Friday, January 28, 2011

More bad news for those saddled with the Palin name.

From ABC News:

Washington University in St. Louis says Bristol Palin won't be speaking there next month after all.

The decision comes after some students expressed outrage over Palin being paid with student-generated funds.

The daughter of former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin had been invited by the university's Student Health Advisory Committee to be part of a panel discussion on abstinence on Feb. 7. Bristol Palin became pregnant at 17 and is a single mom to a 2-year-old son.

It's not clear exactly how much she was to receive, but student leaders had approved spending $20,000 for the panel.

Well it is about time that people started to realize that a young woman who became a teen mother, and still appears to be in a constant process of  incubation, is NOT the best person to have stand on a podium and tell people to abstain from sex.

This reminds me that on Bristol's last appearance on the Bob and Mark show one of the knuckle dragging Neanderthals stated what a good time it was to have the last name of "Palin."

Wanna bet?


  1. Abstain from sex in college.

    How stupid is that?

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    The unlearned, rude, uncouth, incurious, fashion-deprived, monosyllabic, breeding woman is experiencing entropy in the public's OCD yesterday's news syndrome.

    And Brisdull also, too.

    Can the Tweto's of Flying Wild Alaska now become our State's ambassadors of a normal family in an extraordinary land?

    M in BET

  3. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Thank goodness for young intelligent, spirited people that are not AFRAID to stand up to ANY of the Palins and the utter lies, famemongering cowardice ways.

    The youth in this country need to revolt against this family and their bambozzling deceptions of being Godly and of character to rule others.

    They need to learn how to rule themselves before they ever intend to RULE OTHERS. Thank you students for standing up to this crazy bit*h and her mother. REVOLT I SAY REVOLT against the Palins.

  4. At least the students were smart. Why would they want an unwed mother, who got knocked up at age 16-17, who has never stepped foot on a college campus to take classes.

  5. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Washington University has the reputation for being very "blue" in a somewhat "red" community, and is noted in most surveys as being one of the best private universities in the nation. Awesome - no anti-intellectuals allowed!

  6. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Wash U. is a top tier school. I can imagine what the student protests would have been like if Bristol appeared there. Disappointed that there will be no question and answer session.

    inside the beltway

  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    What's that noise I hear? It's the air rushing out of the Palin balloon.

  8. Here is the original article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

    The students as a whole were angry about this. Very much so.

    Here is this morning's article:

  9. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Someone who charges tens or hundreds of thousands for a 1-hour or less appearance or speech is not a "spokesperson" or "advocate" for anything.

    They are simply exploiting an issue and profiteering from it.


  10. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Congratulations to the students, showing intelligence and being fiscally responsible at the same time. Pay attention people this is what education can do for this country.

    c in colorado

  11. The best thing is it rhymes with Nailin'.

  12. Anonymous6:04 AM

    This is great news! The students at WU have my admiration and thanks.

    Wash U is a premier school in STL. They are leaders in medical research eg spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy. I know they are associated with WU's med school.

    WU has a great fine arts program.

    Back in another life I took some voice lessons at the school; my voice coach was an instructor there. I loved walking the campus and admiring the beautiful buildings and taking in the academic vibe.

    I knew these youngsters would come through - kudos to these smart, savvy VOTERS ;-)


  13. Anonymous6:05 AM

    As with so many things, the vast majority of people are reasonable and rational. I am the mother of a 21-year-old and can report that she and her friends would see through Bristol's hypocrisy in a second, were she to attempt a speech at their school. (Never going to happen.)

    We can count on the sound judgement of our youth - I know shows like Jersey Shore make us despair, but they are a tiny, tiny subset.

    This decision is very heartening. What were they planning to pay her, and how were they planning to pay her? Do you think ideologically based groups are going around and offering to subsidize Bristol's appearances?

  14. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I live in St. Louis and I can tell you...ONLY the wingnuts were supportive of Wash U hiring Bristol. In the local paper, a whopping 79% of readers voted "not a chance" when asked if they'd attend a speech by her. And the whole issue has caused a lot of problems for the university, with a number of alums, students and longtime donors getting very upset.

    Finally, even middle America is waking up to the Palin grift...

  15. Anonymous6:11 AM

    If Alaska WTF 's blog has been pulled down on the blogger platform, let him do one at

  16. This reminds me of how unfortunate for Alaska that the WGE's family may be the most prominent in people's image of that gorgeous state. There are so many truly beautiful (inside and out), spiritual, kind, intelligent generous families in Alaska. I wish there would be more news about them that we could enjoy and look to as examples from that great adventurous state.

  17. Anonymous6:13 AM

    It was just too much that university students could be so easily fleeced by an ignorant, dimwitted, slutty grifter like Brisket.

    Shouldn't she be scamming Jenny Craig?

  18. This goes under the heading: What Were They Thinking? Guess some college kids have more smarts than the average Palinbot after all. When I first read of this, I was appalled. What in the world has Bristol to offer in the way of advice to young people? She has done everything half-assed backwards and has been rewarded for her stupidity. Not a role model, or even an inspiring speaker, she is a glaring example of a celebutard: a person who has no real claim to fame but who puts herself out there for all to see. In Bristol's case, she then complains about being the butt of a million jokes. I think that Sarah and Bristol are "holed up" somewhere in Arizona, either awaiting a birth or post-something. Todd is in Alaska under house arrest. The questions are: where is Trig? Piper? Willow? Track? The Palins are definitely separated - just not officially.

  19. Anonymous6:15 AM

    The "victim" spin was deployed INSTANTLY. It seems poor (paid cash for her house), family-values-espousing (keeps son away from his father) Bristol is being DENIED her freedom of speech by libruls!

    So predictable. As long as Bristol toes the line, she will have well-heeled partisans to rush to her defense.Much more lucrative than thinking for herself. She may not have gone to college, but she's not stupid.

  20. Anonymous6:17 AM

    When is the Candies Foundation going to wise up about this skank?

  21. Anonymous6:20 AM

    @ Jaye, you got it. The GOP has a mighty big problem in that they are out of step with the younger people. They are trying with Meghan McCain and Bristol, but that's not going to cut it come election time.

    Our young people are one of the main constituencies responsible for handing the Dems the White House in '08. They will be a huge factor, again.

  22. Anonymous6:22 AM

    If Bristol really cared about this issue and helping teens, she would agree to be on the panel without taking a fee. But she is too much like her fritter mother.

  23. Anonymous6:23 AM

    There are many students right on that campus who are practicing abstinance, that they can use. I abstained from sex during my last two years in college, so I know it is possible. I astained from sex all the way through high school.

    If you preach that having sex in High school is normal, kids will have sex. There should be a balance teaching abstinance and safe sex.... abstinance should be encourage, because most kids are not mature enough to handle the emotion part of sex. Self respect and protecting your body, should be taught.

    Bristol is the last person that should be speaking. Not because he had a baby, but because she is not practicing abstinance. How many boyfriends she went through at her young age? Johnny, Levi, Mike, Ben, and Levi again and now Gino and whoeve I left out.. she just turned 20, that's too many. She should be thankful they cancelled, cause those students would have eaten her alive.

  24. Anonymous6:23 AM

    If Bristol really cared about this issue and helping teens, she would agree to be on the panel without taking a fee. But she is too much like her fritter mother.

  25. Anonymous6:24 AM

    GOOD. If I was a student there, I'd also be furious at the idea that part of my student activity fee and/or tuition money was going into the pocket of a Palin. And yeah, from what I hear, Bristol's some kinda expert in sex, but so are most college students. And most college students are a hell of a lot smarter and more articulate than she is, too.

  26. if you don't mind my asking;
    what happened to the pregnant belly we saw growing on DWTS. Was that just gossip-of-the-moment for those who don't like the Palins?
    Was Bristol just gaining weight? What does she look like now?

  27. Anonymous6:29 AM

    If BP wants to prove her chops as an advocate for teen pregnancy, perhaps she should restructure her fee agreement to take a small stipend ($5K ?), and a donation to a group that helps teens. First, she could do a lot of these cheaper speeches, and the groups bringing her in could write off the donation. Win-Win.

  28. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I'm glad that the students at Washington University are smarter than the people who thought that Bristol was a good spokesperson. Bristol is not being denied her freedom of speech. She can stand on any street corner in St.Louis and talk about abstinence as long as she wants. It's just that the students at Washington U. don't want to PAY to hear her. It's their money; they can hire whatever speaker they want.

  29. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Bristol will go somewhere else and make the 20 thousand bucks while the students will do what exactly?

  30. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Down and out in Hillybilly Palinland, people are tired of ignorance and hypocrisy being smeared in their face.

    Has she recuped enough from this last pregnancy to even make an appearance? Every photo they put out is old ones.

    That fake 10 minute speech in Texas showed pictures of 2 different palin girls, these Palins are fooling themselves instead of the American people.

    America is getting tired fast of this twisted grifter family and will be showing them the door this year.

  31. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The reason why Bristol's speech would be so outrageous is simple. She told Greta Van Sustren "abstinence is unrealistic". She changed her tune shortly afterwards when she found out she could be paid to say otherwise.

  32. "Bristol will go somewhere else and make the 20 thousand bucks while the students will do what exactly?"

    They'll get a speaker who is more qualified, and continue their educations!

  33. Anonymous6:41 AM

    There they go again, people who hate the messenger and what she (and The Palin Family) stands for.

    Abridging their first amendment rights to profit and whatnot off their ability to deliver a family values conservative message.

    That they don't live and practice what they preach is completely a non-issue.

    Except in St. Louis at the liberal arts institution of Wash U. : )

  34. Anonymous 6:30 AM said:
    Bristol will go somewhere else and make the 20 thousand bucks while the students will do what exactly?

    Continue to better themselves with education so some day they can be productive members of society.

    Money isn't everything in this world. Yes, Palin will go somewhere else and make her money, but really, is she being a good member of society? No. She should take that "hard earned" money (Yeah, right. One night on her back, and she's a millionaire. Literally) and go to college.

    Is she putting any of that money away for Tripp? I'll bet not. She's spending it. Some day she will have nothing and have to go back to Wasilla to live.

  35. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Why are we judging Bristol for actively dating? She's human like we all are. high schoolers date. college students date. We have no idea what she says in her speeches but from the clips, we've heard her say "the only fool proof way of not getting pregnant is abstaining. I don't understand what's hypocritical about that.

    At the candies townhall last May, she said verbatim, "I'm not trying to push abstinence on anyone". and "I wish I had something like this when I got pregnant"

    And for once in her life, her statements sounded sincere.

    I have screenshots of her trying to persuade her friends and peers NOT to have a baby because it's hard work raising one. Yes, she could be honest about having a nanny but she doesn't shy away from interacting in public with the nanny.

    We live in a slutty country. Whether it's small town life, private school, or urban setting, people are going to do what they want and they will reap what they sow. The domino effect is everywhere. Lives are destroyed daily. I think Bristol would be better off fighting against the pop culture bullshit and start campaigns that seek to eradicate MTV and the like from influence.

    I don't understand how one can justify judging her when we do not even know her or the truth. Regina at PG may be the only person with integrity and compassion in the blogosphere. You all heavily rely on Gryphen and Sadie for your Bristol-info when one hasn't met her and one has already proved she doesn't know much about her and her family.


  36. Anonymous6:47 AM

    She can't do Jenny Craig. That requires speaking in a commercial and being personable.

  37. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Most studnets who "practice abstinance" in the LAST two years of college do so because they can't get any. Sorry, but just not natural for a 22 year old (who had been sexually active) to all of a sudden stop.

  38. Anonymous6:50 AM

    You want to know what? If Bristol were anything but who she's shown herself to be, a spiteful, nasty little girl with a superiority complex that covers a complete failure of character and intelligence (like her mother) than I'd be happy with her being a spokesperson for speaking on safe sex issues.

    For her to go back on her "Abstinence is unrealistic" utterance to preaching abstinence is just utter rubbish.

    If she hadn't proven herself to be such a mini-Sarah and Todd, she could be a likable public personality. But of that, she's got none.

  39. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Anon @ 6:23, I agree, they would have eaten her alive. She is probably relieved that she did not have to speak. What in the world does she say anyway. Is she doing any research, learning about the pertinent issues? No, she does not even know what college life is like. Good for Washington U. Smart kids.

  40. Chenagrrl6:51 AM

    Nevermind that Bristol barely finished high school, and has shown no real interest in higher education.

    Her Facebook persona and the dazzled diva presentation on DWTS is not enough to recommend her for anything.

    She should thank WU, it saved her from a public thrashing.

  41. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I bet they still had to pay her as he probably signed a contract

  42. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Sunshine1970 are you serious?

  43. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Can the Tweto's of Flying Wild Alaska now become our State's ambassadors of a normal family in an extraordinary land?

    I hope not.

    You must not be from Alaska.

  44. Midnight Cajun6:58 AM

    Gryphen, I'm just feeling inspired to tell you how much I love your blog, how much I appreciate your courage and vigilance, your political incorrectness, your snarky comments about Sarah's overinflated and over-processed looks, about Bristol's plastic virginity and Todd's waywardness and all the other ways in which you step on toes and tell anyone who doesn't like it to go f**k themselves. I may not always agree with you, but you bring me laughs when sorely needed, point me to articles or segments I might have missed, and sometimes challenge me to look at a subject from a different direction.

    Please don't go away or have a meltdown, okay? Love you!

  45. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Bristle, If you would have been accepted to speak at Washington University about abstinence, would you have covered the following?

    1.) How the lack of abstinence before marriage has affected 3 generations of Heath women: my grandmother, my mother and now me.

    2.) How having multiple "buns in the oven" since 16 years of age is helping me research this theory about abstinence.

    3.) How my remark "abstinence for teens is not realistic" on Greta's show was simply a slip of the tongue and my rumoured co-habitation with Levi, then Ben, and now Gino will help me prove the opposite of that statement.

    (I personally would love to hear you address these 3 issues - but I am not willing to pay to hear you speak.)

  46. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The students will get a good education and be better people. Bristol will make money while she can, remain ignorant and mean, and in the end, be stuck with herself. Most of us out here know there is much more than life than money. There is learning and good friend and self-improvement and being kind to others. Bristol is a Palin, and therefore never learned to any of that. She learned how to be a grifter.

  47. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The WU students will continue to study, to make choices as they see fit, and be blissfully free of the fake traveling circus that has the Palin name attached to it.

    I am curious to see additional recent pictures of Bristol. he was getting very strange shaped on DWTS, also looked strange under the scarves in Haiti. Those few pictures from her speech wherever last week still made her look unusual.

    I think it is quite possible the iron framed undergarments at the end of DWTS was hiding a much further along Bristol than we thought, and I think in the 6 weeks since the Haiti trip she probably gave birth. Especially when you factor in the old AZ shopping pictures they put out there during the same period.

  48. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Um, if you compare what Bristol looked like actually pregnant and her dwts stint, you will see the bellies are not the same. during dwts, bristol sported abdom fat, which is hard to lose and hard to disguise and when corseted, looks firm. try it. unless you have unhealthily low BMI, you all have abdom fat.

    I"m shocked she hasn't shot up a mall yet, as she has weathered so much bullshit from idle, incompassionate people.

    Maybe I'll start a blog and post the screen shots I have of people's horrible comments, leading the way with Sadie's. I dont know about now, but back 2 years ago, Sadie fearlessly trashed Bristol on myspace. She also wrote at least one personal survey a day where you answer random mundane questions about yourself. She'd always work in something hateful about a Palin. She constantly wrote how jealous she was of Levi's fame and traveling experiences. She absolutely threatened to physically kick Bristol's ass if Levi brought her over to the house (in dec 08, ya know when she was pregnant)

    Then she sold Tripps picture to OKmag when in FL, which prompted Bristol to cut the Johnstons out of her life. This was also when Sadie lost several friends due to her immaturity. No one can deny Bristol was the one initially taking the high road in this situation,as she wasn't the first one to pull this shit and she still does it sparingly.

    I'm not criticizing Sadie and I don't hate her, as I don't know her. These are documented facts penned by her. I'm illustrating that pitting one immature teen girl against another immature teen girl needs to be avoided, especially in a country where hate crimes have not ended. They're not worsening, but it all doesn't appear to be ending in the least. Bristol was absolutely telling the truth when she said people stalk her. Before Nov, She'd accept pretty much anyone as a facebook friend, including family, palin supporters, and any teen. Then in late Nov, when facebook lurker was on the prowl, I messaged Bristol saying people are using what she writes on her private account to feed their vendettas against her family. She immediately made her profile completely private and unsearchable. I did the same with Willow, who kindly friended everyone who asked.

  49. Anonymous7:05 AM

    The idiot Palinbots have as good a grasp of the constitution as Sarah, Michele Bachmann, and Christine O'Donnel. Getting paid to speak on a college campus is not a "free speech" issue. Bristol is welcome to stand on the sidewalk, preaching abstinence for free. I won't hold my breath.

  50. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Of course this will just fan the flames with those retarded flying monkey army of Palin's.

    "Those liberal elite college folk, what with all their reading and grammar. We hates them all!"

  51. Anonymous7:06 AM

    It's just the liberal elites denying the young mama grizzly of her 1st Amendment rights. That's of course how it will be spun. Another demographic of the American population that will take a hit from SP, I'm sure. You know, how dare those kids who go to college to earn an education and make a better life for themselves and our country muzzle Bristol!

  52. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Who was the lunk head who proposed this loser to speak there in the first place? If they are on the student counsel they need to be questioned as to why they thought sending cash to the grifter would be a wise move and one that would not generate pages of controversy and bad press for the counsel. Talk about your stupid moves.

  53. Anonymous7:09 AM

    This is exactly why both BP & SP tick me off. They go on & on about things that are supposedly near & dear to their heart and then charge thousands and thousand of dollars to give a talk.

    I can certainly see paying for their flights, hotels and meals but that is it.

    How many people who love a cause go out on their own dime? Lots & they are not wealthy either.

  54. Anonymous7:11 AM

    If you look back at those DWTS tapes, then add the shots from Haiti where she is wearing that empire cut peasant top with scarves, then factor in the 6 weeks since that trip, I would bet the girl had the baby.

    The baby may even have been born early, or they could have scheduled a c-section as early as medically possible.

  55. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Don't all revolutions start on college campuses?

    Gooooooooooo Wash U. Throw the fu*king pretenders out.

    San Rafael

  56. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Just another rung DOWN the ladder...

    Good for those students, I would have been furious if I were them.

    I don't know why the Palins would try to bring their circus to town at an ACTUAL college anyway, they probably planned to be rejected in the first place so they could play their worn-out victim card.

  57. Ratfish7:13 AM

    2 items from the St. Lousi newspaper:

    1. A Facebook petition to compel the school to nix Palin's appearance had hundreds of signatures Thursday evening. "It's not necessarily in opposition to the ideas that are being presented," explained Philip Thomas, the Washington U. student who initiated the petition."People are getting so angry because of the opposition to Palin's lack of expertise and the high cost she is charging," especially in light of budget cuts that have adversely affected other student activities, he said.

    You mean they know she is shacked up with another Wasillan in Arizona? And they don't think colleges should be charged high fees by the anti-spending (on anyone but us) Palins?

    2. Now, instead of Palin, the panel will feature Dr. Katie Plax, head of adolescent medicine and associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Plax is medical director of The SPOT, a teen health center at Washington University Medical Center.

    Gee, who do you think the college students would learn more from: a young Palin hypocrite, or someone who specializes in teen health and who has actually accomplished something?

    Hmmm. Let me think about that for a minute.

  58. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Why isn't anyone asking and paying LEVI to talk about sex and child custody?

    His bid to run for mayor was idiotic, but he could play into his strengths and do well at that. He spoke decently on Oprah and he's likable.

  59. laprofesora7:29 AM

    "Bristol will go somewhere else and make the 20 thousand bucks while the students will do what exactly?"

    Get an education and a college degree.

    Next question?

  60. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Here is the part of this story that has been largely left out of the media sh*tstorm. Washington University in St Louis is a REALLY good school. It is ranked #13, which puts it ahead in the rankings of a number of Ivies, including Cornell & Brown as well as Georgetown, Notre Dame, & Berkeley. Its not terribly well known because it's small and serves primarily the midwest, but it gets a lot of students capable of going to an IVY who dont want to be that far from home. Students have to do really well in high school to get in.

    So. To these kids, the idea of listening to the advice of Bristol Palin would be pretty insulting. They have all out-achieved her by being the top graduates in competitive high schools. They are already in a top college. What advice could middling achievement Bristol give them? How to milk your mistakes for financial gain? I'm sure that wouldn't be the focus of her talk. How to make a living off your parents glory? Thats not usually the focus of a student at a top college. They usually want their own success, their own glory, their own acheivements. Which is why they didnt have a baby in high school.

  61. newworldorder7:29 AM

    I have a new theory. It is out there. I noticed on several blogs today people are making the connection that Shailey Tripp was a hacker or computer security person. From internet postings it seems she has quite a good reputation. Could she be untouchable by the Palins because whatever it is she knows, or has would be put out around the world by fellow hackers? There is a very small buzz around right now that discusses that possibility. Did the Enquirer interview her? Her own silence speaks volumes don't you think?

  62. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Be able to sleep at night, perhaps?

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol will go somewhere else and make the 20 thousand bucks while the students will do what exactly?

  63. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Anon at 6:30: they'll listen to intelligent, educated, thoughtful speakers, and then go on to finish their education and become productive, enlightened citizens (rather than ignorant grifters, aka the Palins). Jeez.

    Bristol needs to find a new schtick. She already looks like a used up 30-year-old. How much longer do you think people are going to pay to hear this "former teen" talk about how hard her life has been as a millionaire single mom celebrity?

  64. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The article on Huff Post says the agreement to cancel was 100% mutual. Is Bristol pregnant again and that's why?

  65. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Lets be fair- If you were organizing a "Sex Week" wouldn't the slutty Bristol be the first person to come to mind?

  66. Enjay in E MT7:41 AM

    Guess she may have learned another method of not getting pregnant, besides absinance.

    I am sorry - my mind is totally in the gutter with that picture......

    However- quote from news-leader

    snip] "There's nothing that really qualifies her to ask for such an exorbitant amount of money just to come speak here about abstinence, so the reaction is pretty negative. We think that we could be using our money better to get somebody who's more qualified to come speak than Bristol Palin," said senior Pierre Boncy. [end snip

    more @|lateststories

  67. I'll pay her 20 bucks to come over & clean out my little box...too much?

  68. Kudos to WU...I was floored when I realized which school it was. They recruited me in high school, and it made no sense based on what I knew about the university

  69. Anonymous7:49 AM

    6:30am They will save their $20,000.00 for student scholarships! No one cares where Bristol gets paid as long as it isn't their student funds wasted on it.

  70. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Doesn't she get paid, anyways? If I remember correctly SP's contract stipulated a deposit had to be submitted...pretty sure it would be forfeited if the other party canceled. BP must be happy about that...

  71. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think the Palins are glad this Wash U speech was cancelled and may have even helped that to happen. Bristol is quite pregnant and was on the stage for about 10" only last week (behind a huge podium) and had Willow there dressed very similarly doing the photo opps/decoy routine. The Palins are pretty brazen, but people are not completely blind.

    At Wash U, she would be on a panel where she would have to be there for an extended period and not a tightly controlled drive-by like before where she was so Spanxed up she could hardly breathe probably.

    Hard to convince people about abstinence if your ready to pop a baby out and its obvious to all in the room.....

    On another topic, there have been questions in the past 48 hours about were there 2 "Morgans" (someone with that moniker has been posting here in the past couple of days).

    Someone named Morgan was a researcher at PD and there was a Morgan who was great with researching photos/videos but was shut down with Palinbot threats and there is this person who I think is a Morgan:

    Are there one or two or three Morgans?

  72. Sarah H8:02 AM

    As a Texan, I am very offended when people call Bristol "Brisket". Brisket is very tender, delicious, tasty, and a Texas tradition that is important to my family. Bristol is, well, certainly none of those things. Super lame and ridiculously hypocritical is the kindest description that came to mind.

  73. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Anon @6:30.

    What will the students do? They'll get something far more valuable than money; an education with a opportunity to maybe contribute something positive to the world.

    It's a shame that Palin never encouraged her children's education.


  74. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Gryphen, didn't you say you had "bad news" of your own for the Palins? Seems I remember you saying you'd share that info after the NE article came out...

  75. Punkinbugg8:13 AM

    My faith in humanity is restored.

    Somebody finally said "Thanks, but no thanks." to a Palin.

    Wonder if her mother's speaking engagements are drying up, too?

  76. Anonymous8:14 AM

    @ 6:30: yes Bristol will find other opportunities to rake in some cash; I think of her as a one-trick-pony, poor thing. Trotting dutifully were she is led, performing her one little trick, and then back to the barn.

    The students, as one would wish for Bristol, will be studying a wide variety of the world's intellectual wealth; preparing themselves to be positive, contributing members of their and our future society.

    There are takers and there are makers. My sense is that Bristol is only maximizing what she has been shown to do by her mother: Take, grab with both hands; and nary a thought for the ethics of taking money you did not rightfully earn.

    It is possible to say 'no' to unearned compensation:

    A baseball player, a pitcher, at the beginning of this week retired early and lost out on $12 million left in his contract. He said he didn't feel right taking money when he could no longer do his job properly. He had every right to sit out his last year on the injured list, but that was not the choice he made.

    It was so remarkable, that remarks were made in several blogs, newspapers and tv reports.


  77. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Maybe Levi could join the panel and advise on loves&gloves?

  78. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sarah H from Texas...
    thanks for the laugh! I love brisket too. I do occasionally make the connection about a slab of meat, but I prefer to call her Bristle.

  79. Anonymous8:49 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    If BP wants to prove her chops as an advocate for teen pregnancy, perhaps she should restructure her fee agreement to take a small stipend ($5K ?), and a donation to a group that helps teens. First, she could do a lot of these cheaper speeches, and the groups bringing her in could write off the donation. Win-Win.

    6:29 AM"

    Better yet, why doesn't she get a real job &
    speak to groups for free? If you are really
    passionate about a cause, why worry about
    fees? She is a glorified Ronald Raygun Welfare
    Mother--wanting money from others to support
    her mistake(s) & to live in a high style without
    working for it. She is not a Hollywood star,
    scholar, politician, or anyone who has earned
    the right to charge for their prestige & insight.
    What is her message? "Dun't fuck, y'all--yew
    gets preggenant that wayz! I know--it happen
    to meh! Now I jus suck it for 'em! Or I let
    teh boys stick it in my butt hole."

  80. Facebook Lurker8:52 AM

    7:03- poor sad little Bristol and Willow, wahhh, they can't have Facebook pages anymore, wahhh, people are jealous haters, waaah.

    The reality is Willow was too stupid and immature to conduct herself in a civil manner when Tre and Matt innocently wrote that SP Alaska show was a fail. Willow was off Facebook within 24 hours, and it had nothing to do with me. Bristol also could not manage to keep her private life off Facebook , and again, I had nothing to do with her deleting her personal account, she did that all by herself. I wasnt even on her friend list for at least 4 or 5 months. Those girls were too fucking stupid to realize shit they wrote on the Internet would come back to haunt them. Just like Sarah, they got full of themselves and thought they were untouchable.

    Bristol made her deal with the devil and is now paying the price for choosing to be a high paid reality tee vee and tabloid whore as a "profession" .

    I don't know who you are or what your relationship to the
    Palins is, but give it up...they could care less about you. They only care about where their next payday is coming from, and how long they can keep riding the celebutard gravy train.

  81. Anonymous8:53 AM

    " laprofesora said...
    "Bristol will go somewhere else and make the 20 thousand bucks while the students will do what exactly?"

    Get an education and a college degree.

    Next question?

    7:29 AM"


  82. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Maybe I'll start a blog and post the screen shots I have of people's horrible comments, leading the way with Sadie's. I dont know about now, but back 2 years ago, Sadie fearlessly trashed Bristol on myspace. She also wrote at least one personal survey a day where you answer random mundane questions about yourself. She'd always work in something hateful about a Palin. She constantly wrote how jealous she was of Levi's fame and traveling experiences. She absolutely threatened to physically kick Bristol's ass if Levi brought her over to the house (in dec 08, ya know when she was pregnant)

    No blog required--just upload screenshots
    to an image host & post them here. Won't do
    it? Then you are lying, Bristol!

  83. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Yes, I think that Shailey Tripp story is about far more than simple prostitution and/or infidelity.

    I am not interested in invading her privacy, but it would seem she turned to the NE because she felt it was her only defense against the Palins.

    There is a former association, it appears, and it has now soured in some way.

    That tidbit about a supposed second shadow career in computer stuff was very, very intriguing. On the other hand, it could look a certain way because of shoddy hacking on the part of some anti-Palinistas. Maybe there are truly two different people.

  84. Anonymous9:18 AM

    anja @ 7:45 am said...
    "I'll pay her 20 bucks to come over & clean out my little box...too much?"

    Yes anja, that's way too much. Besides, your cats deserve better.

  85. Anonymous9:26 AM

    A "panel discussion on abstinence"?

    What's to discuss? Keep your knees together ladies! Boy, keep your pants on!

    Sounds like a colossal waste of money. It's just something to pretend they're "doing something" about a problem.

  86. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Well well well, isn't that good news! Finally, sanity wins out. Courageous students to have sucessfully stood up to the Palins. Can anybody remember a politician who is so destructive, so vicious that they have caused a member of their own family - a child - to be shunned? Not that Bristol hasn't brought at lot of problems on herself but Mommie Dearest created the situation for her kids, set the example for her children to follow, probably demanded that they do as she says. Sarah Palin has ruined her children's lives with her own stupidity, bad judgment, greed and sick personality.

  87. Anonymous9:33 AM

    This goes a long way to restoring my hope for America's future.

  88. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Bristol's complaining that her "free speech" rights are being violated?

    Where the Palins are concerned, no speech is "free" - they always run into the tens of thousands.

    I have to admit though, that picture you put up of Bristol does make it appear that she knows more about sex than I'd given her credit for.

  89. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Washington University students were rightfully offended by the beliefs and behavior of this family. They understand the only reason why this 'abstinence advocate' was foisted upon them was because the mother of the 'abstinence advocate' had been foisted upon the nation as purportedly being Vice Presidential material.

    The willful ignorance and disdain for education exhibited by the religious right, the rightwing of the Republican Party and now the TeaParty is obvious. Sarah Spudnik demonstrates what these fools want their children to be.

    You can bet that Washington University students have already seen plenty of teh stupid in the Showme State. Locals Dana Loesch and Dr. Dina Loudon supply talking points and idiocy to the locals in addition to guest appearances in the national media.

    And that Palin Reagan thing again:
    On Dr Gina Loudon's website.

    Washington University students understand what Spudnik Palin supporters don't understand- Sarah Spudnik can't say, spell or explain what Sputnik was. Or how Sputnik fits into history. Or probably even whether it is the earth orbiting the sun or vice-versa. As a competent citizen of planet earth you need to be able to do this.

    Spudnik Palin and the gang think they are anti elitist, but don't realize that they are willfully ignorant. They actually fancy themselves quite smart, as can be seen by their various writings and twitterings. The disconnect between reality and what Spudnik and followers think is reality is not a good thing.

    Washington University students recognize stupid when they see it.
    They have no interest in the stupid worship especially when it is done with their tuition money.

  90. Persephone9:56 AM

    If Bristol really wants to promote the message of abstinence or "Pause Before Play," she needs to seek out a more appropriate audience. How about actual young teenagers who haven't yet become sexually active?

    Bristol keeps accepting these gigs to speak to adults or near-adults, when that is NOT her audience. If she was willing to talk to real teens for less money, she might actually be taken more seriously.

    Of course, we know that will never happen...

  91. Anonymous9:59 AM

    @ 8:00 AM Not only was Bristol on stage behind a podium last week, but also, according to SP, just around the corner when Sarah gave her WTF speech on Greta's earlier this week.

    SP never hesitates to drag in her family members and when Greta interviewed Bristol (quite a while ago), in popped Sarah to take over the show. I wondered at the time, if Bristol was "right here", why
    they didn't show her. Why, even Todd got to meet Barbara Walters, when he was "just around the corner"!

  92. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Anybody mention Wonkette's take on this yet?

    Always good for the last laugh on the subject:

    Be sure to read the bot-free comments ........

  93. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The newspaper article said that not only liberals at the school were against Bristol speaking but REPUBLICANS as well. Old people who believe abstinence is a viable option commend Bristol, but a group of her peers will see right through her. You don't have to be a Democrat or a Republican youth to know when someone is full of sh*t. Young people don't edit their feelings to match their agendas as much as their parents would.

  94. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I never have understood why anyone would pay such substantial dollars to hear Bristol speak after listening to her be interviewed. Plus, isn't she living w/her current boyfriend?

    Know that I would not encourage my teenage granddaughter to go listen to her...she wouldn't want to anyway...I've already asked her!

  95. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The Palins, I really do not understand these people or the people who worship them. I don't know, to me you have to go to college and work in the industry many years to be an expert in a certain field. You have to do research, get hands on experience, write books on the subject before calling yourself an expert or be able to give lectures and speeches.

    Sarah Palin, some how she became an energy and oil expert with only one journalism degree after attending 5 colleges. Sarah Palin never worked in the field, never wrote any research or educational books on the subject or attended college in this field and she is an oil / energy expert? How can she claim to be an expert?

    Bristol Palin, sex and abstinence expert / speaker? Sexually active Bristol got knocked up in high school and never attended college or wrote any research books or took any classes in college and she thinks she is qualified to give speeches on the subject. What's wrong with this picture?

    Todd Palin, what's his story? Is Todd now qualied to be a Gynecologist because of his extracurricular activities outside the home? I guess you can say Todd has been doing his own research, but he still has to go to medical school / college before he can become state certified.

    Does this family have no shame?

  96. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I would pay money to see any member of the Palin family have to answer questions from an audience of college students.

    They would literally not know what had hit them.

    This could have been very humbling and valuable learning experience for Bristol.

    Her first problem would have been understanding a college level vocabulary. You know words of more than two syllables.

    And she would lave been facing students who work, who support children, and sometimes whole families, and who don't have rich parents to support them.

    She also would have had to face real Christians who are still virgins and try to explain to them what right she had to preach down to them.

  97. Anonymous10:53 AM

    6:20 I don't think you can compare, or even put, Meghan McCain and Bristol Palin in the same scenario!

    Meghan is much smarter, better educated, has a great sense of humor, is a better speaker, more experienced in government, someone who actually votes and is a young lady that brings a smile to my face whenever I listen to her be interviewed.

    Especially got a hoot out of her comment regarding Michele Bachman being 'a poor man's Sarah Palin'! Cracked me up!

    Don't you suspect John McCain and his wife would love to tell us what they REALLY think (and know) about Sarah, Todd and her family?!!! They certainly got to experience their antics on that campaign trail! So hope that more is leaked about that campaign as time moves on - especially in regard to Sarah.

  98. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Organizations book Bristol because her name recognition brings them more funding. Thats the point of fundraising. Book someone who intrigues people and you've got a moneymaker. So far, all the orgs that have booked BP have been successful with their events.

    Donations counts for non profits. Community involvement keeps them going. We still have no idea how much Bristol receives for appearances. That 20k has been the only number officially announced by an institution. All else is rumor.However, one place refuted the notion that Bristol was paid a great sum. Event planners aren't stupid. They know their communities and how much they have to give.
    Each organization also reports that Bristol leaves the room in flowing tears because her speech is so moving. I can't comment with firsthand experience so I will remain honorable and won't at all.

    There are too many other things in the country to worry about. Let's let Bristol be.

  99. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The fact that Bristol was taken off the panel (at the college) actually made national news on the radio here in Anchorage this morning. I awoke to it!

    Can't help but wonder how quickly Todd and Sarah will try to have that stopped! You know how they like to control that nasty media!

  100. Anonymous11:24 AM

    7:03 I suspect Bristol to be behind "these all of a sudden' negative rants about Sadie (Levi's sister) on this blog today.

    Find it interesting. Sorry to say this, but we like Sadie better than Bristol!!

    Take your comments somewhere else.

  101. Anne In DC11:29 AM

    Those students are smart enough to see the blatant hypocrisy of having Palin as a spokesperson for abstinence. For one thing, her experience is completely because she has a mother with enormous financial resources. Most young mothers are not nearly so fortunate. In addition, because birth control doesn't seem to be discussed in the Palin household, she cannot give any advice on how to guard against either unwanted pregnancy or the transmission of STD's. Third, this is a high-school dropout presuming to school college kids who are preparing themselves for productive adult life by furthering their own education. Fourth, it is unreasonable for them to be expected to subsidize her unreasonable speaking fee. All the reasons I listed above underscore why she is such a poor candidate to lecture them. It's heartening that they didn't fall for the Palin okeydoke.

  102. Anonymous11:53 AM

    According to the Alaska Dispatch Bristol is dating the lead singer of Static Cycle. Is she with both he and Gino???

  103. Anonymous11:54 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Well well well, isn't that good news! Finally, sanity wins out. Courageous students to have sucessfully stood up to the Palins.

    9:31 AM"

    You mean jellus HATErz! Just a bunch of
    loosers! They are jellus of the Palins's money
    and hawtness! Stupid libruals. U suck. Haterz
    makes us stronger!

  104. Anonymous12:01 PM

    o/t but amusing:

  105. I don't think Bristle knew that Washington U was in St. Louis. Didn't she say on Twitter the other day that she was going to DC to speak at the University? I think I saw it somwhere.

  106. Either I have a very dirty mind (which I'm accused of all the time, BTW) or that photos of Bristol seems a bit suggestive...and if she wanted to not get knocked up, maybe she should have done more of...

  107. Anonymous12:22 PM

    To have Bristol speak about abstinence at a college for a large fee is ridiculous. Those students were responsible and worked hard in high school so that they could attend that college. Some of them struggle just to pay their tuition. Having someone who was irresponsible in high school get her hands on their school money to speak about something she may not even practice is a slap in the students’ faces.
    Also, am I the only one to notice Bristol’s new pronounced jaw line? It looks as though she had some work done on her chin and lower cheeks since her Haiti trip. Check out the pictures from her shopping spree and the ones from her 10 minute speech. This may be why some people thought that she was actually her sister. It could just be the camera angle. I don’t know. It may not be my business if she did have work done, but I’m just curious.
    She is so busy with paid speaking engagements, collecting child support, babysitters, friends visiting, a nanny, possible cosmetic surgery, having boyfriends, decorating a second house bought only months after her first house, and being able to convince people into believing that she is practicing abstinence. Gosh, it’s so flippin’ hard to be a young mother. Girls, don’t get pregnant because you may struggle like she did.
    The sad thing about this whole Bristol mess is that it is not all her fault. It is also society’s fault. People love controversy. If we didn’t, then we would not be on this blog right now. Everyone keeps talking about her and giving her opportunities to make a lot of money that she doesn’t have to work hard for. Then again, she chooses to accept those opportunities. So, if I were the mother of a teenager I would be angry at her for giving mixed messages about teen parenting.
    With all of that said, I'm still a Sarah Palin supporter. Liking the mother doesn't mean that you have to like the daughter as well.

  108. Anonymous12:48 PM

    in 1 2 3, why are people taking away Bristols' 1st amendment rights.

  109. It is strange to have sex education in college to begin with. Finally people are starting to understand they have to let their views be known. In fact this is starting to happen all over the world it seems. Peaceful protest in this country in it's many forms are the most important tools we have, perhaps even more important than voting.

  110. Anonymous1:22 PM


    Yeah. Right. Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

  111. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Hey, I want to be paid $20,000 to talk to others about the importance of doing things for free. If you don't pay me, I'm suing you for taking away my freedom of speech!!

  112. I for one am delighted that people (smart students) are speaking out against the Palins. Saying no to spending money on a ten minute speech about not having sex, while having sex with new live in. Good for them!

  113. onething1:38 PM

    It's not the hypricracy of her abstinence stance that bothers me about this speech, it's that she is not intelligent enough herself to make it in college, and yet gets paid to speak to college students.

  114. Bristol Palin is the exact opposite of every 20 year-old over-achiever currently enrolled at Washington University. She has nothing to contribute to their fund of knowledge. 100% of them already know how stupid it is to become pregnant at 17. They are there as a result of responsible parenting and completing high school with good grades.

  115. Lynne1:48 PM

    Anon. at 11:54...that's a joke right? I'm a little slow with these things sometimes...bean a jelus hatr n al.

  116. Anonymous1:56 PM

    @6:45 did you see her costumes and dances on Dancing with the the Stars. You want HER to speak out against pop culture?

  117. Anonymous1:56 PM

    What continues to amaze me - and I keep writing similar comments - is the fact that Sarah and Bristol continue to get national press over their 'stuff'!

    There are far more important things going on in our world today than Todd having sex w/prostitutes - Sarah denying it - and Bristol speaking on abstaining from having sex.

    Good Lord - we have people out of work - Republicans throwing up all kinds of stuff to defeat anything President Obama got through in the past two years - people saying horrible things on TV and radio (Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity) that could create more bloodshed within the U.S. - MSNBC announcers being shut down when the FOX news side is not - the mideast upheaval with Egypt - way, way more important than ANYTHING the idiotic Palin family can provide us.

  118. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I know two recent grads of Wash U. One is currently in a top med school, the other is an attorney working for a federal judge. I really doubt, Bristol would have anything to teach them.

  119. Seriously, Bristol Palin needs to be on a suicide watch. She is in way over her head and has been since she was forced into the limelight by her sick mother. Now, Bristol is stuck chasing fame and fortune without the solid foundation of a truly supportive family and a good education. She has nowhere to go. She has become the poster girl for stupidity and laziness. Her stint on DWTS was prolonged by her mother's bots, thus Bristol incurred even more scorn. If she had been voted off in the second or third week, as she should have, she might have some credibility. But, to stay on when obviously very overweight or pregnant, shows arrogance. She could have bowed out gracefully to live a quiet life. She chose not to, as she was no doubt influenced by her mother. She may not have had a choice in 2008 when her mother paraded her in front of the world, pregnant. But she certainly had a choice after she turned eighteen.

  120. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I'm sure Bristol Palin's speech leaves people into tears. Because every unwed teenage mother is parented by a political mother with more ambition than brains, who gets her on DWTS where she is paid enough money to buy a house in cash and enough infamy to join the speaking circuit where the uneducated will pay her thousands of dollars to speak on abstinence and not see the hypocrisy.

  121. Anonymous2:22 PM

    One of my daughters was sent out of an abstinence talk at her high school when "peer leaders" were asked to talk because my daughter said, "This is ridiculous. Some of you do, some of you don't. You are just like the stoners who all claim to be having sex." The peer eladers were upset, I got called in by a principal who whispered to me that she was proud of my daughter when she escorted me to the office.

    I wouldn't tell my daughter to apologize like the Fundie mother who was helping to run it wanted me to do. There were tight lips, glares at me, glares at my daughter. Everyone in school thought that my daughter was Doing It because she refused to discuss it when she simply maintained that, "It is no one's business whether I am having sex or not!" She wasn't-- but she didn't want to be boxed in with the "pure girls" or identify with the girls who were having sex.

    Bristol is boring. She needs to be DOING something to make us take notice, like going to school. Going to school and being a mother even unsuccessfully is noteworthy.

  122. Bristol has no business telling her story about how hard it is to be an unwed mother. We know that she received baby gifts while her mom was a VP candidate. She probably has a nanny to help her, and has NEVER had to wonder where her babies next meal is going to come from.
    The students at Washington University were wise to have this whore of a woman not speak.
    And then there are the trolls who think that Bristol's 1st Ammendment Rights are being violated. Bunch of ass wipes. Bristol can say whatever she wants, just as the students have a right to have their say.

  123. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Log onto the National Enquirer online page. Look at the photo of Bristol that is shown with the article about her talk being cancelled. She is holding a huge purse at a very awkward angle. Hiding something??

  124. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Oh man, I was hoping Bri$tol would make the panel discussion. I wanted to get some insights on how complicated her life got when she got a nanny. Whew, such a hard life indeed having a nanny around you 24x7. Glad I opted out of 'that' arrangement for my life was already stressful enough raising 2 boys by myself.

  125. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Log onto the National Enquirer online page. Look at the photo of Bristol that is shown with the article about her talk being cancelled. She is holding a huge purse at a very awkward angle. Hiding something??

    2:52 PM"

    Ugh, that bag. It was free from a DWTS sponsor
    (a company called Chocolate, IIRC). I'm pretty sure
    that photo is from the fall. There was a whole
    series of her @ the airport with that bag
    covering her belly. I remember someone
    saying the bag looked like it was decorated
    with intestines.

  126. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Comment @ 7:59 am

    You inferred that Bristol had signed a contract and was paid a deposit and you said you bet she was happy with that.

    Sorry, the College released a news article a couple days ago saying no contract was ever signed and no money had been paid.

    The new story said she was not wanted there, there never was a contract signed and she was never paid anything.

  127. Anonymous3:39 PM

    " Crystal Sage said...
    Seriously, Bristol Palin needs to be on a suicide watch.
    1:59 PM"

    Nah, Bristol is as vicious and malicious as
    her mother. She is cold hearted, and is a liar.
    She is another Sarah Palin.

  128. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Role model - NO

    Giving a middle finger by Bristol and she televised that remark, posting super nasty words on facebook and half apologizing later is not a definition of a good role model.

    She needs to quit bedding ever Tom, Dick and Harry and get an education. Besides an education, she is in desperate need of some social skills.

  129. why was Bristol not charged with perjury in the hacking case? It was pretty obvious that she was not out in the middle of no where all alone.

  130. Anonymous3:55 PM

    " donald.stewart2 said...
    why was Bristol not charged with perjury in the hacking case? It was pretty obvious that she was not out in the middle of no where all alone.

    3:42 PM"

    Because IOKIYAR? Because Tennessee
    is red & reds will let let other reds get by with

  131. Pursang8:44 PM

    Poor Bristol gets a dose of reality after having everything handed to her and having her ass kissed her entire life.

    If the Palin brand keeps falling she might actually have to work for a living and I doubt she's in the least bit ready for that. Not many high paying jobs out there for a 20 year old who barely finished high school and has the personality of a rock.

  132. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    According to the Alaska Dispatch Bristol is dating the lead singer of Static Cycle. Is she with both he and Gino???

    11:53 AM

    Bristol will date anybody with a penis. No news here.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.