Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Just for fun. Could be somebody we know's next dancing gig though.


  1. London Bridges2:12 PM

    A certain irony here. Married With Children? The mother played by Katey Sagal wore high hair. The father got no respect. The daughter dances. Did the Palins emulate them?

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I could have done without that. Must be a guy thing.

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    iso in the matt lauer interview with todd and bris, I swear Todd almost said Trig instead of tripp.

    Things would make sooooo much sense if Trig were bristols. hes definitely a blood member.

  4. Oh my...very funny.

  5. Lynne3:07 PM

    That's a scary thought, Gryphen. Don't put that link on here though, okay?

  6. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I found that oddly arousing.

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Yup, Gryph, that's where we'll see her next! LOL

  8. Bella the Bunny Girl3:31 PM

    Bwahaa - the blonde who doesn't know her baby's father? That's Jessalyn Gillsig. Her big storyline on Glee last season? Faking her pregnancy and trying to adopt the baby of a pregnant teenager to pass it off as her own.

  9. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Actually, a lot of those exercises appear to be advantageous in preparing for birthing.

    Belly dancing, for instance, strengthens the muscles in your pelvis able to control the passage out of the womb.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.