Sunday, January 09, 2011

RAM steps out of the shadows to defend her meal ticket.

Amanda Coyne, of the Alaska Dispatch, reported on an interview that the most loyal of Palin's grizzly cubs Rebecca Mansour, gave to conservative radio host Tammy Bruce.

The original story listed RAM as Palin's spokesperson:

Palinistas are furious over the accusations. Read here and here (just for starters). They blame the left using a tragedy to score political points. A Palin spokeswoman, Rebecca Mansour told a radio talk show host today that doing so is "obscene" and "appalling." In fact, she said that the "target list," was not intended to allude to guns.

"We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sites," she said.

However RAM threw a twitter tantrum and demanded that Coyne change the wording:

@Amanda_Coyne I am not her "spokeswoman." She speaks for herself. I was speaking for myself. Correct your story.
2 hours ago via web

So like most of the Alaska media Coyne jumped through Ram's hoop and immediately made the corrections. So now THIS is how the story appears.

Palinistas are furious over the accusations. Read here and here (just for starters). They blame the left using a tragedy to score political points. A Palin staffer, Rebecca Mansour told a radio talk show host Saturday that doing so is "obscene" and "appalling." In fact, she said that the "target list" was not intended to allude to guns.

"We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sites," she said.

"It's surveyor's symbols," the interviewer Tammy Bruce suggested. Bruce, a Palin supporter, describes herself as "a gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, Tea Party Independent Conservative. " Her show is promoted as a "chick with a gun and a microphone."

Mansour agreed. She said that the graphic was contracted out to a professional. They approved it quickly without thinking about it. "We never imagined, it never occurred to us that anybody would consider it violent," she said. Rather, she said, that it was simply "crosshairs that you would see on a map."

There is "nothing irresponsible about our graphic," she said.

She did not, however, mention the "don't retreat, instead- RELOAD!" Palin tweet that went out shortly after the graphic was posted on both her Facebook page and SarahPac's website, directing them to the graphic. The tweet turned quickly into a Palin mantra. Many, even then, urged her to stop using such violent rhetoric. If she heard them, she did not retreat.

The graphic remains on Palin's Facebook page but was removed this morning on SarahPac's website. Mansour said that removing it did not constitute a "scrub" of Palin's site, as some had been alleging. She said that someone from SarahPac contacted her this morning, and was wondering if it should be taken down given the circumstances. She said that because the midterm elections had passed, it shouldn't have been there anyway.

Palin "spokesperson" or Palin "staffer." it really does not make a damn bit of difference.

Especially since, as I mentioned before, Sarah Palin HERSELF tweeted bullshit on the idea that these symbols were "surveyor's symbols."

Remember months ago "bullseye" icon used 2 target the 20 Obamacare-lovin' incumbent seats? We won 18 out of 20 (90% success rate;T'aint bad)
4 Nov via Twitter for BlackBerry®

I think the take away from this extremely defensive interview with the usually media shy RAM is that the Palin camp is in crisis right now and that the flying monkeys are desperate to try and salvage at least some of their Grizzled Mama's reputation before she joins the ranks of Charles Manson as a charismatic criminal who inspired others to kill.

However no matter how successful they may be at damage control, can anybody really picture the idea of Sarah Palin throwing her hat in the ring for the 2012 Republican nomination after all of this? 

I just don't anymore.


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I wonder how Israel will greet Palin.. Her belief is that the Jews will eventually become Christians, after the Rapture... or stay Jews... In the meantime, I guess they are lucky she hasnt set her gunsights on them.

  2. Anonymous4:16 AM

    It's pretty simple.

    Go to the Shutterstock website (downloadable symbols/images) type in "gun sight" in the search field.
    You get, as expected, numerous symbols - most of which are labeled "sniper sight" - that mimic the symbol used on Palin's map.

    Type in "surveyor symbols" you get nothing even remotely resembling the symbol used on her map.

    The notion that whilst creating this map, the creator actually had the thought. . ."Hmmn, what graphic am I going to use here. . .oh, I know! A surveyor's symbol!" is absurd on its face. With or without the preceding references to "reload" etc.

    Furthermore, Palin had umpteen opportunities to modify that map, following the outcry all over the MSM and the web.


    That, to me, speaks volumes as to exactly what sort of human being she is, and is perhaps far more important that the original graphic itself. I won't even touch the word Christian, as I have seen absolutely no evidence of faith nor humility in ANYTHING she does.

    She's a liar and Mansour is worse. She's a PAID liar.


  3. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Worst jobs in America in rank order:
    1) Sarah Palin's spokesperson
    2) Sarah Palin's staff member
    3) Sarah Palin's attorney
    4) Sarah Palin's psychiatrist
    5) Sarah Palin's Facebook comment editor

  4. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Three words that should silence Sarah each and every time... Christina Taylor Greene

  5. Anonymous4:24 AM

    RAM and Tammy are bff. Thats like her 4 interview since August. I think when more information comes out, people will see they were wrong to blame her

  6. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Hey Sarah, It is always been about you against those who are different for some time.

    Who are you going to set your gunsights on next? History is full of people like you who have kept their hands clean while urging others to do their dirty work.

    You are a despicable piece of human life form and frankly should be sent to Guantomano Bay because you are a risk to our nation. You are a domestic terrorist.

    Now I think the death of the nurse who helped you give "birth" to Trig might be worth investigating.

  7. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I hope they all sleep well.

  8. Anonymous4:33 AM

    We live in a ridiculous world, one that hasn't changed. People"randomly kill", our presidents prey on the stupid to get elected then play stupid to maintain undeserved power.

    This would've happened irregardless of what someone said a year ago. The crazies would have come out of the woodwork, people would have come back from war mentally disturbed as always.

    The scary thing is, this man draws freakishly strong comparison to Hitler: mein kampf, rejected from army, openfire in public against anyone who's in the area.

    It's pretty sad people blame Sarah, a person who \'s never advocated physical violence and who's said multiple times, not to resort to it.

    Sarah is not Charles Manson and THAT was unnecessary, even for you.

  9. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Sounds like RAM is throwing "Sarah The Killer" under the bus.

  10. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Has he even been proven a crazy righty? Because we determine his political beliefs aside from govt mistrust, we cannot assume anything. I'd believe that girl on twitter before any of the speculating. No one would dare bullshit that when the consequences would be dire.

  11. angela4:39 AM

    Gryphen, I can picture Sarah Palin walking into the WH when the Obamas are out of town using their personal belongings and trying on Michelle's clothes.

    This will not stop the Sarah from "running" i.e., grifting, towards a presidential run. I guarantee it. In twenty-four hours someone will put out a begging letter from SarahPac pleading with the poor rubes to send more money to fight off "scurrilous" attacks on Sarah. It's all about the money and face time in the media. She can't stop. Sarah has no shame.

    But I know right now she's hoping the assassin was a Beck or Limbaugh fan. Whether this kid knew anything about Palin or not Sarah's little map and gun sight poised over Gabby Gifford's district will always be seared into the national psyche. She's keeping it up on Facebook so people will post nasty things about her (funny how they aren't being deleted now) and she can claim victimhood, once again.

  12. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I've been reading people's comments about her putting crosshairs on people's heads. Wtf people. She made a map and noted where the politicians were by putting them on their states. No crime. she didn't use violent rhetoric. The harshest word used was "aim" and that doesn't propel someone to think "kill". The shooter had met GG before and didn't like her for whatever reason. Just because others say she was well liked doesn't made her immune from being attacked a crazy.

    Grow up

  13. Here's a link to a petition to indict Sarah Palin for her violent rhetoric.

    I've been a lurker for awhile and felt compelled to comment with this information.

    Keep up the good work, it's appreciated.


  14. Anonymous4:42 AM

    They're putting a 9 year-old in the ground this week because of Sarah Palin. There's no doubt in my mind. She's a shameful and destructive piece of human garbage. Time to take out the trash.

  15. Anonymous4:44 AM

    I think if we can not blame someone for something that wasn't even remotely connected to a murder rampage, then we should be able to harshly blame comediens for their senseless bullying through humor and altering people's perceptions based on a bad jokes. Comediens have a responsibility like any entertainer and human to respect their fellow man. Why are so many allowed to get away with hate in a world like this today?

    sidenote: as least this has shown Sarah has a heart. Recent pictures of her surfaceed on fb

  16. Anonymous4:49 AM

    "It's surveyor's symbols," Not true. Sarah Palin and her followers can't admit that her "hit list/map" was in poor taste then and now.

    This woman isn't fit to be President of the United States in 2012 or ever.

    Stay on the boob tube Sarah were you belong.

    Nine years old, Sarah, nine.

  17. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Todd, do something! Your meal ticket is starting to go with the flow.

  18. Anonymous4:49 AM

    sounds like a mob mentality to me....Wonder if we can make the leap to blaming Obama for pushing through health care which caused this hatred? People detested that legislation before anyone came out against it publicly. Obama knew this. HE is the one who preys on the weak and stupid. That really can't be refuted any longer. Why else would he support raising the debt ceiling and try to force through unconst and immoral legislation that doesn't even support citizens, but aliens. Yeah, REAL good Mr President.

    How can you defend someone like this? Oh thats right, because you don't wanna be called racist for eing against the first black president. Fuck that.

  19. Anonymous4:54 AM

    It's sad that Sarah had to be the scapegoat to ease people's minds about the fact that there are millions of afflicted people who could turn at any time. This is not random, nor is it a recent thought for the shooter. Killers don't need permission generally. They need opportunity. And that woman is ridiculously stupid and naive for not having ANY security when she knew of the temperament against her. I'm glad she's doing well considering, but I hope she has learned.

  20. Anonymous4:58 AM

    What's interesting is, Sarah's in AZ right now with her family. And you wondered why Bristol had extra security at dwts or why Sarah has extra security measures for events. She knows people are crazy right now. She is not a violent person. This is not a reagan assass circumstance. Back then the person of influence was named.

    I truly think Sarah's ust been lucky to not have ever seen violent behavior before so she doesn't think twice about what she does or doesn't do. She's naive not an instigator.

  21. Anonymous4:59 AM

    If those three bitches don't sit down and shut the fuck up...they really are THAT deluded to think that we are suddenly to believe that the CROSSHAIRS on that awful map of dumb-dumbs were "surveyors marks". Give me a break. Please, whatever you do, do not back down from this feeble attempt at saving face. It is much too little too late now. She was real wrong, and we need to let her know what she did was wrong!

  22. Anonymous5:05 AM

    This is why one person cannot be blamed solely.There is an active culture who lives and breathes its right to carry use and a gun. That is not a crime. The second amendment is not at fault either. Maybe a note should be made that murder is not a suggested outcome of using said gun against tyranny.

    But the website above perfectly ilustrates the shooter's intentions. He is mental. He didn't agree with his govt. He has a penchant for guns. He took action. Gun control measures are needed obviously but if we start banning firearms, all hell will break loose.

  23. Anonymous5:08 AM

    If I were the parent of the 9 year-old girl who was killed yesterday, I would contact Bible Spice and ask her if she was happy now. If BS REALLY wanted to let people know that she was genuinely concerned about the level of rhetoric and inflammatory speech in this country now thanks to her and those of her ilk, she would come out publicly and say "we need to stop this". Instead, we get some half-hearted comment, via Twitter, for goodness sake. *SMDH* Come on.

  24. Anonymous5:09 AM

    "Loughner had been a student at Pima community college, but one of the videos he posted online was considered so disturbing by campus administrators that they suspended him in September.

    Loughner and his parents attended a meeting with college officials who said he would require mental health clearance if he wanted to return, the New York Times reported."

  25. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Remember the movie "Dead Zone" where the photo of Martin Sheen using the baby as a shield is on the cover of the magazine and his political career is over?

    This is Snowdrift Snooki's same moment.

  26. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The thing that begs contemplation is this. If homeland security or fbi or whomever saw Sarah as a threat to national security a year ago or if violence had escalated as a direct relation to her, action would have been taken then. Our system works. Police take the littlest threat seriously. There are threats in NYC everyday, so many that we here have a running joke. It's weird that NOW people are asking for the authorities to look into the matter. That's what leads me to believe none of this is tied to anything tangible. This was a disturbed man with a grudge. He named no inspiration. If he had specific cause, he'd be proud of it, like with Reagan's assass.

  27. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Don't smear a woman's name when nothing ties her to this man.

  28. Anonymous5:14 AM

    $arah Palin makes me want to vomit.

  29. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Not meant to allude to guns? Is it opposite day again?

    Is Palin in meltdown? Even before this incident? Why wouldn't she call Bruce herself? Or did RAM take it upon herself to do this without Palin's direction? To try to save her job?

  30. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Right on, Gryph. Hey, did you see on Huffpost that the 9 year old girl murdered in Arizona was born on 9/11? As Sarah Palin herself said, 'There is no such thing as coincidences.'. Can't she see that God is trying to tell her something? He doesn't like ugly and Sarah is ugly to the bone.

  31. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Oh Gryphen, truth and perception of the Palin camp is subjective, it's a living, breathing, evolving thing, gotta celebrate it!

    As for RAM, what an unstable whacko. Whenever these psycho's deign themselves to actually 'be' interviewed in an unscripted manner, the immediatley attack the reporter to criticize misquotations and such.

    They make their victimization meme, excuse my verbiage, bullet-proof. They cherry-pick positive reporting and caterwaul against percieved slights or unpopular responses . They don't get to wag the dog anymore, MSM, if you are going to report on such unstable sources anymore, such as from the camp or horse's mouth herself, don't retreat.

  32. Olivia5:31 AM

    This abomination will not change any Pbot minds. The most we can hope for is that people who until know ignored Palin, people who assumed she would just go away, and people who haven't been paying attention will finally wake up and get the pitchforks and torches out after this horrible, disgusting mentally unbalanced woman.

  33. Merry5:37 AM

    Tammy Bruce is a wonderful role model, casually holding her pistol the way I might hold a pen, in the header photo on her web site. Piece of work.

  34. Anonymous5:38 AM

    In her response to her joke about O'Biden's age in front of McCain before her Katie Couric interview when Katie asked her if it was wise she make fun of the veteran VP candidate's age compared to her running mate.

    "Oh, there is nothing negative or disrespectful at all about that,"

    There is "nothing irresponsible about our graphic," she said. - RAM

    Yep, just argue the exact opposite of your intent - it's a winning strategy with the media.

    These people are ridiculous. The really think their shit doesn't stink. Unbelievable.

    Now some have gone too far in making this a direct responsibility of Palin, though she bares responsibility for creating a nurturing environment for such hateful and violent backlash against "Big Brother," for those disturbed supporters.

    I don't think she should sleep at all at night, she's a vile creature that lives off of diet Red Bull and nutrition bars who reportedly only sleeps 4 hours as it is. I don't think she's human anyway.

  35. Anonymous5:42 AM

    What's up with the middle name Lee. And being identified by 3 names. Interesting. I think we'll find similarities between all assass, attempted and actualized.

    Extreme groups will do anything to carry out their plans. I hope SVU has an episode about his because it gravely needs to be researched

  36. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Palin is finished in politics, just came over from Huffington Post and there are many who rallied around her before but are blaming her now for this tragedy.

    Rebecca and Tammy are actually making Palin look more guilty as this thing goes on by trying to erase what she has said in the past.

    Palin was called out numerous times for those "crosshairs" and her "reload, don't retreat" speeches and they were NEVER called "surveyor's marks" before.

    Expect Palin to be sued in a court of law over this and she will stand to lose millions. Her best hope is to just shut up and move the whole family out of the country.

    People are not going to forget this tragedy and the Palin name is toxic now. Anyone paying her for speeches or appearances will be called out and any politician supporting her will lose their seat.

    There will be big bucks paid now for stories on the family, the pregnancies, the e-mails and people will start cashing in.

    Everywhere you read, Palin is being blamed because of her lies and hateful rheotric. She better get ready for the black SUVs and black helicopters to arrive at her home.

    After all this, Arizona will NOT have her or her family.

  37. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Arizona to allow concealed weapons without permit
    Governor Brewer signs legislation into law

    Starting later this summer (2010), U.S. citizens 21 and older can begin carrying a concealed firearm without a permit in Arizona.

    "I believe strongly in the individual rights and responsibilities of a free society, and as governor I have pledged a solemn and important oath to protect and defend the Constitution," Brewer said in a news release. "I believe this legislation not only protects the Second Amendment rights of Arizona citizens, but restores those rights as well."

    Arizona joins Vermont and Alaska in not requiring such permits.

  38. Anonymous5:46 AM

    OK, so we are supposed to believe that Palin and her team just automatically assumed those were surveyor's symbols - as if any of us know what the hell those would look like?! It's patently absurd. She says they are like what one would see on a map? I have never in my life seen a map with those kinds of symbols on it. For me, those are bullseyes or target sights, and I know nothing about guns. Certainly very few of us would have any idea about surveyor's maps.

    They are freaking out, as well they should be. Candy Crowley was just on, dancing around the whole issue of heated political rhetoric, not mentioning Palin of course. One guest recalled how some guys brought automatic weapons to some of Obama's rallies.

  39. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Palin is a narcissist/borderline personality. She cannot feel empathy for others and she is not capable of internalizing or understanding people's reaction to this, the hurt it's causing. She doesn't care about anyone but Sarah. If she has it in her mind to run, she's going to run. I'm surprised at your continuing denial about this when you of anyone should recognize how mentally ill she is.

  40. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Sign the petition to indict Sarah Palin for inciting violence:

  41. Anonymous5:50 AM

    The young man's mental illness isn't the point. The point is that it is 100% irresponsible to use violent language and behavior and symbols in the political arena. It may stimulate the wrong person to do something they might not otherwise do.

    I do think it's the end of any individual or group being allowed to run campaigns such as the one Sarah ran. I think there will even be proposed legislation outlawing it. I am all for Freedom of Speech, but this needs to be classified as hate speech, because that's what it is.

  42. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Stop placing blame and check out Caitie Parker's twitter. She answers questions. It's all we can do now, to learn more about this person. Assuming anything is pointless and detracts from the cause

  43. Anonymous5:51 AM

    "she didn't use violent rhetoric... The harshest word used was "aim" and that doesn't propel someone to think "kill". "

    Right. Keep spinning Palin-bot. "aim", "reload", "target", "crosshairs" Those words and images all say "gun" and "shoot". It is ridiculous to deny the connection. The best course for Palin is to do a "mea culpa", recognize and acknowledge the words and imagery she used and deeply, remorsefully apologize for the mistake. Anything less just shows how mentally flawed she is.

  44. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs

  45. Anonymous5:56 AM

    So do we get to make bumper stickers with the target symbol and Palins face on it, also Bristols, Toad and Chuck's or is that a threat to those people?

    How would you feel about that Palin you piece of sh*t!

  46. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Wow, the trolls were up early today! Probably couldn't get any sleep after seeing their princess sinking so fast and so permanently. She's OVER, and no amount of spinning is going to change that. Surveyor's marks, HA! The fact that she and her bots resort to lying once again is despicable, shameless, transparent, and all too predictable. If she were any kind of decent human being she would have owned up to her violent imagery and language (DON'T RETREAT, RELOAD - which linked to her stupid map) and sincerely apologized for in any way aiding to an imflamed rhetoric that could possibly have influenced an unstable mind. But she has no class, no moral compass, and will never do such. The political arena has no room for this trashy woman.

  47. Anonymous6:05 AM

    4:24 A.M.,


  48. Anonymous6:06 AM

    RAM is just giving her own personal opinion on the nature of Sarah's cross hair targets. Since RAM is most certainly not a spokesperson for Sarah Palin, who care's what RAM's opinion is of the cross hairs? RAM's just another nothing staffer, not in the know.

    Only Sarah can say what they really were intended to be and, of course, Sarah's not talking. However, Sarah previously referred to them as "cross hairs" so I guess we actually know what they are. No surprise...they're cross hairs.

    The surprise is that Sarah has ANY gun influence over her militia-type followers. I think the good ol' boys must have the wrong idea about Sarah's skill level with guns. After all, Sarah Palin's Alaska demonstrated that Sarah knows next to nothing about how to operate a gun or how to hunt.

  49. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Anon at 4:21

    Being Sarah's shrink would be a fantastic job. Secure income for life and an unending source of information for those 'publish or perish' articles. (and I say this as a former shrink patient -- not mocking the need for therapy)

  50. Anonymous6:15 AM

    A precious, loving 9 year old child was murdered because of her hideous and insensitive words. I hope she spends the rest of her own insipid life having the same nightmare every time she closes her eyes--what if it had been Piper? She may be able to hide from her critics, but she will never be able to hide from herself.

  51. How those SP kool-aid gulpers defend the most indefensible is beyond any reasonable thought. They could have use GOP elephants as indicators to win an elected seat. But, NO-O-O they had to use the dog whistle rhetoric for the minions they bark to in the country.

    It is not a Christian way to speak that way nor refer to others with whom one disagrees in such base and ugly terms as SP has in sexually demeaning terms and other name calling. SP does NOT walk in the way of Christ anymore than the Satan. I swear to all that is right and decent that I know atheists who have more integrity, compassion and empathy than SP and Co. I have always disliked the things she has spewed and never understood how so many believe she is a good "Christian". Good Christans DO NOT name call, incite or nuture hate, and wish ill on those with whom SP just so happens to disagree. The only almighty she follows seems to be the almighty dollar. There is no mercy in her heart, her soul is empty, and her future demands "change" !

    The "flying monkeys" AKA trolls ar out in force. The blood on the hands of the guilty will not be easily washed from them!

  52. Anonymous6:18 AM

  53. Anonymous6:19 AM

    As much as I've come to loathe the Republican Party, and the Tea Party especially, I would never in my wildest imagination put crosshairs on them. In my deepest heart of hearts, I would not seek to eliminate them.

    Differing opinions exist for a reason, we need a balance.

    They can accuse me of being a extreme liberal lefty, even though I am not, and even if I think the worst of any of em, all of em, I still can't imagine coaching an unbalanced person to go after them.

    That's the difference between progressives and them I guess.

  54. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Creepy. This really is right out of an SVU episode

    -Crazy liberal openfires on crowd intentionally shooting congresswoman, judge and little girl.
    -the public blames a known politician for superficial and nonsensical reasons
    -the investigators speak with former peers and family to uncover who the shooter is
    -youtube page is discovered
    - the agency the shooter supports is discovered.
    -the public realizes it is dealing with a nasty problem, one without an easy fix or short term fix

  55. Anonymous6:23 AM


    Why do you keep talking about Adolph Hitler? Hitler was not a liberal, if that's what you are implying. He was a conservative. Look it up. The shooter's YouTube videos suggest he has paranoid anti-government views, that are similar to the far-right. Sarah Palin may not have directly told anyone to go shoot someone, but people like her have been fanning the flames of fear, and hate, which can lead to violence. When Sarah Palin says Barack Obama has been "palling around with terrorists," lies about "death panels," and talks about how evil the government is, and that the president is "hellbent on destroying America," sometimes there are whack-jobs, like the shooter, who will actually believe those lies, take stuff literally, and become violent. George Wallace didn't kill anyone, but his type of rhetoric led to violence. I remember in 2008, Rush Limbaugh telling his listeners to grab their "guns," and their "pitchforks," when it look like Barack Obama was going to win the election. Sarah Palin, and people like her, and their talk about "second amendment remedies" are no different. You are wasting your time.

  56. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Piper Palin is the same age as the little girl who was killed in ARizona. Did THAT ever cross Mamma Grizzly's so-called "mind"? Palin should be shunned, and Murdoch who pays all these hate-mongers, should be stripped of his US citizenship and deported.

  57. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Poke her with a fork, she is done. This is poetic justice. When the 20+ lawsuits are settled she will be left with nothing. Toad - get your 1/2 before it's all gone. The clock is ticking. Good thing she still remembers how it was to waitress. How's that table waitin thingee working out for ya now Sarah .... Ha Ha Ha.

  58. Anonymous6:26 AM


    There has been no proof that he is a liberal, but yet his "friend" who hasn't spoken to him in 3 years has been going around doing interviews, telling people he was a liberal. So far, from the little we do know about him, his views are more in line with that of the Right, not the Left. But, I'm sure that doesn't matter to you at all.

  59. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Wow. The trolls are out in force. I think they had their comments already typed and ready to paste into the comment box before Gryphen even put up a post. Once he did, BAM!..there was immediate spin.

    I think that's telling...

    This blog is getting a wide circulation.

    Sarah's paid ghostwriters have to work overtime to spin this assassination debacle in a way that preserves some type of political future for Sarah.

    Sarah's very afraid.

    Good going, Gryphen.

  60. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Gryphen, because you posted that article about paid trolls, I've been able to keep myself from having an aneurysm at this constant, organized nonsense about the shooting. I love how because some shithead who claims to know him says so, the shooter is a RADICAL LEFTIST. Yeah, a radical leftist who has as his favorite book Mein Kempf. Totally makes sense. All us liberals are Nazis. Yup, and we're the ones who speak out against immigration, right?

    I'd bet anything that that guy doesn't know him at all or hasn't talked to him in ages. Be wary of paid GOP trolls Immoral Minorityites! They're going to put out a lot of fake information to keep getting the blame for this. We all know whose hands are drenched in blood for this.

  61. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I just keep remembering The Rally for Reason and everything Jon Stewart said that day. I have a feeling that The Daily Show is going to be beyond interesting tomorrow evening.

  62. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Sarah paints herself as a knowledgable hunter and familair with guns. Does Sarah, RAM and her followers really expect us to believe that they thought those gun sights were surveyor sights? If shes so knowledgable about guns, she'd know what those cross hairs meant. Can't have it both ways Sarah.

  63. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sites," she said.

    Who is the "we" of which Rebecca Mansour speaks? Is she a staffer and voice for Sarah Palin and/or SarahPac?

    Mansour is more than media shy. She speaks on the radio and worked at screen writing and teaching for years. A writer and a teacher who won't allow a photo? There is not one photographic image of her to be found. Not even like other staffers in the industry often do. Radio guests often have accompanying photos. You would think someone would at least address why she will not allow a photo. If that is not a red flag for an unstable mind, what is?

    Sarah is done as a serious contender. She has always been in it for the money and the charade will continue as long as she can do it.

  64. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Comment 4:54 a.m. - Blaming the victim for not having security. Hoping she has learned a lesson after this ................

    You are truly sick - the woman is in critical condition and you hope she has learned something. Are you a member of the Palin family or being paid to post such utter nonsense?

  65. Angela said @ 4:39
    She's keeping it up on Facebook so people will post nasty things about her (funny how they aren't being deleted now) and she can claim victimhood, once again.

    I agree with you. It made no sense Ssarah Pac scrubbed it and that on FB the negative comments were allowed through for Sarah's FB tightly controls only pro comments. Palin is a master at playing the victim and this is the purpose or her agenda for letting the comments through. This is Palin's MO.

    Anon 4:16 It is pertinenet that Palin and her team did not choose to changer her target map's symbols. Once again black is white..oh yeah...those are surveyor's marks BS.

    Palin suggests violence. As Whoppi Goldberg stated on the View regarding the gun sights, target list and gun rhetoric people need to understand the person doing that wants someone to do their dirty work, do it for them so someone else has blood on their hands. Palin manipulates people and manipulates putting images in peoples minds.

    Don't forget after violence over a bumper sticker she suggested at a tea party gathering people get confrontational with drives. Palin speaks out of both sides of her mouth.

  66. Anonymous6:38 AM

    4:40 A.M.,

    You just don't get it. No, you do get it. You are just making excuses. Palin didn't have to use cross-hair targets, tell people to "take aim," and to not retreat, re-load. It doesn't matter whether Palin meant for anyone to get hurt, or not. The point is, sometimes crazy, paranoid people take that stuff literally, and end up hurting people. This isn't just about the cross-hairs. This is about Palin using fear and hatred for two years to whip up the crazies. Sarah Palin has helped set the tone. Telling them the government is evil, and out to get them. That the president is trying to take away their freedoms, and is "hell-bent on destroying america." You need to face reality, and fucking grow-up.

  67. Anonymous6:38 AM

    If it had been sarah palin who had been shot, under identical circumstances as Rep. Gifford, I dare ANY republican to say they would not blame Democrats.

    Republicans can dish it out, but can't take it.

    Barack Obama is the legally elected President of the US. He talked and gave a plan about how he would reform health care, before elected.
    He was voted in by the people because we wanted change.

    Sarah palin raised and continued the hateful rhetoric during the campaign and in the years since.
    She pandered to the tea baggers, the gun owners and needs to acknowledge what she has done.
    She put gun sights on Democrats, not republicans. She stated that the tea party should not retreat but reload. She and all her republican cohorts pushed the envelope and now have what they wanted, a Democrat who cannot vote in Congress now and maybe never again. And a 9 year old girl dead.

    If sarah palin does not apologize and implore her followers to seek peaceful solutions instead of violence, then she should be ostracized by the good people of the US. But since she thinks republicans should not even 'compromise' with Democrats I feel that I will wait in vain.

    How many more people will be killed because republicans don't like the current president?

  68. Anonymous6:38 AM

    So how long will it be before McCain does a turn around and ignores Palin? He is noted for being a flip-flopper.

    Who cares whether Sarah or the pregnant daughters are in Arizona or wherever? The Dept of Homeland Security and the FBI will know where she is, she can't hide anymore.

  69. angela6:38 AM

    I have never seen as many trolls on one of your posts as I have today, Gryphen. It's like RAM was dragging them out of strip clubs, hardware stores and Drop Zone.

    Again trolls. "Don't retreat reload" Gun sights on Democratic candidates. Saying the President is trying to weaken the country. Sarah by her stupid rhetoric never has to put her hands on anyone. She is a seditious heckler, just like Beck and Limbaugh--for money. This shooting only highlights the crazy that she and the others are feeding into---get it? She has been pouring gasoline on a brush fire and she wants to be thought of as responsible?! Give me a break.

  70. Anonymous6:39 AM

    @Anon. 4:40

    I'm sorry, but Sarah endorsed someone who thought the "second amendment remedy" was a good idea. Never heard her retract her endorsement from Angle, did you? No, Sarah loves the tough talk. She's just to stupid to see beyond what happens after it leaves her mouth. Words have power.

    Once again, Sarah is trying to re-write what she said.

    How often has this woman (or her machine) had to "clarify" what she says? "That's not what I meant! I was referencing Lincoln! I was comparing myself to God! Oh, he was using satire! They're surveyor's symbols!" (Yeah, I am just making this up as I go along!)

    Anyone who actually believes this woman wasn't using a gun metaphor is as psychologically challenged as the shooter. She's got a long history of using aggressive language to make her points. Do I think she really wanted someone to shoot anyone? No. But it's typical of her small mind to think only about how such words work for HER, and not how they might work for anyone else.

    So Sarah. It's always about HER and never her fault.

  71. Anonymous6:41 AM

    And why not give the name of the ad creator? Uh, because there isn't one? Beyond everything else, Palin is cheap.

  72. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Gryphen -

    I suggest it's time to move on. Really, blog about something else - you're a good writer, yeah, I know the Palin name gets you hits. But now, take Olberman's advice. Ostracism and shunning are the way to go. I'm hoping Palingates will change it's name, too.

    Either way, I'll be taking that advice and should I ever hear or read the name Palin again, the response will simply be - oh, you mean that Alaska whacko that caused the death of a kid, a judge and the others in Tucson?

  73. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Well of course THAT would be seen as a threat @5:56! You don't dare use turnabout as fair play on a Palin -- why, she would have her flying monkeys round us all up for questioning/execut*ion if you were to create such a bumper sticker or map.

    Suddenly those surveyors marks (bullsh*t) would quickly turn back into sniper sights and you would be accused of threatening her fammmmmleeeeee!

    I never say this about anyone, but I sincerely hope this incendiary bitch burns in hell.

    And to her daft defenders, fuck you very much.

  74. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Many of these comments are obviously written by paid bloggers to change the subject in order to favor Quitter. I hate arguing with trolls. Why don't you fakers take your Machiavellian comments to some other forum?

  75. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Gryphen, please highlight the fact that Palin said MORE than just that damning tweet that you quoted. On Facebook when the target map was posted, she said, "We'll aim for these races and many others. This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington. Please go to and join me in the fight."

    According to Webster, a "salvo" is a discharge of firearms or bombs. And, of course, she uses "fight" twice. "Surveyor's marks"? I don't think so.

  76. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Palin will forever be tied to a map with crosshairs on it and linked to an attempted murder of a congresswoman on that map. She will forever be linked to a mass murder.

    No spin can change what has come before and what is now.

    When we raise our children in an environment that is filled with hateful language and incitement of violence coming from those who Should know better and are our supposed leaders, then when something happens such as this, it isn't a stretch to look at that environment and see the product of the rhetoric.

    A deeply disturbed young man, surrounded by a hateful media that yammers on 24 hours a day about evil and terrorists and hate, is easily led down a path where the only answer to any problem is violence.

    One might say, he didn't know anything about Palin, but in Tucson, Arizona that is a stretch that cannot be made. Arizona has been her playground of nasty spiel. Tucson itself has been the battleground in a nasty campaign at the heart of her efforts and his own writings suggest that he is quite aware and engaged in political discourse.

    It was and is not the left who is running to cover their butts yesterday, to try and do damage control for what they have said. It is not the left who calls abortionist terrorist or has a bill in a state to make silver and gold the only payable currency. All of which seem to be a part of this young mans warped outlook on life.

    His inner demons appear to be many and they were easily set upon a path of destruction by our own politicians and media.

  77. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Anon 5:14 You are incorrect in your belief:
    If homeland security or fbi or whomever saw Sarah as a threat to national security a year ago or if violence had escalated as a direct relation to her, action would have been taken then.

    I personally spoke to an FBI agent who told me that they can not do anything unless some actual physical violence occurs. This was in regard specifically to Sarah Palin.

    It is no different then domestic violence or a crazy stalker. It is not a crime until physical violence occurs. Palin spews vile rhetoric and lies to incite people and indeed releases "hounds of hell".

    I agree there are enough unstable dangerous people in the world. Wht I refuse to accept is allowing someone to pose as a saint who enjoys whipping sick people into a froth engaging them in blatant lies as Palin does and Manson did.

  78. Anonymous6:51 AM

    4:44 A.M.,

    WTF are you talking about? Now, you're blaming comedians, because of their "senseless bullying" with jokes? Sarah Palin engages in sensless bulling, to stoke FEAR. Comedians are just having fun. They are not trying scare people, and divide the country like Palin. You are desperate. Since when has anyone killed because of Jon Stewart, David Letterman, or SNL? Timothy McVeigh listened to Rush Limbaugh. Most people realize, (even crazy people) realize comedians, are just making jokes. Whereas people like Palin, and Glen Beck, are not comedians. They are trying to divide this country. Sarah Palin does not have heart. You are wasting your time.

  79. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Especially since, as I mentioned before, Sarah Palin HERSELF tweeted bullshit on the idea that these symbols were "surveyor's symbols."

    what a crock full. She absolutely KNEW they were targets. They were intended to look like the crosshairs of a gun sight. She KNEW it - EVERYBODY knew it! Most were outraged at her behavior and accused her EVEN THEN that she was inciting violence and stirring up the ignorants. She knew and she didn't care. She is a vacuous and very dim bulb.

  80. laprofesora6:57 AM

    To all of those defending Paylin and her little map:


    A nine year old girl is DEAD for god's sake.

    Paylin and her hate speech are directly to blame so SHUT UP we have heard ENOUGH!

  81. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Palin is not being "scapegoated". She and others are being held accountable for their rhetoric. The shooter is being held accountable for doing the shooting too.

    Typical the bots would engage in Sarah is the victim. Sarah did not do what she did...blah blah.

  82. 10catsinMD7:00 AM

    Boy Gryphen, the trolls are really out. I am still in shock over this, especially about the little girl. She is the same age as my granddaughter. An innocent victim of political unrest, hatred, and inciteful language. She is also the same age as Piper, isn't she?

    I do not promote revenge or violence in return and I know that you don't want that here. but the old testament speaks volumes about "eye for an eye". He who lives by the sword, shall, etc, etc.

    The gun sight symbols are not surveyors marks. Only stupid would believe that.

    Sadly, I think the Manson comparison is legit.

    I will say prayers for those injured in AZ today.

  83. Anonymous7:03 AM

    @4:49 A.M.,

    STFU. This is not Barack Obama's fault. Palin her ilk, are the ones who got people all whipped into a frenzy over the healthcare law, immigration, "Ground zero mosques," Black Panthers, and everything else, with their lies, and bullshit. Before that, it was quiet. Healthcare reform was popular, before all the lies about death panels, and other garbage. $arah Palin is the one who preys on the weak and stupid, and tells them he's trying to "kill grandma." Bush's wars, and tax-cuts for the rich that have not created a single job, were/are unpopular, but no one has gone shot a republican congressman. How can someone defend anyone who incites violence? I don't give a damn, about how unpopular the heathcare law is, that doesn't give people a right to kill people. FYI, Sarah Palin calls anyone who criticizes her "sexist." You are a racist, since YOU brought up the race thing. Fuck that? FUCK YOU!

  84. Anonymous7:03 AM

    This idea that we must now IGNORE Sarah Palin is truly and deeply dangerous.

    The whole problem is that she has been ignored by those who have the power to keep her sidelined.

    The idea that at this critical point in time, Gryphen would suddenly stop covering Sarah Palin is absolutely bizarre.

    This nation cannot afford to ignore people like Sarah Palin, and today we understand that as we grieve this terrible tragedy.

  85. Anonymous7:05 AM

    @ 4:16Am - Applause

    exactly right.

  86. Anonymous7:11 AM

    @4:54 a.m.,

    "It's sad that Sarah had to be the scapegoat to ease people's minds about the fact that there are millions of afflicted people who could turn at any time. This is not random, nor is it a recent thought for the shooter. Killers don't need permission generally. They need opportunity. And that woman is ridiculously stupid and naive for not having ANY security when she knew of the temperament against her. I'm glad she's doing well considering, but I hope she has learned."

    So, Sarah Palin is the "victim" now? Um, 19 people were shot, yesterday. How selfish of Palin to be thinking about herself. It wasn't random, either. The shooter targeted Gabrielle Giffords. I have no sympathy for Sarah Palin who is famous for scapegoating "the other" all the time. Typical of conservatives to blame the victim. FFS. Presidents have the highest security, and have been shot. St. Ronald Reagan was shot. It was his fault. He should have been careful.

  87. London Bridges7:17 AM

    The reality is that charging Sarah with hate crimes and inciting violence would be politically sensitive - at least before yesterday.

    Why aren't Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice & Company charged with their crimes against humanity? (Same reason.)

    If my reading of Sarah's personality and her goals are correct, now that Sarah, like a vampiress, has tasted blood as a result of her efforts, she will be more determined than ever to attain her goals.

    Let's wait and see.

  88. Anonymous7:18 AM

    4:58 a.m.,

    Sarah "Do you love your freedom?" Palin is indeed an instigator. Ronald Reagan, and every other president that has been shot, had security. Sarah Palin knows people are crazy, yet continues to stoke the flames of fear and hate. Sarah Palin thinks a reporter asking her a question is a security threat.

  89. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Let's not have any argument about whether Rebecca Ann Mansour RAM works for Sarah or not:

    Our piece detailed that Palin paid $22,000 to Rebecca Mansour's Aries Petra Consulting for "internet messaging," also known as posting on the Palin Facebook page. Previously identified by Politico as a "Los Angeles screenwriter and political neophyte whose creation of the popular cheerleading blog Conservatives4Palin (C4P) endeared her to Palin's inner circle," Mansour is described by Vanity Fair as "Palin's most unconventional hire."

    After Mansour's voice disappeared on C4P [by mid-August 2009], however, Palin's voice on Facebook and Twitter started sounding increasingly provocative and irascible. A company called Aries Petra Consulting was formed in September and registered to Mansour's home address, but under someone else's name. (In astrology, Aries is the ram--or "RAM.") SarahPAC's first payment to the firm was made in October, about two weeks before Palin began her book tour. By then, Palin's new virtual voice was growing in intensity. The more shrill it became, the more news Palin made...

  90. Anonymous7:26 AM

    @5:05 a.m.,

    More excuses? Tyranny? It's that type of lanuage from the likes of Palin and Rush Limbaugh that cause paranoid people to fear the government, and lash out. Just beause he disagreed with the government doesn't mean he has a right to kill. Sounds like Sharron Angle's "second amendment" remedies, to kill anyone who doesn't agree with you.

  91. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I'm tired of people simply calling the killer mentally disturbed. You can be both political and mentally disturbed. Sarah Palin is.

  92. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I know for a fact that Sarah Palin incites hate.

  93. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Listen, at this point what Sarah Palin wants is irrelevant.

    No one will back her with this terrible tragedy now associated with her "work".

    She is done. How tragic that these poor people are now martyrs, having stopped her and those who would have helped her get elected.

    While we all knew this kind of violence was likely to occur, I don't think any of us could have imagined this being the kind of event that would finally bring her down.

    Our passionate distrust of her was merited, sadly, and we knew how dangerous she was and is. Perhaps the rest of the complacent masses will start to understand now.

    I truly doubt Sarah Palin will go to Israel at this point, or that anyone will care if she does.

    If we think our press is all over this, I guarantee you the foreign press is going nuts since this simply confirms many of their perceptions of our country.

  94. Anonymous7:32 AM

    5:14 a.m.,

    The secret service, or whatever told Sarah Palin to cut it out, in 2008. But, she basically told them to fuck-off.

  95. Anonymous7:34 AM

    @5:14 a.m.,

    "Don't smear a woman's name when nothing ties her to this man."

    Sarah Palin does nothing BUT smear the names of other people. I have no sympathy for this woman.

  96. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The trolls can't seem to grasp one simple fact: Sarah put cross hairs on someone who got shot.

    Sarah intentionally chose to use words suggesting guns in order to get the kind of strong response she desires.

    These are facts regardless of whether the shooter saw these things.

    If I drew a map and made the statements that Sarah made and one of the targets in my sights got killed, you better believe I would be being questioned by the police.

    Sarah has proved to the world that she will never be a leader.

  97. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Palin and her gang, obviously think they share part of the blame, since they removed the cross-hair target map, after the shootings, and are now trying to make people believe that those cross-hairs are "surveyers symbols." It just makes her look like she's admitting guilt.

  98. Anonymous7:49 AM

    5:50 A.M.,

    When will Palin and her bots stop placing blame?

  99. To all the trolls, all I can say is...

    WTF is wrong with you?

  100. dancingthroughlife7:53 AM

    From HuffPost's TVSoundOff: Talking Heads, about RAM:

    'Uhm, look. If you're familiar with Rebecca Mansour, you know her to be a very minor figure -- a pinhead fangirl who is rarely worth talking about and certainly isn't contributing in any way to anyone's intelligent or moral discourse.'

    And the "surveyor's marks" crowd of RAM and whoever else wants to take up that argument:
    try going on Google Images. Type in the words "surveyor's marks." Nothing REMOTELY CLOSE to the images on Sarah Palin's "20 map" show up. Try "targets." 2 images that resemble the ones on the map. Okay, now try "crosshairs." EVERY DAMN PICTURE is close to what's on that map. If you want to say, "I'm sorry I chose to put this map out there; looking back, it was not the wisest choice." Okay, fine, you're covering your ass, whatever. But to fight back with SURVEYOR'S MARKS? Shows the stupidity and childishness of Sarah Palin and those around her.

    Bottom line: Sarah Palin may not have any criminal responsibility in this tragedy, but she and her "take back the country," "2nd amendment solutions" friends sure as hell do have moral responsibility in this tragedy.

  101. Pursang7:59 AM

    I accidently hit the link to Tammy Bruce's website and read a few of the comments.

    I need to take a shower now or vomit..or maybe both.

    As far as Mansour, it must be sinking in to her thick hate filled skull that she won't be following her idol to Washington, that she won't be working in a Sarah Palin White House. Poor poor Becky....

  102. Anonymous8:04 AM

    6:22 a.m.,

    There is no proof he is a liberal. His "friend," (who has not spoken to him in three years) who claimed that he is, doesn't count. But, from the little we do know about him, from his YouTube videos, his views are similar to that of the far-right. Funny how people are telling us not to jump to conclusions and assume he is right-wing, without enough proof, yet it's O.K. to say he's a liberal without proof. Hypocrite.

  103. Anonymous8:11 AM


    RAM's excuse is completely specious. Those marks on the map can be surveyor's marks, GPS symbols or crosshairs (if you do a google image search you'll readily see that). It's the rhetoric that accompanies the map that makes them crosshairs.

    The bots are clinging to that excuse now but it just doesn't wash does it?

  104. Pursang8:19 AM

    To those Palin defenders who claim it was the Representatives fault for not having security, so now being an elected official is so dangerous that they must pay for security?

    That now we as constituents have to submit to pat downs and armed security guards so we can talk to the people that represent us in Congress?

    Sorry but people shouldn't be afraid for their lives to represent us in Congress. But then of course one of your heroes is Joe Miller, he of the paid Drop Zone thug bodyguards. Given your proclivity for violence you probably see no problem with any of this but a vast majority of Americans do.

    This country is making less and less sense to me. I hope we all can sit down and figure it out soon, before it's too late.

  105. tech republicans explain8:28 AM

    One person is not being blamed.

    A chain of events took the assassin to the Safeway with a gun and excessive magazines. The troubled man may have never heard of Sarah Palin or SarahPac. That doesn't mean the atmosphere she helped create was not part of the cause of his actions. He, his family or some one he knew may have been influential in filling him up or triggering attitudes and anger. No one seemed to notice any red flags with Jared Loughner.

    The issue with SarahPac is they must take responsibility for SarahPac and Sarah Palin role modeling and actions. Why lie when it is obviously a gunsite with rhetoric and more visuals to enhance their intentions. As for Sarah saying she doesn't support violence, that is politician speak. I hope she does feel sick about what happened but that is questionable. One thing good about what her failed TV production demonstrated is that she feels the necessity to push violent images. Even her daughter, who expressed her feelings on Facebook about someone who had an opinion on the show, also thought it was humorous to smash the 9 year old sister into a cake. Using a younger sibling for laughs like that is not exactly a well adjusted family. Does Willow strive to become a comedian and she is like the class clown in her home school? Why doesn't anyone draw a line? Sarah is big on drawing a line in the sand.

    Palin may be stupid but she is not naive.

    She and her staff, those who speak for SarahPac, are very much into visual messaging. It is a language.

    The use of communication and language is a science. It is not as if an educated screen writer would have zero concept of the subconscious effects of imaging. SarahPac staff is not naive or out of touch with what they manufacture and what they leave on their site after the election. Rebecca Mansour's nephew is at the top of his game. He is a Techie Conservative that was blown away by the Obama win and he attributes Facebook and wants to see Republicans surpass what Facebook did for the last election. There is no known direct link, but a court case would bring out a lot of interesting facts. Look into the Tech Republicans. Not to say they have anything to do with what SarahPac left on their site after the election. Consider that RAM might read and learn from a group of Techies, Republicans or Democrats. RAM knows what she is doing and there is no doubt she lies about this.

  106. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Anonymous @ 4:44 AM:

    You're right -- Sarah does have a heart -- for blood, that is.

  107. tech republicans explain8:41 AM

    I wasn't done...

    SarahPac specifically targets opponents. No one has to run for an office to receive Pac money privileges. All SarahPac has to do is bash a target. Legally they were doing that with the gunsites over Congressional districts and their representatives, as long as the FEC agrees that they did not cross a line with the visual rhetoric that was backed up with all the verbal rhetoric. Who writes the FEC rules?

    Imo, Sarah Palin was never about running for President. Her ego may be such that she does believe that she is. SarahPac has always been to keep juicing the Republicans, an established Party that is ready to rebel. Todd's roots are in the AIP and Palin was primed to work as a Republican while she leaned toward John Birch, AIP, Secessionists. She has to deliver the "maverick" and controversial to Republicans or she is not doing what John McCain hired her for. She is about riling the nearly dead, the religious groups, women and instigating political situations. Her daughter is helping to bring in the younger partisans.

    Sarah uses the violent rhetoric and claims she is not about violence, well she is a politician. One who did cross a line. She needs to take responsibility for the climate of violence she is creating and now has to lie and make excuses to cover up. If she was only negligent and irresponsibly naive people are still dead due to recklessness. We all know that Arizona loves their gun laws and that means that crazy unstable nut cases can go out and buy a gun and shoot whoever they want until they are stopped. All Pacs and politicians must consider the climate and conditions of the various districts. Should she and SarahPac casually target a place as SarahPac did and get by with feigning naivety? If you are anti-government the death and injury to government officials may not matter. The 9 year old child, Christina Taylor Green, might make some think more about cause and effect. Or at least why is RAM compelled to lie. When collateral damage happens in war or gangs the public is allowed to discuss it.

  108. Anonymous8:46 AM


  109. MicMac:

    I did a similar search because I had the same thoughts...

    not only are the crosshairs or bullseyes as miss moosselini calls them typical of gun scopes, one can't RELOAD a theodolite, one reloads a GUN, which makes rams story smell even more

  110. JenniferinVA8:49 AM

    Mansour is an aggressive, snappish, rude "spokesperson." She always takes offense or assumes the worst when anyone writes about Palin. For instance, instead of acting like a royal bitch on twitter - taking her grievance public, why didn't she just call the reporter and ask for a correction?
    Her tone comes off as uber-bitchy and if you read her tweets most are nasty, snarky, demanding and rude as hell.

    Why Palin wants her as a representative is beyond me. She's so confrontational and aggressive which is the absolute opposite of what you want to have when dealing with public relations. The Palin cult really takes this Mama Grizzley thing to the extreme!

  111. Ratfish8:54 AM

    They she goes again.

    Mansour says they approved the gun sight "quickly without thinking about it."

    Reminds me of what Palin did in November when she marked as "favorite" a tweet from Ann Coulter that read "MY NEW CHURCH!" and linked to a picture of a church sign denouncing the "Taliban Muslim illegally elected President USA: Hussein."

    Asked for comment, Palin told ABC News that it was a complete accident. "I've never purposefully ‘favorited’ any tweet. I had to go back to my BlackBerry to even see if such a function was possible," Palin wrote.

    Sure. She may not know how to shoot, but Palin knows how to use a Blackberry in each hand simultaneously.

    As is typical, when caught, she lies, claims it was an accident, and so on.

    Sarah Palin never ever accepts responsibility for anything, will never simply say "I was wrong" or "I made a mistake for which I am sorry."

    Sick and pathetic.

  112. surveyors symbols? please. no was was shouting "dont retreat, re-survey".

  113. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I've seen lots of surveyors roadside with their doohickeys. I had no idea the doohickeys needed to be loaded with anything, never mind being reloaded.

  114. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Trolls - it's over. Just as the name "Palin" is now tied to the death of a 9-year-old girl, a federal judge, a pastor (and others), and a political assassination attempt, so is "Mansour." Palin put a target on the congresswoman. End of story. I hope the GIffords sue; there is ample evidence all over the internet of this violent gun imagery from Palin for a suit, and there is no scrubbing it. Palin, Mansour and also Tammy Bruce. Fangirls get blame, too, as they are complicit.

  115. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Oh dear. It must be so tiring for Palin's lap dog Becky and the Palinbots. Always something to defend and spin. Maybe one day they'll realize if you back someone with integrity you don't have to cruise the nets 24/7 doing damage control.

    This story is on the front page of HP. I'm sure it took a lot of restraint for Becky not to use her favorite line. You know the one she used to use all the time on the Sea of Pee. Get off my blog you sick m......fers. Oh yeah. We remember.


  116. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Congresswoman Griffin got on TV to tell the world how troubled she was by being marked on that map with crosshairs. Her office was vandalized. She received death threats. Yes, Palin, you contributed to the terrorizing of this woman, if not her actual assault.

  117. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I want to know more about the death of the nurse who supposedly helped with the birth of Trig.

  118. Allison9:35 AM

    I am reading through the comments now, but I wanted to post this in case no one else did. Can she possibly scrub all of these?

    I don't think so.

  119. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Why do the bots keep flinging "Grow Up!" and "Get a Life!" at anyone who doesn't worship their queen. It's getting tiresome.

  120. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Her egomania and greed led to "Sarah Palin's Alaska," which instead of burnishing Palin's image, exposed her as an utter fraud as an outdoorswoman, mother, and normal human being.

    So considering what an embarrassingly inept hunter Palin was shown to be, maybe she really doesn't know that circles with the X's in them are symbls of rifle crosshairs.

    Yeah, I don't believe it either. She knew. And her furious pedaling back from her favorite symbol of violence would be hilarious to watch, if it hadn't contributed so famously to to the climate of mayhem and intolerance we increasingly live in.

    Palin is such a fucking hypocrite. If she had any integrity at all of any kind, she would claim those gun symbols we know she actually does worship. But the climate she herself helped create with them is now too hot for even her to be willing to touch them.

    All the bots here are as transparent as glass and just as criminally hypocritical. They reveled in their hate-mongering grizzled mama's rhetoric and symbols when they could jack off to her image of dead Democratics on their computer monitors.

    Now that there really are dead collateral damage Democrats and a gravely injured named target, they are backpedaling as fast as their queen.

    Hypocritical, dishonest, foul and stupid fuckers all of them!

  121. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Didn't take long for Paylin and her minions to make it like she's a victim surprise at all.

    Disgusting is putting it mildly!

  122. Anonymous10:23 AM


    I hope they try to destroy all their tracks and get nailed for destruction of evidence. FBI forensics can retrieve more than we can imagine.

  123. Anonymous10:24 AM

    anon@4:33 AM writes:

    "It's pretty sad people blame Sarah, a person who \'s never advocated physical violence and who's said multiple times, not to resort to it.

    Your argument is nothing more than an evasion. Words and symbols have meaning and consequences; planting images and ideas in people's minds can influence their behavior-- a well-known and easily demonstrable fact evidenced in the success of PR campaigns and advertising.

    What is more than sad, but execrable, is that you think assigning any responsibility for this tragedy to the violent rhetoric of Palin is "sad."

    You can't spin this. Palin has been using violent gun imagery and other hyperbolic hate speech all along. It's a from of bullying and, as any psychologist can affirm, violent words and images are usually the first step, and warning sign, in a process that can lead to homicide--from cases of domestic violence homicides to the evil mass killings of Nazi Germany--the bullying starts with "mere" words loaded with violent, demeaning images and import and aimed at the victim(s), dehumanizing and making the victim "evil" and expendable in the killer's mind. There is no way to underestimate the danger of violent and abusive language, since it may lead to such horrible outcomes.

    Schools and businesses are trying to identify and curtail bullying behaviors in schools and workplaces because it can, and often does, lead to escalations in violence, along with the fact that bullying in any form is always disruptive and counter-productive

    Sarah Palin refused to recant or remove her gun targets and indeed ramped up her "kill 'em" rhetoric after she was criticized last year for her infamous "target" map. She is not without her share of blame in this tragedy and "common sense" people who

  124. Anonymous10:25 AM

    @ 4:54
    "And that woman is ridiculously stupid and naive for not having ANY security when she knew of the temperament against her."

    Are you also going to blame a 9-year-old girl for not bringing enough security to a Safeway parking lot?

    - - - - - - -

    The idea that Palin could have intended that graphic to represent anything other than crosshairs is absurd. She has consistently and repeatedly used words that are directly connected to guns and violence. She has been photographed and videotaped shooting guns and clubbing animals. She has encouraged the extermination of predators from helicopters and the gassing of their offspring in their dens. She constantly refers to her hunting and butchering experience (although that has been recently proven to be a lie) and she actually bragged about having blood under her nails
    at a recent speech.

    She has worked tirelessly to promote her image as a tough, gun-slinging, pioneer woman from the wilds of Alaska.

    Any resemblance to gun crosshairs and implication that those political opponents must be removed at all costs was deliberate and intentional.

  125. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Rebecca ManSour is mentally disturbed like Sarah. I never realized it before- I just thought she was an angry, naive woman with an obsession/crush for Palin. Doesn't she get how bad she is making Sarah look? She is the most inept "advisor" I have ever seen and no wonder Sarahs poll numbers suck. They have NO class and have to respond to everything! The smart thing would have been for her to express sympathy, to denounce violent rhetoric and then they should SHUT UP!!

    All of you who defend Sarah in this are clueless about what most of America thinks. Have some class, some heart. And shut up!! The more you try to deflect blame, the colder you sound. You sound ignorant and unaware and you don't help Sarah!

    You just don't get it. Part of the reason Sarahs poll numbers are so low are because of her staff and her fans and the awful things they do and say! Like saying the shooter was a liberal!? Oh sure! Right! I mean HOW STUPID!!!

    The facts are that if you go back through history MOST ( but not all) domestic terrorism has been carried out by far RIGHT wackos!! Yes the are some incidences on the left, but all the acts of hatred, racism, anti-semitism, were done by the right. You should OWN it and stop making excuses for it. But you wont and that is pathetic and frightening.

  126. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Anon 4:54 you are an extremely sick person!! It's the
    congresswomans fault she was shot. Blame the victim! Sick sick sick! I bet you believe rape victims asked for it.
    You are so mentally ill, you will never get it. I dont understand sociopaths like you. Your views are frighteming.

  127. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Loughner stated on his MySpace page that he is inspired by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Need more be said?
    For those Palinbot trolls who are sorely lacking in reading-comprehension skills, too factually deprived, wilfully ignorant and uninformed to remember, the 'right to life" bible thumping hypocrites and clergy who published a web page a few years ago of Women's Health Clinics where abortions were performed, their names and addresses and photos of those Doctors and nurses who worked there and incited some of their retard cult followers to blow up clinics and kill the doctors and nurses who worked there trying to help the unfortunate women who came to them for help. They even murdered one doctor while he was attending church services.

    These same self serving bastards picketed clinics while waving signs of gruesome faked abortion pictures with their own small children and teenagers exposed to the gore.

    Yes Virginia, there is a responsibility for inciting hate, bigotry, racism and murder and it lies with those self serving assholes who use words and images to inflame the more mentally unstable of their cult followers to kill good people.

    What is even worse is, the flamers know exactly what they are doing and they know that a good old fashioned hell raising "gimmee-that-old-time-religion", Elmer Gantry style hate filled speach or sermon, whipping their cult followers into a rabid, frothing at the mouth frenzy will get them more money in the bank account than "Peace" and "Love- thy-neighbor" any day of the week 24-7

    The clergy has known and used this fear and hate mongering for centuries, stoking the flames of superstition and ignorance with their icons of martyrs, devils, torture and dead men nailed on crosses.

    "The debble gonna gitcha if you don't gimmee your money so I kin pray for y'all, 'cause only I kin save you since only I kin talk to god!"

    If this were not true, then advertisers would not be spending multi-millions on advertising images and words!

    Good old boy Charlie Manson didn't actually kill anyone himself either, yet he is doing life in prison!




  128. Anonymous11:14 AM

    So what's the truth here? Did Palin let a deranged spokesperson speak for her, with lame lying excuses and false accusations? Or did she continue her silence, leaving only a tepid Facebook homily to the victims?

    Either story destroys her credibility.

  129. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Only Sarah, RAM and their Insane Clown Posse could claim victim status on par with the families who lost loved ones and dear friends in this horrendous tragedy. What the hell is wrong with these people? Can't they simply keep their mouths shut for a few days?

  130. Gasman1:38 PM

    RAM, you - like your host for little parasitic you - are a lying sack of shit. Palin's posts contemporaneous to the release of the "bulls eye" graphic makes it abundantly clear that Palin was invoking the image of sighting a RIFLE.

    If you still maintain otherwise, maybe you'd like to explain how you "reload" a surveyor's scope?

    See, that's the problem with exclusively hanging around morons. You've grown to think that everyone else is that stupid. We're not. Furthermore, you are obviously losing your grip, because this latest meme is the least believable and most insulting one you've come up with yet. But, if you remain true to form, in no time at all you'll come up with something even more vapid and insulting for Sarah Palin to proclaim.

    Why don't you paste a picture of Christina Taylor Green - the nine year old victim in yesterday's murderous rampage - up next to your computer screen. The next time you feel like ghost writing more fear mongering demagoguery for Sarah Palin, please take a long hard look at Christina Taylor Green's smiling face as a reminder of what can happen when you speak vicariously for Palin.

  131. Anonymous2:16 PM

    It's not just the sniper targets, (which btw they are if you ask 100 percent of the rambo-watching world). It started with the War, with the GOP dividing citizens into two groups: Americans and Traitors. Ann Coulter would hammer that point home, and started suggesting someone "frag" Democrats. Remember that? She said New York should be bombed because it wasn't the heartland.

    So basically, the water was getting the right temperature. Then Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck came along and chummed the water up good. Sarah cranked up the rhetoric at the McCain rallies where for the first time, we heard things like "kill him" shouted out. Meanwhile those people formed the tea party, started carrying guns, and soaked in rhetoric which constantly insinuated that our government was evil, and that Americans might have to take things into their own hands. What would a nutball do who heard all this? He would go get his gun and start mowing down the enemies of Real America, in the name of Jesus. just like a Pakistani the other day got his gun and shot a governor in the head, who was the enemy of islam.

  132. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Looks like the morons are out in full force defending their idiot and Queen of Hate.

  133. Panamanian mafia?4:20 PM

    What strange coincidences.

    John McCain at work in Panama.

    Senior US Senator John McCain will travel to Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Panama and Mexico to promote expanding free trade and security cooperation in the Americas, his office said Thursday. Security cooperation in Americas.

    What a deal, they don't like poor kids. Panama’s Supreme Court

  134. Anonymous4:28 PM

    RAM, you might consider jumping off the sinking ship before the Quitter Queen publicly puts you under the bus. Suggest contacting Meg Stapleton to get pointers on how to best sever that malignant connection between you and Sarah. Like Meg, you're nothing to her.

  135. Anonymous4:37 PM

    When will the LSM notice that Becky Mansour is too unbalanced to allow a picture of her face to be shown. That goes back before she hooked up with Scarah. She was attracted to the bright lights in the movie making industry but insists on staying in the dark. No one can even explain her serious psychological problems. They just accept that another nut case stays in the shadows and writes for ScarahPac, Bristol and Sarah.

  136. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I just read at C4P that the map was NOT taken down and that whole story is just a lie made up by the crazy liberals. I can't check because I don't have a facebook page. They are a funny bunch over there at C4P--totally clueless. Does anyone have any info on this?

  137. Anonymous7:55 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    When will the LSM notice that Becky Mansour is too unbalanced to allow a picture of her face to be shown. That goes back before she hooked up with Scarah. She was attracted to the bright lights in the movie making industry but insists on staying in the dark. No one can even explain her serious psychological problems. They just accept that another nut case stays in the shadows and writes for ScarahPac, Bristol and Sarah.

    4:37 PM"

    Maybe she hides because she is, shall we
    say, aggressively unphotogenic?

  138. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Where are all the Palins? Huddled together at the compound? Sarah probably kept them home from school eating smores. Kids must be happy, no school just like the old campaigning days.

  139. melanie daniels9:54 AM

    "In Glenn Beck’s Mind, Sarah Palin Is the Only Thing Keeping America Intact"

    "I want you to know you have my support. But please look into protection for your family. An attempt on you could bring the republic down." —Glenn Beck on his radio show this morning, reading a letter he wrote to Sarah Palin.

    Favorite comment:

    BY FUKKYTANTANG on 01/10/2011 at 1:04pm
    Protection from what? The gun-toting, church-going, wife-beater wearing, pick-up-truck driving, sister-humping, backwater yokels are their FANS!!!!


    BY LANDIS on 01/10/2011 at 1:13pm
    Nice switch on the victimhood thing by Beck. Devious and insidious.

  140. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Late on this, but have to say this:

    RAM, you're a day late/dollar short on the crosshairs usage and now claiming that the "intent" was never what just happened to one fo the targets. There were numerous complaints on blogs and in the main/lamestream news about usage of the crosshairs.

    You & SP were warned about the impropriety and possible consequences.

    You are now reaping what's been sown by your boss. Karma, it's a beetch!

    Now, I'm back to dealing w/ 5+" of snow topped by 1/8-1/4" of ice, with more on the way. And yes, I'm in a "redneck southern" state. How ironic that Mr. Wheel & Deal (the ethically challenged Bagger in GA) is being inaugurated today - without any pomposity!


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