Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It looks like somebody is doing damage control for Sarah Palin's Haiti fiasco.

Well as all of you know the video I put up yesterday from Greta van Sucks-to-be-Palin's-pal did not exactly show the compassionate side of the Grizzled Mama.  In fact it showed her to be a stand-offish, freaked out by Haitian people, phony.  So anyhow somebody sent me this link today, which ATTEMPTS to show Palin as much more nurturing by showing her clutching one carefully scrubbed, and disinfected baby.

Do you think they mentioned Samaritan's purse enough?

Okay well obviously this was supposed to shut all of us "haters" up about Snowdrift Snookie's lack of compassion by showing that if you will clean up one of the little buggers she will hold it as long as the camera is on her. 

Here is a picture from Greta's blog showing the Ex-Gov demonstrating her comfort level.

Oh yeah, she looks TOTALLY at ease.

However I also noticed that the "See? Sister Sarah LOVES the little brown people!" video accidentally captured something else that I don't think it was supposed to show.

Go to the 2:40 mark and look in the background.

Did you see it?

All through most of the video they carefully show Bristol only from the chest up, right up until that long shot toward the end.  So for the handful of people who came over here the other day claiming that at least one of the photographs of Bristol in Haiti show her to be skinny, what do you say now?

By the way, apparently the Haitians themselves were not at all fooled by Palin's blatant attempt to use their country to package herself as some kind of humanitarian either.

They may be poor but they are substantially smarter than the Palin-bots.  But then again, who isn't?


  1. Yep...she's circling the drain. I just hope she doesn't gum up the pipes on her way down!

    And as far as Bristol....Mediainsider has that whole story fully under control.

  2. Anonymous7:40 PM

    To Mrs. To0dd Palin, you're there, why don't you volunteer to stay there and hel for a couple weeks instead of flying on to great Briton for your photo opp with the mentally chaqllenged Margaret Thatcher? What's stopping you from doing God's work? Other than the fact that you didn't go there to do God's work, but for a photo opp? Really, you're wealthy, nobody needs you anywhere more than those people need help. I guess you're too important to do God's work aren't you?


  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    What is it with Bristol's fetish for scarves? They do nothing to hide her burgoning belly.

  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    $P is such a phony, holding one baby. Wow. What a help to the Haitian people.

    Bristol is so pregnant. Wonder who the dad is?

  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Is this what you are referring to... Bri$tol in brown in the background.

  6. Anonymous7:58 PM

    She doesn't look empathetic at all. Why is it that Sarah's face always looks insane. Is it her crazy crossed eyes?? It's a good thing she isn't trying to be an actress because she sucks. Being a hater and all, I find her to be a revolting human being, a transparent opportunist who has had an extremely negative effect on our country in a time we don't need it.

    What a sham!! Sarah you don't care about those people you user! And God knows Sarah. He knows and one day you will pay for what you have done to your family, to Alaskans and to our country.

  7. Anonymous7:59 PM

    How much money did you donate, Selfish Sarah? Can you spell "hypocrite"?

  8. cjumper8:02 PM

    I can't tell what we're supposed to see in the background at 2:40. Maybe I'm dense tonight?

  9. Anonymous8:02 PM

    This is sad. The palinbots have become so insular they believe their image of sarah is salable to non-bots.

    sarah is literally recoiling from those children.

    Franklin and sarah are making money off misery. That is all they know.

    sarah is forcing Bristol to travel and make these public appearances. sarah is deliberately turning Bristol´s condition into ¨the pregnancy from hell¨ to punish her for getting preggers again. We are watching sarah torture her own daughter in real time. And now we know why Track called Bristol a whore.

    sarah´s fear of the press is palpable.

  10. Forever Anonymous8:02 PM

    Yup, that's the footage they should use, it's ok, she needed time to warm up but she appears truly moved. It is nice to see that.

    Now, again, not to be political, why is she asking for politicians to go there? she understands Haiti is not one of US territories, right? Did you see Graham face when she mention "airlift"?

    Bristol's belly looks disorganized, it may not be quite the storm rumored to be.

  11. Anonymous8:05 PM

    FYI, for someone with the ability to do a screen capture... 2:44 is the "money shot" of Bristol's burgeoning belly.

  12. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Yep, I saw it. Bristol's inflating stomach. The scarves are suppose to divert your eyes away from her baby bump. Too bad she doesn't realize it doesn't work...and she looks totally stupid besides.

    Sarah knows the media will not dare to say that Bristol is knocked up, because if they do, they will have to deal with Sarah's terrible wrath. So why say anything? After Bristol has the baby, and gives it to someone else to raise, she will go on with her life as if nothing happened.

  13. Anonymous8:06 PM

    The thing is, Greta said she'd continue to put up more haiti vids and pics, that they just needed to be cleared with her boss.

    Would you really call it standoffish when she was sooo hands on and lovingly cradling the babies.

  14. I noticed Bristol in the background right away. Something is definitely in that girl's womb. Also noticed Sarah in the background of the first released video while Greta Van Suck-up was talking about the supplies, etc. Palin was leaning against a truck as far away from human contact as possible. Ironic that Al Jazera reported the story. LOL.

  15. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Oh what a tangled web we weave,
    When first we practise to deceive!
    Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.

    Et tu, Snowsnookie?

  16. Anonymous8:21 PM

    That was a truly amazing belly on Bristol.

    I've never really had any thoughts about it until now -- plenty of photos/videos that could be a baby belly, could just be plump. But that was not "plump." That looked like a baby belly with some extra cushion to me.

    I've had two babies. Didn't have any cushion on my baby belly for either one of them, tight as a drum, but then I didn't have the extra weight that she has had for months either.

    If I were, for some reason, trying to hide a pregnancy, it would certainly be reasonable to eat all I wanted to (never mind baby's health! or gestational diabetes!) to add some extra...

    If she's not pregnant she needs to go on a diet STAT. There's no reason for a girl her age to be doing a yo-yo weight thing, it's very unhealthy in the long-term.

    Wow. That belly.

  17. It is a stark contrast to how children react to Michelle Obama!
    If you do a google picture search of our President and/or our First Lady with children, you will see utter JOY on the little one's faces, like here:

    scarah paylin - not so much. Kids KNOW.

  18. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I don't watch the clips because I can't stand to, but I do notice on the last picture in this post that Sarah's ring finger is bare again. Is she available or just afraid the people she is supposed to be helping will take her jewelry?

  19. angela8:28 PM

    Look everybody! Sarah is holding a brown baby (albeit scrubbed and disinfected as Gryphen said), without sunglasses and her trashy t-shirt on.
    Wow, they really do read the blogs.

    This woman makes me sick.

    The young man at the beginning completely echos the sentiments that any sensitive human being would. (Now that would leave out Palin and all her supporters of course.)

    Nausea has overcome me. . . . .
    Haiti . . .pimped out for Sarah's pleasure.

  20. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Anon 7:50, the money shot is just before that, a half-second flash of Bristol in the background shown in side view. That's more than some extra fries.

    And that baby Sarah is holding is not fooled by the crazy white lady.

  21. Anonymous8:34 PM

    If Bristol is not pregtnant, then she is faking a pregnancy in a classic case of misdirection to take our eyes off another pregnancy. That would be so Palinesque!


  22. Anonymous8:36 PM

    If you look at the top video at frame 2:45 where Grahm is taking a picture of Sarah holding a child next to a lady with Bristol standing in the background you will see that Bristol's face is bloated. Her face and cheeks are super huge and wide. It looks like her face is squeezing out of her hat.

  23. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Question about Alaskan homes: are huge squarish windows popular because ive seen pics of several houses with the same windows at the Palins?

  24. Anonymous8:40 PM

    So EVERYONE traveling with the Palin Klan, must have SEEN the belly of Brisdull. Were they TOLD not to photograph her????

  25. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I cannot feel comfortable criticizing her in this video, and besides, my attention was more on the people it should be: the cholera-stricken. I was saddened to see how stick thin the babies and toddlers were. Lord help that country. Was it ever better off? It seems we've been hearing such sad news about Haiti for so long.

  26. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Did everyone else noticed the pretty and brand new party dresses on the baby girls that Sarah held? These are supposed to be sick children, yet someone thought they needed to be all gussied up for Sarah's photo op. Crazy!

  27. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Sarah looks extremely uncomfortable with those kids.

    There was a video on Greta's blog Sunday, with Sarah holding the baby and she rolled her eyes while giving the baby back. I'm pretty sure it's been edited or removed.

    No one is buying this BS, except for Palinbots. Not even the media. For the first time when it comes to Sarah, they were silent about the trip to Haiti.

  28. What stood out for me was how some of these sick babies were dressed, in party dresses. It must have been so hot for them,I also noticed the little one Sarah was holding the back Zipper was undone. Why would you dress sick children in something that looked like a hand me down from Toddlers in Tiaras.

  29. Anonymous8:58 PM

    It does not matter what is put up. $p does not fool women. We have her pegged.

  30. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Ok, with all due respect, this is getting stupid. NO WAY BRISTOL IS PREGNANT. At least not with the baby you all said she was pregnant with...what, five, six months ago??

    Hormones and body weight yo-yo for some women after giving birth, I can personally attest to that. One year after giving birth, an idiot checker at the grocery story looked at my stomach and asked when my baby was due!

    Please, give this one a rest. It's seriously distracting from the otherwise credible criticism of Palin this site offers.

  31. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I don't throw the cee word around loosely. What an effin cee.

    "I can talk politics. You can't. I'm better than Clinton because I'm here and he isn't. No one can refudiate me. I answer to no one. I get paid per word also too Samaritan's Purse. Samaritan's Purse also too. Ca ching."

    Who the eff do you think you are you effin cee.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  32. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Forget about the belly. Look at the crotch of her pants. They don't lie flat; they angle up to the belly. That's how pregnant pants fit - they don't mold to the body. Been there 5 times, and I'm speaking from experience.

  33. Gryphen: You going to go to the book signing in Anchorage on Saturday.
    Will be interesting to see if you get banned again.

  34. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "Beautiful, happy children who seem to be content and joyful and, look around, Greta, they don't have much. The babies don't have diapers. The kids don't have much. Yet they have smiles and they're looking around for I think for some little bit of compassion that the rest of us can provide."

    How delusional is this person? I saw one woman smiling (holding a baby w/o a diaper) in that first video. I saw absolutely no joy in either video. I think she actually believes they were all thrilled to be in her presence.

  35. Ferry Fey9:17 PM

    I noticed in one of the other clips that when they were giving out the Christmas boxes, Franklin Graham though it was appropriate to kiss each one of the older girls (who looked to be just heading into puberty) when they came to say thank you.

  36. Enjay in E MT9:18 PM

    Wow - for someone that wants screams "smaller government" yet wants MILITARY support for natural disasters & disease outbreaks.... hmmmm isn't that what the Church is for??

    Oh yes - sure looks like IF Bristol didn't get blamed for Momma not being in the VP house right now..... she'll get blamed for not being President in 2012. Am thinking 6 to maybe 7 months...

    Course it's possible Sarah hasn't even noticed.

  37. Wow. I haven't read comments yet - first time I've had a chance today to check out your blog.

    It took me a few tries but I was able to finally stop the thing after 2:40 - good heavens, she's huge, twice the hip size of her mother.

    If that's not pregnant then Bristol has some serious metabolic issues.

  38. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Hello, pregnant Bristol.

    For awhile, I doubted, because there's no WAY they could keep all the people that have been in contact with her quiet. So I thought.

    But that? That belly is unmistakable. I have never seen a heavy woman shaped that way. Never.

    There's no way they can keep all those people quiet forever.

  39. Okay - this must mean that Bristol's baby is going to be third-world brown so the Palins will be "adopting a Haitian baby" - oh, let's say somewhere between Valentine's and St Patrick's days.

    I can hardly wait - I so love little be'be's - will $arah be learning French to speak to the newborn?


  40. angela9:43 PM

    For me it's not a big deal if another Palin is or isn't pregnant in a video. Curious, but typical. These people are liars and wondering about Bristol won't get Sarah off the scene any faster.

    Bristol is either overeating so she can be a spokesperson for Lane Bryant, knocked up and will soon announce that she's married (believing that will give the middle finger to us all---it wouldn't), on serious meds that are bloating her like a water balloon or just fat. None of these scenarios will stop the drama to come.

    I hope she's not pregnant---I don't wish the Palins on any innocent. But to me it's just another part of the Palin bullshit. If Sarah goes away she'll have to take her foulmouthed criminal children with her. That the important thing--that Sarah goes away.

  41. Anonymous9:49 PM

    8:55 - that struck me immediately. The first-born daughter in a middle-class family might get one party dress like that.

    Who knows - maybe her mother traded the photo op for the only pretty dress her little girl will ever be able to wear.

    We may have thought Scarah was pandering if she was holding the grimiest kid in the most tattered clothes she could find.

    Still, the image does project her shallowness.

  42. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Let’s face it, she is a spiteful, vindictive, revengeful bitch. She is a hater, who hates scores of folks. No ups and no extras! This woman is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and pure evil!

    There is a lot of stuff out there, both pro and con. The latest bullshit is the TIME magazine article by Jay Newton-Small, a piss poor journalist, if that is what she thinks she is. I’ve seen her on TV a few times recently, and this woman was about to have multiple orgasms on TV as she was speaking glowingly of Caribou “Killer” Barbie.

    Listen to this bullshit, she conducts an interview via e-mail? What the fuck! Is that what they teach in journalism school these days? Even Joshua Livestro conducted an interview (In his own tweeted words.) with her that way. Is this bitch so fragile she isn’t allowed visitors to interview her? Or is she, and her handlers, knowing full well that she can’t really handle live interviews and questioning, unless it is FOX Faux News, and they probably give her pre-screened questions. Really, she is as bright as a turnip, and no offense to turnips here on my part, but she is fucking stupid. When Barbara Walters asks one of her 10 most fascinating peoples Sarah “Caribou Killa” Palin about what she reads, she says Wall Street Journal (Didn’t know they had comic strips?), Newsmax, a right-winged online propaganda outfit, and the usual stuff, like all the papers in Alaska, and for inspiration C.S. Lewis. Just by the way she stutters and stammers during the interview, like she was scanning her brain to think of answers. She is a big fucking LIAR!
    Her damn hunting trip should convince even the dumbest of her troglodyte followers that she is a lying sack of shit.

  43. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I love that this all shows up AFTER the criticism of her Skinny Raven shirt and standoffishness. Is she still in Haiti?

    Re: Brisket, a friend of mine (taller & naturally slimmer than B) is 5 1/2 months PG with baby #2 and, while showing, looks less PG and bloated than Brisket. This leads me to think the B may be closer to delivery than I had previously believed. I know for a fact, however, that this is only pregnancy #2 for this friend, which I'm almost positive is not the case for the Brisket Basket Case.

  44. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Only a Palin could look down at the tiny black child and say "look at those lips!"

  45. Anonymous10:18 PM

    They're just a bunch of Haiters down there, you betcha.

  46. Gasman10:18 PM

    If Palin wants me to believe that she is doing anything other than primping for the cameras and posing for VERY staged phony photo-ops, she could stick a crowbar in her purse and donate a couple of million dollars to the Haitians to help them out. Let me see her forgo a few dozen pairs of Naughty Monkeys and what ever other useless trinkets she has been hoarding and actually do some good.

    I’ll not hold my breath waiting.

  47. Anonymous10:50 PM

    YES, 10:26! "Look at those lips!"

    She just can't say ANYTHING relevant or appropriate.

  48. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Next thing we know, Murdoch will donate a $$$ million, in Scarah's name. He has wasted tons of money on this family, another million would not break the bank. The expression "can't turn a ho into a housewife" applies here, as "can't turn a lying grifter into a president"

  49. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Some women who look pregnant actually have large tumors - very, very rare, but I just thought it should be mentioned as a possibility.

    Whether Bristol is pregnant or not, she is not well considering how much weight she has gained in a relatively short time while vigorously exercising. Sarah should not be dragging her along or letting her go on a trip into a disease-ridden area. Just another example of how poor a mother Sarah is in my opinion.

  50. Anonymous2:38 AM

    I agree Bristol does seem to have a pregnancy belly, but I also agree with another poster about the timing of this supposed pregnancy. There has been a pregnancy watch since that magazine cover of her and Levi in July and there ain't no way she is still in that same "pregnancy" without having a huge protrusion. Is the start date now moved to DWTS time in September? What is the theory about the timing of this pregnancy? Help me out here. Gryphen? Anyone?

  51. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Is the woman with long hair with a red top Sarah's sister?

    Whoever she is, she sure upstaged Sarah. She came across in the photos as someone whose body language showed empathy for the patients, unlike Sarah.

    (I call the video a photographic essay because I can only watch it with the sound off to avoid the screeching.)

  52. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Evidently someone schooled her on how to hold a baby ~ at least she's not holding them like sacks of potatoes. She's still a fake though. Also. Too. Wow and Bristol...all the layers in the world can't hide the truth.

  53. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Don't read too much into the little girls wearing party dresses. This is actually quite common in Caribbean island nations. They get them from donations and thrift stores and the little girls love to have the pretty things. These dresses, while ironic to be worn in a cholera camp, probably came in a used clothing donation and the little girls have been wearing them in camp.

  54. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Yep, Bristol's preggo. That photo should be enough to convince the doubters, I'd say. Stomach way bigger than chest.

    As for Mrs. Paylin, she's holding that baby the way [some people] do when the baby has a dirty diaper and you hand it back to its mom. But no warmth, no compassion whatsoever.

    I did enjoy the report from Al Jazeera; funny how they haven't/didn't/won't drink the palin kool-aide. I too noticed in the clip from yesterday that she was standing by the truck when Greta was in with the people. Just waiting for Greta to finish so they could high-tail it out of there. Yep, when the camera's not on, that's the real mrs. paylin.

    Loved the report Gryphen! I keep trying to stop all things Paylin, but your funny and insightful comments keep me coming back.

    R in NC

  55. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Mrs. Palin pats, scratches and rubs the black people like they are pupppies or something.
    Also, too anyone else think the video is edited or photoshopped. There is a brief shot of a huge Bristol belly, then the rest look not so huge. Weird.

  56. Anonymous3:47 AM

    "Not gittin' political here, today, but politicians should come here..." What drivel.

  57. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Let's not forget that Bristol just came off of eight weeks of intense dance training and she still looks like that.

  58. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Ferry Fey 9:17.

    Yes I noticed that too. That was disturbing. And NOT appropriate at all.

  59. Anonymous3:59 AM

    I get the distinct impression from the spokesperson from Samaritan's Purse that they were doing damage control and had no idea that she is viewed so negatively.

  60. Anonymous4:08 AM

    7:50pm. The photo is very revealing. Rather than look at her t-shirt, look at her jeans from the crotch area to the bottom of the t-shirt. If that isn't the belly of a pregnant woman, not certain what is.

  61. Anonymous4:10 AM

    7:50PM. Besides Bristol's obviously pregnant belly, the picture is also telling regarding Sarah. Look at how the nurse is engaging the child, while Sarah engages the camera!

  62. Anonymous4:11 AM

    The anons at 9:10 and 9:29 are right, fat has a shape that is different than pregnant. I don't think they've figured out what to do about the upcoming addition to the family, yet.

  63. Anonymous4:13 AM

    8:05PM. The money shot is captured in a picture posted earlier....

  64. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Anon 8:02, nice try ( kind of) but you come across as very stupid!

    Sarah looks moved!? Only to a Palinbot.

    And what the hell is a " disorganized belly?"
    HahaHaha!! Are you serious?
    Palinbots are so blind, so delusional!
    Do you honestly think anyone here buys what you are selling!?
    What is wrong with you people and will you cling on to this fraud of a woman to the bitter end? Because it's coming soon. Real soon. So look for someone new to worship and make up fantasies about.

  65. I'd be very curious to see the balance sheet on this one for the Palins and Shepards Purse.

    1.Obviously the Palins were paid to make the visit and drum up interest in the organization. How much more could they have done without wasting their donor's money to pay the Grifter's "foreign experience" costs? Wonder how much it cost Shepard's Purse?

    2. Wonder how much Palin donated of her own money to the Haiti cause vs. How much she reaped from the trip.

    Also, too, "the Government should airlift"? She should ask her C4P supporters to do the airlifting so it's not against their "small gov" principles

  66. Anonymous4:25 AM

    The reaction from the children, their faces say it can't fool the little ones Sarah,God gaved them radar they can tell real or fake.

  67. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Anon 9;16--- you described it perfectly!! The sick children look joyful??

    We are dealing with a seriously disturbed meglomaniac. That is what ALL if these tapes have clearly shown! And you nailed it by saying Sarah believes all these kids are delighted to be around her!!! She does believe that. She is a sick person.

  68. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Sarah should ask her Republicans like Corbourn, to stop holding up the financial support for Haiti,before she critizes Bill Clinton. OOps! she is now an expert on Haiti.

    An aside, Sarah is more silent than silent night, on Brewercare, you know, deathpanels in the desert.People are suffering there too. What say you Sarah?

  69. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Bristol wearing scarves in EVERY photo is ridiculous.
    They think they are fooling people!!!! The scarves are not fashionable and they don't hide anything. The Palins really believe Americans are stupid.

  70. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Did Bristol go to England with Sarah? Given the slope of her belly (look at the crotch area to the bottom of the shirt for the unmistakable pregnancy slope) in this photo..., why aren't any crews, hotel staff, etc. talking?

  71. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Aljezeera was shown to be more substantive and unbiased in news coverage than Fox News and any other news outlet.

    When Sarah Palin said that she was not going to take questions, even though her sponsors called the press conference, the camera's and reporters should have just did a mass exodus to show her that there has to be quid pro quo if she wants a platform. Even from a 'Humanitarian' standpoint.

    And she says herself, "Not to get political, but. . ." she opened the door, they should have started throwing questions at her to test her knowledge on the country, the statistics and the aid that Haiti has received since the devestation that started a whole YEAR ago!

    That useless, useless, know-nothing, graceless, compassionateless, sharp elbowed, armchair POTUS, attention-whore woman.

  72. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Anon @ 7:58 - "I find her to be a revolting human being, a transparent opportunist who has had an extremely negative effect on our country in a time we don't need it."

    Yep. We agree, also too. Perhaps there are those folks in this great country with thirsty humanitarian hearts desiring to progress compassion and competence of politically influential people without a title to sit down and shut the fuck up.

    If Samaritans Purse hosted a press conference with the proviso that no questions could be asked of such a shameless photo-opportunity junket, would the press come? Yes, they did. They always do. They come to be hated on by the divine Queen of White Trash. And her message, complete with digs at other leaders, however confusing and garbled and graceless as it is, is consumed by film and print and heaping helpings of seconds and thirds.

  73. Molly5:00 AM

    You know, it's pretty sad when Al Jazeera has better news coverage than anybody in the USA.

  74. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Stiff, stiff, stiff. I noticed her rigidity even during the convention when she was holding Trig. Truly loving adults, when they hold a baby or child or even another adult needing comfort, get all curvy and soft. They surround the other person/baby and conform to the other's body. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they drape themselves over and around the more fragile being like a living blanket. The most Palin does is rock back and forth all the while angling her upper body back and away. And she sure had The Girls standing at attention for that stupid press conference.

  75. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Is Bristol going to star in "The Biggest Loser" or "Teenage Mom" next?

    Franklin's daughter Cissie makes Bristol look downright homely.

  76. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Likely doesn't mean anything, but do most right-handed mothers hold their babies in the crook of their right arm? I held all my nieces and nephews in my left arm so my right hand was free to feed, burp, whatever.

    Oh, wait, I get it. Holding an infant in one's left arm places the infant closer to the comforting sound of the mother's heart. And we all know Sarah doesn't have one.

  77. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Ok, with all due respect, this is getting stupid. NO WAY BRISTOL IS PREGNANT. At least not with the baby you all said she was pregnant with...what, five, six months ago??

    Hormones and body weight yo-yo for some women after giving birth, I can personally attest to that. One year after giving birth, an idiot checker at the grocery story looked at my stomach and asked when my baby was due!
    9:02 PM

    Have to say you are uninformed:
    Bristol was pregnant and gave birth TWO years ago.
    Since then she has been super thin for the CANDIES campaign and in SPA series you can see she was much thinner.
    Someone grab some photos and link them for me please? Thanks.

    Also too, YOU do not get a rock hard belly from fat, as the mother of seven the only time I was fat was after my twins and I too got asked if I was due? BUT my belly didn't look like BRISTOLS and my pants didn't fit like THAT unless I was PREGNANT. Look at the vest-it is ill fitted for a FITTED vest. They are the rage with all the teens/young adults.

    NOBODY wears scarves IN THE OPPRESSIVE heat. MAMA didn't steer ya right Brisket-she is using you again.

  78. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Scary Sarah,

    You cannot claim to not be political and then ask politicians to COME ON DOWN.
    Also too, please don't hold the least sick kid with a nurse nearby as proof of your **barf** compassion?
    She doesn't realize that part of the problem in Haiti is STARVATION? I doubt that she read that far in the script they handed her before they arrived.
    Also too, her Greta car interview, anyone notice that Greta was feeding her talking points and Sarah would then PARROT them immediately.

    OMG! What a damned lie that the BOTS are going to run with.

  79. LaDawn5:38 AM

    Gryph, you've simply got to update this post with a screen grab of Bristol's belly. Seeing her vest be pushed so open by her belly that it's literally almost flat at her sides is powerfully indicative of pregnancy. And having stuffed my pregnant girth in maternity pants through five children....I well recognize the crotch/inseam angling upward rather than laying flat as with a nonpregnant person or even just an overweight person.

    However, the biggest "giveaway"...and I say this not only as someone who has given birth five times but also as someone who works in maternal and fetal medicine (and thus has seen countless pregnant women of all shape and size) the fact that her belly button has already "popped".

    This also leads me to think she may be much closer to delivery than I originally thought.

    For God's sake, Bristol...I know you read these blogs...and you need to do one last "exclusive" about this pregnancy, take your six figures from that and your 350k DWTS haul...and go write the book telling the REAL story of your mother, Trig, and anything else you have personal knowledge of.

    You know your mother has thrown your ass under the bus before...and you are even more dense than we thought if you think she won't do it again.

    Take your babies and get out while you can. Yes, there will be some jokes at your expense due to the whole "abstinence advocate" thing...but since everyone believes you only did that because your mother made will pass.

    I say again Bristol: take your babies (however the hell many there are) and get out while you can.

  80. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Greta is UGLY in profile picture.

    The surgeon forgot to remove a few chins when she had plastic work done.

  81. Ferry Fey5:43 AM

    Oh, NOW I see the belly. I looked at this on another computer, and I guess the image on the screen was lighter than what I saw the first time. If any of you were having problems discerning it, try making your monitor lighter.

    Yes. Oh lord, yes. I've had babies, and I've gained and lost weight, and it sure looks like pregnancy to me. The angle of the pants in the front, and she's appearing a bit swaybacked, unless she's going to break into an impromptu bosom-shaking reprise of her DWTS act to entertain the kiddies. Maybe she's glad to be somewhere away from all the Nativity images.

  82. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Al Jazeera is a top-notch news organization. Seriously. Comprehensive, well balanced, even-handed. The way I hear it, they are kept off the air in some places because the CNNs and BBCs know they can't compete.

  83. Anonymous5:48 AM

    The way her jeans swell up at the belly very much look like maternity jeans.

    I was iffey before, now I really do believe she is totaly preggers.

    Grandma Palin must be so proud.

  84. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I don't care how many black babies $arah Palin holds. Her record, her actions, and her nasty attitude here in the U.S. toward minorities and the "have nots" don't match the phony
    'compassionate" crap she tried to pull in Haiti. $arah Palin doesn't care about the less fortunate, especially not the brown ones. She hasn't done shit for the people of Haiti, or even people in her own country. Just a photo-op, nothing more.

  85. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Typical Sarah Palin M.O., she completely contradicts herself from one word to the next.

    E.g., when she made fun of Biden's age in front of McCain and told Katie Couric that it wasn't negative:

    "I've never met him before but I've been hearing about his speeches since I was in second grade." - Sarah and McCain at a rally.

    Isn't it kind of risky, with a 72 year old running mate, "Insinuating that Joe Biden has been around awhile?" - Katie Couric following up on that dig at Biden's age and experience to Sarah.

    "Oh no it's nothing negative at all, . . .just statin a fact there that we've been hearing his speeches for all these years." - Sarah Palin

    "Not to get political, but if U.S. Politicians would just come here. . ."

    Sarah doesn't need questions from the LSM to make her look bad, she does herself in in every word salad she makes.

  86. Anonymous5:58 AM

    How does video of $arah Paylin holding brown babies help the people of Haiti?

  87. Anonymous6:05 AM

    8:02 p.m.,

    $arah Paylin was not "moved" at all. If she was really "moved" she would do something to help them, instead of just whoring for a photo-op. I heard she hasn't even mentioned the trip to Haiti on her Facebook page. Not even an incoherent tweet from her about Haiti. She doesn't care about them.

  88. Anonymous6:07 AM

    @8:06 p.m.,

    "Would you really call it standoffish when she was sooo hands on and lovingly cradling the babies"


  89. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I wouldn't be surpised if $arah Palin's "trip" to Haiti was actually shot on some Hollywood backlot, and that the Haitians were really actors. I wouldn't put anything passed that fraud.

  90. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Let's remember Creepy Chuck's comment that Sarah wasn't comfortable with all the minorities in Hawaii, explaining why she left that particular college.

    The photos are actually kind of funny, because her distaste and discomfort is so obvious.

    On so many levels, she is just a loser. Always has been, always will be. No intellect, no empathy, no compassion, but also no real achievements or excellence in any area of her life - not governing or even leading, not parenting, not public speaking, not philanthropy, not advocacy, and certainly not writing.

    No matter how she brays, she's empty, she's got nothin' she's bringing to the game. She's like one of those foul-mouthed fans completely oblivious to their own display of bad behavior and poor sportsmanship, betraying every principle of the sport.

    And she's about to slam into the wall of menopause, which can unhinge even well balanced women with no mental health issues. This will get ugly. Well, uglier.

  91. Anonymous6:16 AM

    "Beautiful, happy children who seem to be content and joyful and, look around, Greta, they don't have much. The babies don't have diapers. The kids don't have much. Yet they have smiles and they're looking around for I think for some little bit of compassion that the rest of us can provide."

    Sarah could have started dispersing her corner of the market on 'compassion' a year ago.

    She is that egotistical to think that she's the only one who recognizes that Haiti needs help? It took a whole year for this POS to capitalize on Haiti's suffering. Late to the game but still chastising others for not going about it her way.

  92. Anonymous6:19 AM

    8:51 p.m.,

    "I cannot feel comfortable criticizing her in this video"

    Why? If you really feel sad for these sick children then you should have no problem criticizing $arah Palin for USING these sick children for a photo-op. She has done NOTHING to help them. Wake up, and smell the bile.

  93. Anonymous6:20 AM

    It really does matter if Bristol is pg again, which might mean they would have a "wite-out" to keep this from hurting her chances, Again!

    It would end this charade once and for all.

  94. Chenagrrl6:24 AM

    Another casualty of this trip is Greta vanSus's carefully groomed image as a savvy reporter. She sounds like a rookie who just got a C in a J101 course.

    Good grief. The anchor has no clothes!

  95. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Anonymous 5:55 AM you said...
    “I don't care how many black babies $arah Palin holds. Her record, her actions, and her nasty attitude here in the U.S. toward minorities and the "have nots" don't match the phony
    'compassionate" crap she tried to pull in Haiti. $arah Palin doesn't care about the less fortunate, especially not the brown ones. She hasn't done shit for the people of Haiti, or even people in her own country. Just a photo-op, nothing more.”

    Don’t forget Palin did nothing for the Native Alaskans except brought them cookies for their starving cold bellies. We will never forget she allowed charging rape kits to continue for Alaskan women and little girls who were victims of incest and rapes.

    That’s our Sarah.

  96. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Huge head, cross eyed, cankles.

    Heart of a serpent.

  97. FEDUP!!!6:27 AM

    Anon @ 2:38am: It seems the baby-bump we see now is not the same baby-bump we saw in June/July. Don't remember where I read that, but saw it in a couple of places...

  98. Ripley in CT6:29 AM

    In the still photo, her hands are clenched as the children touch her. She has her left arm around the boy, but look at her hands. She's such a fake.

    Oh, and thanks again for giving a time point in the video for the goods. I won't watch them otherwise, and never with sound ;)

  99. Anonymous6:29 AM

    agree Bristol does seem to have a pregnancy belly, but I also agree "with another poster about the timing of this supposed pregnancy. There has been a pregnancy watch since that magazine cover of her and Levi in July and there ain't no way she is still in that same "pregnancy" without having a huge protrusion. Is the start date now moved to DWTS time in September? What is the theory about the timing of this pregnancy? Help me out here. Gryphen? Anyone?"

    according to a physician in the area, Bristol was pregnant for the Levi shoot. She is pregnant again, but not with the same baby.

    Methinks there is a parcel of kids out of the camera view.

  100. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "However, the biggest "giveaway"...and I say this not only as someone who has given birth five times but also as someone who works in maternal and fetal medicine (and thus has seen countless pregnant women of all shape and size) the fact that her belly button has already "popped"."

    ah yes - the outie belly button was obvious on DWTS in some of those outfits.

  101. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Sarah looked moved?

    I don't think so, I think she looked extremely uncomfortable, like she couldn't wait to drop the kid and run. By the look of the little girls face, she knew how uncomfortable the person holding her was as well. There is no empathy displayed in her body language.

    As a mother, I can't help feeling like I could spend entire days in that place holding babies so their sick mothers could rest and get treatment as well. If I had her means and didn't need to work to feed my own children, I would be there in a heartbeat.

  102. imnofred6:35 AM

    If this trip wasn't "political", as Sarah claims, then why hold a press conference? I'm sure that all of the media that were at the press conference were not there by coincidence, they were told that Sarah was going to speak.

  103. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Ah Stupid Sarah, the Jiffy Politician.

    Quickie VP run
    Quickie humanitarian
    Quickie foreign policy expert
    Quickie governor

    I agree with a previous poster, she could have spent a few weeks, even a few months in Haiti if she was serious about helping -- it's not like she has a job to go to. No one in her family seems to have a job to go to.

    Sorry, but I want my pols to be smarter than me and not think they can get away with doing 'important work' in the time it takes to order a quarter-pounder from McD's drive-thru. Does she truly think smart people take her nonsense seriously?

  104. FEDUP!!!6:44 AM

    Something just hit me: They forgot to tell $arah that Haiti is NOT a US territory, but an independent country!

    That's why she is asking for our politicians to come there and do an airlift! (Nevermind that some REAL politicians and may other non-politicians have already gone there, and that this tragic disaster has been in the media for a year - as well as well before that)

  105. Aunt Snow6:45 AM

    I don't begrudge her a human moment. That little girl in the white dress is a little sweetie, of course.

    I also don't have an issue with her basic message - which is so bland as to be non-controversial - "volunteer or donate."

    But I find the whole episode odd - if she really wanted to burnish her credentials as a policy person, why not speak with more command of the issues? Or if she really wanted to burnish her credentials as a compassionate person aiding in a disaster like this, why allow such awkward, lame footage?

    Thanks for the Al Jazeera clip with the new footage. I am trying to find anywhere on line the actual transcript of her press conference - does anyone know where I might find it? All I can find is the same AP story with little snippet quotes.

  106. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Anonymous 4:33 said...

    "An aside, Sarah is more silent than silent night, on Brewercare, you know, deathpanels in the desert.People are suffering there too. What say you Sarah?"

    Great observation 4:33, forgot about how Sarah was into Jan Brewer and Sarah is saying nothing about the people dying in Arizona. How come Sarah and Bristol do not go to Arizona and hold the people who are sick and dying because of Brewer's Death Panels?

  107. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Sarah Palin's book America by Heart dropped again to number 48 on Best seller.

    Do you think there will be another reprint? Don't think so.

    Can't give that book away.

  108. Anonymous6:56 AM

    How much money did Sarah and Bristol give of their own money to Haiti?

    How much money did SarahPac give to Hiti?

    How much money did Impotent Todd give to Haiti? Oh I forgot, Todd does not have a job. He is just Sarah's purse carrier.

  109. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Sarah Palin's book America By Heart dropped to number 65 on Barnes and Nobles Best Seller. I guess the trailer trash people ran out of money to buy Sarah's book? I guess it is cheaper to buy single ply toilet paper instead ABH.

  110. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Nice boob job.

  111. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Did Bristol give up any food she hid in her back pack to the Haitians?

  112. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Where is Bristol today? I'll make it easier for you, which country near Haiti has a 24 hour all you can eat buffet?

    I bet that's where you will find her.

  113. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Look, unless you all have never watched a woman's pregnant belly develop, or unless you think B Palin got preggers only recently instead of last May or whenever you started counting...

    Her belly is not growing!!! It is as big as it was 3 months ago on DWTS! I'm as convinced as anyone on this planet that B Palin is a fraud and lowlife to match her mother, but I'm sorry, I just do not see a pregnant belly. It's a big, untoned paunch that she half tries to hide with scarves and half shows off with stretchy clothing. But if that's a pregnant belly it's the weirdest one I've ever seen. Pile on this cretin for any other justifiable reason, but give it up on the pregnancy. Melly

  114. Anonymous7:21 AM

    As requested, a smaller pic of Bristol:

  115. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Al-jazeera is a terrific news organization. The Bush administration targeted & killed one of their reporters when we invaded Iraq in 2003 ( Don't believe me? Rent the documentary CONTROL ROOM). Then the Bush administration smeared them for years because they received "tapes" from Bin Laden. But it was really because they knew Al-jazeera would report the truth about what we were really doing in Iraq (such as Abu Graib)...

  116. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The fact that Bristhole keeps wearing scarves says it all. Who wears a scarf in 100+ degree heat and in a refugee camp? Only someone trying to hide a pregnancy.

  117. Anonymous7:38 AM

    What are you talking about? Asking other politicians to venture down to support Haiti is not necessarily being political. Politicians have the power to change things more than most people. I'm shocked more haven't gone down there and publicized it. The more publicity the better.

    The different between the poor in America and the poor in Haiti is Haiti has NO way of bettering themselves. America does. Americans are generally lazy due to certain govt programs

  118. Anonymous8:03 AM

    "Americans are generally lazy due to certain govt programs"

    You are an a$$

  119. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "It's a big, untoned paunch that she half tries to hide with scarves and half shows off with stretchy clothing"

    I have a big, untoned paunch, but I wouldn't be confused with being preggers. My belly button isn't popped out, either.

  120. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Anon at 7:38 says: "The different between the poor in America and the poor in Haiti is Haiti has NO way of bettering themselves. America does. Americans are generally lazy due to certain govt programs"

    Way to have your fellow Americans' backs during the worst economic period since the Great Depression! By the way, most people of working age do work in this country, or have you not noticed?

    And you say Haitians have no way to better themselves. Has it occurred to you to wonder why, considering so many charities are there? Perhaps it's because they have no real GOVERNMENT, yes government. A democratically elected government that works for the people and does the people's business might actually empower Haitians a little more than standing in line in front of some charity tent for help.

  121. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Anon wrote: "Americans are generally lazy due to certain govt programs" that you?

  122. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Read the following article to why Palin is Palin!!

    Traits of a Narcissist:
    care only about appearances
    critical of others
    disappointing gift-givers
    don't recognize own feelings
    envious and competitive
    feel entitled
    flirtatious or seductive
    hard to have a good time with
    hate to live alone
    hyper-sensitive to criticism
    lack sense of humor
    strange work habits
    unusual eating habits
    weird sense of time

  123. Anonymous8:50 AM

    ANd on a sidenote, look how awful Greta looks on that opening still. Tha tneck is crepier than a French breakfast. If that's what radical facelifts do: no jaw, double chin and inability to smile - think I'll choose to age gracefully.

  124. Anonymous9:05 AM

    " Why is it that Sarah's face always looks insane. Is it her crazy crossed eyes??"

    With her glasses off, her eyes are bizarrely wide-set.
    She looks deranged.

  125. Anonymous9:11 AM

    "Is she available or just afraid the people she is supposed to be helping will take her jewelry?"

    I think she was afraid & that is also why she wore
    her bummiest clothes. No one was dressed up, but
    they were dressed NICE. SP? Not so much.

  126. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Hey $arah, the 1st and 2nd ladies made a trip to Haiti in April of this year. Where the hell were you and Fox news then? Probably critizing someone, somewhere.

    I know, it's just how you roll.

    So, why visit Haiti now? Oh that's right you're starting your next failed bid for public service. Here's some advice. Go home and service your husband. You know damn well that the majority of Americans don't care to get fucked by you.

  127. I wish we could just stop talking about all of the Palins. Poor Bristol is overweight. Plain and simple. Poor thing, she doesn't carry it well. Maybe she is trying to hide something, but time will tell on that subject.

  128. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Bristol needs one of those old Jessica Simpson
    shawls, not these skinny things that only serve
    to make the wearer look fat.

  129. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I'm thankful that Samaritan's Purse is helping down there but why Sarah Palin? Why not get someone cool like Pitt/Jolie or George Clooney or any number of other celebrities to bring positive attention to their cause. Palin is just an ass all the way around.

    BTW, I'm not saying Bristle is preggers but if she is, she keeps taking her own 'wild rides' and is putting the health of her baby at risk ie DWTS, visiting cholera camps etc. Obviously she isn't trying to starve the baby out like her mom did with Trig but she is taking other risks and will probably start jumping off ladders on a daily basis. These women are a strange breed.

  130. Anonymous9:56 AM

    8:05 - Amen. When I was 19 and extremely fit, I hid a pregnancy until the very end. Although, of course, people still noticed. Today, I'm 60 pounds heavier, with an embarrassingly flabby belly, and NOBODY ever thinks I'm pregnant. The shapes are just totally different.

    I think Bristol definitely has a bun in the oven.

  131. Anonymous10:04 AM

    To the 'Forever Anonymous' bot: Stop with the 'needs time to warm up'...'truly moved,' nonsense. The
    c4p bunch must be getting desperate to send you over here with that
    verbal phooey. Who needs time to 'warm-up' to helpless, suffering children??

    Sharon TN

  132. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I have days worth of comments to catch up on from here and PG. Can someone PLEASE tell me what mediainsider said regarding Bristol recently? Thanks so much!

  133. Belljar Conehead10:36 AM

    "Snowdrift Snooki"!!! Now that's just mean! Good one! Let's be very clear that to mock her mercilessly is fine as long as we don't ignore the threat of "AIG" (arrogance, incompetence and greed) that she represents as the ditzy spokesmodel for evil white right wingnuttery. Let's have fun, but let's stay vigilant and registered to vote.

  134. Anonymous12:07 PM

    One thig that stuck me was Sarah picked up the hand of a very young girl and tapped on the back of her hand right next to on the site where the IV catheter was inserted.

    The girl of course pulled her hand away because Sarah had brainlessly just hurt the child.

  135. Anonymous12:22 PM

    OMG, Gryphen. I think more then any other site out there, she is obsessed with your site! She does everything - I MEAN EVERYTHING - to try to change her image for you. You must feel rather flattered.

    Sarah does not look any more comfortable or compassionate in the new videos than she did in the older ones. However, in the glare of the sunlight, you can really see how much plastic surgery the woman has had! I am starting to think that she went to the same surgeon as her "friend" Greta.

    And Greta... where to begin. You study hard, work hard, and now you spend your time kissing the ass of one of the dumb, pretty girls in high school so that you could feel "important" next to her. Greta, grow up and move on. Sarah's best days are behind hers. Yours do not have to be.

  136. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Some words from Franklin Graham regarding Sarah's interaction with those suffering from cholera.

    “She came in with her smile. She would sit on the cots. Now, you have to understand a cholera clinic, these cots have been soaked in urine, and fecal matter, and vomit. Cholera is a horrible thing, and she just sat right there in the middle of it, holding peoples’ hands, talking to people, holding babies, it was an amazing thing. She’s quite a lady and not afraid to get her hands dirty."

  137. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "Not to get political, but if some of our own politicians..."

    For Christ's sake...

    Why can't American media get to the heart of the issue like Al-Jazeera English does? Pathetic. She's there to "show off". That guy nailed it.

    The way she struts her stuff there, it's clear that she's there to make it all about her.

    And, what? No questions because this isn't a political event? Why doesn't she just take questions and decline ones that are of a political nature? Again, she always has a way of revealing her true nature.

  138. Anonymous3:36 PM

    If SP was really doing this out of the goodness
    of her heart, there would be no cameras. She didn't
    need the media to document her do-gooding, she
    could have promoted the charity with a few private
    trip photos posted on Facebook, after the fact. The is
    "Look at me! You can't criticize me now! I'm Saint
    Sarah!" plain and simple. Once a fame whore, always
    a fame whore, dying children be damned.

  139. Forever Anonymous4:51 PM

    should I defend my previous comment?
    (8:02) no really.

    I insist that this footage is more likely to put Sarah in a better light and probably that will be the one to sell Sarah to those who don't know about how she treated the villagers of the Yukon river in the '09 winter crisis and the 250+ elders who died on her watch and prompted Medicaid to withdrawal services to the State.

    It is my opinion that she look "moved" by the plight of the sick children and was engaged in giving comfort no matter for what little amount of time, it is on tape and probably will be use on thee campaign.

    When Bristol moved, I saw that her belly didn't remain rounded or hard, it seemed to fold a bit at the level of the navel. I used the analogy to a hurricane.

  140. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Why isn't she wearing a wedding ring? How long has she been without it?

  141. DetroitSam2:37 AM

    Anonymous @7:38 AM

    "Asking other politicians to venture down to support Haiti is not necessarily being political. Politicians have the power to change things more than most people. I'm shocked more haven't gone down there and publicized it. The more publicity the better.

    Are you serious? Really?

    Who do you think is holding up the funds and aid that President Obama and other Americans pledged to Haiiti?

    The names starts with "R".

    And do you really think that any republican politician in this country cares about the people of Haiti?

    They don'e even care about you or anyone else in this country who is not wealthy.

    Nice try, but you FAIL.

    But Sarah Palin donated a bunch of shoeboxes full of junk made in China. Not medical supplies. Not portable water. Not sanitatation equiptment. Not food.

    But a bunch of shoeboxes full of junk made in China.

    Anonymous 9:34 AM
    "Why not get someone cool like Pitt/Jolie or George Clooney or any number of other celebrities to bring positive attention to their cause."

    Me thinks you need to get out more or at least spend a little time keeping up with current events.

    The following is just a small portion of the efforts made by "someone cool like Pitt/Jolie or George Clooney or any number of other celebrities who actually did bring positive attention to their cause."

    Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie: donated $1 million to Doctors Without Borders to help support relief efforts in Haiti.

    George Clooney: $1 Million, Lance Armstrong: $250,000, Sandra Bullock: $1 Million, Madonna: $250,000, Tiger Woods: $3 Million,
    Oprah Winfery: $1 Million, Alyssa Milano: $50,000, Leonardo-DiCaprio: $1 million donated.

    George Clooney and other celebrities have raised money through telethons in which hundreds of other celebrities have participated.

    Sean Penn has been in Haiti almost full-time since January, building a relief organization that's helping tens of thousands survive.

    Simon Cowell made a charity single with all the money going to help victims of the Haiti earthquake

    Many other celebrities have donated money and participated in telethons to raise money for the people in haiti.

    This is not new information. You just have to care enought to keep informed.


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