Monday, December 27, 2010

Some things can ONLY happen in Alaska.

So this guy living in McKinley Village, a place just as far off the beaten path as you can get, discovers that his outhouse is...uh...occupied by a snowshoe rabbit. This is not exactly something that most Americans have to be concerned about before they take their early morning "constitutional."

Here is the video of the rabbits rescue and release. (Warning, some of the language is NSFW.)

As you can see, despite what Sarah Palin's Alaska might suggest to you, Alaskans do NOT kill every living thing that they run across.

(H/T to the Alaska Dispatch.)


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    That was funny. But why isn't there a door on it? I'd hate to have to take a dump at 40 below...with critters watching, too. : )

  2. London Bridges6:07 AM

    very uplifting tail!

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    No door? Ofcourse no! It is important to be able to see which animals are watching you. And it makes it Easier to run back to the house!

  4. Enjay in E MT7:33 AM

    That was cute - altho I was dreading the rabbit coming up cover in.....

  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I loved this!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Live, and let live!

  7. London Bridges8:36 AM

    The video cut out the clubbing of the poor defenseless critter. Somewhere wanna be president Sarah is distraught!

  8. that was crazy! we have snowshoe hares here in maine as well, but i have never heard of one getting stuck in an outhouse. most of our outhouses have doors, which makes them dark, but i have a friend who came up with an elegant solution to that problem. he faced his south next to a cliff so there is privacy, and has a screen door on it so he can enjoy the view. it's the best outhouse experience i have ever had, and no critters can get in.
    poor bunny. at least they fished him out. hope he never does that again. even a half door would prevent a repeat.

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Another chocolate bunny for the Easter Basket.

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Oh yeah, no doubt about it. Scarah would have shat upon that bunny and left him for dead.

  11. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Very nice.
    When you dont have a door, you train yourself to get 'er done.

  12. honeybabe11:26 AM

    how wonderful! and his white fur didn't even get poopy. ahhh, vintage alaska.

  13. fromthediagonal12:58 PM

    I was on a roll with this one, but it disappeared... don't know what I did, or whether I was not supposed to post.
    But here is another try:
    After we were bombed out of my hometown of Bremerhaven in 1944, we were evacuated to a little village approximately 10 miles out of town.
    That was my first, but definitely not the only experience with the "Plumps Klosett". While the summers were a bit disconcerting with the flies and their offspring, the winters, when your back cheeks seemed to want to freeze to the wooden planks are the more lasting bad memory.
    AHEM... on to better subjects.
    So glad the contents of the bucket below were frozen, because the snowshoe did not get soaked and will survive, albeit with a possible case of claustrophobia.
    KUDOs to the rescuers!

  14. Anonymous2:38 PM

    That's very sweet. I love how calm and gentle he was. "right on!"

  15. Gryph.....My son and I would like to send some boxes of food..."beans, rice, etc" for the Native Tribes in Alaska. I know they must need food during your long hard cold winters. How can we do that? Would you help to see that these boxes get to the ones that need it? If you could let me know, I would so much appreciate it.

  16. kdusmdd, thank you for wanting to help. The best way to find out who needs help this year and to find out how to get it to them is by visiting this website:

    You can either pick a link to a charity from their blogroll or contact them directly.

  17. kdusmdd3:29 PM

    Gryph...I just sent a comment to that site. Hope they respond. Thank you !!!!

  18. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Most people who live close to nature respect it and do not kill unless it is necessary.
    City folk do kill just for the fun and show and ego, and the trophies.

    Which of these two categories does rill Amuricun Sarah fall into?

    London Bridges you get two points and bonus for keeping it clean.

  19. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I don't understand: why no cover over the hole? Why not a toilet seat? Why no lid over the toilet seat? If he had all that he could put a furry warm cover over the toilet seat -- all the nicer for his bottom in that cold beautiful forest.

    And then bunnies would not fall in -- if he remembers to lower the seat and close the lid. Oh, right. Never mind. I know, it's a guy thing.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.