Monday, January 24, 2011

Ted Haggard goes overboard to convince people of his heterosexuality by recreating image of gay bathhouse featuring his own half naked children. Wait, what?

Hey!  I think I have finally found a family even more dysfunctional than the Palins!

The above is from an article coming out in February from GQ magazine.  But that is not all of the "homophobic minister kicked out of his church for having gay sex with male prostitute only to deny it later and try to start a new church" craziness coming our way.

The honorable Reverend Mr. Haggard also has a little film called "Scandalous" playing on cable right now. (No it is not a gay porno movie!  Thank God.) Which is about Haggards attempts to convince the world that he absolutely did not have hot sweaty sex with that gay prostitute, and that the whole thing was a simple misunderstanding that he hopes like hell the Christian community is stupid enough to will believe.

"Will gays be welcome in your church?"

"Oh absolutely! The more the merrier!  As a matter of fact I think the place should be wall to wall gay men, all pressed up together with their hot writhing bodies rubbing against each other as they praise the Lord until they reach a climax of ...OW OW honey why are you squeezing my hand so tightly?"

You know Ted Haggard is exhibit "A" in illustrating just how brainwashed these poor people are by the Christian church. Even after their sexuality has been revealed for all of the world to see, they are still desperate to bottle it back up and portray themselves as the complete opposite of what their biology and heart are telling them is true about themselves.

I feel very badly for anybody who is so self loathing that they cannot be open about who they really are.

And really, how long do we think Ted can keep it padlocked in his closet this time? And what happens to his wife, his kids, and himself, when he loses the battle and finally gives into his desires?

It would be so much simpler if people in the church could be loved and accepted for who they truly are, and not for pretending to be what the church finds acceptable. I wonder if there was ever a prophet connected to that religion who preached tolerance, love, and acceptance?  If there were perhaps they might consider following the teachings of that guy.

Just a thought.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    It's 8:00 AM here in New England. Do you ever sleep?

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    No picture, just a big blue square with a little square in the middle and a question mark in the middle of that.

  3. Freudian Slip? reveled instead of revealed. Hee. Ted Haggard is a pathetic excuse for a human. Not because he is gay, but because he is a fraud. And he has victimized his family and countless other people. Reminds me of someone else ....Hmmm.

  4. Virginia Voter4:52 AM

    You have got to be fucking kidding me...this is on TLC?? I know I was right to boycott that channel since SP Alaska. They should be ashamed to feature this hypocritical sack of shit on their network.

    What else is gay prostitute loving Ted gonna do to support his family? Has has no real world skills, so he has to go back to the well of stupid, vulnerable idiots to drain dry once more.

    Hucksters like Ted Haggard, and Bristol and Sarah Palin who invoke the name of God to justify their heinous acts should burn in hell.

  5. This seems to be place to post Roy Zimmerman's tune, "Ted Haggard Is Completely Heterosexual":

  6. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Jesus comes to mind, but most Christian churches are too busy following the admonitions of Paul, who was also self-loathing but not in a Jewish way.

    I've been a member of 13 different denominations during my lifetime, and gotten kicked out of a few for asking uncomfortable questions. Don't go to any now, and have never had a more spiritual connection to the Source. Wonder why?

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Pathetic. Here is a person who found out how easy it is to fool the faithful, and he did. Made tons of money at it. Even after being disgraced, he is STILL trying to get back on the gravy train. Surprised he has not gone into the other scam artist money making scheme - politics. Makes me wonder what scam $carah will go into next. Haggard is truly ugly inside and out.

  8. Anonymous5:19 AM

    I'm guessing woefully embarrassed, IF, he has the capacity. Seems like he has stolen a few ideas from scara's playbook. Running out of money, run to reality tv. Disgusting. The idiots that follow after circus clowns like Haggard and Palin and Rush and Ann and Glenda, have no one to blame but themselves for the condition our society is currently suffering from. OT GO Steelers!!!!!!!!Yeahhhhh!!!!!S

  9. Anonymous5:25 AM

    People will do anything for money. Especially, the fundi Christians (in my experience).

  10. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Speaking of the dysfunctional Palins, when are you going to tell us what we're waiting to hear??

  11. Anonymous5:45 AM

    But, but but... he's CURED of teh GAYYYYY!

    Hypocrites. The lot of them.

  12. Anonymous5:51 AM

    HuffPo article says Keith can be back on TV for 2012 election coverage. Can do Internet and radio immediately but not TV for at least 6 months.

  13. Anonymous5:54 AM

    that is a weird family picture !!

  14. KiheiKat5:54 AM

    I saw a show about him a week or two ago. I first turned it off, then back on to see what the #$%% had to say.

    It was like watching Mary Poppins on steroids. When he was talking about welcoming gays into the fold so they would come to love themselves he sounded like he meant it. UNTIL he said something about guiding them from sin. The way he said it. was if he had written it, would have been in very small print. Then he rushed on to something else.
    My take was that he's going start his own program to Cure the Gay. Sleeze bag creep.

    He denied being a homosexual, said human relationships were complex & he did wrong. Said he'd never been or ever would be gay. Gag!

    Loved your post! Still laughing.

  15. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Well, things are starting to look better, even in Texas. The Dallas Morning News runs a feature every Sunday called True Romance where they portray a couple that has either recently married or passed a milestone. This Sunday, for the first time ever, the feature portrayed two men who just reached their 50th anniversary.

  16. KiheiKat6:00 AM

    Whoa, I didn't watch the video before I commented. Just went back & played the video. That is the video I saw in it's entirety. Will stand by my earlier remarks. =)

  17. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Yes, and my flamy male boss who is married to a (clueless?)woman isn't gay either.

    After all, he has reproduced with her, so he can't be gay, right?


  18. Anonymous6:11 AM

    O/T: You know, I was glad that HuffPo is carrying the "Todd Palin Sex Scandal? New Report" story but with over 7600 comments, and more still coming, why didn't it make the front page? Almost any other scandal seems to.

  19. angela6:27 AM

    What the? I mean . . . . C'mon. How the hell?

  20. dominicastar6:27 AM

    OMG, that photo leaves me speechless!!!!

  21. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I thought he 'confessed' and asked his wife to forgive him when this all broke? So he's either a closeted homo and fraud or he's a liar. Nice choices.

  22. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Ewwwwww! Haggard, like Palin, is a caricature, a parody of the very thing they represent.

    - kellygrrrl

  23. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Did you see this guy when he was on Oprah. He admitted to homosexual sex, but says he is not a homosexual. His wife kept saying their sex together was really good and satisfying as if that somehow meant that he could not be gay. I think they said it was simply a desire to sin. Nothing more. The entire family believes that daddy just fell/sinned and his behavior has no more meaning than that. It was creepy interview with two very creepy people. The wife is just as deluded as he is.

  24. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Hey Gryphen have you ever tried coming out the closet. You make it sound so very easy in the world we live in today. The problem I have with Ted is that he is a hypocrite.

  25. Anonymous7:11 AM

    So, earlier this morning the picture of Haggard and his family in the hot tub didn't load and I was met with a ? instead. I was a little disappointed in not getting to see Gryphen's post in its entirety. Now that it is posting, my stomach is turning and I'm wishing I had counted my blessings when the dreaded photo was missing.

    Now, I've seen it all. Reprehensible...ugh.

  26. Anonymous7:15 AM

    And THIS is a man who's being held up as an example to his followers???

    I thought lying was a big no-no...

  27. Anonymous7:18 AM

    A good christian man who allows his daughter to be photographed wearing a bikini. Nicce daddy. IMO, their standards are with the Todd and Sarah wing of the Christians. Do unto others, but don't get caught.

  28. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Oh thank God you finally put up a new post.

    My eyes were burning from the yucky picture of the Haggards in their hot-tub. I almost lost my eyesight.

    Please don't do that to us again, Gryph.

  29. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I am no prude, but given who these people are, this hot tub picture is wrong on more levels than I care to enumerate. Talk about another exploitation of offspring, and a sick one at that.

  30. erica from dallas7:27 AM

    What a creepy picture.
    The kids look very unhappy.
    Ted's wife is as sick as he is by allowing the kids to be dragged into this deception.
    I guess these clowns can only make money be being fake preachers.

  31. Anonymous7:44 AM


    Don't forget they were busted for METH, also, too. I'm sure it was just for his rent a boy. ;-) Oh those Christian values.


  32. ginny7:49 AM

    Wow. Those poor kids. How messed up are they going to be? That photo of the whole family in the hot tub is just ICKY.

  33. Anonymous7:53 AM

    You don't have to post if this is too long.

    From Time:

    Nevertheless, the pastor of one of the most prominent mega-churches in the country � and one of President George W. Bush's advisors on evangelical issues � has agreed to resign from his own 14,000-member New Life Church and temporarily resigned as president of the 30 million-member National Association of Evangelicals, which represents more than 45,000 evangelical churches across the U.S., after Mike Jones, a gay massage therapist � and self-described professional male escort in Denver � told local radio and TV stations that he sold Haggard gay sex for three years. Jones also said that Haggard used drugs with him. Haggard was one of TIME's 25 Most Important Evangelicals in 2005. Thursday night, New Life Church's acting senior pastor Ross Parsley told Colorado Springs' KTTV News that Haggard had confessed to some of the alleged indiscretions. Haggard told reporters outside his house on Friday that he had purchased the drug methamphetamine and received a massage from Jones, but denied that he had sex with the gay prostitute and said he was "tempted" but "never used" the drug, according to the Associated Press

    Read more:,8599,1554388,00.html#ixzz1ByLWBxY6


  34. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Eeewwwwwwwwwwwww---I did not see the first pic on the first post. Anything for a buck.

  35. Anonymous8:38 AM


  36. Anonymous8:49 AM

    If I told Ted Haggard I'm gay would he hold it against me? Err... well... never mind.

  37. Anonymous8:50 AM

    And we believe you, Ted.

    Tweakers suck.

  38. Anonymous8:58 AM

    That is just CREEPY. Are they actually making their teen children be their witnesses as they pretend to make out in the hot tub to prove that daddy doesn't like boys? How low can you go?

  39. FEDUP!!!9:34 AM

    Don't you know that there are two different standards being used- one for Democrats/Progressives, and one for TeaPukelicans/religious right. The former cannot do ANYTHING that is right, and the latter cannot do ANY wrong. :/

  40. FEDUP!!!9:40 AM

    Anon @ 7am: So, in other words, he is one of those AC/DC guys - one who takes them as they come, as long as there is a pulse to them. (Don't know if that is called BI-sexual)

  41. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Maybe TLC stands for Totally Loose Christians. Suddenly, SPAlaska makes sense.

  42. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Eww. Nothing like exploiting your children and your spouse in the media to try to save yourself.

    Please be careful not to generalize about all Christians, though. There are Christian churches where gay people are genuinely welcome, not as people that can be made straight, but as they are. After all, if God made them, and they would be welcome at Jesus' table, what right have mortals to judge them differently?

    For Anonymous at 7:00 am - Your point is well taken. When Haggard's wife said their sex is satisfying, she could only speak for herself, since she can't know what he feels or what's going on in his head. I'm not buying that he just wanted to commit a sin, any sin, either. I wonder if she's worried that she could not manage financially without him? Desperation will make some people do and say things they wouldn't otherwise.

  43. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Why would he let his kids pose in this? And his shapely daughter in a bikini? They could have posed kissing while hiking, or at Disneyland... Or at Graceland. Or on horseback with stir ups and saddles and oh never mind.

    Why the hottub? This looks very Californicated, 1970's style.

  44. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Now over 8,000 comments at HP on NE story. And that's with it not making front page.

  45. Anon 5:56 That is wonderful! So many people believe that gays can't have enduring relationships! I'm glad the newspaper did that.

    Now to Mr. Haggard. Ted is a ego dystonic homosexual. The APA doesn't recognize homosexuality as a mental illnes, but they do recognize ego dystonice homosexuality as a mental disorder. Look at the ends to which Mr. Haggard is willing to go to avoid his homosexuality! I generally feel sorry for these folks, except when they project their self hate on others and make life miserable for other homosexuals.

  46. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I think the facial expression of the kid in the right front tells a lot...he looks very disturbed. But, how could those two produce anyone who wasn't disturbed. What a horrible life those four young people must live!

    I have seen interviews with them and every time I was disgusted by their hypocricy. I think she is every bit as sick as he is. She surely doesn't have any grasp on reality.

    Like the previous poster, I was disappointed when the picture didn't load this morning. Now that it does load, I regret having seen it. The two adults kissing..the bikini...yup..everything about it says "Christian values" to me. YUK! Now I need to go pour a quart of Visine in my eyes!

  47. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Another lovely, poignant story of gay family life:


  48. More financially lucrative, dangerous fodder for the lie that you can 'pray away the gay'.

  49. Anonymous1:12 PM

    If I had just stumbled upon this site (instead of visiting it once or twice a day; thanks for the addiction, Gryphen), I would have thought I was on the Onion or on a totally disreputable site.

    Where are these people's minds? The hot tub picture is disgusting beyond belief! These people have got to learn that it's simply not true that even bad publicity is good. SP may be finally learning this after 2.5 long (for us and the US) years. But really! That hot tub picture; I feel like I have to go and wash my eyeballs out with soap.

  50. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The day I'm in the hotub with my parents kissing is the day I need some meth!

  51. Pursang1:51 PM

    Once upon a time people would feel shame for what they did and accept that their actions hurt people. Now it's all about making themselves feel better and blaming the victims for the fact they got hurt. Shame no longer exists and you can point towards people like Haggard, Bush the Lesser, Cheney, and Palin (any Palin, just name one and the shoe fits).

    Haggard needs to go away forever. In most cases people deserve 2nd chances. Haggard in my opinion doesn't deserve anything other than being reminded 24/7 that he's a sleazebag and suffer every public indignation possible.

  52. Anonymous3:59 PM

    He could just be bi-sexual.He is a hypocrite and deep in denial about whatever sexual-orientation he has.

    He is also a very bizarre parent. Having your kids on display like that in the context of the scandal.

    Gees, like Palin, his family are simply props to pave the way to his narcissistic goals.

  53. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Elizabeth 10:43AM:

    Google is your friend!

    You wrote that the APA recognizes the diagnosis of ego dystonic homosexuality.

    The American Psychiatric Association first began using it in 1980 and discontinued using it in 1987 although it is still used in other countries.

    The American Psychological Association has officially opposed the category of ego-dystonic homosexuality since 1987.

  54. Anonymous5:07 PM

    maybe TLC is running this "its okay to frequent gay prostitutes with meth" show to pave the way for Tawd's big revelation? synergy, I think they call it.

  55. onething6:29 PM

    It is amazing to me that fundie Christians readily accept the extreme temptations of gay sex for people who are not gay...

    THREE YEARS with the escort. Man, gay sex must be great!!!

    I've got a book called The Hidden Hitler, about Hitler being a self loathing gay man. They make a very good case.

    Self hatred/non acceptance is a very bad thing.

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