Friday, December 17, 2010

Sister Sarah shovels more moosepoop on Good Morning America.

Part One:

Palin's number one criticism of President Obama is not that he "promised to fundamentally transform America."  Her number one criticism is that he BEAT her in 2008.  THAT is what still pisses her off to this day.

I am glad that Robin Roberts called Palin out for calling Obama's compromise on the Bush tax cuts "flip flopping," when he is trying so desperately to work WITH the Republicans (WHY I just don't know) on getting a bill through that will help the American people. Just look at the nasty expression on her face as she twists that knife.

What the hell does "retro-back" mean?

(BTW, Palin DOESN'T cry.  I have NEVER even heard of her crying, about anything!  And don't bother bringing up those crocodile tears she shed during her reality show over that Down syndrome cousin. That was not even remotely believable.)

At this point it is ridiculous that Palin still tries to play coy about her decision to run for President in 2012, and the only reason she does it is to hang on to her Fox commentary job, and to not get taken out by her future opponents too early.  But EVERYTHING she has done lately is part of her nutty, unconventional. approach to a political campaign.  There is no longer any question.

When Robin brings up Palin's negative poll numbers you can see the crazy in the Grizzled Mama's eyes.  She ABSOLUTELY believes that all she has to do is get "your message across, get out your record, and set the record straight, and talk about your intentions for this country" and that will increase the number of her supporters.  What Palin has failed to recognize, over and over again, is that the MORE people learn about her, the LESS they like her.

And the train wreck just keeps bouncing down the railroad tracks.
Part Two: Time to talk a little Trig.

She may have trouble carrying him around now, but Trig is still her most important political prop, and she does not miss the chance to exploit him once again for sympathy and family values credibility.

BTW I sympathize with Ms. Roberts assessment of the weather in Wasilla.  I was out there on Wednesday, when it was right in the middle of an icy windstorm, and it was FREEZING! 

But oh, it was a trip well worth taking!  (That ought to freak out a couple of Palin-bots!)

Here is a link to the story at the ABC News website.


  1. oh how i love that they sent the lovely, accomplished, and tenacious robin roberts. thank you robin for calling sarah out on at least one or two things. it seems no one else does that much these days.

  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Correction on one point, Gryphen...she did get teary a couple of weeks ago on SP's Alaska after seeing the ten-year old cousin of Trig while visiting Todd's side of the family. The boy also has Downs, and she (dare I say it?) actually did have a moment of kindness when thinking about Trig's future. But, just as quickly, her snark returned, and it was hard to feel empathetic for her. Doesn't she realize, YET, that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar? Her mean comments outweigh her "tender" moments about 1000 to 1. Those are NOT good odds for someone who needs the public to like her in order to vote for her!

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Great post, Gryphen.
    One disagreement: I really think that Bristol is her "most important political prop" these days.
    Though I'm guessing Trig will take center stage soon while Bristol disappears for a spell.

    - kellygrrrl

  4. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Oh she cries, when she realized she didn't get to be a heartbeat away from being leader of the free world for an eight week effort. I'll email you a screenshot of her glittering eyes when McCain was giving his concession speech. She wasn't crying for the old man either, it was for herself. She couldn't believe she LOST!

    Oh, and I'm prayerful too, that she get's an even louder message from American if she tries to run, that this time there is no mistake or buyer's remorse that we chose Obama over her. "How's that Hopey-Changey thing working out for ya?" Snarky bitch.

  5. imnofred7:04 AM

    Either Sarah has some mental issues or is delusional enough to think that she has been "chosen by god" to be the next President.

    She simply does not understand that the majority of Americans don't like her and will not vote for her.

    As far as getting the message out and setting the record straight, she will do that only on Fox News or by the likes of Barbara Walters who will let her say whatever she wants and will not discuss her record, which is less than stellar.

    Unfortunately, we are in for 2 more years of this bullshit unless someone can deliver the goods that will derail the Palin express.

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    SP cried when she lost with McCain. Remember her father was caressing her and rubbing her back.

  7. Anonymous7:07 AM

    never noticed how cross eyed Trig is before.

  8. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I thought she teared up a little on the stage after the election results were clear and McCain was making his concession speech...No wait, she was crying because she was told to leave the stage.

  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Dear $arah

    You HAVE "gotten your message out": through your books of lies, through your hate-filled screach-speeches at the Teabagger rallies, through your political propaganda reality show, through your ghostwritten posts, through your incoherent tweets, through your answers to the pre-screened questions it's taken you 2 years to come up with answers to. It's BECAUSE you've been so diligent in getting "your message out" that your poll numbers are so poor and 60% of voters will not consider voting for you. We HAVE seen your message, seen your record, seen your intentions for the country and that's exactly why you would lose in a landslide.

    On a personal note, I must thank you and your former running mate for continuing to "get your messages out" so loudly and strongly. Every time I'm feeling any bit of frustration with President Obama, I only need to read or listen to whatever insane bile you and Senator McCain are spewing and I'm immediately relieved and grateful for the intelligent, reasonable man we elected to run the country.

    A Fake American
    Fakesville, CA

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Sarah's grieving eyes, in her disbelief that she didn't win.

  11. Molly7:17 AM


  12. Anonymous7:18 AM

    On Morning Joe today- Lawrence O'Donnell said that the only thing Palin is running for is Billionaire. HAHA- Cracked me up! He is so right. She knows the gravy train will stop the minute she declares. In fact he thought she would say- at the end- she will wait to run in four years, to keep the money coming in.

  13. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I hope I've hit a milestone from my PDS that I won't even watch her video clips anymore.

    I'll trust that it does its damage, she is her own worst enemy and the key to her downfall.

  14. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Love Lawrence O'Donnell!

    His appearance today on Morning Joe (at 5:47 on Palin):

    Lawrence: "Sarah Palin will be waiting to see how the field plays out for the rest of her life. She absolutely will not run. She's running for billionaire. It's about the money and the second she says I'm not running, her value drops dramatically. She'll hold that up to the very last minute."

    Joe: "Then she'll say maybe next time, the kids are too young"

    Lawrence: "She'll take it right to 'maybe I'll enter at the convention'. She'll try to keep it alive everyday she can keep it alive"


  15. Hannah7:24 AM

    She "respects" John Boehner, my ass. Look at her smirk while the question is being asked. The thought bubble above her head is saying, what a wussie. Sarah Barracuda is a fitting name, she is a shark that feeds on others.

  16. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Anon 7:03 is right, she did look to have genuine tears when she LOST in 08 ... especially when McInsane wouldn't let her take to the podium and rant

    - kellygrrrl

  17. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I'm so glad to read all of the comments by those braver than I can ever be. I just can't stand listening/watching Mrs. Todd Palin. I wonder at some point, if I'll even despise reading about her? - If she does run in 2012, President Obama, will get a LOT of donations.

  18. Anonymous7:37 AM

    She is truly deluded in thinking there is a "silent majority" supporting her beyond her vocal fringe fan club.

  19. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Chris Matthews: Sarah Palin’s a “Frightening, Empty Vessel, Nothing Going on Mentally” (Video)

  20. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I refuse to click on any video of her anymore so I really appreciate the summary here.

  21. Anonymous7:41 AM

    She's going to set her record straight? What record, her record as Governor for a micro-second?

    And she's been controlling her message and narrative with an iron fist since her introduction at the RNC convention. Who has distorted her record? No one needs to, because the tiny one she has has been undone since she resigned her one statewide elected post.

  22. Anonymous7:46 AM

    - kellygrrrl

    I am in agreement. Bristol is also important for being a great distraction for Track. Who would blow military myths as well as the GREAT GRIZZLED MAMA BEAR aka HOCKEY MOM MYTH.

  23. Why does that child not have glasses??? He obviously has a severe hyperopic esotropia (crossed-eyes secondary to being congenitally far-sighted) which is correctable with bifocals (yes, for children)or a combination of strabismus surgery and eyeglasses. It's common with Downs children, and treated with excellent results every damn day!

    If Ms Palin chooses to just let him suffer with poor vision and no depth perception he WILL develop amblyopia and be vision impaired for the rest of his life ... and there is a relatively short time to do something to avoid it.

    This woman should be prosecuted for child neglect, not promoted.

  24. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Anon 7:38

    Chris Matthews flip flops on Palin more than I change my underwear. He creams his jeans one day and then trashes her the next. Matthews should find a new home on another network/cable somewhere in Lostland as he's an embarrassment. He's a total joke and MSNBC is too stupid to see it.

  25. can't watch7:53 AM

    7:07 AM

    Isn't Trig charmed to have her for his hockey mom and prayer warrior? He'll never need glasses or hearing aids. He doesn't even need shoes or clothes in freezing temperatures.

    Anybody that knows Glenn Beck has the skinny on crying for the masses. Not even Sarah can surpass Beck but she is working hard to catch up.

  26. JenniferinVA7:58 AM

    Another non-confrontational interview. Why doesn't someone ask her what she would have done the last two years? What policies would she have implemented? What about DADT? The media is so happy that she's talking to them again that they don't want to piss her off so they stick to their ass-kissing fawning and let her bash Obama without telling the public what her ideas for the nation are.

  27. Chenagrrl7:58 AM

    Sarah's problem in the future will be the isolation she has chosen. It gives stories a chance to grow and she has no cred to swat them back.

    Sure, she can hold the Fox megaphone, but that is having less impact as she uses it.

    BTW. Contrast Robin Roberts with GretaVanS. It's accomplished pro vs. J101 flunkout.

  28. Anonymous8:01 AM

    "Palin's number one criticism of President Obama is not that he "promised to fundamentally transform America."




  29. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I think there has finally been a shift in coverage of her lately. She's just not news-worthy, virtually a non-political entity. Politicians don't seem to even be thinking about her. She's had a lot of blown opportunities and was given waay more than the benefit of the doubt but she's still the only one who consistently gets a lot of press from both sides for being stupid because she can't come across any other way. That and her looks are the only fascination people have with her, at this point. There are only a select few who would support someone like her. "If" she runs, it won't be as a Repub. She knows they are just waiting to tear her to shreds. So she'll excuse herself from that race. And neither she nor they will want her on the VP ticket, either. She may run with the Tea Party for spite, which would be GREAT news for the Dems.

  30. Anonymous8:03 AM

    In the last few of SP's "interviews" she has used the word ILLUSTRATE...........Is that her new word for the month. She says it in the GMA interview, she says it with Greta in Haiti ( a few times) and in another interview....maybe with BaBa.

  31. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Sarah would never debate anybody. She is too damn dumb and you just can't debate by twittering ya big idiot.

  32. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Levi said in the Vanity Fair article (Oct. 2009):

    "It takes a lot to make Sarah Palin cry, but I’ve seen her cry a few times—once was when Bristol and I told her that we were pregnant, on May 4, 2008, the day after my 18th birthday.


  33. Krauthammer is right about Palin8:08 AM

    When the nightmare is over and the few that support the nut are silenced there will be so much great material to work with for the actual documentary about the rise and fall of the extremist right wing loon. I can't wait for those films and such. People will be working over time to get on board and tell the true stories of this disaster. Too bad for all the media that let her slide, they will look like the puppet and fools they are.

  34. Silly, Gryphen, just doesn't get it. Sarah would have won in '08 if only the McCain campaign had let her rail about Rev. Wright and had let her and Todd go to Michigan. This go round God will be her campaign manager. ;)

  35. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Gryphen... hope you went to Mat-Su Hospital to "borrow" a copy of the nurse's station "birth log" for 2008.

  36. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Please, Lord, if somebody ever decides to shoot at me, let it be Sarah Palin. Amen.

    Instead of coming off as a mama grizzly, she appeared tentative, uncomfortable, unprepared. She looked like what she was -- TV talent. It made me remember a song that author and journalist Harry Hurt III penned at the Pipeline Club in Valdez as we unwound every day while covering the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Most of the doggerel -- I cannot recall the tune -- is a blur of Jack Daniel's and fatigue, but its title has stuck with me, "She's an indoor girl in an outdoor world."

    Do not get me wrong. I like hunting. I like guns. I like shooting, but it is painful to watch the Palin video, hard not to feel a tinge for the hoodooed caribou, which died only after being subjected to hearing more bullets whizz by than an L.A. gang-banger hears in a short lifetime.

    When Palin's party stumbles upon the doomed animal, her dad hands her a rifle. "Does it kick?" she wonders aloud. Wouldn't she know that if she had shot it before? She asks him when to shoot. Bang! The confused caribou trots this way and that, looking for all the world as if it is in a big carnival shooting gallery. Bang! Palin's dad working the rifle's bolt for her. Bang! "Something's not right here," he says. Really? Excited whispers. Confusion. Directions. You can almost hear the caribou, "What the ...?" Bang! The shots are high. Bang! Five misses. Five. She finally swaps rifles with the family friend. Stands up to shoot; kneels down on packs. The caribou apparently is suicidal or feeling very lucky and does not run away. Bang! Finally, thankfully, the animal goes down as if hit by a sledgehammer and becomes winter protein. There's not much help from Sniper Sarah in the quartering process, some note.

    In the end, of course, the rifle is blamed. There's a surprise.

  37. Erica from Dallas8:16 AM

    I can't wait for Mrs Bumpit to debate President Obama.Haha!!!!

  38. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Here's Sunday night's moosepoop:

  39. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Look how she rubs her leg when Robin asks her to tell her story about Trig. That's a "tell" that someone is about to tell a whopper of a lie.

  40. Lynne8:20 AM

    ...and she gives barracudas a bad name.

  41. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I'm sure she cried real tears when she had to return all of 'her' money acquired through her illegal PAC ..... until she realized that she could just created a new one.

  42. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "But oh, it was a trip well worth taking! (That ought to freak out a couple of Palin-bots!)"

    Gryphen, stop teasing us. Either tell what you learned on your trip to Wasilla or don't say anything at all!

  43. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I believe a lot more people in Wasilla will start telling the truth.

  44. Anonymous8:26 AM

    i agree with the other posters. i refuse to watch any video of that woman so appreciate the recap by Gryph and other. The sight of that woman irrates me and don't even talk about the voice.

    President of the USA.. oh please bitch, you can't even be a governor, or a mother and you want to be president???

  45. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Promoting her new book must have been part of the GMA interview deal with $arah...
    heart-reflections-family-faith-flag-sarah/story?id=12416448&page=1 > GMA
    EXCERPT: 'America by Heart' by Sarah Palin
    Former Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin's Second Memoir
    Dec. 17, 2010

  46. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Palin defends TLC show

    Palin mocks Krauthammer, others who think her TLC show isn't "hoity-toity" enough for a presidential candidate

  47. Anonymous8:30 AM

    The Vicious Bigoted Racism of Sarah Palin

  48. Anonymous8:32 AM

    the comments are great

  49. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Big Pimpin’ and Media Whorin’ Around With Sarah Palin

    There is one thing for certain; no-one can ever say that Sarah Palin is not a pimp or a media whore. The woman finds some way to make money or campaign capital out of every possible person or situation that comes along. Now that the quitter has been to Haiti, she is using the death and devastation to pander herself as an altruistic benefactor to the poverty stricken, diseased masses by calling for donations from the American people.

  50. Anonymous8:33 AM

    "BTW, Palin DOESN'T cry. I have NEVER even heard of her crying, about anything!"

    Wasn't $arah Palin crying at John McCain's concession speech after Barack Obama kicked their asses?

  51. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Keith Olbermann Mocks the Tanking of Sarah Palin’s 'America By Heart'

    “The already soggy sales of Sarah Palin’s “America By Heart” just got soggier. Publishing sources confirm that at a time when 43 of the 50 nonfiction best sellers saw sales jump on Nielsen book scan, what with Christmas looming, Palin sold 29% fewer copies than the week before. 36,000 compared to 51,000. One of the other titles to sell less “Kardashian Confidential.” Total sales through 3 weeks, 144,812. Total sales of “Going Rogue,” 811,491. Even if the book as sold as many copies at Wal-Mart as it has everywhere else combined, you’re looking at 70% of a print run sitting in warehouses waiting to be returned to the publisher. Oops.”

    It is amazing how few books Palin managed to sell when she was not padding the sales numbers by buying the books herself.

  52. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Here is some of the moosepoop Sarah will be shoveling on the campaign trail soon as she really does intend to run in 2012.

    "Take back the rainbow"

    Anti-Gay Activist: Gay Rights Groups Stole The Rainbow From Us!

    The involvement of National Organization for Marriage in multiple campaigns including California Prop8 is well documented.
    WIKI for NOM.

  53. Okay -- so Robin called Sarah out on her 'flip-flop' jab. But why, oh why, did she let Sarah get away with the rest of her babble, even feeding into some of it? Poor, poor Sarah, has been so mistreated by the press. And why did Robin bring up the Sorkin article and then let Sarah completely misinterpret it?

    And my word to Sarah: If you'd let Trig wear his glasses, he wouldn't have to keep checking his hand to inch his way forward.

    Big fail Robin, GMA, and ABC.

    Gryphen, I hope your Wasilla visit will be enough to speed up putting an end to this madness but I'm cautious if you're only freaking out the bots and not Palin, herself.

  54. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Actresses cry on cue all the time.
    She looked at plague & misery
    up close in Haiti, no tears then - she fussed about her hair. People are merely objects to her, they're judged helpful to her, or against her, they have no intrinsic value as a fellow human. Trig, & other handicapped
    children are useful props to perpetuate the 'servant's heart' myth,
    therefore a few tears are cued up.

    Sharon TN

  55. Anonymous8:51 AM

    American Public Sick of Telling Pollsters It Doesn’t Like Sarah Palin

    Did you hear there is a new poll out today about infamous white person Sarah Palin and the office of the presidency? There is! “What is this, a day of the week?” you ask. Yes, it is. According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll (two news organizations wanted to pay for this dumb thing), six in ten Americans would never even think about voting Sarah Palin for president.

    So that’s nice. But this is the same result that has been occurring for months on end, and yet pollsters still are asking this question pretty much daily, because a news story manufactured out of a poll about Palin running for president is the closest thing they will get to her making a nip slip. And thus the American people are sick of being asked about her in a never-ending Dr. Seuss sort of way.

    Will you vote for Sarah Palin?


    Would you vote for her if she’s failing?


    Would you you vote for her with bailout railing?

    Would you you vote for her with lamestream nailing?

    Stop asking me about that woman.

    Would you you vote for her on Alaska whaling?

    Would you you vote for her on illegals jailing?

    Stop calling here. Remove me from your list.

    Would you you vote for her, Hillary Clinton prevailing?

    Would you you vote for her, Mitt Romney impaling?

    Seriously. Fuck off. I’m not voting for her for president.

    Would you you vote for her if we stopped e-mailing?

    Would you vote for her if we stopped flailing?

  56. Aunt Snow8:52 AM

    Hmm, I'm wondering if the "crying" double standard is something else - Democrat Ed Muskie effectively lost a campaign for crying. Democrat Pat Schroeder was discredited for crying. Democrat Hillary Clinton was criticized for tearing up.

    However, no one criticizes the Repulbican Bohner for his tears; no one criticized republican GW Bush for getting misty-eyed, or his Republican dad, either, and now Repulbican Mitch McConnell is getting a pass, too.

    There's a double standard all right, but it's not about gender.

  57. Anonymous8:55 AM

    6:57 a.m.,

    You almost fell for that? Gryphen said to ignore that episode of 'SPA' with those crocdile tears.

  58. Anonymous8:57 AM


    Little hope for Palin 2012 candidacy, poll finds

    The nation's most popular Republican, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has very little chance of defeating President Obama in 2012 according to a recently released ABC News/Washington Post poll.

    The one-time McCain running mate trailed the president substantially on all fronts, according to the poll data. Six in 10 Americans, they found, outright reject the notion of ever voting for her.

    The only similarities in how both politicians stacked up, ABC noted, were in the number of survey respondents who said they'd consider supporting one or the other. In the column registering those who would "definitely" support either candidate, Obama came out ahead 26 percent to 8 percent. A full 59 percent said they would "definitely not" support Palin, while only 43 percent said the same of Obama.

    An earlier ABC News poll, from October, found that 67 percent of Americans considered Palin to be "unqualified" for the job of president.

  59. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Love this!

  60. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I hate when $P talks about "setting the record straight." There is no record to be set straight. She sucks.

  61. Anonymous9:02 AM


    Forgot to include this about the folks that are 'Taking back the Rainbow from the gays'- National Organization for Marriage: they are on the SPLC list of Anti Gay Hate groups.(SPLC=Southern Poverty Law Center).

    "18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda"

  62. igettit29:08 AM

    I always thought that she teared up at the concession because they wouldn't let her read her speech.

    On a different topic, why John can cry and Sarah can't: John Boner = sloppy drunk. Sarah Pewlin = mean drunk.

  63. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The reason that Sarah was crying during John McCain's concession speech is because Sarah expected to give her own speech, even though the VP candidate never does. She had her speech loaded in the teleprompter, and when McCain's people discovered it, they yanked it, putting in McCain's speech instead.

    That didn't stop Sarah. She returned to the stage and gave the speech to her friends and family in a darkened empty room. This was all described in "Game Change."

    My favorite quote came from Sarah, about God not letting the wrong people win. God didn't. Sarah still hasn't gotten that message.

    And since Sarah returned from Haiti, has she once shown any sympathy for some of poorest, sick people on Earth? Did she shed a tear for them?

  64. Anonymous9:12 AM

    does anyone have links to current pics of trig? i'd like to see what he looks like now that he's a toddler.

  65. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I think it's interesting that people think the Palins are sooo rich. Remember, they just just renovated their home, have one unfinshed home next to it, alledgely purchased that property in AZ (dont know specific deets). It's been proven she rarely gets 100k, if shes ever been paid that much for a speech, and shes now in the higher tax bracket

    and it's not selfish nor wrong for the wealthy to complain about tax increases. Since when did it become immoral to be successful?

  66. Anonymous9:16 AM

    To Sarah Palin, Compromising Is Flip-Flopping

  67. Anonymous9:16 AM

    She likes Boehner.She spoke highly of him on Greta when they were in ANWR

    I think she (along with other Alaskans ive met) see crying as weakness. Even Mercede has said it herself, that she grew up thinking it was bad

  68. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What up with the NORTH STAR dog whistle while talking about Tri-G.???
    Is it a shout out to the wingnuts who encouraged Mrs. Palin to "adopt" a Tri-G to get the nomination??
    SArah, WE NOW. Knock it off. You sound pathetic. Your little code words are so transparent.

  69. Lynne9:19 AM

    If Glen Beck can teach Boehner and McConnell to cry, he should certainly be able to do something with Sarah. Was it onions or Vicks?

  70. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Anon@8:03 - let's hope so. She's been wearing out "impotent". She must have word-a-day toilet paper.

  71. The woman needs an enema. $he is so full of shit, it's a wonder that she doesn't explode.

  72. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Palin’s e-mailed answers sound familiar

    Palin’s recent media outreach has included more virtual exchanges with reporters than actual face-to-face or phone interviews. In the past couple of months, Palin has traded volleys of e-mails with:

    1) ABC News, which used Palin’s e-mailed statements in Web stories about her rejecting entreaties to run for RNC chairwomn and being targeted by WikiLeaks-linked hackers.

    2) Jonathan Strong, a reporter for The Daily Caller who featured Palin's e-mailed comments in separate stories attacking POLITICO (once for running blind quotes from Republican critics of Palin and once for featuring a photo of Rep. Michele Bachmann having make-up applied).

    3) Jay Newton-Small, a Time magazine reporter who wrote her recent cover story on Palin based entirely on e-mails from her subject.

    E-mailing with reporters has obvious advantages over actual interviews, allowing Palin greater message control and less potential for the stumbles that plagued her infamous Katie Couric interview.

    And the above outlets all featured Palin’s e-mails prominently in flattering stories, touting the written comments as exclusives.

    But a close examination finds Palin’s e-mails to Newton-Small and Strong, at least, included nearly identical passages criticizing reporters for relying on anonymous sourcing:

  73. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "Palin mocks Krauthammer, others who think her TLC show isn't "hoity-toity" enough for a presidential candidate"

    I hate $arah Palin. The show ('SPA') is just stupid. Her junior-high behavior is not presidential.

  74. I refuse to click on any links that involve the ex-gov or her family. The only reason anyone in the MSM writes about her or interviews her is because it sells. They don't give a damn about anything but the bottom line. So, if she doesn't sell anymore, they'll stop covering her. This is my theory and I'm stickin' to it.

    So thanks for all the summaries of all her crap, cuz it's good to know what's going on without reading about or, God forbid, listening to her.

  75. Anonymous9:27 AM

    There is regular talk of a Palin run for presidency in 2012. Some have labeled the latest book "America by Heart," completed by Palin and her ghost writers, a political manifesto designed to provide the platform from which to challenge President Barack Obama at the polls.

  76. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Haiti by heart

  77. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Remember how our former half-term Governor extolled the virtues of foreign policy via seeing Russia from land in Alaska?

    Just how does this foreign policy expert with a servants heart serve said people and land of which she was once chief executive of where you can actually see Russia from?

    Haiti had it good from the compassionate common sense conservative.

  78. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I HaTE this stupid bitch!!!! Gryphen I hope you cover her absolutely twisted and sick interview with Bill O'Reilley last night!

    How dare that ignorant DOLT say liberals are not really feminists because we want someone to take care of them!?? Huh!!!! Who the hell is she talking about. No wonder women in this country can't stand her. She is such a stupid hick! I have tons of liberal female friends who work hard, put themselves through school and support their families! How dare she.

    Sarah you are an idiot!!! Do you honestly think all liberal women are on welfare! I started working at 14 and have never depended on anyone financially! And I know tons of women like this! Your daughters are losers!! Making mo ey of your fame and pregnancies! No emphasis on education or career!! What a piece of work you are and you are such a redneck completely out of touch with the millions of self-reliant, well educated beautiful liberal women who live all over this country! Millions of women in New York, DC, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, yes PhoenixLA, San Diego, Seattle, etc, etc, etc... None of these women like you or would vote for you. And NO we are not jealous of you! It's because you are an idiot and you set womans rights back for years with your winking, ignorance about this country and the world and your nasty visceration of anyone who dare call you out.

    You will NEVER be president because most Americans can't stand you Sarah!!! You are a poison on our country!!!

  79. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Look how she rubs her leg when Robin asks her to tell her story about Trig. That's a "tell" that someone is about to tell a whopper of a lie.

    8:19 AM


    That hand story is real. When she visited Washington and Diddier (sp) joined her, she told the story (I have a friend who works with him) Plus Trig looks at his hand a lot. It's probably an embellishment since most childhood stories are told that way, but he does in fact have a fascination with his hand. Hes the sweetest child ever and one of the most happy kiddos ive met. See you learn a lot when you are "boots on the ground at her signings"

  80. Anonymous9:40 AM

    after watching the clip of the is clear to me someone had boxed that animal in.
    it could not go down the hill, or across the hill, or anywhere but the place it stood.
    when you round up cattle you do it from a distance; you keep the cattle where you want them simply by being in their way.

    the TLC crew seems to have helped, or todd had his pals helping.
    that caribou was not freely able to go anywhere.

    these paylins are sick fuckers.
    they used that animal as a prop, too.

  81. Anonymous9:43 AM


  82. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Kwach brings up a very good point. Can't someone in AK. call Children's Protective Services and she will have to prove this child is getting the medical care he should have.

  83. Belldor J. Chohnhad9:46 AM

    Let's face it: it's time to recognize that the problem isnt with the Quitta From Wasilla. She's just exploiting circumstances for her own personal financial gain because that's who she is. A grifter must grift, afterall. The problem is that almost 40% of our fellow citizens look at S. "Train Wreck" Palin and claim they either support her now or would seriously consider supporting her for president in 2012. She never fails to demonstrate how painfully inadequate she is and yet 4 out 10 of us think she's at least worthy of consideration. Seriously??? And the claims by her supporters that our flawed yet remarkably successful president is an ineffective, ignorant empty suit just adds to the evidence that our most serious problem as a nation is that almost half of us are idiots! (In the spirit of bipartisanship and this holiest of holiday seasons I'm assuming, of course, that a few Obama supporters are idiots, too......)

  84. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Well said, and so true JenniferinVa.

  85. Anonymous9:54 AM

    @9:14 a.m. said,

    "I think it's interesting that people think the Palins are sooo rich. Remember, they just just renovated their home, have one unfinshed home next to it, alledgely purchased that property in AZ (dont know specific deets). It's been proven she rarely gets 100k, if shes ever been paid that much for a speech, and shes now in the higher tax bracket"

    "and it's not selfish nor wrong for the wealthy to complain about tax increases. Since when did it become immoral to be successful?"

    The bitch may not be "sooo rich," but she's rich! Most people can't quit their their damn jobs during a recession (if they still have a job), and make easy millions, like she has. She is doing better than most people in this country, right now. It's insulting the way she pretends not to be rich.

    "Wah! Why should rich people be punished for thier success?" $arah Palin, and her fucking daughters have pushed that same talking point. So typical that a rich bitch like her, would sympathize with the rich, and believe that it is the rich that are the real "victims." Typical, old, tired, republican talking point.

    A tax increase increase will not hurt the filthy rich. Those selfish, greedy bastards need to start paying their fair share! It's the rich who are shipping our jobs overseas, fucking up our lives, and making us poor! The rich get richer, the poor get poorer! The majority of Americans are not rich, and want the rich to pay more damn taxes! The majority of America does not agree with you!FUCK YOU!

  86. B. Q. Conehead9:56 AM

    Let me join the growing throng of TIM visitors who come to this blog to get all the hideous Snowdrift Snooki (I love that one!!!) news WITHOUT having to listen to that shrill screech of hers on video. Gryphen listens and reports so that we, ever thankful, don't have to!

  87. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I can't stomach this propaganda, so I won't even watch.

    I did see her "crocodile tears" moment on the TLC propaganda piece though. It's so clear the way they cut into the scene that it was no impromptu moment. It's as if just prior to cutting into the scene she was standing there in front of the camera preparing herself to look emotional, then said, "OK, I'm ready."

    How every single person cannot see this shit is beyond me. I guess when some people are desperate, they will believe what they want to believe, despite clear evidence to the contrary.

  88. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "There is regular talk of a Palin run for presidency in 2012. Some have labeled the latest book "America by Heart," completed by Palin and her ghost writers, a political manifesto designed to provide the platform from which to challenge President Barack Obama at the polls."

    What "platform?" Dissing 'American Idol' and calling the popular First Lady a racist? Wow, such a strong "platform." Not. Both of $arah Palin's ghost-written books are trash. The latest one is tanking, just like her poll numbers.

  89. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Despite the fact that she's an utter phony and unqualified in every way on those grounds alone, how on earth is anyone not turned off by her raw bitterness? Every time she speaks she's does it with the biggest chip on her shoulder. She has some serious inferiority issues.

  90. Anonymous10:07 AM

    And this is the oozing, putrid, pond scum that Sarah has left in her wake as 'kingmaker'...what an infectious disease called 'a man'.

    Legal wrangling over Alaska's contested U.S. Senate race reaches the state Supreme Court Friday, with justices taking on Republican Joe Miller's appeal of a lower court ruling that equaled a victory for rival Lisa Murkowski.

    He is appealing a state judge's decision to toss out his challenge to the state's handling of the election and its counting of write-in ballots for Murkowski, who lost to Miller in the Republican primary and ran a write-in campaign.

    The state says it relied on case law to use discretion in determining voter intent, allowing for ballots with misspellings to be counted toward Murkowski's tally.

    Murkowski led by more than 10,000 votes as a write-in candidate in last month's general election. She leads by 2,169 votes when ballots challenged by Miller's campaign are excluded. She has declared victory.

    Miller argues the law should be strictly followed and that write-in ballots with misspellings should not be counted. He also says there were problems such as voters without proper identification being allowed to cast ballots.

    His campaign also has said there needs to be a hand recount of Miller's ballots to ensure a "fair and accurate" tally.

    "The fact that the legislature stated that there should be 'no exceptions' to the ballot counting method is what, in our view, should govern this matter," he said in a statement Monday, when he filed his appeal.

    If he loses this case, Miller has said he would evaluate his legal options and may take his challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court.

  91. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I wish Robin had asked her just what jobs,she has created,being a very rich person. also just what business is she in, all I see is her, lining her pocket.

    The pictures presented do not, look like the same Trig seen in many other pictures. Something is different,this one does not have a tongue sticking out. kind of like Sarah herself and Bristol who also, does the tongue thing.

  92. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Anon 9:34: BRAVO for rant! I feel the same way. I tell everyone that women hate her and no way we will vote for her. From the beginning it was women who saw through her.

    I am a liberal AND was a charter subscriber to MS. Magazine and she is no feminist. She is a c**k tease and that is why she is where she is.....the Madonna-Whore thing, all Christiany in talk, and monkey shoes in the walk.

  93. Anon 9:35 - Sarah's discomfort with the 'Trig hand story' is because Trig is far from an inspiration to her. She's mocking him. He wouldn't have needed to look at his hand if they let him wear his glasses. She trusts the North Star to take care of him instead of being a responsible parent.

  94. Anonymous10:29 AM

    That evening she and McCain lost the election she looked all teary eyed, but it would be hard to say if it was because they had lost or because he wouldn't let her also give a concession speech, so it is possible for her to at least tear up when she doesn't get what she wants.
    M from MD

  95. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Palin's number one criticism of President Obama is that he "promised to fundamentally transform America."

    Maybe that's why he won the elections.

  96. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The caribou was probably tied to the spot.

  97. Anonymous10:40 AM

    From David Corn:

    "...From Web to radio to TV -- Palin connecting with millions. Unfiltered. Up close and personal.

    And it hasn't worked.

    Poll after poll shows Palin is not winning people over...

    The more attention she draws, the worse she does.

    What's a media-basher to do? Call in the media.

    On her own -- with all her outlets -- Palin has not been able to alter her image. So she's decided to give the MSMers a chance. Is this a sign of desperation? Perhaps she's hoping that if she grants these journalists access, she will earn respectful treatment -- and that will help her in the gravitas department. It's worth a try, especially since her live-by-the-tweet strategy appears to be driving her numbers in the wrong direction."

    My only dispute with Corn's assessment is that journalists will give her respect if she grants them interviews. The "lamestream" media has given her nothing but respect reporting every tweet and facebook post as newsworthy.
    Sister Sarah can give all the softball PR puff piece "lamestream" interviews she wants now, but it still won't change the fact that most people don't like her and the more she tries to saturate the airways and intertubes with her insults, rhetoric and non-answers, the more people turn away from her.

  98. The fact that Americans CONSISTENTLY favor Obama over $arah by overwhelming majorities in every poll that has been taken since McCain lost his bid for POTUS, makes her crazy.

    If her her pompous, uniformed "opinions" held any weight with the American people that would not be true.

    Americans do not trust $arah because they see through her shtick, her phony grifting ways.

    Even her latest book is tanking continuously since it hit the stores, so her rabid worshipers have lost faith in her.

    She QUIT being governor of Alaska to grow her personal wealth, period.

    Everyone knows that's ALL she cares about.

    She treats her followers like walking ATM machines, alway's begging for money for her PAC, "defense fend", flogging ghost written book after ghost written book...well they aren't buying it any more.

    The MSM promotes her to for self interest, while it is obvious by the polling #'s and pitiful lack of book sales that ...America just isn't that into the Quitter from Wassilla anymore.

    They realize that $arah only threatens to run for POTUS to keep the Benjamins rolling in.

    $arah has turned her whole family into media w.h.o.r.e.s., $arah is the Yeti Snookie , the family, the hillbilly Kardashians.

    By the rapidly falling TLC viewer-ship, she could turn into Alaska's version of Nora Desmond sooner than she thinks.

  99. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I can't listen to her screechy voice.

    If she's on TV, she's on CC (closed caption).

    The media is obsessed with this grifter.

    The "heads" at work in the MSM seem to be the deciding factor in who or what gets coverage.

    I guess the lack of compensation for healthcare for 9/11 responders doesn't give the media "heads" a rush like the old grifter does.

  100. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Palin didn't run against Obama - McCain ran against Obama in the last Presidential effort. Everyone - including Palin - makes it sound as though she was the one running for the presidency.

    McCain was the jerk that lost - and Palin in no way helped his efforts.

  101. Anonymous10:55 AM

    all I'm gonna say, do you what a person with a f*** u* family run our country???

  102. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Anon 9:35

    The 'hand' statement she made - it may have a thread of truth to it but not for the reasons Palin stated. To say he does it to see if his hand is there - FAIL. She truly does not have any clue as to a DS child and their habits. She hasn't been around him enough to understand him and she has certainly not educated herself about DS. That`s not her job in her empty mind. He`s a prop to her - not a child she loves. She truly is incapable of loving anything or anyone but herself.

    The looking at the hand is NOT to see it's still there. It's an OCD type action - not a fascination -- the majority of DS kids have these varying habits. Some rub their hands so long and hard and if left unchecked, they rub them raw. Some scratch to where they bleed. So many different actions by so many children. Some out of stress as they can`t express themselves. Trig left in that setting, his actions will change and not for the better.

    Your attempt to give Palin a pass - FAILED.

  103. Anonymous10:59 AM

    8:02 I do nto agree. I think SP on Tea party ticket would be bad for dems. I could see how a Rep could win that way.

  104. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I totally agree with one comment made about Chris Matthews - he has flip-flopped a LOT throughout the past couple of years about sister Sarah. (Plus he talks on top of the people he has on his show, which drives me nuts!) I stopped watching him a long time ago. Plus, actually wrote him suggesting he vet the unpopular woman (especially in her homestate of Alaska) very thoroughly.

  105. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Nothing satisfies the need to kill like tieing a tame animal to a hidden stake while an unskilled hunter takes multiple pot shots at it. A rill amurkin sport also indulged in by Dick Cheney and pals.

  106. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Doesn't Trigg look like Levi?

  107. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Today's look: Sandra Dee. (And still nothing worthwhile to say.... maybe tomorrow?)

  108. Anonymous11:16 AM

    8:02 - I agree with you. Palin is getting less national coverage UNLESS she does something herself. I'm sure when she allows someone else to interview her (other than FOX) it is all prescripted and she knows the majority of the questions that will be asked of her - or, she has provided them questions.

    I'm from Alaska and watched her be an incompetent governor. When she did a press conference she was found not to be able to answer specific questions. Her next step was to have her commissioners surround her and she'd direct specific questions to them as they might relate. When she received negative press for doing that, she completely stopped doing press conferences! Remember, too, she was never at work (our Legislature members actually had pins made that they wore saying "Where is Sarah?"). It has since been learned that Todd actually did the work behind the scenes prior to Sarah becoming our 'quitter governor'.

    She in no way is capable to hold any office - most assuredly the Presidency of the United States!

  109. Anonymous said...
    Look how she rubs her leg when Robin asks her to tell her story about Trig. That's a "tell" that someone is about to tell a whopper of a lie.

    8:19 AM


    That hand story is real. When she visited Washington and Diddier (sp) joined her, she told the story (I have a friend who works with him) Plus Trig looks at his hand a lot. It's probably an embellishment since most childhood stories are told that way, but he does in fact have a fascination with his hand. Hes the sweetest child ever and one of the most happy kiddos ive met. See you learn a lot when you are "boots on the ground at her signings"

    Trigg is only trying to figure out what the hell that thing IS, since he never has his glasses on and cannot see properly.

    Trigg cannot not communicate his confusion because he is constantly denied his hearing aides as well.

    Helen Keller's story wasn't in the Alaskan school curriculum, I'm guessing.

    Even a child of normal intelligence will be retarded by the denial of eyeglasses and hearing aides , let ALONE a DS child with a MULTITUDE of problems.

    The REAL villains here are Todd and $arah Palin and they should be charged with child abuse.

    Trigg isn't cute enough to be a $$$ prop with his glasses and hearing aides AND his problems become all too REAL and serious when you see him wearing them.

  110. Gryphen:
    Another Round In The GOP Civil War: Sarah Palin Snipes At Charles Krauthammer Over TLC Reality Show:

  111. Anonymous11:42 AM

    No speakers on my PC, so the vid is a no go--but
    did Palin again mention how glad she is she
    decided not to abort her dear little retarded Trig?

  112. Towards the end of the entire interview, there is a picture of SP holding Trig. It really struck me as to how much of a resemblance to Levi that particular shot revealed about Trig.

    Maybe a second opinion is needed. What do you think Gryphen?

  113. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Sarah will need to find something to whine about and feign outrage at the lame interview

    can't be appearing too friendly with the media

    - kellygrrrl

  114. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Gee maybe Sarah is learning something from TriG's nurse, assuming the multimillionaire has bothered to hire a professional therapist for him.
    Since Sarah is hyper as hell and lacks sustained concentration and consideration it may very well be that part of TriG's therapy includes calming down his hysterical mother and her household.
    Sarah is correct people with mental and emotional difficulties, even short term one's like lose or a job or loved one, are easily flurried in new situations or hectic situations or ones that require more thought and decision making than they are use to. They can be comequickly overwhelmed.
    Of course this applies equally to Mom and son.

    This is the first I have head her talk about him like he is a human being and almost being proud of him. Hopefully its for real and not just for the camera.

  115. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Trig is Levi's son. Pause the video right after she tells the "right hand" crap. There is a perfect view of his face...that is Levi's face, just with Down's eyes. If someone could post a side by side I would love to see it. I'm not that computer savvy.

  116. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Anon Anon 9:18
    What up with the NORTH STAR dog whistle while talking about Tri-G.???

    Gryphen can probably explain it better.
    Tut for Sarah the North Star being bigger and brighter in Alaska and the end of dayers thinking Alaska only will be their promised land after the Apocalypse and Sara thinking she will be Queen Esther of Alaska then, and her SS code name was North Star.
    So it is a God Chose Me mantra, ego stroking, dog whistle for the End of Dayers.

    I just think of her as the Big Dipper.

  117. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Wasn't this essentially the same interview Greta Van Sustern gave her? Right down to the snow machine ride. Where are the policy questions? After all, she is an expert on everything.

  118. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I thought she was crying after the consession speech because they wouldn't let her give a consession speech.

  119. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Is anyone on Bristol watch? WHERE is she?

  120. Anon 9:14---

    Since when did it become immoral to expect citizens to contribute to the common good?

  121. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I think her teariness about Trig was so calculated. Yes, perhaps she was moved, but she definitely wanted to present herself that way on her show so I bet she intentionally got herself going like that. She has learned the manipulative power of crying, just like Glenn Beck.

    On this latest interview, I was so gosh darn relieved to hear that she's still gonna be standing by all those "time tested truths". I lay awake at night worrying about those.


  122. Anonymous2:09 PM

    9:16, crying is a weakness? I bet she cries when something is overwhelmingly sad, like when Bristol was pregnant. Dying native AKNS? Not so much. Dying Haitians? Even less.

  123. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Did I say it was immoral for people to contribute for the common good?

    Nowadays get sooo pissy about millionaires, many of whom worked all their lives for what they have. Success and wealth aren't easily achieved, at least up until the last 10 yrs when all it takes is a pretty hollywood face and willing nether-regions. (casting couch)

  124. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Greta's interview was more indepth and probing, while remaining fun. She actually came off that one pretty good, refusing to comment on the campaign. Then the staffers started bullshitting about her to cover their asses and the gloves came off. Thats literally what happened. And at some point in there Bristol finally woke up and realized Levi was a dumbfuck and not worth her time. I'm sure Sarah wasn't too happy to learn her daughter was now a single mom.

  125. Ripley in CT2:20 PM

    Oh Gryph, did you happen to get a picture of Bristol, by chance? We won't see her in public till she pops out that baby. And the thing is, none of the bots will think twice about why she suddenly went underground.

  126. Anonymous2:48 PM


  127. Anonymous3:17 PM

    a wild animal staked would fight it; you would see it yanking its leg(s).

    unless it wasnt wild and they killed someones rescue-pet.
    or they tranked it way in advance.
    i see no evidence of that animal being tied;
    boxed in yes. trapped yes.

    just happened to be there?

  128. Anonymous3:33 PM

    So is she going to debate O'Gingrich, O'Huckabee and O'Romney?

  129. Facebook Lurker3:49 PM

    Uh, I just saw a clip on ET and apparently there is more Sarah word salad served up on Nightline this evening.The interview was a whole lot longer than this. She goes off on Aaron Sorkin's criticism of her caribou hunting show and it looks like she loses it.

    The bots at C4P will go off the rails, I can't wait to see their reaction. ET is also doing a "Teen Mom" expose, and everyone's favorite dancing elephant is mentioned in the piece. Heh.

  130. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I agree with those who say that Trig looks like Levi in that shot. I have always said Trig could be Levi's brother, not necessarily his son.

    Don't jump on me about Sherri's hysterectomy, either. And where is Mr. Johnston, btw? Could he somehow be involved? I know, I'm really getting out there.

    Anything is possible in the lying land of Wasilla.

  131. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I so hope her record gets out, because if it does, she won't even get votes from the far-right base.

    Be careful what you wish for, Sarah.

  132. Anonymous2:38 AM

    "9:16, crying is a weakness? I bet she cries when something is overwhelmingly sad, like when Bristol was pregnant. Dying native AKNS? Not so much. Dying Haitians? Even less."

    Right. Overwhelmingly sad FOR HER. She only cries when she is THWARTED. She doesn't give two shits about Bristol, or Trig. She's crying from a place of frustration, not empathy or sympathy.

  133. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Anonymous 8:19 AM said...
    Look how she rubs her leg when Robin asks her to tell her story about Trig. That's a "tell" that someone is about to tell a whopper of a lie.

    I believe that is known as a "self-comforting" gesture. It indicates the subject is undergoing particular stress at that moment.

  134. Anonymous6:13 AM

    "I agree with those who say that Trig looks like Levi in that shot. I have always said Trig could be Levi's brother, not necessarily his son.

    Don't jump on me about Sherri's hysterectomy, either. And where is Mr. Johnston, btw? Could he somehow be involved? I know, I'm really getting out there."

    You are not so far out there. Keith participated in booze fests with the youngsters. He got out of town fast when Bristol got pregnant. No wonder Levi wants a DNA test to prove paternity. BTW, didn't he move to AZ?

    Bristol made it clear that there is more than a possibility that Levi is not the father of Tripp. He got paid to take the flack and deflect.

    It was obvious on DWTS that Bristol is expecting again. The costumes could not hide the baby bump nor the outie belly button. She has ballooned in size which is typical for her during pregnancy.

    The Palins will continue to release pictures of the girls that are 6 months old or more to PROVE they are not pregnant.

    I wonder just how many babies there are at the compound already.

  135. Why aren't they doing anything about Trig's crossed eyes? If they don't do something soon, even if it's corrected his vision will not be.


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