Friday, January 28, 2011

Jon Stewart takes Bill O'Reilly to school. Wherein O'Reilly learns about the internet, commenters, and Nazis.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bill O'Reilly Defends His Nazi Analogies
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  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Bristol's been uninvited to speak at Washington University.

  2. Ha ha ha! I Liii, I Liiii I like you! Too funny!

  3. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I want to marry Jon Stewart. How in the world does Billbo sleep at night?????????

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Jon Stewart To O’Reilly: A Heartless Douche Is Not The Same As A Nazi Propagandist

    And the rhetorical battle between Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly continues! Last night O’Reilly took exception to the method by which Stewart’s held his Nazi rhetoric as an example of hypocrisy, defending the comment as being taken out of context. As we said last night, O’Reilly ironically took Stewart’s criticism out of context, or as Stewart said, it’s not WHY you made the Nazi reference, it's that you MADE the Nazi reference.

  5. That was awesome! I DVR'd it and saved it for posterity. Way to tear strips off a blowhard - with their own words. Billo is a buffoon, just like Rush, Beck, etc. I still remember Billo back in the day when he was on an entertainment show, chasing celebrities. He just changed over to chasing politicians. Same delivery; same BS; and same hyperbole. What a douche.

  6. Jon Stewart is great!

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Jon Stewart serves up a fresh plate of steamed O'Reilly

    Memo to Bill O'Reilly: don't pick fights with Jon Stewart, especially when those fights center around defending your right to compare entire media outlets to the Nazis based on random deleted comments.

    If you do, you'll end up just like Jim Cramer.

    And yes, for added comedy value, Stewart plays a clip of O'Reilly calling "the Daily Kos" a Nazi/KKK hate site based on some random deleted comments. And he points out, as Barb did in 2007, that Fox's own website contains comments that are easily as vile as the ones O'Reilly calls Nazi-like -- except at Fox, those comments weren't deleted. In fact, they were uprated.

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Haha! One of the nicest things about Jon Stewart is that he has the ability to call people on their bullshit and lies and not do it in a demeaning, nasty way.

    I knew one other person who had this ability, and I still marvel at how he was able to speak so truthfully and kindly. What a rare and beautiful gift.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.