Wednesday, December 01, 2010

So many Sarah Palin loose ends, with so little time to tie them all up. But hey, let's give it a shot!

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Here let Nicolle Wallace reiterate much of what I have been saying and to put your minds at ease about Palin's chances in a 2012 Presidential campaign.

Wow!  This editorial from Russian newspaper Pravda does NOT pull any punches when it comes to the Grizzled Mama!

If Sarah Palin is not some kind of a massive political joke in the USA, wheeled out to liven up the political scene from time to time with nonsensical and pastiche (one hopes) displays of sheer and utter ignorance, then it is worrying. It is even more so if anyone other than a manic depressive suffering from a chronic lack of lithium takes this...female...seriously.

I could NOT have said it better myself.  And that is only the beginning, so do yourself a favor and click the link.  You won't be disappointed.

Back in this country Media Matters calls out the American press for essentially serving as stenographers for everything that Sister Sarah's ghostwriters put on Facebook or Twitter.

On the plus side for Caribou Barbie apparently her PAC managed to squeeze nearly $500,000 from the low hanging fruit that still supports her in a little over a month, and used some of those funds to turn around and buy $64,0000 worth of her OWN book. Because nothing says "rill Amerikun" like being stupid enough to send your hard earned money to a reality star so that she can buy copies of a book written for her by ghostwriters to give as gifts to people in order to encourage them to give her even MORE money.  Is this that "capitalism" thing the Republicans keep going on about?

Public Policy Polling shows that Palin should probably stick to simply fleecing her intellectually inferior shut ins for their lunch money because the numbers show she has less than an Alaskan snowball's chance in Hades of ever making it to the White House.  Unless she wants to wait in line for the tour of course.

To sum up the Palin phenomena as I see it thus far, I would say that right now she is everywhere, but ultimately going nowhere. 

As for the future? Well mark my words she is DEFINITELY going somewhere! However it is nowhere that she wants to go.  And yes that is a hint.

Oh, and in the end there will be a lot of disenchanted Palin-bots wandering around with looks of shock on their faces.  Count on it.


  1. Good news all around! And I await that day when she goes some where she doesn't want to go (***hoping it's the place I have in mind - picturing orange jumpsuits and bars in my mind***) - the Palin-bots should then turn their anger towards to GOP for having unleashed her and for conning them - I know too much to ask for but hey it is xmas and I've been a very good girl so who knows

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Let's hope that Sarah is her own worst enemy. She can't tell the difference between North and South Korea. She won't allow any media access (there is an interesting report on Huffinton Post about a reporter in Little Rock who was denied her freedom on the press). Quitting her job as governor in order to sell trivial books and a trivial reality series does not seem to be the gravitas that Karl Rove was looking for. Sarah turns off moderates and independents. In a poll of likely GOP candidates, she is the one who loses to Obama by the largest margin.

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Good lord Gryphen! Are we going to get our present in time for the holidays? New year? Pretty please??


  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    If she thinks she's headed to the pokey she will surely try to earn as much as she can right now.
    I expect more books to be forthcoming...
    Recipes for Mama Grizzlies
    The Conservative Marriage
    Raising a Patriot...

  5. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Too many of my nerd friends would correct me if I used the snowball statistic by pointing out that the lower circles are icy and barren from being the furthest removed from God's love.

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I had trouble following Wallace when she answered the blond lady's question about why people lie about Palin. Wallace said that she admires Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, etc... and that because they are so powerful no Republicans want to go on the record saying what they really think about Palin because they are afraid of Rush Limbaugh et. al. and that Limbaugh, etc... are basically using Palin for ratings and attention and that is cynical, but Wallace admires them? What?! Wallace is perfectly s o.k. with Rush Limbaugh and gang calling the shots so that they (Limbaugh and gang) can maintain their ratings and power?!
    I am not satisfied with Wallace's, "Well if she seems like she might get the nomination the truth will reveal itself" argument. Palin has already done real damage by helping to poison our national dialogue: "death panels" and the "9/11 Mosque" controversy, for example. People who are lying about Palin need to start telling the truth now.

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Just watched this segment and was going to send link!!

    Nicole has so many tire tracks on her, that she's a seasoned veteran at this!! Wonder where Steve Schmidt is??

    Of course now Meghan McCain will jump all over it attempting to take Nicole out. Daddy's little whiny pitbull who should grow up. She talks out both sides of her mouth. She too thinks herself important - NOT.

  8. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Lady Rose 7:12am
    My mind went to orange jumpsuits also! Well said and funny too!

  9. Why isn't some official governmental group investigating Sarah's PAC. It keeps sounding like a slush fund to promote Sarah to me.

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    While I'll always be a little afraid that the American people will lose their minds over the bad economy and want Obama out of office, no matter who the Republican nominee is...

    ... I still can't wait for Palin to run for President. It'll be nightly laughs on Stewart and Colbert during primary season.

    She has a very, very thin chance to be elected, simply based on populist anger, but it's VERY. THIN. I say, bring on the comedy.


  11. angela7:41 AM

    The truest thing Mika said was that the GOP were not saying what they truly thought of Palin. It makes them look weak, stupid and ruled by entertainers whose words carry more weight than the reality of giving Palin any power.

    I remember in kindergarden being taught to all grab hands when we walked across the street for safety.
    Maybe the GOP needs to do that. They've done it the past two years to the Obama administration---yet they are afraid of their own. (Probably because they know their own are dangerous wackadoodles).

  12. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Oh, Gryphen, I HOPE SO! And I cannot wait. I have been following all this since she was chosen as VP and all my friends and family think I'm insane with the Trig stuff. I would love for her to be completely exposed, not only because she HAS to be brought down, but also for the personal vindication I'll experience!

    Suzanne in SC

  13. laprofesora7:49 AM

    "However it is nowhere that she wants to go."

    Jail? Is it jail? Oh, please let it be jail!

  14. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Oh, again with the teasing.

  15. Anonymous7:50 AM

    oh Gryphen, you're such a tease. :-)

  16. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Thanks for a great start to my day -E

  17. Anonymous7:59 AM

    As long as the only song they play for Sarah is "Jail to the Chief" I will be happy.

    How did you get that nice house Sarah?

  18. Anonymous7:59 AM

    a infection should never be let go, to get worse, because in the end...while everyone thinks the infection will just go away, it will instead grow until it takes over.

    I think these people who know something, need to step forward to stop her from gaining more power and money because at some point...with her FOX NEWS, TV SHOWS, PRETTY GIRLS, SWEET BABY and all of that MONEY and HATE she will be unstoppable!

    2012 could very well be the end for America and the World

  19. Nowhere she wants to go, eh? That sounds like either prison, or possibly Juneau.

  20. Anonymous8:07 AM

    regarding that article WOW, just WOW

  21. Enjay in E MT8:11 AM

    That was quite telling - if or when the half term gov. looks to be getting near nomination or election - they'll speak up.

    In the meantime, they intend on using her "star power", Limbo, Hannity, Beck & let's just say Faux News like the $5.00 whores they are to achieve their own goal of bringing down the current president and get themselves back in charge.

    I do agree the more SP talks - the more she reveals herself - now where was Trig born again? Wasilla? Anchorage? Too many lies, mis-speaks, rants etc. without ONE so called "common-sense" solution. She is a vindictive bitter person who only wants to WIN - and she has sold her soul (along with her childrens) to get as far as she has.

    As much as I want her brought down - it will be interesting to watch "what will the GOP do?" How far will they keep silent? In the meantime - the GOP lack of public support for her running is illuminating.

    She's like the prom queen saying look at me - aren't I beautiful & smart - and everyone is saying Yea, thats a pretty dress. lol

  22. Betsy Smith8:13 AM

    The media will have fun with SP for a few more months, but as soon as everybody is crying Uncle, the GOP will nominate John Thune and Jeb Bush....and nobody will care anymore whose baby Trig is. Rats! I've spent every morning for two years on this site!

  23. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Anyone notice that Sarah has not responded to yesterday's Joe Scarbrough piece on Politico? No tweet, no FB rant, no screeching on Fox. And now more "hit pieces" are piling up: Jennifer Grey, the Russian piece, etc. Maybe she's interviewing for the additional staff she's going to need to fire back at all her enemies.

  24. Anonymous8:19 AM

    reply to anon 7;16
    That is a great article you mentioned in the Huffington Post regarding Sarah's book signing in Little Rock (my home town). For right now, I live in Wichita Ks and it was the same story here Sun. They were adamant that no media could even speak to her, although they could take a picture of her signing a book. The people wanting a book signed had to turn everything in their possession over to security while in Sarah's presence ie purses, bags, phones and a list of other items.
    I thought it was telling that Piper gave her a dirty look.
    I do feel sorry for Piper. I'll never forget when Sarah was going to the hockey game in PA (I think)and she had Piper with her and the crowd was booing Sarah. I feel like Sarah uses her as a media shield.

  25. I just had an idea. If everyone in Wasilla got together and wrote a book about everything they know about the Palin family, they all would be getting checks from the huge bestseller for a long time. And they would have the credibility of an entire group backing each other up. As long as information was absolutely true and confirmed.

  26. Pat in MA8:22 AM

    The knives started coming out after the Republicans blamed her for not gaining control of the Senate. They couldn't alienate the teabaggers during the midterms just in case..., but now all bets are off.

  27. Why, oh, why didn't Mika ask Nicole if she'd seen Palin's medical record?

    During the campaign, Sarah begrudgingly (and with a final 'maybe') told Brian Williams she'd release her med records. The campaign followed up saying they would NOT release them but finally provided a pitiful, last minute medical letter.

    Did the campaign dodge because Sarah refused to give them her full medical file or because they had the file and it had damaging info?

    Nicole shares some good observations and then she starts dancing. I rilly, rilly don't like this game.

  28. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Nicole sez 'heaven forbid Palin should become leader of the free world.' Girl, you tried to make that happen, a mere two years ago. Have you forgotten, or are you that much of an opportunist? Nicole is as craven as Palin. Melly

  29. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Featuring Chuck Heath, Jr. (Sarah's brother).
    Chuck Heath, Jr. says that Todd is always THE high boat for the season and is more successful than the boats.
    Todd is called one of "the most successful fisherman in Alaska" four times.

    Yay, Todd! Good for you, Chuck Jr.! Obviously there is a common thread of exaggeration bordering on flat-out lying that runs through the Heath family.

  30. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I wonder if you think that by all these people basically threating Palin that if she runs, they will out her secrets, do you still think she will run? Or maybe she will just suck as much money as possible until the last minute and then play the victim card again to suck in even more money. Oh, the big bad people were mean to me.

    I would really like to know if she is stupid enough to think that she can overcome any of the revelations that may come of her. Are they really that bad? I have no clue as to how devastating they are, so I don't know how scared she may be.

    I think her volume of greatest hits, ie; I can see Russia, what she reads, supreme court decisions, AIP, North Korean allies, backing Dr. Laura, her countless feuds, endorsing Tancredo reality show, etc. should be enough for most people to realize she is not even remotely qualified to be anything other than a modern day Wally George or Anita Bryant.

    If Tancredo suggested that people take an IQ test to vote, then I would think it should go double for someone trying to run for President. That would be an interesting odds senario here in Vegas. I got $100 on her IQ being around 75.

  31. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Gryphen...any Bristol sightings yet?

  32. FEDUP!!!8:31 AM

    Again, Gryphen: your words in God's ears!
    "Make it so, Scotty!"

  33. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Once again I am reminded of a time when Sarah was running for Gov of Alaska. A person I know who works as a lobbyist was talking with an organization I was a part of about getting out front and endorsing a candidate for the primary. There were some who still favored Murkowski as there were ties to his appointees. A few had seen the writing on the wall as to Murkowski's chances of being re-elected and wanted to come out for Sarah Palin as at the time, she seemed like a reformer who was going to clean up some of the corruption that was so prevalent in the "Corrupt Bastards" days.

    This lobbyist who was privy to a lot of inside information down in Juneau looked us in the eye and told us, "Sarah Palin has a snowball's chance in Hell of getting the Republican nomination. We were assured John Binkley was going to be the Republican nominee.

    We all know what happened next. And I for one do not care to live through Sarah Palin getting any where close to being elected to anything more important than porta-potty emptier ever again.

    Insiders sometime misread the tea leaves. I want her gone before the primary. It is a mistake for Republican bigwigs to think they can use her then toss her out when they feel she's been wrung of all usefulness. I've seen that dog and pony show before.


  34. Best Takedown Ever and from Moscow no less

    The title says it all...
    Spankin' Sarah Palin: A clown short of a circus (as seen on Andrew Sullivan's blog...)

    From the last paragraphs...

    "President Obama after all knows the difference between North and South Korea, he knows that Hawaii is the largest US island and not
    Kodiak and he does not use the expression "refudiate".

    If anything is a threat to the national security of the United States of America, it is this screaming, unrefined oaf with as much class as a searing release of flatulence followed by hysterical giggling at a state banquet. Is this what the people of the USA deserve?"

    Love the line "searing release of flatulence" ... you betcha that pretty much sums up Miss Quitty Pantsonfire.

  35. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Nicole Wallace was sent out to deliver the message to Sarah:

    "I believe that if she were on the cusp of becoming the nominee for the Republican party a whole lot of people... would talk about some of her more troubling deficiencies,"

    Sarah's being warned.

  36. FEDUP!!!8:40 AM

    anon @ 8:28:
    "Todd is called one of "the most successful fisherman in Alaska" four times."

    Hmmm.... I wonder if the IRS knows about that! If he *IS* one of the most successful fisherman in Alaska, then his IRS returns should reflect that, shouldn't they? (I don't remember him claiming much income from his fishing while she was the GINO...)

  37. Anonymous8:40 AM

    There won't be anybody saying much more than they have until she throws her hat in the ring. If they do say it now, she can turn it around and say she had no plan to run. They are waiting for her to bite and then they'll bite back as they know with her following, there is not enough votes to get them into the WhiteHouse OutHouse!

  38. Anonymous8:43 AM

    So, essentially, the republicans will let palin do their dirty work lie and make up facts.
    Truth and honesty be damned as long as it works for us?

    They have created a monster, know it, but don't care as long as it works FOR them.
    But, if it begins to be a liability then they will release info(it appears that they have some goodies on palin) that will destroy her credibility.

    This is really disgusting. The repubs know exactly what they are doing and they don't care.
    Sounds just like palin.

  39. FEDUP!!!8:43 AM

    Oh, I just thought about something: IF she has to 'go where she does not want to go'... will she get the celebrity treatment like so many other celebrities? Will she get her own cushy cell with servants, like Madoff (sp?) and Noriega, etc? Or will she be let loose amongst the regular crowd, having to fend for herself?

  40. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Do you still trust everything you read?

  41. Gasman8:50 AM

    Let’s be brutally honest. Sarah Palin is a moron. Anybody that would follow her anywhere is also a moron. However, it appears that the cynical Machiavellians which run the GOP are content to try and use Palin and her supporters as long as they can. I guess they’ve chosen this course of action because their experience with the teabaggers has been such a resounding success.

    Nicole Wallace is to be somewhat commended. She IS speaking out about Palin’s “incredible cynicism, her bitterness, her aggressive attempts to claw anyone that points out an area for her to work on.” Why stop there; why not just say it? PALIN IS A VINDICTIVE, BULLYING, MORON! Apparently, according to Wallace, there is a large number of Republicans waiting in the wings to out Palin IF she stands a chance of winning the GOP nomination. Until then, they are content to have her mobilize her idiot tribe of slobbering goobers generally in the GOP direction. This seems like an incredibly risky bit of gamesmanship that places party ahead of country. However, as long as the GOP thinks there is more money to be fleeced from Palin’s supporters and there is a chance that they can still be mobilized to vote for the GOP, then the GOP will allow Palin to thrive.

    I believe that this cynical strategy will be the end of the Republican Party as we know it.

    Wallace said, “And let me tell you why no one will take her on. Her defenders and supporters, the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and people I admire are so powerful on the right that nobody wants to anger any of those people.”

    So, it is confirmed that the bullies Limbaugh, Hannity, and Palin, et al., run the GOP. Like Shelley’s Dr. Frankenstein, the GOP runs the risk of not being able to contain the beasts whom they created. The mainstream media also seems to be also content to let this dangerous vignette play out without any interference. Everyone seems to be saying, “It’s not MY job to expose Sarah Palin.” The danger in the GOP deluding themselves into believing that they can harness and use Palin and her supporters for the party’s benefit should be very clear. The post Weimar Republic German oligarchs and generals had a similar strategy involving a certain former Austrian corporal and his followers. THAT certainly worked out to their advantage, didn’t it?

    I’m not suggesting that Palin is Hitler. Far from it. However, Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al., are fascists who rely on their latter day idiot storm trooper sycophants to swarm any opponent who dares voice any sentiment which might be regarded as even remotely anti Palin. Everybody in the GOP allows Palin to flourish because they find it to be in their short term interests. This strikes me as being extremely risky and shortsighted. The GOP enables such behavior at their own peril. Will the party party survive this Faustian bargain that they seem to have entered into?

    I hope not.

  42. Anonymous8:50 AM

    To 8:29, from Mark BAllas' recent radio interview, he said Bristol wants to come see Burn the FLoor in houston in mid dec. the two spoke the other day on the phone

  43. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Kisses to you, Gryphen!!!

  44. Anonymous8:57 AM

    This dame doesn't impress me. She wants to have it both ways. She likes the attention she gets for not kissing Palin's ass, but she won't admit to having single a problem with others doing it.

    Fuck her hypocritical ass.

  45. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The place she least wants to go?: home to Wasilla.

  46. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Very interesting. A quick internet search to see if I can find the fishing episode to watch reveals some fascinating maneuvering.

    1. TLC/Discovery Channel is linked through the various Sarah Palin-for-president and conservative Christian websites. Like, directly. Not simple url link, but embedded corporate affiliation.
    Cooperative and collaborative, like the podcast from Dallas that began immediately at the end of the airing of the episode and featured Chuck Heath, Jr.
    Yikes! That really troubles me. That demonstrates some agenda for the Discovery Channel, other than simple profit-revenue.

    2. There's a significant underlying telecommunications infrastructure associated. This show, or maybe just Sarah?, is tied up in secondary marketing. Internet subscription-based products. There's multiple websites that offer the full episode "free", by selecting ISP services and registrations, like toolbars and applications. Signing up for free something.
    But you can't just simply watch the episode from the TLC website, even though it's already aired.
    She appears to be in some kind of residual income deals with telecommunications contracts.

  47. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Shades of Al Capone, I'm hoping. Can they possibly open a cell in Alcatraz for our Sarah?

  48. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Glad I watched the clip. I first read it at HP and body language and nuance helps a lot with meaning. Nicole has class and shoots straight. I think she should run for the repugs!!!!! Anything else they have to offer pales in comparison. I loved what Mika said, that she is tired of the pussyfooting. I think we all want someone to scream "The emperor has NO clothes." I, too, am very, very tired of watching the bozos skate the issue. Kudos to Joe and the others who speak first. They will reap the benefits of being taken seriously and people will tend to listen to them because they confirm what the rest of us see, but have no power to shout out loud.

  49. So. . .why wait. Why don't the people Wallace says would stand up and say what they know say it now? Why wait?

    Maybe McGinniss's book will say something. Possibility?

  50. Lynne9:15 AM

    Wow, did you get any sleep last night, Gryphen? It never ceases to amaze me where and how you find all these things. I absolutely loved the Moscow article. He sure nailed it.

  51. Anonymous9:19 AM

    She's 'just like them'. Yea sure - doesn't everyone stay at Trump Hotel!!!

    Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and daughter Piper are seen leaving the Trump Hotel in Midtown Manhattan.

    No idea of the true date of this picture. It is included in article by Meghan McCain at Daily Beast where she writes about 'blue bloods'

  52. I truly do not think America has to worry about Palin getting the GOP nomination, let alone actually being the Republican candidate for POTUS. Our recent Senatorial election tells the tale of how the tea party is viewed just in our state. As more information comes out, and more tea party candidates are exposed for the imbeciles they are, Palin's popularity is going to continue circling the bowl. I'm just waiting for the final flush.

  53. igettit29:27 AM

    Uh oh! Scarah won't like what the Army is doing.

    Looks like the troops are following the FLOTUS' advice.

  54. Lisabeth609:27 AM

    I am honestly having one of the worst weeks in my life. So I have to tell you that this post absolutely made my day and week !!

    Finally!!! And I consider myself a nice person and can't believe I'd think or write this BUT: I will sincerely ENJOY seeing Sarah put in her place finally!! Will she finally SHUT THE F UP?????

    And if she's carted away in a new "orange" outfit OR a straight jacket, I will enjoy that even more!

    We will have to have a party when that day comes and it sounds like it's coming soon! Yippee, it couldn't happen to a more deserving person than Sarah Palin!

  55. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:28 Todd is a highliner? He out-catches everybody including a lot of drifters?

    I have to call BS on Chuck Heath Jr.

    According to Sarah and Todd's last financial disclosure as Governor of Alaska, Todd made $32,000 and change that year. Hardly in the category of a highliner, much less the top boat overall.

    scroll down to Toad's Fisheries

    Still looking for 2009, but the last year I've found so far is 2007 when the average setnetter in the Bay made close to $24,000. That same year the average drifter made just under $67,000. Off the top of my head, prices and runs have gotten better since then so I'm guessing in 2009, the average was even higher, but I'll try to find the numbers. So is Todd above average? yes Higher than the drift boats? maybe a few low liners, but the average doubled him.The highliners were probably in the $150,000 to $200,000 range.


  56. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I was watching an old episode of All In The Family and suddenly it hit me. Sarah Palin channels Archie Bunker. The similarities between Sarah and Archie were almost spooky. Can't you just picture her telling Todd to stifle, then ranting about immigrants ruining 'her' country? Now I can't look at her without hearing the theme song from the show playing softly in the background.

  57. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I am old enough to remember that Pravda was once regarded as the propaganda arm of the Soviet Union, the state newspaper so I was shocked to find myself mentally applauding the article.

    Sad that it takes a foreign newspaper to call Sarah Palin what she is. Of course, she will simply link the "communist" paper to liberals and her followers will all smirk and get more angry.

  58. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Nicole says that if Sarah gets close enough, THEN people will start talking. They might have good intentions about telling what they know, but when it comes right down to it, they may be too afraid to cause damage to the Republican party or just plain afraid of Sarah.

    I'm afraid that if someone doesn't take her down soon, she will continue to gain support and power, and later it will be more difficult for anyone to step up and discredit her. Seems to me the time to do it is NOW!!

  59. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Angela - loved your "dangerous wackadoodles" descriptive! That is a succinct way of labeling the bots.

  60. Anonymoose9:44 AM

    WHEN??? I'm not sure it's possible to have disenchanted palinbots, won't they always make excuses for her and blame the libruls? Also if it involves jail time, that limits the options. Fraud would send her to jail, but not upset the palinbots, they would probably leap to her defense and say they wanted her to have their money and they don't care how she uses it. They would also deny everything and be convinced she was framed by the dems. The only things I can think of that would upset the bots and not be able to be justified by them/explained away by a liberal conspiracy theory are:
    a) She is a man in drag. A gay liberal man in drag. However, unless there is a DADT of politics I don't know about, she shouldn't end up in jail for that. Unless it is a mental institution she's heading for?
    b) She is head of the AIP, and has been funded by Iran/China/North Korea to become president and destroy America. Teabaggers don't like treason.
    c) She is a muslim born in Kenya. This would make sense considering her pattern of projection and criticising others for doing the same thing or having the same characteristics as herself. Not sure about the jail implications of this, but perhaps she would get sent back to Kenya, and I imagine she wouldn't like it there.

    I would love it to be the faked pregnancy so I can prove I'm not insane to the non-believers, but the palin bots are not going to believe nor care when it comes to that methinks. Also I am hoping it is not something to do with abortion because I think it would be a terrible precedent and against women's rights that having an abortion prevented a women from running as president, even though this woman should not be able to run as president!

    PS If you're bullshitting us I'm never reading this blog again!!!

  61. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I wouldn't be surprised if there are some out there with some big time revelations ready in hand, but are just waiting for her to officially declare her office run. It would be a sad disservice to the country to let this crap continue. I have lost all faith in the mainstream media, and how sad it would be if they just continue to serve as an amplifier for "Sarah's" twitter feed.

  62. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Mika is not one of my favorite news hosts nor is Morning Joe one of my favorite MSNBC shows, but I will give Mika credit for some integrity in that she is essentially calling out the GOP for not being honest, for using Palin even though Sarah is wrecking havoc on our country and embarrassing it internationally.

    Nicole troubles me in that she seems to lack integrity - she is a prick tease. She wants credit for calling Palin out and then backs off, saying Sarah will bring out the truth herself.

    What is most troublesome about Nicole is her choice of idols: Hannity, Limbaugh, et cetera. Tells us a lot about her character - how willing she is to suck up to them because she knows they hold the most influence all time pretending she thinks Sarah should be stopped.

    She is profiting off Sarah the way Sarah profits off her followers - they are all big scam artists with absolutely no integrity and no respect for our country and its citizens.

  63. Wow. The Pravda editorial was spot on. I wonder if Palin could see that coming from her front porch.

  64. Anonymous10:01 AM

    So basically Palin is a cheerleader on the sidelines.

    GOP people won't admit it, but they are laughing and talking about her behind her back and she is so stupid to realize it.

    Just a matter of time before she comes out and say that she sees the lay of the land and it looks better if she stays home on her cement slab because she does not need a title.

  65. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Wallace really pissed me off here. Joe S. and Mika said yesterday that the major conservative radio hosts have all said, off-the-record, that Palin is bad news. I think we can assume that they meant Rush, Hannity, Beck. I think Wallace is a piece of shit. She was talking out both sides of her mouth, big time. Worthless. Mika seemed (justifiably) very frustrated.

  66. Anonymous10:16 AM

    igettit2 9:27

    I can't get the link you provided to work.

  67. GrainneKathleen10:18 AM

    i'm glad that nicole wallace is somewhat willing to talk about sarah, but i agree with anonymous @7:23, that wallace has some strange values if she says she admires limbaugh and hannity, and then she goes on to say that they are really just cynically using palin for ratings. how is that admirable? while what wallace is saying is reassuring, i don't trust her one bit. mika said it best that she is tired of hearing people lie about their true feelings about sarah for personal gain.
    meanwhile, whatever can you mean, gryphen, that sarah is going somewhere she doesn't want to go? fake america? kenya? one of those korea's?
    like an earlier poster. i am picturing orange jumpsuits and prison bars.
    can't you give us a little hint? what a terrible tease you are! we might all have a lot more free time on our hands and peace of mind if this is the case.

  68. Ok, I'm gonna guess that "where SP is going" is....home to her little castle, with her tail btw her legs, whining and crying that Bristol got pregnant again (third time, apparently) behind her back, and ruined once and for all her chances to become POTUS.

    OH...or, maybe an intervention, and off to the drug rehab/counseling center, where her bipolar disorder complicated w/narcissism will finally be dealt with..on Dr. Drew Pinsky's reality show!! HA!!

  69. honeybabe10:32 AM

    oh my! isn't it amazing that we agree with pravda!! actually, my agenda has been to pray long and hard that all things done in secret and hidden will come out into the purifying light for all to see. it's a prayer for good so i don't even have to feel guilty. join me anyone?

  70. I've been a very, very good girl this year and I'm asking Santa to give Sarah Palin everything that she deserves this year!

  71. Gryphen:

    Looks like they are coming down on mama :)

  72. Anonymous10:53 AM

    WOW! Just WOW!
    It takes the Russians to tell the truth about Sarah? I can just imagine her head spinning and spinning.
    People keep saying there is more comming, when? the sooner the better.

    Mccain and those who still think of her as a beauty? (with ability and brains) should be run out of the country on a rail. They, are responsible for the way America is thought of now.... still, look at the last election,How many of these bonheads won? Too many, I say

  73. Anonymous10:54 AM

    The worst punishment for a narcissistic personality is to be alone in solitary with no one to suck the life force out of.

    If she is put in jail, I'm sure she will soon be up to her old tricks and soon have her own little "gang" and group of sycophants.

    I think the place she would most hate to be is in her Wasilla compound, with the family that she "loves". Her reality show exposes how much "respect" and "affection" they have for one another.

  74. Anonymous10:55 AM

    @8:28 gimme a break.,.... 32K is NOT a highliner.... I fished SE for years... drift... 70-90K was a good year.. but most were 60-65 K... 32K would not have paid for fuel repairs gear and grub! HIGHLINER MY ASS.....

  75. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I was looking for something specific on Halcro's blog, and I ran across this entry from 2006:

    Four years and a national campaign later, Sarah is still doing the same old schtick. She still can't answer a question, and she still demonizes her opponents.

  76. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Gasman @8:50. You're dead-on. Thanks for a great post.

  77. Anonymous11:09 AM

    People coming down on Nicole Wallace are totally off base - not looking at the whole picture.

    She has been one on the right who has been more truthful but in a suttle way in that she has no backing. She doesn't have any elected people, or possible runners or corporate backing. MSM is not considered helpful. She's out on the ledge on her own - yet still willing to drop negatives on Palin.

    She's got more 'balls' than those who talk behind closed doors but whimp and lie through their eye teeth praising Palin. Peggy Noonan got caught with her pants down on record in the campaign and now is nothing more than a snivelly whimp.

    If you were in Nicole's position - you'll say you'd say more but in truth - that's bullshit. When you have Koch Brothers and ilk behind Palin, it's difficult for one ex-campaign person to do this alone. Even Steve Schmidt seems to have gone underground.

  78. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Here's another loose end -- Piper Palin.

    Makeup - check
    Miserable - check
    Missing School - check

  79. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Here is what to remember about Nicole: these people don't want to tell secrets because they might want to be hired again by another candidate and they don't want to be seen as indiscreet.

    But if she threatens to run, they will talk because at that point it will be important to stop her, more important than being good at keeping secrets.

  80. Anonymous11:22 AM

    From Ed Rollins from CNN story on Palin:

    "If you want to be a gadfly, just keep doing what you're doing."


    The thought of someone being schooled on history and government in less than 2 years to lead the U.S. - Firstly, that's a joke. Secondly, she has the attention span of a ghat and 2 weeks would be too long for her.

  81. igettit211:28 AM

    Anonymous 10:16

    Sorry! It was a long url and looks like I didn't get all copied.

    It's a Yahoo news story titled "Army fighting fat, embracing health foods, fitness"

    If you go to Yahoo news and search that title it should come up.

  82. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Sarah Palin is NOT an idiot. She just pretends to be something she's not: someone who could have the stature of a world leader.

    What she most certainly is, though, is a total fake, fraud, phony.

    I suppose if choosing such a path in life makes you an idiot, then I get that argument.

  83. Anonymous11:31 AM


  84. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Dancing With the Scars

    Ms. Palin might well run for president, but she would never win. She is too thin-skinned, self-centered and ill-informed. And despite her storytelling and image-making capacities, she cannot hide the earthy, homely, everyday fact that her own social type in the grand human narrative is that of The Bitch. At one point in her show, a fisherman puts the still-beating heart of a halibut in her hand. It is a strange, wondrous, unsettling thing. Ms. Palin looks at it for an instant and then tosses it indifferently overboard. "Too weird," she says. Her own heart is that of a shallow teenaged girl. She is Paris Hilton with sled dogs. Her political destiny is to be a sometimes consequential political outlier.

  85. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Nichole Wallace is part of the problem. The only reason she's speaking out is that Sarah attacked mama (Barbara) Bush.

    This ridiculousness reminds one of the way The US props up all sorts of dictators and when they are no longer useful or become a liability, our troops are forced under some pretense or another to go take them out. Noriega and Hussein come to mind.

    You let Palin do your dirty work for you and you are as bad as she is as far as I'm concerned.


  86. Anonymous11:49 AM


    FYI, "Pravda" is not the old Pravda that we all know. In fact, it was purchased by a bunch of RWNJs. It, for example, frequently features Orly Taitz. Nuff said.

  87. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Would love to see the Republican talking points for this week. They must say something like 'Re: Palin: Release the Hounds.' First Scarborough, now Ed Rollins (so MSNBC and CNN) have piled on Palin in writing. Barbara Bush, Karl Rove and Mika B have weighed in on air. Even the Russians are getting in on the act. The inevitable Palin pity party has to be coming up soon, right?

  88. Enjay in E MT11:52 AM

    Paula @ 8:21

    I think it would work to have a "Whispers of Wasilla" blog for Alaskans that want to "tell a few Palin tales" of their own.

    It would be fun for some Wasillans to vent. Yet at the same time, the readers could guess which "tale" is true or not. Or mixed bag of embellishment & truth. Won't matter to Palin since she can't even keep her own stories straight. Who knows, she might use a few more of those tales in her next speech. Where was Trig born?

  89. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Question for Nicolle Wallace: What happens if, for whatever reason, Limbaugh and Hannity decide to endorse Palin for president? Do prominent Republicans speak out then and risk angering the people with real power?

  90. Anonymous12:07 PM

    @11:09, just fyi: it's wimp, not whimp.

  91. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Does anyone else think that Palin may have made a deal with either McCain, the RNC, or the GOP in general, that she could have free rein through the 2010 midterms AND her 2nd book tour, and then the gloves would come off and she'd better STFU? When is the book tour over?

    Regarding the article by Ed Rollins on CNN posted earlier

    OH, SNAP!

    And this is coming from a man! So far it's been women, mostly, who have dared to call Palin on her shit, lest they be called sexist (bullshit). This grifter granny is going down.

  92. Anonymous12:16 PM

    SP next tweet...

    "Why is everybody always picking on me?"

    You are going to get caught, just you wait and see.."Why is everybody always picking on me?"

  93. "Well mark my words she is DEFINITELY going somewhere! However it is nowhere that she wants to go. And yes that is a hint."

    I don't think you meant going home to Wasilla -- more like an allusion to John 21:18. Been romancing someone in the US Attorney's office, Gryphen?

  94. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I saw that Russian piece yesterday. it is awesome in its slap down and utterly accurate.

    This is what the world is seeing and thinking bout the US.

  95. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Oh oh... Willow just took off the cover to her keyboard and is logging into Facebook and she pulled out her big book of homophobic names to call Nicolle Wallace and and wait... Bristol just entered the room holding a cheesecake and she looks pissed too. Nicole is about to get the "Wrath of the Palin Sisters"...

    Sarah keep your big pink girl panties on, Nicole did not mention anything about Trig.

  96. Meghan McCain and Liz Cheney will someday be sharing a room in a loony bin because they are only listened to and given press because of who their fathers are (actually were): and Dick Cheney is the epitome of evil and he is sick; John McCain is stupid and senile and he is sick. They should if there is a God not be here much longer. When they go, people will ask: Liz who? Meghan who?

  97. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sarah read the Russian article and jumped on her moose and is riding through Wasilla screaming, "The Russians are coming!"

  98. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Remember "Pravda" means truth.

  99. Wonder if she could see the Russian report from her backyard?

  100. Anonymous3:00 PM

    My first guess (and hope) would be that $aint $arah will be going to Hell, but I would settle for prison and not the white collar kind.

    I too wondered why the tweet-tard hasn't launched her knee jerk, middle school rant against Joe S. Surely Joe's statements aren't considered 'satire' and thus he gets a pass. Joe isn't Rush-worthy. Maybe she's preoccupied with Van Flea for the upcoming 'event'.

    As for hoping that the upcoming 'event' will disenfranchise the bots, I think it would take her being caught milking the Gov't via her LLCs or some inside deals/scams benefiting her and her rich elite cliche at the cost of those 'everyday','just like me' PAC contributors or she's associated with funding/supporting a terrorist outfit. Being outed as a fake Christian, tax cheat, thief, and bad mother hasn't phased the 'bots glorification of their Queen, so it will take something that is a total slap in their faces.

    Can she wear spanx under her new orange outfit?

    Thxs Gryph!

  101. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Kudos to Media Matters.

    Gryphen, I too must ask WHEN???

    I won't stop reading your blog while I wait. Promise. I just really need some sense of whether we're talking right after the holidays or in Feb. or whenever the Dunn book is due or next summer with the McGinnis book or not till the primaries.

    Please, please, a timing hint! -B

  102. As Nicolle Wallace was predicting that "someone" would step up to expose Palin if she seemed likely to get anywhere near the nomination or the White House, I thought of Anita Hill. If you follow Hill's logic, it answers the question, "Why not spill the beans now?" She did not necessarily want to be the one who said wait a sec, we can't let this guy ascend to the top bench in the land. But when he got that close -- all the way to the Senate hearing stage -- she felt she had to tell what she knew.

    There were rumors that John Edwards staffers were prepared to out him had he managed to get closer to the nomination.

    The credible best-known sources probably would wait until the point when they felt it became their duty.

  103. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Someone coined the term "Northern Overexposure," and it sure fits.

  104. Thanks for keeping up.. I sure can't! Goodness goodness goodness. What a lovely couple days, don't you think? Better late than never!
    It's about time that they start seeing this big fat, delusional elephant in the GOP room..

  105. Hannah_Bell8:40 PM

    Oh, sweet Gryph. Please, please, please tell me it's coming soon. I just can't take it.

    If I have to see another national news headline about one of her blasted FACEBOOK rants or have both eyes AND ears assaulted by a commercial for $arah Pay£in's Duh-laska...

    And the media culpability!!! OMG, I can't take it. People mag...liberal, gay friendly People...this week they cover the willow/bristol facebook rant...and they don't even MENTION the homophobic slurs- just make it sound as thought a four letter word or two was uttered...and a couple weeks back on a feature about the bastion of matrimonial bliss that is the palin union...they prominently featured Trig and headlined the photo "Trig, 23 months".

    Of course Trig is MUCH older than that...but in Sarah's quest to be "young hip mom with BABY" Sarah gave them the wrong age. She knew if she ever got called on it she could simply say that People mixed up Trig's age and Tripp's age.

    Sorry, I realise I'm babbling but I am just SO ready for private citizen quitter to GO AWAY and take her overly entitled foul mouthed progeny with her.

    Make it soon, dear Lord. I need this to be my CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

  106. Gasman8:46 PM

    Anon @ 11:09,
    I think you're overdoing the lavish ingratiating paean to Nicole Wallace. She is speaking out about Palin, but she is DEFINITELY pulling her punches. She ain't no hero. I have no doubt that if Wallace spilled her guts about just how narcissistic, paranoid, and imbecilic Palin really is that she could quash Palin's political ambitions virtually instantaneously. When she does THAT, I'll sing her praises. Until then, she's just another Palin enabler, albeit one of the less helpful ones.

    My question to Wallace and to the members of the GOP who won't criticize Palin is: WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? If Palin really is as bad as Wallace is trying to sort of kind of tangentially infer that she is (maybe), WHY NOT JUST SAY IT UNAMBIGUOUSLY AND DEFINITIVELY ONCE AND FOR ALL!?

    Nicole, repeat after me: "Sarah Palin is a feckless clod, a brainless imbecile, and an utter buffoon. She couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel."

    Now, doesn't that feel better?

  107. Anonymous5:18 AM

    @Amyloo, Clarence Thomas was confirmed. He sits on the Supreme Court today.

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