Friday, January 14, 2011

Let's start the day with a message from our very gracious First lady.

From NPR:

Dear parents,

Like so many Americans all across the country, Barack and I were shocked and heartbroken by the horrific act of violence committed in Arizona this past weekend. Yesterday, we had the chance to attend a memorial service and meet with some of the families of those who lost their lives, and both of us were deeply moved by their strength and resilience in the face of such unspeakable tragedy.

As parents, an event like this hits home especially hard. It makes our hearts ache for those who lost loved ones. It makes us want to hug our own families a little tighter. And it makes us think about what an event like this says about the world we live in – and the world in which our children will grow up.

In the days and weeks ahead, as we struggle with these issues ourselves, many of us will find that our children are struggling with them as well. The questions my daughters have asked are the same ones that many of your children will have – and they don’t lend themselves to easy answers. But they will provide an opportunity for us as parents to teach some valuable lessons – about the character of our country, about the values we hold dear, and about finding hope at a time when it seems far away.
We can teach our children that here in America, we embrace each other, and support each other, in times of crisis. And we can help them do that in their own small way – whether it’s by sending a letter, or saying a prayer, or just keeping the victims and their families in their thoughts.

We can teach them the value of tolerance – the practice of assuming the best, rather than the worst, about those around us. We can teach them to give others the benefit of the doubt, particularly those with whom they disagree.

We can also teach our children about the tremendous sacrifices made by the men and women who serve our country and by their families. We can explain to them that although we might not always agree with those who represent us, anyone who enters public life does so because they love their country and want to serve it.

Christina Green felt that call. She was just nine years old when she lost her life. But she was at that store that day because she was passionate about serving others. She had just been elected to her school’s student council, and she wanted to meet her Congresswoman and learn more about politics and public life.

And that’s something else we can do for our children – we can tell them about Christina and about how much she wanted to give back. We can tell them about John Roll, a judge with a reputation for fairness; about Dorothy Morris, a devoted wife to her husband, her high school sweetheart, to whom she’d been married for 55 years; about Phyllis Schneck, a great-grandmother who sewed aprons for church fundraisers; about Dorwan Stoddard, a retired construction worker who helped neighbors down on their luck; and about Gabe Zimmerman, who did community outreach for Congresswoman Giffords, working tirelessly to help folks who were struggling, and was engaged to be married next year. We can tell them about the brave men and women who risked their lives that day to save others. And we can work together to honor their legacy by following their example – by embracing our fellow citizens; by standing up for what we believe is right; and by doing our part, however we can, to serve our communities and our country.


Michelle Obama


  1. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Classy words from a classy lady.

  2. johnie2xs3:14 AM

    Beyond classy. How the public stage can have an intelligent, thoughtful and soulful woman like this be slandered by the likes of Snowdrift Snooki, is unconscionable.
    We are lucky to have both Michelle, and her husband as surrogate parents for our ailing country.

  3. Anonymous3:26 AM

    She is so lovely to behold as she reveals her heart. For all the ways that Michelle expresses her genuine sincerity and warmth, we the American people are so fortunate to have her for our First Lady. A beautiful example of a mother, a wife, a citizen, a strong woman, a humble servant of the people, who chose her husband to lead this country. We love you Michelle.

  4. 10catsinMD3:29 AM

    Thanks Gryphen. A great message with which to start the day. Please let their be light in everyone's heart. Have a great day!

  5. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Watch out! The Grizzled Mama is going to jump all over this. She don't like it too much Michelle Obama starts forcing Government into peoples lives. Remember the dessert thing. We'll be hearing from Sarah in about 5 minutes.

  6. WakeUpAmerica4:04 AM

    Once again the Obamas show their compassion and class. What makes me sick is how the Palinbots will try to spin this letter as a "poor me, look how much I have sacrificed" effort from Michelle Obama. Did anyone see the articles at the Urinal regarding Obama's speech at the memorial? Sick, deperate, and disgusting.

  7. thank you Gryphen, for a good start to my day.
    I have to think that Mrs. Obama's kids are asking about the risks to their own daddy, so Mrs. Obama knows exactly how hard it is to answer kids' questions and fears.
    I am so hoping to see civility returned to public discourse.

  8. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Scaraaaaa......oh Scara......taking any notes?????????? Didn't think so.

    It helps the soul, Gryphen, to know that they do read this site and somehow we can feel better, no matter how sick it is, to vent and know they hear us--thanks for allowing this venue.

    Thank goodness for the Obamas

  9. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Thank you for letting us read these beautiful and inspiring words.

  10. angela5:10 AM

    A beautiful letter . . . .

  11. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Quyana, thank you First Lady.

  12. womanwithsardinecan6:02 AM

    That heartfelt, classy letter makes Sarah's video look even more horribly self-centered and lacking all human empathy. Neener, Sarah, we actually have good people in the White House, and you will NEVER live there because you don't even understand what our first lady is saying. It is completely beyond you.

  13. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Mrs. Obama writes: "We can explain to them that although we might not always agree with those who represent us, anyone who enters public life does so because they love their country and want to serve it."

    I wish I believed this. But I believe too many rightwingers want a job in the government for reasons that have nothing to do with love of our country.

  14. Anonymous6:19 AM

    While I am not a Obama supporter (and not a Palin supporter) I do know this first lady is and will always be classy. I admire her for her accomplishments in the professional fields, and for her accomplishments as a wife and mother.

    I just know that Palin is sooo Jelous of Michelle Obama. And she has every reason to be. Michelle is everything Palin will never be - including in the white house without a having first purchasing a ticket.

  15. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Thank you, First Lady Obama! You & your husband are true leaders. We are grateful for your wiilingness to lead our country.

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Articulate, compassionate, sincere, caring, intelligent, loving, warm... the list goes on and on. We are so fortunate to have her <3

  17. Olivia7:35 AM

    Look at this beautiful photo of our very lovely first lady. Her expression totally conveys her sincere feelings of empathy and sorrow in that moment. Her expression is authentic and spontaneous.
    You will never see a photo of Sarah Palin with this kind of an expression on her face. There is no sincerity, empathy or authenticity in her head or her heart and photos of her only convey rage, narcissism and deceit. There aren't enough makeup artists,media consultants, or lighting experts in the universe to create authenticity for her.

  18. laprofesora7:37 AM

    It's not only children that need to learn these lessons. There are too many adults that could learn much from her compassionate words.

  19. laprofesora7:42 AM

    Reading Michelle Obama's words just make it more obvious how Paylin is so twisted up inside with jealousy, pettiness, ignorance and rage.You can look right at her and see it. Quite a stark contrast. Uh, Scarah, we pick class and grace. You're out.

    Now you need to spend the rest of the weekend rehearsing your non-answers for your lap boy Sean.

  20. FEDUP!!!8:04 AM

    CLASSY!!! Worthy of being our FLOTUS!
    Thank you, Mrs. President, for your kind and healing words.

    This woman has outer AND inner beauty, and it shines whenever she speaks/acts. As joniex2 said: I am proud to have her as surrogate mother for our ailing country.

    (What a sharp difference to the hatemonger who tried to usurp the news of the day by painting herself as the biggest victim!)

  21. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Two days ago we heard from first class crass, & now we're hearing from
    First Class CLASS! (grit those little rat teeth, Sarah, you're outclassed

    Sharon TN

  22. We are so blessed with President Barack and Michelle Obama.

    Her letter made me grateful all over again that we had the courage, intelligence and faith to elect him. Their daughters are very lucky children and their parents are to be held in praise.

  23. Anonymous9:50 AM

    This is how to apply parenting experience in a heartfelt, authentic, and real way--as opposed to slinging around the words "our children" and using the kids themselves as a prop.

    Of course, Michelle Obama can speak as a parent because it's abundantly clear that she spends time with her children and values them as people, not as political props.

  24. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I am so grateful for the Obamas. Even before the memorial speech, I knew whatever our President said would be compassionate, genuine, and wise. It's wonderful not to have to hold one's breath waiting for the next gaffe and wondering how to defend I'm sure the followers of a certain other person must do.

  25. Mrs. Obama is a classy, compassionate, and articulate woman.I have heard Mrs.Obama speak and have watched her on television interviews. She writes as she speaks with a truthful sincerity. I have thought often during this tragic week about the effects of this shooting on young children specifically about Christina Green's classmates and the Obamas' young daughters.It is difficult when they see their world as unsafe. They need guidance from their parents. Even the older victims and their families are in shock. I cried when I read their stories.
    However, I can just imagine the spin from the Palin and other conservative camps. No doubt, they will say she is making this a political issue, telling parents what they must say to their children. Although we know that she is offering suggestions, they will refuse to see it this way.
    I am thrilled that Mrs. Obama like her husband President Obama have decided to stay above the fray. It must make Palin crazed that they will not become embroiled with her nonsense. They are doing the best thing.....IGNORING HER! They have more important things to accomplish.

  26. Gryphen,

    I hit submit with too much haste. I meant to add a special thank you for all of the coverage you supplied this week. I know it does take much of your time but I find your blog to be intelligently written. You use humor when it is warranted and you used empathy during this horrific week. Your voice and your heart speaks loudly through your written words.

  27. Anonymous7:20 PM

    How typical of our First Lady that, when the nation is focused on the tragedy in Tucson, and she no doubt is reminded of the danger to her husband, her children and herself, she takes the time to think of the frightened and confused children of this country.

    What a beautiful and heartfelt letter from a caring and compassionate woman.


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