Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment for January 17th.

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Keith does not hold back.

Teabaggers, radio shock jocks, that whiny lady from Alaska, they all get called on the carpet.


  1. Anonymous3:08 AM

    So glad I don't live in the USA.

    Glad to hear that some on the right think Switzerland has it right though...lol.

  2. Anonymous3:53 AM

    I listen to Lawrence Odonnell on Scarah Paylin speech tonight.

    She is all about the money. This(her speaking gig) is a payoff for standing with John McCain when no one else would. Organizations just seem to appear, have her speak and then disintergrate never to be heard of again. Ya see In the Rethugican backroom after John won the nomination they had already taken note that Our President was going to win and did not want to soil anyone else with a losing record. And then came no blicking Paylin with her hatefulness. She was already in the wing being groomed but she decided her time was now, with 18 months experience as governor. The shock factor helped McCain but then America look at what she was.

    She tried to showcase her all American family. Her family was scutinized and found not appealing. Her pregnant daughter was held before America and it became alright to be pregnant on a presidential ticket. And then for the bitter lies that were told about Levi marrying her and then came the abuse/truth her family justly deserve. We hear what they did to Alaska and what they did to Wooten. We listen to how awful Levi was but Bristol kept appearing in People Magazine at 300,000 a pop although Levi was Johnny Hollywood. Bristol was paid off too. The whale can't dance, and as for being a spoke person against teenage girl becoming unwed mothers we already knew she knew how to have a kid/kids. Hell the girl did not graduate High School and commanding $30,000 a speech? Please!

    But Scarah payoff --a hundred thousand dollars for her to repeat the same sickass speech over and over again. this was suppose to be her payoff fade off into obscurity. But Scarah wanted more. She could not be bear (no pun intented) the thought that she was beat by of all things - a black man. It was her White House. An Austrian American with his own prejudices came to the rescue. Like minds attract and Murdock went to Alaska and gave her a forum for her hate on Pox News. Again we found Paylin lacking.

    Paylin was so full of herself she had to keep her nose in all matters America. She jumped into States elections and cost the Rethugican control of the Senate. Yes she did and I am grateful. She tried to look Presidential and again we found her lacking.

    I hope your prediction that Paylin is going down is accurate, because she can sit hiding behind facebook and her tweets forever as she hinted on Pox news tonight. It has to be something major to remove this torture from us.

    So in the end Scarah take the money from the low hanging fruits, the poor, the misinformed. Take your money and if I don't hear from you again, my day will not be lacking.

  3. angela4:19 AM

    . . . . and that's where we are. Olbermann hit it out of the park.

  4. Anonymous4:33 AM

    So do we. (get called to the carpet)

    Personal responsibility. I think everyone needs to take it, for their comments, for their jokes, even if we are just followers and not leaders.

  5. Anonymous4:34 AM

    What is sad for scara is that if she voluntarily eliminates the violent words she uses on a regular basis, her already limited word base will be severely compromised and it may render her speechless--we can only hope.

  6. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Checked a few different early outlets to see where the WhineFest fell in the news cycle. Led on Morning Joe (as expected), CBS Morning included a brief mention in with the expectation of civility when Congress resumes today.

    By contrast, the Today Show covered more important items, not mentioning her until around 8:20. That meant she came after the weather--ouch, that's gotta hurt!

    I do expect most of political talk radio to give WF 2011, part 2 the most attention. That is their bread & butter. It will be interesting to see how much time Glen Beck gives her since she never even mentioned him.

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    The today show did more important things? Like giving Dr. Laura a platform for her policy stance that revenge is the best medicine?

  8. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Good column by Joe Scarborough regarding Palin and political discourse:


  9. Anonymous5:41 AM

    3:53 AM

    You have it down exactly! Thank you!

  10. Anonymous5:48 AM

    You know, Sarah handled herself really well last night. You can tell she's hurt by unfair accusations as anyone would be, you can tell she hates the lies that continue being spread about her. Far lefties and far righties are wrong by default. When you're soo far up someone's ass that you cannot see reason and truth any longer or never could, of course you're going to do stupid things like writing heinous captions about Sarah or saying you wish she were the one who was shot.

    ANyone who can't see that hypocrisy should be locked up in the padded room forever.

    For people who hold the president up on a pedastal, don't you find it odd they you blatantly ignore his advice(to be civil) when you go after Sarah relentlessly?

    Sarah is human. she is loved. she has friends who will never leave her. she has trust and faith. LEave her personal life alone. It's all speculation

  11. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Sarah... RAM said they were just surveyor symbols.

    Was your mouth piece telling a lie?

  12. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Without her vitriol that inspires her base, the dollars don't come. Remember that her base didn't like the request for donating to Haiti or her post regarding King. Her attractiveness to the base is her attacks and violent imagery.

  13. Anonymous7:21 AM

    The far right also loves to pick on Mexicans--illegal or otherwise. See Max Blumenthal.

    I am sure that it is the fact that Obama is AA which riles these folks up. And, religion and quasi authority figures like Palin back this up.

    Keith is good. But he will never be in the weeds where the poop really stinks, like us.

  14. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Anon 5.48 Am nice try and get lost with your Sarah the victim.

    You sound like the retards in church who composed that u-tube video. saying Sarah is the savior who will go south to take out the skunks. Now tell me who is a skunk?.

    We do not hate Sarah, she is the one who hates the left and the sittibg president. Her tone is what is what is wrong for America.
    Give me one example where you think the prsesident is similar to Hitler. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Really shame on all those who think President Obama is same as Hitler.
    Show us where the concentration camps are?
    The left did not destroy Sarah Palin, Sarah destroyed Sarah, with all her lies and hate speeches, and playing victim all the time. Period.

  15. Anonymous7:43 AM

    As usual Keith is spot on. I really hope this will be $arah's demise.


  16. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Thanks for posting this clip. It is always a pleasure to hear what Mr. Olbermann has to say, and he did a great job of summarizing the response to the Tuscon massacre.

    By the way, he is right about the the Tparty blame the victim ploy. Right after Congresswoman Giffords was shot, a blog on TeamSarah was headlined "I heard she was a Leftwing Psycho".

    Two days later an amended thread by the same author admitted Giffords was a "decent" person.. but the mindset that violence is okay if the victim is someone they disagree with politically was there.

    I hope the death of young Miss Christina Taylor Green has caused some of these "second amendment" cranks to rethink their position.


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