Thursday, December 02, 2010

Fanatical Palin-bot Eddie Burke at the scene of a murder in LA? Things that make you go "Hmmm."

From the Hollywood Reporter:

A man police believe was connected to last month's murder of publicist Ronni Chasen shot and killed himself Wednesday night in the lobby of the Harvey Apartments, a former Hollywood hotel-turned-apartment complex.

Beverly Hills police were serving the man, identified as a "person of interest," a search warrant related to the case at the time.

THR spoke with Harvey Apartments resident Eddie Burke, who said police had been casing the building during the day. Burke, 48, moved from Alaska with his son, an aspiring boxer, to the Harvey two weeks ago. After a visit to a local gym Wednesday, they returned to the property at about 1:30 p.m. and saw the building manager talking with two men in the lobby that Burke surmised were plain-clothes police officers.

"We figured out that they were attempting to identify this person they had a lead on and therefore were talking to the manager," Burke told THR. He and his son left the building and returned about two hours later, at around 4 p.m. He said police had assembled outside the building. "Everything made sense," Burke said.

So a guy under suspicion for the murder of Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen, is found dead in LA.

The guy happens to be black.

The reporter interviews a neighbor who recently moved into the same apartment building, named Eddie Burke.

This Eddie Burke.

Wasn't it Sarah Palin herself who said, "There are no coincidences?"

I am just saying.

P.S. If you click the link to the Hollywood reporter you can see the video of Burke's interview.  I tried to embed it, but it was being difficult.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What's he doing in LA? Is he planning to off Limbaugh so he can take his place?

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Come on, Gryphen. Burke may be a douchebag but being a neighbor near a crime scene hardly makes someone guilty. Is there something you're not sharing?

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    How do you eye ball two strangers talking to your building manager as undercover cops?

  4. emrysa12:27 PM

    on another post I said:

    well that's interesting about eddie burke being in hollywood so I looked at his facebook page... apparently his son is trying to get noticed as a boxer, so they've been frequenting some gym where famous boxers hang out.

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    WOW what a small world. Could Ronnie have had something on Sarah or Brystol?????? Just happened to live in the same building? hmmmm is right.

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Is he the Palinbot who made fun of the woman with cancer? Or did he do something else?

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The LA police have said it looked like a professional hit. Ronnie Chasen was a publicist. So let's get conspiratorial...maybe she knew something about Sarah? Maybe one of her clients knows something about Sarah and Ronnie was killed as a warning to everyone in the Hollywood community? There are some pretty powerful and wealthy people behind her.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    CNN just had an amazing clip of Scarah behind the curtains, autographing books in Iowa. She was wearing sparkly fuschia, with g-o-l-d-e-n streaks in her hair. Rilly manicky.

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    This makes my stomach turn. It would be a horror for the country and for anyone to say otherwise is ludicrous! Further, why the HELL has she 'earned' the right to run? Because she's robbed people of their hard earned cash?

    "Palin has earned the right to run

    Opinion: Sarah Palin's presidential candidacy would be good for the process and good for our country.

    ...Palin has earned the right to run if she chooses. Despite the left’s caricature of her, Palin’s résumé more than qualifies her as a top-tier candidate. She brings almost 20 years of public service experience to the table. She has served as city council member, mayor, chairwoman of Alaska’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, governor and GOP vice presidential nominee."

  10. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Waiting for a picture to drop somewhere -- Burke & Bristol!!! Bodyguard on the cheap!!!

  11. London Bridges12:50 PM

    Is this related to DWTS? More specifically Bristol's growing popularity?

  12. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I find it odd that 5 1-star ratings at Amazon have been deleted today.?.

  13. Gryphen -
    It is weird that they are living in that building. It is a DUMP. I mean like a really gross flop house for the underbelly of society. Rent is only $600 a month -- which is a REALLY BAD apartment in L.A.

    The guy who killed himself (after killing Ronni Chasen) was already convicted of murder once and lived in this building after his release from prison.

    I don't understand why Eddie Burke would have to live in such a dump.

  14. Anonymous12:53 PM

    What am I missing? What difference does it make that the person who shot himself is Black?

  15. It was reported the guy killed his self while the police was negotiating.

  16. Anonymous1:06 PM

    If Eddie wears that shirt around LA .. he will gt his ass whooped.

  17. Grouchodawg1:31 PM

    Gryph...I live in Indy and the local Fox station just announce that there are still wristband available for $arah's book signing tonight. People are staring to realize that her star is fading and she is a narcissistic fraud.

  18. Anonymous1:35 PM

    RAM is working for Bri$tol again. Not only would Bri$tol not write this, she'd have to look up half the words.

    Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard. What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity. Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated. Former gang members travel to schools to educate teenagers about the risks of gang life. Recovered addicts lecture to others about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. And yes, a teen mother talks about the benefits of preventing teen pregnancy.

  19. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Anon 12:38
    "Is he the Palinbot who made fun of the woman with cancer? Or did he do something else?"

    I believe that was Mark & Bob (?), other radio moronspeaks in AK.

    Eddie is one involved in pushing for people to email, call & 'threaten' the judge in Bristol & Levi's custody to where the judge had to get security.

    He has ranted, flamed, Andree MacLeod it feels forever. I can't think of proper words to use.

    The pictured red shirt is from the LGBT hearings in AK.

    He is a major, huge "2nd amendment" vocalizer - and I'm not just talking hunting.

    He got fired from his radio show in AK.

    The list is so long, I can't think.

  20. paddington1:42 PM

    "If he had known about the neighborhood, he would not have rented here, Burke said.

    "It's rough," he said. "The people here are diverse. It's really different from back home in Alaska."

    But for $600 a month and with no deposit required it was a tempting deal.

    It also became a profitable arrangement for Burke, who made several thousand dollars Thursday selling a blurry photo of the lobby he took with his cell phone while investigators were still there."

    That's Eddie!

  21. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Anonymous 1:35 PM. Whatever, RAM. In the world of Palin, black is white and up is down. And Bristol is not pregnant. Can't wait till the baby drops. Ha! Ha!

  22. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    What am I missing? What difference does it make that the person who shot himself is Black?

    12:53 PM"

    Eddie Burke is proudly racist & a hate monger--as his shirt will attest.

  23. Here is an update on the case.

    And people, this had NOTHING to do with Sarah Palin. Ronni Chasen was so many leagues above her it is not even funny.

  24. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Anon 1:35

    "an old canard."

    That the word 'canard' would be included in Bristol's vocabulary -- better yet in any Palin's vocabulary!!


  25. What!? When and why did Eddie Burke move to Los Angeles!? How long have you known about this!?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  26. Anonymous2:12 PM

    1:35- HAAAHHAH!

    See what a few years of Wasilla
    A Beka home skoolin gets ya? Erudite facebook posts. With also punctuation too.

  27. Anonymous2:18 PM

    OMG, I saw the interview! There are no coincidences! LOL

  28. Anonymous2:25 PM

    bristle gristle wrote that???


  29. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Anon at 12:25PM

    >>>> How do you eye ball two strangers talking to your building manager as undercover cops?

    If you have to ask then you won't understand the answer.

    Bonus- List any other Lieutenant Governor candidates that would have been selling pics like Burke in a sit. like this.

  30. Anonymous3:37 PM

    uhmmmm, yeah ... I know they call Hollywood a "Freak Show" ... but Eddie and the Palins are not exactly what we had in mind.

    Can we pass a "PAPERS PLEASE" law here for White Trash?

    - kellygrrrl

  31. Anonymous3:51 PM

    amazing how much Beck and Limpballs and Plain go to great lengths to dis California, and Hollywood in particular, yet they all seem to want to be here.


    you'd think the 2010 election results would be a clear message to them.
    not only a cleansweep for the Dems here, but many of the top offices taken by SAN FRANCISCANS!!!!!!

    That's right, Eddie and Bristol and Sarah and GlennDuh -- TEH GEIGH!!!!!!!!!

    - kellygrrrl

  32. All I read was blah, blah, blah, Eddie Burke moved to LA with his son, blah, blah, blah. I'm just so glad this guy's out of Alaska, I don't care much about the rest of the story.

  33. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I was wondering what Burke was doing for a living since he got fired. Bet he's not capable of much beyond shooting off his mouth. He certainly doesn't know much about LA, or do any research, if he thinks he can get a nice furnished place in a good neighborhood for $600/mo. Didn't he run for some office in the last election?

  34. Anonymous5:31 PM

    LA Homicide detectives now need to go through every single phone call, email and contact the victim had with anyone from AK.

  35. Anonymous7:42 PM

    That block is one of the worst in Hollywood. Most folks wouldn't even walk there during the day. Why are they living there? Maybe easy access to the "ladies"?

  36. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Gryphen....I've been thinking about this post all day. DON"T LET THIS GO. On today's news, they said the man who shot himself had moved into the Harvey Apts. (which are in a "seedy" area, according to the reporter) just three months ago (didn't Bristol begin her dancing stint about 3 months ago?). To latch onto ANOTHER conspiracy theory regarding the Palin family is almost too much to think about, but something is gnawing at me about this one. Maybe Roni Chasen had some info on babygate or something...who knows?...but the phrase "truth is stranger than fiction" keeps popping into my head, and since I believe the Palins are capable of Mafia-style revenge, I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them.

  37. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Eddie was a shock jock. Not just that, he called the organizers of the first Alaskan Women anti-Palin rally in Anchorage "Baby killing maggots."

    He gave out their phone numbers and encouraged his misogynistic listeners to call, bully, and threaten these ladies who had a right to peaceably assemble and air their grievances for the State's chief executive who was gunning for the second most powerful job in the country by passing herself off as beloved by her constituents since her resume wasn't enough to get by - this at a time where it was being revealed she and Todd were abusing their power by going after 'enemies,' regular, every day Alaskans that could end up being you or me.

    Eddie lost BIG for the Lt. Governor so he QUIT Alaska? Furthering his delusions of grandeur, he's now pimping his own child? Wow, he is so channeling Sarah Palin.

    Not that there is anything wrong with supporting your children. I wish the fighting Burke well, unless he's just like his father. If that is the case, eat the canvas douche.

  38. My impression of the hotel was that it was a rent by the day (or hour?) fleabag dump.

    My my my has Eddie Burke come down in the world.

  39. Anonymous3:33 PM

    My question is, for a man who hates all minorities, why would he stay at this dump? And interesting that he moved in two weeks ago, around the time that this lady was killed. Were Todd and Sarah Palin negotiating with this publicist on a roll out to reveal the truth about Trig in the most favorable light? Also, how odd was it that he assumed men in the lobby were undercover cops? Something strange is going on here.


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