Friday, January 28, 2011

Concerning Palingates.

I have had a little while to mull things over and have engaged in conversations with many bloggers, ex-bloggers,  and friends who have been impacted in some way by the changes now taking place over at Palingates, or by events that have happened in the past.

Because of those conversations, and the concerns of many that re-opening old wounds will be detrimental to them personally, or the blogging community in general, I have decided to leave the "can of worms" unopened.

Much of my decision has to do with Regina's request specifically that I allow things from the past to remain in the past.  Since she is in a position to be negatively impacted by the blowback that would be generated from my post I will respect her request and let those sleeping dogs lie.

However there are a few left over "worms" that I feel obligated to expose to the light of day.

First off I had NOTHING to do with Regina's decision to remove P and K. At least as far as I know. 

I sent no e-mails, nor encouraged others to send e-mails, nor threatened to write anything damaging.  When the decision was made I was as shocked as anybody else.

Actually when it happened I was very caught up my own drama, which resulted from the post that also inspired Regina's decision.

As many of you know it was the Shailey Tripp piece (since removed) that proved to be the straw that snapped the camel's back over at Palingates. But what you may not know is how that piece caused me to lose credibility, and possibly put the Enquirer story at risk.

You see the gentleman friend of Ms. Tripp, who I will only identify by his initials R.N., was hoping to tell his side of the story concerning the private side of Shailey Tripp, in order to let people know that she was not just a prostitute but a real person who happened to make a very poor decision which has virtually destroyed her life.

However RN is a VERY private person and he was determined to remain so.  He thought he might be willing to tell his story but ONLY if his anonymity was protected.  I was working to make that happen.

Somehow P got a hold of this gentleman's contact information and told him, and I quote "I am working with Gryphen.  Talking to me is the same as talking to Gryphen." Because of this assurance RN trusted P enough to reveal a few preliminary bits of information for which he was rewarded by having his entire life plastered all over Palingates.  Not only was his life put on display, but so were the names of many of Ms. Tripp's friends and acquaintances, some of who had no idea what she had done, and now found their names linked to her on a blog.

Obviously I started to get calls immediately.  Angry calls wanting to know why I betrayed RN and allowed my "collaborator" to do what they did. When the first call came in I literally had no idea what they were talking about.

It took me most of the day to explain that I had nothing to do with it, and to attempt to rebuild the trust that was now in shattered pieces. As of this writing that trust is still badly damaged and may be irreparable.  Which of course could also impact my ability to gain the trust of others in the the near future.

As a blogger, without the deep pockets of a tabloid like the National Enquirer, all I have to use as currency to "buy" information is trust.  Once I don't have that, I don't have anything.

So yes I was very angry.  Especially since this was not the first time this very same situation had played out.

However my anger was NEVER at Regina who I have always considered a true friend.  And now that she is back in charge of running the show, and the offending post has been removed, I am happy to welcome Palingates back onto my blogroll.  I wish I had never felt it necessary to have removed it in the first place.

I am going to be very careful in how I moderate comments coming in for this post.  I am afraid that I will NOT be allowing any mention by name of RN, P, or K, nor any attacks directed at Regina.  If you want to be mad at me that is okay up to a point, but let's not go crazy alright?

I know that some of you are going to feel confused, and betrayed, and even possibly believe that I must be making the whole thing up, but I assure you I am not.

As for P and K, I wish them much success in whatever they decide to do next.  They are a truly gifted research team.

I really hope that the people who were fans of Palingates will stick by Regina.  She is a very good person as well as a skilled writer and researcher.

Good luck Regina!

Update: For those who still feel I am being petty or perhaps even manufacturing a problem concerning P and K, perhaps you should head on over and read Regina's latest post.

And let me address this jealousy issue that keeps coming up.

I have NEVER felt in competition with any other blog for the entire six years this blog has been in existence.

In fact  I have gone out of my way to include new blogs in my blogroll when I have enjoyed their content or hoped that they would be helpful in discovering new information about Palin or other interesting topics.  In the past I have added such "just starting out" blogs as Mudflats, Palin's Deceptions, Bree Palin, Oz Mudflats, Hypocrites and Heffalump Traps, God's Own Party, Alaska WTF, Mercede Johnston, Malia Litman, and yes even Palingates, just to name a few.

I have also been credited with inspiring at least twenty individuals to start blogs of their own.  So no, I have never worried about competition or felt jealous of the other bloggers who are my, very near or sometimes very distant, neighbors on the internet.

Nor by the way have I EVER demanded from anybody that they give me credit if their post, or article, was clearly derivative of mine, or even stolen outright.  I always felt that if more people saw the information all the better.

And by the way ALL of my interactions with my fellow bloggers have been positive and rewarding.  With one notable exception.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Thank you for being willing to share that, Gryphen.

    I think it speaks for itself.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    thanks - that helped.

  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    So the upheaval at Palingates is all about you Gryphen? How very Palin-esque.

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Love you, Gryphen. Great post.

    And all I can say is Wow.

    Thanks for all you do.

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Given this background everything makes a lot more sense now. Thanks for providing this information.

  6. In your corner!
    Keep up the good work.

  7. Wow. Thanks for posting this. Things make more sense now.

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I like you G, but sometimes you are just so full of it I can't take it. You say you don't want to get involved, but then you spill pretty damning details of behavior by P at Palingates. You say you respect R, but you imply that the truth of what went on at PG would "negatively impact" her and cause people to "attack" her. What gives? Your motives and loyalties are all over the place. Please be completely honest. Melly

  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    So yes I was very angry. Especially since this was not the first time this very same situation had played out.


    Um, then why don't you tell your sources never to talk to anyone other than you on a story you are trying to uncover?

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Well done.

  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    so much for free speech, time to move on to another blog. Wish WTF Alaska was still there

  12. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I wonder if other faithful readers of IM and the linked bloggers are, like me, completely befuddled about what this whole dust-up is about. I've read all the related blogs, essentially don't care, really, and definitely don't get what happened.

    That said, I hope you all will continue doing what has won you such a large following: keep Sarah Palin's feet to the fire, insure she's so exposed that any political office becomes impossible for her.

    We're counting on you all, the woman's a clear and present danger.

  13. As someone who reads your blog, and PG and well, the new PG, thank you for leaving the past the past. I've heard some of it, already and really don't care to know the rest.

    Not sure what to think of this revelation, though.

    Still will continue to read this, PG and the new PG too.

  14. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Gryphen have you heard from Dirk regarding Alaska WTF. I miss that blog.

  15. Anonymous8:19 AM

    And let the attacks begin ;-).

    The truth hurts.

  16. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Bummer. Sorry about your friend.

    I feel like it should be an important lesson for anyone with Palin info: be careful who you talk to. Not only because there are jerks out there, but because the Palins are scary.

    For your friend, RN, why didnt he think to ask you if you were working with anyone? Would have saved you all some grief. (not to blame the victim, it just seems like it would have been a good, quick, easy check.

  17. Thanks for the explanation Gryphen.
    Palingates is not a blog that I frequent but maybe check it once a week. I like the community on IM and I like the honesty of the commentors responding to your commentaries. Right now I feel we all are so close, that so much heat, so much discoveries, so much forward progress has happened there will be a breakthrough. I like being a part of that....but it takes a village.

    Please AK bloggers, stay united, keep communicating and don't screw anyone over. NO FEAR!

  18. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Thanks for the info, although I can't say that I'm really any less confused. I guess what really happened will stay in the series of tubes.

    What I'd really like to know is whether or not the Tripp story can be proven and when it will break.

    I've talked to some friends about this that are a little skeptical Palin could be involved in as many scandals as it appears (not that they're fans, just that the level of malfeasance is difficult to really wrap one's brain around) and even these friends raise an eyebrow when they hear "Tripp". It's just too big of a coincidence to ignore ('s not a coincidence, Sarah says they don't exist). Even if it's not the scandal that takes her down, it will certainly show how dysfunctional her family is and I'm hoping will lead to some answers about Trig. Maybe it'll bring Levi some credibility as well and he can finally tell the story of the Palins he knows without everyone automatically dismissing him.

  19. Anonymous8:26 AM

    If the post you mention was so horrendous, why was it not pulled immediately? It was left up there for all the world to link to and screen grab well after the authors had let the blog.

  20. Anonymous8:32 AM

    You and I have very similar stories. Thank you for sharing yours

  21. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I didn't know that about what P did. I take back what I said in yesterday's comments about Palingates and it now makes sense why Regina made the choice that she did. I still think the whole thing is a shame, but now at least it seems like the logical outcome of decisions made.

    On a tangentially related note, I'd like to echo other commenters - do you know what happened to Dirk Diggler? Is the site gone permanently? Does he plan to start over somewhere else?

  22. Anonymous8:37 AM

    What a mess. What a strange world bloggers live in as well. So sorry that this has happened for everyone, especially, Mr. RN. Hope this does not hurt any other potential "tellalls" from coming out of the woodwork. It is hard when someone betrays you, Gryphen. Hang in there. Was Mr. RN the iceberg?

  23. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I have always respected P--k and the amazing research he has done for palingates. I am disgusted he would stoop to palin-esque methods (lying) to get information. I sympathize with regina and the difficult decision to change writers of the blog.

    I was stunned with the amount of personal information in the Shailey Tripp post. It seemed quite intrusive about a non-palin person. PG should be focusing on Palins and not Palins' acquaintences.

    Good luck to you and regina. I will always be your follower.

  24. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Ah, the life of a 50 year old lonely gossip merchant.

    If you can't trust your fellow gossipers you can't trust anybody.

    What a bunch of fucking losers.

  25. Anonymous8:40 AM

    What about the freezer?

  26. Anonymous8:43 AM

    BTW is there any legal action Mr. RN or Tripp could take against Palingates? Does anyone know? That would really be a very bad outcome for all of us.

  27. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I am going to be very careful in how I moderate comments coming in for this post. I am afraid that I will NOT be allowing any mention by name of RN, P, or K, nor any attacks directed at Regina. If you want to be mad at me that is okay up to a point, but let's not go crazy alright?

    That's way more mature than writing a Fuck You post in a few days.
    Just saying....

  28. Like Anonymous @ 8:32 AM, I have had a similar experience and I'm still repairing the damage. Betrayal can come from many places and, for a blogger who is trying to get to the truth, having nothing but his or her trust and perseverance to use, such a blow can be devastating. I can sense that you are honest and fair. You will ride this out and be better (and wiser) for it.

  29. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Well, Gryphen, at least you can take comfort in the fact that SP is MOST disturbed by stuff you Alaskan bloggers write about her.

    It sounds to me like there was a miscommunication/misunderstanding that took place btw your source and P. I'm gonna just give the benefit of the doubt on that.

    OTOH, one must never assume that one can remain hidden on Facebook.

  30. "A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward." -- Jean Paul

  31. Gryphen,

    You know what gets me. Some of your so called followers jumped you as usual because they weren't in the know.

    Where in the world does this sense of entitlement come from. It is your blog, I never received an invitation to come visit you and be able to respond to your post, so when did all you naysayers receive this invitation?

    If you don't like they way Gryphen moderates his comments don't write anything solves that whole problem. If you don't like what he has to say, keep moving.

    Personally I like to come read the post and most of the comments. It is a privilege not a right on this blog. I have never met Gryphen or even spoke to him but as of now I have no reason to not believe him. He has always delivered, it might not be as fast as some one want, but some don't like waiting.

    All that bullshit was crazy yesterday I don't read the other blog, but yesterday I did visit to see this awful offending post by reputation.

    It astounds me that not so long ago someone we care about was de-cloaked and exposed and vulnerable to all the crazies on the internet. We all were so pissed we wrote letters called all the in folks to complain about this jackass's behavior. Think about it didn't that post do the same thing to quite a few folks, but somehow now it is okay.

    I kinda like Gryphen's cryptic messages not because what he has to say but to watch all you bitch at him knowing he is going to do it again and you think you can make a difference. Then tell him you are never coming back, but alas you do.

    They were so many of you toting bones yesterday you should be tired as hell. In my opinion if you have anon next to your name I am not bothering, it is you right as it is mine. I am kind of leaning to the position you don't have enough sense to create a name are just to damn lazy. Either way you are a good waste of space and time.

    I didn't comment yesterday because I was so amazed at the bullshit going on. I even called a few people to tell them and tell them how to find it. I will never understand why some of you think Gryphen heavily deletes comments because frankly some that come through that would have been cut out. For that fact he even lets those same exact post stay that are just repeats from an early post. You all have seen this repeat post.


    So please take your bullshit somewhere else, I am sure there is somewhere that you can act and talk like adolescents.

  32. I support any and all bloggers that want to expose the truth about this Sarah Palin Fraud.

    So, minor hiccup, move on...and now, one MORE blog dedicated to making sure she never gets near any power over me and my life!

  33. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Thanks for posting your side of the story, Gryph. It definitely clears things up. I think it's really important that the blogging community have a powwow and focus on the real goal of exposing SP for what she is. I know that's easier said than done, but when the community starts to crumble site by site, SP can say she has truly won as Bloggers are her #1 enemy.

    Oh, and yeah can we get an update on what happened to Dirk's site? Maybe your'e not at liberty to say, but the last time you wrote about Alaska WTF you indicated that you know what's up.

    Anyways, thanks for all you do Gryphen, you're a true hero for a lot of us.

  34. mitch who lives in kansas8:53 AM

    I've been following this blog for a while and occasionally post. I have been following palingates for longer but just registered this past weekend. Suffice to say, I am scratching my head trying to figure out what all the turmoil is about. Seems a little petty and immature to me. Sort of like the Palin's. If the purpose of both blogs is to expose $arah for what she is, why the competition and hurt feelings? I say move on and continue to share our feelings about $arah WTF.

  35. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Thanks for explaining all that. Since I never went to Palingates, I had no idea what all that was. I had huge sympathy for Shailey Tripp from the very first day this started coming out. I'm sure what she's been through has been traumatizing and I hope when all is said and done, she comes out of it okay and on a better path. If she helps bring some exposure to the Palin myth, she is an absolute hero.

  36. jadez8:59 AM

    the reality is both these blogs have now been exposed as the amateur hours they are.
    you are correct that the integrity here has taken a HIT.
    in fact neither of these blogs will ever again be viewed as serious by any other media.
    you think anyone who still reads these blogs will trust what is in them?
    you both bite the dust and never reached your goal........

  37. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Gryph, I'm pleased you said enough to explain without saying too much...I have a feeling Regina's wish to keep "the past" in its place is well founded.

    However, I really am starting to get nervous about the lack of mentions regarding AKWTF. Sarah pointedly uses "WTF" multiple times in a speech...simultaneously a damaging comment is posted on AKWTF, one that, if true...would make all prior Palinscapades look like afternoon tea. The comment is complete with FBI case number...and many names/details.

    Less than 12 hour later...WTF is offline. Nowhere to be found. One of Alaska's MOST outspoken voices is not commenting on other blogs, giving a statement to you or Mudflats or another AK about "WTF".

    I mean seriously. What is going on? I would say SP's line about no coincidences certainly applies here.

    Dirk, people are scared for you. Speak up, buddy.

  38. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I have a life outside of the blogs, at least I try really hard to. My mind can't analyze everything I read, but I did have a gut reaction about the Tripp article on PG this week. It really bothered me on an intuitive level. Some of the comments were ugly towards Ms. Tripp and unnecessary. That should not have happened. She could be anyone's daughter, sister, mother, and no one would have liked the intrusion of privacy for all the world to see. We shouldn't be picking apart people who have had the unfortunate association with the Palin's. Will that help them to come forward to reveal information about her? Hopefully that wasn't a setback.

  39. lisabeth9:08 AM

    Gryphen, thank you for explaining this. I feel disappointed hearing it though. I didn't understand why people were upset about the post at PG but now I understand. I just assumed permission had been granted to the poster before confidential personal information was posted. If I was that man or Shailey, I would be extremely upset as well. I always am very careful about letting any personal information about myself show on the internet because I had a big problem once and it was scary. Information like that should not be posted without written permission or at least a clear verbal agreement. Just my opinion.

    I hope that this does not effect getting this story out. That would be terrible for all of us who want Sarah Palin exposed.

  40. Anonymous9:11 AM

    The Facebook pictures and the poems were open to the public in the internet so why is this such a big deal..if RN cares about his privacy why is he talking to someone he doesn't know? This whole story sound a little weird and contrived to me...

  41. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Gryphen is that "let the attacks begin, the truth hurts" with "someone'" trademark wink...from one of "someone's" often mentioned proxies IP address?

    I'm just saying, it wouldn't surprise me if P tries to intimidate you into taking down the part about him.

    Their MO is to find the most damning dirt and use it to manipulate. We've seen it over and over on PG. And if it's not airing of "dirty laundry"'s underhanded, like what they did to Mercedes.

  42. Virginia Voter9:13 AM

    This post is way over the top with the drama. Who cares who talks to who first, who has an exclusive, yada, yada, yada, you guys sound like a bunch of high schoolers.

    Big picture, what you put on Facebook is NOT PRIVATE, no matter what your "settings" are - your friends, your statements, your pictures, nothing. It can all be hacked, leaked, or seized by anyone, including law enforcement. Facebook has ruined marriages, exposed criminals, and led to family rifts. Anything you put out on the Internet can come back to haunt you, no matter if its email, poetry, pornography, etc. at any time.

    You know I'm a big fan of your blog Gryphen, but if the main goal is to expose Sarah I feel like you have to use anything and everything to accomplish that. If I knew half the shit you did, maybe I would feel differently, but probably not. I would have exposed anything I knew long ago if it would put an end to Sarah Palin.She is a cancer that needs to be put into permanent remission.

  43. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Gryphen...I only know one thing. I read ALL the blogs about Palin, then make up my own (rather intelligent) mind about what sounds plausible and what doesn't. This business of PUBLICLY airing dirty laundry has to end now, or else Palin and her 'bots will be dancing in the streets, thinking they've attained some sort of victory. They haven't, by the way. Their queen's best days are behind her, and I very much look forward to the unveiling of many more inevitable Palin scandals. Keep up the good work.

  44. Anonymous9:14 AM

    ReginaPalingates posted that the source contacted them wanting to sell his story for money. Well, one way or another, his story is out.

    And now, about that pretend pregnancy . . .

  45. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I read the Ms. Tripp information, and she came across as an intelligent, sensitive person.

    I had assumed the information about her was posted because she (Ms. Tripp) had made it available on a public blog.

    I had no idea this information was private..

  46. lisabeth9:20 AM

    I forgot to add that my interactions with the party you speak of have always been pleasant I have always liked him.

    I take everything you or any other blogger writes with a grain of salt. I have to be skeptical because it is impossible to tell online who is sincere, and who isn't.

    If what you write is true, I am disappointed. If what you write is not true or exaggerated, well, what can I say.

    I don't like this drama I do always hope that I am getting truthful and real information from blogs. But I have learned not to take any statement on the internet as fact. That is just the way it is.

  47. Thanks for the explanation. Seems it was a painful learning experience for all that were involved. Hopefully, now we can all move on and keep the primary purpose of all these blogs as our main focus.

  48. ManxMamma9:24 AM

    Anon 7:55 - Perhaps you need to review what Gryphen wrote.

    As always Gryphen, thanks for the truth.

  49. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I'm sorry Gryphen - that must have been a blow. There's nothing like trust.


  50. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Thank you for taking the high road. Karen

  51. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Thanks Gryphen!
    Best of luck to both you and Regina.

  52. Anonymous9:43 AM

    so is AWTF gone for good? Do you have anything new there?

  53. "...for which he was rewarded by having his entire life plastered all over Palingates." WTF?

    Um, no. ONE screen capture from his Facebook page was posted. The guy had a PUBLIC Facebook profile for goodness sake. Those who are so keen on privacy might want to stay off Facebook!

    Nobody really wanted to read the story from a friend-of-Tripp anyway. She ADMITTED she had an affair with the governor's husband. Who cares what she was "really" like -- I think we can grasp that for ourselves.

  54. I.M. was the first blog I found when I found myself going nuts when SP didn't go away after the election. I'm not much of a poster but have respected the work you do and felt comfortable you weren't just spinning BS for clicks.
    My left tab always shows "Blogger:The Imm...." and I check back in throughout the day, hitting refresh and I use it for the majority of my navigation to other SP related blogs. I appreciate them all but I.M. is always my "go 2 first".
    ...also appreciate the extra info/links that are often in the comment section.

    O.T. but since I'm out of my comfort zone by commenting...
    Does anyone know where twittering "CatfoodUSA" is? I miss that daily boost terribly.

  55. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Well stated, Gryphen. I can understand your frustration, but I'm glad you're moving on so you can continue to focus on what you do best. And if I haven't said it lately, THANK YOU. You're the best!!

  56. SME1319:52 AM

    I, for one, am glad she booted them. posting that sources name was beyond wrong. Even as I read it for the first time I was shocked the man would allow his name to be printed and had a feeling it never should have been.

    Thanks for letting us know what is going on.

  57. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I read your blog every single day and have no idea what you are talking about here. Or who all the initials stand for. Or even who Regina is. I just care that careful truthful information about Sarah Palin is unearthed and exposed in a professional, trustworthy way if she is doing things that are illegal, unethical, and untowardly downright vicious. I believe she is a person who needs to be stopped because I think she has done terrible, terrible harm to our national personality.

  58. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Will everyone please chill, and get back to defending our country from lunatics next week.

    Peace, out.

  59. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Just another reminder that you don't KNOW people based on what you "see" online.

    I'm glad you shared this.

  60. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Glad to know the basics of what happened, but don't need to know more. There was a lot of nastiness all over the blogs yesterday -- it was disconcerting to see everyone in emotional disarray. Clearly a painful lesson was learned. Now let's move on.

    Gryphen, I check IM more often during the day than any other bookmark I've got, and I'll continue to do so. There are hordes of us in California just waiting for the epic other shoe to drop. Thank you for what you do.

  61. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I, like most of your readers, do really appreciate your honesty, and want to thank you for sharing this, Gryph!! Your 'credibility', 'trust', etc., are still, as always, in tact as far as I am concerned.

    Keep on, keeping on -- and we will sure be 'hanging in there' with you with Love and Appreciation for all you do. Will be looking forward to your giving it all ya got, as far as bringing down ole-whats-er-name, OK?

    Hugs, bjf

  62. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Last summer, a raido station in Salt Lake (KSL) made a decision to terminate it's contract with Sean Hanity. Hannity was a big buck show, and brought in excellent revenue. However, the owners of KSL (the LDS church) decided they wanted to take this station in a different, less divisive direction. So, they made the cut. You should have heard the hoopla!! Many were shocked that the owners put civility over revenue. But the decision stood. Hannity got picked up by another station in the SLC market and all is well with that.

    What I'm saying is that the owner of Palingates (Regina) has every right to control content of her media, just as KSL does. We may not like all the decisions made 'at the top', but as a loyal listener to KSL, and a loyal reader to both Gryph and PG, they have my support.

    Besides. I stopped listening to Hannity when he got his crush on Palin. Just saying...

  63. scarlet/oregon10:13 AM

    Very much appreciate your thoughtful Post that clearly answers a lot of questions.

    Thank you for reaching out to everyone after experiencing so much upheaval.

  64. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Regina has an explanation

  65. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Gryphen, did you ever think that maybe you're being played by RN ? It seems like this dude was trying way too hard to sell his hooker with a heart of gold story.

    Be careful.

  66. Enjay in E MT10:23 AM

    Capitalism at work...
    Sounds as if someone acted rather underhanded & decietful like QuitterQueen.

    Am sorry the source got played - and hope they will come around to finish the story.

  67. slowhand10:24 AM

    Richard Nixon?

  68. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I was shocked that that person had agreed to be outed like that. Now I see otherwise and am disgusted. A good journalist NEVER messes with his sources. If you don't have sources, you don't have a story. How unethical!


    P.S. I hope there are no lasting effects from those people being "outed".

  69. Anonymous10:24 AM


    I read your blog daily and thoroughly enjoy it. Have put my two-cents worth in many times!

    Thanks for explaining what happened, but I'm confused and will just leave it at that. I wasn't someone who actually read Palingates, so it isn't a big deal to me. Just read you and Mudflats.

    Hang in there and keep up the good work. You are appreciated!!

  70. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Like VirginiaVoter (above), I believe all this drama-- and this post-- is very juvenile and attention-seeking. Anyone who posts on FB (even if you think it's private), anyone who comments here, has waived rights to privacy and is naive to believe otherwise. Likewise, for anyone to ever trust a journalist or blogger is naive. I've been interviewed numerous times by respected journalists (Washington Post, Guardian) and always felt misrepresented. Why oh Why would someone correspond with a blogger they don't know and not assume there's risk? That's just downright foolish. I find this blog, IM, a tease. It's bumptious and amateurish. There's a lot of gosh-gee about sources and trust and coming soon. BUT I'll read any blog that posts ANYTHING about Sarah Palin, because I'm not God and I don't know what or who will finally bring her reign down. That said, I'm grateful for all the Palin bloggers willing to do the work each day.

  71. FakeGermanBlog?10:33 AM

    Really, Gryphen? Really?
    You are now acting like Alaska WTF and calling Patrick a liar?
    They said Palingates was a "fake German blog". Now, that was a direct lie and you didn't call them out for it.
    Are you sure about the story you just posted? A German guy made a long distance call, from Europe and said, "I'm working with Gryphen"? Really, Gryphen?
    That story is implausible.

    Damn, I'm really disappointed in you.

  72. I love all the bloggers who offer their time and space in their heads, to stop Miss Wasilla.

    I am sorry there are bad feeling around but I am here to stay on this blog and all the others. All of us are keeping the pressure on her so she knows she can't get away with her lies, not for long.

  73. Anonymous10:54 AM

    That´s all I need or want to know.

  74. Lisabeth10:59 AM

    Gryphen, we all reay need to move on. Seriously!!
    The longer everyone dwells on this, the more everyones credibility is effected. We've got to get back to our focus. Now there are more posts about it! I really think all the bloggers should stop and go forward. No retaliation, game playin or competition from everyone.
    I don't need or want to know anymore. And if all ofbyou don't drop this and move on, I think you will all regret it.

    I'd like to know about Dirk too.

  75. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Wow I just read regina's new post and I think she's quite brave. I was among those who stopped reading when Patrick made it feel like the blog and comments were the cool kids table and everyone was pointing at you for not being "in on" the joke. I think shes brave b/c Patrick has fostered this image of a sleek, sharklike anonymous attorney, and I do not think he will take kindly to Regina saying she had to "urgently" wire p and k money via western union..

    What was "urgent" about financing a blog? Even if one needed to purchase research services or whatever I hardly think it could be so urgent as to require someone wires you money.

    It sounds to me like Patrick bullied Regina into staying on the pay pal account so he could keep his beloved anonymous status. I have always thought if Patrick is so keen to blast every dirty detail about every person who ever said the word Alaska, why does he have to hide behind this anonymous German lawyer persona? (IS he even a lawyer? Based on my knowledge most lawyers don't need to have money wired urgently due to "financial issues")

    Regina did wrong in letting her vision for PG be mishandled and warped. But she is making it right. I for one forgive her, and will be happy to once more call myself a reader of palingates.

  76. Well, now that this episode of "All My Children" is over...

    When is AK-WTF coming back online? Gryph & Regina are obsessing over the same things. When are P&K getting their new blogs online?

    It feels like visiting relatives out in the sticks with only 3 TV channels, and a couple of them are just static.

    Can we move on now? Please? ::eyerolls::

  77. The one thing I take exception with regarding this post is the concept of as long as the information is out there you don't care if it's outright stolen.

    This is known as plagiarism. I'm a teacher librarian and spend a lot of time educating both students and teachers on proper research and citations.

    Yes, you just write a blog. You're modest. Yadda, yadda. However, you hold the copyright on what you have produced. You also have the right to say there is no need to provide a link back or give you credit. But failing that, anyone who copies what you've written and fails to identify you as the originator is committing plagiarism. This is not a good thing to encourage. There should be a reasonable balance between getting the information out there and giving credit where it's due.

    It doesn't take that much more effort to say "gryphen wrote this" and put in a hot link to your article. If they're copying and pasting, they can certainly put in a little more effort.

    Said my peace. We now return you to our regularly scheduled comments.

  78. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Where is the proof that P lied to RN? Unless there is an email, video or recording, there is no proof except your word or RN's word.

    Also, what's the deal with ignoring all the questions about AlaskaWTF?

  79. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I like your blog. I like your writing style. I even like the teasers you put out. This is like reading installments of a really trashy novel, or watching a soap opera. And it's free!

  80. Anonymous11:46 AM

    You lost credibility, AlaskaWTF lost his website, two bloggers got fired, Shailey Tripp's life is destroyed(your words)
    and her friend got outed.

    Is that what they mean by "clusterfuck" ?

    Circular firing squad ?

  81. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Anon @9:05

    I totally agree with your observations and SURE wish someone would fill us in. It is WAY TOO convenient and timely how this all played out. Something is going on and it would be nice to get some information. I am truly worried about AlaskaWTF. Has anybody spoken with them over there?????????

  82. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Hey, G. A post slipped through with the full names. Thanks for the explanation. I will not be visiting P's new blog. Playing dirty is not okay.

  83. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Maybe Gryphen is WTF Alaska and that is how he gets his rumors out

  84. icstraights12:16 PM

    AlaskaWTF? Yeah what happened?

    Hello Regina, Welcome back. I trusted Gryph; when he bowed out with out any mud-slinging, or names mentioned, I trusted him.

    Now I will read PG again!

    But really; what happened to AKWTF?

  85. Anonymous12:21 PM

    mlaiuppa said...

    The one thing I take exception with regarding this post is the concept of as long as the information is out there you don't care if it's outright stolen.

    This is known as plagiarism. I'm a teacher librarian and spend a lot of time educating both students and teachers on proper research and citations....

    You also have the right to say there is no need to provide a link back or give you credit. But failing that, anyone who copies what you've written and fails to identify you as the originator is committing plagiarism.
    This is not a good thing to encourage.
    It doesn't take that much more effort to say "gryphen wrote this" and put in a hot link to your article. If they're copying and pasting, they can certainly put in a little more effort.

    I agree exactly. Well said.

    What constitutes plagiarism used to be taught in grade school. We all share and borrow ideas freely--and certainly allusions and accidental copyings happen. That's is not plagiarism and is not the problem. People may write very similar things independently of each other, also not a problem. But plagiarism is unethical whether it happens in the blogosphere, the NYT, or the schoolyard and should not be encouraged.

  86. Anonymous12:21 PM

    On another note: Snownuts has doubled down on her comments about Sputnik and Spudnuts today on Facebook.

    The 25th Anniversary of the Challenger disaster, where her beloved Ronald Reagan said "they have slipped the surly bonds of earth... and touched the face of God."

    Her timing is awful on such a day as today.

    As usual, it's all about her.

  87. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I never thought you were jealous gryphen. Love your blog. OT but why don't you add politicususa to your blog roll? They do lots of Palin and liberal news. I found you through them! ! Keep your chin up.

  88. Thank you, Gryphen. This post has cleared up a lot of questions.

    I hope the damage can be completely reversed or, at least, mitigated. The eventual, rational reaction for RN and others will be to see that the situation had nothing to do with your credibility as a confidant.


  89. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Okay everybody, I'm going to be the grandmother here and just say - chill out everybody - please return to your corners - fight time is over --- we have a job to do here - the job is to bring truth to the light - we want to stop a very sick person from being in a position of power ever again.

    Everybody, have a great and peaceful week-end.

    Please hug someone today.

  90. Sarah is loving this...

  91. Gryphen I have respected your choices to protect sources who choose not to be exposed and I know you feel very strongly about that. Thanks for the explanation, I would have been very angry as well.
    Perhaps lessons have been learned and now there is one more blog about Palin.

  92. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Gryphen - Sending you a virtual 12 pack... seems like we all need one after this week. Okay maybe a virtual case for it was a really stressful week! Seems like it's was a dammed if you do and dammed if you don't week. Geesh... everyone chill and have a good weekend.

    and P.S. ... I happen to enjoy your 'amateurish' postings for I've been reading them for years and will continue to do so. Always look forward to my daily dose of humor each day!

  93. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Gryphen - I would like to contact you regarding some highly confidental information. Is there a way to do that?

  94. I am beginning to think there is some sort of connection between WTFalaska and Palingates. I am not sure what it is but they may be related. I know that many people have inquired about it and for some reason Gryphen is being tight-liped

  95. Anonymous1:06 PM

    OT - New meaning to WTF:
    Who's Todd Fg?

    Maybe THAT is what Palin really meant when she kept using it in her response to the SOTU.

  96. Anonymous1:16 PM

    From last Monday, five days ago. When will you be releasing this information? Who will be releasing them first?

    "I have my own little tidbits that I have managed to gather during my research, and some are VERY interesting, but sadly I am honor bound to wait my turn and will hold forth just as soon as I am given the go ahead."

  97. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Are we ready to move on and get back to making fun of the Great Trainwreck? I know I am.

  98. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Love your blog, Gryph. But like so many others, what I really want to know is--what the hell happened to AlaskaWTF?

    WTF indeed.

  99. BAustin1:37 PM blogwars over now?

    can we ALL agree to get back to the business of exposing palins lies and ensuring that she NEVER gets near the White House!!

    thank you!

  100. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Gryph, thanks for the latest info. You really didn't owe us anything else, but I do appreciate the further explanation. I really hate the infighting among blogs. You all have basically the same charter -to provide facts about $P that will eventually (we hope)bring her down. I hope everything settles down now.
    A comment about internet privacy. I agree that RN had made himself vulnerable to having his information exposed to a larger audience just because he had a Facebook page. That is why I do not have a registered ID with anybody, in addition to the fact that I've been stalked in the past. I do have any on-line identity which I use as a signature.
    Finally, WRT the questions about AKWTF; who designated Gryph as the person who must explain what happened to them? Maybe he just wants to stay out of that bowl of porridge.

  101. Why is having conflict so scary to some of us? I keep reading how we should hide the problems, the disagreements and I keep wondering - why? what sort of perfect world picture are we trying to present? The goal is the same, we're just quarreling about the methods, and it's a worthy discussion IMHO. Just because we are all anti-Palin doesn't mean we are saints.
    I'm also confused, as someone else mentioned, at the sense of possessiveness I've seen in many of the comments (less here than other blogs). I've never considered this as anything but Gryphen's blog, to run as he will. If I don't like it, I don't visit...and so far, like many of us apparently, IM is my go-to blog.
    Gryphen, the best part of IM is you are yourself, good, bad and in between, and I appreciate your work and dedication.

  102. Anonymous2:09 PM

    This idea that people don't want their personal info out when involved in a scandal, people(Shailey's friend) love to expose their personal info, think of all the people who go on talk shows such as Jerry Springer, Dr. Phil etc. Then have remorse for doing so. AS for the poems, I had already seen some of her writing posted online. Note to internet people, nothing on the internet is truly private. The reason people put info online is so that OTHERS will read it, otherwise you keep it in a box under your bed. And if you are posting information about prostitution services online, don't be surprised when they are exposed for the world to see.

    Hope we all get back to exposing the true Grifter, Sarah Palin.

  103. Mrs. M2:23 PM

    I still trust you and I think most everyone who "knows" you through your blog will continue to trust you, too.

    I must admit I am a bit confused over all of this since I only checked Palingates once or twice a week and usually found the posts too long to read... I only check this blog and AKWTF daily... I hope AKWTF comes back soon!

  104. Anonymous2:26 PM

    A few thoughts:
    1)Is this one big coordinated punking to amke Palin feel safe and then ya'll are gonna drop da bombs on her?
    2) Didn't Ms. Tripp sell her story to the NE or not? WTF is the big deal about looking into her background on things readily available on the internet if she put herself out there with the story in the first place??? And I'd bet a mortgage payment the chick ain't no fucking rocket scientist as she claims!
    3) Please tell what you know about AWTF.

  105. onething2:31 PM

    The question I have is, how did P get ahold of RN's contact information?

    I go to PG only sporadically, and yet I happened to read the Shailey Tripp post. I did not see it as an attack, however. I thought it actually presented her as a real person with some depth.

    Had no idea of course that RN wanted to be anonymous and that your trust was betrayed.

  106. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Read Regina's new post on Palingates and your's here too, Gryph. Bravo to both of you for being upfront about things. Makes me feel a whole lot better.

  107. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Your 2nd to last paragraph is another slap at P&K. Your nothing more than a pompous ass who delights in flattering himself. You're irrelevant. You've never broken anything of substance, it's always 'bound to secrecy.'

  108. Anonymous2:57 PM

    When Palin first hit the scene, There was something about her and her "lipstick on a pitbull speech"as wellas the obviously fake pregnancy of Bristal, that I went looking for more informantionabout them. Low and behold I found Palin's Deceptions and a blog by Morgan, I was an ardent supporter and daily commenter on Palins deceptions and Morgans blogs. It was through them that I found IM and became hooked and began to read Gryphen daily as well. I was inconsolable as first Morgans blog and then PD went down and all I had to find info on the faked Palin pregnancy and other "gates" was through IM. I then went to Bree's blog andIM daily...then Bree's blog went down...Then I heard about PalinGates and started going there to read info. At first I loved PG as much as I had PD, Morgan and Bree....but then it started to becomedarker, attract posters that becameevery bit as nasty and mean as Palin herself and I stopped reading PG as much as I had. THEN the popups started and the weekly money begging started and I stopped reading PG's completly. It was not until the uproar over here yesterday that I actually went to PG's for the first timein ages to read what was going on.
    Good for Regina, maybe she will beginto get readers back (like myself) and Gryphen....Keep up the wonderful work. I hopethat somedday soon you find someone that is willing to go on record with proof that $arah faked the Trig pregnancy.
    I will continue being a follower and Fan of IM....

  109. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Somehow" P was able to get RN's contact info? How did P even know he existed? Methinks RN has been playing some games of his own.

  110. Gryphen, Thank you for your explanation and the link to Regina's as well. I am glad that this has been explained and it is time to move on. I found your blog after the Ann Kilkenney e-mail went viral in 2008.It was so needed because many people were so in love with Palin at this point. You provided other links and they were always interesting to read. I do love your blog and read it everyday. As someone else wrote, it is like a never ending soap opera of SP's life. I never found anyone who could create such drama and controversy. I love your posts especially when you add snark. They are hilarious. So, hopefully, the dust has settled and we can continue the saga of this dysfunctional woman with your added humor.
    PS: I also love the way that you drop morsels of info. It adds to the fun and cause other posters to come up with theories. This just shows that the posters at IM are creative and thinkers. Keep going with this blog.

  111. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I feel sorry for the friend of Ms. Tripp, but if he'd checked with you before spilling the beans to
    someone else - having agreed to only speak to you, none of this would've happened. Anyway, let's get back to what we're about, blowing the Palin myth wide open.

    Sharon TN

  112. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Anon @ 2:57, that was my experience as well. I think there are a lot of us.

    It's already getting better there, I would say.

  113. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Ok Guys back to work. Gryphen,
    I picked up the national Enquirer Copy here in lower 48.

    Two articles in the same issue:
    1. About Bristol:
    " Maricopa residents fear influx of Gawkers & crackpots"
    2. Sarah,Tod and Sherly's love triangle.
    " Todd Palin's accuser says she met Sarah face to face and gave Sarah a rubdown in same room she slept with husband Todd. After Sarah left, Shailey said she felt guilty and never told Todd about it."

    Do you want me to share it here?

    Gryphen, give me your e-mail so that I can type exactly what is written in the national Enquirer.

    Seriously,If I was sarah, I would zip my big defense rotten mouth, until I dig the truth.
    Unless she is also cheating, then she will continue to protect Todd. There is no smoke without fire.

    Sarah is so blind or she knows and just covering up because may be she also cheated once in their marriage. What else can I say.

    This happened to me, and I always defended my ex husband when people tiped me that he was cheating on me with my young sister's friend. I did not believe it and kept defending a father of my 6 children, who I was married to for 12 years.
    I had twins which made me hire two baby sitters as i worked full time. They witnessed a lot while I was at work and were afraid to tell me.
    My ex used to bring a teanage girl in my house who at the same time was my sister's best friend. My sister picked it up because the girl started braging about it to other classmates. My sister confronted her and threated she will tell me. The girl reported it to my ex who demanded that my sister should move out of our house because she was trying to break our marriage. I believed my ex and asked my sister to leave my house.
    That move made it easier for my ex to sneak in his young teanage girl friend in my bed while I was at work.
    It offended my baby sitters that they felt obligated to call me when I was at work. They told me the baby was sick,and that I should go home right away. I decided to get permission from my boss,in a panic that my twins were sick, just to be greeted with my hubby in bed having sex with the girl I thought she was my sisters friend.

    So as much as I do not like Sarah, having gone through it, she may just be in denial.
    I think Sarah is just playng her game to keep her fame moving forward. I think she does not care about Todd, at all, as long as he works for her and help her get elected or make more money, that is all Sarah cares for. But she will end up getting a desease, though I do not think those two even have an intimacy relationship at this point. I doubt.Time will tell. I still think Todd dipped himself with some pleasure.Something big will happen that will make Sarah look stupid and ignorant.
    when I caught my ex in bed with another woman in my own frick"n bed,I looked like a fool because I denounced every person, friend, or family who told me about my husband having an affair,thinking they were just jelousy of my marriage, and wereout to destroy it.
    So Sarah I am not your fan, but your ignorance and cover ups, are just getting on my nerves.
    Why can't your Twadd husband issue a statement if he is innocent????

  114. I tried emailing Dirk (AlaskWTF) to just tell him I miss his blog, and his email bounced back. Is he okay? I really enjoy the posts. Hope they come back....

  115. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I just have to say this, it sickens me that perpetrators of divisiveness would use vulnerable lonely people as human shields.

    It is disgusting and manipulative. The denial about behavior is so intense, the need to present a noble spirit so compelling, any person useful to that cause will do, apparently. Especially those that don't even realize they are being used.

    Sarah Palin isn't the only one with pathology.

  116. Anonymous4:57 PM

    PS That wasn't about you, Gryphen.

  117. Frozen Vogler5:04 PM

    Kashawn Thomas case file is up:

  118. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Gryphen I don't really feel safe asking this anywhere else. I feel bad that all the questions about ak WTF are falling on you but you did say "he wasn't hacked"...implying you know what DID happen. Anyway, what I wanted to you know if patrick or kathleen still have "powers" over therecat PG? I want to join Regina's comments as I so enjoyed it a year or two ago. But seeing how vindictive patrick is about "outing" anyone who disagrees with him or making someone "pay" for any little perceived wrong against him, well honestly I am scared to post there commending Regina until I know that she is the only one who can see our cities and ip #s and whatever other info is available about us (probably a lot right..)

    Not really fair to ask you but like I said I don't really feel safe asking anyone else.

    I can't be the only one who is at least considering after hearing all these stories about P being a controlling dick that he and K are behind intimidating other bloggers to close shop. I don't think anyone would of considered it before .. But now I don't know how anyone would not consider it. Seems like they want to be the only game in town.

    To those bitching at Regina..she obviously gave them every possible chance, literally begged them to follow her simple and reasonable rules. IMO she used the last line of defames she had. Regina I support you and I am sorry I did not speak up before and am still too scared to. As P bullied more and more I know LOTS of us just ignored the voice that said this isn't right. I'm glad you finally listened. Sorry for blabbing all this on your blog gryphen.

  119. And heeeeere's Shailey......

  120. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Wow, I'm still coming to grips with all of this.
    I've been a long-time reader (lurker?) at all of the anti-Palin blogs I could find trying hard to justify the "hate-in-my-heart" I feel for this woman, and all she represents. I rarely leave comments but I "suck-up" the verification I receive from these blogs and tell myself: Yes, it's true, I'm not abnormal, most other intellingent, thinking, questioning, reasoning, open minded people feel as I do.
    It give's me comfort.
    I've enjoyed ALL the participants in this unfortunate split, hope that lessons have been learned, and wish each well. Please, don't anyone forget the "shiny object" of all involved... the downfall of Sarah Palin - the Snow Billie Grifter as a topic of serious discussion anywhere other than in the tabloids.

    As Padron (I'm not him, but do enjoy his comments on adn) would say... Carry On.


  121. Anonymous9:49 PM


    So she was a craigslist prostitute. I'm pretty sure there is a way to trace the contacts via the internet.
    Just like there was for the craigslist creep who killed the young Julissa in Boston.

  122. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I really don't know about this internal drama. I have been a regular "IM". I like the style, the brashness doesn't put me off. I'm happy to know about his success with his daughter. I know nothing about this schism among Blogs. Clearly expressed, if there is credible evidence to inflict political damage at 'all sarah all the time' I want to hear/read it.
    Comments sometimes offend, but not very much. Thanx, nem

  123. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Well, I want to chime in too now, after what I saw last night. I don't see it anymore, perhaps you were able to get them to take it down or something, Gryphen? I wrote a strongly worded comment questioning tactics, and I think that got taken down as well.

    They seem to only have one post and a simple thread after it, so far. They are already accepting offers for money and telling people they can contact them via email to find out how to get it to them. It would seem like they are under pressure, financially, if nothing else. Makes people do stupid things.

    I would think your post today is not an accident.

    It sounds like people are saying they had warned PG about joining forces and ultimately the warnings rang true.

    Still rather speechless, the poster above who expresses trepidation, their fear is not misplaced. I think PG is a safe place now, though.

  124. Anonymous5:31 AM

    This information and Regina's latest post really help clarify things. It seems that both you and Regina suffer from a bad case of standards and integrity.

    A simple solution is that someone front a site for the two bloggers who were ousted. They have a different view of how to do things and others may find it appealing, similar to AKWTF. The more the merrier, and everyone wins.

    Thank you, Gryphen, for all you do. In a world filled with insanity, you provide some respite and relief.

  125. Anonymous6:47 AM

    So, Gryphen, someone can simply accuse you of lying, make threats and ultimatums, but then retract them, damage done? The followers just accept one word against another, 'nuf said?

    It's actually blood chilling.

    Seemed like there was a little timeframe put forward. I am wondering if and when you will respond, and if not what they are going to do about it.

    If you do nothing, and if they are silent, it means you hammered them and they shut up.

    It's great how most of the troubled people are leaving and following them elsewhere.

    Even that post picture shows how sick they are. They didn't need to take that swipe but then again it's not surprising that they did.

    I am sure Regina is relieved she no longer works with them, and is trying to put it past her.

    I wouldn't trust another word they say.

  126. Anonymous7:11 AM

    4:49 AM said-

    "Still rather speechless, the poster above who expresses trepidation, their fear is not misplaced. I think PG is a safe place now, though."

    I agree.

    Certainly announcing that one is keeping close tabs on commenters' IPs doesn't inspire confidence. But I believe PG is safe now. (Not to be paranoid but a little prudence never hurts.)

    A few thoughts on P's challenge to Gryphen to "prove it." Given his research abilities, and as a lawyer, P should be the first to realize that his documents can't prove anything satisfactorily since documents can be altered or "lost." We are not in a court of law and will only see what P allows us to see. We have no means to independently verify the evidence he presents and we can't know if we are in possession of all the evidence. That's why trust is paramount here, as Gryphen correctly noted.

    My primary question to P would be why is he saying publicly that Gryphen is lying? How does he know with such certainty that G is lying? There are other possibilties such as: a) The exchanges in question may have been verbal and not recorded. (Indeed G said he learned of the problem through phone calls.) b) The informant and/or others could be lying.

    If P is a lawyer he should understand this. It's troubling that he felt the need to make such a damaging charge in public when it can't be proven to satisfaction, as he suggests it can.

    Another possibilty of course is that P is lying. But whatever the truth is, by making public charges of dishonesty that can't be satisfactorily resolved P has roiled the waters even more and, without realizing it perhaps, damaged his own credibilty in the process.

  127. Anonymous8:18 AM

    And some of those wonderful, wonderful regulars are now counting thread comments, and turning this all into a huge competition.

    For anyone who said this wasn't about getting at you - it really had nothing to do with Regina, I think she was bulldozed and too trusting - they are mistaken, imo.

    This seems to be all about you. What are they so afraid of?

    I will stop commenting about it. There's not much more to say.

  128. Anonymous8:51 AM

    P did that to slander Gryphen. Plain and simple. He doesn't care if Gryphen can defend himself or not. It doesn't matter. He just needs his audience to stick with him, as they seem to be doing. Which is fine, if they are happy.

    More and more I am wondering if this P strayed over to the dark side somewhere along the way.

    The more benign interpretation, however, is that this is simply a matter of a difficult personality attracting other difficult personalities, and someone who has shown a pattern of behavior that results in interpersonal conflict which have driven allies away, time and time again.

    These kinds of repeat episodes are not random, from a strictly psychological standpoint. I am so glad Gryphen pointed out that by and large he lives in harmony with other blogs. That is evidence enough of his trustworthiness.

    Actions do speak louder than words; We shall know them by their fruits.

    Words may matter, but what if the person uttering them has less-than-noble motivations?

    We can't know, and perhaps we never will. Just keep at it Gryph, we're with you.

  129. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Don't forget, the Palins aren't necessarily the only grifters in the world.

    There may be more.

  130. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Gryphen -

    I have followed this saga peripherally for a long time and would like to add my kudos to you.

    Those of us who have a little inside information know very well what the situation at Palingates was, the real story about how the Alaska bloggers came to disconnect from Palingates, and how certain "guest bloggers" behave in general.

    I think Regina's return will bring some integrity back to the process; I am just very sorry she had to learn the hard way. She seems like an extremely nice woman, and a very brave one. Now the work of exposing Palin can resume. Thank God.

  131. Anonymous11:13 AM

    8:51 am--Actions do speak louder than words; We shall know them by their fruits.


    I think you have some valid points about "difficult personalties" too.

  132. Cassandra Wagner1:52 AM

    Anon @ 10:18 - spot on. Those in the know are aware of the situation. I think Regina has been very polite in explaining things in a way that does not expose certain aspects of the people known as P & K. I see in her comments section that they have begun their usual self promotion - if I were Regina I would ban them from commenting further.

    Many of the AK bloggers had said to Regina long before now to walk away from the blog, or to ask them to leave. P&K had already taken over one blog previously and that ended badly - with Audrey being outed and many of us believe that P was responsible for that.

    The real reason PG was removed from many of the AK blogrolls was likely unknown to Regina - P was contacting AK bloggers without her knowledge, promoting his own agenda, being very pushy and demanding and self promotional - in some cases outright rude. You can only do that for so long before people decide enough is enough and they want to disassociate themselves from it.

    I am sure the majority of AK bloggers are very happy that P (and K) have finally started a blog entirely on their own. Up till now they have seemed to be somewhat akin to pests which can only function when hosted by someone else. Great good luck to them.

    I for one am thankful that Regina has seen the light at last. I only wish the many followers of P would be able to do the same.

    It seems there are some so desperate to see Palin go down that they check their morals and consciences at the door. :(

  133. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Cassandra Wagner--

    My brief experience with P led me to similar conclusions. His loyal followers obviously haven't been burned by him. Experience is a great teacher. ;)
    Too bad a blog dedicated to uncovering the nasty side of politics can't turn that scrutiny on itself instead of blaming others for all the current trouble.

  134. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I kind of think it would rock the worlds of a number of them to even consider that P and K are not trustworthy, they are so passionately devoted to them at this point.

    I mean, that would be deeply upsetting if all of a sudden they had to wake up and realize that white is black and black is white in this situation. Some of them post 50 times a day there. Who does one trust in this anonymous internet world? I realize I am saying that as an anon, haha.

    I think the fact that so many blog owners are willing to be known publicly speaks to this, however. In matters of credibility it just makes things much easier to sort out.

    At face value, it would seem that P & K (whoever they are; kinda doubt that's P's name) are just intensely ambitious. Also, for me I often saw a drive to over interpret the Sarah Palin phenomenon vis a vis their own history, which sometimes colored much of what they posted. I too feel the Bush years (and into these current times, w/the GOP) were heavily influenced by fascist tactics, but I think this idea resonated with P far more because of his particular background, which perhaps is the reason he gravitated toward the story in the first place. There was a tendency toward dire pronouncements, highly paranoid predictions and analyses, and this clearly appeals to some of their fans. It continues at the new site, it would seem.

    Speaking of national factors, I have wondered if some of the conflicts with American bloggers and posters have arisen as much from clashing cultural temperaments and ways of doing things, shall we say? I lived over there. There is pretty much, to a man, an inability to ever, ever admit a mistake or that one was wrong about something. It borders on the pathological. There is also the stereotypical rigidity at work, not made up but very real. It goes against the grain of our American way, I have to say.

    Finally, that intimidation stuff, well again for us I think we have an inherent distaste and distrust for that kind of bullying, even subtle attempts. I suspect people were having a knee jerk response to the aggressive style, if nothing else.

    The one interesting development is that it looks like they are going to enlarge their purview and try to focus on topics other than Sarah Palin sometimes. I would guess this is an admission that they have outworn their welcome on the Palin story, and that they realize they have stepped on one too many toes trying to pursue it. Just as well, I think her politically viable days are dwindling.

  135. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I'm with anon @9:05. Where is AlaskaWTF and why is everyone so suddenly silent about it?
    All of the silence is making me suspect it was pulled voluntarily, and I'm not liking the reasons that I'm imagining. $$

  136. Anonymous11:28 AM

    whoops sorry about the double post, Gryphen!


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