Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is the Internet broken? Nah!

Okay there are a lot of you asking me what is happening with both Alaska WTF and Palingates.

Somebody MIGHT have tried to hack Alaska WTF or it might simply be a misunderstanding with Google, Dirk is still trying to figure that out.  I will know more later.

However what is going on over at Palingates is a MUCH longer and convoluted story, which I will have to address in a much longer post later, hopefully with some help from others who have a part in the story as well.

For those who are wondering I personally had nothing to do with the rift. Though to be honest I was thinking of opening a can of worms that would have resulted in some problems over there.

I will open that can later.

For now PLEASE give Regina your support. She is absolutely a wonderful woman who is only trying to do the right thing.  She is NOT the villain in this drama by any means.

And no the Immoral Minority is not going anywhere so don't worry yourselves about that.


  1. bedebai7:14 AM

    Regina, you have my full support. When we lose our compassion and judgment, we have lost even as the cause we were fighting for may appear to be won.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Thanks for the info, will stay tuned!

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I would really like to hear the story behind the Palingates stuff.

    It sure does sound like Regina just kicked Patrick and Kathleen out the door with no discussion. Might have been her choice to make, but it still doesn't make it right.

    I'm hoping to hear there was more to this, but I'm really getting the sense that there isn't.

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I always loved Regina's sense of humor and her ability to find the perfect picture to go with the post. The blog took a much more obsessive turn when the other two came on board. I stopped going. Far too obsessive for me.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Are you suggesting that Patrick and Kathleen ARE the villains?

  6. Anonymous7:22 AM

    OK, color me clueless. What happened with Palingates? Nothing wrong there that I can see....

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Just think of this as the 'stars aligning' to expose the truth about the Palins.

  8. Wow. Who knew. IM & PG are currently my favorite train rides to the train wreck, but there will have to be some station stops along the way I guess.

  9. Merry7:27 AM

    Glad to hear there may be changes at Gates.

    I read them but would never bother to comment again after I posted a couple of what I though were fair and supportive comments and got shot up. It seemed far from civil so I gave up. Hope the future over there turns out OK.

    I know it has always meant a lot of hard work for the writers and for that I am grateful. It was the tone that slowly sank it.

    Thanks, Gry, for all.

  10. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Nothing wrong with Palingates... what are you talking about?

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hi G.

    Thanks for giving us answers :-) we were worried.

    The only thing in this world you can count on is change. I've been trying to remember that old saying myself this last year.

    Sending my best to Regina, Patrick and Kathleen. May you remain friends if not colleagues.


  12. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Gryphen-please be careful what cans you open and what worms you let out. As you obviously well know, Patrick and Kathleen are capable of...a lot. You must also consider that so few people know about their dirty deeds...if you try and make them villains right now it will almost certainly backfire. Right now people cannot fathom that Regina ASKED them to leave. My hope is as time passes, people will realize and understand she wouldn't have done this without serious good reason.
    I would probably keep my mouth shut and focus on Sarah Palin for now. She's already no doubt dancing in her lonely compound (or wherever the hell she is) over Palingates' splintering.

    Just be careful, Gryphen.

  13. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Thank You for taking a few minutes to address this craziness. I look forward to reading more but for now this is good info.

    That was a little weird to all happen in one morning. -E

  14. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Thanks G.
    I think I know some details involving PG. My interactions with Patrick weren't commendable and I left feeling betrayed and used. I will adamantly support Regina on any issue. That woman has morals

  15. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Palingates has done some good work, but there are a lot of kooks over there. Some here, too (perhaps myself included!), but it's a little overwhelming there. I do wonder what will happen with all the $$$ that they brought in. I gave once but am glad that I haven't since.

  16. Anonymous7:33 AM

    You can never win when you get yourself involved in something that is best left between people in a relationship.

    In my experience, getting involved in someone else's disagreements will
    come back and slap you in the face.

  17. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Thanks for addressing PG. I was feeling disheartened at the trashiness that started exuding from there.

  18. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Hacked made more sense than the sinister other thoughts. But if it was hacked it may show a new tactic by Sara, not her natch but her junk yard dogs. PG, WTH? It's been kind of up and down for a while, seemed like it couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to do. Maybe this will be more stable.

  19. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Patrick and Kathleen are capable of... a lot. You must also consider that so few people know about their dirty deeds

    7:29, what in the world are you talking about?!?

    I think you must have P+K confused with Sarah Palin. Sarah is the one that's capable of dirty deeds behind the scenes. P+K are the ones exposing said deeds.

  20. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Just because WE didn't hear about this till just now doesn't mean it was so sudden. Taking sides and posting childish, angry comments is exactly the atmosphere Regina probably wants to rise above.
    Thanks for your civility, Regina.

  21. Anonymous7:39 AM

    PG is a good site with valuble research towards all our shared common goal of not letting Palin back into office!! So step off your high horses with the "PG is trashy" crap...

  22. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I stopped posting at PG some time ago as I saw that my concerns about the quality of the discussions on the site, which I had e-mailed Patrick about months ago, were ignored. I also saw a fair amount of projection, ego and back-biting that is perhaps natural but at the same time corrosive to intelligent and balanced discussion. And there also seemed to be over time an increasing unfriendliness to those not in the inner circle.

    While I appreciated the investigative work done by many at PG, including PK, I decided it was unwise for me to be a participant there for the reasons given above.

  23. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Don't lower yourself to get involved in the issue at PG. There is probably a lot more to the story, but why give the bots reason to gloat. I am sure they will take credit for the split...
    P&K did some great research and I am sorry the relationship ended, but I have also noticed a very different tone in the last few months and it wasn't positive for the purpose.

  24. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hey, I haven't posted over there for a while because I had lost my ability to tolerate a few of their regular posters - but what happened? I may have to go check.

    I gotta say, if that "Kathleen" was trouble it doesn't surprise me in the least...she fraternized WAY too much with some of the more obnoxious regulars.

    Could never figure out about that Patrick - is he really German, btw? He seemed sincere, but on the geeky side - and he also fraternized too much with the posters. It's like one big support group over there, not my cup of tea. I have friends and family for that, thank you very much.

    I am not saying that socializing should never happen, but it does compromise the focus and intent of a blog, plus the God's honest truth is that you never truly know to whom you are speaking. There could be bloggers who also post under other names, it's not rocket science to imagine that possibility.

    Sounds like Kathleen and Patrick might have gotten up to mischief, though... And there is one regular who has been notably absent from the thread that past few days. One I never, ever trusted, one who could be vicious and who tried to control discussion to a great, and inexplicable, extent. Hmm. Would not surprise me if they were mixed up in this, as well.

    I think there is quite a bit of "what you see isn't real", there.

  25. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Wow, there's quite a little conspiracy going on here about Patrick and Kathleen. As usual, nobody is actually willing to spill what they know.

    I'm guessing from the drama in this comments section that they are preparing to shut down the internet and take over the world.

  26. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I'm so glad to have this update. Thank you for letting us know.? love Regina and I didn't understand what was going on or why you were angry w/PG months ago. I was concerned about WTF after seeing a disturbing post there last night implying more Palin sinister activities. I didn't understand at all and was hoping to re-read it this am. Anyone else see it??

    About WTF, it's almost impossible to hack into a google blog. I would bet someone (gee, who?) reported it as violating TOS and it was shut down temporarily. Google is really big on protecting free speech. I mean they have Nazi and other horrible crazy blogs there. I read once that they only will give out info if there is major litigation and a judge demands it. I doubt that is going on because you can say whatever you want about another person on the net IF YOU FEEL it is true. It's your opinion. There have been lawsuits around all this- you can gind the info at google and the net.

  27. Enjay in E MT7:52 AM

    I enjoy(ed) quite a bit of the "in-depth" analysis of Palingates - be it the SPAC quarterlies or the history "behind" a point. I very rarely posted a comment or even read them.

    Course the first time I posted here @ IM..... let's just say I was blasted so badly I didn't come back for a couple weeks.

    Good luck Palingates....

  28. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Gryph, I love this blog but when the dust settles, maybe you could think about a new commenting style and take a collection if need be?

  29. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Has your site been compromised, Gryphen?

    Enough of the bullshit about Palingates.

  30. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I don't know the issues with Palingates at all, though I have occasionally visited the site. But, I do find it fascinating that Palin's penchant for drama seems to stick to everything and everyone even tangentially associated with her, including the blogs/bloggers that work to expose her.

    I look forward to the day when she has been fully discredited (defanged)and my favorite AK bloggers can move on to covering more enjoyable and ultimately, worthwhile issues.

  31. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Wow, Gryphen pull in your claws. One could make an observation that your goal is NOT to bring down Sarah Palin, but rather help bring down Palingates instead.

  32. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Though they stated all their posts were researched and factual, that wasn't the case in many topics. There were things that were blatantly untrue and many AKans (some mentioned in the posts by name) were appalled.

    PG started to become hurtful, not just to the Palins but friends,supporters and even those indifferent to the drama were taken aback at some of the super personal posts typed by Patrick. Many alleged facts were simply untrue and though they are excellent researchers, they missed the mark in a big way

  33. Anonymous7:54 AM

    7:46, you speak of Bandit Basheert, I presume? She of "this is OUR blog"? LOL.

  34. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:56 AM

    I'm sorry to hear about a shakeup at PG, as that's always one of my blog stops as well--and though I didn't have time to comment (just reading was great!), I feel I know all the regulars who post there and value their input. Yes, some went over the top every now and then, but this topic can be an emotional overload at times. I hope Regina pushes on with PG. Patrick and Kathleen can start their own blog if they wish--ALL fact-checked info is valuable and will be down the line.

    However, Gryph, you know I have your back as do many of the regulars here. Keep on keeping on and stay safe.

  35. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Although I read Palingates, there have been many posts that have made me very uncomfortable - mostly the ones about the U.S. economy and all the Nazi/brownshirt posts. There are also regulars at PG that I find obnoxious...I skip over their comments. What I found strange, was the slow manipulation of posters into a "We against the world" and "We don't trust anyone but Patrick". I don't trust ANYONE who is just a name on the internet. Sorry, Gryphen, that means you too :) I do love your snark.....

  36. Anonymous8:01 AM

    anon@7:36: P and K are more like the Palins than you will ever know. Some people will do anything to gain advantage. Ask yourself why all the respectable Alaskan bloggers linked to Palingates when Regina ran it, and then dropped it after some of Patrick's self-serving antics. Ask yourself why Patrick was so zealous in his desire to discredit Shailey Tripp that he all but attempted to assassinate her character. Van Flein couldn't have done a better job. What was Patrick's motivation? Answer that and you may realize why Regina decided to reclaim her blog from the hijackers and restore it to something she has but they lack: a sense of morality.

  37. So, so tired of the cutesy-poo "I know something you don't know" route, G. You probably should stay out of the PG thing completely.

  38. Hey Gryphen:

    I post on both sites, same handle, same pic. Please don't lower yourself to any of the back drama. It's not worth it. I don't know what happened between any of the parties involved, I'd like it to remain that way.

    On another note, I keep hearing about this mysterious anonymous post on AWTF and then this morning *poof* the site's gone. I'm really curious to what it said, and if it was the reason for the mysterious disappearance. Anyone catch a screencap of it?

  39. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I saw that post on Palingates this morning and wondered what was going on. Pretty sad when the Palingaters have to fight amongst themselves.

  40. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Okay, now I'm seriously curious about what the hell has been going on at PG. I check them maybe once a day, but have never commented, so apparently I'm completely out of the loop.
    What's with the comments about P&K being sketchy and someone warning you about taking them on?
    I wish people would stop with the cryptic bullshit and just say what happened. Some of us don't spend 12 hours a day on the internet reading the comments of every thread, but that doesn't mean we're not invested.

  41. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I want my AlaskaWTF!
    Does this have something to do with Sarah's ridiculous, WTF comments? I would also like to know what other sinister things were commented on. I last checked WTF at some point last night but didn't see anything new, did I miss something posted later?

  42. laprofesora8:04 AM

    This has been a bad month. And it's not over yet.

  43. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Huh, so, it would seem that Regina got upset over that last post with Shailey Tripp's poetry...

    Can't say as I thought that brought a whole lot to the discussion (it was highly personal, and sad, and the posters seemed rather clueless about it anyway), but I have been one to chide Palingates for always insisting on taking what they considered to be the high road, and avoiding the tabloid revelations had been an example of that. I have always believed we don't have the luxury of high standards in that regard, excepting making sure we have truly verified things as they develop. It would seem Regina feels very differently.

    What troubled me more about that post was how potentially scandalous it seemed and how it clearly relied on both somebody's (Patrick's? Kathleen's? someone else's?) ability to hack into other's personal lives as well as the fact that an automatic reliability pass seemed to have been given to someone who was, or is, supposedly a close friend of Shailey Tripp's. If they were a close friend, why would they be willing to yap to Palingates, with apparent permission to go on the record? That guy looks like he isn't so very trustworthy, in truth.

    I made a speculative comment here about Shailey's real story after reading that Palingates post, and that guy figured into my thinking - but Gryphen would not post it. I have to respect that, he probably has information which made him feel it wasn't an appropriate comment at this time.

    Mostly, aside from the aggression of some of those regulars, I was very troubled when Palingates alluded to how they follow url's and stay on the lookout for trolls, and monitor their posters. I am no fool, I know Gryphen and other blog hosts can see much, but when someone is announcing that, it is with an intent to intimidate and I was highly, highly disturbed by it. There was a circling of the wagons there, clearly, and that was also offensive.

    Who knows? I trust Gryphen - always have, always will. All best to Regina if that is what Gryphen advises!

  44. Anonymous8:08 AM

    ...and I need to add my theory on WTF:

    Palin utters her ridiculous WTF comments to Greta. People who missed it start googling "Palin WTF" to find out what the fuss was all about and find....alaskawtf. Palinbots are so panicked by what they see that they immediately report the blog to blogspot as somehow in violation of something and the site goes down. Hopefully only temporarily.
    Just my theory. :)

  45. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I too would like to know what 'evil deeds' Patrick and Kathleen were involved with. I am a follower of Palingates, IM, Mudflats, and Andrew Sullivan, and I'd kinda like to know if Patrick and Kathleen did something unethical, so I know if I should steer clear if/when they start their own blog.

  46. Anonymous8:09 AM

    PS I do agree that there are a couple of "kooks" over at Palingates, but I'd rather have that than censored comments.

  47. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Patrick and Kathleen are the internet equivalent of carpetbaggers. They've made themselves a part of almost every non-Alaska anti-Palin blog during the past two years. Note that the non-Alaska part is crucial; they prefer to operate as outsiders while criticizing any information they themselves did not source,and for some reason the Alaskan blogs were on the receiving end of much unwarranted bitchiness.

    In late 2008, they latched on to Audrey's blog, and when she formed her private research group 'Team Truther', they were integral members. (I was briefly a part of this team until P+K insinuated to Audrey that I might be a troll because I was not putting in the time that they did - Audrey and I parted with mutual regret and went our separate ways.) When Audrey went underground, they turned to Bree's blog, and then moved on to Palingates, making themselves ever more useful until Regina stepped back and they took over full time. Since then, they have worked very hard to make the blog more visible, however they seemed to make garnering name recognition for themselves more important than the information being presented. Those who are complaining that they got a raw deal by being asked to leave should stop and think about that.

    The content of the PG blog may have increased, and in turn increased pageviews, but the tone and tenor of the blog had been going downhill for more than a year. I stopped going to PG last summer, as did many others, when posting a comment that deviated from the majority opinion usually resulted in a flame war that rivaled the BS on the C of Pee. I'm sure they will pick up sticks and create their own blog, and perhaps their most rabid followers will land there as well. PG will again become a forum for respectful discussion. That's my hope.

  48. Anonymous8:11 AM

    It's about money. It always is. Someone wants the money to herself.

  49. Anonymous8:21 AM

    That's it - I'm done. Seriously it is about capitalizing on Palin's fame good or bad or else these bloggers would have "revealed" what they knew. They make money and if Palin goes away they get no more money. She is the evil bitch in a soap opera we all love to hate. Only she really could ruin our country.

    So I am done. So long IM and PG ... I'll just vote.

  50. Lidia178:29 AM


    I don't remember P&K having anything to do with Bree's blog.

    Nor do I remember seeing "flame wars" in the comments.

    Of course, if you have some links to illustrate those points, I would be interested to see what you are talking about.

  51. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Anon @8:01:

    If someone is dumb enough to post that sort of thing about themselves, publicly, easily tracked down, then in my opinion? If they're involved in a scandal later, all of that public stuff is completely fair play.

    Shailey Tripp did this to herself, all Patrick did was bring it to the forefront where the light could illuminate exactly what kind of person she is.

    Look. Everyone on the anti-Sarah blogs wants to see Sarah and her immoral friends taken down, but so many of you want to take some super high road to get there and just hope that it just 'happens'. Why? Are you still afraid of Sarah?

    I understand not wanting to get stuck down in the muck, but investigative journalism sometimes takes you to some dirty places. You follow every lead, leave no question unasked and no fact unreported. it's not always going to be pretty and high-road. Yes, we need to always avoid slander and back up what we say with as much evidence as possible. Even when it's ugly.

    If that's what Regina is getting hung up on, well, she has my respect for her morals, but her usefulness in actually taking down Sarah is over. Palingates will become a sanitized echo chamber for other people's reporting. Maybe that's what she wants, but it's not what all of us want.

  52. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Losing anyone-- anyone! -- who devotes time to the cause of bringing Sarah Palin down is a huge disappointment to me. All this talk of hoity toity "I'm more moral" than you are is total B.S. All this damn fake compassion is what kept us quiet and enslaved by George Bush and Co for 8 years. Look what that did. Finally, some brave truths about Palin have begun to seep out, and voila! a blog disappears and a team vanishes. Use your heads, sheep! Jesus was a warrior, too. He didn't mince words, and neither should we. I'll go to ANY blog that pursues Palin, because the MSM is a bunch 0' money-driven pussies.

  53. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Thank you, anon @ 8:10, for confirming what I have felt there, and very recently actually. I thought I was just a difficult and paranoid participant, haha! I felt it was the place and its atmosphere, but deep down I was kinda worried it was just me. Now, when you describe a lot of what I have felt, it makes me realize I wasn't imagining it.

    One of the main things that points up Gryphen's motivations and courage is the fact that everyone knows who he is - he is not anonymous. I like to be, but I am not running a blog. Gryphen has principles and guts, and he doesn't get in the middle of his threads except to moderate behind the scenes or clarify on his own behalf. Way to be, Gryphen.

    Seems like some of the blogs do just run their course. I wish Regina well, though.

  54. ManxMamma8:34 AM

    I agree with most here, something was rotting Palingates from the inside out. Regina is a class act and it was her baby. I look forward to her stewardship. The comments are already getting nasty over there.

    Again thanks Gryphen!

  55. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Anon @ 8:30, while I agree with where you're coming from on the "high road" question, your tone is unmistakable. You are one of Kathleen and Patrick's regulars, and you are extremely unpleasant.

    Everybody who isn't familiar with it, they have had their own pack of flying monkeys at Palingates, make no mistake.

  56. ginny8:42 AM

    Really, all of these sinister insinuations about Patrick and Kathleen are ridiculous. If anyone cares to go read what Regina has had to say, she doesn't seem to be making any accusations such as this. She says she simply disagreed with the level of scrutiny being given to people connected to the Palins who have chosen to sell their stories to the tabloids. While I am baffled by this (she never seemed to have a problem with the high level of scrutiny given to Track's alleged parentage, for instance), I respect her decision. For those uncomfortable about Patrick's openness regarding his ability to see if several commenters are really one person by looking at their IP address, well, I suggest you stay off of the internet completely. If you are under the delusion that you can remain anonymous, you need to realize that is a fantasy. Of course Regina, Gryphen, or any other blog owner can exercise their rights to see who is trying to cause trouble at their blog, and have the right to censor or not censor as they see fit. Why is everyone in a huff about Patrick watching for trolls? He would expose the trolls by calling them out, but very very rarely did he ever delete a comment. I see alot of anonymous commenters trying to sow mistrust and discontent among the commenters and bloggers. If you have info that can be verified concerning the integrity or trustworthiness of the bloggers or commenters, then out with it! Otherwise, I assume you are a liar who is trying to "divide and conquer". Everyone, use your brains and QUESTION the little seeds of doubt that anonymous commenters are trying to plant, ALL without ANY real facts or information.

  57. Anonymous8:42 AM

    @ 7:54, LOL, I wasn't going to say....

    Most definitely one of the gatekeepers there, and I do wonder about the real motivation - or else it's just another run-of-the-mill personality disorder situation, and she can't help trying to dominate things.

    She appears to have gone missing, though she could of course post under another name. Makes me wonder if there were words behind the scenes. Don't really care, just would advise any and all to avoid engaging with her.

  58. What Anonymous at 8:10 has to say is 100 percent the truth. I remember that very incident. I was an active part of Palin Deception and can verify that what she says is true. Patrick did indeed try to convince Audrey that this researcher was a troll. But there is more than much more.

    The ugly tale of why Palin Deceptions was forced to shut down has yet to be told. It was an ugly ending that Audrey never deserved. And it had nothing to do with any pressure from the Palins.

    Before anyone judges Regina, they need to ask themselves why all the Alaskan bloggers stopped linking to Palingates after Patrick came on board. Are all those bloggers - Mudflats, IM, etc. - wrong? Or is there more to Patrick and Kathleen than meets the eye?

    I urge you all to reserve judgement until the truth - the whole truth - is out. I know there are some hardcore supporters of P and K that are of the same mentality of the robots over at Conservatives for Palin. The truth will make no difference to them. They want to see the Palins destroyed, even if we ourselves become just as ugly and bitter in the process. To the rest of us who don't want to stop Palin without becoming Palin, the Truth Does Matter.

    We can stop the Palins. But if we become just like Sarah, then she still wins. Think about it.

  59. 10catsinMD8:47 AM

    Wow, interesting comments all around. I copied the mysterious post last evening to reread it.

    As to PG, read the Tripp post yesterday and thought they went over the top with names and screenshots of peoples' facebook pages. These folks may have nothing to do with any of this, but will be bothered by people unnecessarily. I stopped commentingd at PG a long time ago.

    Stay with it Gryph. I hope DD is okay. I remember a while ago, when the discussion of the iceberg first came up, that a trust fund issue was brought up, but never detailed. The strange comment tied into the trust fund issue.

    If the comment is real and not just speculation, it could cause some real issues for the Palins. It would be nice to read the real stuff about them and not just speculation.

    Why oh why is everyone so afraid? Please Alaskans, spill the beans and let the truth come out. If enough people talk, there is nothing that they can do. Freedom is a beautiful word and being free of the Palins would be so nice for everyone!

  60. Anonymous8:50 AM

    For those that say palin is dancing about the split, I wouldn't count on it. If Regina supplied a buffer, who knows what's going to be posted on their new blog.

    Just sayin'

  61. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Let's not forget our ultimate aim, which is to bring down Palin. Anyone who attacks a fellow anti-Palin blogger is, in my opinion, a traitor to the cause. This isn't about my ego or prestige or Patrick's or yours or anyone else's; it's about saving this country from an evil woman. Yes, I know a few details about Patrick myself. Gyphen, please keep your can of worms to yourself; do nothing that will make the rest of us look bad by association.

  62. Anonymous8:51 AM

    What are you talking about, Palingates is great with alot of someone jealous?

  63. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Divide and conquer. It's worked for "ions" or with "ions" for eons - whatever. More distractions from Tucson tragedy and Sarah Palin's antics.


  64. Okay. What the heck did that AWTF commentator say?! I admit it It's driving me crazy.

    @Morgan: My (limited) understanding with why Audrey quit blogging had nothing to do with Patrick and Kathleen. I thought they were gone by then, anyway...

  65. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I don't go to blogs that lack a sense of humor. Period. PG forgot to laugh. Obsession without humor is not healthy. That's my opinion. Regina made me laugh. P and K did not. So I left. That simple. Gryphen makes me laugh, and he's the go-to Alaskan blog for fun and info. Malia does great research and never leaves her sense of humor in her sock drawer. Palin Q&A makes me laugh. Mudflats tells funny parables. Information wrapped in humor is so much more palatable.

  66. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Gosh, I have no idea what is going on, but I sure do not want to loose PG. I am scared for you, though, Gryphen, For AlaskaWTF to suddenly go blank is really fishy. My first thought is $Paylin hiring some hackers and if she is that desperate, what else are they capable of??????? After her appearance on faux last night, it sure seems she is scrambling more than normal. Be careful........Loved the "gadar comment" btw had me laughing for a good while this morning.

  67. Okay, NVM regarding the AlaskWTF anon comment. I found the post in google's cache, searching for the title of the post: "APD statement - Notice no mention of absolving Toad of banging ho's" It's the last comment in the post.

    Whoa. If any of it is true, that's quite the bombshell....

  68. Anonymous9:00 AM

    thanks for the info

  69. Anonymous9:11 AM

    OK - I just went to visit Palingates and read Regina's post. I had a bad feeling about the two recent posts- the one where Tripp's poems were posted (such an invasion of privacy), and the Archie comic(though I have seen it somewhere else) of Palin and our President; I didn't think it was very professional to post it on PG. Regina has my support. I do not judge P, his enthusiasm was just over the top.

  70. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I wish G that you wouldn't always insert yourself into other people's battles.

    To the people claiming that Patrick and Kathleen are responsible for bringing down Bree and/or Audrey-- how can you beg people who know about Sarah to stop being afraid and start telling what they know, and yet continue to make dire comments about things that went down at other blogs that you're not at liberty to talk about?

    People who know things that are too personal or dangerous to share should not be insisting that OTHER people come out and share what THEY know.

  71. Anonymous9:19 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    ...and I need to add my theory on WTF:

    Palin utters her ridiculous WTF comments to Greta. People who missed it start googling "Palin WTF" to find out what the fuss was all about and find....alaskawtf. Palinbots are so panicked by what they see that they immediately report the blog to blogspot as somehow in violation of something and the site goes down. Hopefully only temporarily.
    Just my theory. :)

    8:08 AM"

    I was thinking that people would Google +Palin
    +WTF, and land on AWTF, but I hadn't thought about the Palinbots panicking. Good call.

  72. It's time for the adult in us to come forward or we are going to lose this campaign against Sarah. Divide and conquer has always worked and bit by bit that is what Palin is doing.

    Let's drop the snarky comments and the coy remarks. We are losing this battle friends!

  73. Anonymous9:20 AM

    What I find interesting is that there are huge errors in research over at PG concerning Sarah's past. I don't know who any of the bloggers talk to but I know basically what's true and what's fabricated. All the AK and non AK bloggers basically know everyone's sources. It appears the same people are telling their version of a story that is ripe with non truths.

    And Patrick would publish people's names when those people never gave permission to, venting about it on facebook. AKans aren't dumb. The ones who really know the family don't speak to press et al because a true hater warps words to feed his/her agenda.

  74. Anon 8:10 -- As someone who was also behind the scenes with Audrey from the beginning, I've gone back and checked all of my records and correspondence re: that time. If you are truly the only person who (to my recollection) was ever asked to leave, I can only say that it was because you came on board by lying to Audrey, continued to make things up to send the rest of us on wild goose chases, and misrepresented both yourself and your rather questionable background. Apologies if I am mistaking you for some other person, but I don't know who else you could be.

    And readers here might be suprised to find that they would know you by a couple of other, more recognizable and self-serving names. In this comment section alone, I suspect you are more than one "anonymous". A normal mode of operation for you, though.

    As far as P & K go -- now that I see "old friends" coming out of the woodwork to trash them -- of those of us on the research team who have been through everything since the very beginning, the vast majority have stuck with them with no qualms. Why is that, I wonder? And, in most cases, these are not people whose monikers you would know from PG or IM. From where I sit, there is a lot of drama being manufactured here as payback for reasons that I can only guess at, none of them flattering to the people making the accusations.

  75. Anonymous9:28 AM

    anon 8:08, I think you hit it. I also searched something and the alaskawtf came up first and I was happily surprised to see it!

    It will be back.

  76. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I agree with all here who encourage taking the high road. I read P&K but often skip over the comments- it's too much like sitting at a table with strange kids in high school. Please bloggers- stay focused on the real problems, not just Sarah but those who fund and manipulate her. When she goes down there will be someone else.

  77. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Traitor to the cause? Get a grip.

  78. Ok, I think there's just a really big difference of opinion among the 3 [now 1] PG blog managers. There's no "villain" really, and maybe now, two sets of researchers to keep the WGE's lies available so they can't be ignored.

    I also think the issue was the recent posting of really a lot of genuinely disgusting stuff from Shailey Tripp, who apparently sold her story to National Enquirer.

    That's what I [don't really] know. But IM and PG are still the two best places to be to keep WGE front and center. Not that she doesn't do pretty well on her own. . .

  79. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Anon @8:35 -

    I'm actually not a commenter at Palingates at all, and never followed P+K at any of their other Palin blog ventures. Before the comments in this post here at IM, I didn't even know they'd been with other sites.

    What actually has me angry is how others make some false correlation between showing what is publicly available on the internet to the shameful things Sarah Palin does in private. I think people have their villains mixed up here.

    All this "flying monkeys" business that you just levied at me... well, sorry, but I do think that a lot of the passive, "Let's not say bad stuff so we can rise above!" attitudes that I see on left-leaning political blogs is the reason why we have a hard time getting things like exposing Sarah Palin done. It's like fiddling while Rome is burning, here.

    We've got to focus on the problem, which is Sarah Palin. If Regina doesn't want her partners around anymore, that's fine, but I think they're more helpful than she is when it comes to exposing Palin's scandals.

    I wish Palingates the best of luck but I don't have any interest in passing by to read them without any of the hard-hitting posts of Patrick and Kathleen. The site just rendered itself toothless.

    Now, if P+K did something illegal, hacked a computer, shook someone down, manipulated the government or law enforcement, or anything like that to get their information, absolutely they deserve to be out on their ass. But sticking them up to be crucified for publicly accessible information, as many commenters are doing here and at PG? You've got to be kidding me.

  80. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Back to "traitor to the cause." Does that include coming over here and telling Gryphen and people commenting that they are traitors? That's pretty offensive in my opinion, and a helluva lot more aggressive than the comments from people like myself who left PG because the tone changed and it didn't appeal to us. Like I said, get a grip.

  81. I remember seeing a post about a year ago referencing the mysterious woman and trust fund. I asked about it at the time but no one answered so I figured it was just a crazy. Interesting that it is showing up again in WTF.

    Hope someone grabbed a screen shot.

  82. Margot, with all due respect the notion that Sarah wins if we divide each other is not necessarily true. We all want to win, but we want to do it ethically. Betraying friends, threatening people and throwing those who trust you under the bust are Sarah Tactics. They have no place among decent people. Or decent bloggers.

    We can win when we work together. But when one party's personal agenda for power, attention or domination becomes their driver, it can hurt not just the cause (in this case,bringing down Palin) but the efforts of everyone who associates with them.

    And let's keep in mind something else, too. It was really easy for Patrick to use questionable tactics from his relatively safe vantage point. When Alaskan sources trust an anti-Palin blog and then are betrayed, it can make them leery of all anti-Palin blogs. The stateside bloggers - Alaskan bloggers in particular - stand to lose far more if Sarah is not toppled. It seems rather selfish for a blogger not just outside Alaska but outside the US, to play fast and loose with the trust of sources when it is people like Jesse and Jeanne who stand to be hurt by their actions.

    At least Regina seems to realize this. Having a wolf in the midst can be far more damaging than being divided based on ethics. We should expect attacks from the Palins. We should NOT have to endure them from within.

  83. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Anon @ 8:42, no need to lecture all of us about our illusions with respect to anonymity or lack thereof, when commenting on these threads. We get it, I can assure you.

    What was creepy at Palingates was the almost obsessive worrying about trolls that went on over there (which Regina tried to mitigate with that post, but not so successfully imo), and the way the bloggers themselves seem to get in on it. The last straw for me was when they appeared to use rather iffy tactics, whether intentionally or inadvertently, to scare the supposed trolls off.

    If one comment about trolls was made by Patrick, I can promise you that was matched by 50 from his rabid supporters. While it was a nice notion that they rarely moderated, they actually needed to - they needed to moderate their own.

    They let the threads take over their blog, if that makes sense. I never get the feeling that the threads and comments here are more important than Gryphen's posts. They are supplemental, that's all. For me this is a comforting dynamic and balance.

    The emotion of your response demonstrates exactly the syndrome that many of us observed over there. The minute anyone challenged anything, whether in a post or a comment, people there would scream "troll" and insist that we were trying to divide and conquer or turn people against each other. Just crazy talk, sorry.

    Gryphen doesn't seem to give a sh%#, by and large. He is a big boy and can take it. His threads aren't over-run with sycophants or people looking for companionship (I feel bad about saying that, some of those people really are very nice).

    Actually when comments about trolls start appearing here, I know it's folks from Palingates.

    The truth is, most of us don't care about trolls. They can't hurt anyone. What can damage efforts to bring down the Palins are any deceitful practices, or false manipulations in the name of the cause, or ethically questionable behaviors. Or just plain 'ole immaturity.

  84. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I wanted to warn Regina when she took those two on. Don't forget, Audrey got rid of them. Why? I do know a little bit.

    I was willing to give them a chance on PG, because they are good researchers. But if Regina is unhappy with them, then that is good enough for me.

    I really disliked the Tripp post and the poetry.

  85. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Morgan-I am so happy that you, a recogniseable and respected mender of PalinDeceptions is speaking out. I left that very comment here at IM months ago..that it was Patrick and Kathleen at the root cause of why Audrey was shut down. And people viciously attacked Gryphen for letting my comment see the light of day.

    I wasn't privy to the goings on of the research team at PD but I was a sometime confidant for one of its members and based on what that person said...Patrick and Kathleen cause Palin-sized drama and controversy everywhere they go, as evidenced by the fact that every respected AK blogger cut ties with anything associated with them.

    I know from reading PG that Regina spent time un her home with P and K..and seemed to forge a strong bond of friendship and respect. I feel Regina must have had bloody good reasons for what she did today. I just hope against hope that Patrick and Kathleen don't "turn against" Regina.

  86. Anonymous10:02 AM

    What's happening at PG is interesting but I am a lot more concerned about Alaska WTF disappearing. This is NOT a coincidence, though whether there was an attack on AWTF FROM our friends P and K or if the two things were completely unrelated I have no clue.

    There are several comments I am having trouble making heads/tails of about a comment posted there last night, but no one seems to say specifically what the comment was, or what it was concerning, and it sounds like no one has a screen shot or anything.

    Please if anyone knows the details of this, put it out in one clear comment because I am so confused.

  87. Anonymous10:05 AM

    =theperilsofpalins said...
    I don't go to blogs that lack a sense of humor. Period. PG forgot to laugh. Obsession without humor is not healthy. That's my opinion. Regina made me laugh. P and K did not. So I left. That simple. Gryphen makes me laugh, and he's the go-to Alaskan blog for fun and info. Malia does great research and never leaves her sense of humor in her sock drawer. Palin Q&A makes me laugh. Mudflats tells funny parables. Information wrapped in humor is so much more palatable.
    I think you nailed it. I don't need to laugh when I read each blog, but I certainly don't want to feel "dirty". The recent posts were feeling a bit dark. Did you know that if the tenants of a house engage in questionable acitivity, the owners of the house are responsible? The Palingates blog owner, Regina, had to make some moral decisions. We really don't know what has been going on behind the scenes.

  88. @snowlady:

    yes, I remember seeing that too. (but I thought it was a guy who had the trust fund)

    I do have a screenshot of the entire post over at AWTF. I've read it a few times, now, and wow. I typed the ABI case number ("ABI Case number 06-76332") in to google and got a few hits. Mainly from someone who would bring it up again and again on different threads posting comments. I wonder if it's the same person...(Gonna screenshot them all now...

  89. Anonymous10:10 AM

    7:54, I like Bandit B. She is funny as all get out.

    As a former palinbot, I never have qualms about shoving the crap right back down their throats.

    I have always liked Patrick, Kathleen, and Regina.

    And I am a regular here.

    The game is afoot.

    The prey is sarah.

    Time to spook her out of the rabbit hole.

  90. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I didn't think palingates was against Sarah, recently. They helped her more than they hurt her.

    The original posts by Regina were good, but the posts by the new blogger really cast doubt on her original posts.

    The new blogger was a bully.

  91. Anonymous10:21 AM

    @ Anonymous said...
    All this damn fake compassion is what kept us quiet and enslaved by George Bush and Co for 8 years. Jesus was a warrior, too. He didn't mince words, and neither should we.
    From Day One, Palingates didn't mince words at exposing Palin's lies and hypocrisies. True, Jesus didn't mince words, but he made sure to protect the innocent bystanders. (Do we really need to know the personal stuff of people associated with the Palins? Perhaps that's why people are being quiet; they don't want all their laundry hanging out for the world to see. I don't think it helps the "cause" to show pictures and FB entries of Ms. Tripp, Bristol's boyfriend, David Kernell..)

  92. Wow! I am really amazed at everyone's reactions today.

    The nice thing about living in a "free" country & having the internet is that we have a vast amount of information to choose from. (for now)

    If you like it, read it. If you don't, move on. I like to read several blogs & websites & then make my own mind up about things.

    Quit the name calling & whining. Let's focus on Palin!

  93. Anonymous10:23 AM

    What I haven't been able to figure out yet is whether AlaskaWTF was you or your daughter. Probably doesn't matter anyway now.

  94. Anonymous10:25 AM

    @ 8:35, well if you aren't a commenter there, you certainly must be a longtime lurker and a supporter. They can defend themselves, I would think. Maybe they will start their own blog.

    Many folks have been turned off by that place, whatever the reason. It's not random, there seems to a sense that many of people's concerns are finding mutual resonance. They without question were prone to over-reaching, in all kinds of ways.

    Make of that what you will, but sorry even someone like me who has absolutely no connection to these blogs or their back stories, but who has followed since the days of Audrey, can tell that something wasn't right. It's not an accident when 2 blogs close down and others un-link or whatever you call it.

    Can't undo it, it is what it is, and surely we all know that political infighting amongst bloggers and/or posters ain't going to help Sarah politically survive what has been happening and what continues to happen, to her mythology and her PR bullshit narrative.

    The truth is bigger than us.

  95. Anonymous10:29 AM

    'i will open that can later'

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!

    aint nobody, nobody better than you, gryph!!

    keep on, keepin' on buddy!!!

  96. @Kali. You are talking about two different people The person who posted here today is *not* the person you are referring to.

    Also, unless you are going by another screen name, we had no "Kali" on the PD research team. I believe I know who you may be and you are free to align yourself with whomever you choose. I would just urge caution. Some people are fine as long as they're getting what they want from you, or you are serving their purpose. Once you are of no more use, or won't give them what they want - that's when they turn ugly.

    Some people have caught glimpses of this ugliness. Some of us have seen it head on. It has no place among those on the side of right. It's bound to result in the very kind of division we're seeing now.

  97. padoreva10:32 AM

    I was previously an avid reader of Palingates, but over the last several months, it became a time waster and I avoided it. Who wants to be part of an online coffee-klatch? Regular posters talked about themselves and useful information was buried deep in the muck.

  98. 10catsinMD10:38 AM

    Sunshine 1970,

    The AKWTF comment has been posted elsewhere in full. I believe at AKM and also at PG. Read the comments there and you will find it.

    Memory tells me that the trust fund iceberg was out about the time that she resigned. There was also an anonymous comment left of Bob Lynn's blog.

    If the comment is anywhere near the truth, it's clear evidence of the length that the whole Palin/Heath family will go to get their way.

    Alaska is like a small community. Population is about 600-700K for the entire state. It's like a small to large community and everyone eventually hears all the gossip. So I think people may be too scared over the Palins.

    But I hope people start coming forward. The truth needs to come out. Scarah sounded off the wall last night at GVS. If this is her home attitude, those kids have got to be afraid of her.

    Take care Gryphen and watch your back.

  99. I don't have the screenshot of the comment 35 on AKWTF. But what I do have is info on the searches I did from the comment:

    Mary Ellen Moe:friend Sarah Palin
    Trust Fund: Mary Ellen Moe

    ABI case number 06-76332
    Daniel Rene Jackson:Alaska News

    Commissioner of Revenue Killed: Seatbelt Failure:Alaska

    There was zip that I could find on Ms. Moe and on the Commissioner of Revenue being killed. Did this commissioner share the same plane hangar with Todd as commenter implied? Was Ms. Moe involved in keeping a trust fund away from someone as commenter implied? Did Sarah go to bat for a child predator?
    And now I remember Wooten was also implicated somehow in this comment regarding a rifle.

    Someone who has a screenshot ought to put it up or let Gryphen see it.

  100. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Thank you for supporting Regina. From the moment she began her blog, she wrote well researched articles exposing Sarah Palin. I didn't understand the convoluted, complicated Dairygate story until she broke in down into a simple story. Regina revealed that the Palins own two cabins for which they have not paid the correct taxes. Property records showed the land as vacant, while photographs showed the two cabins. Whatever Regina wrote was backed up by evidence. She did more to examine Palin's qualifications than the McCain Campaign ever did when they chose her as a vice presidential candidate. Let's leave personalities out of things and stick to facts. There is no point in name calling and insults. Thank you, Gryphen, for providing an Alaska Eye View of things, and thanks for voicing your support for Regina and Palingates. When you consider the might machine that Fox, Murdoch and Palin's backers represent, we really do all have to stick together. Peace.

  101. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Just so it doesn't get lost -- this is from Regina at Palingates (and feel free to delete this comment if someone before me posts it):

    Some people are posting ludicrous comments on Immoral Minority about Patrick and Kathleen.

    We may be on different pages regarding some issues, but I can' tell you that neither of them is remotely sinister and they're not shady characters.

  102. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Leland Lee receives violent threats after criticizing Rush Limbaugh.

    This is the same Leland Lee that helped expose Paylin'$ Cal State Stanislaus money grubbing.

    Warning NSFW? due to the racist fax shown at the link.

  103. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Bandit is meaner than snot if you write something she disagrees with or you write something that she sees is a criticism of P & K. Meaner than any Palinbot.

  104. Anonymous10:45 AM

    On cue, Banditbasheert is calling the troops into chat....


    They are very upset at our comments. They need to take them in and see them for what they are. Many of us have remained silent after trying to express our concerns there. It is only natural we might chime in over here upon hearing this news.

    Gryphen, it's as people have said, they will make assumptions based on partial information. They trust these folks and that is their right. I trust that the pattern I have seen over these several years on the various blogs and the behavior there that I have observed myself tells me all I need to know, for now.

    I am sorry for them, but hopefully they will reflect and then help Regina in her efforts.

    I am quite sure Patrick and Kathleen, whoever and where ever they are, will strike out on their own, as they probably need to do. Awaiting their new blog site, which we can take or leave as we wish.

  105. Regina had the following to say re: the departure of Patrick and Kathleen (all in the comments section):

    "It's been only two years, the second anniversary is just round the corner. I have no intention of closing the blog or making the archives inaccessible. I don't personally own any of it, Google does.

    The bulk of your money went to P & K and they have all their research carefully and safely archived outside Palingates. I'm not appropriating anybody's intellectual property and selling any of the material that appeared on Palingates has never crossed my mind."

    "Some people are posting ludicrous comments on Immoral Minority about Patrick and Kathleen.

    We may be on different pages regarding some issues, but I can' tell you that neither of them is remotely sinister and they're not shady characters."

    "The final decision may have been a bit abrupt, but there were endless discussions over many, many months. We had our differences and the day came to go our separate ways."

    "It takes approximately 10 minutes to start a blog and get it up and running. Those who have followed Palingates from the start know very well that I'm not a vindictive or childish person. When the rift with the AK bloggers happened, the links to their blogs stayed because they were relevant to the Sarah Palin's story. The criteria for linking to blogs is not based on personal friendships or animosities.

    If and when P & K start a new blog, I'll be glad to be the first to point the readers in their direction."

    "I never said I was doing it to protect myself. I may have stepped back at one point, but Palingates remained my creation and I always felt morally responsible for it. As I said, there are no legal angles at all.

    I don't own the posts on PG, Google does. P & K are welcome to use any material published here to write a book or whatever. I was never in this for money and will not have ads on the blog. I'm a happily retired British ex-pat living a modest life in a small village in France. I took a smaller percentage than P & K from the Paypal money. It bought me a trip to Paris and a new fridge/freezer. For that, I'm very grateful.

    As for the worth of the blog, I never measured it in terms of money. The research and the work put into it by all involved, the archives and resources are worth a lot in another currency. They contain documented research that's easily accessible by anybody and I believe that's the true value of Palingates."

    "There are no legal angles to any of this, no conspiracies, no pay-offs. You are free to make your conjectures, but it would save you a lot of time and energy if you just took my word for it.

    I'm not too fond of drama for the sake of drama. The reality is very simple, but not very exciting. I started a blog, other people joined me somewhere down the line. It worked well for a while, then it didn't work so well.

    I'm still the owner of the blog and decided to do something unpopular but in line with my own beliefs.

    That's all."

  106. Anon @ 10:02. I share the same concerns for Regina. I noticed this morning that "someone" hinted that Patrick could sue Regina for kicking him off the blog. A speculative comment, or a warning for her to back down? I don't know. All I know is that she needs to watch her back.

  107. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Gryph, If you roll around in the crap with these folks, the foul smell will rub off on you. Be careful.

  108. mitch who lives in kansas10:49 AM

    Palingates and IM are tame compared to some wingnut blogs. Check out blogs for victory if you want to see some real nastiness. Try to post a comment that runs counter to their alternative reality and see what happens.

  109. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Here's a cached copy of AKWTF, from January 25th:

    If you ever want to see old pages, after the http:// just type:

    It works with any site.

    Here's a link to more Google search tips:

  110. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Interesting that, the day after AlaskaWTF disappears, Palin goes on that assclown radio show to refute the NE stories. What a coincidence!

  111. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Concern trolls are out in force today!

  112. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Palin on Bob & Mark today.

  113. Rationalist11:00 AM

    Morgan! Good to see you again.

    Well, I've become a lurker in the past year or so here and at Palingates, just because I've been busy and also because I reached a similar tipping point to Andrew Sullivan's. I spent lots of time specualting and posting about ears and multiple babies and pictures at the RNC and all that, but without new information, we are all just chasing our tail. Still, I've read IM, Palingates, and now WTF daily in case something breaks.

    I don't know when it happened, but sometime in the last few months the clubbiness in the comments at Palingates got too much for me. I guess that's just how the internet is - a few people appoint themselves the "city council" of the blog and it because all about them. Not very welcoming.

    About the Shailey Tripp post - it was WAY over the line, in my opinion, for Palingates. That kind of gutter work is Dirk's specialty, and it's his whole MO, which I'm either in the mood for or not. But Palingates made its name doing the research the press won't do - chasing down tail wing numbers etc. - to expose the hypocrisy of Palin. While Tripp did speak with the National Enquirer knowing she had publicly posted that poetry, speculating whether a poem her friend had told them was from childhood was about Trig AND posting photographs of her facebook friends was WAY over the top.

    Remember how long it took Audrey to speak about Palin's children? It wasn't until Bristol booked herself on an interview with Greta Van Susteran that she was considered fair game.

    There have to be some lines drawn around people - like Shailey Tripp's friends - who have not asked to be dragged into this. Otherwise we are far too easily dismissed.

  114. No problem, all Patrick and Kathleen have to do is start a new blog. There is a reason newspapers and online news sites have editors, no one can agree on anything. One person's news is another's unethical post. This is how we get more sites writing about the Palins. BTW, I am sure some lawyer threats have at least something to do with this.

  115. 10cats11:03 AM

    Who is Mary Ellan (Ellen) Moe? Palin friend?

    She was part of the mystery posting last night.

  116. Anonymous11:10 AM

    To those asking about the odd comment left on AWTF: It also appears here on IM under yesterday's "Time to Tweet the Twit...." post at 9:36 pm.
    It is beyond odd and a stomach turner.

  117. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I was concerned about the post at PG with the poetry because it was stated that it was from a website where you had to pay for access to read the poetry.It may well have been a copyright infringement.

  118. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Clearly the Palins don't own all the rights to egos and power-trips. In-fighting is ugly, no matter if is in politics, or within the blogosphere that was purporting to attempt to expose the ugly in said politics.

    Sad: it seemed for a while we were all trying to fight the good fight against a corrupt family. But now, we are left to wade through all this "he said; she said" (or, rather, "he COULD say something, and it's HUGE, believe me, but he won't say it; she said"). The tone is ugly here; the tone is ugly there. Our energies would be so better spent actually being better than Palin rather than trying to "scoop" nasty stories. After all, there is plenty of nasty to go around - and she is doing a fine job revealing it all by herself.

  119. Anonymous11:13 AM

    ABI, Alaska Bureau of Investigation? You can make a request for info, have to pay for it. I wonder if if it's worth a shot giving them that case # posted in the comments on AWTF???????????

  120. Anonymous11:16 AM

    After Regina left, I noticed a huge change in the blog.
    Frankly, even though there was good info, I was bored. As someone said, the fun was gone. I knew Patrick just a tiny bit before he met Regina in person. At that time he was very nice to me. I think he changed when P and K took over. All this focus on being exclusive and the first to expose this or that. Too competitive. I used to post in the comments all the time. I'm talking early 2009 and felt very comfortable. Suddenly, there was a "gator" clique which was just not for me. I have a real life.

    Then Gryphen wrote his post removing PG. I was mad at him and wrote and told him so. But now I can see maybe I didn't know the whole story. One thing that drives me insane Gryphen is when you only tell a small part of a story, then you hint there's something real big you will tell us later, but then you don't. It's very frustrating and I don't think you realize you have lost some credibility over the years by doing this. I want to take what you write and hint at at face value, but I can't, because most of the time you don't follow up and tell us what you were insinuating. Here is another example now with P and G. Why bring up this can of worms if you really aren't going to tell us.

    I still read here and appreciate you and others working to expose Palin. Thank you for the risks you take every day. But I also have a healthy skepticism and know that really I don't know you or the others really. Not at all.
    From what I see some people are getting too personally invested in these blogs and then you are upset they don't meet your expectations. Just don't have any expectations and stay out of the drama. Should these blogs really become "communities?"

    I just wish everyone would not be so personally upset so we can move forward. Regina can do what she needs to and so can Gryphen. They own these blogs and we don't know all that goes on. I'm just going to come and read with an open but skeptical attitude, comment sometimes and that is it.. Period. That's my two cents. I am sure no one cares LOL but I feel better now.

    Thanks for your work Gryphen. I hope you won't let this blog take over your entire life. And please remember, words do matter. And when you promise to reveal some big secret, but then you never do, it does effect people as well as your credibiliy.

  121. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Palins denying the story? Please please National Enquirer dont give up. And I thought the girls were giving interviews or were they paid off.

    Sarah is saying Shailey is a liar. WHERE is the proof?
    You said you had proof. Now is the time to use it.

    PS people on the news are laughing about Sarah on Greta last night. She made a big fool of herself

  122. Anonymous11:23 AM

    OMG, the people at Palingates are losing their shit. And Bandit is there, throwing her weight around, pretty much shitting on Regina and claiming (again) that it is THEIR blog. I do see her point somewhat, as she's probably donated an arm and a leg (hey, who's decision was that), but geez, the obnoxiousness!

    Imagine if Regina takes the blog down? Those people are going to be like chickens with their heads cut off.

  123. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Kali, I can almost imagine that you think some of my anonymous posts are written by anon @ 8:10. Not so.

    This is the whole trouble with the paranoia that has reigned at Palingates regarding trolls.

    I have always been mystified at the passionate protective instincts shown by their inner circle, but it may be that some of you have this idea that old associates are coming back to haunt you, or torment you in some way.

    However, maybe some other people, new people, independent of those old contacts, who have nothing to do with these blogs other than reading and sometimes commenting - yes, as anons - occasionally disagree with the group. Maybe we have formed similar opinions to your former foes on our own or show signs of having sympathetic viewpoints with those you regard as hostile to you or your efforts. I think this idea is what you all find so threatening. That some of what you say is, in fact, off the mark.

    When people start worrying about the authors of posts, it just takes everyone down the real rabbit hole, of doubt.

    The political side of these blogs is something most of us are not privy to, nor do we care much about. Someday if any of you in the know people want to share, go to it. Otherwise, don't make the assumption that we are insiders or that our motives are anything other than wanting to share our thoughts and opinions about Sarah and her foibles.

    Many of us are not commenting with ulterior motives, and we are good people as a matter of fact! Your suspicions make you blind to this. It's unfortunate, and unnecessary.

  124. Anonymous11:32 AM

    For those confused about the "mysterious" comment on alaskawtf before it went down. Here is the link to the post - scroll to the very last comment. Wow is right. But who knows if this is true or if someone is just having a lot of fun with us?

  125. Anonymous11:34 AM

    And she went to the best news source - Bob & Mark.

    SO the answer seems to be yes, Todd gets around.

  126. I don't think Regina handled this very professionally, but I'm sure not in the Bandit camp. Her Mean Head Girl act was what made me leave PG.

  127. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Followed PG but not from the beginning ........ so can someone please explain to me how an English ex-pat living in France had one of the go to blogs on Palin?

    Not a snark - just really curious and can't find that info on the PG blog.

    Then you add in 2 more Europeans - I know we've gone global but how's that better than boot-on-the-ground?

  128. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Just want to say not everyone knows the gossip on Palingates. Not because I avoid it but because I only have so much time. I love your site because I feel like, if it's worthy, you'll have it, plus you're a lot of fun. I've been checking out AlaskaWTF too and a post last night certainly was interesting. Then it's down? Inquiring minds want to know.

  129. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I'd like to comment here on some views I saw at PG on "intellectual property" at PG.

    First let me say that I’ve noted that P (and perhaps K also) sometimes used ideas contributed by others posting at PG in articles he wrote without attribution. The word for that in legal parlance is "plagiarism” –a serious charge if made professionally, actionable and grounds for dismissal from a job in both academe and journalism. In any case, whether it's a de facto or de jure case of copying without attribution, it sullies trust and most writers and academics go to great lengths to avoid such a charge. Attribution is the key to avoiding such an accusation. The careers of scholars, writers and many artists depend on proper attribution of their work and creative ideas.

    I was, therefore, surprised that some at PG are advocating legal action against Regina over "intellectual property" rights.

    At first glance intellectual property rights might seem like a good thing. But further investigation reveals that it takes a giant step past notions of copyrights, patents, and proper attribution by shifting enormous power to the wealthiest among us, giving them ownership rights over innumerable items by virtue of the fact that they can now own life forms, voting systems, etc. based on intellectual formulae that we, the public, not to mention our ancestors, have helped create through the funding of education, research, etc.

    Intellectual property rights are one the latest inventions and tools of WTO-type capitalists designed to bilk humanity. The corporate behemoths now want to (and do) own and patent everything from genes to voting software, making it inaccessible to the voting public's oversight.

    Most artists, scientists, and thinkers have historically been poor and their work given to the world with very little or no commensurate recompense. Pasteur, Lister, Keppler, Newton, Pascal, Michelangelo, Bach, Watson and Crick et al.--how rich were they compared to SONY, GE, Monsanto.... Without the contributions of such gifted people FREELY given to humanity in the past there would be no science, upon which the for-profit "intellectual property" meisters are piggybacked in their effort to scalp humanity for a buck. Also no antibiotics, antiseptics, no microscopes, telescopes, etc, etc.

    Perhaps posters at PG who gave money because of PK and those who contributed their time and research do have valid claim under the law, though I can’t imagine what it could be since they donated their money and entered no legal contracts with the bloggers over copyrights to material or anything else. The Net is a fast and loose place: Caveat emptor—“let the buyer beware.”

  130. thank you anon: 11:32

    I have been trying to bring up the comments from google cache. I did notice there were "42" comments. So what were the 7 comments we could not read....what did they say?

    Let's all remember "where there's smoke, there's fire".

    How to begin parsing?

  131. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Perilsofpalins - if you like to laugh, you may want to also try lynnrockets If Mr. G lets this link through (I trust his judgement) it's one of my daily, IM, Malia, Mudflat readings.

  132. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Sometime back I quit reading & posting at IM, as IMO you started down the slippery slop of being - let's say childish or immature - age was not a consideration.

    It's only been the last number of months where I came back to read and began to post, as I saw a growth in you - you rose up.

    For you to start the - 'Open a can of worms', you are going to take it right back to where it was going. It wasn't pretty

    PG & IM separated itself. Some posted on both, some didn't. But for you to 'dangle' the 'can of worms' truly shows, your growth was a lie to yourself and your participants on this blog.

    It can also be said that it's the same of the posters from one to the other. The immaturity to flip on a dime to the other to act out through the comments - that's truly sad as many people who post under their 'names' and even as Anons, the writing is recognizable and you know who they are. It's becomes a form of respect, of the commenters and of the Blog writer.

    Gryphen, do you actually think you will gain should you 'open the can of worms'.

    I don't think so. IMO, you'll just tank what credibility you have been building.

  133. Rationalist11:59 AM

    Hey everyone posting as "Anonymous": I for one would truly appreciate you giving yourself a moniker of some kind. We are all anonymous, you know? It's getting really confusing trying to keep track of who's "Anon at 2:12" and "Anon at 3:47."

  134. Hi, 11:29 -- You have written a lot (but I bet I'll surpass you on this comment!), and it seems you put a lot of concerned thought into it. But you have actually extrapolated way beyond what I wrote.

    As I mentioned, somehow I managed to find myself "on the inside", as it were, since the beginning...before P & K...before a lot. (That backroom place isn't as big as you might think. Many of the people who I imagine you think are behind the scenes are not.)

    Although I look over the comments at PG, I rarely read them all, and even more rarely comment there, as I prefer the research end of things and really don't like the interpersonal aspect of blogs -- it's too much emotional responsibility for me, and I prefer to stay out of the infighting that occurs whenever blogs get popular. You can't escape it; there's always some.

    To clear up where you are off the mark:

    Maybe we have formed similar opinions to your former foes on our own or show signs of having sympathetic viewpoints with those you regard as hostile to you or your efforts. I think this idea is what you all find so threatening. That some of what you say is, in fact, off the mark.

    Actually, one of the things I liked best about Palingates was the lack of censorship. People could pretty much say what they wanted, be it offensive or not. Sometimes they were taken to task by others. Sometimes feelings were hurt. But presumably everyone, as adults, could take it or leave it.

    In fact, the sole person I was referring to who was asked to leave the research team was not only someone who verifiably commented (and comments) under various nicknames, but someone who verifiably started more than one Palin-related blog that you would recognize, I do believe. (No, not Bree.) This was a person who was originally asked to join the team due to research that was later found to be completely invented, and was asked to leave for the same reason. This person went on to carry out the same plan elsewhere, and many, many people were taken in.

    If you actually knew the lengths that have been gone to to keep out of the morass, you would be amazed. And I myself am amazed (or not) to see certain people here fomenting that same drama.

  135. Lisabeth12:06 PM

    Everybody, please don't get into cutting down Regina, Patrick, Katheen etc! We have to all keep our focus on Sarah. You cannot really know people over the Internet. Can we stop it for the sake of our common goal and that includes you Gryphen and the others. I don't like competitiveness between the blogs either.
    We are all on same side and I hope we can get back to that.

  136. Anonymous12:10 PM

    post at 9:36 pm.

    that post has been around for awhile...I remember seeing it days before Palin quit. Figured it had something to do with her reason for quitting.

    I have no doubt there is some truth in the statements. It looks like Chuckles was in charge of a trust for some reason and "borrowed" the money for SP et al. He then replaced the $$ and figured all was well that ends well.

  137. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Here is the post from Alaska WTF that was so disturbing:

    Anonymous said...

    now where is the part where Todd Palin was involved in a murder of a prostitute on KJB that was native? Or the getting a IBEW electrician to tape a girl that they just can't KILL or get to MOVE?

    ABI Case number 06-76332 about a child rapist that Palin convinced the Palmer DA to not prosecute because the children were not worth it? or could it be the finanical genocide she inflicts on a mother and her children because she wants them to MOVE?
    Her mother and Palin's best friend came over to the mothers house in 1998 and tried to convince her to move...when she didn't? American Domestic Terrorism...then there is severe domestic violence. or how about the Trooper Wooten who didn't arrest the SOB when he pointed a 9mm at the mother? or left a rifle and released him? how about a coniviction of violation of DVPO being erased so the rapist could drive a school bus?
    or how about going after her employment with the MSBSD and when they didn't fire her?
    They went after her oldest by sending in a kid to start a fight..or how about no child support for 7 years now? or the Commissioner of Revenue being killed by a seatbelt error?
    Same hanger as Todd's plane? or how about the mother sending an email to Palin's best friend Mary Ellan Moe dated July 3rd and then Palin shakily resigned less than 24 hours later? HUGE reasons like a trust fund that belongs to the mother with children that Palin and Moe's didn't want her to find moreless take back
    January 26, 2011 4:45 PM

  138. Anonymous12:18 PM

    On that disturbing post, you might want to copy and send it to yourself so we have it. Hopefully NE is all over it.

  139. Anonymous12:29 PM

    OK, look. I comment at PG (although my commenting ebbs and flows), I've expressed myself when I think the comments are getting too snarky, I've played with a troll or two (when they came out of the woodwork after Family Guy) and I've enjoyed the posts by all three. Unlike Sarah Palin, I have a thick skin and I don't get bothered by a curse word here or there or even a dig at the appearance of Her Majest, Sister Sarah. Gryphen has done a lot of that, himself and I still love him.

    I also comment regularly on Gryphen's site, which I really enjoy as well. Just this morning, Gryphen shook things up nicely with his "maybe Jesus is gay" poke. Great post, fun comments from those for and against. Hooray!

    I won't bail on Gryphen or Regina just because Patrick and Kathleen left. Regina is doing what she feels is right and that great. I'm glad she is being true to herself.

    What I don't like is all this pussyfooting around "something" that happened. So many posters here say they have this insider knowledge. Well, out with it already. The innuendos and sly, knowing smiles are getting tiring.

    If anyone is suggesting that Patrick is trying to get fame from PG I say "so what?" I don't really care.

    Are you suggesting the information he posted isn't accurate? Give us examples, please. Don't you think you owe it to these sources up in Alaska to set the record straight?

    Regina hasn't detracted anything or made corrections. Until she does or until someone here tells us otherwise, I'll take Patrick on his word, just as I do with Regina and Gryphen.

    Now, please, let's focus on what important here...getting Sarah Palin off her high horse and bringing the Tea Party (and the GOP) with her.

  140. Anonymous12:31 PM

    here is a screen capture of the last post on alaskawtf before it went down.. I have one from the original too if people want that not just the cache..

  141. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Couple of thoughts:

    I think Patrick took one of my points one time, and it was fairly important to the premise of his post, without attributing it to a reader at all. I didn't think about it then because I felt good I had been able to contribute a cultural and historical clarification in rebuttal to something Sarah Palin said. He did additional research, but I definitely led the way on that one.

    Also, reading Regina's comments, and knowing the vibe and players over there, it would not surprise me at all if she felt the only way to diffuse the dynamic would be to part ways with Patrick and Kathleen. She would deny it naturally, but imo the posters' behavior today would indicate this isn't such a far-fetched notion. They seem ready to bolt, and perhaps this was the idea. I know I would be tired of things if I was part of that blog.

  142. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I haven't read your 140 comments yet. But, I want to say that all bloggers who truly want to see Palin exposed and put out to pasture should REFRAIN from any JOY when a fellow blog has problems. Palingates has the best research, most in depth, by FAR than any other blog, this one included. Don't get me wrong, I come to you several times a day as well Gryphen, but often feel like you need to shit or get off the pot with your posts.
    All the blogs and all the regular visitors/ commenters have the same goal: expose Sarah Palin.
    Well , I think the truth is that Sarah Palin will destroy herself in time. The blogs will have nothing to do with it, other than providing a place to report it. She is mentally ill, a psychopath and will run the natural course of a mentally ill psychopath: self destruction.
    Take the high road Gryphen. Don't bash fellow investigative bloggers.

  143. Anonymous12:56 PM

  144. Anonymous12:57 PM

    "I have been trying to bring up the comments from google cache. I did notice there were "42" comments. So what were the 7 comments we could not read....what did they say?"

    I saw them- and can't remember what they were. I don't remember anything like the comment that has been reposted repeatedly here. If there had been something interesting I probably would have grabbed it, or at least remembered there was something. But sometimes a comment is not recognized it as important until later.

    I wish I had taken the screengrab later- then I'd have the missing ones.

  145. I'm sure Regina's not the villain. But why do you think there needs to be a villain, other than Sarah Palin?

    Kudos to all the truth tellers, whether Alaskan, French, German, Virginian, or space alien.

  146. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Kali, thanks for the extensive response but it's just hard to make heads or tails of things. You are talking about backstage politics, I have no clue about that with these blogs. You seem like you are in the middle of it, or were. Your description of the code of behavior at Palingates would indicate you are rather familiar with it though you say you don't pay it much attention. Just difficult to know where you're coming from, or how involved you are. I do think you responded to me because what I said got to you in some way. That's not someone at a distance from this situation, imo.

    I simply wanted to put the possibility out there for all those prone to conspiracy theories about anons and trolls and the like, that there are many of us who are anything but threatening. We are simply readers and commenters. We can't understand all the suspicion and we don't like the atmosphere that results from it. Obviously there are some things going poorly at that site, regardless of the neutral spin that Regina puts on it, but people like me are not the problem.

    That being said, I am not naive about Palin vested interests and the lengths to which they might go to be disruptive or make things difficult for those dedicated to exposing them.

    And, no matter what anyone says, I am with Gryphen. I think he has his reasons for saying what he does, and not saying what he doesn't.

    I don't need to say anything more about this, as I absolutely don't know anything more!

  147. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Anon 12:41

    Alas, that particular problem with Patrick was not unique to your situation. I had the same experience, but I chalked it up to that fact that it was his blog, that to expect journalistic standards to apply to a blog was naive and unrealistic on my part, and, that there were so many balls in the air on that blog at any one time - ping pong anyone? - that a lot of stuff got lost in the hurly-burly of submissions. Besides, I wasn't there to draw attention to myself anyway (not saying you were either, I get your jist) and I was just happy for information on Palin to get out any old which way it could.

    Also, this was before they did their fundraising and frankly, when you dedicate so much unpaid time to such an undertaking, well, big deal if you steal some thunder for yourself.

    Water under the bridge. I just wanted you to know that you were not the only one.

  148. @Rationalist, it is *good* to see you, too.
    I completely agree that Shailey Tripp's friends had no reason to be drawn into this whole thing. There was no need to splash their pictures and personal information all over the Web.

    I'm not surprised that Patrick did this, though. He's been very hostile towards other bloggers, including Jesse. The Alaskan bloggers are class acts and don't deserve Patrick's ire. But there are some people who are not content to be part of a group working for the same goal. They want to be the leader, the one out in front. I've noticed a increased spewing of hostility from Palingates whenever Gryphen possessed information they did not have. It became worse after the Alaskan bloggers delinked Patrick, which I believe occurred after he all but accused Jeanne from Muflats of carping one of his posts.

    Patrick's attack on Shailey Tripp really was not an attack on Shailey Tripp. Patrick's attack on Shailey Tripp was really an attack on Jesse. Patrick wanted to trash Tripp to hurt Jesse's credibility. That's why he dug up and threw everything at her. He had no qualms about making her life even more difficult. He had no qualms about exposing Tripp's friends who surely never asked to be made part of this story.

    As I said, people are free to have their loyalties. People are free to follow whomever they choose. And there are certainly followers here who will tag along after someone like Patrick regardless of what he does, just as surely as the Palinbots will follow Sarah no matter what she does. In short, they are the same people. The only difference is their politics.

    But I'm not addressing those people. I'm addressing the folks who may judge Regina for what she did. Even if she defends Patrick now as a decent guy in a noble effort to smooth things over, she sensed enough indecency in his behavior to realize she no longer wanted to be associated with it. And that speaks volumes, whether some people want to believe it or not.

    I don't know much about Shailey Tripp, but it appears she is a native and not someone with a lot of personal power. It must have been very, very difficult for her to summon the courage to come forward. I, for one, am glad she did and am quite disgusted to see her and her friends targeted by what is supposed to be a pro-Palin blog simply because the editor there (and Patrick was the editor and NOT the blog owner) was so hell-bent on discrediting another blogger.

  149. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Anon 11:53,
    I have Lynnrockets on my own blogroll and have been featuring some of the songs on my blog. My thing is humor. I leave the heavy politics to others.

  150. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "Hey everyone posting as "Anonymous": I for one would truly appreciate you giving yourself a moniker of some kind."

    Sorry- NO.

    My .02

    No names avoids some of the club and clique drama that goes on other places.

    I write a comment and submit it.
    If Gryhen posts it he does; and if he doesn't want to post it for some reason, he doesn't.

    If it gets past him then you can
    read what I post if you want to.

    Like it? Hate it? Think I'm a troll? Maybe scroll on by.

    Then decide: Ignore it, respond to it, I don't really give a shit to be blunt about it. You'll have to decide based on the content- not my fake or real name.
    Refer back to what the basic concepts are here.

    we are anonymous and it is not because we are too stupid to post some other way (but we are not the REAL Anonymous).

  151. Anonymous1:28 PM

    From reading many of the comments here - Am I reading IM or C4P as there are many here acting and commenting like scum bots - blame, assusatory. I'm surprises not to have read yet "I'm gonna tell my mommy on you".

    Grow up peeps. It is blogs.

    And if you were truly interested in taking Palin down - kindly notice that most of the AK blogs now really do nothing to 'OUT' Palin. They've taken a 'hands off' approach to the subject.

  152. Anonymous1:37 PM

    My problem with Patrick is that I sent very specific info including private pics and there was no response. He even used them in a post and completely distorted the info I gave him to fit HIS agenda. That pissed me off as it made a innocent person look horrible. (not a Palin btw)

    He and Kathleen seem to think anyone who defends Sarah on any level even if it's the truth or benign, is a bot. This isn't true. There were blatant lies told at PG. Either coming from a bad source in AK or told through maliciousness on the blogger's part.

    Gryphen's pretty careful when he isn't sure if something's factual or just rumor. However, many distortions come from this blog as well.

    We could all stand to gain a little compassion. "You cannot know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes."

  153. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Anon 12:41

    Alas, that particular problem with Patrick was not unique to your situation. I had the same experience, but I chalked it up to that fact that it was his blog, that to expect journalistic standards to apply to a blog was naive and unrealistic on my part....

    Also, this was before they did their fundraising and frankly, when you dedicate so much unpaid time to such an undertaking, well, big deal if you steal some thunder for yourself.

    Water under the bridge. I just wanted you to know that you were not the only one.

    1:14 PM

    Dear 1:14:

    Same thing happened to me as to you two. I do expect ethical standards from lawyers (isn't P a lawyer?), if not journalistic ones, and besides giving credit to others is not only gracious but correct behavior.

    In my case P's borrowing without attribution of my ideas and thoughts happened well after P was receiving money for his work on PG. Maybe he'll write a book.

  154. Anonymous1:45 PM

    So Gryph, you are calling other villians? I read your blog as well, and your comments and your posters comments are no different than any others. I have lost alot of respect for you today.

  155. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Why do Palin bloggers think they are insiders in the Palin saga? Most haven't met her. Most probably don't talk to her close friends an family. how can you trust that you're classified info on her is accurate? Even raljournalists from magazines have been caught copying/pasting different articles together to create their palin exposes. (see GRoss VF piece which is a perfect example of this)

    No one of worth in Wasilla would speak to Mr Gross. and it pissed him off. There's no way of verifying whether or not your details are true when you've never been inside the palin household. However, there are lots of people who have been inside and publicly post pictures and aren't ashamed of asociating with any of the Palins.

    That should tell you something about the "everyone in wasilla is scared shitless of the palins" meme

    Because it's not true. Lots of people think she's stupid, and in turn their kids call her that. Luckily Sarah has daughters who defend her against those allegations and take heat for fiery words thay most people use anyway.

  156. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Morgan, are you saying that Patrick did not have permission from Shaileys friend to post his words and face book images? He said he called the man and asked hi
    Questions. I assumed he had permission to put his name there. Are you sure he didn't.? Just curious.

    It's interesting how you and others perceived his post. I guess I'm clueless. When I first read it, it seemed like he was just presenting lots of facts about her. But I didnt see him discredit her. Where does he cut her down?
    I had mixed feelings about the poetry but the entire post was so long, that I didn't take the time to even read it.

  157. Lidia171:49 PM

    If there were so many "huge errors" over at PG, why didn't you come forward to correct them? I would have.

  158. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I am someone that was part of palindeceptions -- someone that also had issues with patrick and kathleen -- i know what is going to come out -- regina was, im sorry to say, stupid to deal with those 2 from the start -- i am glad to hear their sorry asses are gone from PG -- karma is a real bitch P/K and it's coming for you!

  159. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I knew it was going badly when I saw them starting to collect money from readers. For what? Where's the money? What did it purchase, other than a shiny new computer? Are there taxes on this money? Does Regina get to keep it?

    Also when the recent posts began to be signed "PRK". They were RPK forever. Suddenly, Patrick puts his initial first. Verrryyyy interesting.

    I support Regina. She's the reason I went to that blog in the first place.

  160. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Look I will tell you all this -- Gryphen has NOTHING to do with this -- The issue is not about money for Regina -- this is an issue with P/K and how they operate -- as someone WHO KNOWS, they can not be trusted... the truth about them and what they have done will come out & this is not just something that happened overnight -- they've been operating in this mode since 2008. and the reason gryphen isn't saying more is because it's not his story to tell -- it's someone else's and when that person feels its time to come forward, you will be told the truth, until then, believe what u want to believe but if u make the wrong assumptions about what is going on, you'll feel really stupid

  161. anon who posted screenshot2:01 PM

    that comment is strange....

    makes more sense on the second reading but no idea what KJB was or the references to the prostitutes but not like that would be public information.

    The rapist and case number does bring up some facts..

    the rest no record of a former commissioner in a plane crash nor this elizabeth ann jackson been fired from a matsu school or much information at all... and the mary ellan moe is sally heaths friend.... here is what i found I was bored.. and who knows with the palins...


    got this off the alaska news site today...guess they dont like palin up there cuz well she does stuff like this...I hope you tea pervs are proud:

    Got one for ya...Daniel Rene Jackson...ABI case # 06-76332... Raped a 4 yr old girl, a 4 yrl old boy and another 2 yr old boy for years...tried to kill the children and mother...Palmer District Attorney won't prosecute because Palin says it will interfere with her money ambitions and keeping the kids in turmoil is God's Will...just remember Palin - God will Bless those that Bless you....GOD WILL CURSE THOSE THAT CURSE YOU!!!! Palin Shouldn't have cursed that young woman and crucifed her children..

    daniel rene jackson court records
    dob 06/14/1965

    Dom Viol With Children (3PA) - Summary

    3PA-05-00200CI Jackson, Elizabeth Ann vs. Jackson, Daniel Rene
    Docket Date Docket Text Amount Amount Due Images
    04/05/2005 Petition Denied at Ex Parte Stage. Case closed. 0.00 0.00
    04/05/2005 Petition for Protective Order: Long Term Only 0.00 0.00
    Status Status Date Disposition Code Disposition Date
    Closed 09/17/2004 Contested Hrg: DV Long Term Order Granted

    03/30/2005 Motion to Modify or Dissolve Long Term Protective Order Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Elizabeth Ann Jackson (Petitioner) Case Motion #1 0.00 0.00
    10/07/2004 DV Protective Order (Long Term) Granted - Contested Hearing The following event: DV Hearing: Long Term scheduled for 10/05/2004 at 2:00 pm has been resulted as follows: Result: DV Order (Long Term) Granted - Contested 0.00 0.00
    10/05/2004 Return of Service(served) 0.00 0.00
    10/05/2004 Hearing Set Event: DV Hearing: Long Term Date: 10/05/2004 Time: 2:00 pm Judge: Zwink, David L Location: Courtroom 1, Palmer Court Result: DV Order (Long Term) Granted - Contested 0.00 0.00
    10/05/2004 ExParte DV Restraining Order DV ExParte Restraining Order in Effect created on: 10/05/2004 For: Jackson, Daniel Rene 0.00 0.00
    09/17/2004 Petition for Protective Order: Exparte and Long Term Filed 0.00 0.00
    Div or Cust w/Children (3PA) - Summary

    3PA-05-01187CI Jackson, Daniel R vs. Jackson, Elizabeth A
    Status Status Date Disposition Code Disposition Date
    Closed 04/29/2005 Uncontested Hrg: Divorce Granted 06/19/2006

    mary ellen moe friend of sally heath
    introduced her to the palin wasilla church

  162. Anonymous2:04 PM

    @ 9:57 AM-

    I did warn her. It was too late.

  163. Rationalist2:10 PM

    Anon @ 1:19 - It has nothing to do with thinking people who post as anonymous are trolls. It has to do with how frustrating it is to try to have a conversation when multiple people are going by the same name. I find it maddening. But apparently a conversation isn't what you are here for.

  164. anon who posted screenshot comment stuff2:12 PM

    I would like to say patrick is ethical but had an interesting conversation with him once. It was when the money blast started and no one explained well enough for me at least where the money was going or how much was raised... I was suspicious then. Still its all conjecture at this point and I will reserve judgment. I will still read all palin blogs in the HOPE finally someone brings the truth out I have just begun to think the story is possibly so sad and abusive thats why it will never come out that and an abused woman as governor with severe mental illness husband doing her job who would want to admit they let that go on and if its from what I think.. it should be left to rest.

    hope thats ok to say gryphen.

  165. Rationalist2:13 PM

    Anon who posted screenshot:

    I learned somewhere today that KJB is a rural road in Wasilla.

  166. Morgan@ 8:48,

    I just want to say that I miss you and Audrey very much! I don't know what happened with her, but there are many times I think about her and hope she is ok.

    We had some differences of opinion with the time line of pictures of Bristol. I disagreed with her and placed a post on my website that gave my thoughts on a time line and year. But, I emailed her before placing that post to let her know about the post before placing it. When she rebutted it, I put in an update with a link to her post and encouraged people to read it. In my mind, all the information needs to be looked at, because the important thing, is to find the truth.

    In hindsight, though I don't know if it is true, she may have had more information than I did but couldn't talk about it. I greatly admire what Audrey and you did with being the forerunner in the pack to expose Sarah Palin.

    If you talk with her, would you please let her know she is missed?


  167. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Gryph, I have yet to encounter a really good recipe for a "can of worms" -- at least one that could be shared with any happy result.

    A "can of worms," I found later rather than sooner in life, is best left on the shelf, in the back, in the dark, where it belongs.

    Just sayin'



  168. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Yay for 1:19!


    Another Anon

  169. Anonymous2:29 PM

    All of this in-fighting between blogs is immature and ridiculous. Most readers don't care who posts info first, who has the most comments of page views, they are just happy to jump from blog to blog to get updates and different insights. All of the arguing is about ego and money in my opinion.

    Yes, Palingates is more aggressive in their posts and comments because there is no moderation, but not more so than Alaska WTF, which is too provocative in my opinion, but no Alaska blogs seem to have a problem with Alaska WTF. It all seems silly to me to take sides and take all of the quibbling personally. With that said, good luck with your efforts to get the truth out there Gryphen. A lot of people are relying on you.

  170. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Amazing all the posts by so many that state they don't go to or comment at sites. Then to see so many congregated on one site, on the same day, all piling on.

    Isn't that special.

    Was it a bot like move of a mass email to 'meet me at.......'

    Was it - The first anniversary of 'spew your hatred' day.

    I don't recall entering C4P in my header to go visit the 'Palinbot' family.

    Hey Gryphen, your blog was on a good roll but it appears street cred got tanked today as it does reflect on the blog.

  171. ReginaSpentMy$OnAFreezer2:35 PM

    NOBODY has suggested that Patrick or Kathleen sue Regina for Intellectual Property rights.

    Geez. Do you people actually READ the comments at PG, or just make them up in your head?

    It was suggested that the blog has actual financial value, so that the blog assets should be shared equally and fairly (mirrored).

    That was it.

    Everyone needs to stop being so damned sensitive. This is the Internet. There will be drama and there will be disagreements. GET OVER IT.

    Down with Sarah!!

  172. Anon @ 1:38 said:
    "Same thing happened to me as to you two. I do expect ethical standards from lawyers (isn't P a lawyer?), if not journalistic ones..."

    Patrick isn't a JOURNALIST! It is a BLOG. It is SUPPOSED to contain opinions. Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

  173. Anonymous3:01 PM

    To ReginaSpentMy$OnAFreezer

    How immature. At least she was honest about it. And by the way, she also mentioned she took the smaller portion of the paypal money. Imagine what P&K got besides a freezer. Perhaps you can use that as your handle for your next post.

    And also, too, prior to P&K's arrival on the scene Regina NEVER had a paypal button on there.

    You now have 2 sites to follow P&K. Feel free to head on over there.

    Fucking idiot.

  174. Anonymous3:04 PM

    theperilsofpalins -- THANK YOU for your reminder that "Information wrapped in humor is so much more palatable." I'm a teacher who was forgetting that. You helped a lot!

  175. Morgan, hope your life is good. Miss your blog.

    Every time I hear Sarah Palin state one of her conclusions as fact, I go crazy waiting for the interviewer to follow up and ask on what she bases that conclusion. For example: "How does health care reform kill jobs, Sarah?"

    So Rovian: just keep saying it and people will assume it is true.

    When Alaskan bloggers dissed Patrick, I figured it was some sort of turf war. It didn't affect me because I heard no facts to make my own conclusion. But I noted that Bree, whom I trusted, associated with IM, not PG.

    Morgan, because I came to trust you, when you suggest that Patrick had something to do with Audrey having to go underground, whether or not intentional, I can see that indeed that would be a very, very horrible thing.

    So I wouldn't trust Patrick personally, send him money, or identify myself to him in a private email (from now on), but I would still visit his blog looking for news of Babygate. Is that disloyal to Audrey?

  176. AnotherAnonymousCommenter3:13 PM

    anon @ 2:12

    1.) The money donated to Palingates goes to an account in Regina's name.

    2.) There was a lot of money donated. Go back to the Moneyblast post. Kathleen & Patrick always posted the totals.

    3.) IMHO, Palingates was a boring blog for cat people and old ladies with ailments. Patrick & Kathleen made it compelling and got it noticed.
    They should get credit for that.

    P.S. Gryphen - you can keep your "can of worms" in the same place you keep all your other I-know-something-explosive-but-can't-tell-you-yet-secrets.

  177. Anonymous3:20 PM

    11:13 Right on!

  178. Anonymous3:22 PM

    @ Rationalist, no I do not comment to carry on a conversation with one or more discrete entities. I want to contribute to a group conversation, and if people need to single out my post we all know the formula, sorry if it's too much trouble or if it is anxiety-provoking to not be able to keep track of me over the course of a thread or in general.

    I have trouble with people who want to home in on certain commenters, I inherently don't trust that communication style in this context. Invariably it is someone who is interested in one-on-one debate, as are the people who single out comments and cry "troll"! It's a personality type as much as anything else, I find, and for me it is too aggressive.

    Moving on, the bit about Patrick perhaps being a little too interested in his fundraising efforts, I never really thought about it but I suppose that could lead to corruption of one sort or another. It was refreshing and yet a little surprising reading Regina's spending disclosures, I must say. (Didn't know the monies would be used in that manner, but I suppose the idea is that we contribute to help them run the blog and think deep thoughts all day?) I am still wondering if "Patrick" is actually German or not, they certainly posted pretty snowy pictures from their supposed holiday in Northern Germany this year.

    As for his attribution problems, well, it would only be cricket to mention where one got an idea, a lead, or other info, wouldn't it? Why defend his failure to do so, I really don't get it. You can basically admire and support someone and yet sometimes disagree with their opinions or approach (right Gryphen?).

    The defensiveness is telling. I am trusting my gut on this one, and also my own experiences both reading carefully and responding thoughtfully to the posts and comments at Palingates, often at my own peril :-).

  179. Aussie Blue Sky3:24 PM

    Because my preferred browser doesn't care for the PG site and takes ages to load it, I rarely see the pics, so I don't know about any FB in the Shailey Tripp post. But my impression of the written parts was that it was meant to convey that this isn't some tabloid-cliche drug-addled streetwalker that Dud was sleeping with, but a very unique woman. I didn't see it as an attack by any means.

    Having said that, if I worried about what consenting adult bloggers do among themselves I'd never get any sleep.

  180. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Leadfoot said...
    Anon @ 1:38 said:
    "Same thing happened to me as to you two. I do expect ethical standards from lawyers (isn't P a lawyer?), if not journalistic ones..."

    Patrick isn't a JOURNALIST! It is a BLOG. It is SUPPOSED to contain opinions. Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

    You are right; he is not a journalist.

    But it is still considered wrong to write articles based on the ideas and words of others without crediting them--not matter the venue--school children are taught that.

    It's hard to believe this lifting of others work and thoughts for his articles was by chance since there was a pattern to it. (And P was paid--make of that what you will.)

  181. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I'm one of many angry Anons from this morning... though after getting home from work and having a cold one, I'm a lot less angry.

    I might suggest anyone who's still angry do the same. A few hours off the internets and a beer or two makes a world of difference. Life goes on, yadda yadda.

    Gryphen was my favored source of Palin fun anyway, and no matter if Palingates has decided not to continue being the blog I liked - Gryphen's still here. And I listening to our snarky, anonymous commentary on what that crazy woman is up to. So here's to more beer, and long live IM.

  182. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Anon 2;35.. HUH??

  183. Patrick isn't a JOURNALIST! It is a BLOG.

    The title up top before the mental diarrhea hit the fan is "Is the Internet Broken? Nah!"

    As soon as it is all talked out everyone will feel more regular.

    Just keep most of the mess here at this post and it will all pass.

  184. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I heard Audrey was threatened with private information about her and/or her husband. They were told that if they continued their blog, this info would be made public. I thought it was the Palins. Maybe not.

  185. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Aside from the cat fighting over PG what seems more important is that AWTF is down and appearing to be gone for good. I really think that's more important for the dissemination of information as each blogger has his or her sources. To silence on like this portends trouble for the others. If this was bot driven then they will simply move to the next blog and blow them away. I'm sure the PG stuff will sort itself out and may even make stronger information. Regardless, at least it's still up. Would be nice to get even anecdotal information about what happened to AWTF. These stories are too big and have too much importance to our future to see the bloggers silenced one by one. Oh. I use anon because I like I can just come and go and comment. This is only my second post btw

  186. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Look at how @2:35 labelled themselves. If that isn't childish I don't know what is - along with the tone of the entire comment.

    Why don't Kathleen and Patrick disclose what they have spent your money on? You might not be real pleased, I'm guessing.

    At least that Regina was willing to say what she used the money for. Seems honest enough to me.

  187. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I remember reading about the Moe trust fund several years ago. The best that I can recall is that the kids parents died and a friend or neighbor of the Heaths were responsible for the kid. There was a trust fund involved and a claim of the misuse of the funds. Seems like this happened quite a while back. Perhaps someone else has additional information on this issue.

  188. @B.

    Of course it is not disloyal to read others blogs. I read the blogs of people I disagree with all the time. Hell, I read over at C4P, but that doesn't make me a fan of Palin.

    I read for two reasons - I want to keep track of the Palins, and I also want to keep track of those writing about them. I want to know that other bloggers are safe and aren't being threatened by either the Palins or "others" who want them silenced.

    I read C4P because I like to watch them get their granny panties in a twist over what is written about the Palins.

  189. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anon 3:04 PM

    theperilsofpalins -- THANK YOU for your reminder that "Information wrapped in humor is so much more palatable." I'm a teacher who was forgetting that. You helped a lot!

    Having been through some very difficult times in the last couple of years, I have had to relearn humor over anger. Anger is an emotion that we feel. It is what we do with it that counts. I have chosen humor, because anger was eating me up.
    Go visit my blog (shameless plug) for snarky silliness. Maybe it is just fluffery (thanks, Sarah, you ignorant twit), but it is MY fluffery and helps keep me healthy.

  190. Anonymous4:16 PM

    As someone who was part of both PD research and PG research, I want to say that Audrey, Regina, Patrick and Kathleen, like Gryphen, are all good folks who deserve our appreciation for doing a lot of work to slow down the rise of Sarah Palin. They have something else in common: they all made mistakes, some of which you do not know about (and that's a good thing). But I can attest to the fact that Patrick and Kathleen, for example, have put in literally thousands of hours of work to help build PG into the "best political blog." Did they forget or neglect attributions occasionally? Probably. Did Audrey? Absolutely, including taking credit herself for a few posts that other people wrote, including several very big posts. Who cares? They all worked their butts off to try to do what they could to stop Palin from gaining even more power. I salute them all. Knowing what I know, I cannot believe how critical some of you are being. Honestly, they did this to try to help us and help our country. We are all on the same team, in the big picture. If the admonition is, "Let he or she who is without sin throw the first stone," a lot of you must be really, really perfect. But if you're maybe not so perfect yourself, then please, give these folks a break. My two cents.

  191. @Morgan, thanks for answering my question. And please say hello to Audrey for me. I'm glad she is well.

  192. Anonymous4:20 PM

    @ Morgan, forgive me I also used to read and comment on Audrey's blog, but I can't remember you exactly - if what you are saying about players in these two stories is what I think you are saying,

    I am beyond furious.

    That blog ended so abruptly, really, though Audrey was surely getting into potentially explosive territory regarding the faked pregnancy. I knew about the threats to her privacy, but the rest of it, the source of the threat, no. I doubt many of us knew anything about that. If anyone helping her dared to, in the end, sabotage her, well, there are no words.

    She was very courageous to do what she did, and her writing and thinking was excellent on top of it.

    I am speechless, and now I know my gut instincts are correct on all of this.

  193. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Hey guys -
    G has a donation button, too, yaknow. Don't fault either of them for asking for a little help on the side. They do this shit for free so we can expose Palin for what she is.

    Just sayin'!

    I gave money & I don't feel as if I'm owed anything. Well, except Sarah's meltdown, that is.

  194. emrysa4:23 PM

    thank you to morgan for clearing up the oft repeated idea that audrey was shut down due to a threat of being exposed by team palin. that excuse NEVER made sense to me because if it was true, then it seems likely she would have had to remove her blog completely, and she didn't. maybe for audrey that would have been better than what actually happened, I don't know because I don't know the details, but pd was a good blog and I'm glad she wasn't being threatened by the bots.

    and whoever is bitching about regina buying a freezer - get the fuck over it. the woman WORKED for the money, she can spend it however she pleases. I would bet the farm that the money spent on that freezer doesn't come anywhere near compensating her for the work she has put into that blog.

  195. Anonymous5:36 PM

    OH, the DRAMA! Now ozmudflats has decided to hand out kudos and tsk tsks to PG and IM.

    I would suggest that anyone who wants to put a collective halo on the commenters at PG go over there and see what's going on. "Regulars" are getting flamed for suggesting that, perhaps, some are quick to judge and attack. Trigmund Freud is one who was extremely kind and diplomatic in stating his opinion that the comments were sometimes unfair and got snapped at as a result. Many, many immature, nasty people over there.

  196. Anonymous5:59 PM

    This just in....Dave Parker's statement doesn't jive with the truth...

    *The investigation of the prostitution operation was initiated by Anchorage Police Department’s Vice Unit responding to internet advertisements, not through information developed from any tips or other persons.

    That's not what it says here.....

  197. Morgan, is the meconium ever going to hit the fan?!?! (I'll remember that line for a long, long time.)

    All the best to you and Audrey.

  198. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The one thing that has come to me from these comments has been a general degradation of my opinion of all three sites. I relied on them to give me information about the palin escapades from what I thought were well reasoned bloggers digging information the old fashioned way. What I see on these comments are more snark than I've seen since high school. The pettiness and anger and accusations throws a great deal of doubt into my head these sites are anything more than gossip and sour grapes. I can't stand Sarah btw but you are doing yourselves no favors in believability with these posts here. What happened today was 1 of the three sites I trusted went down, another one split up and the third muddles on. Time for you one and all to suck it up, let the chips fall as they will and get back to the business. You've go Sarah hanging by her overpriced finger nails and too many of you are bickering

  199. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I'm saddened once again by the infighting among Alaska bloggers. I didn't understand what happened way back to make Gryph drop PG from the Blogroll, but many people talk kindly about him over there and often give him credit for new info.
    I've read both blogs along with others (although AWTF not so much), and mostly appreciated the fact that each writer approached an aspect of $Ps personality or activities from different perspectives. I enjoy them all for what they have to offer.
    I get periodically annoyed at one blogger or the other for different reasons (Mudflats has seemed to be "phoning it in" since she closed her business, not counting when she was gone for her family loss; Gryph irritates me with teases for revelations to come; Patrick's posts are too long and didactic sometimes). BUT, I keep coming back, because I truly believe that one of these days one of you guys are going to provide that last essential bit of information that causes the Palin empire to crumble. I can't wait.
    P.S. Glad to "see" you Morgan. Please give Audrey my best; we really miss her. Bree too if anyone is in contact with her.

  200. Anonymous6:38 PM

    You just looove this, don't you, you smarmy little cocksucker? Despite Regina's attempts to remain civil, she thinks you're as big a loser as the rest of us. Your jealousy is as readily visible as your hideous new sofa, and it's vulgar how much pleasure you derive from the misery of others.

    And while I personally think Patrick is an asshole, his new blog will be outpacing yours again within a matter of weeks, because he has more talent in his pinky than you have in your entire chubby body.

    But I'm sure you're a really talented, uh, kindergarten reading assistant. I suppose there's not a whole lot you can do with your associate's degree, though, is there>


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