Monday, January 31, 2011

Sarah Palin's biggest fan denies that the Grizzled Mama modified her signature phrase.

From Politico:

Her speech last night to the Safari Club in Reno was closed press, but the Reno Gazette-Journal's David Jacobs put his ear to a closed door.

He reported Palin dropped the "reload" phrase from her routine, telling the audience of hunters "don't retreat, stand tall" — a shift from her now infamous and well-known "don't retreat, reload" line that played on a loop on cable in the after the Tucson shooting.

But Palin aide Rebecca Mansour denied that the former governor dropped the line, suggested to her by her father.

"The governor actually did use the phrase 'Don't retreat, reload,'" Mansour told POLITICO in an email. "She also said, 'Don't retreat, stand tall.'"

"Her father, Chuck Heath, was present at the speech yesterday, and the crowd cheered when she pointed to her Dad and repeated this favorite saying of his," the aide added.

You know the ironic part of this disagreement is that if Sarah Palin were not so completely hyper paranoid of having reporters allowed inside to hear her speech, there would be no question as to exactly what she said.  But then again, could THAT be why she refuses to allow them access?

So who are we to believe?

A journalist from the Reno Gazette-Journal, whose paper I imagine insists that it's reporters strive for accuracy?  Or a woman on Snowdrift Snooki's payroll who once clumsily tried to convince people that the crosshairs on Sarah Palin's Facebook map were really surveyor's symbols, despite the fact that her Queen had stated otherwise?

Wow!  That is a conundrum!


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Oh, Becky, Becky, Becky. So now Sarah is blaming her father for the origination of the phrase "Don't retreat, reload"? It was HIS favorite saying? So daughter is innocent in quoting his quote, isn't she then? Oh, please.

  2. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Gryphen----let's believe Man Sour (what an appropriate name!)...."don't retreat, reload" because that illustrates so perfectly what idiots the bunch of them are for continuing to use inflammatory rhetoric.

  3. Oh it's Chuck Heath who caused all the chaos in Tucson!! Of course. That makes more sense doesn't it. Nothing like throwing your own dad under the bus.

  4. I usually take a look at the Huffington Post before heading over here. Sarah Palin's picture is there three times, with accompanying stories. In the midst of the crisis in Egypt she has even injected herself into that story by announcing a media boycott "will keep me for being blamed for Egypt." Palin also gets publicity for being a MILF, and giving a speech at an exclusive hunting group event. For pay.
    Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, SOS is only pictured twice, actually doing something for this country and the world. The difference is staggering.

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Is that Balki with long hair?

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Don't you just hate it when you can't bring yourself to admit being wrong ?

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    WHY are people still calling this quitter "Governor"???

  8. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I wish someone in the Alaska legislature would introduce a bill that says Palin is not entitled to be addressed with the title "Governor" because she quit halfway through her first term. It'll never happen of course, but still...

  9. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Did Sarah really say that she named Trig after the word trigger? That poor baby, I hope someone is taking care of that child and it is far away from mean hateful Sarah. She also made fun of Bristol by calling her "Bristol the Pistol" and made fun of Piper by calling her "Piper the Diaper".

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    It doesn't matter, Becky.

    Sarah's an ass if she said the original phrase.

    Sarah's an ass if she said the modified phrase.

  11. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I was wondering how long it was going to take scara to tie herself to Egypt. She is beyond disgusting. I wonder what her mom says behind closed doors. Mrs. Heath has either got her head in the sand or terribly ashamed of her spawn. An entire country is on the brink of complete disaster and scara finds a way to snark about it. Not presidential, not polished, not professional, not even human. Can't wait to see what Jon Stewart does this week. Scara does not want to be anything of importance anymore, she just wants to lash out and take names. Hurt much scara, what happened to you when you were little to make you hate so much???????

  12. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Thank you, Crystal Sage, for pointing out the glaring difference between Sister Sarah, who is doing absolutely nothing for this country, and Hillary, who has done nothing but work.

    I cannot believe there are still people out there who claimed to support Hillary and went on to become a Palinbot.

  13. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I find it hilarious that Sarah actually pays RAM for what she does. RAM, the paid pitbull just keeps on making Sarah look so much worse and continues to put her face out there 24/7 for all the world to poke fun at.

    Seriously, would you like to have soured milk 3 times a day every week? No you wouldn't and that is exactly another reason that people are dumping Sarah down the drain. They are tired of that sick taste and foul odor.

  14. Anonymous7:22 AM

    RAM relaying the utterances of the great one to the lowly populace. (laughter) RAM is oblivious to how STUPID she sounds or she believes this is the natural position for a politician like Sarah Palin.

    RAM is STUPID. Sarah Palin is an IDIOT.

    How long did it take for the media to tire of the Paris Hilton idiocy? Palin's been given the simple life for way too long. Exposing the criminal activity is the way to dispose of Palin's luster. The e-mails are key. The takeover of the Alaskan government by the GOP thugs is key.

    The two Tripp stories (baby and hooker) are distractions.

  15. Anonymous7:26 AM

    So Chuckles has been called in to take credit for the slogan that is all about worshipping guns.

    Also RAM might say Sarah said Reload now but she was blogging yesterday saying Sarah didn't use the word and that liberals couldn't put the gun in Sarah's hand now. RAM can't lie straight, it seems.

  16. Anonymous7:29 AM

    RAM and Sarah, don't you just hate it when you both can't admit being wrong? Real Americans know you two are twisted sisters, why not just admit it?

  17. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Really Becky? How many more times will you lie for $carah? I'm sure Chucky doesn't mind being thrown under the bus, afterall, he is the only 'man' in her life now, buh-bye Toad.

  18. Anonymous7:35 AM

    RAM doesn´t mind being called the diminutive ¨Becky,¨ 6:44, but she abhors people referring to her as ¨Bekka.¨

    For some reason people here at work keep wanting to chat about Todd being in love with a ¨massage therapist.¨ They believe he did the dirty with the 18-year-old, too, when she was younger and a minor.

    Statutory rape and all that.

    And he would have been a grandfather as well.

    Not a one of the thinks it´s funny.

  19. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Sarah Palin is a person who leads people on thinking that she is qualified to be POTUS, but for some reason she is scared to let the press hear what she has to say. Palin is also afraid of questions. What is she hiding and doesn't she know that she will have to talk to the press and answer questions if she wants to be POTUS. I don't think she has intentions to be POTUS. Once the time comes where she has to declare her intentions, she will just say she looked at the lay of the land and she approves of the people running for POTUS and she will back them. Or you can mark my words that if she finds someone as ignorant as John McCain who is willing to try that stunt of his, Sarah will announce that she is running for VP. That way she can hide out longer and only have to debate one time and avoid answering questions for a while. Sarah is like Bristol, an unqualified, uneducated goofball trying to get as much as they can get on what little they have to offer while the getting is good.

  20. Anonymous7:40 AM

    This Rebecca seems to be more of a liability for SP than an asset, at this point.

    If Sarah herself doesn't correct the record, well, it's all very interesting isn't it?

    If she did say the original phrase, then it shows she is defiant and insensitive to the core (surprise). If she didn't, it's an admission that she was using violent rhetoric before, and so she decided to change her language.

    It's a lose, lose. And this RAM has made things worse for her, as with the gun sights map question.

  21. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh, Becky, Becky, Becky. So now Sarah is blaming her father for the origination of the phrase "Don't retreat, reload"? It was HIS favorite saying? So daughter is innocent in quoting his quote, isn't she then? Oh, please.

    6:44 AM

    :( :( :( :( :(

    Sarah might as well blame her father for that phrase "Don't Retreat Reload", he is the man that actually has to carry her rifle and load and reload her rifle for her so that she can shoot a non-moving caribou five times before she actually hits it.

  22. Anonymous7:41 AM

    From Syrin's Blog (part of the Vegas speech):

    She even cites her children’s Christian names as evidence of her outdoorswoman cred. “Piper was named after Todd’s airplane, the Piper cub, which gets us to the hunting grounds,” she explains. “Bristol, Bristol Bay fishing grounds. Willow, a local sport-fishing stream. Trig, I pull the TRIG-ger. Track… I remember when we told my dad that his grandson was named Track, he said, &Like TRACKing an elephant”


    So, when explaing her kid's names, how many different stories is she going to tell ??

    I can't keep track any more - does anyone recall any of the other stories she told about the origin of her kid's names ?

  23. hey beckey, how many shots does it take to "survey" a caribou? six?

  24. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Crystal Sage....You are so right! Palin gets headlines for DOING NOTHING. There is absolutely no comparison between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and failed vp candidate/1/2 term quitter governor/reality star Sarah Palin. Even my old right wing mother sees through SP's bullshit and likes Hillary nowadays.

  25. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Did Chuckles or Twitler ever serve in the military?

    Didn't think so.

    So stop using military terminology, you frauds.

  26. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Is it my imagination, but does RAM's nose get longer every time I see that photo?

  27. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I hate to be catty but Mansuer really, really needs a good moisturizer!!

  28. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Wow ! Now there's a "2-bagger" !

    (In case mine falls off)

  29. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Sarah Palin and the moose

  30. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Internet Study: Sarah Palin And Ron Paul Have 75% Negative Online Ratings Since Arizona Shooting

    The five words and phrases most closely associated with Sarah Palin in online postings during the past three weeks were anti-Semitic, Arizona shooting, blood libel, Christian, and Congress.

    These terms were associated with Palin on the Internet in the period since Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D.-Ariz.) was shot in Tuscon, Arizona .

    According to a study conducted by Zeta Interactive for HUMAN EVENTS, the online content about Palin during the period of Jan. 10-27 was 75% negative.

  31. Gasman8:06 AM

    RAM, you can jam it right up your ass, you lying bitch. Palin's "RELOAD" simply got too much airplay on your beloved FauxNews and the internet for you to now claim that was not REALLY what Palin said. Please provide verifiable evidence of Palin EVER saying "'Don't retreat, stand tall" prior to her speech in Reno.

    You and your mistress are laughably inept and hypocritical. If you really believed that Palin's bull's eye ad or the "reload" statement had no effect at inciting violence, they why have you axed the ad and altered her tag line? It seems that such actions are at least a tacit admission that you know Palin's words DO have a motivating effect on her batshit crazy followers.

    Your problem is that you hang around with and work for stupid people, so you seem to assume that everyone else is that stupid as well. If you would emerge from the Palin echo chamber occasionally you might realize that very few people are actually as imbecilic as the Palins. Aside from her cadre of flying monkeys, NOBODY is gullible enough to swallow the bullshit that you and Palin are shoveling.

    What is it like playing monkey for a simpleton organ grinder?

    Dance, monkey, dance.

  32. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The bots are wantin' some literary attention:

    "A Poem For Palin"

    Ode to Sarah: Palin is honored with literary contest via Twitter announcement

    'Given the huge amount of love, respect and admiration for Sarah Palin, as indicated by her 2.5 million Facebook followers it was considered that there needed to be an avenue for those creatively minded supporters to express theri sincere feelings in the immortal language of love-poetry.'

  33. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I'm not being catty or anything, but if that is a picture of RAM, it sure looks like a male in female attire. Look at the facial features.

    Is that really RAM?

  34. Anonymous8:22 AM

    This is sick:

    The Tucson massacre that wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others did not stop Arizona gun dealers from selling high-powered semiautomatics last week to buyers who said they couldn't pass background checks.

    The sales were captured on undercover video by private detectives working for NYC Mayor Bloomberg's crusade against illegal guns. The detectives went to the Crossroads of the West gun show in Phoenix on Jan.23 to expose the deadly loopholes in America's gun background check system.

    The investigators bought Sig Sauer and Smith & Wesson 9-mm. semiautomatics with high-capacity magazines, even after telling the gun dealers they "probably couldn't pass" a background check. Gun shows are exempt from background checks, but vendors can't legally sell to anyone they think is prohibited from buying them.

    Detectives also bought without any background check the same kind of Glock 9-mm. semiautomatic with a 33-round extended magazine that Jared Lee Loughner used in his Jan. 8 Tucson rampage.

  35. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Bekka it's time to go.

  36. Anonymous8:27 AM

    +++ A journalist from the Reno Gazette-Journal, whose paper I imagine insists that it's reporters strive for accuracy? ++++

    You must be new here.

  37. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:29 AM

    What's more astounding than the Queen's faithful knuckleheads believing the twists, turns and lies being spun by her media lapdog to nullify SP's inconvenient bleats of the past, is the fact that the Quitter gets SO much play on supposedly "liberal" HuffPo. Let's see if they cooperate with the upcoming "Palin media blackout."

    And ain't it a coinky-dink that this arranged "blackout" goes into effect right after the Todd news broke, with seemingly more info to come? Hmmmm.

  38. Gasman8:36 AM

    I swiped this from a poster at HuffPo:

    In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

    1) Has a grandiose sense of self-impor tance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

    2) Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    3) Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

    4) Requires excessive admiration

    5) Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

    6) Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

    7) Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

    8) Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

    9) Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

    REMIND YOU of anybody in particular?

    Nine out of nine. Impressive.

  39. In this case, the Reno Gazette-Journal didn't report on many parts of the speech or on Sarah's introduction of Chuck. If RAM wants to point out that Sarah Palin doesn't have one shred of decency and made a point to repeat her 'Reload' slogan, I'll take her word for it.

    Sarah has attributed the slogan to her father in the past but, wherever she picked it up, she has taken it to be her own.

  40. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Well, if what Palin's PR hack says is true, it's just proves once again what an insensitive moron Palin really is. She should have kept her mouth shut. But then she has to keep up her cred with the gun nutters.

    I saw the story on HP, too. Yeah Sarah, everything is about you. Too bad money can't buy you some empathy. Loser.


  41. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I am tired of FOX et al calling her Governor also, too.

    Went to Emily Post online and found this...

    I’m unhappy when I hear former Presidents and other ex-officials addressed as “Mister.” Doesn’t this belittle their importance? I was taught to address someone with the highest title or position they’ve achieved in their career.

    You’ve waded into the quagmire of what’s “proper” here, so bear with me. When addressing a former President of the United States in a formal setting, the correct form is “Mr. LastName.” (“President LastName” or “Mr. President” are terms reserved for the current head of state.) This is true for other ex-officials, as well.

    When talking about the person to a third party, on the other hand, it’s appropriate to say, “former President LastName.” This holds for introductions, as well: A current state governor is introduced as “Governor Tom Smith,” while you’d introduce an ex-governor as “former Governor Jim Bell.”

    Now, let’s wade a bit deeper. In an informal setting (such as a private lunch), it’s acceptable to use the title the ex-official held. Here, you could refer to former President Jimmy Carter as either “President Carter” or “Mr. Carter.”

    Finally, if the person you’re lunching with held more than one previous position—say, judge and ambassador—you’ll want to know which title he or she prefers.


    Ok, Emily. So if I understand this correctly, when Hannity introduces SP to the audience he should say "Former Governor" and never "Governor". When he is interviewing her and asks her a question, he must say "Mrs. Palin" and never "Governor".

    If Hannity and SP go to lunch he can call her Governor all he wants.

    There, I feel better now.

  42. Anonymous8:54 AM

    If there were honesty in signatures; this would be Sarah's:
    "Former Governor, proven liar".

  43. The Democratic "target map" consisted of bow and arrow targets, indicating states they wanted to win.....and that was 7 YEARS AGO!!

    Palin's map had targets that are from the inside of a RIFLE SCOPE, and she linked them DIRECTLY to the CANDIDATES in their districts, PALIN SINGLED OUT SPECIFIC PERSONS.

    The scope marks were on the districts, but Palin herself only referred to the specific candidates that were targeted, NOT the districts, along with her dog whistle "don't retreat ....RELOAD".

    She said THAT every chance she got, including MULTIPLE times on her TLC series.

    That phrase had NOTHING to do with Alaska.

    As Gabby Gifford struggles with rehabilitation after nearly losing her life, she is unable to speak up for herself, because Gabby was one of the first to complain about these rifle targets aimed at her and her district, on national TV.

    Instead Gabby is to be repeatedly insulted by Sarah Palin, claiming HERSELF to be the victim of "blood libel"

    Gabby Gifford is of the Jewish faith and this phrase has been used for centuries to jeopardize the Jews, as recently as in Germany during the 2nd world war.

    Her own Father said that the only enemy she ever had was the Teaparty, that Palin whips up with her violent rhetoric.

    Rep. Gifford is beloved by her constituents and representatives from BOTH sides of the aisle.

    While the love keeps pouring in from all corners for Gabby Gifford, Sarah sends nothing but h8

  44. Molly9:05 AM

    I'm sorry, but why should journalists even take emails from this woman when she refuses to have a picture of herself published (is that really her?), refuses to be video-interviewed, and has actually said she is only speaking for herself, not for Sarah?

    Why are journalists using what this cypher says to them in emails?

    And on that same note, why are journalists paying attention to Sarah Palin, who also refuses to be actually interviewed by a real journalist since the Katie Couric debacle?

    BTW Sarah, if you WERE responsible for the uprising in Egypt, I'd have to applaud you. Instead you are afraid of being "blamed" for teh events in Egypt. Once again, you have NO IDEA what's going on or even what SIDE you should be cheering on. Typical.

    Oh, and Sarah? If you're relying on Fox for the location of Egypt, they have a different opinion of where that lovely country is located that doesn't jibe with the rest of the world's opinion of the location. They report, we decide if they're bonkers or not.

  45. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I'd say it's a good thing that SP's only comment about Egypt was made as a comedian instead of a statesman.

  46. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Palin credited her father for telling her don't retreat, reload. So, with did he mean? Go vote? Lol
    It is obvious he did not use it to encourage her to learn, be more prepared nor armed with knowledge.

  47. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Why can't this somewhat well-known female Lebanese American be as lovable as Jamie Farr (Corp. Maxwell Klinger of M*A*S*H) or Casey Kasem?

    Isn't it ironic that this falafel lady is desirable to Sarah when Andree McLeod fell from her graces for trying to take Sarah's challenge that Alaska citizens hold her transparent and accountable?

    Hey RAM, you failed screenwriter and in-over-your-head-political-consultant-but-ironically-is-in-league-with-the-failed-VP-Republican-2008-candidate, SDSU.

  48. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Molly @ 9:05 a.m. - ditto!

  49. To Anonymous at 8:51 re: proper honorific: Tina Fey said it best. "That would be like calling me 'Pizza Hut Employee Fey'. I used to be that, but I quit."

  50. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Another Palin use of the phrase that incites violent words and actions:

    When Dr. Laura said the N word repeatedly on her show- that's another place to use the magic Palin phrase. Dr. Laura quit/was fired. Mid August 2010.

    Via twitler's twitter:

    Dr.Laura:don’t retreat…reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence”isn’t American,not fair”)

    and also too- some more constitutional nonsense from twitler:

    Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists. And b thankful 4 her voice,America!

    Did she or didn't she- well no doubt she used it here. How this has anything to do with surveying-it doesn't.
    It has to do with guns and ammunition,and staying on the offense (go get 'em ) and that is it.

  51. @7:41. She's also claimed that Bristol was named for Bristol, CT where ESPN has its headquarters. And I thought the 1st explanation for Trig's name was that it was a Norse god.

  52. Anonymous9:48 AM

    This just in:

    Sarah Palin, terrified that her most recent public appearance garnered so little media attention, assigned her favorite goon with the task of making a stink about the one report media report that did surface.

    Team Palin fails again at everything except being immature.

  53. Virginia Voter9:50 AM


    Sorry, can't help it . It's the first thing that pos into my head when I see Beckys picture. Hell, I wouldn't want my picture taken either.

  54. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Is it just me, or whenever I hear about RAM Selina pops into mind. I keep thinking of that younger singer whose manager/biggest fan ended up killing her. I am not saying anyone should or would hurt Sarah. The blind following just reminds me or her.


  55. Anonymous10:04 AM

    And, why does Sarah Palin always need a family relative in the audience when she's "working"? Or need one of her children with her.

    Has Sarah ever earned a living without member/members of her family right under her skirt? It's a strange behavior in light of her trying to prove she'd be a great leader. Seems she has an unhealthy fear of being alone.

  56. Anonymous10:20 AM

    So every time I see Rebecca Mansour I start looking over my shoulders for the Flying Monkeys straight out of the Wizard of Oz... Take a hard look at that mug and tell me the truth... Hear that laugh?? See that broom?? That hat??


  57. Hey! Bekka Mansewer:

    $arah really IS an ignorant slut. She says that the media boycott will prevent them from blaming her for the uprising in Egypt. Doesn't she know that the uprising in Egypt is because the people want a Democracy?

    Well, at least $he can't take credit FOR the uprising since she probably can't even find Egypt on a map.

  58. Anonymous10:28 AM

    It's time for an English lesson, since according to Sarah, words and actions do have consequences. (Or so she said after the David Kernell trial). When Sarah quoted Chuck who was supposed to have said, she's not retreating, she's reloading, that meant that Sarah would be back again to fight another day. (According to "Going Rouge," Chuck Heath said this in reference to Sarah's quitting her job as governor of Alaska. Even if the book was ghost written and they took some liberties with Chuck's words, Sarah claims it as her authentic autobiography, not as a work of fiction).

    Definitions for "standing tall" are to be brave, proud, confident of your abilities. Nothing in standing tall implies coming back to fight another day. To stand tall can also be to stand out from the crowd, make yourself a bigger target, stand your ground but the most common definition was to be proud.

    The problem with Sarah using that phrase, "Don't retreat, reload," is that the original inspiration was supposed to be: "Palin also hinted at her own national ambitions, invoking a quote that she credited to Gen. Douglas MacArthur: “We are not retreating; we are advancing in another direction.”

    Quotes made at the time of the event are most reliable. All of the embellishment and changes that occur later don't count nearly as much. So, Palin was heading in a different direction, not back into battle. If I have to interpret that quote, I'd say that Palin was heading towards the cash register to count to proceeds from a book tour, $100,000.speeches, a gig with Fox and hopefully the moon, as long as she was dreaming. Stand tall, Sarah, stand tall. You might need some extra high heels to be proud of what you have accomplished.

  59. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I just realized what "Don't retreat, reload" really means. It means that if you miss the caribou on the first five shots, your dad will reload your rifle for you and you get another do-over. It's just like saying surveyors symbols instead of cross hairs.

  60. Hannah10:36 AM

    Okay, at my age (46), I do indeed respect and love my father, but this hero worship Mrs. Palin has for her own father is getting kind of creepy, isn't it? Their relationship seems stunted, or perhaps it is Sarah Palin's own emotional growth that is stunted at age 12-13 or there-abouts. This is so strange to me.

  61. wasanontilnow10:39 AM

    Griffen, I'm just here to beg you not to follow the herd and join the "no Palin for a month" club.

    It is my firm belief that a month out of the news is what SP really NEEDS right now because she is so horribly over-exposed. I believe that by ignoring her for a month the media will be doing her an enormous favor, possibly improving her image, and that by the end of the month people will be dying for news of her.

    Let's not do SP ANY such favors, ok? Don't give her time to dust off!

  62. Anonymous10:40 AM

    We've all been misled it seems. Her favorite phrase was merely taken out of context.

    "Daddy don't retreat, reload this thing for me please, because I don't know how."


  63. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I thought the comparison between sara and Anne Coulter was right on. Neither is a politician, just a political hack commentator. Time for her to go away. Her attempting to take over the headlines about Egypt should prove to any people on the fence that this thing can't even get out of the way of world events without trying to turn the attention to her. Go away please. Let these sites focus on your criminal activity up there in Alaska and not have to keep reporting on your shameless grab for attention and of course more money for you.

  64. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Martha, so true, so true. It is heartbreaking what Gabby Giffords now has to go through.

    I had hoped that after Sarah and Sean's attempt to show that Dem graphic with the bullseyes on it, people would come forward and point out the very huge difference from a gun sight image. Thank you for doing that. The Dem stuff could be a dart board, for goodness sakes! It's about having a goal, not using a gun.

    Sarah's map used - knowingly - the very dangerous symbol of a gun sight, which can only translate as "aim your gun at this person". No other way to interpret it, particularly as you say because they listed individuals' names.

    I am not saying they literally intended for people to actually do that, but as we see, there are very sick, very unhappy people out there. It was beyond irresponsible and reckless to promote a graphic like that. (I think the Dem image was internal, not for public consumption, though I may be wrong.)

    And if it's true that Sarah was making fun of the man who shot up a TV in frustration about Bristol on DWTS, well, I have no words. She was doing it to say "poor us", "we are targeted all the time", which of course is not true. But to be laughing about it, at all?

    What a sick, sick woman.

  65. hauksdottir11:04 AM

    Her father was a school teacher, wasn't he? Is this how he handled the academic bureaucracy?

    Stand on your principals... after you've turned them into rugs?

    [deliberately misspelled for the pun... I AM shameless]

  66. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Can we take up a collection to get RAM a nose job?

  67. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I don't know Hannah @10:36 -- somehow I don't feel SP has a relationship with her father that's worth a hill of beans. I think everything about her being so in awe of that man is pure theater, a put on for the media that insists on following her every asinine move. They pull the daddy card whenever the heat gets put on -- 'oh, it's just somethin' from Stupid Sarah's childhood.' How many times has that been played over the last two years?

    Much like the 'loving' relationship she has with her props ... er, children.

  68. Anonymous11:29 AM

    You know what I find really strange? Chuck, her father was a school teacher, but Sarah's friends were trying to help her out by encouraging her to be in beauty pageants in order to win a scholarship to college. Sarah keep quitting college to work for money to pay for school, she said.

    How come Chuck didn't want to pay to put Sarah thru college since he was a teacher?

    This all seems very strange to me.

  69. Anonymous12:56 PM

    With all the money that Sarah has spent on plastic surgery lately, it seems like maybe her surgeon would give RAM a discount.

  70. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Why the hell does Sarah keep hiring hacks that are WAYYYY over their heads? Stapletongue and RAM have done nothing but react to things. It's like that crazy friend/relative everyone has. Tells a lie, gets caught, freaks out and yells and you louder and shriller just to "prove" that they were right. Men hate women like that, and women have no time or respect for them.

  71. Anonymous 11:10 was the last straw for me and I must come to RAM's (choke)(cough)(gulp) defense.

    RAM has a very distinctive, attractive nose. Many of you are only revealing your very limited view of beauty.

  72. Anonymous1:33 PM

    RAM bears an uncanny resemblance to the Wicked Witch of the West.

  73. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The Huffpo article described Sarah at her most terrifying, getting a roomful of men all hyped up on hunting & gun talk and then using the fear tactic that Obama is going to take away their 2nd Amendment rights, which made them start booing Obama. She openly said all of this less than 1 month after the AZ tragedy, the woman is pure evil!!!

    Then she said the caribou hunt was really used just to show the possibility of oil production in that area and when the caribou was killed, it just "took 1 for the team". Unbelievable crudeness!!!

    Don't real hunters know she is a total hack and that no one is going to take away their right to hunt legally? Any changes to the law would be to get 30-round semi automatic guns off the streets where they have no place in hunting anyway? Who in their right mind would pay a dime to listen to this psychopath?

  74. Anonymous2:08 PM

    yes, it certainly isn't appropriate for Sarah to have even mentioned the Tucson victims in that Reno speech while making hunters out to be victims because they might have to suffer more gun control.

    I wonder if Sarah is aware what a person who's been through a stroke, or a brain aneurysm, or an injury to the brain has to go through? It's a painful process. Some with less mobility get abcesses, bed sores, lying in bed or sitting in bed, wheelchairs for long periods, which sometimes requires surgery, as they easily get infected. It's easy for us to forget that part of Gabby Gifford's skull had to be removed, and at a later date, surgically placed back. There is inflammation, oedema, painful physical therapy, not to mention the mental discouragement the victim and their close family relatives must endure everyday. It's a process that no one would want themselves or their loved ones to have to go through.

    To have Sarah at the Reno speech make fun of liberals or those who would just ask for stricter controls, she needs to go to rehabs, hospitals and visit these victims for herself, but I doubt it would teach her anything. The woman has no feelings.

  75. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I blame Palin for what happened in do many others. Her rhetoric has been horrid since she was on the campaign trail w/McCain and it continues to be.

    She has assuredly put things in people's minds...there is much anger out there and she feeds into it. She needs to be watched and countered every step of the way.

  76. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Curiouser, you are brave and noble in your efforts to defend RAM. It's not that she is just physically ugly. It's that her ugliness emanates from the INSIDE as well.

    Sarah pays RAM a lot of money to write a Facebook post here and there. She must have a lot of free time. No doubt it is to read and "comment" on the blogs. What a pathetic, sad life. Not your own, but in service of someone else - someone not even as smart as you are.

  77. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I agree with you, Curiouser. I think we should limit our comments about Becky's ugliness to her character.


  78. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I think it's very bizarre that ram always calls her the governor. Yes she was a governor but SHE QUIT!
    She is a quitter and no amount of spin can change that.

    The other weird thing is why is RAM even there. She has no political experience. She isn't getting paid nearly enough for the amount of time she spends obsessing and doting on Sarah. I find it very odd as do others.
    With this amateur team of worshippers, how can she run for president.

  79. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Crystal Sage, I also look over the Huffington Post before I head on over to IM. I have stopped clicking on links to her on the Post.

    I know she has made an art of provocative statements, but I now do all my commenting regarding her antics on only one or two private sites.

    I'm sure the sight of her sucking up all that attention is infuriating the old guard GOP. There was a time, long ago, when this party had some dignity.

  80. So that's what little Bekka looks like ? In the words of the immortal Austin Powers..."That's a man, Baby !"

  81. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Was Ramsour this way when she was a liberal?
    Did her personality "sour" when she got mad
    that Obama didn't appreciate her? Was she
    always a hateful toady looking for a receptive
    ignoramus? I can't imagine anyone who was a
    natural-born liberal turning into this slobbering
    mess, groveling at Sarah Palin's feet for attention.
    She had to have been a fake liberal. Sarah Palin's
    pet goat.

  82. Anonymous4:20 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    From Syrin's Blog (part of the Vegas speech):

    She even cites her children’s Christian names as evidence of her outdoorswoman cred. “Piper was named after Todd’s airplane, the Piper cub, which gets us to the hunting grounds,” she explains. “Bristol, Bristol Bay fishing grounds. Willow, a local sport-fishing stream. Trig, I pull the TRIG-ger. Track… I remember when we told my dad that his grandson was named Track, he said, &Like TRACKing an elephant”


    So, when explaing her kid's names, how many different stories is she going to tell ??

    I can't keep track any more - does anyone recall any of the other stories she told about the origin of her kid's names ?

    7:41 AM"

    Bristol was named after Bristol, CT where
    ESPN is located. Trig was named after a
    Norse god. Willow was named after a
    bird. Track was named because SS loved
    running. What happened, Sarah? When you
    tell the truth, you don't have to worry about
    remembering 1000 different stories! I'm
    100% sure she is *severely* mentally ill. Ever
    notice they hide her until she gives a speech
    or has an interview? Chick is psycho! They
    keep her chained in the basement on her
    down time. She is a puppet. A retarded
    puppet. Like George W. Bush. *shudders*

  83. Anonymous4:22 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    I blame Palin for what happened in do many others. Her rhetoric has been horrid since she was on the campaign trail w/McCain and it continues to be.

    She has assuredly put things in people's minds...there is much anger out there and she feeds into it. She needs to be watched and countered every step of the way.

    2:09 PM"

    I blame her, and I think she orgasmed at
    the thought someone killed for her.

  84. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I think the hero worship that Hannah commented on is real, and part and parcel of Palin's deeply pathological personality. There are uncanny similarities between Palin and a woman I've been unfortunate to have to deal with in real life. The woman I know was (father now deceased) also an unabashed, over-the-top-in-an-icky-way Daddy's girl.
    So how many siblings does Palin have? If one of them ever writes a tell-all memoir now that would be interesting reading.

  85. Anonymous5:51 PM

    To Anon. 1:33 - Speaking of Wizard of Oz, Sarah reminds me of the combination of TinMan, Lion, and Scarecrow; no heart, no courage and no brain.

  86. Anonymous6:07 PM

    That's RAM? Oh BOY what a nose.

  87. Anonymous6:18 PM

    There goeth the career of RAM as did goeth that of Meghan Stapleton... swirling down the toilet. They're to be forever defiled through their misplaced adoration of the divisive Quitter. History will condemn RAM and Meg as cursed abominations.

  88. Anonymous8:45 PM

    curiouser @1:28, as much as I enjoy your comments, I think you are a bit off base here. people are entitled to their own perspective of beauty. just because it doesn't agree with yours, does not make it limited.


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