Friday, January 07, 2011

Top Ten Little Known Facts About John Boehner

Just a little comedy to cleanse of palate of that nasty Sarah Palin aftertaste.

You know, the same reason that Todd, may or may not, go to see prostitutes.


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Here's another zinger of an article, that calls her out on her ACTUAL record, not the one that she manufactures.

    It's a Mystery Why the Tea Party
    Loves Sarah Palin

    Apparently few of the Tea Party faithful are familiar with her record back in Alaska. As governor, she ran the kind of big government they despise and showed a slick politician's slippery regard for ethical propriety and truth.

    While governor, Sarah Palin supported and signed the largest tax increase in Alaska's history. That change in oil taxes, which she dubbed ACES ("Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share"), cost the state's largest industry an extra $4 billion.

    In 2007, the first full year of her term, she and the Legislature added $1.4 billion to the previously passed budget. For that year, Alaska state government spent 50 percent more, per resident, than the next highest spending state.

    As governor, Palin vetoed some pork barrel items state legislators stuffed into the budget, but she did not reverse the steady growth of state government spending. In fact, she pushed through the kind of expensive government handout a Democrat might love. As oil prices spiked to $140, and oil money poured into the treasury, she persuaded the Legislature to give each Alaskan - man, woman and child -- an extra $1,200 of state money as an "energy rebate."

    ...Sarah Palin's appeal to politically-alienated anti-government conservatives in the Lower 48 dumbfounds those of us who witnessed her career in Alaska. She criticizes big government, but she ran a big government in Alaska and gave it more money. She ran as an ethics crusader, but she took advantage of loopholes in ethics laws. She routinely defended herself with the classic politician's excuse -- what I did wasn't against the law.

    If Tea Partiers would think for a moment before lapping up Palin's anti-government platitudes, they'd see Sarah Palin for what she is: one more ambitious, angle-playing politician who will do or say whatever it takes to further her career.

    ps. John Boehner is scum.

  2. Anonymous7:30 PM

    See someone writing about you on media insider blog. They say you work for Palins marketing team and other things. Just FYI from a long term reader

  3. People keep talking about the "mediainsider" blog but I can't find it on google. Must just be a hack sort of thing that shows up in other search engines? I've seen a person post here with that name but there is no links to blogs on their profile.

  4. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I think it should be added to the list that Palin was more MIA in her Gov job than she worked. If there were records to calculate by, you'd find the higher percentage would be her being MIA yet she continued to charge her per diem in addition to her salary and perk benefits.

    I also recall about the bumperstickers of Where's Sarah.

  5. Anonymous8:54 PM

    McCain will get jealous if Snooki strikes up a relationship with Boner, the House Grim Weeper, as McCain will be afraid he'll loose his Twitter friend!

  6. Anonymous10:38 PM

    @7:30 - that "blog" is just bad news. Period.

  7. Anonymous10:59 PM

    If I recall, Media Insider was someone that posted on IM and then started their own blog. I don't know the site name. The comments were like they knew about the contract that the celebs sign on DWTS and stuff like that. Acting like they were 'in the know' of things but who knows.

  8. Anonymous11:01 PM


    BTW, it isn't Media Insider who suspects Gryphen of being a Palin double agent. It is a reader.

  9. Anonymous12:47 AM

    AKAPetMom at
    8:38 P.M.

    You are looking for:

  10. Anonymous3:18 AM

    The bigger the idiot, the harder they fall.

  11. Anonymous3:21 AM

    As far as the poster at MI, probably the same one saying that you are actually AWTF. Bots...they're hysterical!

  12. Anonymous4:22 AM

    >>>AKPetMom said...

    People keep talking about the "mediainsider" blog but I can't find it on google. Must just be a hack sort of thing that shows up in other search engines? I've seen a person post here with that name but there is no links to blogs on their profile.

    AKPetMom, here's what you are looking for:

  13. Anonymous4:35 AM

    It's in the post called Todd Palin lies or something like that. Comments near the end at the momemt;

  14. This is off-topic, but have you seen where a story has been leaked that SP's AK will not be renewed and tomorrow's finale is the real finale? I think the source of the story is Entertainment Weekly. Does this confirm that the hillbillies are moving to a much hotter state? What's happening at the Wasilla Compound? I would certainly like to see an updated report on that!

    (By the way, the Kindle edition of The Palin Matrix was released this morning.)

  15. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I think MI works for the Palins; that site was created to take readers from I M & PG ( she came onto both blogs to do so). She stirs up interest in the Palins by publishing innuendo & rumor based on no verifiable sources. But she keeps all of you gossiping about the Palins (which has a PR return for them), & has ruined the comments section here & PG w/ all the people quoting her non-verifiable stuff. It's total distraction & deflection from getting to the real issues. Remember how Bree was all about facts & what could be proved? MI = the opposite.

  16. Anonymous7:03 AM

    o/t is there a reason why "Loving Levi..." isn't on imdb anymore?

  17. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I think media insider is a nice and fun person so please don't be hard on her!!! She states clearly that it is all gossip and not proven!! She does have contacts in the media though and she reports what they say.

    Not every blog pretends to be straight news. She/ he doesn't pretend to be a serious journalist.

    Also she/he has not said anything negative about Grypben or other bloggers. The comment referred to above is by someone else.

    Her blog is meant to be fun- any topic is allowed and no creepy Palinbot posts allowed. It's a gossip blog period!
    I hope no one ruins it.

    I thought the comments about Gryphen and Phil were hilarious because they are so untrue!! The poster acts like she knows all about the Palins too.

    One more thing---- there is a very interesting comment at WTF Alaska about this whole prostitute Todd Palin story. What they are implying is that this planted story about Todd and FEMALE prostitutes is meant to distract ( shiny object) from the REAL story. doesn't this sound palinesque??
    And they imply the real story is about Todd being with MALE prostitutes. The person wrote we should all look for this story to be coming out in the news soon.


  18. Anonymous8:30 AM

    @7:42 -
    Wordpress gives the blog owner the IPs of all those who post a comment on it, FYI.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.