Friday, January 14, 2011

Tucson shooting victim blames Palin, Beck, and Angle. Hah!

From Politico:

“It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target,” Eric Fuller said in an interview with Democracy NOW.

“Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled — senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even 9-year-old girls,” he added, referring to the death of Christina Taylor Green.

Fuller, a 63-year-old veteran, had campaigned for Giffords during her re-election and was at the supermarket for her “Congress on Your Corner” event.

He was shot in the knee and the back in the tragedy that left six people dead and 13 wounded.

Can't you just imagine what it is like in the Palin fortress of Solitude right about now?

"Quick somebody fire up the ghostwriters and get them busy "refudiating" this!  But not that idiot who decided that Blood Libel was a good idea!"

Oh wait, I forgot that Palin is going to appear on Hannity this Monday.  I guess we will have to wait until then to hear her respond in some way that is guaranteed to make it worse.

For now it is off to the store to buy some more popcorn!


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Perhaps she will question this veteran's patriotism. Or question whether or not he's a veteran at all.

    I just looooove how so many veterans forget which side of their bread is buttered and who butters it. Sounds like this particular veteran has the evil lady's number (I don't mean PHONE number, by the way), and all of her pals too.

    Maybe he can go one better and say that she is palling around with terrorists. That would make my day.


  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    If only Hannity would cancel her interview, then she'd have no national outlet via which to spew her venom. Maybe we should start a boycott Hannity movement until he shuns her, as she deserves.

  3. FJ DANDY1:53 PM

    I just read this article on the Daily Caller (it's a rag...I will never go to that site again). The responses are absolutely disgusting, one even stating the veteran is retarded!
    So much for civility...there is so much hate in the United States.
    If the tenor doesn't improve, I fear there will be more killings.

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The entire interview with this kind man is really good. Please listen to it if you have time.

    In other news: I predict that RAM will be history soon as Sarah attempts to put the shit back in the horse.

  5. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Sue baby Sue .....

  6. Anonymous2:04 PM

    She's already made it worse. Monday is MLK day. Just wait, she'll have her victim hat on and will robotically babble about gun rights. She's such a fucking bitch!

  7. Golly, we already know her response. The shooting victim is attacking Sarah's and her pals' First Amendment rights. Right wing gun rhetoric is necessary for them to call out evil and has nothing to do with the Tucson shootings. Criticism of her and the attempt to silence her, however, is "reprehensible" and “serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn." She will double-down on the hate.

    She can never apologize. Don't forget she always gets her marching orders from God and he doesn't make mistakes.

    There has been some evidence uncovered that does show Loughner effected by politics. He is, especially, well-versed in Sarah's misinterpretation of the First Amendment.

    “Finally, several weeks into the class, McGahee said Loughner arrived and pointed to a copy of the U.S. Constitution on the wall.
    "'You're violating my First Amendment right of free speech,'" McGahee recalled him saying. "That's when I went to go get the dean."”

    “Pima County on Thursday released records saying that Loughner visited the Rio Nuevo One Stop career center in September, but was asked to leave because he was filming with a video camera and refused to turn it off despite being asked repeatedly. "He pulled a crumpled copy of the Constitution out of his pocket and waved it at me, saying it was his right," a staffer's report on the incident said.”

    “Figueroa shared that he was extremely intelligent and argumentative, often debating with other about politics and going on long rants about “the government.” That said, Figueroa admits that, when she last saw Loughner three or four months ago, he was a “different person” than the boy she dated as a teen.”

  8. Gasman2:06 PM

    Ooooh, now she's got to go on the attack after a 63 year old veteran who was one of the shooting victims in Tucson! You know that Palin/RAM won't POSSIBLY be able to walk away from THAT stinging rebuke.

    She'll probably claim he isn't a "real" American, or that he's senile, or that he's a coward, or he's a socialist/communist/czarist. I'd say that Fuller's opinion on this subject matters a hell of lot more than Palin's. I wonder how many other victims will be voicing opinions similar to Fuller's?

  9. WalterNeff2:07 PM

    She's not in the Fortress of Solitude. She's in the Phantom Zone.

  10. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I smell a civil lawsuit or 20 of them. Start stashing that $12 million you made last year Sarah. At least one of them has to make it into the courtroom and don't forget....words and actions have consequences. Isn't that what our parents teach us.

  11. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I never, never get tired of this photograph! I think it shows her real inner beauty.

  12. womanwithsardinecan2:18 PM

    Who's betting that she's incapable of being quiet and letting a shooting victim vent. He has earned the right to vent, I think. But she's not going to be able to keep her mouth shut. She WILL say something on Hannity. lol. So predictable.

  13. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Monday is MLK memorial day.

    Another bad timing for Palin/Hannity interview. Hope she does not say something stupid to offend the civil rights movement. You never know with Palin's tongue.

    She is un teachable.

    Just saying... the timining again may be bad.

  14. Anonymous2:25 PM

    OT but it is PRICELESS!

    It's the HuffPo "tribute" (and goodbye) to Sarah Palin's Alaska

  15. Anonymous2:27 PM

    This is my favorite picture of Sarah...I think this is her true self. I often wonder what the story behind it is, that the photographer was able to catch her making such a face..but love it.

    Hey Sarah...this guy is a "rill" who rilly did serve his country and came home with injuries..unlike that son of yours who you were able to get (always wonder what favors that took) a safe spot driving an officer around (really dangerous duty) instead of serving a prison term for criminally damaging school buses. And...why is he out of the military already?

    Darned it, Gryphon...enough with the suspense already!

  16. Anne In DC2:37 PM

    @Anonymous 1:38 p.m.:

    It's ironic that in 2008 a disabled veterans' group gave Obama an 80% rating and McCain a 20% one. Then another group, made up of veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, gave McCain a D and Obama a B+. With those facts in mind, it is unfathomable that any veteran would still think the bumper sticker slogans of McCain-Palin were more credible than the actual legislation that Obama helped to pass for their benefit while he was a U.S. Senator.

    OTOH, there are veterans like this one who have absolutely no problem assigning responsibility for the ugly, divisive rhetoric to its correct sources.

    It was a truly sickening spectacle to see Palin's sorry excuse for a speech, and even more disgusting to see that she will not back down.
    I can't wait to hear what the other surviving victims have to say about her and the other wingnuts.

    Silly Pat Buchanan is on the Ed Show as I type, calling her a victim on one hand and tough on the other. Of course, logic and consistency have never been the hallmarks of Palinbots.

  17. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Mark Levin is threatening to sue Chris Matthews for calling him out on this issue. Wonder if Levin will sue the victim--wouldn't be surprised.

  18. Anonymous2:48 PM

    And meanwhile back in Alaska

    Alaska legislator revives deadly force bill

    "JUNEAU, Alaska - A bill that would allow the use of deadly force in any place a person "has a right to be" is being revived.

    The bill, proposed by Wasilla Republican Rep. Mark Neuman stalled during last year's legislative session. Concerns were raised by the state Department of Law that it could encourage unnecessary violence."

    Rep. Mark Neuman was endorsed by the "Conservative Patriots Group" as were Joe Miller and Eddie Burke .

  19. Anonymous2:50 PM

    anonymous @1:46 I already boycott Hannity- and all of Fox.

  20. laprofesora2:52 PM

    I guess the shooting victim doesn't realize that he's not a REAL victim, like Scarah is. Boy, is she gonna let him have it.

  21. Lisabeth2:56 PM

    When oh when oh when will we be rid of her!

  22. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Civil Lawsuit...pretty please....

  23. Anonymous3:07 PM

    2:13, I so agree, that photo is gold baby, gold!

  24. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Yes indeed a time for popcorn now. Sue the bitch Mr. Fuller.

  25. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Hope he plans on filing a civil suit against Mrs. Paylin!!

  26. ..words and actions have consequences. Isn't that what our parents teach us.

    Didn't she send that young man to jail for figuring out her password. Didn't her "followers" picket David Letterman? Didn't she stir up hate against the President? Words seem pretty effective to me. Oh what a hypocrite she is.

  27. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Should be interesting in that the more she talks and plays victim, I think the more Howard Stern will eat her alive.

    I'm not a fan of Stern's but hearing him go after her - it was a wonderful moment!!

    And to hear the praise for President Obama - impressed.

    Can you imagine Mansour trying to defend Palin to Stern - ROFL!!! Even better would be her in the studio with him!!!

  28. Anon: 2:24PM

    You are so right! Monday is MLK day. It is perfect to speak about the second amendment.(Snark)
    Alas, her handlers at FOX will probably not allow it. Unless, this is the way to get her off the network.
    I am glad that Mr. Fuller spoke about his feelings. I wish the other people in this tragedy will do the same as they recover not only from their injuries but their traumatic shock.
    Palinbots can call him many names. It doesn't matter. He experience this travesty first hand. I'm with him .

  29. Anonymous3:44 PM

    o/t but i have a question about Sadie's blog and a specific comment from her. She recently wrote that during the summer 08, Bristol and Levi brought Trig over to his mother's house.

    In the above blog post, you wrote Sherry hasn't seen Trig in person since the May 3rd kitchen moment.

    This wouldn't be the first inconsistency on Sadie's part. I was wondering what your current thoughts are on the Trig matter.

    We all realize NOTHING adds up. We get the impression everyday that Bristol deep down regrets her child and current life and know she never had any strong feelings for Levi (myspace is a powerful thing)

  30. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Get read, Mr. Fuller, to be dragged through the mud. The chicken hawks will be out in full force, along with the screechy women who talk a good game, but come largely unarmed. You'll be called a hater and unAmerican. Maybe they'll even slap the "blood libel" label on you.

    Oh, and I'm sure you'll see some death threats from Sarah Palin's rabid bots.

  31. Anonymous3:55 PM

    In addition to Monday being Martin Luther King day, someone who was assassinated- targeted, marked for death, Chris Matthews will be presenting a special program looking at the first two years of Obama's presidency.

    Sarah issued her "address to the nation," meaning a professionally produced video which was posted on face book in advance of Obama's speech yesterday. As far as Sarah is concerned, she was running against Obama for the office of President, even in 2008.

  32. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Gifford is poised to become this century's James Brady.

  33. dancingthroughlife4:13 PM

    What this victim said is so very true: whether or not this shooter was influenced by Palin, Rush, Beck, Angle, or any of their cronies, this is what they've been calling for (specifically Angle). This person was unhappy with government, and he chose to "remedy" it with a Glock and a 30-round clip. How is that not a "second amendment remedy"?

  34. Anonymous4:14 PM

    That is a great pic of Sarah, but the one of her on her recent rant Gryhen has up about 5 post back looks like she is about to explode.

    This is the first of lots of people blaming Sarah. Even if you were not one of the victims there were a lot of people at the event.

    This veteran has every right to blame Palin and all other people that have voiced there hate and violence.

    If Sarah attacks him which she probably will her sickness gets even sicker. She belongs in a orange jump suit w/ a shaved head.

    Look how many showed for Christina's funeral. AZ is going to turn Blue instead of Red over this just watch.

    I said from the beginning Jared the shooter was in love with Gabby Giffords, because she has a vivacious personality.

    That is why the note in the safe. His record shows a good student until the last year and even worse last months.

    You betcha Sarah Palin influenced this young man. He killed for Sarah. This man was mesmerized by Sarah and lived on her words.

    That target map of Sarah's with Gabby on it was all he needed to go ballistic. Sarah creates monsters like herself.

    Sarah will never change. She can't because she does not know the issues and cannot talk impromtu. She will only get the fringe.

    A lot will happen this weekend and more people will speak out it is going to get ugly for her and jail will be a great place for her.

  35. Anonymous4:20 PM

    A lot has happened since she said she'd appear on hannity.

    I'm betting she won't.

    sarah can't stand the heat - I don't think she's going to show up in the kitchen.

  36. Anonymous4:21 PM

    A must read...

    Let's Get This Straight

    Posted (on Shakesville) by Melissa McEwan at Monday, January 10, 2011

    "Both sides are, in fact, not "just as bad," when it comes to institutionally sanctioned violent and eliminationist rhetoric."...



  37. Pursang4:28 PM

    and in the hours before the interview Hannity will stroke Sarah's hair. Softly speaking into her ear, "It will be alright my darling. We'll set those evil commie leftists straight and reanoint you as the chosen one".

  38. It will not be until much later due to the trail that we learn of specific facts, the threats and what those who made threats stated their motivations were.

    I can't wait to here the facts behind what this veteren and victim believes the rhetoric of right extremists ended in this tragedy. I can't wait to learn from the Gifford family also and other staff members and what police and FBI investigations reveal.

    I doubt Todd, Miller and Sarah can scrub the computers that are in the FBI's posession:)

  39. Anonymous4:44 PM

    @4:14, I'm not following your logic. You say that you believe that Loughner was in love with Giffords, but then you say that he was mesmerized by Palin and attempted to kill Giffords to impress her (Palin)?

  40. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I think Ms. Palin should try shilling for the home shopping networks. She should do a cookbook "Cooking with Caribou"

    Seriously - she can get all her admirers to follow her there. They'd buy a pile of moose crap from her and use it a perfume..


  41. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Palin is responsible for this incident. And, further, I suspect it will not be a problem for an attorney to show influence in a civil case.

    She acts like a public and authority figure; preaches to the laity; and commands them to do her bidding. She has commanded her troops to make life hell for those in the cross hairs.

    History is full of such constructs. Hitler didnt suddenly show up and become the fuhrer. He started like Sarah, with these little rallies, where he grabbed the attention of the disenfranchised and played upon their tensions.

    She is a very scary individual. So much evil.

    She's going down, like in the old days, right Sarah?

  42. Anonymous5:05 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Sue baby Sue .....

    2:04 PM"

    Fingers crossed!

    I don't care what the shooter says, or doesn't say,
    hate coming from candidates affects people. I
    DESPISE turning on the TV during elections,
    it makes my stomach hurt listening to the election ads. It is literally revolting. It is always--I'm the
    real American!1!!! That guy kills Babies! That guy supported OBAMA & PELOSI! He must DIE! She is a LIAR! I have a family & that guy's family
    isn't a real family like mine--vote for meeeee!
    He is a COMMUNIST NAZI! OMG!11!!!

    It makes me so sick & so nervous. If a
    commercial comes on, I flip the channel
    as fast as I can. I blame the shooter, but I
    blame the hateful atmosphere around the
    politicians, too. They act like savages. Like
    a bunch of pigs wallowing in mud--the way
    they grub after power & money. Whatever happened to serving the public & doing good? Wanting to do good--not just wanting to suck
    off the banks & oil companies for cash?

  43. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I wonder how many of the victims and their families have been approached by high profile attorneys, Gloria Allred, etc. Those attorneys will take this case, even though they know they won't win..just for the publicity. The good thing with all the civil lawsuits Sarah will probably face, she'll have to spend every penny she has trying to defend herself. I cannot wait to hear about the first lawsuit!

  44. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I'm a big fan of Tin and for amusement's sake, I lurk in a number of boards. I gotta tell you, poor confused Jeremy is not alone. There are rafts of folks who sincerely believe the world is going to hell in a handbasket and only those "prepared" have a chance to survive it. And a lot of these folks are *not* fundie Christians.

    These folks are convinced the world is run by Bilderbergers, and/or Reptilian overlords in the form of the Queen of England, who are determined to kill off 90% of the human population and enslave the rest. That doesn't include the planet X folks who expect the Anunaki to return in the near future to check up on their genetic experiments--namely us humans. Or the ones who are fearful of what climate change & pole shift and how that will alter the geography of the world, and why is there that tremendous seed ark above the Arctic Circle in Norway?

    Then you got the whole wild world of government conspiracy theorists. Shadow governments with agencies that require security clearances 32 levels *above* the president's own. My personal favs are the MK Ultra Sex Kitten stories. Go ahead, you know you want to google that. Makes the Manchurian Candidate stuff look pale by comparison.

    Haven't even touched on some of the other goofier UFO stories. Coast to Coast runs all night long in a lot of markets, and you can stream it online or find archives in a couple of different places. And that's just one of the more mainstream outlets. The internet is jam packed with alternative radio or shows like Alex Jones'.

    Then there are the forums. Above Top Secret is one place we know that Jeremy frequented and posted. To their credit, some of the members did recognize he had genuine problems and suggested he get help. I'd venture to say he at least lurked at glp and a few others like 2012 sites.

    Just to show you how paranoid some of these folks are, a number of them are convinced that these forums are actually *disinformation* sites set up and run by the government. The arrest & defense of Hal Turner (yes, THAT Hal Turner) ironically roved them right when it was revealed he had been recruited by the FBI.

    We live in stranger times than you can imagine.

  45. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Other than the Hannity interview and the gun convention does Palin have anything else scheduled? If she's going to wrest control of the news cycle from the AZ shooting victims, Palin will need a pretty big "event". The exodus from Alaska is probably on hold. The "me/kids are in danger" ploy is a little awkward just now. A second "address to the nation" would be excessive.

    Maybe Palin should take a trip.

  46. Anonymous5:21 PM

    wiat...she announced TODAY that she is going to speak on gun rights at the Safari Club THIS MONTH? tripling down on dum. also, too , apparently McCain is writing an op ed in the Wash POst re--tone it down, we all do it, all are sorry, can do better. HMMMM. kind of a big phat FU to SP, doncha think?;)

  47. majii5:24 PM

    Media Matters has more on this interview with Mr. Fuller. He reports that he has NOT been contacted by Pox Snooze for an interview. Something tells me Pox doesn't want to interview one of the real victims of the massacre. I wonder why. I really don't. Mr. Fuller says that if he appeared on Pox, it would result in a screaming match, and he'd end up calling them the wh0*es that he thinks they are.

  48. Anonymous5:29 PM

    @ 4:44

    Jared was a good student and went to an event of Gabbys in 2007. I would assume because he liked her politics and maybe had a crush on her.

    At this time his behavior was normal and respected from what has been said. It was not until the last year that his behavior changed drastically.

    I would assume he followed politics and when Sarah came on the scene he like all of Sarah's cult members fell in love with Sarah and her views.

    The police found a note in his safe from Gabby's 2007 event thanking him for attending. Along with a note he wrote about his assisination and Gabby's.

    He lost interest in Gabby and her views for some reason. Or just fell for Sarah's pile of bullshit and wanted to show Sarah how much he loved her by killing Gabby.

    He was definitely influenced by Sarah and the hate speech and written target maps. His behavior was not abnormal until the last year.

    That is what Sarah does. She has a way of mesmerizing certain people and especially men into her web of madness, hate, violence and insanity. That is all she knows.

    People live for that. When they have been done wrong even just a little bit they will follow someone like Sarah who is spewing who this country needs to be taken back. Don't retreat instead reload.

    That is exactly what Jared did to the extreme. 6 people killed and 14wounded. Jared reload and reload like Sarah has spewed and spewed.

    I would bet that they will find alot of stuff on his computer about Sarah and her cult.

  49. Anonymous5:40 PM

    There aren't going to be any civil lawsuits!!! No way!! There is no case, at least at the moment. Come on!

  50. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Put together this guys comments, the sheriffs comments, investigators talking to Yee down in SF and I'm thinking they know a LOT more than we do abouy the shooters motive. I think Sarah may be in a whole mess-O-trouble.

  51. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Gryphen you keep talking about the big one that will finish off the Palins. I thought her little video was pretty big. Here is what I am hoping for:
    1. Palin has a felony charge somewhere
    2. the Irs is investigating the palins
    3. Palin is under arrest for taking bribes in housegate
    4. palin was born in canada
    5. todd is a woman--hence the high voice and pocketbook
    6. Her children are by various dads/not todd's
    7. palin had an abortion

    She's toast anyway, based upon this week's behavior.

  52. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Alaska WTF is also teasing with big news coming down. C'mon Gryph, not even a teeny hint?

  53. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Anon 5:21

    The speech at the Safari Club has been scheduled for going on 6 weeks that I became aware of it.

    It was not just scheduled this week. Sadly, whoever put the info out whether it was Daily Beast and others picked up on it - they didn't check to see when.

  54. Anonymous6:04 PM

  55. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Anon 5:08

    Wouldn't it be something if some of this was true?

  56. Anonymous6:33 PM

    So, Gryphen, is Dirk right about those storm clouds heading for team sarah?

  57. Anonymous6:42 PM

    The comments at Politico are hateful and full of venom against Mr. Fuller and his "leftie communists" and the writer of the article. Scary stuff.

  58. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Those who think the civil suit isn't possible, just wait. You must not know many lawyers.

  59. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Palin is a psychopath! Many more Americans are realizing Sarah Palin is indeed not fit to take out the garbage.

    Now she's going on Hannity? WTF! What can she possibly say? I didn't mean to say Blood Libel because my writers slipped that phrase in my speech while I wasn't looking? I'm the victim and everyone is picking on me and it's all Obama's fault! Even if she apologizes, the damage is done.

    Sarah, if you love your country so much stay your ass in Alaska, STFU, and for God Sakes take care of your kids!! The majority of Americans are not interested in you.

  60. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The man with the bullet holes in his body has a lot more credibility than the twit who hides behind facebook.

    Just sayin'

  61. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Gryphen, are you privvy to what Alaska WTF posted? What is your take on it?

  62. Anonymous7:04 PM

    If Mr. Fuller gets any threats, he's living in the right area -- the Sheriff is right there and understands what he's talking about and will not waste anytime jumping on it.

  63. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Now that Sarah is in a deep shit do you think that she will force Bristol to announce her pregnancy so that the Media will have something else to talk about?

    You know Sarah uses her kids as shields.

  64. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Is the iceberg bigger or smaller than the iceberg of last year? It doesn't really matter, I guess, but I'm just looking for something you might be able to share.

    Personally, I'm hoping the upcoming upheaval in the Palin universe will involve a perp walk.

    Nice long perp walk.

    Cuffs would be nice.

  65. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Big storm ahead for the Palin crew!

    Anonymous said...

    Dirk, can you at least answer this: is it something she's privy too or is it coming at her straight outta' left field?
    January 14, 2011 5:44 PM

    Dirk Diggler said...

    straight outta' left field?

    Dirk Diggler said...

    More like straight outta' Vegas.
    January 14, 2011 6:26 PM

    Vegas? Gambling? Sex? Hmmmm...

  66. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Move over Sarah Palin, the mythic land of Alaska is getting some attention from another would-be Republican contender.

    If former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee hopes to win the GOP nomination in 2012, he's going to have to woo some of Palin's fans, so he's made a logical move.

    He's starring in a weeklong "Christian-based" cruise along the Alaskan coast this summer.

    Alaskan cruises are already famous in the recent history of conservatism.

    It was on two successive cruises in the summer of 2007 that the leading pundits and editors of the right -- Bill Kristol, Fred Barnes and Rich Lowry, to name three -- met Palin, then the governor of Alaska, when their ships docked at the state capital of Juneau.

    They liked what they saw and heard, and their favorable impression helped her get the vice presidential nomination in 2008.

    Now Huckabee is headed north, only in his case he will be trying to bring his admirers with him. He may hope to find more in stops along the way, but, by accident or design, his cruise won't be getting anywhere close to Anchorage or Wasilla.

  67. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I've enjoyed this fantasy image in my mind over the past few days as the news of Gabby Giffords amazing recovery has been released.

    In my mind's eye I can see Gabby walking up to Sarah Palin and start slapping her silly. While she is doing it she is making Palin swear that she will never ever put another human being in cross hairs or threaten them in any way with gun imagery.

  68. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Sarah's Faked Alaska

    Sarah Palin is the living embodiment of the GOP mantra "Cut and Run": a willfully-ignorant demagogue who has done more damage to civilized discourse than even George W. Bush. If this is the best that the GOP can offer the people of this country, then the "death panels" have signed the warrant for the demise of the Republican Party.

  69. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I thought readers might like to hear this:

    "she believes in an extremist version of Christiani­­­ty wherein Alaska and Arizona are the “portals” for End Times and that she is the leader to take us there (“follow me there” being her reality TV show theme song). Palin embraces the far right, “hard Dominionis­­­t” version of charismati­­­c extremist Christiani­­­ty, where the goal is to rule the world by force, unlike “soft” Dominoinst­­­s such as Rick Warren whom many Domionists deem a “socialist­­­” for his belief in social justice."


  70. Anonymous8:11 PM

    "There aren't going to be any civil lawsuits!!! No way!! There is no case, at least at the moment. Come on!"

    never stopped a lawsuit from going forth before....

    couldn't happen to a nicer person - she deserves every lawsuit forthcoming

  71. Anonymous8:18 PM

    David Frum at wrote an article about how the rhetoric from both sides is equal. Bullshit I say! Lookbat the comments at Politico about the victim of the shooting!! Palin supporters are sick and thisbia not going to stop until those in the right stand up for civility and stop tolerating violent language. They didn't stand up to Palin- it's really got to stop and the MSM has to stop being so
    PC about the whole thing. We would find some examples on the left but most of the sick violent talk comes from the right. Everyone knows this. David Frum himself is called names from his own side, the right and he's still trying to be PC. Are there no Republican spokespeople with balls to stand up to Sarah, Rush, Beck etc??

    I predict Sarah will be a queen bitch on Monday night and send out more dog whistles to her psychotic violent cult of thugs.

  72. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Anon@549p posted an interesting list:
    1. some sort of felony charge seems to be the obvious guess
    2. IRS actions sound plausible but I don't think this would cause "palinbot heads to explode" (as G once put it.)
    3. see 1. But housegate seems like kinda small potatoes
    4. Interesting idea, that Palin might not be a US citizen. But if that's the iceberg, why the long build-up?
    5. Kinda goes nicely with possibility 6 >;)
    6. Not much of an iceberg, given how cheerfully the nutcase base accepts hillbilly misbehaviors. Also not much of a revelation at this point.
    7. I strongly suspect that Palin in the veteran of at least one wite-out. But it's hard to imagine how this story could break in any definitive way.

    I would be inclined to add, within the realm of possibility:
    8. Murder or conspiracy to commit/attempt murder. Curtis Menard, the MatSu nurse, the woman who has popped up on various blogs accusing Palin of bilking her of her trust fund...and worse.

  73. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Maybe Bristol and or Willow had abortions in Las Vegas and someone is about to spill the beans to the media for money. My guess. I would love this but it doesn't involve Todd and Sarah in orange jumpsuits-- my dream.

    So what about the whole hooker thing?? A big fake??

  74. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Link to shooting? State Senator Yee (CA) wanted details of Sarkaska's contract released (remember when a bunch of kids found the contract in the dumpster? Sippy straws?) and then he got death threats:

  75. Forever Anonymous9:38 PM

    coming out of Vegas? last time palin went to vegas, they left straight from the book signing at Costco, remember? there was a private jet waiting for them.

    I was hoping it would be something old, recently she hasn't commit any blunders, right?

  76. Anonymous9:47 PM

    this lawsuit talk is silly, from clubforeplay or from this site. suing either way is a joke. the remedy is political, and in karma, and that is fine.

    to the consipracy guy....that is scary,,,not sure what TIN is...and are you one of them?

  77. kdusmdd10:25 PM

    PLEASE//Gryph...give us a hint of the "BIG" bring down of Palin.
    From what Alaska WTF happened in Vegas. Is that true?
    Will she be led away in handcuffs?
    Really, I have cried so much this week over the AZ shootings, I really need some good news.......and that would be the bringing down of this Monster Palin. Her children would be so much better cared for by relatives (or whomever)......if she were sent to jail for a long long time.

  78. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Right out of Vegas? Could that refer to the fact that we hit the "Jackpot"?

    I want her so gone!


  79. Gasman11:07 PM

    Anon @ 8:18,
    Frum is peddling the tiresome false equivalency tactic that is all too common among the GOP. They've been doing it for decades. The false equivalency is the only reason that FauxNews ever gained traction. That's how they demonize anything/everything.

    Take global warming. They get one scientist that says "we're fucked" and another who says "everything is just fine" and from that "debate" we learn that this reflects an honest difference of opinion or that the liberals are simply try to scare you into spending your money needlessly.

    In reality, if they were being honest they'd have 998 scientists saying "we're fucked" and two saying "everything is just fine" and we'd then learn that the latter two are actually employed by the oil industry.

    Frum is occasionally more frank than most in the GOP, but I would not characterize him as being honest. After all, if he were really honest, they wouldn't let him remain a member of the GOP.

  80. Isn't the ultimate "iceberg" for Palin her stupidity?

  81. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Pure speculation...

    Ok.. Perhaps scrah got caught with her own panties down. Here's my thinking. You can't go around in FM naughty monkey pumps winkin' it up with all these doods all the time and one of them not make a pass. We already know she has strayed a few times. Track's daddy and Todd's buddy.

    Oh dog, please let it be with Franklin Graham.

    A Nonny Muss

  82. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Maybe Bristol got married in Vegas. What else is in Vegas. Is that were that phony Haiti/Christian guy is based?

  83. Anonymous4:59 AM

    @ Anon 9:47 pm-- No, I'm not an advocate of Tin, but I do find it fascinating. I'm a girl btw.

    "Tin" is short for Tinfoil, as in making a hat of the stuff to protect yourself from penetrating rays. The more survivalist, 2012, peak oil or "we're all toast" is generally referred to as "doomer porn." I generally only read the stuff when I want a good laugh at people's foibles.

    Most sites don't require you to register in order to read them. If I do have to join one, I have an alternate email just for that purpose and rarely if ever post anything. I certainly never give any type of personal info.

    I find Caribou Barbie interesting precisely because she's the embodiment of a lot of these theories due to her Dominionist background. It really fits right in with Tin. Some alternate reality groups have achieved almost cult-like status.

    My own background is in psychology so I'm always interested in what makes people tick. I just don't think most readers understand how prevalent the Tin is out there on the wild, wild web. If you think the Birther stuff is crazy, try the Tin.

  84. womanwithsardinecan5:20 AM

    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. lol, sorry, couldn't help myself. I would love something to make the Palins really miserable. Aside from the fun of watching Sarah get lambasted from anybody and everybody, I have selfish reaasons too, as I can use new dirt on my new blog, to create new photo essays.

  85. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Sarah's speaking engagements:

    January 24
    Lubbock Christian School Benefit Dinner, Lubbock, TX

    January 29
    Safari Club International, Reno, NV

    March 23
    Town Hall Series, Naples, FL

  86. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Over at Pee Central, this was posted in response to another commenter's post:-

    uksarahfan says:
    January 15, 2011 at 9:47 AM


    My strong advice would be don’t read the IM blog. The pyschopath who runs it is mentally unstable (prolonged steroid abuse) and actively encourages his small band of fellow deviants to inflict harm on Gov Palin and her family. However, if you have a strong stomach it is worth collecting screen shots from the comments section. Once Governor Palin is afforded SS protection for her 2012 run I’m sure they and the FBI will be keen to follow up on some of the violent comments made and actively encouraged on that site.

  87. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I was stunned by Pat Buchanan's anger that Palin was the victim. He looked genuinely upsset and infuriated. I considered that in part he was protecting himself for he has praised her for "firing up the base" and how when she speaks people react. Buchanan has his own set of standards he applies to people.

    When Pat B. stated Palin is the most revered, admired woman in the US I almost fell off my chair. This past year people are turned off by Palin and I know of two people who turn the tv off or change the channel if her name is mentioned. Pat B. needs to grasp reality about Palin. If he believes the majority holds her in high esteem as he does that may account for his anger.

  88. @Anonymous 5:55, Hah!

    I welcome the FBI to check our comments, and then I will show them the ones that I reject all day every day and they can see just who is promoting violence.

    As for the steroid use, I guess I should take that as a backhanded compliment, but in truth I have NEVER taken a steroid in my life. In fact the increase in steroid use among amateur athletes is why I stopped competing in powerlifting competitions in the 80's.

    I refused to "cheat" to win.

    Yet another reason why I could never be a Republican.

  89. Anonymous6:30 AM

    The Veteran in this interview says he wrote those
    comments down while unable to sleep on Saturday.
    This means he was among the very first to connect
    the dots to Palin and Company, all on his own.
    Everyone should listen to the entire interview.
    He quietly and effectively lays the whole thing at
    the Queen of Mean's feet.

  90. Anonymous6:58 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Gryphen you keep talking about the big one that will finish off the Palins. I thought her little video was pretty big. Here is what I am hoping for:
    1. Palin has a felony charge somewhere
    2. the Irs is investigating the palins
    3. Palin is under arrest for taking bribes in housegate
    4. palin was born in canada
    5. todd is a woman--hence the high voice and pocketbook
    6. Her children are by various dads/not todd's
    7. palin had an abortion

    She's toast anyway, based upon this week's behavior.

    5:49 PM"

    But she already admitted she'd had an abortion,
    her unwashed masses didn't care. IOKIYAP.

    Track being a Menard has been out there for
    awhile. That just shows what a hot piece of
    ass Saint Sarah is.

  91. Anonymous7:05 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Pure speculation...

    Ok.. Perhaps scrah got caught with her own panties down. Here's my thinking. You can't go around in FM naughty monkey pumps winkin' it up with all these doods all the time and one of them not make a pass. We already know she has strayed a few times. Track's daddy and Todd's buddy.

    Oh dog, please let it be with Franklin Graham.

    A Nonny Muss

    12:42 AM"

    There have been a lot of cases where someone
    has hidden a camera in a hotel room...You can
    hide a camera anywhere, in a car, on your lapel,
    etc. If you don't trust/know a person 100%,
    anything can happen.

    I think Palin is a bottom, and I bet her cries. ;-)
    Sarah, on the other hand, ugh, I doubt she
    can even orgasm.

  92. Anonymous7:30 AM

    @9:47 - civil lawsuit talk is silly? Patience is a virtue.

  93. loves her some bad boy9:56 AM

    Las Vegas? She is having an affair with Charlie Sheen. She is a uniter, they are talking politics and how to bring both sides of the aisle together.

  94. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "I was stunned by Pat Buchanan's anger that Palin was the victim. He looked genuinely upset and infuriated."

    I feel like Pat Buchanan has a role at MSNBC where he hangs around to get infuriated. They give him five minutes, pull a string and out it comes. Sometimes I wonder if he even believes what he says. Sarah Palin loved flinging the gun references and still does. Pat Buchanan cannot paint her the paragon of innocence after the gun site map.

  95. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Civil lawsuit talk may be silly to some. First there are Federal and State criminal lawsuits to do. Let us see what comes out of that, possibly more crimes will be committed. Say someone has something to cover up or lie about. Someone may commit another violent act if things get too heated.

    Before the year is up the talk of civil lawsuits will not seem as silly. There is more to this than only connecting a direct line from the assassin attempt and massacre to a Sarah Pac promotion with sniper sites on the district.

    Gabby Giffords directly and on video brought up her concerns about the reckless Sarah Pac bulls-eye post. There are laws about cyber bullying and stalking to look into. Sarah Pac willfully neglected to answer Giffords concerns and address the fear they were dishing out. If someone tells you that something you do compounds the fear they have (there is also other physical violence), you might want to at least talk to the person and respect their feelings. It is very ugly to neglect them.

    Even if the consequences hadn't been a massacre there are civil cases that can be pursued. Sarah Pac is a political entity and a representative of Americans and our laws. We are so proud of our democracy and how it works. If it is not working we need to deal with that as well. This isn't just a Republican and Democrat problem. Republicans, Democrats and others live in the targeted districts and they have children and go to the market. A Republican child who was interested in how government works could have been shopping with a parent and in the cross fire.

    Sarah Palin can increase her security and put her children behind a bullet proof glass barrier when they campaign for her. Other Republican children aren't as protected. They may want to also participate in political events and shop with a parent or friend.

  96. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Staying on topic a little bit, I don't get how we go from 1) saying that there is no correlation between inflammatory speech and motivation to violence to 2)"but let's tone it down". If it is inconsequential, why do we need to? Only to be polite? If so, then mention of it now does not belong in oratory related to last week's tragic event. It would be a separate issue. I think the mere fact that "tone it down" is mentioned by most everyone at this time admits that there is reason people think caustic verbiage is dangerous. So, please someone, explain why we need to be polite and civil if it isn't for the danger it's anger can spawn. Isn't it apparent that this is an issue that should not be put off, OUT OF respect of those whose lives may be effected by it, not in spite of it? I believe we're being bullied, again, by a small group to cower away from drawing attention to it. Hopefully, they won't be successful. I, for one, am glad for this opportunity to "discussion". It helps try to understand things better. I like hearing different points of view and for these reasons, forums play important roles. That can't happen when people are angry and/or scared to express their opinions.

  97. Eric Fuller is correct.

    Can you IMAGINE the outrage, if cross hairs had been placed on anyone of these folks during political campaigns, or the campaign to get Beck off of FOX news?

    Can you imagine their outrage if Angle was a sitting Senator and the left had spoken about "second amendment remedies" and "taking her out?

    Can you imagine the outrage if anyone had gone on cable news and described Beck in the terms he did Obama, "with a deep seated hatred of white people" or that someone "could choke the life out of him" as he did with Michael Moore?

    Just think about the terrible things that these folks have said and done and imagine it the other way around.

    Palin threw a fit for WEEKS, about Rahm Emanuel using the term "retarded" in a PRIVATE meeting referring to an idea, yet recently, Anne Coulter actually calls a MSNBC news personalit­y "retarded" and Palin has nothing to say.

    Palin then feels free to use "blood libel' a term that has jeopardize­d Jews for thousands of years and was part of Hitlers propaganda leading to the Holocaust.

  98. Anonymous11:52 AM

    "The Pout" is one of my favorite pictures of that woman. Taken during the 2008 campaign, she is standing behind Cindy McCain. I would love to know exactly what happened, but my guess is that the woman was firmly put in her place by the wife of the presidential candidate, and for one split second she realized that the old guy was at the top of the ticket, not her. = POUT! =

    I agree with Anon4:14pm and Anon5:29pm that there is a sexual factor in the crazy gunman's attack. As the investigators go through his papers and computer files, I would not be at all surprised if the contemptible woman was his new pretend girlfriend, and he was "breaking up" with Gabby.

    If this is the case, I hope McCain does not have the kind of influence he had during 2008, when his people scrubbed computers and websites in Alaska.

    Regarding "the iceburg". That woman is melting from her own meanness and stupidity, but I would really like to see a criminal charge leveled against her, a good, solid case, because that is what she is: a criminal.

    Even in jail I have no doubt she will do very well, have her own little gang and admirers; but at least she will not be adding her toxic rants to the political discourse of this country.

  99. Sarah Palin is no Ronald Reagan

  100. LOL

    Decoding 'Sarah Palin's Alaska': What have we learned?

  101. Talk about co-incidences:

    As a sophomore at Kent State, [Randy] Gardner had joined a group of students protesting the Vietnam War, when members of the Ohio National Guard suddenly opened fire. He sprinted toward a field and "hit the ground" to avoid the bullets. Later, he discovered four of his classmates were killed, including a girl from his English class.

  102. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I think we have a 'set up' going on within our government right now. President Obama called for civility and respect in Tucson during his speech. The Republicans are coming out now indicating they will do so - to include our one Senator from Alaska - Murkowski - mixing how they sit in Congress while President Obama delivers his State of the Union address, etc.

    I don't believe them and I truly think they are trying to set up President Obama, so that if he should say ANYTHING negative, he'll be called out for it.

    This is going to be an interesting two years....and, I so hope that this mess w/Palin will drop her from the media forever.

  103. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Subject of lawsuits -

    I know of a man (dumbass) who took out a warrant against a neighbor and stated that the neighbor was starving his dog.

    The Sheriff's Dept. delivered the warrant to the neighbor who had a hunting dog and the Sheriff/Deputy asked the man if he could see the dog. The man let the Sheriff/Deputy see the dog and the Sheriff made the comment to the man that his hunting dog needed some exercise cause it was too fat.

    The lawsuit went to trial and the Judge dismissed it and warned the (dumbass) that he better never appear in his court again.

    The man with dog had to lose a day of work to go to court and my husband lost a day of work also as he was a witness for the man with the hunting dog.

    So with that thought in mind, yes there will probably be many lawsuits involving Palin and they will be decided in a Court of Law.
    Evidence - who knows but the legal case will be decided by either a jury or a judge.

    Palin is not teflon, just remember that.

  104. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Palin as a brand has been tainted - unless she is able to grow her base - she'll continue to the court jester of politics. Mainstream conservatives all week saying her career is over..lets hope so..

  105. Anonymous3:06 PM

    5:08, yes, i've run across intheknow7's blog. some very out there stuff.

  106. Anonymous3:23 PM


    I just clicked on a story and I believe this Fuller guy just got arrested for a confrontation.

  107. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Talking about some "out there" stuff, I keep thinking how it seems there are either people who are passionately pro SP or people who are passionately against her. What if she did get elected... I am seriously worried about a civil war. I know that's really "out there" but it keeps crossing my mind quite often these days.

  108. Anonymous8:57 AM

  109. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hah! This guy just got arrested for DIRECTLY threatening a politician! Now in jail.


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