Friday, January 28, 2011

Comedian Tracy Morgan succintly sums up Sarah Palin's appeal.

It is not her intelligence.

It is not her ability to deliver a speech. 

And it is not her ability to lead this nation.

In the end, whether you like it or not, it is EXACTLY what Tracy Morgan says it is.

Which is why the Sarah Palin phenomena is one of the WORST things to happen to the Women's Movement in the last fifty years.  She has taken the opportunity provided to her by the thousands of women who suffered and sacrificed to earn the right to have a capable woman get a shot at the Presidency, and squandered it.

After all of those more heroic women blazed the trail to make it easier for those that followed, who saunters up to the front of the line?  The addled brained, sexy librarian stereotype that is Sarah Palin.

No wonder so many women despise her.

Update: The power of Palin has caused TNT to quickly apologize for Morgan's remarks.

Still does not make him wrong though.


  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Oh come on, Sarah. You know you like it.

  2. Kathy in Blue Bell3:02 AM

    I just watched the clip, while Tracy is spot on regarding Sarah Palin, if I was watching it with my young son, I would not have been happy. I think he should have apologized for his choice of words (and had he'd said that about anyone else he should have apologized). That being said, the thing that really frightens me about Sarah is the rabid madness of her supporters. I think the more we can get the death threats and foulness that comes from her Christian supporters into the light, the more she will turn off the average, non-political junky.

  3. Dianne3:06 AM

    He is EXACTLY right. Capable women have gone through hell to get recognition in a "man's" world and masogonistic John McCain waltzes up on stage and brings in a dip shit brainless twit and that's supposed to make educated, intelligent women who've done the ground work happy!! I blame him for this disaster walking among us pretending to be a "rill Merican" and a "rill woman." She certainly doesn't represent me.

    OK - Now that I've gotten my blood pressure up this morning, I'll go have some more coffee and really get going.

  4. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Tracy get a grip!

    She ain't whacking material.

  5. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Well, as a woman, I am not offended by his remarks because it is what Sarah Palin has built her career upon.

    She supposedly said if she wore a push-bra to a Council meeting in Wasilla, she could get whatever she wanted.

    She wore her red leather jacket, spiky red Monkey F-M shoes, and her hair up like a naughy librarian for a reason. She's always known what she's doing.

    Ever she her wear a short skirt, high heels and then sit down on a chair on an elevated stage where the audience was not left to guess about anything? Well, when it's all you got, you've got to flaunt it. Just saying.

    Also, too - that little white tight T-shirt with the Big B--bs at Belmont. Enough said.

    Tracy just said the truth.

  6. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Obviously Tracy hasn't seen those cottage cheese thighs and the turkey neck photos from Hawaii.

  7. Anonymous3:22 AM

    What makes me despise her is her willful ignorance, her hate and her lust for power. I hate the d16kwads who raised her to a powerful position with no basis on behalf of all women everywhere. Their actions betray their disrespect for women (and people of color, as evidenced by Michael Steele.). "one woman/person of color is as good as another, we just have to have one."

    We want the same opportunity for the same ability & work, not just a free pass.

  8. Anonymous3:25 AM

    O/T bye bye Bristol

    The proposed speaker that had Washington University students in an uproar for nearly two days is no longer scheduled to appear on campus.

    Bristol Palin, 20, was expected to be the keynote speaker at this year’s Sexual Responsibility Week. But her $20,000 price tag led students to contest Student Union Treasury’s funding decision, arguing that she is unqualified to speak about the subject of abstinence on a college campus.

  9. Anonymous3:27 AM

    You're absolutely right, Gryph. At the Repub convention in 2008, men had buttons that said, "I'm voting for the hot chick." It's disgusting, and an affront to the many qualified, hard-working women who have served the public for years. And Sarah ENCOURAGES it.

    I once saw a political cartoon that showed Hillary Clinton climbing a ladder. She was clearly exhausted, and was bumping her fists up against a glass ceiling.

    Above her, on top of the glass ceiling, was Sarah Palin, wearing high heels and a cheerleading costume, tripping blithely along and giggling.

    That pretty much sums it up.

  10. Anonymous3:36 AM

    No - he's NOT wrong. He's absolutely right. I hear it all the time from the women I know. They worked hard to be taken seriously in the workplace.

    Sarah absolutely makes a fool of all women. One of the goals in the '70's was to "not use sex appeal" to get ahead. Madonna cashed in on that meme and made mucho $$$. Palin did exactly the same thing - she may not have worn cone bras, but she might as well have. Her push up wonder bras are famous as well as her inability to dress herself.

    Real women don't like that. They don't want that. As far as being jealous of her looks? (repub's retort) IMO, SP is and always was just average. I know beautiful women. SP is not one of them.

  11. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Black men on television performing mental masturbation over a white woman.

    You really do live in a small little world don't you?

  12. Anonymous4:27 AM

    She is good for one more thing. She singlehandedly has inspired millions to get involved and question things, whether they are palin trolls, obamabots, or intellectuals. It took decades for this country to stand up to the scandalous and deceptive government. We cannot forget that

  13. Anonymous4:35 AM

    My husband has never found her attractive. But maybe fantacies of having canned good thrown at him by a raging bitch with bumpits don't rock his hormonal boat.

  14. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I don't think she sets the movement back. She handles herself pretty well considering all the sexist attacks. She's strong and a good role model for a woman who aspires to change the world

    The real women who set womankind back are the ones who makes films depicting casual sex, depicting women who use sex for power/money/advancement

    Why can't people see filmmakers as liabilities when thats been around for decades. Sarah's been around for a couple years. She didn't have an affect on a ragin gunman. But film producers and artists have had an effect on young/old/feeble minds alike. Video games warp reality. Jersey shore justifies immorality. The President, current and past, makes it alright to blatantly lie.

    I'd love to say technology was the downfall of the world, but all this existed back then. It's only become more accepted and thats sad

  15. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I doubt it was the power of Palin. NBA broadcasts are considered family entertainment, so I have no doubt they wanted to quickly assure their audiences that such explicit remarks were not TNT's usual fare.

  16. Anonymous4:59 AM

    When McCain chose SP as his VP pick, he deeply insulted the intelligent women of the GOP party that had served faithfully in some important offices for years.

    Ann Richards, Kay Baily Hutchinson, Olympia Snowe, ect. I'm sure they watched with horror and sick contempt as SP gave her crazy word-salad answers, while winking an showing a little leg.

  17. Virginia Voter5:08 AM

    Well, this certainly negates her Least Appealing woman award. OK, going to be crass here, but I think from talking to some different guys I get what they see in her, and it's not good.

    To many, Sarah Palin is a powerful, attractive, (still can't figure that out, but whatevs)woman, but when she opens her mouth, and they hear that voice, the fantasy is kinda ruined. Guys I know have said they's love to f her, just to shut her the hell up...almost like putting her back in her place, or take her down a couple of notches. Then there are others that have the sexy naughty librarian/teacher fantasies.

    I don't know if that makes sense to you guys out there or not, but I think the point is that alot of sexual fantasies about Sarah fall into either the dominatrix or the subservient mistress category.

    So, to your point Gryphen, not good for women at all.

  18. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Now that the pages of our bibles are stuck together, it's time to move on.

  19. Anonymous5:25 AM

    @ 4:01, thank you so much for demonstrating your true nature.

    Reduce it to racial terms, perfect. That's what it's really all about, isn't it?

    Tracy Morgan is no fool. He knew he was pushing the envelope.

    If it gets people like you to reveal themselves, then go Tracy!

    He is right, btw, that has been the secret to her success.

  20. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Anon @ 3:25 am Thanks for your notification of the students' stand, at Washington University, against Bristol as a speaker. WOOHOO !!!

    Re: Topic of Palin's appeal .... men must be desperate if they look to Palin for their fantasies.

    Makes you wonder why Tawd went looking elsewhere for his pleasures.

  21. no apology necessary from tracy! and you are spot on as well gryph about one of them main reasons - there are myriad - why women are decidedly the opposite of into sarah. she doesn't represent us, and she only gets this attention because men, even tracy, find her in a certain way attractive, and not at all capable.

  22. I don't really care for these types of remarks, but I recognize that Palin has brought it on herself. One would have to be defiantly obtuse not to see how she has both used her sex appeal as a substitute for substance and at the same time introduced sexual elements into events.

    It is an appalling state of affairs and the quicker she is ushered off the national stage, the better. Sarah Palin is a poor example of an empowered woman. She had such an opportunity and she squandered it shamelessly.

  23. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Tracy you are absolutely right Sarah Palin is great masturbation material. And that is what she sold herself own. So tracy and everyone else critizing Palin has every right to speak the truth.

    Sarah you did not sell us your wit, intellect, public service record, knowledge of newspapers or world issues. Sarah Palin you sold the people your SEXY LOOK!!

    That's it Sarah Palin that is ALL you have to sell. Oh I forgot your hatemongering, violent, bullying tactis when you do not get what you want YOU COWARD! A SEX COWARD!

  24. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Good for Tracy. He said out loud what the others were insinuatin­g. Why are they talking about Fey or Palin if not to talk about their sexual desirabili­ty? Tracy just made it as crude as it is. Good for him!

  25. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I stand behind Tracy 100%. Sarah sold us her SEXY LOOK and that is ALL she will ever have to sell the people. Hard fact to face Sarah.
    Your a blubbering Idiot with nothing else to sell except SEX and Violence.

    Sarah Palin has done NOTHING for women NOTHING! She has taught young girls that sex sells and when you don't get what you want bully and create violence. WOW!!!

    Sarah Palin even shows us that she wants her stupid ass daughter to sell her SEXY self on DWTS! Bristol Palin has NO f"ng buisness talking about abstinence At ALL!!!

    Sarah Palin hates womens rights. Claims to be Godly and does not even attend chucrh. Sarah is the biggest farce of a REAL AMERICAN anything.

    Sarah Palin is a "PORN STAR POLITICAN"!

  26. Bwahahah!!

    I'm glad someone had the balls to finally say it.

    My first impressions of SP when I saw her was she's pretty, then I thought right away of the 'sexy librarian.' (So did husband.)

    Of course then she opened her mouth and I could only wish I had never heard that screechy voice. Makes her ugly.

  27. As someone who was literally on the front lines of the Women's Movement, I was angry when Sarah Palin was chosen as the VP candidate. As more of her background and her dubious qualifications came to light, I went interstellar. I had worked in Hillary Clinton's primary campaign and was disappointed that she did not win the Democratic nomination. Of course, I was also an Obama supporter, but I identified with and admired Hillary because she worked so hard to break the glass ceiling and was a wonderful role model for women everywhere. Sarah Palin is a disgrace to all womankind. She has made a career of manipulating her looks and dress to attract men, while doing nothing to educate herself or pave the way for others. I think that anyone who has worked in a large company can recall a situation where a woman was promoted because she slept with the boss. Palin (and Bachmann) have stirred those feelings of anger in many women. And women are a force to be reckoned with come voting time. (After all, we were the ones in the back room doing all the work during past elections.)

  28. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Tracy is spot on. That's why so many guys will be "Pullin' for Palin" in 2012.

  29. Best Tracy Morgan line ever!

    The second best Tracy Morgan line is:

    "Bitch may be the new black...
    but black is the new President, bitch."

  30. Anonymous7:36 AM

    The main things I don't like about her is how she claims credit for things she doesn't do, and how she tears others down in an effort to make herself look better.

    I think in addition to her looks, she attracts supporters who want to feel validated in life without actually having to do anything other than hold certain opinions. For example, as long as they BELIEVE in "personal responsibility," they don't actually have to take any responsibility for making this country a better place to be. If they BELIEVE in "self-reliance," it's ok for them to bilk Medicare for little scooters to get around in instead of actually attempting to live more healthfully and lose some weight. If they BELIEVE in an "exceptional" America, they don't have to actually act and behave as exceptional Americans, but can stand on the sidelines and mock those who do. If they BELIEVE in outlawing abortions, it's ok for them to support permanent war that kills millions of children or to support the elimination of programs that feed hungry children in America.

    I could go on and on. In short, supporting Palin gives people a pass on their hypocrisy.

  31. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Thank you for pointing this out. There has been come recent footage about with Ms Palin using the language of 'sisterhood'.

    So gag inducing; transparently hypocritical, et al....

    I no longer bother myself with questions, 'does she HEAR herself?', am just ready for her to retire from the public stage.

    Andrew H. column says it very well.


  32. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Anon at 4:43 AM: "The real women who set womankind back are the ones who makes films depicting casual sex, depicting women who use sex for power/money/advancement"

    Agree to an extent, but Palin also subtly uses sex to sell her image as a powerful woman. She's just not as blatant as the films you mention.

    But, you are right in your assessment that such films set women back, and if you complain today about such films, you're told to "get with it" and that "feeling confident about your sexuality is empowering." Check out the book "Female Chauvinist Pigs" to get a better understanding of this total con on women.

  33. Anonymous7:47 AM

    @3:14 "Also, too - that little white tight T-shirt with the Big B--bs at Belmont. Enough said.

    Tracy just said the truth."

    Let's not forget the jackets with nothing underneath them. Can you recall her ever wearing a shirt and jacket? I suppose occasionally, but as a rule it's either a slew of tacky necklaces, or a very low camisole, or nothing. That includes the suit jackets and the leather jackets. I'd think it would make her smell bad, for one thing. But my boyfriend pointed out to me that it invites a guy to imagine what's underneath. He says it reinforces her sluttiness and the idea that she'd be happy to take on a whole football team. Go Tracy.

  34. SME1319:49 AM

    I am so glad you posted this. Tracey is spot on. Not about all men fantasizing about her but certainly those teapublicans that keep drooling over her.

    At least he had the guts to say it.

    Right now as word of this video spreads teapublican men are hiding every pic of Sarah while the teapublican wives are on a search and destroy mission for those same pics. LOL

  35. Anonymous 6:42AM said...

    Tracy is spot on. That's why so many guys will be "Pullin' for Palin" in 2012.

    O.M.G. I just spit my tea out from laughing at this. The image in my mind...*shudders*

  36. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Obviously Tracy hasn't seen those cottage cheese thighs and the turkey neck photos from Hawaii.

    3:15 AM"

    Yup. I bet she is hideous in the nude, why
    else are there no bathing suit shots? Even
    presidents have been photographed in swim
    wear! She is either really ugly, or she is really
    insecure, and I can't believe she is insecure.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.