Thursday, January 27, 2011

I can barely make out Joel Osteen telling Piers Morgan that homosexuals are going to burn in hell over the loud pinging of my gay-dar.

I'm sorry, and I hate to be crude, but just how long do you think that Osteen spent tweezing his eyebrows and grooming his luxurious chestnut colored  mane before sitting next to his beard wife and condemning the Village People to eternal damnation?

Methinks that Ted Haggard might be in a position to provide a little counseling to a fellow closet case in the very near future, don't you?

By the way Christians, Jesus was totally gay.  I mean come on, he hung out with twelve dudes and only let the one hot easy chick in the group rub his feet.  What does THAT say to you?

But do you know what?  His father loved him just the way he was. 

I mean sure he did let the Romans tie him to a tree, stick him with a spear in the ribs, and leave him to rot in a cave, but once he knew Jesus would never stop digging the dudes he still let him come live with him in heaven.

And isn't it really ALL about the happy ending?


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Wow, Gryphen, it was nice reading your blog for the last couple of years.

    The question posed to this particular dude was answered in the only truthful way possible. He was asked what the bible said about homosexuality...not what he thought or what anyone else thought.

    I don't know if he is gay or not and it doesn't matter to me. However, the tone of your post is unfortunate. I'm sorry you went there. I wish you good luck in your original purpose and I know I won't be missed but I needed to tell you that you've just jumped the shark in my book.

  2. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Oh man, Gryphen...I'm laughing my ass off but holy shit, you are going to unleash the trolls from hell for this one!!!

    For the record, totally agree with you about Jesus. Gay, maybe. Definitely not the "Jaysus" the Christian Right is shoving down our throats. I think he would be appalled at what people think he was all about.

  3. WakeUpAmerica4:28 AM

    "By the way Christians, Jesus was totally gay. I mean come on, he hung out with twelve dudes and only let the one hot easy chick in the group rub his feet. What does THAT say to you?" While an atheist may find this funny, it is as offensive and insensitive as if someone made crude remarks about your daughter being gay. Furthermore, it adds nothing to your blog. Just letting you know how it strikes me. I feel certain that if someone made a rude, homophobic remark about your daughter, you would become quite rabid, rant, rave, and foam about the mouth and rightly so. You should show the same sensitivity to Christians that you expect to be shown to homosexuals. Everyone - regardless of religion, politics, ethnicity, or sexual orientation - deserves to live in peace if he/she promotes peace. Namaste, Gryphen.

  4. angela4:30 AM

    Osteen is the piece of crap who would not allow a family to have a funeral service for their veteran son (who happened to be gay) in his church.

  5. 10catsinMD4:33 AM

    Totally OT, but AKWTF is gone! Do you know what happened?

    Too many complaints from the bots?

    This happened after a mysterious post about Toad's involvement a way back and the trust fund iceberg.

    I made a copy of the post and will not post it. It's been reposted elsewhere, so it is not lost. Do you know what happened?

  6. Anonymous4:34 AM

    so, random, but did something happen to alaskawtf?

  7. Anonymous4:52 AM

    This belongs on the other post, but why did you say Shailey was quoted when it was someone quoted through her? Thats misleading. It sounds like Shailey wasn't interviewed

  8. I remember when Joel was on "The View". He is consistent in his views on homosexuality.

  9. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I don't think 4:11 got it, but that's OK. Joel Olsten protests too much. Someone should tell him that it's OK to be gay. His self-loathing is totally unnecessary. If he's worried about his income-earning power, I still think he could rake in the dough as an honest gay man talking about his travails on his path to self-discovery.

    I'm not religious, but I think Jesus was a cool dude and not the homophobe and xenophobe evangelicals see.

  10. Been trying to bring up AKWTF myself this morning. I am hoping someone is pursuing the 35th comment and that it will not lead down a rabbit hole. There was a lot of inuendo there...especially about people being killed.

  11. Anonymous5:22 AM

    WTF Alaska is down...WTF?

  12. Anonymous5:27 AM


    Though you are gone, never to be heard from again, I want to know what is the problem? Is it calling out Joel Pompadour or making a joke about Jesus being gay?

    Too bad you can't take a joke.
    You will miss Gryphen. And you may be back. Because my understanding is, it's going to get good.

  13. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Listen, from what you have shared in the past, Gryphen, I can only imagine you maintain a lot of strong feeling about the evangelical church and its glaring hypocrisy about homosexuality. You are correct to feel that it's wrong, because it is - their stance goes against Christ's teachings, absolutely.

    There is definitely a sliver of Christian thought that likes to think of Christ as a gay man, and that's fine. Maybe he was. In many ways, he is whatever will allow him to be our mirror image. That's the whole point. He (as God made flesh) is us, we are him, etc. We are taught to see Christ in all people, and we are urged to treat all people as precious children of God, at least at my church.

    I think your anger and conflict becomes very apparent when you go down this road, but hey this is your blog. I think your point about Mr. Osteen is very well taken. At least Haggard is saying he's bisexual now.

    The view that there is a strong correlation between fascism and suppressed homosexuality is very pertinent when talking about these extremists, I would say.

  14. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Gaydar pinging? Really? That's the sort of thing you hear from people who think being gay is a bad thing. Bizarre post for someone with a gay daughter who pontificates about gay rights.

  15. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Completely OT, but I have long observed that there comes a point with some of these blogs, and even with posters who are known by certain names, that they disappear suddenly... Sometimes it's with a signoff, like "I have real life to attend to", "I am not stopping for any particular reason, I swear", or sometimes it's without any statement at all.

    I often wonder if they are threatened off (like Audrey), or if they were Palin people all along... I have definitely thought that about certain regular posters.

    It would only make sense that she and her team wanted to put plants among the threads, from the very beginning - if they were even halfway intelligent, that is!

    Not saying that's what's going on with Alaska WTF. I imagine it will be back up. It is very funny that Sarah chose to keep repeating that last night. I wonder if that was intentional or unconscious?

    PS I think the GOP is probably furious that the Dems, for once, got to some simple messaging language before them - Win the Future - brilliant on many levels, particularly going into an election cycle. If you can't beat them, join them, right?!

  16. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Christians = trolls. Trolls = Christians. For some of you, that's how you see it. That's how you see anyone who disagrees with you on this topic or any other, as a matter of fact.

    It's not black and white.

    Very sad, very simplistic, and very disrespectful.

    Gryphen knew this might upset folks, he doesn't care, and honestly he can do whatever he wants. I think he likes the attention he gets...

  17. Anonymous5:40 AM

    berndoubt said:

    It's not insulting or offensive to say that someone is gay. If you aren't homophobic, it's not an insult, it's just a statement.

  18. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Since our education system has gone to hell, poor satire has become unrecognized and unappreciated.

    As for Joel, I don't know if he's gay or not, but he sure is slick.

  19. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Looks like the flouncing has begun.

    It's all fun and games until somebody suggests that Jesus was a homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with it...except I guess to some people, there is.

  20. 10catsinMD5:47 AM

    Thought your comment about Jesus was a bit much. You could or could not be right from a modern point of view.

    But comments like that always set the religious off, no matter who.

    Christianity is way more than the bible anyway. Doesn't anyone ever get that?

  21. Alaska WTF not available? Is it gone?

    Joel Osteen is just another in a long parade of hypocrites who have latched on to Jesus as a moneymaker.

  22. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Ted "Thou shall not lie" Haggard finally admitted that he's bisexual. That's a start!

  23. Joel Osteen has been flaming for years. Absolutely flaming. And self-hating. I predict he'll be forced out of the closet within a few years...

    And that wife's a piece of work, too.
    Wasn't there something with her not wanting to fly coach and demanding to be upgraded? I'm not Christian, but these two have always burned my last nerve...

  24. Piers Morgan really did a great job in this interview. He keep bringing it back to who judges whom. He did not let his guests talk around it although they tried to do just that. I loved that he was so very calm, yet persistant.

  25. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Ah, religion -- you've touched the third rail. Religion in this country is in some special category in some people's minds, exempt from both comedy and logical inquiry. And that's as scary as it is unfortunate.

  26. Anonymous6:16 AM

    picking and choosing "the scripture" joel to justify pointing out another man's "sin" makes me want to remind you its time to take the plank out of your own eye there fella. You clearly are "sinning" according to scripture as well. First, you have a clean shaven face, SIN. Second, your wife is wearing red, SIN. Third, your wife has mixed two kinds of fabrics, SIN and showing her cleavage SIN SIN SIN. You are not wearing the attire that the bible says you should wear, SIN. So, please Joel, get the plank out of your eye and get your wife and you a full makeover before you come on to the set, all slicked out, to talk about SIN. Capiche?

  27. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Joel Osteen says people need to follow the scriptures but what would the scriptures say about his wife throwing a fit on an airplane and attacking a flight attendant? Mrs. Osteen and her children were thrown off the plane, airlines fined her $3000 and the flight attendant sued her. Don't know what happened in the suit.

    Another "we can do whatever we want because we're Christians, but...". Piers better watch out, Mrs. Osteen will beat the crap out of him.

    How do people watch those egomaniac sleaze-bags?


  28. Seriously?

    First off if you could not recognize that my tongue was firmly in my cheek with the Jesus is gay reference you need to have your sense of humor adjusted. (Though you have to admit that his sexuality was never established by the new Testament. Don't you?)

    And speaking of the New testament, it does NOT condemn homosexuality like the Old Testament. But of course if you want to live your life as dictated by THAT book, then expect to get stoned to death the next time you wear a polyester wool blend.

    And as for the term "gay-dar" and my daughter, who do you think uses that word the most? I doubt seriously that any of my gay visitors would have any problem with it.

    But think about it just for a minute. If you believe in a loving God does it make sense that he would condemn his children to suffer eternal damnation because they acted on the feelings of love that HE imbued them with?

    And is THAT the GOD that Jesus taught his disciples to worship?

  29. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Brilliant! Cuts right to the heart of homophobic logic that gay people are not accepted by God. If Jesus was gay, then who would they hate?

  30. Anonymous6:39 AM

    All these Godly holier than thou, perfect ass, rich ass preachers need to take their God and shove him up their ugly ASS!!!!

    What would Jesus do JOEL? Over the years I have become an atheist. I have read all religions and dogma and it is a bunch of BS.

    Religion and preachers like Joel need to feel a little of that hell right here on earth, because of their hate and bigotry.

    Yo Joel take you God and stick it up your ass. Joel you are rich because you created a cult of weak followers of you BS damnation shit!

    Joel you and your church are a mini government and need to pay taxes on all your shit. Do you hear me you perfect fearmonger!!

    Joel may all your ugly lies and scandals come out in the open and may you experience damnation right here on earth you weasel.

    I am so tired of all these Godly people that are so perfect that I want to chew them a new asshole and stick their Gods up it.

    Sorry but I am over this God shit over it. And I am going on a rampage. I am not burning in hell because I don't believe in God.


  31. Anonymous6:45 AM

    berndoubt said:

    "If Jesus was gay, then who would they hate?"

    DUH! Muslims!

  32. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Gar dar went off for me a long time ago with this doofas.

  33. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I don't think JO is gay, a LOT of men in the
    south are like that--it is hard to be macho with
    these accents. I live in the south & know plenty
    of men who seem like they are gay, or at least
    sissies, but they are straight as arrows. It is
    most prevalent in men with white collar jobs,
    the poorer guys a bit more macho but the
    accent is hard to work around.

  34. Ah, the Osteens.

    If you recall, his shrew of a wife threw a hissy and physically and verbally abused a flight attendent and was escorted from a plane bound for an exclusive and expensive ski resort.

    The family was going their, first class BTW, on Christmas vacation.

    Christmas vacation?

    Gee, every real, working, pastor I've ever known would never think of going on vacation during Christmas. It's sorta their big time of year. Easter too.

    Of course, Osteen isn't really a minister. He's head of one of those big megachurches the talibangelicals love to give money to. He's televised. He has an army of grifters collecting money for him.

    So he and his wife can take a nice Christmas Vacation, flying first class no less, in Aspen.

    I'm a Christian. But I don't need a minister or a church to guide my beliefs. I don't need them to take my money and do good works. I give through payroll deduction and have a plethora of worthy causes to choose from. I don't need them to intercede, thankyouverymuch. I talk directly to the man.

    While I wouldn't outlaw religion, I think Joel Osteen and his ilk are a prime example of why it needs some regulation against fraud, just like every other business. He is abusing religion.

    Personally, I'd like to see all churches small and neighborhood oriented. Not on TV or radio. Not big corporations. That may get me in trouble with the Catholics, but I think their history has shown they've had some rough patches in which downsizing would have been a good idea.

  35. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Interesting that my previous comment didn't make the cut. Funny how you don't address in your "refudiation" how stereotyping gay people is OK so long as it's useful to you. Sorry, if I don't find the "Guess Who's Gay?" game to be a really productive way to progress gay rights.

    Explain to me why it's OK for YOU to say it's all our fault for not having a "good sense of humor" when you offend, in essence *blaming us* for not getting you? Isn't that someone else's favorite tactic?

    When a group of your loyal readers---and yes, I am one---call you out for a post that was not all that funny and actually has the power to hurt, the best you can do is say it's OUR FAULT for feeling that way?

    Let me give you the same advice I would have given Sarah any number of times in the past 3 years: Issue a short statement that says you were merely trying to make a joke, and you're sorry if you offended anyone. It's not hard. Like I would tell Sarah, you don't even have to mean it.

    Believe it or not, you do cross the line occasionally, Gryphen. In your rush to be ugly to some public figure, you can create collateral damage. Your sweeping generalizations quite often catch your readers in their nets.

  36. padoreva8:00 AM

    I'm totally in your camp, Gryphen, on this one. Yeah you may have pushed some buttons, but these sanctimonious asshat so-called ministers need to be upbraided and other than Bill Maher, who is doing that?

    Just because someone wears the Jesus mantle, it doesn't mean that he or she is walking in His shoes. Really folks, can you imagine Jesus casting blame on kind loving people who merely happen to love another who has the same plumbing as they do?

    Furthermore the Jesus I admire wouldn't care a whit if someone questioned his sexual orientation.

  37. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Sorry Gryphen but Jesus was not gay. But in Jesus's eyes no one was a sinner. Too bad Sarah and her follwers have never read these bible verses:

  38. Um, the sticking Jesu in the ribs thing? that is just a euphemism for cutting his privates, either damaging or completely off.

    If a myth or fable or parable or bibical story says, "struck his thigh," or something similar, the truth is the man was emasculated or worse.

  39. Osteen's continuous smile, especially while talking about sin, was downright creepy.

    He proudly admits he didn't go to seminary yet he gets to speak as an authority figure based only on his charisma and fast-talking ways. It's way past time for those who want to tell others how they should live to defend their authority. If belief in the bible is only by faith, they need to back off.

    Here's an interesting discussion on Jesus' sexuality:

  40. Forever Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sorry this post has offended some people, I'm sorry because, to me, the offense indicates that gays are tolerated but not truly accepted.

    If you don't have a gay person in your family- someone you love dearly, someone who look up to you for support and reference of what it is to be loved unconditionally, someone like your own child who you have seen grow and develop a sense of what is morally right and wrong- I deeply appreciate your tolerance, you have chosen to err on the side of compassion and respect for your fellow human being.

    When you have read the teachings of Jesus, there are times in your life when you totally understand its meanings and assigning him a Person hood is no offense when you don't attach a morally reprehensible(or otherwise undesirable) characteristic to that personhood.

    How bad it feels to be gay? as bad as it is considered blasphemy that Jesus could have been like you, as bad as it is to be put through emotional hardship because of who you are is not accepted and the needs of others are considered rights and yours are denied.

    When the possibility of Jesus been gay no is longer considered an insult, being gay may be accepted by those offended for the association, but, please don't wait until then to vote for the right of gays to be legally married.

  41. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I saw both the humor and the truth in your post.

    The talibangelicals dream to seize control of the government of this nation. If that ever happens, then posts like yours would be a crime. Probably punished by jail or burning at the stake. Stoning is out as that is now deemed a Muslim thing- and they are really sure that they can never act like the zealot Muslims.

    I don't use the word gaydar- but that is exactly what I thought while watching this interview. Along with hypocrite, zealot, swindler and many other similar words which I do use.

    I saw this interview and thought that guy reminds me of another well known anti-gay self labeled 'christian'. Ted Haggard.

    Ted appeared in this recent TPM MUCKRAKER story:

    Ted Haggard: I'm Probably What The Kids Call 'Bisexual'

    "In a new GQ profile, Rev. Ted Haggard addresses the continued assumptions that he's gay, following revelations years ago that the prominent evangelical had a drug-fueled sexual relationship with a gay male former escort:..."

    Which were of course denied at that time- before the 'church' till was opened to to make the payoffs.

    "...He admitted to buying drugs "five or six times" from Jones, but adds: "Sometimes I'd throw it away. Other times, I'd go someplace and masturbate and use it. But it was for masturbation."

    Which is perhaps believable.

    The good news for Haggard supporters is that he is starting a new church. Which will be in another state due to the non-compete agreement he was paid handsomely to sign by his previous church when their gaydar went off like hells bells. When denial stops working then hit that till for the sound of silence

    Will we soon see similar revelations about 'pastor' Osteen?
    When we do Gryphen will say I told you so.

    The Palin problem is as much a religious problem as it is a problem of her own behavior and actions both while in office, and since leaving office.

    Were it not for the churches and power brokers using her as a tool, she would most likely be a chronically failing office assistant for some dentist who probably is billing his happy endings as legitimate business expense.

  42. Randall1:44 PM

    Have you seen the house the Osteens live in?

    The gay issue aside (who cares?) there's got to be some way to figure out how to TAX these bastards after they start earning a certain amount.

    And yes, I DO mean tax their churches.

  43. onething9:45 PM

    Several people here seem to know Joel Osteen (I don't) and have said some eye-opening things, but in the interview he seemed as reasonable and mild as he could be while believing in the equality of "scripture." I mean, what choice does he really have if he swallows the entire Bible whole?

    Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, and I believe that the place where the New Testament condemns is is a matter of the author having his OWN hangups about it based on the Old Testament scriptures. It is entirely possible that the mysterious "thorn in his side" of Paul was his homosexual desire.

    As for the Old Testament, it has this guy Jehovah who engages in every wicked and ungodly behavior and emotion known to man. And it is contradictory and inconsistent. To hang onto a belief in the Bible being the word of the creator of the universe is only for spiritual children with no discernment.

    Many Christians would lose all motive to lead a spiritual life if not for the belief that OTHERS are going to hell!!!

    Getting 'saved' from a monster is not about loving God.

  44. Your anonymous poster is correct. This is a hateful, beneath you, post. I am a Christian and it is the hardest path I have ever walked. The standards set by Jesus are very difficult and I struggle. My inclination is to rip your lungs out when I am pissed. Making cheap points like you did in this post does not become you or in any way further the lofty goals of your blog. When does pointed wit become caustic cynicism? My guess is you would never denigrate Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, etc. in such a pointless manner. Have you lost your way, Gryphen?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.