Monday, January 17, 2011

This is the way Fox News celebrates MLK day. Classy. Update!

What a bunch of assholes.

By the way I will be tweeting Palin's nervous breakdown on Hannity tonight. (Click here for updates.)

Though I might just have to miss some of it to pick my daughter's friend up from work.  But I hope not.

Update:  Palin's Hannity interview is over.  Sister Sarah was EXTREMELY angry and seemed to have a hard time responding to questions despite help from the teleprompter reflected in her glasses.

At times she seemed to be almost too pissed off to respond and of course spent almost the entire interview bitching about how unfair the Left is to her, and how she got blamed for something that was not her fault.

However she did have the presence of mind to slam the President over his "pep rally" in Tucson, and to claim that she was attacked because the Left is trying to distract Congress from getting back to work.

Yeah I have no idea what that meant either.

And no, of course she did not announce her candidacy. Did you seriously think she might?


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Oh Lawd, Fox is really grasping for straws!

    As an African American I have to laugh at this ha ha ha ha ha, oh lawdy I can't breathe....ha ha ha ha!!!

    We AA couldn't stand Ronald Regan!

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Yeah, that's why so many blacks voted for Ronald Reagan, and still continue to vote heavily republican to this very day! Not. Fuck Ronald Reagan, and Fake News. Racist assholes.

  3. Janet Carter5:21 PM

    The worthless fuckin bitch has been yaking for 20 minutes and has not mentioned the name "Gabby Giffords" even ONE TIME.

  4. MadCityKaren5:26 PM

    Quickly Googling ... Madonna did threaten to kick Sarah's ass. In October 2008. And she's still worried about Madonna? LOL

  5. Is it just me, or does the right seem to be making a conserted effort to undermine and tarnish MLK?

    Glenn Beck's take back America place and date.

    Now Sarah Palin.


  6. Janet @ 5:21 - you are so right. She also mentioned "the nine-year old victim." I was screaming 'CHRISTINA TAYLOR GREEN" you moron!

    She probably refrains from addressing them by name, lest she calls them O'Giffords and O'Green.

  7. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Is she reading her answers from a teleprompter? What is the constant "square" reflection on her glasses? Her answers seem strained and the delivery seems forced. Hats off to you for watching and tweeting, I had to turn off the TV after a few minutes.

  8. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Just watched SP on Hannity - the flag was missing in the background this go round.

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    holy moley--THIS didn't do her one little bit of good.

  10. Anonymous5:36 PM

    She looked medicated. No high pitched screeching - hooded, slow blinking eyes, clinching jaw at times... I do not think she did herself any favors with this interview.

  11. Janet Carter5:36 PM

    Well, she made it through for 31 minutes without mentioning 'Gabby Giffords" name even one time. What a selfish, worthless, white-trash bitch Sarah Palin is.

  12. Anonymous5:38 PM

    @ MadCityKaren
    So, I guess that's in our future? A pay per view throw down between the virgin & the quitter? LOL

  13. Not a twitterer but followed yours about the SP on the Hannity show....Madonna's threats (as far as I can google) happened in OCTOBER 2008!!!!!! EGADS ...her victimhood has NO expiration date!

    Thanks for the twitter by twitter account!

  14. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Michael Reagan's whole carrer revolves around humping the Gipper's ghost. Pathetic.

  15. Anonymous5:43 PM

    There she goes again. Scara, doesn't your foot taste bad after a while? Well, it was just what I thought. Little miss scaredy cat, hiding behind the panty sniffer and they had a pity party. OMG I know what she is doing, she is going to keep it up until we yell UNCLE. I just don't know how much more insanity from her I can take. I laughed through most of the interview and continue to feel sad for those crazies over there on faxu news because the just can't let it go. Poor, Poor, scara. Defend defend defend. Add nothing to the solution, just talk about me, me, me, and them, them, them. I hope Madonna kicks her ass.

  16. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I've lived in a trailer park while going to college. Even the tackiest people in it were worlds above Sarah.

    You have to be pretty self-centered to be lower than white trailer trash.

    Poor baby. Maybe she needs to take some lessons on how to be a lady or a human being.

  17. Funny tweets! I'm not surprised Palin didn't announce either but I bet she wanted to. For some reason, I thought she was going to be on the full hour.

    I think and write way too slowly. Before Hannity started, I began writing a comment about one of Palin's astrology transits. I left it on the previous thread.

  18. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hey what happened to the American flag Palin had last time? People jumped on her so much for pretending to be the president, Palin just said fuck it - remove the flag, it aint worth it.

  19. Enjay in E MT5:52 PM

    Does anyone notice that GOP'ers say "REPUBLIC" (Hurt the Republic...) and Dems say
    "DEMOCRACY" (damage to our Democracy)?

    Lame interview .... Glad they didn't fly her & the entourage to Faux studio (Murdock not getting his moneys worth?)

    Not MY fault -Not MY fault... video was not made in MY SELF DEFENSE..... woman doth protest too much

    hey - which news outlets would have the Palin's PERSONAL cell numbers?? (Any bet the Beckers was first caller telling her "Duck & Cover" and Bill-O was second going "you ARE an idiot" With Murdock going we pay you - you can't talk to anyone but US)

    Wonder if the FBI called them first to find out who Palin's have been in contact with in AZ??? hmmm

    Yep - now threats from from the LEFT (picture her packing boxes of hate mail to send to FBI every month....)

    OK Sarah - you don't have to sit down & shut up -- but you have to take the heat. Just like everyone else.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:52 PM

    Sounds like another installment in the Sistah Sarah Whine & Sleaze series, created especially to appease her diehard disciples and relieve them of their bucks for $arahPac.

    Thanks for putting up with it, Gryphen!!

  21. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Bitch bitch bitchity bitch.

    she did not disappoint.

    queen sarah, you are SO predictable.

  22. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Ella....there was one point when she was referring to '9 year old victim' that i almost heard her start to say 'but' and was expecting her to state that there were victims not at that safeway, victims of lies. she really did herself no favors.

    And even though she didnt 'announce' she was setting the country up for that eventuality. Of course if the iceberg thats coming is big enough, she'll not have that opportunity.

    I think tonights exercise on hannity was her last-ditch effort to try to turn the tide.

    will be interesting to hear what the pundits have to say tomorrow morning.


  23. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I couldn't watch her. Will wait for the transcript.

  24. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Have you started drinking yet, Gryphen?

  25. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I have to give Hannity a bit of credit here. He really did ask her all the questions I would have. He played along with her but I think he also set her up.

  26. Anonymous6:00 PM

    What she meant by the left trying to distract congress is that she wants to see them try and repeal HCR.

  27. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Ella she doesn't know the names. Believe me I know the Palins and she is not very smart. I wish Sean would have put her on the spot with the names and I can tell yoiu she might have know the last name Gifford and that's it

  28. "did you honestly think she might?" No, I'm betting on Saint Ronnie's 100th birthday. Since it is Super Bowl Sunday, I'll take whatever date the faithful chose to celebrate. That being said, since Sarah lives in a different reality, you never can tell.

  29. Anonymous6:02 PM

    And no, of course she did not announce her candidacy. WHEW.

    Did you seriously think she might?

    YES I DID.

    I watched part of this. Her performance shows how disturbed she is.

    Declaring that she is running would not be smart or logical- BUT WHAT HAS BEEN RECENTLY?

  30. Anonymous6:04 PM

    The Last Word is coming on right now...@Lawrence is going to cover Twitler's appearance w/Hannity.

    That's about as close as I can get to watching her.


  31. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I turned it on for a minute to see what she
    looked like, still no surgery, that I can tell.
    I thought she sounded like she was on a
    downer, maybe she is in a depressive phase
    of her manic-depression? Something is
    clearly wrong with her mind, why are they
    still promoting her? Letting her out to speak?

  32. Anonymous6:05 PM


    Just want you to know that no matter if the right makes fun of MLK or what ever they choose to do, speaking as an African American who was born and spent the first 20 years of her life living in Bham, AL., Dr. King lives in our HEARTS. So if they want to make jackasses out of themselves, so be it. They can N E V E R take away what I lived, what I know and the love and respect that I have for one of the greatest black leaders of my time. He is 10 times the man than any of them will EVER be. And he didn't hide behide FACEBOOK, or a TV Camera, or hate speech either.

  33. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Sarah and her crowns at FOX are all sick in their heads.
    This was MLK's memorial day not Sarah's.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Palin you are such a joke with your threats. "I will not shut up".
    and you think we all just going to sit and watch you puke rubish, calling the president names with your followers?
    Run Sarah, just announce your candidacy coward.
    Go and get interviewed by Face the nation you coward and liar.

  34. David Frum on Lawrence O'Donnell: she needs to stop talking. now.

  35. Anonymous6:11 PM

    $arah Palin is so stupid. What does congress getting back to work have to do with her? It's the Right that wants the government shutdown, not the Left.

    As usual, Palin thinks everything is about her. It's been nine days since the shootings in Arizona, and each of the few times Palin has spoken about the tragedy she has spent most of the time talking about herself.

    Apparently, Palin and the rest of the right-wing nuts think Barack Obama was telling the us mean Lefties to leave her, and the far-right alone, while giving her and the rest of her party a free-pass to keep bashing the Left. Wrong.

    Palin is sadly mistaken if she believes this "interview" made her look good. Palin had her chance. She screwed up. No do-overs.

  36. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Sooo very Presidential, Palin. Not.

  37. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sarah still doesn't know what blood libel is. I really do think Fox st her up on this one. Even Fox realizes that she can't become president

  38. Anonymous6:16 PM

    btw....Lawrence O'Donnel is currently engaged in a great panel discussion of SP's iview with Hannity. Spot on evaluation!


  39. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Lawrence ODonnell has Howard Fineman & David Frum dissecting her interview. Both said she did herself no favor and needs to shut up.

  40. Anonymous6:20 PM

    sarah, you should take out an injunction on yourself. You truly are your worst enemy.

    Don't just stand there in the field while you shoot yourself 5 times. Retreat!

  41. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I'm shocked she didn't bring up being attacked
    by Betty White. Ms. White called the then VP
    candidate a crazy bitch. Peebots then attacked
    Betty White by calling her old. Hah.
    Betty is 89 today, and she is more of a woman,
    smarter, more talented, and a better American
    than Sarah Palin and her goons will ever grow to be.

  42. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "I won't shut-up!"

    $arah Palin sounds like a 4-year old.

  43. Wasn't it Roslyn Carter who said Raygun was so popular because he made us more comfortable with our prejudices?

  44. Pursang6:34 PM

    So basically she stomped her little feet and held her breath then.

    She's so mature isn't she?

  45. Dot from C for P6:37 PM

    I put this below but i was concerned it wouldn't be seen.

    I can tell you that I'm definitely not RAM.
    I'm just a good Christian woman trying to spread peace, love and harmony.

    I hope Darlings wasn't offensive!


    PS Sarah dear was not her best tonight. I agree. It saddens me to see her so sad and stressed. I think she feels badly but just can't say it. Alaskans are like that.

  46. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Just saw the first segment of Palin's interview with Hannity. I just noticed that she went through great lengths not to mention Glenn Beck's name. Did you notice that too?

  47. lwtjb6:44 PM

    "Is it just me, or does the right seem to be making a conserted effort to undermine and tarnish MLK?"

    I think so too. I think there is more than a little racism floating around the political world right now. Look where the most aggressive RW opposition is coming from now - former Confederate states. Seems like some want a redo on the Civil War.

  48. One thing you won't find is a picture of an adult Micheal with his father. They were estranged and never saw each other.

    Michael knows as much about his father as I know about biomechanical engineering.

  49. Anonymous6:47 PM

    IT appears that she was on medication - her eyes were hooded, slowly blinking, she wasn't screeching, no highs in pitch in voice... She still doesn't get it and she never will. Howard Fineman got it right - she backed herself into a corner and turned her face to the wall. She will not listen and does not see anything except what she wants to portray.

  50. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Hey, people, you should watch this this, but get hankies out first as you will be snort-laughing:!

    An old redneck couple sing a Sarah "fan" song. So bad but so funny.

  51. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Basically it gets down to this: What has Sarah Palin done for the country, let alone Alaska?


  52. erica from dallas6:52 PM

    How can Sarah ever get anything done when she is always stomping out fires

  53. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Hey, Alaskans, Dot thinks you don't know how to say "sowwwwwwy!". True? Now, don't get mad at her, though. She means SO well. LOL.

  54. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Intervention required. STAT.

  55. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I don't watch Faux news and don't listen to $creechy $carah if I can avoid it.

    Look the woman is PAID very well to deliver this stuff. And she does it very poorly.

    At least Ronnie RayGuns was a profesional actor...not a good actor but he was trained as an actor and could read and deliver a script. It is my understanding that many Alzimers patients continue to function normally in thier field up to the end, because it was familiar. With all due respect to Mr. Regean, he maintained his ability to read and deliver a script up through his presidency.

    I am sure that every time $Carah compares herself to Reagan, Nancy breaks something. :-)

  56. Anonymous6:58 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Basically it gets down to this: What has Sarah Palin done for the country, let alone Alaska?


    6:51 PM"

    Nothing. Not a damn thing. Before, during,
    and after the 08 election, she has done nothing
    but bitch & try to divide the county even more
    than it already was. She is doing it on purpose--
    look at her husband, he belongs to a secessionist
    group. This is not a family that loves this country.
    She wants to destroy it. She knows she can't
    be president, so she is determined to destroy
    the country.

  57. Anonymous6:59 PM

    As an old political operative, I gotta say this: she looked pissed off because she's been cut off by the Republican party.

    I would suggest to you they asked her to tone it down; she said no and they have wiped their hands of her.

    She's on her own, and it ain't pretty.

    Maybe her Daddy can help her out.

    My opinion only.

    Remember what Nicole Wallace said about her? "Just let her do her thing, she is going to be exposed enough to the American public that she will reveal what her nature is. I think her nature has been revealed lately as very prickly, very cynical."


  58. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Don't you think she looks tired?

  59. Anonymous7:10 PM

    She even tried to turn the memorial into a downer. How terrible for all the family members that attended. I have not heard one word from the victims family other than they were so thankful to the people that came to the memorial.

    My brother's memorial was at a very fancy restaurant in Anaheim, California. We all (100 people) got drunk, sang songs and had a wonderful time remembering him; as did everyone else. She is vulgar.

  60. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Basically it gets down to this: What has Sarah Palin done for the country, let alone Alaska?


    6:51 PM
    She managed to keep the Republicans from the White House. All by herself, more or less. Excellent job, Mrs. Palin.

    The question came up a couple days ago on another site when Mrs. Palin will announce. I said it will be on President Reagan's 100th birthday. She doesn't care about the Super Bowl. It isn't nearly as important as her announcement. Come on!

  61. has the interview for all of you who feel like torturing yourselves...

  62. Anonymous7:16 PM

    PS Sarah dear was not her best tonight. I agree. It saddens me to see her so sad and stressed. I think she feels badly but just can't say it. Alaskans are like that.

    I think she feels guilty but just can't say it. Sarah is like that.

  63. womanwithsardinecan7:22 PM

    hrh, you are correct. I saw that interview many years ago and her statement has stuck with me because it resonated.

  64. Anonymous7:27 PM

    From your mention here about the Hannity show I see there were no surprises from the persecuted victim aka Sarah Palin. Did anyone really expect anything different?

    More and more real Americans are catching on to the fact that Sarah knows only one song.

  65. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Every time she speaks, I get this image of English class, it's final exam time, my master's degree depends on my results, and the professor hands me a paper with her words on it and says, "Diagram this!"


  66. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Dot from c4p - on the very off chance you are not joking, WHY can't sarah say she "fills" badly?

    Because "badly" has two syllables?

    All Alaskans incapable of expressing remorse? Blessings darling, bless your heart.

  67. Anonymous7:48 PM

    @ 6:43 I noticed that too. Maybe he has demanded that he not be associated with her anymore? I've also noticed his rhetoric did seem more "peaceful" by Beck's standards, I'm sure. Which brings me to mlaiuppa's comment which I totally agree with. It's very blatant that they are trying more now than before to align themselves with the "peaceful" message and legacy of MLK, which I think is utterly disgusting. They will never get it, as they have proven themselves incapable of doing so.

  68. i think this article from salon shows the larger picture that sarah fits into of conservatives acting as if they are a persecuted minority:

  69. Anonymous7:49 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    I think she feels badly but just can't say it. Alaskans are like that.

    I think she feels guilty but just can't say it. Sarah is like that.

    7:16 PM"

    I think she feels bad about the shooting, but
    only because she is blamed. I think she would
    take credit, if the wind was blowing in that
    direction. She wants to brag, take credit, but
    she can't and it is killing her. She is our very
    own Osama bin Laden, as others have pointed
    out, she sends out messages & appears on
    videos taped in her cave, like he does.

  70. Anonymous8:03 PM

    But, sarah, you do STFU.

    Every time you see a reporter in public.

    You run away, too.

  71. Anonymous8:03 PM

    themom said...
    Not a twitterer but followed yours about the SP on the Hannity show....Madonna's threats (as far as I can google) happened in OCTOBER 2008!!!!!! EGADS ...her victimhood has NO expiration date!

    Gee...isn't that around the time Sarah was calling McCain's opponent a non-American Socialist terrorist? Can't imagine why anyone would dislike her!

  72. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Anonymous @ 709 pm

    LOLOL!!!! Perfect!


  73. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Wow, definitely sedated!! Her voice is slightly quavery as well. Very flat affect.

  74. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Watched part of the interview with the sound off. The way she blinks on this one reminds me of a lizard. But while lizard blinks work for lizards, they do not work for Sarah.

    I agree with whoever said she's on downers. She looked totally affect-less until she started getting so pissed off she couldn't hide it.

  75. Anonymous8:14 PM

    $P didn't listen to President Obama, either.

  76. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Just watched it on FOX as a re-run (btw, they have the episodes out of sync; the 'State of the Union' segment is the last).

    She NEVER admits or acknowledges that Rep Giffords had expressed concern about the gun-site map.

    Neither do they acknowledge it was Rep Giffords' own father who, as he was wheeled into the hospital in his chair, in answer to the shouted question, did Gabby have any enemies, responded, 'yes, the Tea Party...all of them..."

    She is so angry and hyper that you can again hear that shallow, gasping breath.

    You would think by now they would be aware of how critical folks are of the lights/teleprompter reflecting in her glasses and off her lips; and fix it.

    My overall impression is that she had fore-knowledge of the order of the questions and was fed the 'stock phrases' of her responses in outline form.

    There was so much negativity pouring off her, I had to move my laptop away from my conciliation, no compassion, no sense of heart-felt modulation of emotion.

    Combined with the "Battle Hymn" we were treated to earlier, I can only be left with a sense of deep foreboding about the next two years. What was that whole 'Trifecta' bit; if she truly was concerned about our country, she could have said, these are the three things I see as dangerous to our country and this is how I propose we work together.

    ...never has she done anything to bring us together, always with the divisiveness...

    (moving goes on, could not be alone while I watched this. Thanks, Gryph n all.)


  77. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I sincerely hope that someone gets Mrs. Palin some professional help.

  78. Anonymous8:40 PM

    @6:43, not mentioning Glenn Beck becomes more and more glaring as the 'interview' goes on...wonder what that is about? either he is in the dog-house for some reason, or he looms so large (a la an elephant) that psychologically she is compelled to tip-toe around him.


  79. Anonymous8:48 PM

    The new revelations can't come out fast enough for me. This bitch has gone into 'overtime' and the game isn't ending.

  80. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Pavlov Palin -- any legitimate criticism of her elicits a "I'm the victim response." Her handlers should really be doing a better job, but this theme is working well for her self demise.

  81. Anonymous9:08 PM

    So, silly sarah had to do this interview (hannity) to explain her last interview (video) - what is next? An interview to explain THIS disaster of an interview?

    Finally, my fundie wingnut sister decided she does not like sp anymore!
    Says sp seems angry and unhappy - NOT filled with the JOY of knowing jesus!

  82. Anonymous9:18 PM

    6:37 PM

    Dot from C for P

    Are you doing a book of your witticisms? Yo'll make a bundle. PS Sarah dear... love it!

    There is no way to engage her in conversation. she's gone. Repeat the program.

    I see these people as a dying breed. this is the last throes of how they identify. it will be hard for them to come back

  83. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I think of the Tucson shooting did not happen, SP would have announced a run for the presidency. She is backed into a corner. Her fan club want her to run for president. That's why they keep donating to SarahPAC. Plus, her staff need to keep from losing their salaries. On the plus side, perhaps the TeaParty will be too broke when the "rill" Republican candidates get serious and need their donations.

  84. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Which brings me to mlaiuppa's comment which I totally agree with. It's very blatant that they are trying more now than before to align themselves with the "peaceful" message and legacy of MLK

    ...real hard to do for a production with hannitdy. It lasted not over 30 minutes and she didn't hit the mark.

  85. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Thanks for Twittering, Gryphen. I followed it. SP's nervous defensive behavior fits with what you have predicted.

  86. Anonymous9:42 PM

    It is amazing to watch media w/this Palin thing. It's continuous. She said 'no one asked her about her anti-Jew comment - blood - -' but they forget to highlight the point she doesn't make herself accessible to be asked the question.

    It is all about making news highlights and she is such a zero as far as I'm concerned.

    Our varied media outlets need to be 'smart' and actually do her in...she'd be so easy to forget!

  87. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I hope that Sarah Palin is done, along with Faux news. I can only hope that what Wikileaks is about to divulge is big!

  88. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "That 9 year old child." "That 9 year old child." She has a name, Sarah, you stupid bitch. Shame on you, you stupid, poor put-upon victimized innocent cross-hairs plugging once-upon-a-time governor who wants to make the world a better place grizzly mamma-bear bitch!!!

  89. Anonymous10:07 PM

    @9:08, I think the correlation between SP, the 'Dominionists' and the 'Eliminationists' goes way under-reported. Anything you can do to translate your sister's thought process, and share it, would be greatly appreciated.


  90. Gasman10:14 PM

    What is so insulting about the FauxNews "Reagan was more black than Obama" bullshit is that they seem to think that "those black folks" are just not smart enough to see through their laughable claim. How condescending and patronizing can you get?

    Murdoch seems to think he's on an antebellum plantation trying to calm the slaves. FauxNews is only about 150 years out of touch.

    THIS is how the GOP/FauxNews views African Americans.

  91. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I miss-spoke, it is 'Insurrectionists', not 'Eliminationists', though they perhaps are an '-ist' to be researched.


  92. Anonymous10:20 PM


    Re: Insurrectionists

    Very sobering.

  93. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I think I finally get it. Todd is behind her career, advising her, guiding her, pushing her.

    Perhaps this is one way he sees of getting out of what must be a hell-hole of a marriage; if she is driven off the deep-end by her inability to be loved by the public at large, he gets control of the money. If she gets too stressed, she may simply croak. That way, he gets it all with no blame. Smart cookie that Todd.

    If I were Sarah, I'd be getting increasing nervous.

    Or maybe she is suffering from the end-stages of an STD - they say it affects the brain. Again, maybe she can thank Todd for her dilemma.

    Not saying this to be cruel, just wondering.

  94. Anonymous10:35 PM

    My heart breaks for fools that put their faith in that FRAUD. That's a fake, a fraud, and a phony. Soon, her old staff will validate the wrong doing. Just my thought. Live, love, and laugh!

  95. 9:08, I could tell Sarah wasn't even half-filled with the joy of knowing Jesus way back in the first 5 minutes of her RNC speech.

  96. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I may have missed it, but in case no one else gave this link, please go and read Wonkette.

    Even a lot of the comments are hilariously spot-on.

  97. I'm thinkin it might be time for all us to go out in the tubes an find some Commander Cody to play at this point in time.

  98. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I guess I have to give Madonna a nod.Just goes to show there's some good in every one.Besides Palin I wonder who thought that was a credible threat.Sarah Bernhard threatened her too.Hannity said he could keep going and I was hoping he would have.It might have changed my opinion about a lot of folks.

  99. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Madonna, PLEASE help us!

  100. Anonymous at 9:08pm said:
    "So, silly sarah had to do this interview (hannity) to explain her last interview (video) - what is next? An interview to explain THIS disaster of an interview?"


    She did use the word "eons" a couple of times so most likely she'll have to do an interview or a video to explain to her followers what that word means.

  101. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Hey Sarah, every word you speak, every move you make will be analyzed by millions, it will NEVER EVER EVER stop! Welcome to your life.

  102. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I sincerely hope that someone gets Mrs. Palin some professional help.

    8:35 PM


    Well it has been reported Todd has been seeking professional help himself. Sarah makes money off of the people who pay to hear her rhetoric and then she takes that money and gives some to Todd who then turns around and purchases professional service from the Blue Hand Massage Parlor and other professional services throughout Alaska. Nobody can say that Todd does not stimulate the economy.

  103. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Right now Sarah is confused. She is weighing out the lesser of two evils.

    One, when Sarah goes to Reno to give her speech and Todd stays home, the minute she is out the front door Todd is going out the back door to get his wee wee polished by the Alaskan ladies of the night.

    Two, when Sarah goes to Reno to give her speech and she takes Todd with her so that he does not partake of the loving Alaskan ladies of the night, she runs into another problem. Reno has more ladies of the night than Alaska which means Todd may never return home.

  104. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Her national press coverage is dropping! I love it!

    Enjoy Wasilla and Arizona (if they'll have you) Palin family.

  105. Hi everyone out there this world is so great and worth saving help me and us save it at thanks!

  106. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Saw a great comment on another blog that said for someone who thinks she is a Reagan-style communicator, she sure has a lot of "miscommunications" that she needs to clear up (and fails at doing) all the time.

    I think she is just flailing with desperation now. Going on Hannity to try to explain herself (and failing) isn't going to go beyond her rabid fan base. The way things are going for her now - and I think there is trouble behind the scenes too, which is why she was out of sight until the tragedy in AZ - it's hard to imagine that she will announce her candidacy at all.

  107. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Hey Sarah, fuck off.

  108. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Way to double down on the stupidity, oh Grizzled One.

  109. Anonymous4:40 AM


    The question came up a couple days ago on another site when Mrs. Palin will announce. I said it will be on President Reagan's 100th birthday. She doesn't care about the Super Bowl. It isn't nearly as important as her announcement. Come on!


    She might care about the Super draws a lot of attention and she needs that to breathe. Maybe she's planning a Happy Birthday Reagan announcement DURING the Super Bowl. Wouldn't that be something?

    Someone earlier on the thread said that she is "vulgar". I heartily agree.

  110. Anonymous4:41 AM

    made it through seven whole minutes of the 'interview'. coudnt take anymore. the lady is disgusting and revolting. there is nowhere for her to go from here but down...

    its kinda sad the corner she has found her life in.

  111. womanwithsardinecan4:50 AM

    lol. I just read Dot's comment. How much do you want to bet that Dot has never been anywhere near Alaska? Dot, I hate to burst your bubble, but as a former Alaskan whose mom grew up in the Mat Su valley and whose sisters, cousins,aunts, and friends reside in Alaska, I can definitively tell you that refusing to apologize for ANYTHING EVER, or refusing to even acknowledge that you might have exercised poor judgment, is NOT an Alaskan trait. In fact, I imagine there are a lot of real Alaskans who are offended by your ignorant remark. No, all 50 states, and most places around the planet, have their own narcissists who believe that they are always right and everybody else is always wrong. Unfortunately for Alaska, they happen to have the one with the biggest mouth.

  112. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Reagan's patronizing attitude toward AAs was totally embarrassing.

  113. Anonymous5:01 AM

    How can Palin be talking about eons if she believes the earth is 6000 years old.Just wonderin.

  114. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Sarah didnt mention their names because she does not think of them as actually existing. In her world, it is only Sarah.

    And, you would think, with how hard she has tried, we would make her the center of our world too.

    Where is the IRS? Time for the take down.

  115. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Dot, dont put words in her mouth. You have given her a personna that doesnt exist. Its like having a crush on a guy from far away and making up his ideal personality. And, its so disappointing when you finally meet him or hear things about him that indicate that he is a turd. Sarah is your turd, dear.

    I cant believe Fox allowed this self-cruxifiction and didnt pull the plug.

    The presidency, Sarah, is not about being pretty or flirty. The better man, Obama won. He happens to be AA.

    Your problem is all about him being AA. And, we have a lovely country with a tiny portion of people who agree with you. Pretty soon you will just be speaking at KKK rallies for $500 and a free meal at Denny's. And, then, at the snake handler churches for just adoration.

    But most of all, whatever happens, everyone who meets you personally will walk away saying "Wow, she looks older than I thought."

  116. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Ok, I know the technology must exist for someone, somewhere, to zero in on whatever is being reflected in her glasses. Is it a light? A teleprompter? She honestly appears to be reading from a script. Never once lets her eyes drift away from the camera, immediately launches into her answers without pause for deliberation, no pauses in between for deliberation...

    If this could be proven, it would be big.

  117. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I think she will declare her candidacy just to squeeze those last few pennies from her idiot fans.

    It must kill her that she is not a popular favorite - I wish to heaven she had gone into musical theater instead of politics - but she must know that after the Tuscon massacre the mood of the country has really turned against her.

    (P.S. BIG SMILE at the comment of "old political operative" that the GOP will not support her. I guess this year no one will be handing her a credit card to run up $250,000 worth of clothes and services on.)

  118. Anonymous5:42 AM

    "Left-leaning" shooter...Obama's "pep rally"...she really is the Freeper Candidate!

  119. i am so impressed with mlaiuppa's (6:05) comments re: MLK. A lot of folks have commended the point about Fox's attempt to dis/belittle MLK, but what I liked about the comment was the civility and intellegence expressed. This is a fine example of how we can and should debate. No name calling or scorn or rudeness.
    Thanks mlaiuppa!

  120. womanwithsardinecan5:58 AM

    I can't listen to that voice. Can somebody tell me if she said "eons" (a problem with her short earth background) or "ions" like Gryphen said. One is a geologic term, the other is a chemistry/geochemistry term. She has used "ions" before, because, yes, she's just that clueless. Her brain searches for a word that sounds like the one that she sort of thinks is supposed to go there, and she plugs in the first thing her brain seizes on. Yes, we know her brain doesn't work very well and has no accountability.

  121. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Pathetic, she needs an intervention.

  122. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I have to give Hannity a bit of credit here. He really did ask her all the questions I would have. He played along with her but I think he also set her up.

    Rebecca, or whoever, had an advance script from Hannity. They practiced giving her the questions before hand. Hannity gets credit for nothing more than helping her cover her ass. He wants to look good and pass for a journalist. They prearranged the questions. The public was set up.

  123. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Sarah Pac did not listen to Gaby Giffords and they will not have their front person, Sarah, listen to anyone ever. That is not a new Republican strategy. They don't listen or engage in conversation, discussion or debate unless it is set up to their liking. She can't mention names.

    The tactics they are using are from old play books and they won't change.

    This is not a human being, other than someone is trying to play the part of one. This is a Facebook or Twitter account that people are reacting to. Just because Fox is willing to stage these set ups so they can say she is responding in real time doesn't make it human. Bots like this idealized human facsimile they call Sarah Palin and they are on board. The flying monkeys have long been in place to come to support her and defend her on the internet. The connect the "Dot" character is more likely devised for another way to approach a blog like this and distract people. It doesn't matter if she is a deluded Christian or not. For a moment I thought there was hope for RAM, a better script than that "funny" Mitt Romney video humor. Time will tell how human it is, it can always just go away. The humor is appreciated but "Dot" is already stale.

  124. Anonymous8:32 AM

    @5:40 - she can't act, sing or dance. That's why she never made it as an entertainer, actor or performer. She could never have been admitted to a theater school as an undergrad, let alone perform in musicals for a living.

  125. Anonymous8:51 AM

    In the Reagan years I was in the middle of the Reagan crowd by way of a marriage. I mostly saw the cocktail crowd type events and heard a lot of bridge club chatter. The mother-in-law was old Hollywood and in tight with the local Republican ladies clubs (Think: The Republican Women Federated of Simi Valley) .

    I was rather naive and had no interest in politics. All my experience around them left no doubt they were Racists with a capital R. Very polite about it and not stupid. Today there is a concerted effort to downplay MLK and in a subtle way they are using Reagan as a "great" leader replacement. Big surprise that they would do such crafty propaganda.

    I saw a picture of Reagan flash on the screen while Hannity was "interviewing" Palin.

    She said what she had to about MLK, were there any visuals of him? Remember the advertising gimmicks where they would flash a word or photo that no one would notice? It was to make you want to buy something. They aren't hiding the Reagan visual, they are incorporating it into the "interview." The words are talking about a great leader.


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