Monday, December 06, 2010

Sarah Palin passes on request to head up RNC.

From ABC News:

"I respect the desire to have someone in charge of the RNC who understands the wishes of the conservative grassroots and understands that power resides with the people and not the vested interests in DC. However, the primary role of the RNC chair seems be that of fundraiser-in-chief, and there are others who would probably be much more comfortable asking people for money than I would be, and they would definitely enjoy it more."

Said without a hint of irony.



  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    BWAAHAAHAAHAA!!! Seriously?

  2. angela1:57 PM

    This woman has absolutely to self realization WHATSOEVER.

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Though it PAINS me to say this, I think we really need to think about considering the option that Trig Palin may very well be Sarah Palin's biological child. and that her hesitation to release her medical records are for another reason. We know by looks alone that that child is a relation to the family. Clean slate, check. earlier birthdate, maybe.

    Wasn't it mentioned that during Trigs alleged birth there was a huge snowstorm in Juneau and no one could find Sarah?

  4. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I think this time she is being honest. I am sure that she doesn't feel comfortable raising money for other people.

  5. Anonymous2:03 PM

  6. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Besides Twitler being a hypocrite, being head of the RNC would actually require work raising money for others, and of course she can't have that, can she?

    All for meeeeeeeee.

  7. Anonymous2:05 PM

    ah haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa

    She is a sociopath.

  8. Anonymous2:06 PM

    She meant "money" that doesn't go directly into her pocket.

  9. Anonymous2:09 PM

    ROFL...the irony

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Remember how Michael Steele was criticized, because he occasionally gave speeches for money? Many Republicans felt this was wrong.

    Can you imagine Sarah working for just the salary? And having to quit Fox?

    It is wonderful, however, to read her paper-thin excuse about not being comfortable asking people for money!

  11. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Funniest comment I've seen today, re: this...

    Get real, Repubs, sarah's a grifter, not a begger.

  12. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Okay, where is the circus music? Bring in the Clowns!!

  13. marcw2:18 PM

    The words that come out of that woman's mouth, are just Unphuckinbelievable. However in this case, I believe her. If she can't beg for herself, she's certainly not going to do it for others.

  14. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Tell tale signs the woman actually wrote this one.

    Inexplicable contradictions from one word salad to the next.

    While the woman lies everytime she utters a word, her hand is stretched out for OPM at every turn.

    Plus, let's not forget, the woman will run from any opportunity or circumstance where she has to be held accountable and be open and transparent.

    It's real work for crying out loud!

  15. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Well of course she declined! She can't pocket the $ for herself ;-)

  16. FEDUP!!!2:18 PM

    $he has realized that it would be too obvious if $he took all the $$$ that 'rightfully' (according to her) belong to her (because $he would be the one raising the $$$ - so the $$$ $hould belong to her, RIGHT?!?)

  17. nikogriego2:19 PM

    I don't understand Anonymous @ 2:01's post-why should we now "think about considering the option that Trig Palin may very well be Sarah Palin's biological child"? And I don't see the family resemblance being referred to here. And what new fact would lead us in that direction, after all the evidence mitigating against her being his mother? And finally, I don't see the relevance of this comment to the subject "SP passes on request to head up RNC."

    As for SP's comment, I find it laughable. About the only thing she is good at is asking other people to part with their cash, which she does at every opportunity, and quite successfully (P.T. Barnum's statement applies here).

  18. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Oh but if you weren't on the hater list AND had the right connections you'd have access to the rough draft prior to the cleanup and disinfecting.

    The first part in rough draft is kinda the same as what you posted, just with the usual word salad and punctuation,spelling and grammar issues. But look what does not appear in the final draft - A LOT MORE RANT. Completely deleted!!! Hmm.

    "I have experienced the bogus scrootiny of h8tr bloggers and sycopathic "socalled" good guvermint agitators. They made my life a living h3ll and also made us do a lot of duble bookeepin.

    Never again kan I ooperat without a frendlie state to hide behind.

    Wir stil tryin to get this $saraPac
    Shit strate. I need mor shoes and
    And itz bak to skool for a few kidz since the tour is ovur. It kosts a lot to roll likewe do. lucky that thoze tv shows came up or Ida had to run agun jist like Krisrin Odunnel.

    She did ok with her monies razed, but whut a lota freakin work. I need anothur freakin vacashun and a job like a whole in the flippin head.

    Tell these idjuts to leve me alone. Put the flippin mmunie in the donashuns and STFU.

    And aslo too Beckie- Mure 4 letter words on those anon posts at the Alaskan blogs. UR slippin."

    I have it saved!


  19. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Translation: Thanks for thinking of me, but It doesn't pay enough. And I might actually have to answer questions from the press.

  20. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Of course she would never want this job as the $$ would not be deposited to her account. She'd have to actually take questions from MSM!! She'd have to step outside the box of the FOXhole! She'd have to take instructions from people!!! That would not do in the pee-brain of Palin!!

    I also don't believe a friggin' word that that she would even be considered for it as the RNC knows full well she would split the party. This is purely more of the 'BOTS' having WET DREAMS!!

  21. Anonymous2:22 PM

    That is absolutely hilarious.

    Yes, I've noticed how much she hates asking for money. LOL X infinity!

    p.s., @2:03, clever.

  22. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Why not, Sarah? Well besides being too much work, the money your raised would not be going into you pocket, right?

  23. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I agree with the rest of the comments that she is only uncomfortable with asking for money for other people...but for herself she is more than comfortable with asking the poor suckers out there to give their money to her ( for her bank account ) I haven't see Palin help anyone...she is only about spreading hate and making millions for her.

  24. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Here we have the clearest indication thus far that she is intending to milk the run or actually run for President.

    Head of the RNC would have given her the spotlight without much work and opportunities to pull in lots of money for the GOP AND herself.

  25. Anonymous2:29 PM

    of course she'd say this.
    she would have to talk and mingle with *other* people.
    she cannot do that.

  26. Anonymous2:32 PM

    What kind of Canard is that anyway Sarah?

    hahahahahahahaha she doesn't mind at all asking for money, but it needs to be going into her pocket, not someone else's.

    Sorry Tea Party, she's just not that into you.


  27. Anonymous2:35 PM

    From Talking Points Memo:
    "Shorter Sarah Palin: I want to make money, not beg for it."

  28. Irishgirl2:35 PM

    That is so funny.

  29. loveandknishesfrombrooklyn2:40 PM

    Yup, I'm sad to say that the power$ behind Sowah seem to have MUCH bigger plans for her than this puny little RNC appointment.

  30. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Who asked her to be the chair? The only request I read was from her worshipers. Am I missing any news. If so, please pardon. If not, SP(AIP) is trying to attract more attention to herself.

  31. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Translation: I only whore for my own benefit.

  32. Anonymous2:48 PM

    You made that up, right, Gryphen?????
    OMFG Not good at asking people for money----I sometimes wonder that in reality, she is a genius that is just doing these things to mess up our heads for fun.

  33. Linda Arizona3:03 PM

    I'm laughing right along with you, Anonymous at 2:05 PM, and everyone else who sees this for the incredible farce that she and her reasoning has become.

    She is a Sociopath with a capital 'S.'

    Thanks, Gryphen, for two great belly laughs for the day! That was the most transparent comment yet from the psychopath, Phalin!!


  34. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I'll consider the possibility that she did not fake her pregnancy when she explains how you go from flat profile to watermelon-Gusty-belly to flat again, and then deliver a baby just weeks and days after flatness.

    She can show a b/c, but that can be forged -- just explain the flat profile. Skip the "tight abs" story, okay?

  35. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sarah Palin does not have the qualifications for the job of chairperson for the RNC. The job requires someone not on medications that can string two sentences together coherently.

    Sarah Palin just does NOT have what it takes to do the job.

    And, TLC has proved Sarah Palin is not a hunter either. Or much of a mother. Stinks at fishing. Actually there's not many jobs Sarah Palin could do. That's why FOX News got her for such a low salary.

  36. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Go choke on a bone, Sarah.

  37. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I seriously don't get what these morons think is so different about Michael Steele and Sarah Palin. How exactly would she run anything any differently than he did?

    If anything, I could see her turning off the few smart repubs who donate completely off. She has no substance, even less intelligence, and her 'aw shucks, you betcha,' schtick has worn as thin as that age-inappropriate burnout tee she wore to that race over the summer.

    Oh, wait, she's white and some think she's 'pretty.' I love when I answer my own questions.

  38. nswfm3:34 PM

    I read this and thought WAAAAY TOOO MUCH WORK for her to be RNC anything. Of course, she would take money from you, for her own benefit, RNC iditots! Didn't she keep the clothes, losing their underwear, in the belly of the plane, whatever....

  39. imnofred3:46 PM

    Does Sarah ever communicate through any source that is not FaceBook, Twitter or Fox News???

  40. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Thank God, Scarah doesn't want to be President of the GOP, either the North GOP who are our allies or the South GOP who are also our allies. Personally, I don't think she can spell GOP.

  41. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Every time I see the words

    "conservative grassroots"

    My mind reads the words as

    "conservative asstoots".

    Thx for the laff Snowgrift Snookie.

  42. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Too many auditors for quitty pants to take on that job.

  43. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Says the millionaire too cheap to pay her own legal bills that she expects poor working Palinbots to pay 'em for her.

  44. Anonymous4:42 PM

    She is afraid she'll have to work.

    Working won't suit her "Big Rosie Greenbaum Goes to Washington" persona.

  45. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "imnofred said...
    Does Sarah ever communicate through any source that is not FaceBook, Twitter or Fox News???

    3:46 PM"

    Nope. She is a coward. But, who can blame her?
    Being asked what newspapers they read is enough to
    scare anyone!

  46. Anonymous4:51 PM

    "And I don't see the family resemblance being referred to here."

    I think Trig looks like SP, so I think he is kin
    somehow. If he is hers, she treated him terribly
    before birth, what with contemplating an abortion,
    then hiding him from her family, then flying
    when she was in labor, rather than going to a
    hospital. Then she was dragging him around
    during the election & letting germy people
    touch him.

  47. Anonymous5:09 PM



  48. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Is it possible that the teabaggers were also trying to keep her from running for president? tee hee!


  49. Anonymous5:14 PM




  50. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I think David Frum is right, her writers are making fun of her without her knowing it. Sure, we believe that SP doesn't like to ask for money. How many funds does she have now?

  51. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Sarah has her ghost writer working on her third book which is due out before Christmas, her writer is also working hard for her Facebook rants and is now writing Bristol's memoirs. Sarah's writer does not have time to write RNC speeches... and besides you don't pay enough to cover leer jets, secret service, Trig's nannies and her make up!

  52. Forever Anonymous6:01 PM

    Said without a hint of irony and degrading the post for whomever accepts the chairmanship.

  53. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Of course she'd pass it up. She'd have to work for a fixed salary. No more grifting OPM for her speeches. No being her own manager. Others would require her to submit to them, their schedules, their rules. They probably would not allow her to drag Piper, Willow or Trig in meetings. She would have to sit in a stuffy office on phones all day.

    No more private jets, and facebook rants; she would have to behave like a lady and put away the teenage mean-girl jabs. She'd have to behave diplomatically, be tactful, respectful towards the POTUS and his Administration. She would have to stop the reality shows, stop offering up Bristol to the tabloids, and dissing her grandchild's father publicly.

    Imagine the sacrifices she'd have to make if she took the job!

  54. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sarah...lookin' old...

  55. Anonymous7:24 PM

    The votes were not there for her either. But why quibble over facts.

  56. Anonymous8:37 PM

    My Country tis of me
    Sweet land of me, me, me
    Of thee I grift

    Land where I shot caribou and it died
    Land of the Pilgrim's pride
    From every mountainside
    Let my pocketbook ka-ching!

  57. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I think this time she is being honest. I am sure that she doesn't feel comfortable raising money for other people.


  58. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Anon @ 6:10,


  59. Enjay in E MT10:05 PM

    Was there a doubt?

    1st)She'd have to work & produce
    2nd)She can't run for office
    3rd)Personal fundraising - nope
    4th)Resign from Faux
    5th)Give up raised money - hahaha

  60. Anonymous10:14 PM

    No..she doesn't like raising money for other people..only for HERSELF!

  61. While it's amazing she could say that with a straight face you must understand two things.

    She is only interested in raising money for herself, not the party or other people.

    As head of the RNC, she wouldn't be able to run for President. She's not about to take herself out of the running.

  62. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Please post beverage alerts when you post things like this. I have to clean my screen now. There is none better at parting fools with their money than Ms. Palin.

  63. In British politics, one of our Prime Ministers in the 1930s used a stunning phrase to describe the press barons. He said they were seeking power without responsibility - the harlot's prerogative throughout the ages. Fits quite neatly perhaps?

  64. Anonymous4:39 AM

    And how many "trust funds" have you had?

    Listen, Sarah, just because you don't pay attention doesn't mean other folks don't either, and we're keeping track.

    It just occurred to me: Sarah Palin contradicts herself so often, is it possible she has multiple personality disorder? I mean, maybe she has a personality that never asks for money and a personality that says "show me the money!" and the two don't know about each other.


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