Saturday, January 08, 2011

Some prominent Right Wingers to skip this years Conservative Political Action Conference because it is just too "gay."

From the LA Times:

Some prominent right-wing groups say they will not attend a major Republican gathering in Washington next month, objecting to the presence of gay groups and other organizations whose aims they say are incompatible with conservatism.

An estimated 10,000 people are expected to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, to hear aspiring presidential candidates and vote in one of the first straw polls of the 2012 cycle.

Among the missing will be the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group and once a sponsor of CPAC; the Heritage Foundation; and the American Family Assn., which opposes same-sex marriage.

The Family Research Council has been disenchanted for several years with CPAC, said Tom McClusky, senior vice president of the group's legislative arm. Among its complaints: A new gay conservative group has been invited for the second year in a row, and CPAC has refused to schedule a panel about traditional marriage.

"Conservatives and homosexuals cannot coexist in a movement predicated on social values," wrote the group's president, Tony Perkins, in an e-mail to supporters. "Organizations whose whole reason for existence is to promote the forced public affirmation of homosexual conduct should not be welcomed at CPAC."

Is it wrong that I am loving this so much?

Here is the country's chance to see exactly how much hate there is within the Republican party for the homosexual community, just in case there was any doubt before.

However if the GOP has any hope of surviving intact they are going to HAVE to start reaching out to the gay community, as well as to other groups they usually ignore like Hispanics, blacks, and women, much more effectively.  Which of course means that either the fundamentalists bite the bullet (Or some other phallic symbol of their choosing) and get with the program or they splinter off into their very own Jesus loving/faggot hating political group, and try to siphon off support from the newly outed Republican party.

Personally I vote for option two. 

I just don't think that most conservatives are going to be able to deal with the idea of rubbing....let's say shoulders, with the gay community without fear of getting "teh gay" on them.

Just check out how freaked out this CNS reporter is by the very idea of sharing a shower with homosexuals in the military.


  1. Anonymous6:05 AM

    "Conservatives and homosexuals cannot coexist in a movement predicated on social values."

    An assault on the poor and the middle class in the guise of tax cuts for the rich is "social values"? Our fellow Americans dying needlessly for lack of healthcare is a "social value"?

    C'Mon man!

  2. i love the ever quotable barney frank. yes he is a politician and has made some iffy decisions especially in the financial sector in the past, but i love the fact that he is open and unashamed, as he should be, of his life. he is ever quotable and very good at winning arguments as well. i am glad that he mostly fights the good fight.

    the phobias of the gop always come back to haunt them. too bad they can't recognize that the "big gay agenda" seeks to protect and ensure their rights as well.

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I think bullets are just about the right size for a conservative phallic symbol - I'd say about a .22 though symbolic, is also most realistic.

  4. Anonymous6:34 AM

    This is random but has Levi's show been green lighted yet? I need to know when to shoot my tv. The sad part of the whole Levi ordeal is that is further reveals the dumbing down of America. The kid is lifeless and unintelligible, his sister is insane, his mother will probably die soon, his father is a deadbeat, he's broke as fuck and more desperate than a 16 yr old girl. He offers nothing to the world and will be laughed off the political stage up there if his plans progress.

    He's the butt of any decent person's joke and he doesn't realize that.

  5. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Maybe $arah should be looking under Tony Perkins' and others' beds. The Republicans think they are the only ones who can use the term "conservative," but run away from conservative methods to take care of the environment and God's creations, Earth and people. They revere the Bible and the Constitution, but make little to no effort to abide by them. They are greedy jokes, pure and simple.

  6. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Why do you have to hate so many people different than you to be a conservative?

  7. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I am reminded of the furor in my little town when it was rumored that the local bar was going to be reborn as a gay bar. The horror. Like there wasn't a single gay person in Outer Podunk already? If you build it -- gay bar -- they will come and we might catch it.

    I'm not up on all of Barney Frank's policy decisions, but I luv him for this interview.

  8. Anonymous7:07 AM

    "We don't get ourselves dry cleaned!" I love Barney Frank.

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    "Conservatives and homosexuals cannot coexist in a movement predicated on social values," wrote the group's president, Tony Perkins, in an e-mail to supporters. "Organizations whose whole reason for existence is to promote the forced public affirmation of homosexual conduct should not be welcomed at CPAC."

    One thing I have learned over the years about the "RELIGIOUS" of any ilk is that you "aint got a godly religion if you aint got someone or some groupe to HATE!"


    "forced public affirmation of homosexual conduct should not be welcomed at CPAC." NO SIREEE, YOU BECHA!!!

    However, it is perfectly acceptable to force "YOUR BRAND OF RELIGION" on everyone else! YOU BECHA!!

    If any of these bible thumping hypocrites ever read THE BOOK they would not need a NATIONAL PRAYER DAY but go into their closit to pray as stated in THE BOOK that they should do! I mean really, how much fun would any RELIGION be if their members couldn't have someone to HATE and feel superior to, only because the non-members choose to use their brain, science and common sense instead of quoting from a book of collected ancient fables and myths that were created long before the christionist era!

    Before any or you bible thumping fundie hypocrites go off on responding to my post please go to (Ezekiel 4:12-13)
    and follow your god's orders to eat sh*t!

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Good riddance, those absent just makes it easier for us to identify the hate groups that still hang on to racism, class distinction, sexism, emulate Sarah Palin and work hard not to ignore differences, but strive to keep inequities alive.

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Right, the party's tent is for homophobes and racists. No two ways about it.

  12. When will the CPAC realize that pretty soon they are going to consist of a few aging white men? This hysteria over gays is absolutely ridiculous. America is moving on. Conservatism, in my opinion, is remaining rooted in the best of the past, the core values, while looking firmly to the future. Antihomosexuality is not a core value, nor is it useful for the future.

  13. Anonymous7:54 AM

    "We don't get ourselves dry cleaned."
    BEST quote of the day, perhaps even the week!

    For heaven's sake, people, being gay is NOT contagious and you don't catch it by being in proximity to someone who is, regardless of the state of undress. The flu, you might catch, but definitely not Teh Gay!

    A person of any sexual orientation is not going to try to hit on someone who clearly fears and/or despises them. I've had many LGBT friends, acquaintances and colleagues over the years and have never been hit on, because they knew I was not interested and it would be a waste of time and effort. Why on earth would you make a pass at someone whom you KNOW is not attracted to someone of your particular gender? The notion that gay and lesbian soldiers are suddenly going to start attacking their straight colleagues is patently absurd and worthy of nothing but ridicule.

  14. God loves everybody but gays, blacks, brown people, fill in the blank with Conservatives. I have had my fill of them within my own family. Tolerance of others viewpoint is one thing. To listen to their insane ranting of how God is love BUT hate comes from their mouth is one thing I will not put up with.

  15. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Wasn't there an episode of Seth MacFarlane's 'American Dad' similar to this?

    These lunatics are such caricatures. My stomach would be in knots if I had this much irrational hate in my body all the frickin' time.

  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    WHY the hell would you ever consider being a Republican if you were gay? And a Conservative, no less????

    I have no desire to ever be a part of a group that despises me and does everything possible to deny me my legal, financial and human rights.

  17. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I say good! Let them have the rhetoric. These self-righteous imbeciles are merely outing themselves as bigots. They are not representative of Republicans.

    While they preach and pat one another on the back, we accomplish good things. A Republican was the first to call for the passage of a comprehensive national health-insurance plan. A Republican created the Clean Air Act, the EPA, and OSHA. A Republican infuriated the far right by creating the Cost of Living Council to try to control prices and wages, a venture that a middle-aged Donald Rumsfeld was placed in charge of.

    Also, too, Gerald Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller as his VP (lol). And Betty stuck it to the Christian conservatives by openly and vociferously supporting a woman´s right to choose, i.e. abortion.

    We have our moments (and fun!).

  18. Wasn't there an episode of Seth MacFarlane's 'American Dad' similar to this?

    Not sure if they did an episode. I have it with my own family. My mother is the only sane one. My dad married a woman just like him. A good christian who hates who he hates. I know not all Christians are not this way. Just that we hear the loud mouths more so then the people who are sane.

  19. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "Which of course means that either the fundamentalists bite the bullet (or some other phallic symbol of their choosing)..."

    Best line I've read in a long time--sounds like something Stewart or Colbert would come up with!

  20. "Gay Republican" has never seemed right to me. Like "Jewish Republican" (Eric Cantor is scum), "Black Republican", etc.

    Why would any self-respecting gay, Jew, black, hispanic, etc want to identify with such a group which clearly hates gays, Jews, blacks, hispanics, etc?

  21. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Republican = Racial policy of Nazi Germany

    The racial policy of Nazi Germany was a set of policies and laws implemented by Nazi Germany, asserting the superiority of the "Aryan race", and based on a specific racist doctrine which claimed scientific legitimacy. It was combined with a eugenics programme that aimed for racial hygiene by using compulsory sterilizations and extermination of the Untermensch (or "sub-humans"), and which eventually culminated in the Holocaust. These policies targeted peoples, in particular Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and handicapped people, who were labeled as "inferior" in a racial hierarchy that placed the Herrenvolk (or "master race") of the Volksgemeinschaft (or "national community") at the top, and ranked Slavs,[1][2] Romani, persons of color and Jews at the bottom.[3][4]


  22. Merry9:17 AM

    Get out the popcorn, put your feet up and enjoy this supremely amusing meltdown. G-d, I love it!

  23. laprofesora9:30 AM

    Three years ago we went to the 25th anniversary party of dear friends, who happen to be gay. That's almost 30 years of a committed relationship. Can you say the same Newt Gingrich? John Ensign? Mark Sanford? David Vitter? Rush Limbaugh? The hypocrisy goes on and on.

  24. Anonymous10:00 AM

    OT but democratic Rep. Giffords was shot in the head a short time ago in AZ in Tucson. No news on her condition.

  25. "Why would any self-respecting gay, Jew, black, hispanic, etc want to identify with such a group which clearly hates gays, Jews, blacks, hispanics, etc?"

    That's an easy one: they're not self-respecting. They hate themselves, are ashamed of who they are. They've bought into the hate.

    An excellent example are the Log Cabin Rethugs. A more twisted, self-hating bunch you'd be hard-pressed to find.

    laprof: On January 8, 1968 I moved in with my partner, and we've been together ever since.

    NB: I was three-years-old at the time!

  26. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Please don't use "Jesus loving" when describing these people any more, even if you are doing so tongue in cheek. Just because they say the love Jesus, or freedom, or family values, doesn't mean they do. I'm standing up for Jesus here. He's a great guy and they are assholes.

  27. Please don't use "Jesus loving" when describing these people any more, even if you are doing so tongue in cheek.

    I usually use christian for the hatemongers. I know there are loving Christians, people of all faiths, and non believers who are decent.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.