Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I hope this year holds nothing but happiness and prosperity for you and yours.

I wish I could say that in 2011 we will see much less of Sarah Palin, and her hillbilly brood, but I have a feeling that she will be in the news and on this blog more this year than ever before. 

However with several unflattering books coming out this year, as well as documentaries and a possible movie, not to mention a few other surprises waiting in the wings, I have a feeling that the Palin news we get this year will be of the sort to make those of us visiting here very, very happy and a certain Grizzled Mama much less so.

If things go as planned this might be the last year that Sarah Palin is considered a newsworthy subject, and by 2012 she will be nothing more than a question on the Alaska version of "Trivial Pursuit."

Keep a happy thought.


  1. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen! Thanks for all that you do.

  2. SME1312:00 AM

    Happy New Year Gryphen. Thanks for all you do.

  3. I just want to wish happy new decade to my favorite gay, nazi bastard who really just wants to have sex with Private Citizen Palin. Thank you for all the great work you've done over the past year, and taking the time to keep your legions of fans entertained.

    Here's wishing you peace & love & joy & all the rest (like in The Rolling Stones's song Shattered, off of the Some Girls album)--just as we said, back in the day.

    Namaste, Dog.

    PS I've been a long time reader/fan of your blog--but in wishing everyone happy new year, you have crossed a line. I can long longer in good conscience read--or even believe--anything you have to say. I'm sorry to have to say this, but GOOD-BYE forever!

  4. Anonymous2:45 AM

    We had friends over for a wonderful time of food, drink and great conversation.
    Palin's name never came up, not once!

    Since we are an over 50 crowd everybody left by 11 and we were able to clean up by 12.

    Happy New Year to all!!!

  5. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Check out this lovely photo of the First family enjoying the recent rare snowstorm on the White House Lawn -- (click on link below)

    At the Daily News link below, there are a total of 20 photos with captions by the Official White House Photographer; the pictures will warm you heart; Happy New year !

    Official White House Photographer Pete Souza shares his best photos of President Obama in 2010. From snow days to late nights, take a look at the President's year in photos ...

    Feb. 6, 2010

    'Another snowstorm blanketed Washington for the second time in a few days. Because it was a Saturday, I hung around the White House thinking that the President might venture out in the snow with his daughters. Here they are playing in the Rose Garden in the midst of the storm.' - Pete Souza

    Read more:

  6. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I hope 2011 brings you what you deserve, and the same for the Palins.

  7. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  8. London Bridges6:47 AM

    Are you sure it isn't "Gristled" Mama?

  9. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen. May your predictions come true. I think it can be difficult for all of us to discern the slow but very real, inexorable demise of this woman's political career, and that's without the coming revelations but rather at her own hands! When we wish one another Happy New Year in 12 month's time, when we can see the forest for the trees, may she have been stopped decisively in her tracks. She has fallen so far already I can't imagine it will take much.

    Btw, wasn't that just so classy of her girls to engage in twitter dissing with the likes of Snooki whatever her name is? Can you imagine her brood anywhere near the White House?! The very thought is enough to inspire a comedy movie script, if it weren't so flippin' scary.

    Keep on keepin' on. Don't let up. And thank you!!!

  10. Anonymous7:07 AM

    If Sarah Palin had an affair, and it comes to light this year, that would do it. That's how we are in this country, because that automatically disqualifies someone from running for President.

    We're quaint that way ;-).

  11. Anonymous8:55 AM

    You don't want to see much less of Sarah Palin in 2011 do you.

  12. I hope Palin finds her niche on tv. She is hadicapped to be a talk show host for that also requires some preparation and sharing the limelight. Kudos to her if she can continue her reality show showing herself in a favorable light in contrast to those around her.

    There serious problems to be solved that are vital not to be derailed by debating who is a witch or who is a great huntress.

    The reality show and contradicting spin Palin style was enough rope for her to hang herself. DWTS, the TLC show did not have the results Palin and supporters expected and the low book sales are indicitive of that. People have not fallen in love with them completely nor do they view them as white house family material.

    I am hopeful it's a win win..the Palin's continue to seek fame and fortune with reality shows and serious credible politicains proceed with the business of governing. Renewing the TLC show is another knot in the noose of belief she is not a serious politician.

  13. Forever Anonymous11:11 AM

    LOL Bill @2:39. Happy New Year Immorals!

    Love you Gryph, hopefully 2011 would be the year you start accepting dating requests and stop lusting after the huntress who can't shoot or reload, you gay nazi bastard.

  14. Anonymous12:47 PM

    The link for the presidential photos didn't work. Here is one that will...

    After looking through the photos, I am so grateful that we have President Obama leading our country. Look at the pictures and just try to keep from smiling!

  15. Happy New Year, Gryphen! Wishing you much happiness and success!

  16. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Happy New Year to you too, Gryphen.
    I love reading your blog. Very informative!


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