run on being a reality celebrity, Bristol making the finals on DWTS (gaming the votes), raising $$ for Republicans and Tea Partiers socking it to them to pay her enormous fees, spouting rambling talking points on Fox. She accomplished making money conning people. She brought cookies and made S'mores to give a middle finger and snark to physical health while her kids gained large amounts of weight in a short period of time.

    Credible and competent politicains (and contestants) do not require people manipulating votes. This is insulting to Obama and his administration also.

  36. Craig7:14 PM

    Complete stupidity. Sensible folks should ridicule it...let the Palinbots masturbate.

  37. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Curiously missing during the post election vote count suits by Miller was the voice and support of the Queen of the Night (see Mozart). Why?
    Why would Sarah not at least lend her Tee Baggy words of support to her chosen Tee Bagging candidate? Surely one man one vote is a non controversial PR point? And she could talk about mandations again.

    At a guess it is because Lisa proved she has lots of big time Alaskan political loyalists, and Sarah realizes she has been out gunned by a woman she hates. As Senator Lisa will be one of the dominant powers in Alaska for at least 6 years.

    That would fit in nicely with the possibility that Sarah is moving her lawyer and possibly her loyalties out of Alaska.

    The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.

    With Sarah deserting her loyalists in Alaska some of her opposition may begin to feel free to tell tales, as her loyalists may be either less loyal or feel less free, less empowered, and less protected to harass and black mail the deposed queen's opposition.

  38. Anonymous7:32 PM

    This is no surprise.

    Just another all time low.

    sarah has to trick people into to supporting her.

  39. Anonymous7:49 PM

    There are no words to express how I feel about this ignoramus "idea." The world should be in agreement with you on this one, Gryph. Except for those tricksters like Tammy Bruce, Pumas, Lucianne Steinberger Goldberg and the other scheming cons.

  40. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Makes no sense whatsoever. How can a Democrat or an Independent vote in a REPUBLICAN primary? They can't.

    They would have to change their party affiliation to Republican to even get in the door.


  41. Anonymous7:54 PM

    It's seems the Palin Bots are desperate. Sorry fools, 70% of the American people know for a fact that Palin doesn't have what it takes to be the leader of the Free World.

  42. this, too, is stupid8:17 PM

    Pistol palin is the best thing to happen to maricopa, az? houses will double and triple over night! since that seems the best way to buy people off these days, it just might happen. there are some amusing comments, other than Ken. some possibilities, cutting out the middle man.

    My wife actually saw her in the Arby's drive thru on Monday. She was driving a black truck with an Alaska license place that said "TRIPP".
    12/24/2010 1:44 PM

    Ken, buy your wife a camera for christmas or new years. this is the same moosecrap that they sell in Wasilla. so bristol has to go to arby's all alone to p/u up her fix? that is tragic. even oj had a house boy he could get to go along for the ride.

  43. Anonymous8:17 PM

    No, No, NO! She needs to disappear. She does nothing but cause trouble and rile people up. Let her fade into the past.

  44. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Palin can really take some god awful photos!

    Course, I think she is as ugly inside as she is outside.

  45. Anonymous8:29 PM

    In a lot of states, you can only vote in the primaries of the party you are registered for--specifically to avoid this sort of nonsense. It's a dumb plan for lots of reason an it will likely run into legal challenges, ultimately proving to be a totally ineffective waste of resources that could be used to actually support the candidate they want.

    I always half laugh/half cringe when I think of Woody Guthrie's comment to the effect, 'I don't belong to any organized political party. I'm a Democrat.' Realistically, we have very good momentum for 2012 whether or not Palin is the Repub nominee. Why do we have to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing this sort of stuff?

  46. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Read the book "The American Caesars" - regarding the past 12 U.S. Presidents ending w/George W. Bush.

    The author indicates that the first two years of any of the newly elected Presidents was their most difficult and their learning curve.

    In my opinion, President Obama has come through his learning curve with much success. And, I have nothing but the utmost repect for him.

    Palin has not gained my respect nor do I think she has with enough fellow Americans to ever vote for her to head our government. She is not smart enough and doesn't have the determination to learn as has been displayed during the past couple of years. Plus, she has no respect for others.

  47. Ratfish8:30 PM

    Just say no.

    To Palin in the primaries- or any other election that she is dumb enough to enter.

  48. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Let's have a real US Presidential race, not some palinesque farce. Republicans, conservatives, and independents are going to have to publicly denounce Sarah if they expect a realistic shot at unseating Obama. Step out of the closet, conservatives, and tell the world just how much you really oppose the Quitter.

  49. Anonymous8:43 PM

    to anon 7:42 quote I'm grateful Murkowski was certified today, I can wake up to 2011 feeling a little better about our State's future.

    You are really a comnplete idiot if you claim to be a democrat. I hate to name call but damn, what are you thinking?????

  50. Love the poster in the end!

  51. Molly8:50 PM

    I agree with you 100%.

    The Repubs got GWBush the nomination, and despite his obvious stupidity, he "won" the 2000 election.

    This is a horrible idea!!!

  52. Anonymous8:52 PM

    It's not normal for Sarah to be silent for such a long period of time. This is a lady who worked very hard at keeping her name in the media every day. Even when Sarah was busy, she had ghost writers who would happily invent a post for her.

    What happened to Sarah? I can't think of too many places that she (and Todd) could be and not be seen by one person. Yes, they could be with Bristol in Arizona, working on their tans out by the pool. Sarah could be on her Foreign Policy Tour in Israel, and for security, it is all hush hush. No one has seen them. No one cell phone carrying fan in an airport or a hotel.

    That leaves only a couple of places that guarantee absolute privacy, rehab or a hospital. Is Sarah enjoying a detox or a new face? Has she been neglecting her health and has some issues? Or, is this the big tease before the big announcement? After Sunday's TV program, Sarah won't have very much going for her. And, she really does love to be the star celebrity in the media. Sarah has worked very hard on crafting her image, but "quiet" and "out of sight" aren't part of her routine.

  53. Anonymous9:08 PM

    7:17 pm, I really liked...

    "The Queen is dead, long live the Queen."

  54. Anonymous9:13 PM

    who cares about the rest of the story... i just love the headline

  55. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Stupidest idea ever?

    Close- but my nomination for stupidest idea ever is "Lets play Russian Roulette" .

    But wait! Voting for Sarah is playing Russian Roulette. But with the whole world at risk.

    Who the hell are really behind this idea? They are dangerous idiots.

    I do have some Democratic friends that think Palin running would be a good thing, so it might actually be stupid Democrats rather than stupid Palin supporters. But WTF is the difference? Hint to Democratic voters: That explains why this is a bad idea.

  56. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Palin is actually so quiet that I thought maybe she caught something while she was in Haiti.

    Anyway, the quiet has been nice. The Tea Party is a loud group. But we have to remember people didn't get out to vote. People didn't accept Palin in 2008 and I think that dislike will only be much stronger in 2012. We have to get behind Pres Obama and work to reelect him.

    Many things may reverse in 2012. Some Repubs out and more Dems in.

    On a side note--and for a grin. I am in Dallas County which is blue. Dems swept all county offices in 2010. Our DA Craig Watkins in Dallas-reelected Dem--just fired 7 or 8 prosecutors--all Republicans. Though I don't like to see people lose jobs, I am sick of Repubs and like to see their comeuppance and their stronghold broken. So, though this may be one county, it can happen. A lot of work has gone into turning Dallas so blue.

  57. Enjay in E MT10:02 PM

    I agree Anon @ 8:52

    The QuitterQueen has been too silent through the holidays season. Highly unusual. She has her upcoming trip to Great Britain, new grandbaby & another potential son-in-law in the "very near future", time away from facebook to have corrective face-work, hiding from her depressive book sales & show ratings ..... or perhaps triple checking the quarterly FEC filing due the end of the month....

    I am waiting for a naughty red monkey shoe to drop on her as the new crop of GOP candidates start to announce and rip each other apart playing "king of the hill" to be the last one standing for the convention.

    In the meantime - Happy New Year!

  58. Normal, mentally healthy people don't approach serious matters like presidential elections in this manner. No thoughtful person would ever throw away their vote on a hare-brained scheme like this.

    It is most definitely a 'bot venture.

  59. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I just say, Nope to the Dope. This will be MY campaign slogan against a Palin nomination.

    Happy New Year, everyone!!!!!!!

  60. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Good post, Gryphen. You've been hitting them out of the ballpark lately.

    I'm impressed by the comments here. As I was reading through the 38 contributions (so far), I made a mental note to reference certain points in my own comment. But I soon realized I'd have to mention nearly every one(!). So I'll simply add my voice to the IM consensus and say: voting for Sarah Palin in the 2012 primary to "ensure" President Obama's election to a second term is--in your words--the "Stupidest idea EVER!" The evidence, presented by you and your astute readers, is overwhelming. Especially the object lesson of that clever little ploy instigated by certain Alaskan "progressives" to vote for Joe Miller in order to put Scott McAdams in the Senate. People in Kentucky have said a similar scenario may have resulted in Rand Paul's election.

    The truly stupid thing about the vote-for-Palin-to-elect-Obama plot is that it totally ignores the president's significant accomplishments. I attribute gimmicks like this to the horse-race mentality perpetrated by inside-the-Beltway pundits, which has been seized upon by wannabe strategists who consider themselves to be savvy game players. Process is thus taking precedence over substance, to the detriment of our country.

  61. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Like someone else mentioned, be careful what you wish for. Very careful. It's yet another step closer to a failing govmt when we play these dangerous games. That is not what our country is about, let's get real and start behaving like thinking citizens, not players.

    And where is SP? I think we've ragged enough on that chicken neck to have sent her off to the 'spa' for some more 'treatment'.

  62. Gasman11:12 PM

    “ aims to nominate Sarah Palin as the Republican presidential candidate by encouraging Democrats and Independents to purposefully vote for her in state primaries.”

    Gee, what could POSSIBLY go wrong with THAT scenario?

    Can you imagine Sarah Palin with the nuclear football!? Even though a Palin campaign would reap untold bushels of comedic gold, I would rather see the ignorant bitch taken down long before the campaign season begins.

    She is an embarrassment to our entire democracy, to our nation, hell, to our SPECIES. She is ignorance personified. She is a walking ball of stupid. She is the most profoundly vapid simpering moron that has ever dared trod our national stage.

    We already tried the experiment where we put a malleable buffoon in the White House and that didn’t work out too well as I recall. Two wars, a Constitution in tatters, White House sanctioned torture, economy in the crapper: it pretty much sucked from start to finish. As much of an imbecile as George W. Bush was/is, by comparison, Palin makes him look like Sir Isaac Newton. If you ask Bush what he reads, he at least has enough measurable frontal lobe activity to give a semi-coherent - if less than credible answer. Palin? When confronted with that innocuous question, she affected that fatuous deer-in-the-headlights stare that is the telltale marker of Palin’s torpid brain.

    I’ve joked about how hilarious a Palin campaign would be, but it seems that letting someone so profoundly stupid become a serious candidate for our highest office represents the crossing of some kind of Rubicon of imbecility. It would mean that we have lowered our intellectual standards so far that we would at least entertain the possibility of putting this mental pygmy in charge of our national destiny.

    Stupidity is not a viable survival strategy in nature, neither can it be a viable strategy for our national survival. Our country’s greatness has come from our ingenuity and our unity. Palin represents the opposite of both those traits. She would drive our national car right over the cliff. Count on it.

    She should not be let anywhere NEAR a process that might possibly, maybe, even remotely, under the slimmest chances in hell lead to her becoming POTUS. Or else we are all fucked.

  63. Anonymous11:55 PM is breaking your site with password dialog boxes. Might want to remove them from your front page until they fix their shit.

  64. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Palin is maybe being quiet to make it appear she is "studying the issues." (Of course, I am sure she and Todd still have their" daily briefings via Mansewr's email."--silliest thing I've ever heard.

    I hope people don't play games like this scheme in 2012. That's really, really dangerous. Why would anyone want someone who wants to start a war with Iran?

    Palin brought a sadness to the political process in this country. Many of the young people hadn't seen the ugliness she brought to politics. And some of us older people hadn't seen her tactics since George Wallace and David Duke. Maybe we were naive to believe we had gotten beyond the viciousness and the blatant racism. I have alot of faith in the young kids like my son in his 20's. I truly believe they are past it ( as many of us are) and will live someday in a truly tolerant US that us older ones were hoping for.


  65. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Agree. I would not vote for Palin, even as a joke.

    That she got even a little bit close to the WH is an indication our political system needs a tune-up. Shame, shame, shame on John McCain.

  66. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Who wants to even hear or see the Quitter Twitter for 5 seconds, we don't need to set up an election for Obama to win. President Obama will win no matter who the republican candidate will end up being.

  67. Anonymous5:09 AM

    This sort of stuff never works out. People are being too clever by half.

    Plus, it's simply lying. We get enough lying from politicians, thank you very much.

  68. This is an awful idea for many reasons expressed very well by Gryphen and previous commenters. I commented on another blog that was discussing this issue that I disagree with how much "fun" it would be to watch Pres. Obama debate Palin.

    Such a debate would be nothing but a stupid shallow media farce and beneath the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States and the President himself.

    I would rather see the opposition party nominate the very best and brightest candidate that they can and listen to two well-intended candidates try to educate the electorate on why one of them should be elected to lead this country.

    The people watching can thus be exposed to other perspectives on vital issues, and may see points in common that can make it possible to work together to actually solve problems, regardless of who wins the election.

    Also, any conscientious citizen has to remember that their candidate may not win the general election. In that case, I would want the winner to be someone who was actually going to try to govern for the good of the country, not his or her own aggrandizement or ego.

  69. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Many states don't have closed primaries so if you're registered Independent, you can vote for any party, you just can't jump back & forth.

    My point is: Just say NO to this plot! Heck NO! I won't play games. I'm voting for MY President and will work to get out the Democratic vote.

  70. Anonymous6:28 AM

    That's how Sen. Joe McCarthy got elected. In Wisconsin's open primary system, Democrats crossed over to vote for the weakest Republican, who then went on to defeat Robert LaFollette, whom the Democrats had thought would win easily. McCarthy smeared LaFollette by accusing him of WWII racketeering--the Big Lie that was believed by enough voters to get McCarthy elected. Today's Republican party is expert at promoting The Big Lie, thanks to having their own TV network at Fox. No, it is very dangerous to play the crossover game.

  71. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Do the words "Trojan Horse" mean anything to us...?

  72. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Could Old Miz Palin's absence from her
    constant Twittering & such be because she
    is in the depressive stage of her probable
    bi-polarism? Even if she is recovering from
    plastic surgery, she could still use her
    PC/Blackberry. Hopefully she won't show up
    looking like the Bride of Wildenstein. Can't
    have that. ;-)

  73. Anne In DC8:25 AM

    I agree totally that this is a horrible idea. If that fool ever became the GOP nominee, they would stop at nothing to get her dumb ass elected. That's because they are focused on winning at any cost, and they also have a proven record in recent times at governing poorly.

    Even putting her in a potential position to be nominated would give her a grossly undeserved dignity, and electing a president should be a serious matter involving what one would consider the best of 2 good choices.

    While I want Obama to be re-elected, it is because of his proven merits. That is what I would want him to be re-elected on, not because he would be running against someone he outclasses in every conceivable way. Because everything Palin is involved in becomes a 3-ring circus, her very presence would rob the whole thing of dignity.

  74. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I'm the classic "long-time reader..first-time poster".
    So what, pray tell, prompted me to get off the fence and actually pound out my first post?
    The pure genius of Gasman...that's what.
    Hell, this blog loads like crap for me with my IE 7, but I put up with the slower than molasses loading, my laptop fan red-lining and screeching and sometimes even my computer locking up and needing a re-start, all in the hopes of spotting a Gasman post to savor and salivate over.
    Gasman...are you single??
    Will you be mine??
    SaltAire in Washington

  75. Anonymous9:45 AM

    "Now Sarah Palin is NO Ronald Reagan, but my point is why take the chance in allowing the worst possible candidate imaginable to get THAT close to the White House."

    I don`t care what party you belong to.
    But vote for the best person in your party.

    That not SP.

  76. Anonymous11:12 AM

    It is a stupid cause. We don't need to put palin anywhere near our WH. The teabaggers see her dumbass as viable. You are own your own baggers if you want a numbnut as your candidate. The way it is is that Pres. Obama can win against any repub.

    I don't want to see Pres. Obama near that delusional crazy, uneducated liar. Gawd we had enough of her from that fake show of hers.

  77. The gal simply could not withstand the mileage required to grab the nomination, let alone a campaign against a sitting prez. This is one person we don't have to think about underestimating. I don't understand why so many think she is a contender -- she's imploding due to her own sheer weight already. Nice to think about for the entertainment value for about 5 seconds. After that? Oy.

  78. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Panty sniffers! LMAO!

  79. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Great post Gryph; what a loony idea. Such an enterprise is fraught with danger and unintended consequences.
    WTR some of your commenters, I don't understand the animosity toward AKM and Shannyn here. I read Mudflats and Minority and Palingates, and some others and enjoy them all. Each looks at the Palin phenomenon from a slightly different perspective and highlights different aspects of her dysfunctional personality. In any case, AKM did NOT buy into the "vote for Miller" in the primary meme. She was a McAdams supporter from the start. There were several commenters who actively promoted this strategy, but Jeanne did not agree. Just wanted to clear that up.

  80. Anonymous4:50 AM

    I second the joy of reading a Gasman post.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.