Thursday, December 16, 2010

New fundraising group called "Draft Sarah Palin" dismisses charges of "birther" connections.

From CBS News:

A conservative operative is starting a new political fundraising group called "Draft Sarah Palin," the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) reports.

The group aims to get former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in the 2012 presidential race, as well as to raise public support for the controversial conservative figure.

The treasurer of the "Draft Sarah Palin" group is Randy Goodwin, treasurer and co-founder of the Republican Majority Campaign political action committee.

"Sarah Palin is the single most effective leader in the Republican Party," Goodwin told CRP. "When voters get a chance to know the real Sarah Palin -- not the unfair stereotype that bears no resemblance to reality -- we believe her support will increase to include independents, moderates and conservative Democrats."

Apparently this "Republican Majority Campaign" PAC for which Mr. Goodwin served as treasurer  and co-founder, was also founded by a guy named Gary Kreep (Quite an appropriate name by the way) who apparently is a "birther" as was revealed in a July, 2009 interview with Thom Hartmann.

Open Secrets blog at first identified Gary Kreep as connected to the Draft Sarah Palin group, but Randy Goodwin has denied this is the case after a Huffington Post wrote a piece about it.  (Things that make you go, "Hmmm.")

Okay so let's take the Kreep and Mr. Goodwin at their word, and accept that Mr. Kreep is NOT associated with THIS group. It is still an undisputed fact that Mr. Goodwin is currently the treasurer of the "Republican Majority Campaign" which means that, at the very least, Mr. Kreep's theories about Barack Obama's Constitutional right to serve as our President do not exactly "kreep him out." (Sorry, I could not resist.)

So we have a group started by a guy who associates with a wingnut that refuses to accept our President as legitimate and who says things like this:

"Sarah Palin is the single most effective leader in the Republican Party," he said in an e-mail. "When voters get a chance to know the real Sarah Palin -- not the unfair stereotype that bears no resemblance to reality -- we believe her support will increase to include independents, moderates and conservative Democrats."

So I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that perhaps this guy, and his followers, do not have the firmest possible grasp on reality. Which of course would explain how they believe that ANYBODY with a working cerebral cortex would support Snowdrift Snookie's "doomed to fail" run at the White House.

(And let's not forget that the Grizzled Mama herself also suggested that it was "a fair question" to be asking about President Obama's birth certificate.)

Yesterday I posed the question "So just who is Sarah Palin's demographic these days?" Well I think we have our answer.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Palin warming to 'lamestream' media?

    The former Alaska governor has started cautiously cooperating with some of the same media outlets she and her supporters have accused of unfair and inaccurate coverage they feel has caricatured her as a flaky lightweight — a narrative her team seems determined to rewrite as Palin openly weighs a bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Sarah Palin's diminishing demographic is currently limited to men who wear black socks and black or white shoes with their plaid bermuda shorts.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    New Poll Shows Palin Doesn't Stand A Chance Against Obama In 2012

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Critics see the trip as nothing more than a conversation piece and a photo-op. Palin has only been to 3 other countries outside of North America and her 2 day visit to Haiti adds a 4th to her passport.

    Former president Bill Clinton visits Haiti on a regular basis, without media. Many others, including actor Sean Penn have quietly made several trips to the country to bring in aid.

    “As a PR campaign, surprisingly, Palin blew a real opportunity,” said political analyst, Jonathan Alter, when asked for his assessment. “What she should have done, was to spend two weeks in Haiti, without media, then allow them all in at the end of her stay. That would have shown sincerity. Two days with only Fox News documenting her visit was not very convincing.”

    Sarah Palin fans see it as another sign that she plans to run for president in 2012, by further demonstrating her “momma grizzly” compassion on a global level.

    Opponents of Palin say the two day trip was a blatant political ploy to flesh out her scant worldly resume and keep her name in the press. Not many were convinced by the former governor of Alaska, who quit midterm, to launch a political speaking career, that she had any true altruistic motives behind a two day, tightly controlled, trip to Haiti.

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The abusive, co-dependent relationship between Sarah Palin and the press is heating up. Palin, perhaps with her eyes on 2012, has decided to end her "the lamestream media" the cold shoulder. The critical news coverage of Palin during the 2008 presidential campaign led her to adopt a strategy of communicate with fans only through Facebook, Twitter, and friendly chats on Fox News. But now Palin is apparently buying into Washington conventional wisdom that engaging with the press will earn favorable treatment from reporters. So far, it may be working: media outlets like the New York Times and Time magazine appear to be rewarding her with "flattering" coverage, Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel reports. Don't think media observers haven't noticed all this, though:

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Charles Krauthammer: Sarah Palin Should Have Been Able To Answer Katie Couric's 'Simple' Questions

    Just like that Charles Krauthammer nails Sarah Palin's biggest problem if she decides to run in 2012: even more troublesome than her lack of policy knowledge is her apparent lack of desire these last two years to acquire any.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Palin is a quitter

    (“Is Sarah Palin smart enough to be president?” Danish Plan, Dec. 2.) Last week, Paul Danish asked whether Sarah Palin is smart enough to be president. His question turned out to be more rhetorical than sincere. After drawing in his liberal Boulder audience, he pulls a bait and switch, suggesting virtues are more important than “smarts” when judging presidential potential.

    As a measure of virtues, Danish uses Kipling’s stirring, patriarchal (and, for the record, imperial) poem “If.” I have to admit, I’ve always had a soft spot for “If ” and for most hero scripts, but I’ve never considered Sarah Palin a potential hero, especially one who embodies the old-fashioned integrity Kipling conjures in “If.” Specifically, I don’t think she has demonstrated the ability to “fill the unforgiving minute/ With sixty seconds of distance run,” since she quit halfway through her term as Alaskan governor.

    But poems are tricky job descriptions, and Danish and Palin admirers might quibble with me here. So I propose a very clear test for potential presidents: Have you ever taken on the job of chief executive for a U.S. state or federal government body and refused to fulfill that contract?

  8. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I think we see the "real" Sarah Palin coming out more and more everyday, even in her highly managed media bubble, and approval ratings are reflecting how people feel about that.

  9. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "When voters get a chance to know the real Sarah Palin -- not the unfair stereotype that bears no resemblance to reality -- we believe her support will increase to include independents, moderates and conservative Democrats."

    That is about as fair a concept as Sarah Palin asserting in her ghost-written interview with TIME saying that she's not divisive: "My positions are not at all controversial. The majority of Americans agree with me across the board on the issues. I think it's a personal thing that probably stems from media demonization of me and mischaracterization of what I stand for," she says. "Shoot, if I read and believed all the lies these guys write about me, I wouldn't like me either!"

    I wish I lived as a Palinbot or Sarah herself, so that I could be so deluded that I'd be lazy, remain intellectually and emotionally stunted, beloved, rich and unaccountable - the new American Dream personified.

  10. laprofesora7:10 AM

    I think the only way the GOP would let her run is if they think they can't beat Obama anyway. In that case, let her be the sacrificial lamb and save the best candidate for the next election. It would be SO fun to watch her get beaten by the black guy AGAIN.

  11. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Yeah, Sarah, just keep talking...if she is the best she can do...what a joke.

    A Palin aid said she would continue to communicate "first and foremost" on Twitter, Facebook and other "unfiltered routes, because she is her own best spokesperson."

  12. laprofesora7:13 AM

    PS I think it's hysterical that Paylin completely controls her message and yet still comes off looking like a total moron. Keep doin' what you're doin', Scarah!

  13. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Of course the Haiti trip was part of her "I wanna be president, semester abroad" tour. Why else would she go? She didn't DO anything but have her picture taken, "caring" about others.

  14. Ignia7:20 AM

    Unrelated but, Gryph....

    Hope you enjoy this article as much as I did.

  15. Anonymous7:30 AM

    nice Mussolini face she has there

  16. Anonymous7:45 AM

    You're really scraping the bottom of the ol' barrel aren't you?

    Last night it was your rant on a five(yes five) day ole Haiti story and now you ridicule someone's last name. How liberal of you.

    How did Sarah manage to do an interview with GMA without your "sources" knowing anything?

    Soon you will have to back pedal and admit that Bristol isn't pregnant. It's OK, just blame it on your "sources".

    Sarah and Bristol are running circles around your ass.

  17. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Unless and until Sarah can do a non-scripted press interview with spontaneous questions, no one with any intelligence will take her seriously.

    She is playing at being a leader, playing at being a candidate. Oh, she is seriously going to run, but she has not demonstrated the courage or the ability to think on her feet and address a free and open press.

    Message to Sarah: start acting like a grown-up. Show us you have the guts to fact honest questions from critical sources. Prove to us that you do have what it takes to understand and address real issues. Oh - and a suggestion, make sure no one can allege you were wearing an earpiece having someone funnel you information the way Bush did in one of the debates.

    With your ears, honey, we will be able to tell. You betcha.

    If you want us to take you seriously, babe, you must behave like a serious candidate and cut out the staged and manipulated "press" interviews on Fox.

    You also have to open up your speeches to the media without rules. Everyone laughs at you and has no respect for your phony horse and pony show. Stand up and face the nation, kiddo. Otherwise, go home and leave politics to the grownups.

  18. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Preaching to the choir here but those voters that give credence to the "stereotype that bears no resemblance to reality" are the bots who keep promoting the Palin facades, her fake personas and extol her fake credentials. Those voters that know the "real $arah " have listened to her speeches, viewed her written communications, read documentation regarding her duties as part time Governor etc... and have made an informed decision and thus her support will DECREASE amongst the independents, moderates and conservative Democrats.... so says this longtime independent. This group and their PAC have all the smell of the cee of pee.

  19. Anonymous8:13 AM


  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    "The former Alaska governor has started cautiously cooperating with some of the same media outlets she and her supporters have accused of unfair and inaccurate coverage they feel has caricatured her as a flaky lightweight — a narrative her team seems determined to rewrite as Palin openly weighs a bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination."

    Would that be anything like the Haiti interview with international press where she AGAIN refused to take questions?

  21. Anonymous8:30 AM

    @6:37 a.m.,

    $arah Palin is only pretending to open herself up to the "lamestream media." She will only agree to do interviews with "journalists" who agree to go along with her list of demands. Such as allowing her to have the questions in advance, and only asking her easy softball questions. Only idiot "journalists" who she thinks will make her look good. Anyone who will let her control the interview. Which is a scam she is already engaged in. Maybe she has a new scam to edit interviews to make her look good. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

    We of course won't see her do a live, one-hour press confernce, where she would take questions from everyone, not just pre-chosen right-wing "journalists." Plus, she won't be on any Sunday news shows to have a face to face debate, with anyone who doesn't agree with her. She's a fraud.

  22. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "When voters get a chance to know the real Sarah Palin -- not the unfair stereotype that bears no resemblance to reality -- we believe her support will increase to include independents, moderates and conservative Democrats."

    So is it their contention that the media (including Fox News) has somehow managed to make all us dupes think that Sarah Palin is an ignorant, rabidly partisan asshole? Wow, that is some good work there, lamestream media. If she is, in actuality, a really smart, reasonable person, she's done a damn good job of pretending to be otherwise.

    These people take it for granted that everyone in the U.S. is as stupid as Palin's sheeple. WRONG. Fail.

    Draft Sarah Palin? Yeah, maybe to Afghanistan so she can really show her patriotism (and, also too, fight for her "first amendment rights". Otherwise, keep her in Wasilla (or put her in jail).

  23. This is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Ludicrous!

  24. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "Soon you will have to back pedal and admit that Bristol isn't pregnant. It's OK, just blame it on your "sources"."

    If she isn't pregnant, then she's a fat, lazy bum who didn't exert any effort on DWTS (which is true, preggers or not) and didn't deserve even her third place finish, certainly not on merit and not even on the watered down "effort" criteria.

  25. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Was that "Sarah Palin is Daft"? With friends like these, who needs enemies? She certainly attracts a special kind although my guess is she doesn't want to be palin' around with them... more like, "take the money and run". She may soon have no one else left, though. Today on Politico:

    "Anti-Palin Views Set in Stone?"

    ""It's hard to imagine a few more interviews with the mainstream press will change" perceptions."

    And her book is #47 at Amazon today!

  26. Anonymous9:11 AM

    @6:50 a.m.,

    "But now Palin is apparently buying into Washington conventional wisdom that engaging with the press will earn favorable treatment from reporters. So far, it may be working: media outlets like the New York Times and Time magazine appear to be rewarding her with "flattering" coverage, Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel reports."

    The majority of people people in the media have been giving Palin favorable coverage the past two years. They are far too easy on her. Whenever she does talk to a "journalist" it's a always a pre-approved "journalist" who will only ask her the same, old, stupid, softball questions. Barack Obama has done interviews, does press conferences, and smacked republicans down on live t.v., and the media still treats him like crap. Nothing has changed with Palin. She is still a phony, and an idiot. Plus, she still looks bad even when the media tries to give her favorable coverage. Like her disasterous trip to Haiti, when she brought along Faux News.

  27. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The idea for this fundraising group is pure genious! Use Scarah's name and some pie-in-the-sky purpose (we'll convince her to run for pres), ask for donations from all the palinbots. When the money floods in (cause they ALL want her to run), pay for a few ads or TV spots and pay yourself a HUGE salary!

    Wow, what a way to reap tons of cash from the idiots that drool on her picture. I bet this guy is laughing all the way to the bank!

    I think the more money that goes to Scarah, her PACs and phony groups like this one, the better. That's less money out into the hands of real politicians that can damage our country.

    Scarah will never run for president, because campaigning is too much work and she won't get paid for campaigning. No one will pay her $100,000 to give a speech as a candidate. FOX News can't keep her on their payroll, not as a declared candidate. Her money train will dry up if she declares her candidacy. I think that Scarah wants the money more than the public adoration.

    And, of course, there's the organization that needs to be built to run a campaign. How is she going to get on all the ballots of 50 states without organization? Any one from her vice-presidential run who knew how to run a campaign has left her.

  28. Anonymous9:14 AM

    She has said her contract with Fox hinders her from the lamestream media, so is she going to break that contract now?

    Sarah went to Samaratian's Purse compound in Haiti, she did not see the real Haiti.

  29. Anonymous9:18 AM

    There is no 'unfair stereotype' of sarah palin.
    She has been seen talking on live tv, seen giving speeches, her twitters and face book pronouncements have been read.

    The more sarah palin shares about herself, the more people understand how truly unprepared she really is.
    Only she and her followers don't 'get it', the rest of understand it very well!

  30. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I heard that Sarah Palin was born in Canada; her parents were medical welfare "queens" in Canada.

    I want to see her birth certificate, pictures, and news stories at the time of her birth.

    And when she produces all this information, I still won't believe her.

  31. Anonymous9:50 AM

    @7:06 a.m.,

    "When voters get a chance to know the real Sarah Palin -- not the unfair stereotype that bears no resemblance to reality -- we believe her support will increase to include independents, moderates and conservative Democrats."

    Who said that? Delusional. That is exactly the kind of arrogant bullshit, and excuse making voters are tired of hearing from $arah Palin and crew. Nothing is ever her fault. Independent, moderates and conservative democrats HAVE seen the "real" $arah Palin. They don't like what they see. She has released two crappy ghost-written books, and now has that vomit inducing t.v. show that is supposed to show voters the "real" $arah Palin. She has been on a media blitz for two years, and has gotten more unpopular. It's not working! The vast majority of independents, moderates and conservative democrats that she would attract are older, white males. Which is exactly what the majority of her base is, now. Nothing would change. She will continue to alienate key demographics, such as women, minorities, and young voters.

    Palin and her people do not get it. There is no "stereotype" about $arah Palin. It's Palin's own fault people don't like her. Not the media. One of the MANY reasons people don't like her, is because she keeps blaming everyone else. $arah Palin and her clowns are so arrogant. They think there is something wrong with everyone else, because we don't see her imagined greatness! Fuck that.

    They are so hung up on her image, but she's got more than problems with her image. They don't think that her shitty record, and extreme beliefs will come back to haunt her, if she runs for president. Then when her opponents do talk about her shitty record, (which is what you are supposed to do in a political campaign) she will cry foul, say how "unfair" the "criticism" is, and accuse everyone of sexism.

    The truth is, $arah Palin doesn't want people to know the "real" $arah Palin. She wants no scrutiny, and only favorable coverage, and not have to answer tough questions. She only wants people to hear what SHE wants them to hear. It sounds like Nazi propaganda.

  32. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "My positions are not at all controversial. The majority of "Americans agree with me across the board on the issues. I think it's a personal thing that probably stems from media demonization of me and mischaracterization of what I stand for," she says. "Shoot, if I read and believed all the lies these guys write about me, I wouldn't like me either!" -$arah Palin

    She is deusional. And arrogant. "Wah! Poor me!" Most of us don't like what we've SEEN from $arah Palin. Palin's views are out of the mainstream. That's why some people are afraid of her, not just because she's unqualified to be president. Most Americans do NOT agree with $arah Palin. I've seen poll after poll, that says most people don't believe that $arah Palin shares their values, etc. Most Americans do not pal around with groups like the AIP. Most people believe in the seperation between church and state. I could go on, but I don't have the strength.

  33. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Love it when the trolls come out.
    They're just as deluded as desarah, all lost on the river of denial.

  34. Anonymous10:01 AM

    She can be on the ballot in 50 states without a formal organization used by candidates previously.

    She needs a few competent election lawyers to ensure compliance with requirements to be on each states ballot.

    All the legwork can be done by believers in the evangelical/pentecostal churches that will turn out immediately after the service is over.

    Just like Prop8 in California.
    The new campaign finance free for all also makes this easier to finance.

    This would let her claim that "the voters have demanded that she run".

    I don't know if this is smart, or likely to succeed- but it's Sarah Palin isn't it.

  35. Anonymous10:04 AM

    "Palin aid said she would continue to communicate "first and foremost" on Twitter, Facebook and other "unfiltered routes, because she is her own best spokesperson."

    Palin "communicating" through Facebook and Twitter has become a joke. Plus, the more she talks, the more people hate her.

  36. Enjay in E MT10:24 AM

    Good Morning to you too Troll @ 7:45 Someone drop a rock on your head crossing the bridge?

    QuitterQueen cannot expect to be taken as a serious candidate without talking to Rachel Maddow, Face the Nation, or Meet the Press and answering standard policy questions. Not with sound bites - but showing some depth of thought and able to articulate & defend her position. ( I know - will never happen !!)

  37. Anonymous10:28 AM

    7:45 a.m. said:

    You're really scraping the bottom of the ol' barrel aren't you?

    Last night it was your rant on a five(yes five) day ole Haiti story and now you ridicule someone's last name. How liberal of you.

    How did Sarah manage to do an interview with GMA without your "sources" knowing anything?

    Soon you will have to back pedal and admit that Bristol isn't pregnant. It's OK, just blame it on your "sources".

    Sarah and Bristol are running circles around your ass.

    I say:

    You're fucking nuts. How conservative of you.
    $arah Palin is a quitter, who is "scrapping at the bottom of the barrel," in a desperate, pathetic and fruitless, two-year media-whoring attempt, to try to force people to like her.

    A global poll recently named $arah Palin the 'Stupidest Person on Earth.' Canada named her the 'Most Irritating Person' of 2010. She also won 'Ass-Hat' of the year! Speaking of not having sources to back shit up, you must have forgotten that Palin won 'Liar of the Year' in 2009. Her latest book isn't doing too great, her lame t.v show's ratings have been on a roller-coaster. Two weeks ago the ratings were at a new low at 2.78 million people. Her poll numbers still suck, and hypothetical 2012 polls show Barack Obama crushing her. The WORLD is running circles around $arah Palin's ass. I noticed you didn't even bother to try to put a positive spin on Palin's photo-op in Haiti. The best you could do was that the story is five days old! Lame. Fuck off, troll.

  38. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Wow, what a couple of deluded kooks. So they think if people get to see the "real" Mrs. Todd Palin she will seem like less like an ignorant, greedy, fame-whore???

    And when are they going to present this new image? It seems like Mrs. Todd Palin has worked night and day for the last two years to make sure her face was before the public. If her "reality" show doesn't persuade people what a swell, All-American gal she is, nothing will. And it is pretty much failing...the public is NOT being charmed by her fake, cheesy show.

    And how foolish is it to name their organization "Republican Majority"? She is an embarrassment to the GOP; too crazy to even be considered a pawn by Carl Rove and that man has both blood and feces on his hands.

    As for Bristol being pregnant on DWTS, I agree with Anon8:43am on that. For a 19 year old to work out 6 to 8 hours a day, and not lose weight means 1. SERIOUS eating disorder or 2. Basically show up for an hour or two and walked through her routines before hitting the nearest McDonalds.

  39. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anon @ 7:45, you always talk about Gryphen's ass when you comment here. It's weird. And Sarah hasn't run for months. She was winded just walking up that hill on her show.

    I love that Sarah is now being reduced to "unfair stereotypes", btw.

    Pray tell, what would those be? I dare any supporter to answer that, as it would help us to see Sarah in that light more than ever, plus also show that Palinistas are guilty of thinking in stereotypes! Backed themselves into a corner on that one.

  40. Enjay in E MT12:20 PM

    ACK!! I addressed the 7:45 troll and gained 3 lbs.

  41. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Sarah is still an idiot - I knew that the first time I heard her speak at her "unveiling" at the RNC. She's sniveling, sarcastic and evil. Let's be clear on this...I don't hate her or her family ~ I hate their "modus operandi."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.