Thursday, January 13, 2011

Line of supporters at Christina Taylor Green's funeral.

(Link to YouTube page in case you want to leave a message.)

This will be my last post of the day.

Please do me a favor and you hug your loved ones especially tight this evening.

Tell them you love them, and mean it as you say it.

We are only here for such a brief moment and it is up to us to each of us to make the most of that time.

Little Christina did, should we do any less?

Namaste my friends.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    My heartbreaks for her family. Thank you Gryphen for sharing this and showing there is kindness and civility out there.

  2. From Michelle Obama

    An Open Letter to Parents Following the Tragedy in Tucson
    Posted by First Lady Michelle Obama on January 13, 2011

  3. womanwithsardinecan5:57 PM

    My son was murdered almost 2 years ago. I have great sympathy for Christina's parents. I second Gryph's request to hug your loved ones tonight, and think about the world you want your children to grow up in.

  4. Anonymous6:30 PM



  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Heartbreaking. One can only hope that this child's brief time on earth will serve a purpose and that politicians, pundits and all others stop trying to apportion blame to the "other side", acknowledge all are acting inappropriately and resolve to attain a better national discourse on all the things that affect the lives of Americans.

  6. Good night Gryph - I thought it would be good if someone sat "she who will not be named" down and made her watch the video.
    But, sadly, I do not think it would affect her.

  7. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Namaste back at you.

  8. Anonymous7:08 PM

    She is in the arms of the Angels. Thank you Grypen. Hugs to you. I sense you are having a hard time with this. I lost my sister 6 years ago and that song resonates so much with her passing. Little Christina will never knew the sadness of being a grown up and never know heartbreak. I'm not sure that is a good thing, but is a sure thing. Bless her heart and let her not rest in peace but be happy in peace with those her love her. So very sad.

  9. Sari7377:17 PM

    My heart goes out to you as well.

  10. Anonymous7:22 PM

    My heart breaks for Christina's parents. Goodnight Gryph.

  11. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I wish that Sarah's followers would take just a few seconds and realize that that kind of negative, angry, petty, crass, self serving commentary she just used is just not acceptable at times of national mourning,
    It really isn't acceptable in the political social dialogue of a Democracy, ever. Threatening the lives of those we don't agree with, using metaphors of death, or shooting and murder, even torture will in the end diminish our freedoms, increase government intrusiveness, and impinge in our lives more, not less. They are a self fulfilling prophecy because they create heightened dangers.

    And Sarah, your choice of a day of national mourning to spew a word salad of intolerance of others rights of free speech to criticize you by lecturing us about you rights of free speech to incite violence is comical, it is also unbelievably callous in its timing.
    If you cannot have compassion for those who mourn at least have the social grace to remain quiet in their presence while they show their respect to the dead and injured and mourn, yet again, for the loss peace and safety in our communities.

    And please remember that each of these victims if asked would almost certainly be willing defend your right to exercise your free speech right to threaten their lives.

    They were exercising their democratic right to speak personally to their elected representative. A privilege none of them may ever have again because it is to dangerous now. All the while you exercise your free speech right to make sure that mad men have their right to easy access to guns and bullets as you continue to fill the air waves with anger, hate and overt threats of violence.

    Doctoral dissertations will be written on “The Madnesses of Sarah Palin.”

  12. Anonymous7:25 PM


    I know this is off topic but have you seen the resemblance between Glenn Beck and the Arizona shooter? They look very much alike. LOL!

  13. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I am not a Howard Stern fan... but this was GREAT!

    warning rough language

  14. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I just had a very disquieting thought.
    Since even Sarah could be expected to realize how her compassionless self centered squawk would be taken, and in the context of the the End of Timers that she apparently wants to be Queen of, and in the context of Giffords and Zimmerman being jewish - Could her reference to the Blood Libel, disguised as something aimed at her, have been her crowing over the murder of two Jews that could easily have been caused by her violent language and continual threats of gun violence?

    We all agree Sarah is not a sane person. Could she see those two deaths and the beginning of the Apocalypse and be signaling her fellow lunatics that the time for the End has come?

    I'm East Coast and need to go to bed, what a hell of a thing to be thinking about when I need to be winding down.

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    womanwithsardinecan my heart felt sympathy to you and any who loose a child.

  16. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Thank you Gryphen.

  17. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Amazing how pollitics can make so many people all dewy eyed so quickly. Or is it the poor child's birth date?

  18. Anonymous8:49 PM

    These were the "angels" who were standing guard to make sure the anti-gay protesters, who protest at our fallen soldiers funerals, did not show up here as they threatened to do.

    If we could just come together to protect our children in this same way, we would change the world.

  19. "The family of) Christina Taylor Green, the 9-year-old girl killed in Saturday's shootings in Tucson, donated her organs.

    The Most Rev. Gerald Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson told the crowd that Christina's organs were donated.

    And a friend helping the Green family said they received a call yesterday from the organ donation network, telling them that Christina's donation had already saved the life of a child on the East Coast."

  20. Bear Woman9:09 PM

    @8:10pm Anonymous --

    I choose to believe that it is the death of an innocent child for no reason other than a mentally ill man (I am assuming) chose to fire a gun indiscriminantly at a crowd of people after attempting to assassinate an elected official.

    That child wanted to learn -- surely, you would not say she should be shot because she chose to meet a Democratic Representative?

  21. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Amazing how pollitics can make so many people all dewy eyed so quickly. Or is it the poor child's birth date?

    8:10 PM

    Wow. "Pollitics" had nothing directly to do with the horrific sorrow of this young girl's death. Those who mourn for her have a heart and most likely are empathetic with the family and friends. You, however, seem to have NO empathy towards this little girl and her family. I don't usually feed trolls, but you seem ravenous I'll give you a little bite. Learn how to spell.

  22. Anonymous9:58 PM

    @9:08- If anyone remembers actor Jon-Erik Hexum, the star of "The Voyagers" who accidentally shot himself on the studio set... His organs were donated, and saved lives. I'm listed as an organ donor, even though, I'm "older", there might be something worth salvaging for someone.

  23. Gryphen, I hope you're enjoying your evening. Thanks for your tireless coverage of the tragedy in Tucson and everything related. May we all learn to live and love more fully in the moment.


  24. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Anon 8:10 you really are a very disturbed person. And just like Sarah, you say things to get a rise out of people. I feel sorry for you and hope you can find a more positive way to deal with your unhappiness and rage.

  25. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Rest in Peace, Christina.

  26. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Many years ago, I attended the Million Moms March on the National Mall. The photos carried by moms of their loved ones killed by guns were beyond heartbreaking.

    For those defenders that say "guns don't kill people, people kill people" I ask, how many people would have been killed or injured if that person would have been armed with a knife?

  27. Julie5:21 AM


    My heart goes out to you. What a terrible thing---I am very sorry for your loss.

  28. The video brought to mind our "Highway of Heros" here in Canada. See for yourselves:


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.