Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hannity interviews Sarah Palin for first time since Tucson shootings.

The first thing I noticed was how tense and combative Palin looks. I have a feeling that there is a refrigerator someplace nursing several dings and picking canned good fragments out of it's ice cube maker.

"My first thought was how absolutely atrocious this was, and that I really needed to somehow make myself look like the victim here." (Okay I made that last part up, but it is definitely what she thought.)

"We mourn with those who mourn, we grieve with those that grieve, here let me misquote the bible to make my point."

Hannity Googled Palin's name.  He typed in "Sarah Palin/Tucson shooting." (I wish he would have put in Sarah Palin/fake pregnancy.  Now THAT would have been eye opening.)

"When did you first realize you were being connected to this tragedy?"

"Right away, unfortunately.  And not just me, this isn't about me." (This is TOTALLY about me!)

Palin is clearly pissed that her name was associated with the shootings and seems to be confused as to why that would have been. (I mean really, just because you put a crosshair image over a Congresswoman and then she is shot, how could ANYBODY connect those two things?)

Hannity also did not appreciate that his hate-filled diatribes were brought up as well. So unfair.

Ooh now he is asking about the crosshair map.

She says that was not an original graphic, however Palin does admit that the images were crosshairs. (Suck it RAM!) But hey, the Democrats have been using those images for years. (Really?)

Hannity asks if she or her PAC had the image removed from the website (The "Take Back the 20" website, not Facebook.)  Palin believes that the "contract graphic artist" may have taken it down. Palin does not think that decision was  inappropriate if it was going to cause "much heartburn." (WTF? Apparently Palin believes that people's response to that graphic was akin to eating a giant meatball sandwich.)

Palin goes on to say that it had nothing to do with "an apolitical, or left leaning criminal." (Did she just point the finger of blame back at the Democrats?  I do believe she did.)

Hannity is now showing the Democrats "bullseye map" which has a bullseye over certain states they wanted to win, but no politicians were identified by name.  Kind of different, but nice try.

Hannity: "Why do you think the Left singled you out Governor?"

Palin is obviously angry and believes that the Democrats were attacking her message, which they disagree with, and simply attacking the messenger to stop the message. (I agree.  The Democrats were trying to stop the message of PUTTING CROSSHAIR IMAGES OVER THEIR PUBLIC SERVANTS!)

Hannity asks if she thinks that targeting maps and bulleyes should no longer be used after the events of Tucson?  Unsurprisingly she does NOT agree, and compares it to censorship.

She does say that we need to be civil. (Good news Mr. President! Palin is going to stop referring to you as a socialist, and insinuating that you are trying to destroy the country. No really!)

How come when Hannity says "When we Google you" he makes it sound so dirty? Asks Palin if this is the end of her political career.(Not exactly a question that a Presidential hopeful is usually asked before the campaign season even starts.)

Oooh, look at her bite her lip!  That is one unhappy Mama Grizzly!

So in response she brings up that today is MLK day, and even quotes him: "A lie cannot live."

Holy shit, it is a barrage of word salad!  Duck! 

She is defiant, saying "they" are not going to "shut me up, and make me sit down.'   (Doesn't she have any new responses?)

(P. S. I will put up part two in just a litle bit.)


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    She got one point, spot on. ANYONE can drum up ANYTHING from any statement based on whatever intention or motive. This is the truest and most wrong thing about journalism

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    A man who supports million dollar legislation (dream act for example) that doesnt even support legal americans does NOT have the BEST intentions for the country he now runs. You cannot spin that in his favor.

    No one is unjustified when they say Obama hates America because there's VERY LITTLE EVIDENCE he likes America. PAST PRESENT OR FUTURE

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    @Anon 6:12AM - are you DELUSIONAL? Seriously this is the POTUS you are referring too. If you have these concerns become an ex-pat and move.

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Her self-admiration and utter self-confidence HAVE to be shaken...every time she does something she's sure will make her look fabulous to America (SP's Alaska, Blood libel tape, etc.) the laughter and scathing commentaries from all directions that follow must wobble that ego-centric confidence a bit, dim those delusions a bit. The question is when someone that detached from reality what happens? Craziness gets ratched up? Sanity begins to creep in? In either case, she isn't getting any younger, and looks are all she has to work with. Her time in the spotlight is fading fast.

  5. Put up part Two after you swig a bottle of Maalox from having to relive Part One? We understand and thank you for your efforts. I am stunned (I like your editorial coments btw) : how can she keep saying these things and still seem to have some credence in the press? Help me here. I hate this. Take her down Gryphen. Enough is enough. Now we have real lives lost and I am sad. And she is guilty and I don't care what she says.

  6. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Pres Obama is all about diversion. He won't address Palin as he should (if he were a good leader) because he wants people to continue concentrating on her and keep their eyes off him and his dealings. Common sense right there. They have no defense in HCR. What is the reason for the 4 year / effect thing with the bill? all smoke and mirrors.

    I find it alarming that a small group of people actively seek (private citizen who will never be pres) Sarah's destruction yet allow the President to hide dirty secrets because of their ignorance. Thats the kind of people insane far lefties are: fucked up illogical souls who cannot see fact (and refuse to even if it bit them)

  7. Anonymous6:29 AM

    6:12 -Awww. Can't find anyway to defend your queen, so, of course, they resort to insulting the president instead.

    Sad, really.

  8. Anonymous6:30 AM

    She knows it's over & she knows lawsuits are coming.

  9. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Wow, Sarah's really starting to freak her supporters out, no?

    Yet again she had an opportunity to show she is involved in politics with the right spirit, that she has truly been studying the issues in depth, that she has leadership qualities. And yet again she failed to show any of that.

    She showed defiance, anger, vindictiveness, that she has merely memorized a few talking points on policy (the same ones she has been spouting for months), and also that she doesn't care about leading all Americans, she just cares about rallying her base so she can get elected.

    Which she can't. She will never make it to the White House. I do think deep down she and her supporters are starting to realize this.

    This is what desperate disappointment looks like. Nothing positive to offer, just more negativity. Btw, quoting Scripture won't get you anywhere Sarah. Stop pretending you are a real Christian.

  10. Linda6:33 AM

    i would think that when being in the public eye starts to make a person this unhappy and disgruntled, and when that person already has millions of dollars to support herself, it is surely time for that person to fade away and regain their private life? sarah, if you are reading this i am talking about YOU! you looked like crap in this interview. all this stress cannot be good for your health. you don't need it. get out now while you still have some shred of health (and of respectability).

  11. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Hannity never brought up a single question relating to the mentioning of Sarah's brand of rhetoric by Giffords.

  12. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Sarah Palin is the Courtney Love of politics!

  13. Anonymous6:39 AM

    She's such a mean tard.

  14. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Her total inability to admit to bad taste is simply galling.

    The crosshairs were in very poor taste, even before Gifford was shot. The fact that she WAS shot makes them even more so, because it telescopes why they were in bad taste to begin with: public officials have been shot. We certainly don't need a graphic that appears to endorse the idea, even metaphorically.

    But true to form, Palin cannot admit to bad judgment. She's never, ever made a mistake in her life. No, from trying to get her ex-BIL fired, bilking the state for her children's travel, moving government correspondence to Yahoo, giving away Mat Maid to her valley buddies, begging for money for a trust fund (TWICE!) she'll grandstand that these were all GREAT decisions that reflect well on her.

    What a delusional ultra-maroon.

  15. Anonymous6:42 AM

    6:25 - agree. Her ugliness inside is starting to show through that false exterior. People are starting to see through her now at what the real Sarah Palin is. She does not walk the walk of a true Christian.

    So RAM did her hardest to make it look like surveyor symbols and Sarah was innocent -- only for Sarah to admit they are cross hairs, always were cross hairs, she likes them, still likes them, and will still use them, and is mad about the shootings basically only because it made people question her vitriol that made her so much money and attention and not because of the tragedy it was.

    She cannot see beyond her own "troubles" (if you can call them that) to see anyone else's. That is a poor leader.

  16. Anonymous6:46 AM

    If hatred was a liquid it would be spurting from every orifice in her body.

  17. Anonymous6:46 AM

    @ 6:12????? This man does EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to be fair to the masses. Conservatives are throwing baby fits because he's a Democrat. Its masked behind the fact that he’s black but your just being robots for fox news and the Insurance industry. NEW FLASH they don’t care that he's black they care that he’s not pouring money into their BULLSHIT!....I think its amazing that "we" had to sit through 8 years of someone who didn't speak for nor care about the left or middle class and if we said anything negative it was unpatriotic BUT BUT now our amazingly, companionate president isn’t catering to you he hates America.

    It really saddens me and leaves me with little hope for America’s future...

    Regarding Sarah the quitter….she said horrible things about the left….that’s half the country. So if you’re talking shit about half your country….THAT IS UNPATRIOTIC!!!!!!!

  18. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hannity calls her Governor, she quit that so she is just Sarah now and forevermore will just be Sarah.

    If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around, does it still make a sound? If Sarah won't shut up and no one listens, does she still make a sound?

    Sarah needs a long vacation with mental health experts because at the rate she is going now, there will be no speeches for her to earn any money. Most have had enough of her ignorance and shrill rants and her stock has just dropped and will no longer be traded.

  19. Kittykat526:47 AM

    Her fans must be made of people who watch the same infomercial twenty times and still clap and yell when the product performs its miracle.

  20. Anonymous6:49 AM

    @ Anon 6:07

    With Palin, one doesn't have to "drum up" or misconstrue anything. She hate filled rhetoric is evident and on display for all to see. Even with her word salad sputterings, she makes herself crystal clear.

    "Obama doesn't see America like you and I do"
    "There are real Americans and those who are not"
    "The President is trying to DESTROY America"

    These are just a few of her code words designed to incite. The map was just a graphic intended to highlight her violent speeches.

    So no, we don't make up stuff about Sarah. Her hate and divisiveness is on full display 24/7.


  21. Anonymous6:49 AM

    A lie cannot live yet she is amongst the living..?

    Are the Republicans kidding? Is this the second rate act that comes on before the real show? The Republicans sure can provide some funny entertainment while we wait for the real "politicians" to emerge.

    And, by the way, I want to hear from those that were elected, whether I voted for them or not. Not from you Palin.

    Pretty soon it will be basically show your panties on stage to old guys and get paid. While Todd shtups someone while promising to leave you and make lots of money off the "book."

    No one wants you. Your opinions mean nothing and are tripping up your own party who you owe a tremendous amount of graditude to for not kicking your ass.

    This new RNC chairman is not going to be paying for your appearances or legal fees.

  22. Anonymous6:50 AM

    By the way, what is others take on media insider gossip blog? I will not go back there to read again and have never commented on their site. I call BS on them having an insider at Faux after reading their story yesterday.

  23. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I thought Hannity actually did a pretty good job. He asked her all the right questions and did it very nicely which was even better. I think she was set up by Fox and didn't even know it. This interview was a terrrible idea and a complete failure for Palin

  24. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Thanks for calling the "heartburn" remark. Palin is politically tone-deaf, but that one is amazing even for her self-centeredness.

    Palin's scripted video and scripted interview are not enough to dig her out of this hole. Maybe she really will just go home and shut up.

  25. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I wonder if she is aware that something big is happening behind the scenes that actually will make her sit down and shut up. The way she is talking in this interview makes it sound as if she is determined to keep talking and is blissfully ignorant of what is going on. Doesn't appear that she thinks her time in the political arena is just about over.

  26. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Welcome trolls to IM. We are still here bring it on.

    Anon 6:12.. Ha ha ha ha. Nice try. Your queen still fails.

    You are such a fool.

  27. Anonymous6:55 AM

    If she didn't use cross hairs, if the fruit of her vine didn't use hate-filled, homophobic slurs on FaceBook, if she didn't call the POTUS a socialist, if she didn't brag to Ivy about Piper asking if Sarah could pull Lyda's hair, if Sarah hadn't giggled over the cruel comments made by DJ's over Lyda while she was recovering from cancer, if she didn't have a book (2!) filled with catty slams against people she doesn't like, if she didn't lie about being found innocent in the investigation-- I might feel sorry for her.

    Sarah Palin is not one who sows seeds of love or acceptance, or for an appreciation for the ways of others.

  28. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Even her freak-show appeal has faded. There is nothing new here... same ol', same ol'. How many times can this cycle be repeated?

  29. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I wanted Sean to ask her why Todd calls her "Juicy".

  30. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Anon 6:12- bullshit ! Why do you keep coming back here? Only a sicko enjoys stirring the pot, and isn't that what you get off on?? It's obvious you do. I would never go to a pro Palin site and start bashing her there. Why? Because it's really a disturbing way to spend time. Only an unhappy person or angry person wastes their precious time being so negative. It's a beautiful day out. Go do some volunteer work to get out of your head or something. I feel sorry for you but I also think you are a moron. What has Sarah done to show she loves this country. The answer is nothing! She's a divider who doesn't have a clue about 3/4 of Americans. She lies non stop, making things up for affect. Gee just like you. You need help and get a life!

    PS Fuck you

  31. Anonymous7:01 AM

    She looked very un-presidential. Where was her flag prop?

    Shaken, that's what she looked like.

    And Sean.......does he wear a hairpiece? When I see him now, for some reason I imagine him as being bald.

  32. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Is Jared Laughner "apolitical?" Maybe. Maybe not. But he sure is getting his paranoid right-wing views from somewhere...

    The democrats' map didn't use cross-hairs. Those were bulls-eyes. Not the sight of a gun. There's a difference.
    The bulls-eyes on the democrats' map represented the margin in which GWB won the state. Palin's were cross-hairs. Gun sights. She told people to "lock and re-load!"

    Sean Hannity showed a campaign ad of Joe Manchin (a blue-dog democrat) with a gun, trying to say the democrats are doing it, too.

    The problem is, most people don't know who Joe Manchin is. Joe Manchin is not the most polorizing politician/person in America. He does not have the kind of rabid following that Palin, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh have. Nor, does he have as loud a voice, or "influence."

    Most people also do not blame Joe Manchin for poisoning the country's discourse, and creating a toxic environment. $arah Palin is polarizing, and far more people know who $arah Palin is, and blame her for that. She's been doing it non-stop, since the 2008 election.

  33. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "She got one point, spot on. ANYONE can drum up ANYTHING from any statement based on whatever intention or motive. This is the truest and most wrong thing about journalism"

    6:07 A.M.,

    $arah Palin does exactly that all the time.

  34. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Gryphen, this is also an excellent analysis of her interview...


  35. Anonymous7:05 AM

    These poor people who post comments here against our president must have such a limited source of information that they really truly believe the stuff they write. There is a world of information out there and yet they can't elevate their thoughts and arguments to include any substance. It's really very sad.

    LISTEN UP PEOPLE. This is why we criticize Sarah. You want to believe she is despised just because we want to hate her. We rail against her because of the lies (death panels, etc.) she tells and the mean, hateful, violent rhetoric she uses. She does not debate facts, issues, and actual solutions to problems.

    Interesting to note on the video the rise and fall of her chest. During certain questions and comments. I thought it was very telling to see which topics she has a physical response to.

  36. Anonymous7:07 AM

    "She got one point, spot on. ANYONE can drum up ANYTHING from any statement based on whatever intention or motive. This is the truest and most wrong thing about journalism

    6:07 AM "

    Sorry, have to disagree. Words have meaning. Yes, spin can occur if you pull something out of context. Which is why fact checking before repeating/retweeting is always a good idea. That's how you debunk the spin.

  37. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Troll cleanup aisle 6:12 a.m.

  38. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Strange, robotic-like.

  39. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I don't generally comment, just read, but Anon @ 6:12 has no idea what he/she is talking about, obviously.

    I know that common sense is not rampant among the right these days, no matter how often you trot out the corpse of Thomas Paine, but why the holy crap would the President hate his own country and actively seek to destroy it? Think on that for a second.

  40. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Finally one sentence of pure truth from SP's mouth: she will not sit down and shut up. Somehow we knew that, didn't we? I see her in a few years' time standing on a soapbox at Walmart...

  41. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Ok, they are BOTH clearly talking off a script! This bares no resemblance to a real conversation, Hannity isn't pausing before moving on to each question, he looks directly at the camera as he asks them as if he is reading off a teleprompter script, and then Palin launches right into her answers without pausing. And her answers aren't how someone would actually talk; it sounds like she's reading off a memo of talking points.

  42. Anonymous7:14 AM

    There is an oddly artificial tone between the two of them, as if they're endeavoring to make it look like a real and unscripted interview, but are actually reading off pre-written questions and answers.

  43. Anonymous7:15 AM

    6:12 A.M.,

    I haven't seen any evidence that $arah Palin, or far-right likes Amercia. You are the ones who hate that America is so diverse, and want to take away the citizenship of all non-white people who were born here. Right-wingers want to change the constitution. All you right-wing assholes ever do is complain about America.

    Right-wingers are the ones crying about seccession. $arah Palin is the one who has been palling around with the Alaska Independence Party, not Barack Obama.

    We don't have to "spin" anything in our President's favor. The new Washinton Post poll says, 78% of Americans approve of the way he handled the situation, where only 30% approved of the way Palin handled it. Which is in line with other polls.

    You are the one spinning. There's no way you can spin this in favor of $arah Palin. She fucked up.

    Fuck off, troll.

  44. Anonymous7:15 AM

    How telling that she picks a King quote about lies. Chose one that really spoke to you, didn't you Sarah. You know what's coming.

  45. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Exactly6:25pm. The ultimate comeuppance and deserved punishment for Palin is to live long enough to have even old geezers look at her and go, "meh" when she winks.
    Women with brains, who age gracefully (go grey, wrinkle, but stay in healthy shape and dress age appropriately) aren't bothered by that and usually don't even experience it, because they are still attractive intellectually. Academia is filled with such women. Think Hilary.

    On the other hand, the bimbo types like Cariboo Bimbo Barbie $carah have nothing else. It devastates them - a public and private humiliation. If they can afford it, they run from plastic surgeon to plastic surgeon - and end up looking ever more - plastic. Think Cher.

    (And yes, some women have the intellect, but don't trust it enough - Pelosi.)

    Can't wait - and we have to do nothing, and can't be blamed fr it, just enjoy watching her squirm, as aging is inevitable.

  46. laprofesora7:18 AM


    "No one is unjustified when they say Obama hates America because there's VERY LITTLE EVIDENCE he likes America. PAST PRESENT OR FUTURE"

    Your gibberish is too ridiculous to address. You are a fool. Stop embarrassing yourself.

    Paylin is also embarrassing herself, but what else is new? It is incredible that she did not utter one word of encouragement or well wishes to Gabby Giffords. Sarah Paylin is low-life scum.

  47. Anonymous7:20 AM

    6:12 A.M.,

    Your side is responsible for most the deficit, and entirely for the economic meltdown. It's about a decade too late to be bitching about spending. You right-wingers don't hate foreigners that much, since you like shipping them our jobs.


  48. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I have to say that when people in the past have said, "she's crazy" I thought that they were going a bit overboard. The truth is, "she is crazy"! The past week has proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  49. Anonymous7:28 AM

    two words: freak show.

  50. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Arrrggh, I just can't get past addressing her as governor. I can't keep listening.
    I have actually had more than one person ask for an explanation of Alaska's political structure that allows for multiple governors.
    Thanks to Barbara Walters and Fox News, some number of people on this planet believe that Sarah IS Alaska's Governor.

    Yes, God will supernaturally change their grief into joy.
    You betcha, Sarah. Spoken like a teenagery woman who has suffered nothing herself, ever.

    The mainstream media ultimately blamed "the entire state of Arizona" for the shooting? Really? I missed that.

    I couldn't watch past the point where she starts talking about 9 year-old Christina Taylor Green. I don't know what she said and I don't care to.
    She exploited her own children, to their detriment, and now she's going to use someone else's dead 9 year-old in her presidential defense/marketing strategies.

    Beyond poor taste, ignorance and lack of education. Just plain ol' bad.
    To Sarah's handlers: do you REALLY think this will be an appealing approach?

    I don't believe that this woman is going to run for president. I believe that keeping this on the hook is her means for:
    1. Hanging on to her various fundraising mechanisms and accounts and the SarahPAC registered with the Federal Elections Commission.
    2. Continued media attention and building her "brand". Her celebrity status is based on a platform of politics. If she's not a politician, she's not a celebrity.

  51. Anonymous7:35 AM

    You know what, let this woman run.

    Sarah, you are welcome to run for president. Please do run Sarah, since you believe that the socialist, who rubbed sholders with domestic terrorist, and also a Kenyan according to your followers, and also Hitler, and also referered to as skunks by your followers, and also referred to as trash in the white house by your friend Tammy Bruce, is not supposed to be our president, only Sarah belongs to the White house.
    On that note Sarah, I agree with you.
    You should have been elected.. So please, please, stop hiding behind the facebook, and your fox camera, come out and face real journalists and media. Come out to answer all the tough questions.
    The socialist, and all the left and even John McCain was not afraid to answer questions. So just come out. This is a free country, and no one is shutting Sarah up, but Sarah herself.

    Come on Sarah, you can do it.
    Schedule the interview with Rachel Meadow,then go on 60 Minutes, and face the nation, CBS news and other outlets. Romney did that, Hukabee, Rude Julian, Hillary, and all other Politicians who seek high office. No exception for you, just jump in the ring and take down all the old boys network.

    We are waiting.No more facebook ranting.

  52. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Don't bother to sit down paylin, just shut your trap.

  53. Anonymous7:39 AM

    This woman is angry about a lot of things...I'm beginning to get the feeling it's about something that we don't even know. Yet!

  54. Anonymous7:43 AM

    THe bots were waiting for this one.

    6:12 - Is the Dream Act all you got?

  55. Anonymous7:45 AM

    So where are all the Sarah scandals you've been alluding to.

  56. Anonymous7:46 AM

    She looks like she is about to explode. She is totally fixated on everything written or said about her. And she still has not even mentioned Christina's name. Not once.

  57. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Sarah at 13.5 to be nominee and she's been in the media for 2 full years 24/7.

    Romney at 23 and he's been invisible.


    Do the math folks, she's toast.

  58. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Sarah Palin needs to go to church and study up, if she's going to reference and quote Bible stuff.

    O my poor people, put on sackcloth,
    and roll in ashes;
    make mourning as for an only child,
    most bitter lamentation.
    Jer 6:26

    Death has come up into our windows,
    it has entered our palaces,
    to cut off children from the streets and the young men from the squares.
    Speak! Thus says the Lord:
    “Human corpses shall fall
    like dung upon the open field,
    like sheaves behind the reaper,
    and no one shall gather them.”
    Jer 9:21-22

    Shall I not punish them for these things? Says the Lord, and shall I not bring retribution on a nation such as this? Jer 9:9

    All this stuff was about society's decay, not personal tragedy.
    God mourned the suffering of Israelite individuals and families because of the wickedness of their
    neighbors. The other side of this grief was wrath. Divine justice demanded judgment on the corrupt society.

    The book of Lamentations:
    Prophets who preached before the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of the people of the southern kingdom of Judah. Most of them prophesied these events but did not live to see them.
    In 586 B.C., the city and the temple were destroyed by the Babylonians. The book of Lamentations is the author’s outpouring of grief and sorrow because of those experiences.

    Tradition says that the prophet Jeremiah wrote this. He experienced the destruction firsthand. The Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew text, attributes it to Jeremiah. On the other hand, the arrangement of the Hebrew Bible suggests that someone else wrote it.
    The structure of the book involves five poems, of which the first four are written in an acrostic form. That means that each stanza of each of those poems begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet. (If they were written in English, the first stanza would begin with “A”, the second with “B”, and so on.) Each of the first four poems has twenty-two stanzas, and the fifth has twenty-two verses but not in acrostic form.

  59. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I support the Dream Act.

    I support a path to citizenship for immigrants.

    I support single payer healthcare, so we can be exceptional in our healthcare.

    I support the President.

  60. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Actually Sarah we don't want you to sit down an shut up because ever time you co-opt a national day of remembrance for a pacifist, slain civil rights leader or a day of national mourning for a horrible act of violence including pedicide so that you can publicly ad indecently bathe yourself in self pity and trite excuses and turn national honor into personal dishonor -
    every time you do that you loose supporters.

    So you go girl, we are right behind you and going in the opposite direction, so the further you separate yourself from 200M+ rill 'murkans the better.

    And don't let that door .....

  61. Anonymous7:55 AM

    After reading some of these comments I understand how a visiting Palinbot would conclude that many of you are filled with blind hatred.

    For example, many of you accuse Sarah Palin of being on some sort of tranquilizers to calm her down for these interviews.

    That is pure speculation, conjecture and mean spirited. There is no pharmacology involved.

    All of you are blind. Try a little unbiased observation on body language. Sarah Palin does not need drugs to calm down.

    Sarah Palin simply inserts a can of Pork and Beans up her rectum beforehand.

  62. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I am sure she has no clue how to fix this, because she may not see she HAS a problem.

    The good news still is, she takes no good advice from anyone and it may be too late now.

  63. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Heh, Gryphen, you must really be getting under the skin of the C4Pee people. Hahahahh, look at them post here in desperation of their hysterically failing hero.

  64. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Crosshairs (rifle gun scope) and an archery target are totally two different things..especially when names are attached!

  65. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Gryphen, please delete those troll posts about our leader, President Obama.

    I see no reason to let those trolls stink up your blog.

  66. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Anon 6:28: "Pres Obama is all about diversion. He won't address Palin as he should (if he were a good leader) because he wants people to continue concentrating on her and keep their eyes off him and his dealings."

    I think I can help you figure this out, it's obviously causing you great consternation. He doesn't address her in part, because he doesn't usually address tabloid reality TV show celebrities unless he's making a joke about them, and also because he has great compassion for her unstable supporters. The one or two times he's made a brief comment about Palin in response to a reporter's question about her, Palinbots react with outraged indignity that he would dare speak about a "private citizen." So, our President just doesn't want you to endanger your blood pressure. He's an advocate of better health for ALL Americans, even crazy Palinbots!

  67. Anonymous8:17 AM

    An essay about Sarah Palin's guest appearance on cable show Hannity and Fox television.

    Second comment - comparison to the President.
    Sixth post - comparison to the President.

    By 8:15 am, there are six direct references to the President of the United States.
    This isn't random. This isn't coincidence. This isn't free expression. This is purposeful and intentional.

    Shall we just call her President Palin from now on?

  68. Anonymous8:23 AM

    NY Times summary of this Hannity interview gives the reader ZERO sense of Palin's disjointed delivery and self-centered topics. Mainstream media is still covering for Palin's mental instability.

    G, your commentary is reality.

  69. Anonymous8:26 AM

    6:28 A.M.,

    $arah Palin is a diversion for Barack Obama? That's a new one. What is the president trying to hide? In case you missed it, most historians have said the previous President was the most corrupt in U.S. history.

    Are you suggesting Barack Obama should defend $arah Palin? I don't think so. If she's such a grizzly bad-ass, she should be able to handle it herself. And, why should Barack Obama defend some deranged bitch, who has been tearing him down for 2 years?

    Barack Obama has ignored $arah Palin since day one. Barack Obama doesn't go after Palin, because she is not worth it. He's got too much class, and is not going to stoop to her level. Oh, and he's the President. He's got more important things to focus on than $arah Palin.

    No one has to do anything to Palin. She is the one digging herself in deeper. Palin has more to hide, than the President. If she runs for president, it will all come out, and she will cry foul.

    Palin may no longer be in elected office, but she is not a "private citizen." She a "celebrity." Or, whatever. No one has to do anything, to bring Palin down. She is her own worst enemy. As long as some of us believe she is going to run for president, we have every right to call her out.

    As for the healthcare law, Barack Obama has the courts on his side. The law is constitutional. It will not be repealed. I don't care about one tea-bagger judge, who says a portion of the law was "unconstitutional," and yet still refused to strike the entire law down. He will be overruled by another judge.

    There. I dismantled all of your insane, fucked up, illogical, right-wing talking-points, you asshole. It's $arah Palin and her flying monkies who have fucked-up souls. They are blind to just how unpopular $arah Palin is.

  70. Anonymous8:30 AM

    @6:50 - that site is a P-bot site. The "insider" came on here last year to divert IM readers from serious issues, raise ratings for Palin appearances on TV, and she succeeded. This year, she published "troll" comments degrading IM & Progressive AK. Last night, she shilled for the Hannity/Palin political orgy. And anyone who has posted a comment on her "site", well...the P-bot has your IP now. Too bad, so sad. We tried to warn you. But speculative gossip was more important to you than common sense or real politics.

  71. Anonymous8:33 AM

    6:46 A.M.,

    They hate Barack Obama because he's a democrat, but even more so because he's black. They spend more time on their race-baiting attacks, then they do talking about his policies.

  72. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Troll posts must stay or we wouldn't be able to tell how close we're getting to the truth ;-).

    Media Insider strikes me as someone who is middle-aged, probably female though I'm not sure, but seems sort of immature in outlook and very prone to gross generalizations and sensationalism. I think she/he truly does have these claimed contacts, but I think she tends to over-react to what they tell her and so she over-interprets stuff sometimes.

    She applies a global framework onto many of her posts, making it seem like there is an iron-clad, intractable set of practices from within the media industries, that everyone is operating in exactly the same way with regards to PR and under the radar scandals, etc. I just kind of doubt that is the case, as commercially and cynically driven as our society seems to be.

    Her friend at FOX may very well have witnessed and heard things that made her/him believe an announcement was possible, and MI even said it caught her unawares.

    I definitely do not believe this person is a dreaded troll. It is simply amazing how often that label is thrown at posters and bloggers. Such a simple solution to everything...

  73. Anonymous8:51 AM

    She's breathless just like she was during her "I Quit!" speech.

    And, I'd just like to point out that when you contract someone to design icons or images for your website, you pay a fee for that service and then the work ends. That artist should not have access to take down his/her image. Complete bullshit.

    Why is she distancing herself from the most responsible thing she or her staff have done in two years? Oh, yeah, because she's now going on the "I won't sit down and shut up" narrative which really just means she's going to continue to make inflammatory remarks and she's giving herself a built-in excuse for doing so. How mavericky.

  74. @ 6:12am and 6:28am....Uh...Sarah is that you??? This post is about YOU...Sarah Palin's "interview" on Hannity....not about President Obama.

    Try to stay focused...we know you are barely hanging on by your manicured fingernails...but maybe now is the time to put down the Blackberry and get some much needed "rest".

  75. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Yes, Media Insider is bullshit and pretends that Scarah will never pay for her mistakes.

    I will never visit that site again. Never posted there, wonder if RAM is the one doing the work?

  76. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Of course, the stupid trolls realize they can't defend $P, so they go after President Obama, instead. Pathetic.

  77. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Amen @ 6:30!

  78. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "But speculative gossip was more important to you than common sense or real politics."

    Gee, 8:30 A.M.,

    Are you talking to us, or $arah "death panels" Palin? lol.

  79. Anonymous9:09 AM

    She is like a kamikaze pilot...she will try to destroy as much of this country as she can before she goes down. And she is not concerned about the mayhem that is left behind in her path. After all, she sees it as her God-given mission. Little does she know that God's been doing some talking with others who have been given the gift of intuition, foresight and clarity to see her for the anti-Christ she is.

  80. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Pres Obama is all about diversion. He won't address Palin as he should (if he were a good leader)

    I'm confused. Why exactly is President Obama supposed to be addressing a reality show actress/FOX News personality? Does he confer with Snooki and Gretchen Carlson, also, too?

    I think it's a safe bet that as long as Mrs. Palin is acting like a toddler throwing a fit at the grocery store, President Obama is not going to give her the time of day.

  81. Anonymous said...

    @6:50 - that site is a P-bot site. The "insider" came on here last year to divert IM readers from serious issues, raise ratings for Palin appearances on TV, and she succeeded. This year, she published "troll" comments degrading IM & Progressive AK. Last night, she shilled for the Hannity/Palin political orgy. And anyone who has posted a comment on her "site", well...the P-bot has your IP now. Too bad, so sad. We tried to warn you. But speculative gossip was more important to you than common sense or real politics.

    8:30 AM

    And my answer to this is.....SO THE F'WHAT. What are the P-bot's suppose to do with our IP's? Send us emails asking us to donate to SarahPac or her Legal Defense Fraud? Show up at our house because we called SP an idiot??? What are we suppose to be AFRAID of???

    Why do you care if folks post on others sites? I'm so tired of the trolls....doesn't matter what you say....folks always complaining about something....*shaking my head in pure disgust.

  82. Anonymous9:14 AM

    6:28, after reading "He won't address Palin as he should (if he were a good leader)", I thought, yeah right. These Palinbots claim she's a private citizen when it suits their needs. Obama's got a lot more important things to do than to address every private citizen shouting "Look at me! Look at me! Obama's a Muslim Socialist Terrorist!".

    Then I thought, shame on me for stereotyping all Palinbots. This one obviously thinks she's a legitimate leader.

    Then you contradict yourself in the very same post. Apparently Sarah's irrationality is rubbing off on you.

    Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype. I really felt guilty there for a second.

  83. Enjay in E MT9:15 AM

    Her line about "vigorous debate" was one that almost made pepsi spew from my nose.

    Sarah Palin does not debate, even when "in a debate" stated she wouldn't answer the questions asked (only the talking points she had memorized).

    She dictates & lectures from FB, from Faux, from rally's & speaking engagements. There is no debate -as well as any sign of critism removed (by the site scrubbers / or escorted out of the venue).

    Our President debated John McCain, he went to the GOP meeting & debated with them (off the cuff so to speak) He takes multiple UNSCRIPTED questions from the press.

    Sarah Palin - you are not part of the debate process! You are a divisive bitter person who blew the opportunity God gave you to "make a difference"

  84. I believe we witnessed Sarah's "Last Hurrah." Now if the so-called Lame Stream Media would just ignore her, she would drift away into infamy and be but an asterisk in the history books.

  85. Anonymous9:26 AM

    @GinaM - didn't you post on another site that MI was possibly RAM? Looking forward to your answer.

  86. Gasman9:28 AM

    The Democratic graphic which "targets" key districts looks NOTHING like Palin's. In fact, it LOOKS LIKE A TARGET, not a RIFLE SCOPE SIGHT! In the Dem. graphic the "target" is the thing that you aim at, not a person or the place where that person is from. Besides, that image looks more like an archery target than one used for rifles or handguns.

    The only time you see an image in the crosshairs of a rifle scope is when you ARE AIMING A FUCKING RIFLE at it! She clearly invokes the image of aiming a weapon at those districts, and by implication, the individual representatives from those districts. That one of those representatives was then the victim of an attempted assassination was not coincidental or a surprise, but was quite accurately predicted by myself and MANY others.

    Palin is simply in massive panic mode because she knows that she's stepped in deep shit and she has no idea how to get out. She is instinctively lashing out like a wounded animal. Hannity is far less intelligent than I thought, not that I really thought he was that bright to begin with. Hannity is one of the few who has doubled down on Palin's future viability. I think he will regret this decision to hitch his star to Palin when nearly everyone else is trying to make sure that there is plenty of daylight between themselves and Palin.

    More and more people within the GOP are now declaring that Palin is dead in the water. She's seeing her future career in politics auger in right before her eyes and she has no idea how to stop her downward trajectory.

    DAMN, I'm lovin' this.

  87. Anonymous9:48 AM

    * Palin's were cross-hairs. Gun sights. She told people to "lock and re-load!" *

    Don't forget RAM's Mitt Romney video when Sarah has a rifle and she is looking through the sight. They do love that concept of targeting and shooting opponents with guns. I don't know if I really want to know what their prayer warrior is really about. The Romney video chilled my blood.

    Giffords voiced her trouble with the visual language image of gun sights on Congressional districts, specific names below. Sarah is putting the blame 100% on Sarah Pac's "contract graphic artist." That one note, "Take Back the 20," was only part of the barrage of gun and inciting rhetoric. Suddenly Sarah is not responsible for what happens on Sarah Pac's Facebook notes? That must include all the extensive notes on the economy, energy policies, HC and more. Those, too, are contracted out under her name.

    Sarah and Sarah Pac's blatant disregard and shunning of Gabrielle Giffords is a horrendous disgrace. This scripted "interview" is Sarah Palin continuing to shum Giffords. Giffords got a bullet through her brain and she can't respond. Everyday Sarah is showing what that she is a bigger ass hole than we thought. Giffords has been silenced, Sarah is not going to sit down and shut up. Good, respond to and answer Gabrielle Giffords because that is civil. What Palin is doing is not civil. STOP SHUNNING GIFFORDS. Sarah and Sarah Pac, don't shun a Congress member, Especially after she was shot down and can't articulate at this time. Stop treating an elected official like she does not exist. Giffords lived, she does exist.

    I hope all Sarah Pac will be called out on ignoring and shunning the Congresswoman and the video she made. Everything else is a distraction.

  88. Anonymous9:56 AM

    So we're right back where we started. Okay okay okay - President Obama = Sarah Palin. There ya go.

    I'd sure like to hear the president address Bering Sea crabbers. You know, "Deadliest Catch"? Or maybe "America's Next Top Model"?
    That must be really annoying for them that the president of the United States doesn't say anything...

  89. Anonymous10:06 AM

    My guess is Hannity must of pissed somebody off at the office to get the task of interviewing Sarah Palin. Hannity must of pulled the shortest straw or something happened along those lines and he had to do the job because interviewing Palin is a loose / loose proposition. It is like talking to a wall. Everybody in the world knows Sarah Palin requires the questions in advance or there is no interview. What came out of that interview, if you wish to call it an interview, was nothing. Nothing was revealed, no questions were asked that was worth listening to. They both got paid for nothing and that's that.

  90. Anonymous10:09 AM

    @ 5:58 PM this-is-way-fox-news-celebrates-mlk-day?
    @ 6:50 AM "....a pretty good job"

    There was a script.

    Palin will fail because she is not a straight shooter. She must respond to a United States Congress person in clear and direct language. She can't even say a name or talk about what did happen.

  91. Anonymous10:10 AM

    My personal theory is that any poster, known by a consistent name or as an anon, who argues against the pursuit of "rumors" and who incessantly prattle on about trolls - they are the REAL trolls.

    People who try to control the dialogue and focus have an agenda for doing so. It isn't just high-mindedness. Talking about rumors doesn't detract from our aims, I hate to tell you.

    It is within the rumors that we will find Sarah's political undoing. Sorry, this is America, and we are that shallow.

    That MI is absolutely not a troll. Maybe the posts aren't solid, always, but they likely threaten the crap out of Palin and the trolls who work for her.

    I believe there are some regulars on reputable sites who are very probably the real trolls, and who infiltrated long ago. Like this is the freaking CIA or something, jeez! It doesn't really matter. Trolls will be here, and no they aren't tracking people's IP's. Can you say paranoid?

    Just another attempt at scaring people off the rumors, at trying to keep people away from sites that will bust these rumors wide open.

    It is the rumors that Palin fears, make no mistake about it.

  92. Anonymous10:22 AM

    She can't do anything now that will get any good attention. More inflammatory statements will be ignored and if she just says nice stuff, no one will notice...

    She has to go on Meet the Press now, to get any cred back. A real interview show.

  93. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Anon @ 7:45 AM "So where are all the Sarah scandals you've been alluding to."

    Alluding? Hello, she, her husband and her staff tried to get her ex-BIL fired. She moved government correspondence to Yahoo to avoid open records laws. She bilked the state for her children's travel and had her assistant scrounge up "events" so she could continue to do so. She gave away state property to her friends, and has told more provable lies than any person on public record.

    I mean, how many more scandals do you need? She's incompetent in the extreme.

    Anon 6:28: "Pres Obama is all about diversion. He won't address Palin as he should (if he were a good leader) because he wants people to continue concentrating on her and keep their eyes off him and his dealings."

    I'm sorry. It's beneath our president to feed the trolls. Sarah Palin is just a live-action troll. I didn't like it when he dealt with Rev. Terry Jones either.

  94. Anonymous said...

    @GinaM - didn't you post on another site that MI was possibly RAM? Looking forward to your answer.

    9:26 AM


  95. Anonymous10:39 AM

    If you looked at Hannity's screen grab when he Googled Palin tucsan shooting, it showed 31 Million hits....not 10,000 as he reported.

  96. Dang Gryphen....you have a nasty, stinking, disgusting, invasion of trolls today.
    You must be so close to the truth that these poor misguided P'bots and trolls (same thing) are in their death throes...

    You almost want to feel sorry for them....NAH...they deserve every bit of scorn that is coming their way.

    Now as far as that pathetic "interview"...here's my answer for that....MEH and BLECH.

  97. Anonymous10:46 AM

    7:55 Probably an institutional size can of Pork and Beans.

  98. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Chicago Sex Shop Features "Sarah Palin" in its Window Display


  99. Anonymous11:51 AM

    @ 9:48, exactly! Rep. Giffords voiced her concerns about the map months ago, and how did Sarah Palin respond? Did she take it down or alter it in any way to attempt to lessen the dangerous rhetoric? No. The fact that she blatantly disregarded Rep. Giffords concerns shows that she knew what she was doing was wrong, decided to continue doing it anyway, and had no concern for the consequences, unintended or intended, of doing so. Her actions have now led to these consequences, and she, like everyone else affected by her insanity, must live with them or die by them.

  100. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Yes Sarah, shining the light of truth on YOUR lies is exactly what is about to happen.

  101. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Anon@ 10:06am
    "They both got paid for nothing "

    That's the beauty of it!

    It's a feature, not a bug.

  102. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The commenter responding to Anon@6:46:
    Of COURSE, it's racist.

    Who have been the Democratic presidents in our lifetimes? After Kennedy, there was Johnson, Carter and Clinton, all three Southern white males.

    The teabaggers want to "take their country BACK", but it's pretty telling that none of them wanted to "take the country back" from the Democratic Bubbas. They opposed them, yes, but we never heard this "take the country back" shit, even in light of much more left-wing policies.

    (Hell, RMN and RR are leftists according to this bunch!)

  103. Anonymous2:55 PM

    @6:12 Your check is in the mail, troll. Go back to holding up your Palin calendar with one hand.

  104. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Ugh, just when you think Palin and her bots can't get more disgusting. They're now exploiting her latest cries of persecution by holding a MONEY BOMB for her via c4p. (Now we know why she's always perpetually casting herself as the victim...it's her product!) As if the paid Hannity interview didn't bring her in enough money. What a ghoul. For all intents and purposes, she's making money off the shooting in Tucson.

  105. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Anon @ 8:17 am

    Like HELL I'll ever call her President.

  106. lwtjb5:38 PM

    "I support the Dream Act.

    I support a path to citizenship for immigrants.

    I support single payer healthcare, so we can be exceptional in our healthcare.

    I support the President.

    Me too.

  107. Anonymous5:43 PM

    i am watching Nancy Pelosi being interviewed. I am thunderstruck by the contrast between SP and NP. Both mothers of five(ish), both beginning in their kids' school politics, then moving on up. Nobody , besides maybe Hillary, has been more vilified, mocked and disparaged than Nancy. But LOOK AT HER. She has amazing dignity and ultimate class. She has NEVER been defensive, bleating on about how "mean" people were being to her, and how she won't "shut up." Also too. She just went on quietly and effectively doing the good things she was doing. My God! The dichotomy is enough to induce multiple personality disorder. Viva la Nancy! Go away ignorant narcissist.

  108. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Oh, I forgot. How about the kids?

    * Nancy Corinne Pelosi:
    * Christine Pelosi: Worked as chief of staff for a Massachusetts congressman.
    * Jacqueline Frances Pelosi: Jacqueline married Michael Terence Kenneally in June 1993.
    * Paul Francis Pelosi Jr: Paul graduated from Georgetown in 1991. He served on the Commission on the Environment in San Francisco.

    # Alexandra Pelosi: Born in 1969. Alexandra is a journalist, writer, television producer, and filmmaker. She lives in Manhattan with her husband Michiel Vos, journalist and lawyer from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Alexandra and Michiel's wedding was on June 18, 2005. They have one son, Paul Michael Vos, born in 2006 in New York City.

    And the ignorant narcissist kids? The family values woman? Scream those obscenities, y'all!!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.