Wednesday, December 01, 2010

It looks like Jennifer Grey may have earned herself a spot on the Grizzled Mama's enemies list.

Did she just admit that the show was fixed on Bristol and Sarah Palin's behalf?

You know even before this interview Jennifer was easily my favorite DWTS contestant.

And do you know why she won? Because NOBODY puts "Baby" in a corner!


  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I'm soooo sad Kyle didn't win. He's SUCH a good sport and the only non-whiner of the whole bunch.

  2. BAustin5:46 AM


  3. GrainneKathleen5:48 AM

    you go jennifer!!! you were the best dancer hands down, and deserved, though all your pain and striving, that recognition and boost to your career. i'm sure there are quite a few stories you could tell if you didn't have to sign a confidentiality agreement... maybe it will expire sometime soon!

  4. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I think Kyle has a huge career ahead of himself. What a great kid.

    As far as the whining goes, I imagine that's the story of DWTS, to show how hard the celebrities are working and to hear them complain. That's how it's edited. They probably just couldn't find enough footage of Kyle whining because he's such a good sport.

    Jennifer is a 50 year old woman who overcame cancer and a neck injury and ended up performing beautiful dances.

    I think either she, Kyle, or Brandy could have come out of their rightful winners.

    You know where that leaves Bristol.... On the trash heap of celebrity reality "stars."

  5. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I thin no DC insiders will directly go after Palin because then they would have to admit they themselves are selfish frauds or insincere politicos. Take the Bush family and all its shady underdealings. Take all the secrets from JFKs time, from the World War era... There are tons of secrets, that if the American people truly new them, anarchy would break out. And here we are with an administration that could quite possibly be the most shady and deceptive of all - and most dangerous because the facade is a congenial BLACK man whom no one will call out because of the racist label.

    I agree that in time, all that is wrong will be righted somehow, but our realproblem as a country is allowing ourselves to become SO divided that as we throw out support in one direction, it blinds us from forming fresh, objective thoughts about the other side.

  6. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Don't like how she used Patrick Swayze's memory to gin up support - after famously dissing him during and after the film - but I'm glad that the best dancer beat the worst dancer. Trouble is that she was a pro, and it was Kyle who really deserved the win.

  7. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I love that she seems to genuinely relish being in the esteemed category of those who have beaten a Palin.


    - kellygrrrl

  8. AKRNC6:31 AM

    If/When Palin announces her run for President, those confidentiality agreements aren't going to mean a damn thing. I would have refused to sign one and walked off if necessary, asking them what makes Bristol Palin different from anyone else, her Mom's a private citizen, she's not even a "D" list star, she's a "no list, non-star". Someone will start spilling their secrets.

    Gryphen, have you heard anything more about the alleged boyfriend who appeared at DWTS backstage for Bristol who supposedly has a book in the works?

  9. Anonymous6:35 AM

    She is the best!! I wish I had sound.

  10. Anonymous6:49 AM

    what's funny is that from everyone from Grey to cho they all have the same 'line'. that Bristol was 'sweet' and that she 'improved' over the several weeks of the program. Exact wording from everyone. Could this be what was in the confidentiality agreement they had to sign? This is what they can and cannot say? you can't tell me this tramp was 'sweet' by any means. Just her facial expressions alone told me that she knew the fix was in for her.

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Even with an army of cheaters, the Palin came in last. That says a mouthful.

    By the way, my wife and I cast all our votes for Jennifer. So did the dog and cat. And our two deceased cats, because we know they would have wanted it that way.

  12. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I wanted Kyle to win; Jennifer Grey was far too polished from the start not to have been a ringer and her exploitation of Patrick Swayze's memory to get sympathy and attention was shameful.

    That said, I gotta hand it to Grey for not going along with the "I'm a liberal but I loved Bristol; that gal was such a trouper who deserved to make the finals!" crowd.

  13. I watched Lawrence O'Donnell as he interviewed Jennifer Grey, and anyone could tell that he was very fond of her and that she and her family are respected and loved. She was very careful and gracious in her remarks, but I cheered when she said that it "felt good" to beat a Palin. You just know that she had some stories to tell off the record to Lawrence. Oh, to be a fly on the wall!

  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Jennifer said that she had to take a physical to be on the show. How about Bristol? How about another poll:

    Was Bristol pregnant when she and Levi announced their brief engagement?

    Was Bristol pregnant on DWTS?

    Did Bristol have too many yogurts and pizzas?

    Has Bristol had a "white out?"

  15. I preceived Lawrence O'Donnell was using satire and Jennifer Grey also did about beating a Palin.

    I am bafled by people labeling jennifer Grey as a "whiner" for she fced her diagnoses, including treatment for cancer, demonstsrated tremendous willpower, pushed herself to her limits, lerned she pushed too far, took care of herself taking breaks, self awareness and was emotionally honest about how discouraged she felt. I think of "whiners" as people who complain and do nothing to change their circumstance or situation...wah wah..poor allowing a grizzly to take your child away then whine poor me when one could easily afford day care or a full time nanny. I have learnedd, even as a nurse, sometimes people ned to experience something to appreciate how hard it is to keep going with medical problems. I had a spinal tumor so I don't perceive Grey as whining but amazing she persevered and can do the splits!

    Dancers truly dedicated have higher pain tolerence then football quarterbacks. maybe people can't appreciate that as good a dancer Grey is she strove for higher and her body could not do as she wanted.

    Context does matter: Kyle is 19 and overweight but has youth and general good health on his side. He had no torn muscles. He pushed himself also as did his partner set a bar Kyle strove for as Grey did and other competitors. Bristol got better at maybe three steps and moves shoving in our faces what a burden her child is while others took care of him and she made more money in two months then most teen moms will make in 10-20 years without the benefit of parents being multi millionaires.Meanwhile she did not maintain her weight or lose any gaining an enormous amount of weight unlike any other contestent in the history of this physical competition. She bs'd her way blaming modesty for her out of control habits entitled others disguise her deficiencies.

  16. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I found Grey in this interview to be gracious, humble, honest and gracious regarding the voting controversey.

    I wish people would cite C4P, the pro Palin for president group, for instructing how to game the voting and banishing anyone who objects to dishonest votes. Also to expose their belief and agenda if Bristol wins then Sarah is going to be President. The truth is so unbelievable and far out there that people who do not read it at C4P can't believe it.

  17. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Grey has the coy smile of a woman that has a lot she could and would love to say about the Palins, but knows she shouldn't while the camera's rolling.

    It's a shame about those NDAs.

  18. Jennifer didn't admit the show was fixed. I think she was being gracious and acknowledged that Bristol could win - that her mother would have lots of supporters voting.

    I'm convinced the only fixing that went on by DWTS was in the judges scoring. They kept Bristol rightfully in last place but with scores artificially high enough and close enough to the others so fan votes could keep her safe.

    Unless Sarah's brain does it's little reality twisting trick, Jennifer should be safe from her wrath.

    Jennifer said she didn't pay attention to the media during the show so I guess she didn't hear the Bob & Mark interview with Bristol agreeing that Jen was a crybaby.

  19. As spectacular as Jennifer and Derek was--their pairing was both erotic and tasteful, a hard act to pull off--I had never heard of Kyle Massey before.

    And now I'm a fan, for real.

    As Humphrey Bogart is said to have said about Truman Capote, "You just want to put him in your pocket and take him home with you."

    I would guess that Kyle is a whole lot nicer than Truman. Kyle's radiant personality shone through every moment. This alleviated the grim spectacle that was Beefalo Palin, who appeared to be hating every minute of her "dancing."

  20. Anonymous7:54 AM

    That's not only going to get her on the enemies list, it might get it's own tweet and facebook rant. RAM will have a hard time not taking the bait to bash a "hollywood insider".

  21. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Now that the season is over, doesn't that make confidentiality agreements null and void, or is there a time limit on it?

  22. Anonymous8:41 AM

    'Dancing With The Stars' Wants Todd Palin: Report

  23. Anonymous8:56 AM

    According to the palinbots, a win for Bristol equated to a win for Sarah. Therefore, Jennifer´s victory over Bristol equates to a victory over Sarah.

    Millions of viewers watched Sarah and Bristol get their asses kicked up and down the dance floor on National TV.

    Ooh, that hurts. Sniff.


  24. Anonymous9:12 AM

    New reality show: "Can You Beat A Palin?"


  25. Anonymous9:28 AM

    What I think is interesting but not surprising is that while there was a gag order on everyone to say nothing negative of Bun in the Oven Bristol, no one is saying anything good about her. I think the press would snap up anything nice that anyone said about her and there is absolute silence.

    How many chances did Bristol Bun let pass to do something friendly with her "colleagues"?

    I will NOT watch that show again. It jumped the shark by signing her on. What was that? She expected to do well because she came from an athletic background? thpt!

  26. Patrick Swayze talking about Jennifer Grey:

    The alleged 'feud' seems to have sprung from Jennifer's emotional nature and is probably nothing more than the type of disagreements we saw on DWTS between Brandy and Maks. Think about how you can get frustrated with your spouse, kids, or a friend, butt heads and. yet, still love them dearly.

  27. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Don't forget that paylin lost a beauty pagent too! This might have been the straw that permanently 'broke her brain'.

  28. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Why is Sarah so silent?

    Could some survival sense kicked-in and she is re-considering running?

    I thought her personality disorder and megalomania would keep her huffing and puffing and screeching along regardless of criticism, but seems as if she is hiding. Maybe she is finally realizing run is at an end.

  29. Interesting how people see Jennifer Grey as a pro because of her life 30 years ago - other dancers have been on show. Point is what they've done recently. I didn't see any whining from her, just someone facing (and overcoming) real challenges in a very human way that was edited to show us this. Those who said Bristol never whined or cried? As much as Jennifer. And like another commenter said, Kyle is 19 and had little to whine about although he did complain about the difficulty of rehearsals, just did not cry about it. And Swayze? There are always difficulties between actors on sets - takes a lot of ego to be an entertainer so not unusual, but by all reports, they were friends. I did not see it as using him for sympathy or points. Since he had just died, it would have been odd if no mention at all especially since everyone kept referring to "Baby."

    What I find the most fascinating in our society today is that not only have we become polarized left/right, liberal/conservative, Christian extremist/moderate, but it seems as if once we have chosen a side or favorite, we have to hate the other. Any positive said about the "other side" is seen as a betrayal of the favored. No one is 100% good or bad, but we are all too afraid to say so because we are being conditioned to this "you're either for me or against me" attitude promulgated by the right. That is what is most destructive about our society now, in my opinion.

  30. SME13111:33 AM

    According to the article on HuffPost today DWTS is now courting Todd to be on next season. Sweet Lord will the Palinbillies ever go away?

  31. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Good for her for being professional during the show and for now being forthcoming, sort of.

    Assuming the the dancers are paid per show. Sarah and her spawn stole from contestants who were obviously better than Bristol will ever be.

    That is not Christian, and is despicable on both Sarah and Bristol's part.

  32. I heard somewhere that DWTS was interested in Christine O'Donnell. Maybe that's old news, but wouldn't be funny if they had both Todd & Christine? The teabags heads would explode wondering what to do.

  33. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I too thought Jennifer bent over backwards not to say anything to be worthy of Palin's ire, not that that's a guarantee of course. The "damn good to beat a Palin" was in jest and followed a leading question. She was a real Pollyanna about the whole Bristol thing.

    I hope I never have to watch DWTS again, but I agree with Mrs. TBB that the one good thing that came out of it was "meeting" Kyle. I loved watching him and Lacey dance to Tootsie Roll (or whatever the name). -B

  34. 10catsinMD3:42 PM

    There was an interview somewhere with Carrie Ann talking aour her "girl crush" on Sarah P. So, I imagine they might push to get another member on.

    Oh that would be something. Do you think it would make Sarah jealous to watch Toad having a ball with another woman in sexy poses with his high squeaky voice!

    How funny! Still think his book will make more money than anything Sarah can pay.

  35. Buahahahahahahahaha


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