Saturday, January 01, 2011

Joe Miller FINALLY notices the writing on the wall.


So he is NOT going to re-open his law practice, and instead look for some
OTHER way to provide for his wife and kids? WTF?

Well it looks like Joe the Teabagger may have been bitten by the grifter bug. 

Why work when you can convince the low hanging fruit to pay your bills?


  1. Pursang4:32 AM

    The smart money is on Miller being hired as the greeter at the "Sore Losers Hall of Fame".

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    The Alaska Dispatch article on him is too kind.

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Joe Miller is an Orpheus C. Kerr wanna be.

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Wonder if Joe Miller is moving to Arizona also too? It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the house that Bristol bought was bought for him as payment for running the dogs around Lisa M.. He needs to get out of Alaska too as so many are tired of him and his strange doings.

    The house could have been bought in Bristol Palin's name for tax purposes for her but maybe someone else actually provided the money.

    Bristol will never live in that house because of where it is located and because the Palins provided the info on the address. This house was just a "bright shiny object" for people to get obscessed about and to try to pretend that Bristol was going to college there.

    Joe is going to leave Alaska before he is charged with something so let's see where he end up at. Someone will give him some kind of high paying job probably in Arizona as a payback to Palin. There is the sheriff and Jan Brewer in Arizona to help him out, we shall see soon.

    Wonder if ole Grandma Palin is a Grandma yet again?

  5. angela5:48 AM

    It is indeed the new wingnut welfare. Joe needs to go for it---Open a PAC and grift money from the clueless (Sarah). If you're annoying enough they put you on FAUX (Sarah). If a neocon thinks you'd be fun to have dinner with--they put you in a think tank (But Sarah is not even smart enough for that so they made her McCain's--VP candidate). Or If Rupert can find a half assed ghostwriter for you he gives you a 2 book deal (Sarah.)

  6. Sorry that the video was not here earlier. I scheduled the post for 3:00 AM last night and did not realize that the video did not embed properly.

    All fixed now!

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I have one question.

    She has not tweeted or posted anything on Facebook in several days. Where is her rant about Joe giving up the fight? Where is her rant about the President being on vacation? Why hasn't she pounded out an answer to all the folks saying that her daughters are pregnant?


  8. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Joe Miller will soon be forgotten and you will need to find another villain.

    Meanwhile, rejoice knowing that Lisa has your back for 6 years.

    6 long years for you to bitch about Lisa.

  9. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Joe will need a high paying job support his wife and 8 kids. If he moves he'll find out just how expensive it is here in the lower 48 and not just for housing. He'd also have to get a new law license for whatever state he'd move to and that may involve taking a bar exam. Law licenses are not reciprocal to all states. Maybe some sleaze outfit will offer him something because I don't see any book deals/FOX/TLC shows for his nasty butt.

    He may not be able to grift as well as Palin either. Not many Tbaggers with a raging rod for him as for Sarah. Plus I can't imagine Tbag women "wanting" Joe-boy knowing he has 8 kids! He's toast.

    Gee, Joe use all your AK property and show us how you can live off the land/grid without the government. You know, government, that thing you so despise that you worked for it in AK and then desperately tried to bag your way into the Federal one via law suit after law suit. The hypocrisy of baggers: bitch about lawyers/government until they think they can either take advantage of it, work for it or scam from it. Pffft.

  10. deebee6:59 AM

    Not to worry Joe. We see a great future in license-plate production for you!

  11. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Angela said: "It is indeed the new wingnut welfare. Joe needs to go for it---Open a PAC and grift money from the clueless (Sarah)."

    I have been saying something like this for a long time, i.e., how the rightwing scams their followers via PACs. Someone really needs to do an expose on this; someone like Matt Taibbi, for instance.

  12. Anonymous7:13 AM

    OT- I'm thinking that the Palin camp has been quiet this week because they've been busy trying to get TLC to re-edit (or even re-tape parts of) tomorrow's show and remove anything snarky or idiotic but it's proven to be a huge challenge to do that and still have a 2 hour show left. I imagine they've also been busy with orchestrating the family logistics, once again.

  13. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Seriously, Gryphen, if you have time, please check on the Palins and see if everything is all right out there at the lake. It's surprising not to hear from Sarah for more than a week. Levi said that they hurled tin cans at each other. Maybe they are lying there on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood and baked beans.

  14. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Has Miller perhaps been warned that his license will be revoked? He committed some pretty egregious and illegal acts while working for the Fairbanks borough. He'll be lucky if he's not prosecuted.

    Maybe he'll go back to Kansas and leave AK alone?

  15. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Agree with anon at 5:26 am--my money is on a Miller move to Phoenix. He's perfect for the state legislature in AZ and he can work his way up to replacing Jan Brewer in a few years when her dementia is no longer disguise-able.

  16. Anonymous8:55 AM

    He can also investigate the Dems4Palin scam while he is at it. It certainly sounds like something designed to fleece stupid people.

  17. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Fox News is next. Or radio.

  18. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Joe needs to find somewhere else to live. He has been using teh internets to find out how much permanent fund distribution he and his family will be 'constitutionally entitled to' in some other states.

    He hasn't found that infomation yet.
    He wonders why these states are hiding this information. He thinks it would be better for them to proudly publicize all their government payments to citizens.

  19. JenniferinVA9:16 AM

    Maybe he has some problems with the Bar Association that are coming up? That would certainly put a damper on his law practice... BTW, does he really have 8 children?

  20. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Joe might make a number of people happy if he leaves the state quickly.

    Some of these people may be in the deleted/lost/'following policy' emails at FNSB?

    Some of these people may working with the same people delaying the release of the WGE Palin emails?

    Sean Parnell probably hopes he never has to answer a single Joe Miller question, whether it comes from the press- or someone more official.

    Maybe the Millers can borrow the SPalASSka motor home and make a getaway. The Duggars may have room at their house.

  21. Tyroanee10:01 AM

    Oh Mr. Miller I'm not even going to lament on your short comings as a man,it would take me all day and then some.
    What really is the knee jerk-er? Your wife...perhaps when you decide to support your family you will walk (or in this case run) her ass down to a real Salon, and take care of that opossum that has taken up residence on-top of her head.
    Now back to you being a man, ummm no comment.

  22. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Joe Miller will not give up that PFD with 8 kids.Why do you think he has them?Pfd plus home schooling ,rent out the real estate he used for an office,sign on with a speakers bureau and give speeches on how not to run a campaign.

  23. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Joe needs a way to support his family?

    Well there's:
    1. Standing on a corner with a sign asking for money like Sarah does.

    2. You can always sell your story, Joe Miller's Alaska.

    3. Try Christine O'Donnell method, rent an apartment and charge it to your campaign.

    4. Put on 150 lbs like Brisket and go on DWTS.

    5. Do what Willow Palin does, sell drugs.

    6. How are you at building 14 ft fences? Might be a job opening in Arizona.

    7. How are you at home school teaching for the retards? There is a family in Wasilla who always has a problem with their kids, schooling and graduations.

    8. Time for Sarah to hit the road before her 5 minutes are up, she has palates of books that are stacking up in her driveway. While she is away, those Palin kids needs a sex truant officer.

    9. How are you at manscaping? Sarah needs a hand with her bushes.

  24. Anonymous11:00 AM

    If only Palin would answer a question from a real journalist, would love to have someone ask her about the Joe Miller race. Her brand is based on her connection to Alaska, and as we've seen lately, Alaska just doesn't dig her all that much anymore.

  25. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Hey Joe need some money to pay your bills and feed your family?

    Do what Sarah Palin does, pimp out your girls for some fast cash.

  26. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Levi Johnston, go over to Joe Miller's house and impregnate his daughters. They need to make some money like you did for the Palins.

  27. Regarding Palin's disappearing act, I think her advisers have warned her that her high visibility and knee jerk reactions via FB posts and tweets have damaged her chances of running in 2012. She has decided to lay low for a while, hoping that people have such short memories that when she does decide to escape the Grizzly Cave, she has another chance to re-invent her public image. Just speculating here. IMHO, Palin has done enough to damage her image over the last 2 years, and I think it's much too late to think of repairing it. This is something she should have addressed after the election in 2008.

  28. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Where is Sarah on this one

    Curiously missing during the post election vote count suits by Miller was the voice and support of the Queen of the Night (see Mozart). Why?
    Why would Sarah not at least lend her Tee Baggy words of support to her chosen Tee Bagging candidate? Surely one man one vote is a non controversial PR point? And she could talk about mandations again. And she would be signaling to her Alaska base that she still cares about them.

    At a guess it is because Lisa proved she has lots of big time Alaskan political loyalists, and Sarah realizes she has been out gunned by a woman she hates. And Sarah assumes that everyone esle hates and holds grudges the way she does As Senator Lisa will be one of the dominant powers in Alaska for at least 6 years.
    Therefore Sarah is in harms way is she mouths off in support of Lisa’s opponent

    The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.

    With Sarah deserting her loyalists in Alaska some of her opposition may begin to feel free to tell tales, as her loyalists may be either less loyal or feel less free, less empowered, and less protected to harass and black mail the deposed queen's opposition.

    That would fit in nicely with the possibility that Sarah is moving her lawyer and possibly her loyalties out of Alaska. If she begins a serious campaing she needs a home base in the lower 48 for convenience.

    Interesting point. Since Sarah has for the most part remained tacit during Miller’s law suits and whines, it strongly suggest that St. Sarah’s constant out-spewing of ugliness and lies toward other people is not an uncontrolled psychopathic tic that she cannot control, it is her cold calculated down and dirty ugly as a Rhino’s butt choice.

  29. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Miller is an egomaniacal, classless, delusional, paranoid hypocrite. He blames everyone else for his failings. He'll never change his stripes.

    Sarah is an egomaniacal, classless, delusional, paranoid hypocrite. She blames everyone else for her failings. She'll never change her stripes.

    What a pathetic pair of matching bookends.

  30. hauksdottir5:22 PM

    First... we are NOT going to forget Joe Miller.

    There are still unanswered questions about tax fraud (income and property), grifting, his so-called "military disability", and how he got out of his contract to serve the US. He owes us 3 more years of active duty. The angry gun-toting militia member could be sent to Afghanistan until his debt to us is paid. We'll be there until 2014. Time enough.

    And how about his hired thugs? I presume that Drop Zone is still hiring active duty members as "security" and training them for their eventual war against the US. Instead of encouraging brown-skinned kids to make bombs, the FBI ought to be investigating REAL TERRORISTS who happen to have white skin and oodles of REAL explosives and the know-how to use them. And the will-power. No encouragement needed.

    Of course, we still don't know what all was on his work computer at the Borough.

    The most important issue is the disability. We deserve to know EXACTLY WHAT IT IS before he runs for another office or holds an appointed position. If he is paranoid, schizo, or PTSD, putting him into power could be disasterous. Especially if he is also an End-Timer.

  31. Anonymous7:08 PM

    anon at 11 am says: "If only Palin would answer a question from a real journalist, would love to have someone ask her about the Joe Miller race."

    Yes, and I would love for that question to be phrased as..."Now, you obviously felt very strongly about fact, you asked if Alaskans were fit to tie his combat you still stand by that?"

  32. Anne In DC11:49 PM

    There are people who bring happiness to others WHEREVER they go, while others bring happiness to others WHENEVER they go. Joe Miller and Sarah Palin both fall into the latter category.

    If Miller can't find employment either inside or outside of Alaska, doesn't Barnum & Baily always have openings for clowns like him? He wouldn't even have to shave. Of course, there should be an opening for Palin as well.
    I am glad for the good people of Alaska that you managed to dodge a hairy, noisy bullet. Although I would have preferred McAdams, at least nutjob Miller won't get a chance to use those drapes he envisioned for an office it looks like he'll never occupy.

    In any case, I want to wish Gryphen and others on this site a safe and happy new year. Just like politicus.usa, this site has been extremely valuable in providing insight on the pathology of Sarah Palin.


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