Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Lisa Murkowski is playing coy when it comes to the repeal of DADT. It is time to make it abundantly clear what the majority of Alaskans want from her.

From Murkowsi's official website:

“After reviewing the DOD report and the testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee by Defense Secretary Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen, I have concluded that it is time to repeal the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ law. We expect all who serve to serve with integrity, but under current law gay and lesbian service members may speak about their sexual orientation only at the risk of being discharged from performing the duties they have trained hard to carry out. America is the loser when it denies those who are willing to make the great sacrifices demanded of our men and women in uniform the opportunity do so on grounds of sexual orientation. I agree with Defense Secretary Gates’ view that the military can successfully implement a repeal of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ law provided that proper preparations are implemented.

“I fully understand that the repeal of this law comes with some reservations and hesitancy among the military’s Service Chiefs. During their testimony last week before the Senate Arms Services Committee, each of the Chiefs expressed concerns over the timing of the repeal and a desire to ensure that the military was afforded ample time to implement service-wide training and policy reviews before a repeal went into effect. I understand their concerns about the implementation of a repeal while the country is engaged in two wars, but through their leadership and devotion to ensuring that our military remains the world’s premier fighting force, I believe this policy can be successfully repealed with minimal risk to unit effectiveness. I trust that the Service Chiefs will develop and execute a plan to implement the DOD report recommendations as well as ensure that post repeal policies and regulations are addressed in such a way that the standards of military readiness and effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention are not negatively impacted.

“However, my support for moving the Defense Authorization bill forward, which includes a repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, will depend on whether the majority allows for an open and fair amendment process. This is a weighty, policy-laden bill that normally takes several weeks to debate and amend. If the majority attempts to push it through allowing little or no debate or votes on amendments, I will be inclined to oppose those efforts.”

The vote to repeal DADT is happening tonight! And it is time for Lisa Murkowski to earn all of those independent and Democratic votes that allowed her to retain her Senate seat and beat Joe the Teabagger.

To my mind her statement up above shows that she knows all of the right tings to say, but in the past Murkowski has shown absolutely NO will to stand up to her fellow Republicans on important issues, so tonight is make or break time for the Senator.

Either she IS going to respond to the will of the Alaska voters who just handed her an historic victory, or she is going to show herself to be the same GOP sheep she has always been, and follow her flock in supporting a policy that demands that homosexuals in the military feel ashamed of who they are, and who they love.

I am positive that the Senator needs all of the encouragement she can get, so please take the time to give her office a call at (202) 224-6665 or (202) 224-3121.

Even if every single member of the Democratic caucus votes for the DADT repeal (which is not a given at this point) that only adds up to 58 votes. As a result, at least two Republicans will have to vote for DADT repeal in order for the provision to pass.

Come on Lisa, show us what you're made of!

Update: The vote will NOT be held tonight, it has been postponed.

Well good then we have even more time to harass our Republican Senators and encourage them to finally join the freaking 21st Century!


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Thanks for the numbers. I called and left a msg, it is high time for Lisa to put her money where her mouth is and prove she is more than just another red sheep.

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Doubts of Sarah's leadership in the European world.
    GOPS are all hypocrites:
    Reminds me of Some African former leaders like this one

    He became a dictator


  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I don't even understand how this is such a big issue in America. The rest of the world doesn't give a shit whether you are gay or not.

  4. McConnell could force her to vote with the party by holding her Senate committee memberships hostage...or she could just be a jackass.

  5. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I've read the vote is postponed

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I'm so sick of all these stupid, trashy politicians. They act like it is all one big f'ing game, but they are playing with peoples lives. Money-grubbing jokes.

  7. Anonymous3:44 PM

    get ready for palin to play the victim again

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

    How do you know that the majority of Alaskans favor repealing DADT? I asked previously, but my comment was not published. Why?

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    where the hell has this guy been?

    this is part of his story on Palin " Practically immune by now to criticism"

  10. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Lisa seems flighty

  11. Gasman4:09 PM

    Murkowski might finally realize that she can never again count on support from the GOP establishment. They drove a shiv into her back this fall and she has to know that she is better off without them. She'd be better off as an Independent or even a Dem.

    I hope she does have a spine after all.

  12. Chenagrrl4:26 PM

    Baaa, Baaa! I had such hope, but it looks like she doesn't understand who is returning her to office and she's gone GOP sheepy.

  13. Yes. She needs to know that she represents all, not just those that voted for her. She also needs to know that she won because of the Democrats and Independents that correctly wrote in her name. She OWES them.

    And it's the right thing to do. Not that that will sway her in any way.

    So if none of that works, you pick ONE Democratic candidate that has the best chance of winning against her and you start NOW. You have six years to take your candidate from obscure to a win. All Alaskan Democrats need to get behind this ONE person. No vote splitting. You need to get united and work hard. Same for any race but especially for this one.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.