Monday, December 06, 2010

Majority of American women do NOT trust Sarah Palin on issue of abortion.

From Politico:

Most American women don't trust Mama Grizzly on abortion, birth control and sex ed, a new poll obtained by POLITICO shows.

The survey, conducted for Planned Parenthood by Democratic pollster Hart Research Associates, found that just 24 percent of registered voters choose Sarah Palin as trustworthy on women’s health issues, versus 54 percent who consider Planned Parenthood trustworthy.

Forty-three percent of all registered voters polled described Palin as “out of step” with their views on the issues; 31 percent say she is in line with their beliefs.

The poll reached 802 voters split evenly across party lines in early November and has a margin of error of 3.5 percent.

Palin has positioned herself as a strong anti-abortion activist, speaking at numerous pro-life events, and deriding President Obama as "the most pro-abortion President."

She consistently has described her decision to carry Trig to term, after learning he would have Down's Syndrome, as living her anti-abortion beliefs.

I find it very heartening to know that so many women are using their intellect when it comes to these issues instead of their emotions. The anti-abortion groups use what amounts to emotional terrorism in an attempt to frighten women away from using contraception and exerting control over their lives and bodies. So it is comforting that for most women it is not having the desired effect.

As many of you know, I have often said that whatever Sarah Palin claims to be true about her and her family you can bet that the exact opposite is where the truth will be found. 

There is in fact a deep dark secret that Sister Sarah has desperately tried to keep hidden, so much so that she even did a preemptive strike in her book "Going Rogue." It is infinitely worse than Palin lying about being a hunter, or understanding how government works, or even pretending to have given birth to Trig.

I have tried to get the story out to the proper people with some limited success, but it is such an explosive charge that of course finding somebody to go on the record has proven impossible.  At least for me, though admittedly I cannot speak for others.

Sarah Palin has lived in Wasilla for almost all of her life, and her secrets are well known to many in the community. In my opinion it is really just a matter of time before they are all exposed.


  1. Granted, those horizontal stripes aren't flattering, but is the "book"-tour regimen of fast food doing a number on Piper? Does she EVER get to play outside, or exercise, or play ball with other kids?

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    You're talking about Sarah's little "White-out" incident and her two "miscarriages," aren't ya, Gryph? (Wink wink) We all know she had at least one abortion. Like most pro-lifers, in Sarah's mind, the only legitimate abortion is HER abortion.

    Or her daughters' abortions - those are okay, too. Bristol has most likely had at least two abortions. Fall of 1996 green sweater photo showed the first pregnancy we know about. Baby disappeared or was never born. Then there was her pregnancy earlier this year when she appeared on the cover of the magazine with Levi during their brief "reunion."

    Remember that kid - I think his name was Matt? - who asked during that recent infamous Facebook exchange in which Bristol and Willow were on the attack "I thought you already had that baby." He was talking about the pregnancy she had during that Levi photo shoot, possibly Ben Barber's child. Ben even asked her if she was pregnant at one point. How does one get pregnant if one is abstinent?

    Now Bristol's working on her next pregnancy and she seems far enough along that she will have to give birth this time. God only knows what they'll do to the poor child. He'll probably be as neglected as Trig. And never see his dad for four months at a time, like Tripp.

    What a tangled, twisted, world the Paylins keep weaving. You truly can't make this stuff up.

  3. Anonymous6:10 AM

    My google quote for today:

    Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.
    - Friedrich Nietzsche

    Is this Sarah's plan? You think Nietzsche is on her reading list?

  4. Pro-Life EX Palin Supporter6:12 AM


    She tells people this in going rogue. She is a hypocrite and she is not pro-life (or a fiscal conservative) no matter what she says.

  5. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I seem to remember that Sarah had a big problem in her book with the wording of abortion placed on her hospital records. It is true that a D&C can be an abortion if the baby is still viable. If the baby died in utero then it is not an abortion per se. The records published had the word whited out and overwritten. She put the incident in her "Going Rogue" Why?


  6. Anonymous6:24 AM

    What a sad picture Piper makes.Does she ever get to interact with her peers? Hairdo like Mom's, make-up and 9 years old?!!!!

  7. linda6:31 AM

    piper looks incredibly tired in that picture. almost like she has a hangover. LOL! i'm sure she didn't have a hangover, but i'm also sure she had little sleep the night before. she does look a little pudgy, but it's mostly her face that looks puffy.

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Worse than faking a pregnancy and telling a nation you struggled with the decision not to abort, all to gain political advantage?

    What could be worse? G, says "explosive". Well, I hope, it's less than murder for the Palin kids' sake. But I do hope it will send Sarah Palin to jail and soon. What a nice start to the New Year that would be.

  9. igettit26:39 AM

    I expect that there are several good reasons why she has never released her medical records.

  10. Anonymous6:48 AM

    It would be interesting to find out how Sarah, who had her tubes tied, managed to give birth to Trig.

    Someone might want to look into that.

  11. Anonymous6:53 AM

    What did she give birth and abandon the baby in the cold Alaaaaaskan tundra?? During one of her "college breaks"?
    Or is she really a murderer...serially?? Curtfs 'Menard and Dar Miller? That can't be it because if Alaskans are keeping that secret they are really royally fucked up and deserve her.It can't be murder, can it??
    Why not just say it Gryphen?? If you put it out there, perhaps the blogosphere can help you.

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Did SArah have her tubes tied after Piper

    In Going Rogue she implied she had an abortion. No doctors office uses white out. She is getting ahead of this like you said.

    Palin is one evil woman and I see why people in Wasilla are afraid, but it's time, AND in numbers you are all safe.
    Please tell the truth about this woman.

  13. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I also find it funny that all of these pro-abortion people were probably also the anti-hunting people complaining about last nights show.

  14. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Being the type of person Sarah is, I would not doubt it if Sarah or her daughters had or might have an abortion in the future. Right now it is all about Sarah and her money. Lie, beg, or steal she wants money.

  15. Love you G and appreciate all your hard work on getting the truth out.... but ..... the teasing (again) of what is to come is driving me nuts...

    what if as an early xmas gift to your devoted readers you write a "fairy tale" of what if there was a ice queen from a cold land far far away, and she ........ ??????

    You're just telling a fairy tale, not making any accusations, no need to back up a fantasy story with facts or sources...

    and we all promise not to mention out that loud that the fairy tale might refer to someone in real life or ask any questions that you are not at liberty to reveal the answers to at this time

    pretty please...I've been a very good girl this year and it would be such a nice early xmas gift

  16. is a d&c an abortion if the fetus is not alive? my guess yes, because it is still aborting the fetus, but i am no expert for sure. if sarah had just been honest about this in the book, it wouldn't be yet another incident that proves what a hypocrite she is. white out on medical records, my ass.

  17. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Is Piper wearing makeup? Piper looks alienish.

  18. Because it can't be repeated enough, the Google Quote today:

    Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.
    - Friedrich Nietzsche

    I live in a small town like Wasilla. Local wags refer to it as "The Town Without Pity." Everyone knows a lot about everyone's dark history. The only way to avoid wagging tongues is to literally move away. Perhaps that is what is needed: someone to escape Wasilla and go into witness protection - after they spill their guts. The National Enquirer did report about Sarah's affair with her husband's former business partner. I would bet money that she needed a "white-out" some time during that time. She needs to make a lot of money in order to keep paying for certain people's silence.

  19. Totally off track here, but I had some thoughts when I looked at this picture.

    I think Sarah is going through the motions with Bristol and given up on Willow. I think she has her aim set on Piper now, to carry on her vicarious ambitions. It's too soon to tell, but I think she's thinking that Piper is the one to maybe win Miss Alaska, or marry into wealth and power. She's grooming her, hoping she'll be the beauty her Mother is (was) and reach higher heights. (But obviously not through higher education).

  20. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I live in the south, and for years I have kept my mouth shut when I hear women and men like this idiot go on and on in public settings regarding "their" belief.

    No more. I speak up now and most of them turn tail and run. They have no answers, no thought beyond their so called faith. When confronting them, they lack any "fact" based argument.

    There is hope that not all these parents are raising clones -- many of their teenage kids give me a thumbs up (behind mommy's back) on their way out the door.

  21. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Piper is day dreaming about being old enough to get pregnant and get speaking engagements and DWTS gigs. By the way, the hair and makeup people on the show deserve awards for making the many chinned chunky Bristol look presentable. Nothing they could do about the scowl.

  22. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Water in the gas tank of the plane which crashed killing the man who dared to criticize her parenting skills of their child? Criminal charges, one can only hope.

  23. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I am going to address Gryphen's comment that "so many women are using their intellect...." The reason is that Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. We really are wired differently.

    Of course this is a generalization, but men tend to be direct. However, even when we were girls is school, we saw that some girls whispered behind each others backs; they were devious and catty. Rather than be direct, they schemed and plotted, spread gossip and played "best friends." We have all had a so-called friend turn on us, betray our secrets and cause some childhood pain.

    We see right through Sarah as one of the mean girls from our youth. I'll leave her star-struck fans out of the discussion, since there always were a few girls were were crazy about some movie star, dreaming that he was coming to their house for a date on his white horse.

    Sarah has never grown beyond a certain immature level. We see here name calling and responding to every insult, exactly the way that Bristol and Willow responded to one kid who didn't like that TV show. Thin skinned, defensive, that's just the start.

    We also see through that business of Sarah have to make the choice of keeping a DS child, while she denies any other woman that same choice during pregnancy. She made rape victims pay for their own rape kit. Parental notification? What is the poor girls was raped by a male family member? (The numbers in Alaska a high for that kind of crime). Women have been working too long to try to gain some measure of equality to let that woman be our standard bearer. We saw through her the movement that she hiked up her skirt, and tried to win votes with her looks instead of her abilities.

  24. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Abortion's a touchy issue because no matter what side you choose to support, each are devastating and remain with you. I've had an abortion (after being fervently prolife in the past). 5 years ago I was not emotionally stable due to crappy circumstances and I feel more at ease with the fact that I essentially killed life to keep myself from possibly resenting a new life.

    Realistically, I don't think I would have resented it had I chosen the opposite and I feel awful about being SO selfish.
    I remain prolife and looking back, I could have handled a term pregnancy and even raising a child. When you're in the moment and already feeling weak, it's hard to see the light.

    The prolife stance isnt about taking away choices. It's about empowerment. I personally was the result of a Navy rape and have witnessed my mother acting absolutely certifiable.

    On another topic, Sarah's personal secrets don't have any basis on her qualifications to be president. She's simply not qualified. She's not unlike our current or past president in that aspect. I really hope people don't show their vindictiveness and speak of things and rumors they have no business divulging. Because they don't. But I also don't believe anyone when it comes to someone else's life.

  25. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Maybe the truth will finally be about Palin's fake preg with Trig. Nothing adds up with her pregnancy, the wild ride, the doctors advice, the hospital ride, the 3 day stay, the pictures of the newborn, no birth certificate, no announcement, nothing adds up. So what's the truth? Then again the truth or facts of anything can not be said in the same breath as Palin's name. She has used the lie of Trig to give herself creditability, truth is she didn't go to term with Trig -

  26. Anonymous7:12 AM

    PRIOR:It is true that a D&C can be an abortion if the baby is still viable. If the baby died in utero then it is not an abortion per se.

    RESP The procedure for an elective abortion and medically advised abortion is the same - a D&C. Frequently, but not always, a 1st trimester miscarriage in process is completed by a D&C.

    If a miscarriage occurs, it is also referred to as a spontaneous abortion, as opposed to an elective abortion.

  27. Anonymous7:16 AM

    If we guess correctly, maybe Gryphen will just write the words "jackpot!" on this thread. The hint is that it is something far worse than Sarah just not giving birth to Trig. It was already hinted at in "Going Rogue."

    One thing that appeared in GR was the mention of an abortion, I mean miscarriage, which was covered with white out, while no hospital document can be amended that way. I'll make a wild guess. That "white out" wasn't Todd's, and counting backwards from the birth date would have corresponded to a time when Todd was out of town. Better yet, Sarah had her tubes tied, and couldn't have children after Piper. Third guess: Todd was involved with someone and left a souvenir behind. What we really need is for some one to collect the DNA of all of the major characters in this soap opera. That would be proof that wouldn't require anyone endangering themselves by spilling secrets.

  28. Ratfish7:18 AM

    Wait until Americans find out that Palin believes that if their wives or daughters are raped or victims of incest, big government must step in and force the victim of a heinous crime to carry the baby of a vicious criminal to full term.

    And wait until they find out that Palin- like her mother before her and her daughter after her, was pregnant before marriage. That is what the "elopement" myth was created to hide.

  29. Anonymous7:22 AM

    What a tangled, twisted, world the Paylins keep weaving. You truly can't make this stuff up.


    except you literally just made all that up from mere pictures. ludicrous. I don't know if Trig is Bristol's, nor do I care, nor does it matter to anything related to Sarah Palin's political aspirations. I do want to know why Gryphen himself (along with the state of Alaska) once thought the Palins were a perfectly lovely family about to welcome a new addition to the family. Small town rumors are just that, rumors. During Sarah's early years (90s). who the fuck cares if she socially drank at the bar down the street. Who cares if she and Todd hung out with friends in Willow and snowmachined together. And Wasilla is not a scared town. It's a lovely town with happy, social people. I've been there once and never met an unhappy person. People even offered me dinner and a friendly chat, as youd find in the south.

    We're a sad sad country if we count on a politician's personal history to bring them down, when that has no bearing on anything regarding government leadership. Obama's skeletons didn't deter the PEople's vote. Ws addictions obviously didn't either. Humans are frail. Sarah doesn't claim to be perfect. If she did, none of those family scenes would have made it into the show. She just wants people to stop speculating on what they do not know.

    Gryphen, you're kind of a shitty human being. I was always blinded before now because I used to find you witty. But no, you're just a lousy, immoral person who refuses to see truth.

  30. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Has there been ANY Bristol pictures in the last week or so????

    Where IS she???

  31. Anonymous7:22 AM

    TO: Anonymous 6:56 who thinks he/she is clever pointing out: "I also find it funny that all of these pro-abortion people were probably also the anti-hunting people complaining about last nights show."

    I find it fascinating that the pro-life people are probably the pro-hunting people. And that some so-called "Christians" admire someone who takes rabid delight in torturing and killing animals--and bragging about it. This is the most un-Christlike behavior possible.

    Re: killing a few cells vs. killing an animal who is alive and has feelings, emotions, communicates and is a living being on this Earth that God created--to fruition--well, it's a no brainer. If God is all powerful,then God can place a soul somewhere else if those few cells do not continue multiplying--whether it's thru a miscarriage or abortion.

    But killing an animal who runs in terror at being stalked and who mourns the loss of his/her loved family members (whether it's a goose, an elephant or a cat or dog) is the willful murder of a full spiritual being. (Read the Bible including many books by priests on the subject on animals going to heaven and having souls--and their primary role on Earth being to show us how to love--and with wild animals "by virtue of their presence, have the ability to uplift and transform the human spirits, thus being service to the blossoming of the human soul".

    Killing for food if needed, perhaps justifiable to some (but it certainly is not needed anymore for survival) and Jesus was a vegetarian...but delighting in torturing and murdering an animal simply for show like Sarah Palin? She is evil incarnate. Pure evil and how some blinded Christians are being fooled, I simply do not understand.

  32. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Dude, Sarah nor any of her family members have been responsible for anyone's death. That is morbid and unnecessary slander, but not surprising coming from a psychotic liberal mouth.

  33. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Ah, assumptions. Where would these blogs be without baseless assumptions?

    G, I have a question. Why isn't Sadie in school? What does she do all day if she doesn't work? Shouldnt she working toward being productive, not partying and jacking off with her party friends?

    She could have easily complete at least a semester worth of classes in the last 2 years, if not a full year. She gets the PFD and people's donations. How much designer crap and toys Tripp will never see does she need?

  34. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Good morning, America. There must be more people (maybe even the Snow Queen herself, or at least someone higher up than troll-patrol) reading blogs like these 'cause more and more are willing to point out that the Empress has no clothes and she seems to spend a lot of energy on patching leaks. I imagine that this and what-will-make-the-most-$ will be the determining factors on her decision to run for prez. .... not whether she feels competent for the job.

  35. Anonymous7:36 AM

    THe only thing I'll comment on is: Ive never heard Sarah say shes a hunter, in the professional sense of the word. She's only said she grew up hunting and sport fishing and pretty much any outdoor alaskan activities one can do. Pictures capture that so any sane person cant refute it. If she were so worried about not being shown as an expert marksman or hunter, shed act like it. But, like in last night's episode, she showed herself pretty naturally doing what she's used to doing: hunting with her father.

    Ive noticed that people come here and subtly twist things to make it appear far different from what was portrayed or said. Sarah's pretty blunt and she repeats herself a lot.

    I find the show to be a pretty natural depiction of her Alaskan life. Of her family at least, whom Ive all met.

  36. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Why isn't Piper in school?

    Back to topic, $arah having an abortion will be the thing that brings her down for good.

  37. Anonymous7:39 AM

    anonymous @ 6:56
    No one is "pro-abortion". People are pro CHOICE, a woman gets to choose what happens with her own body. Also I didn't see very much "anti-hunting" here- I saw a lot of anti-killing animals gleefully because it's so much fun.

  38. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Sarah Jones has been saying this for the last year, even using those words preemptive strike. Great minds think alike.

  39. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Does anyone else think Piper is in emotional distress. I watch her on the stage and she seems to be eating up the attention - as if it's on her. It looks like she's a mini-me of her mom - and she isn't. She's her own person (I hope) Her sister smashes her face in the cake, a humiliating gesture no matter how much someone protests it was "just in fun," and she looks up and smiles for the camera. Like she is used to it and has learned how to cope since no one will pay attention to tears. She is cooking with her mom (on SPA) and she is sassy and petulant over what seems to be nothing, but I imagine there is a story.
    She just seems to me to have inappropriate demeanor and searching for attention. I feel badly for her. Her sisters are at least old enough to have an escape of sorts, to know what is going on even if they can't fight it very successfully. But Piper is still a little girl.

  40. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Here come the trolls. Must have hit a nerve. Always fun.

  41. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Troll Alert!

    This post is bringing the trolls out in force.

    Sarah.. hope you go to jail for the free house on the lake.

    Hope Bristol is with child again and her speaking career ends.

    Hope Todd comes out of the closet and finds the guy of his dreams.

  42. igettit28:00 AM

    Hmmm, this post has obviously drawn out the somewhat more sophisticated (paid?) concern trolls. Must have hit a nerve with something you said.

  43. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Anon 7:36
    If you've been hunting since you've been a kid and you are not heading towards 50 years old - you would know how to hunt. Give me a freakin' break as what you say is total BS. If someone truly hunted for that many years and still can't do it - it's so totally clear she shouldn't be in the public eye and most certainly should never have been a person in a position to sign laws governing people's lives.

    Seems you and Anons at 7:24 & 7:27 lack the brains to follow directions in that you lost your way to your pee'on blog reading to preach to your choir. Go home to your pee'ons as they'll be happy to praise you for your toe sucking support of your imaginary queen.

  44. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I fear for Piper. She has dark circles under her eyes. I am reminded of the ¨Rogue¨ book tour when the H1N1 virus was killing children. I could not believe how Sarah was so willing to increase Piper´s and Trig´s risks of catching that virus by constant exposure to strangers. All for a quick buck. Sarah doesn´t act like a mother.

    Yeah, we know Sarah skipped around different colleges because she was a fornicating machine. She was promiscuous beyond belief. She´s get preggo and transfer. Taking a pill every day was just too damned much of a pain in her rear. She had/has no self-discipline. Abortions are the easy way out for lazy people like Sarah. Bristol learned well.

    I hope it´s not too late for Willow.

  45. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Bristol on 11/24/10. Anyone seen her lately?

  46. Anonymous8:22 AM

    According to my Ob-Gyn, miscarriage is not a medical term and would not be used in medical records or billing. If the fetus isn't viable the term used is missed abortion and a D&C follows.

    Also if Palin is pro-life why did she even have amnio, or consider an abortion? After all,she's the one who doesn't blink.

  47. Anonymous8:23 AM

    anon 7:22
    Sarah does Nothing BUT say she is perfect. Nothing is ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever her fault. EVER.
    (And don't come back with her recent statement that she should have been paying closer attention to what Bristle was doing at her sisters house....that's SArah again trying to get ahead of the game. Bristol was already preggers and sent away by that point).

  48. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I see that Jon Voight is spewing BS in AK while he is filming.

    Send Voight & Palin on a hunting trip - 'a la Cheney'!! Add Miller to the guest list too as JonBoy likes Miller too!

    Have that $5 bet spoken on the SPA last night - they take each other out!! They fall through the ice!! I'm not fussy - just get rid of them!!!

  49. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Also, forgot to add.
    i think Pipper looks a little "syndromy" in this picture.
    FLK: funny looking kid. Was she too conceived while mama was doing drinks and drugs??

  50. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I have a feeling that when Piper hits puberty, she will make the older girls look like the perfect angels Scarah tries to paint them as. Look at the examples the whole family is setting. Plus, she looks like a brat in a lot of photos.

  51. Anonymous8:31 AM

    1st Anon 7:22

    You have to be completely crazy to say that a politician's personal life has nothing to do with what they will do in office. What planet do you live on??? Why do you think scara is getting so much grief. Better slow down on that paylin koolaide you are drinking.

  52. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Why is that little girl, Piper, allowed to be out of school and forced to stand numbly by spectating while her Mother performs a repetitive act hundreds of times a day? Why is no one in the media giving this woman a hard time about this? The child deserves a chance to learn at school and move beyond her Mother's limited view of her.

  53. Anonymous8:32 AM

    You can always tell when Gryphen hits a raw nerve. The closer he is to the truth, the more trolls come her to defend Sarah and attack anyone who does not love and adore her.

    Until Sarah wrote about her two miscarriages in "Going Rogue," most of us didn't know about them. It's interesting that Dr.CBJ didn't mention them in her letter regarding Sarah's health, released on the eve of the election. What else did Dr.CBJ omit?

  54. PsychoLib Mouth8:33 AM

    (which could also be a good name for a rock band)

    I've wondered all along how it is that ANY women treat Palin as anything better than a money-grubbing, publicity-seeking charlatan. (Charlataness?)

    I suppose that is due to how I'm a reverse Chauvinist, trusting most women to have more common sense than men.

    But, just as I nearly fell off my chair, to learn that Sharon Angle got 30% of the Latino vote in Nevada (what does it TAKE, for her to have personally punched every Mexican in the nose???)--I'm also confounded over how popular Palin is, with what are usually harder to fool women.

    Word has leaked out, from those working to handle the avalanche of stuff heading to Palin via Facebook and Twitter, that a full HALF of it is from anonymity-protected MEN who send her lewd postings.

    She deserves this, as her ONLY venue is that internet realm.

    That she hides from the real world and the media who COULD report on what exactly her political leanings are, is why all anyone can talk about is her personal matters.

    I'm not sure she HAS any actual political stands, beyond the one we keep hearing from her, being that she HATES the President, and his family.

    Now, THERE is a terrific base upon which she can make a run for his office...just like Sharon Angle's bid, was hinged solely on what she hoped was a kindred hatred of Harry Reid.

    Peek underneath THAT kind of flimsy stand, and you find all manner of prejudices, paranoia, and bigotry. So maybe its BETTER for Palin, if all we have to judge her on, is her personal foibles and failures.

    But I really thought that WOMEN in numbers greater than those this poll revealed, would see through this grifter's schtick--and not get sucked in by her.

  55. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Anonymous 6:48 - interesting comment. Do you have proof of her tubes being tied prior to Trig or was it local heresay? God, I would love that to be true.

  56. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Relating to the post, I would not trust scara to take out my trash. Her reproductive behavior, along with the rest of her families, speaks volumes about why no one would trust her in this regard---Duhhhhhh

  57. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is saying leaked outtake footage from her TLC reality show Sarah Palin's Alaska has been taken "out of context," particularly the scene where she clubs and skins a miniature schnauzer, mistaking it for a baby seal.

    "Ya know, out in the tundra things happen pretty quick," said Palin. "When that snow's comin' down, a schnauzer and a seal are basically indristinguishable."
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    Critics have pointed out that the "tundra" where Palin skinned the dog was actually the Bluff Park Farm in Knik-Fairview, and that before clubbing it she shot it from a helicopter using high-powered rifle with an infrared scope.

    "Plus an old lady was walking it," pointed out People for the Ethical Treatment Of Animals spokesman Dan Sharon.

    Sharon also said the excuse that Palin mistook the dog for a seal is "no excuse at all," since the practice of seal-clubbing has long been maligned as inhumane. The practice was targeted in a series of mid-'90s PETA magazine ads in which Pamela Anderson was shown clubbing a tiny Photoshopped version of Ted Nugent.

    "Well, maybe beatin' a seal to death sounds unearthadox to those high falutin' big-city PETA elites, but out here in the wilderness, that's how we roll," said Palin while signing books at the Walmart Superstore on South Seward Meridian Parkway in Wasilla.

    "Maybe the PETAs should spend more time gettin' all naked and beatin' up on Santa's fur cluffs," said Palin, possibly meaning "cuffs."

  58. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Anon 8:24, I have to agree with you. Looks like she might be missing a few slices of her DNA. Eyes wide set, fingers a little strange, nose, etc., and possibly behavior???????? Good observation

  59. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Humorous huntin' recap from Salon:

  60. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Honestly, even if news broke that she had an abortion(s), I don't think it would matter. Her baseless base bows down, no matter what. Don't you remember? We should all do what the Palins say, not as they do. We should all remain abstinent, anti-abortion, pro-family values, lamestream-media-hating, non thinking "real Americans."

  61. Jake H.8:41 AM

    The sooner the people with the goods on the reindeer slayer can get the needed protection and come out with the truth, the better for the universe, planet earth and the USA. Condolences to all the others, Bambi, Rudolph, good parents and all the children around the world that hold dear the beautiful critters some use for sport or rotten television programs.

    Sarah Palin's callous disregard for Piper is becoming more shocking each time we see the 9 to 10 year old. Sarah needs to listen to Michelle Obama and stop promoting non-nutrional weight gaining foods. Do we need anymore proof of the harm and destruction these people are spreading?

  62. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "Gryphen, you're kind of a shitty human being. I was always blinded before now because I used to find you witty. But no, you're just a lousy, immoral person who refuses to see truth."

    Gee Anon, your grammar, especially mis-use of commas, and your huffy indignation are just like RAM's!

  63. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Palin is an onion: The more of her you peel back, the more she stings one's senses and sensibilities.

  64. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I'd like to see the DNA results of the Palins, Heaths, Johnston and Curtis family's for a start.

    I bet there is a lot of hanky-panky going on in Wasilla, and I think one of the reasons the town is so hesitant to call her out is because they have their own sex-drug-whiteout behavior and no one wants to face how dysfunctional and secretive their community is.

    It's "live and let live", and if they said anything Granny would say they are lying and hate America.

    (P.S. I do read Bill Hess's blog and he sounds like a really nice person, but he does not run in the same power circles as the Palin's enablers/sycophants/victims.)

  65. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The far right and the trolls showing up here are the reason that the major majority of young adults are not attending any (all of them) religious organizations.

    By refusing to adopt new ideas (science) and refusing to stay out of peoples health/bodies (abortion) they are pushing the youth out of their churches.

    This is sad in a lot of ways BUT they are going to reap what they sow in the years to come.

    Keep spilling your hate bots. You are losing more than you are gaining. Everyone can see that the ideas that Jesus set forth are no longer being observed.

  66. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I've been wondering for a while now if Sarah did find out she was pregnant and the fetus had down syndrome and she chose to abort.

    Then, when she heard she had a really good chance at being tapped for vp, she faked the rest of her pregnancy, starting at 7 months and "had" Trig.

    Gryph, can you at least tell us when you think this gift that will begin Sarah's downfall might become public?

  67. Anonymous9:04 AM gotta love 'em.

    First, there is no town where "everyone" is happy.

    Second, the fact that people were hospitable to a visitor means people are polite.

    The intelligence of these trolls hovers around Sarah's.

  68. Anonymous9:05 AM

    How does one find results of investigations in Alaska? I'm referring specifically to the Dar Miller fire,the water in fuel of plane that crashed and lastly who or what caused the fire at Sarah's church.
    Surely all of these events were investigated. What part of government would have the reports?

  69. Anonymous9:05 AM

    >>>Gryphen, you're kind of a shitty human being. I was always blinded before now because I used to find you witty. But no, you're just a lousy, immoral person who refuses to see truth.

    I MUST take issue with this absurd statement. Gryphen is the farthest thing from a 'shitty human being', no matter how much you dislike his take on things.

    He does is homework, he is honest about what he finds, he protects his sources, he works very hard every day to continue warning the world about the sick person that Sarah Palin is.

    I mean that literally. She is mentally ill.

    Not just that but she is befouling any sort of conversation that she comes into.

    If you look beyond your nasty words, you will find a man who is compassionate, honest, SMART, funny, extremely well-read, vulnerable, politically savvy, clever and deeply committed to getting the word out on this family's disgusting behavior, AT THE RISK of his own reputation, and one sometimes wonders, physical LIFE.

    That you feel the need to come her and insult and attack him on his blog is beyond pathetic and so typical of someone who cannot put intelligent thoughts together, but instead must call names.

    Gryphen may be a 'shitty human being' in your estimation, but from where I'm sitting, Sarah is SHITTING ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY.

    Gryphen will continue to do what he does, and does well, which is to keep the fire under Palin and have patience until the whole Truth is told, and it will be, mark my words, it WILL BE.

    So take your nasty verbage and wander on over to another blog and do your nasty there, it isn't welcome here...ever. WE LOVE GRYPHEN just the way he is!

    Oh and by the way...

  70. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Is Sarah a murderer? Is she an arsonist? We know she's a liar. I suggest you post the truth but state it as a rumor and see what it smokes out. Remember the reaction when you spread the rumor of the divorce. Post the truth as a rumor and ask people to confirm or deny.

  71. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "i think Pipper looks a little "syndromy" in this picture."

    there were stories back at the 2008 RNC that Trig was SP's SECOND special needs child. Those legends have since been pulled. However, I agree, that Piper shows signs of some type of disability. It may account for her learning problems.

  72. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I have been a nurse for many, many years. In the late '70's and early '80's, (before the word abortion became so contentious), women of all ages would have "Therapeutic D&C's". No questions asked, no judgmental criticisms, just women who needed a service in a safe, confidential environment.

  73. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Anon 7:36
    You did not read here that Palin claimed to be a "professional" hunter. You come across as if you have not known or heard as much from Palin to comprehend the frequency of her contradictions and habitual lies and spins instead conned it is other people making stuff up.

    Palin has worked at making impressions for two years that she habitually participates in these outdoor sports. Bristol was on tv to reinforce the impression these are things the family does every day. The Palins are the type who say things to impress people, then it gets chaotic, people are confused who is doing the spinning.

    Palin grossly exaggerates truth impressing people she is things she is not consistently including her family members e.g. Track is a "combat vet" and yowling screams in public "no one is going to take that from her!" Truth and no one is good enough for Palin. Lies get her what she wants.

  74. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Thanks Gryphen! Sarah's support from women has always been low- the polls showed that McCain LOST women voters after he chose her, they had fewer votes from women than W got in 2004, and Sarah has lower approval & higher disapproval ratings among women than men, but it's nice to see a poll like this on actual issues. The Palinbots always use the " they're just jealous of her" in defending her low approval with women, but this poll shows that women are concerned about real issues that affect them and form opinions based on that information, not emotions.

    As for your hints about her own hypocrisy with abortion- not surprising but I doubt it will be her downfall. Medical issues are going to be difficult to prove because of HIPAA laws & she'll never release her full medical records. And if something does come out based on heresay, she'll be just like every other hypocritical politician who gets caught doing the very thing s/he crusades against: do one of those teary interviews confessing the error of her ways and how her torment over earlier abortions led her to continue her "pregnancy" with Trig, the DS baby who is her penance
    for her sins- the Fundies will eat it up. But I have no doubt that even if she gets away with this, there are plenty of other skeletons that can bring her down- thanks for your ongoing efforts to bring them to light.


    7:22 AM,

    There was a Bristol picture posted to the OFFICIAL Bristol facebook by a "friend." It said it was a few hours old. Soon it disappeared.

    The "friend" is a girl from Phoenix, Az. MISS ARIZONA TEEN USA pageant.
    SHE LIKES DANCE....'Dance!!! urban dance, and the mountain pointe dance company. Spending time helping people on my advice pgae!'Ask me anything. It was not really clear when the photo was taken but somewhere it did say the picture was taken within a day or so.

    The crazy part is the picture was posted with the many, many other pictures that fans post to the OFFICIAL Bristol facebook. Swan's picture was NOT the only picture to go away. All the fan pictures were gutted, every last one of them are DISAPPEARED. Will they return with new editing? Why? Even the happy Tea Party ladies that worked so hard for Bristol to win the Mirror Ball for Sarah are disappeared. Why does Bristol hate her fans and supporters like that? All their pictures, hard work and happy memories were wiped out in a flash. Very strange indeed.

    Whoever runs that facebook operation for Sarah/Bristol is worse than a Fascist/Commie/Nazi when it comes to social network control. I will never send them another cute huggie bear with hearts or any other support.

  76. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "You're talking about Sarah's little "White-out" incident and her two "miscarriages," aren't ya, Gryph? (Wink wink) We all know she had at least one abortion. Like most pro-lifers, in Sarah's mind, the only legitimate abortion is HER abortion."

    Ha! That is what I was thinking!

    Palin-bots: admit it--a D&C performed
    on a uterus that contains a fetus is an ABORTION!
    Dead fetus, or live, it is, technically, an ABORTION.

    SP had no problem contemplating aborting Trig--
    didn't she say she was in some other state & no
    one would ever know? She is worse than a

  77. Anonymous9:30 AM

    There are some pictures of Piper on this latest book tour, when other little girls come through the signing line. The look on Piper's face is very telling. She looks like the little snot that she is.

  78. Anonymous9:31 AM

    oh for godsake, now piper is gaining weight.
    jeez, these kids all EAT to stuff down the rage and crazies.

  79. Anonymous9:37 AM

    "God only knows what they'll do to the poor child. "

    It doesn't matter--it is another Palin, and they
    are all the same. Baby Palins grow up, you know.

  80. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Anon 6:56 - Who's pro-abortion? I've never met anyone who said "YAY! I'm off to have an abortion now - partay!" Please. Stop drinking the kool-aid and think for yourself.

    I find it funny that all those anti-choice people are the ones that are, sometimes maniacally, pro death penalty (and they're not first in line for adopting through dss either are they?).

    Miscarriages can be called 'missed abortions' medically. That's what my records state unfortunately, even though it was a very wanted baby that died at 10 weeks.

    I've never had an abortion but there's absolutely NO way I would interfere with another woman's personal choice regarding her body.

  81. No money in Sarah's multi-millionaire budget to dress her kid properly, eh?

  82. Molly9:44 AM

    I fail to see the educational value of a nine yr old child (who, btw, is rather large for her age for having such a teeny tiny mother) tagging along while mommy grants obsessed nutty people the right to touch her and be healed (Oops, I think I'm confusing her with Jesus).

    Piper is gonna be so skewed. Or screwed.

    Take your pick.

  83. Molly9:53 AM

    Another thought--like many former smokers who become the most raging anti-smoking people around (not that that is a bad thing), perhaps fundies who have had an abortion become the most rabidly anti-choice. Perhaps it's to make up for their inability to come to terms with their decision given their black/white mentality. If they can stop ONE PERSON from aborting their baby, then they redeem themselves from their own sin. (Again, I'm trying to think like a fundie)

    Why is Piper getting so puffy? Is she already hitting puberty? At nine?

  84. Anonymous10:00 AM

    We "know" what her secret is don't we? And it has to do with "white out" doesn't it? wink!

  85. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Great essay online called "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"; if it doesn't fit $arah to a tee, and her bratty daughter, I don't know what would.

  86. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I think Bristol and Piper have the big faces/heads, which is due to their heritage.

    I feel sorry for Piper too - she is not, and has not, lived the normal life of a youngster. She is obviously bored as hell and I'll wager sick as hell hearing her mother talk! Sister Sarah is a horrid mother.

  87. Anonymous10:22 AM

    7:10 and 7:22, ordinarily I'd agree with you -- what do personal mistakes matter? But in Palin's case you are both dead wrong. Palin's whole shtick, the drug that keeps her fans' loyalty is her pro-life, good mom, special needs mom myth. Once that lie is exposed, the lies about her executive abilities and "accomplishments" will be able to be revealed to this crowd.

    Why does Palin lean so heavily on the pro life mom myth (in addition to wilderness mom myth)??? Because she's got nothing else.

  88. News about Sarah having an abortion would be initially explosive but I doubt there would be any damaging effect. She could easily turn it into a testimony of how damaged she was by it and how it convinced her of the 'anti-choice' message. The 'religious' love a good redemption story. Her willingness to lie to make herself appear perfect is the damaging part of the story.

    I can't think of anything more explosive than the fake pregnancy because of the extensive cover-up and how she's used the story to appeal to emotions and get donations. Her most devoted fans won't care but I think there would be a lot who would be livid at the deception. I strongly believe this is the story that will totally get her out of the political arena if all the details are exposed. This is more than a lie. It's a giant hoax.

  89. IMPORTANT to note:

    Sarah Palin scores VERY badly on the ProLife Profiles site (a Conservative site that rates politicians on their ACTIONS vs. their rhetoric). A fantastic list of reasons SP is NOT pro-life!

    Sarah Palin
    Former Governor of Alaska (R)
    Tier 4 - Personhood Never

  90. Anonymous10:34 AM

    If abortion is the deep, dark secret I don't think it will make a bit of difference for her image. Too many self-righteous pundits have skeletons, and if they're rattled, they confess and repent, which their followers then love them for (the pundits, not the skeletons).

    The most heinous scenario in my book would be if she aborted the original DS fetus, then faked a pregnancy and adopted a DS child as penance (or political gain, whatever).

    The point is that she tries on every single emotional hot-button possible to promote herself, so almost nothing would surprise me. Like Al Capone's, I suspect her downfall will result from a legal technicality that will require her to sit down and shut up. One can only hope.

  91. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Yeppers, there is something up with Pippers wide set eyes and flat bridged nose. Time will tell.

  92. Save Piper10:56 AM

    Is there anything that can be done to help Piper?

    We can see the abuse/neglect of the Palin children from our living rooms, don't forget little Trig as others were bundled up for the freezing weather and he was barefoot and bare legs, no glasses, aids and all. Too much to list anymore. We know child protection is in cahoots with this travesty or just useless since they only go after those with less clout. The homeschool system is a tragedy for all children since the Palins have shown us what that is about. Not even the so-called decent homeschool advocates really take this on or disassociate from the Palin homeschool, extended family system.

    Piper breaks my heart as I had a playmate that reminds me so much of her. She was the most adorable child in kindergarten to first and second grade. Everyone's favorite cutie pie. You don't want to know what happened. Like Piper she called her mother by her first name, she had an extended family that loved, adored and cared for her (enablers). Her ego swelled along with her body since she could not stop with the comfort food. She also could not live up to all that was expected of her. What a tragic figure she came to be. I fear the adults around Piper will give her a similar fate. You can already see it happening.

  93. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I knew a rich family with a daughter that couldn't stop having babies. She was eventually "fixed." No abortions, they were able to get her a mentally disabled status and other doctors and health issues and she needed an operation before she was of legal age. I'm not saying that it wasn't for the best in an awful way. She started young giving birth. The babies were all adopted out but she could not stop wanting one to keep. All very sad. She was not the sharpest tool but it was just a bit to eery when they were able to get her "fixed."

    I have to wonder if that is what will be in store for one of the Palin's younger girls one day?

  94. Anonymous11:41 AM

    In reading the 79 comments here is a list of things, Sarah should and could be, very afraid of.
    Tubes tied,more then one abortion,1st child not a Palin(this my addition)looks more like a Menard, who put h2o in plane,(who had the most to lose) church fire,killing, a Schnauzer as a seal, then skinning it,I call this a big B.S. On one cares if Sarah has bellied up TO THE BAR,but she portrays self as a good strong christian, while judging everyone else.
    So Grypen, just what are the secrets of Sarah ,that she is so afraid of? give us the scoop.

  95. Anon@ 9:37,

    I agree with you, many pro-choicers could not personally believe they could ever have and abortion. I know I couldn't. However, one of the main reasons I'm for choice, is that legislation preventing abortions will actually COST MORE LIVES!

    From practically the beginning of time, women have sought abortions one way or another. Prior to the legalization of abortion, botched abortions were the number one cause of death of young women. This means 2 lives were lost. Do we really want to go back to that?

  96. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I wonder if the picture that goes with this post is a clue?

  97. Anonymoose12:40 PM

    I'm concerned about what it will mean for women's rights if palin is brought down because of an abortion. I think it will set a dangerous precedent if a woman is denied running for president because of an abortion. It should be about her hypocrisy, not abortion. I still think maybe the faked trig pregnancy may have been to cover up a botched late term abortion after she found out about the down syndrome. Somehow trig managed to survive and Sarah had to fake the remainder of the pregnancy to cover it up. She talks too much about not aborting trig, it makes me suspicious seeing as she lives in opposites world. And it would explain cbj's silence if she was involved.

  98. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Reading this picture, Piper is not a healthy, happy child.

  99. Anonymous1:05 PM

    The evidence points to two or three abortions in her past, but even if the truth of that comes out, I don't think it'll hurt her. She'll be able to twist it around to a positive the way she does everything else. She'll say she succumbed to the evil influence of those nasty 70s era feminists, she didn't think she could have it all. But she redeemed herself by having Trig, and now she wants to make sure no other woman makes the "mistake" she did. Plus, how dare that nasty librul media probe into something so personal? (well, Sarah's uterus is personal; the anti-abortion crowd want to make every other woman's uterus public property.)

  100. Anonymous1:15 PM

    anon 8:23, are you saying Sarah got pregnant in college several times and that she had several abortions?

    How do you know that? Do you even know Sarah or are you making that up??? Because to spread lies is immoral.

    That's the problem with blogs. Who can believe anything you read on them with so many wild accusations.


  101. Anonymous1:29 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    anon 8:23, are you saying Sarah got pregnant in college several times and that she had several abortions?

    How do you know that? Do you even know Sarah or are you making that up??? Because to spread lies is immoral.

    That's the problem with blogs. Who can believe anything you read on them with so many wild accusations.


    1:15 PM"

    The majority of what people bash Palin for is
    actually stuff she has said, or written, or done.
    With SP, you don't have to make up anything.

  102. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I think all of you talking about Piper on here are terrible.
    Why are you all speculating. And yes making things up??!?! You all are as bad as Sarah I'm that respect!

  103. Anon 10:34 - "The most heinous scenario in my book would be if she aborted the original DS fetus, then faked a pregnancy and adopted a DS child as penance (or political gain, whatever)."

    Very plausible. I'd go for the political gain scenario.

    It's also possible it was Bristol's baby that was aborted...forced because her mother said the family was too busy for the child. This would explain Bristol being furious when Sarah announced her pregnancy and why Bristol got pregnant with Tripp almost immediately after the announcement.

    There are so many pre-emptive tangents in GR -- Curt Menard for one. The passages about him seem so unnecessary and I don't think she talks about other friends in the book. I would be inclined to link him more to the aborted fetus than to Track. (I think Todd is likely the one who passed down the widow's peak to Track, Willow, and Piper.)

    So, Gryphen...Since this relates to GR, why not just come out with a rumor, of course?

  104. I hate to say this, because Piper is so young, but Sarah needs to worry less about the diet of Pennsylvania school children & more about the diet and exercise of her own daughter. All the travel does not seem to be doing Piper any good. (for other reasons, too.)

  105. Free house! Thanks for reminding me. Alaska Dispatch has a story up that the FBI is investigating "alleged inappropriate dealings" at Alaska's GSA.

  106. 12:40 PM

    Women's rights will be protected when more of the frauds are exposed.

  107. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Piper needs attention. When people turn their backs on children that look abused it is never good. You are immoral if you ignore the bad things that adults do to the young. When can it stop if no one can say the obvious or what they see? The best thing to do is to bring attention to the needs of children. Seriously, the movie industry treats trained animals with more love and concern than we are seeing with the Palin children. Animals have protections. Children are left to the ways of their parents. In this case there is a repeated pattern of abuse and neglect that is becoming the accepted norm for Americans.

    Someone must want to keep Europeans from observing some Palin. They went so far as to block Bristol Palin's Facebook in Europe. Why? They don't vote in American elections. Why can't they be fans with a Palin role model? More censorship will occur if they can find ways to get rid of those they don't want to look at their public lives.

  108. Anonymoose4:30 PM

    Tr 2:31..

    I meant if she is forced to leave politics because of an abortion. Thereby starting a precedent of stopping women who have had abortions from running for president or a trend of it being socially unacceptable for a woman who has had an abortion to run as president. Even though she is a hypocrite, it would give ammunition to the anti-choicers to bring down women in future or demand to know if candidates have had one - I imagine the "Well Sarah Palin had to show her abortion records why shouldn't such and such? and the "Sarah Palin couldn't become president because she had an abortion" arguments which would fuel the should women who have had abortions be able to be president debate which even discussing breaches women's rights. If it has anything to do with abortion, these anti-women's rights people will spin it to their advantage. These people will not be all, 'Oh, Sarah had an abortion so it's all cool now." More like, "Sarah was a test sent by god to show us that even conservative women could be satan and we must expose them all." They would use it to try regulating women in politics. That is what I fear.

    I hope it is something else that brings her down.

  109. Anonymous4:59 PM

    "Sarah Palin couldn't become president because she had an abortion"

    That is the least of the reasons she couldn't.

    Few on the left are saying that. Many are saying why
    is it ok for SP to have one, or many, then she says no one else should have the choice.

  110. Anonymous5:29 PM

    You misunderstood. I meant it's immoral to say things like Piper looks like she has a syndrome. Judgments lime that.
    Of course concern for neglect should not be ignored- I should have been clearer. I don't like seeing a Childs looks being analyzed by strangers on a blog. I
    Sorry, I don't think thats right.

  111. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Piper is merely a prop for Sarah's pro-family fans and it's disgusting to watch her be emotionally abused by her so-called mother. She obviously doesn't even relate to this self-absorbed fake because she calls her by her first name which is totally bizarre for a 9 year old child, it's absurd!

    Poor Piper has been victimized for years now, being dragged around by Sarah and subjected to dozens of screeching speeches, TV appearances, book signings, constant travel, and a boring, unhealthy lifestyle. Most of us can't stand to listen to Sarah for 5 minutes, can you imagine how f'd up poor Piper must be?

    She's probably developed other personalities just to escape her living hell. And I'm sure Sarah never evens talks directly to her
    or shows maternal concern, but is probably on her Blackberries 24/7 when the cameras are off.

    What are the Palins thinking and why is Piper at all these inappropriate events? I'm sure she could stay with family, go to school and be involved with activities normal for her age group, and wouldn't miss her "mother" for a minute.

  112. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Why is Piper getting so puffy? Is she already hitting puberty? At nine?

    Puberty also came to my mind when I saw a recent picture of Piper. Her needs do need to be addressed. Unfortunately her parents seem to remain in denial or delusions when it comes to all of their children. Mr. Menard is no longer around to try and reach Sarah about concerns for her children. Many things could be the reasons for early puberty. It is certain that she has a bad diet. I have often wondered about the toxic waste and that horrible lake where they live. I am in a quandary as to what could be done for Piper but I don't think she should be ignored. I don't like the part about a child's looks analyzed either, but how else? If she had a big growing mold people would rightfully bring it up to discuss before it was fatal melanoma. I don't like that she is so young and that that is necessary at all. I didn't like when we had a child molester in our neighborhood and things that were said and done before the truth was out. Does anyone have an answer as to the best way to handle the problems we see with Piper? I can't believe the State of Alaska and other places also ignore poor little Trig when his issues are so blantant. Tripp looks like a healthy robust boy but he is not even in good hands with that group of people.

    There was a recent picture of Piper that I still can't believe is a nine year old child. I would have quessed she was thirteen. Sarah does many things assbackwards and she may parade her children so that others will point things out to her. That may not make sense since she fights off any decent advice. From time to time she does seem to respond to things the blogs discuss. Maybe Sarah will take Piper to a doctor. While the girl is going through this rapid growth spurt it may be the time to stop parading her in public and using her for a prop in any way.

  113. ""Gryphen, you're kind of a shitty human being. I was always blinded before now because I used to find you witty. But no, you're just a lousy, immoral person who refuses to see truth."

    Gee Anon, your grammar, especially mis-use of commas, and your huffy indignation are just like RAM's!"

    I see no error in the grammar or punctuation.

  114. serena13134:37 AM

    This is the first up-close photo of Piper I've seen in quite awhile. At first glance I immediately noticed how much Piper's outward appearance has changed: 1) she looks much more "grown-up" for being only 9; perhaps it is the make-up 2) she's put on quite a bit of weight which a lot of girls do at her age -- hopefully as she continues to grow taller she'll shed the weight 3) maybe she is just tired or bored or lonely or something else entirely different or a combination thereof, who knows, but Piper does not look happy 4) Iam glad to see her "sweetness" hasn't entirely disappeared.

    I realize times have changed and girls are allowed to wear make-up at a much younger age than when I was growing-up. My parents were strict. Even though all of my girlfriends had started wearing make-up to school around age 13, I had to wait until I was 15 and even then I was only allowed to wear a very, very light amount (no eye shadow or mascara) on special occasions until I was 16.

    While I have no objection to young girls wearing make-up as long as it is applied properly, but I think 9 is too young and inappropriate, but then again Iam not Piper's mother. Each to their own choosing.

    Most of us agree that Piper ought to be in school and around kids her own age. Certainly traveling is an education in and of itself, but without a proper basic education Piper will not have the skills required to understand or function in the world.

    If all goes according to plan, Piper along with her sisters and brothers will be very wealthy one day. Presumably other people -- lawyers, accountants, etc. -- will be overseeing the money. The kids will need to have, at the very least, a minimal amount of knowledge about how money works. That requires an education. But assuming of course that Sarah and Todd have invested wisely and not spent it all.

    My father used to tell me again and again anyone can spend money, not everyone knows how to make it work for them. (those who do are few in number)

    From the outside looking in, Sarah's parenting skills leave a lot to be desired. She brings out the worst in people including her own children, specifically Track, Bristol and Willow as demonstrated in their public behaviour. In contrast, Piper, who is still young and impressionable, has up to now, acted appropriately. That may or may not change.

    We can speculate all day long, but whatever is going on inside of Piper only she and she alone knows what she is feeling and/or is trying to understand and learn how to cope with her feelings, needs and e_motions. It is difficult enough, even unfathomable, to try to imagine what it would be like having Sarah as a mother, but to actually know is to live it.

    Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig may turn out all right, I hope so. Today, I believe that Piper is likelier than the other 4 because she still has that sweetness about her.

  115. serena13134:41 AM

    This is the first up-close photo of Piper I've seen in quite awhile. At first glance I immediately noticed how much Piper's outward appearance has changed: 1) she looks much more "grown-up" for being only 9; perhaps it is the make-up 2) she's put on quite a bit of weight which a lot of girls do at her age -- she'll shed the weight as she continues to grow taller 3) maybe she is just tired or bored or lonely or a combination thereof, who knows, but Piper does not look happy 4) Iam glad to see her "sweetness" hasn't entirely disappeared.

    Most of us agree that Piper ought to be in school and around kids her own age. Certainly traveling is an education in and of itself, but without a proper basic education Piper will not have the skills required to understand or function in the world.

    If all goes according to plan, Piper along with her sisters and brothers will be very wealthy one day. Presumably other people -- lawyers, accountants, etc. -- will be overseeing the money. The kids will need to have, at the very least, a minimal amount of knowledge about how money works. That requires an education. But assuming of course that Sarah and Todd have invested wisely and not spent it all.

    My father used to tell me again and again anyone can spend money, not everyone knows how to make it work for them. (those who do are few in number)

    From the outside looking in, Sarah's parenting skills leave a lot to be desired. She brings out the worst in people including her own children, specifically Track, Bristol and Willow as demonstrated in their public behaviour. In contrast, Piper, who is still young and impressionable, has up to now, acted appropriately. That may or may not change.

    We can speculate all day long, but whatever is going on inside of Piper only she and she alone knows what she is feeling and/or is trying to understand and learn how to cope with her feelings, needs and e_motions. It is difficult enough, even unfathomable, to try to imagine what it would be like having Sarah as a mother, but to actually know is to live it.

    Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig may turn out all right, I hope so. Today, I believe that Piper is likelier than the other 4 because she still has that sweetness about her.

  116. Anonymous7:27 AM


    I don't live in a remote area but I can't say I've known or now know of any nine year old that suddenly put on weight... "2) she's put on quite a bit of weight which a lot of girls do at her age --" Are you sure a lot of girls do that at that age? Sarah did mention at a Pennsylvania speech some attitudes on diet. We have seen Piper's face shoved into a cake for the sake of humor or some family bonding scene. We know cookies and cupcakes are central to the Tea Baggers appeal. Chances are Piper's rapid weight gain at age nine is due to poor parenting and neglect from her parents. Unless the child has an unknown health condition.

    I live in an area with celebrity and the Hollywood working class move here with their families. I don't see young girls in make up. Where do those parents live?

    At nine I don't know that Piper is fully aware of herself or she can discern her feelings. She is young, impressionable and being programed. I don't know if her environment allows for her to understand from her own perspective. There were some scenes in the TLC show that illustrate a minute part of the relationship between mother and daughter. As you said we can speculate.

  117. Anonymous7:35 AM

    My heart broke for Piper during the campaign. Seeing that little girl struggle carrying Trig just broke my heart. Her parents completely ignored her and the baby. I thought she looked like a lost child, looking for SOMEONE to love her, so settled on the baby who completely depended on her. The so-called parents were basking in the attention being on stage. Palins are lousy, heartless parents. Piper does not look any happier now.


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