Friday, January 14, 2011

Unmasking Palin's mini-me, Rebecca Mansour. Update!

Is this Rebecca Mansour? Maybe.
 From Politics Daily:

Less than a year ago Mansour did not even rate inclusion in analyses of Palin's brain trust by the New York Times nor by award-winning investigative political blog, TPM Muckraker. But this week, after Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot at a constituent event, Mansour could be heard on a special edition of conservative talk show host Tammy Bruce's podcast, addressing claims that Palin had helped to foment the attack.

A Lexis/Nexis search of news articles reveals the earliest mention of a Mansour-Palin connection at about the same time: On April 29, 2009, a McClatchy-Tribune article about grassroots groups supporting Palin quoted Mansour as saying the group was separate from Palin.

"She has nothing at all, whatsoever, to do with any of what we're doing here, that's what's rather funny about it," Mansour said. "We have no idea if she knows we exist. We hope she does, but we have no idea. We don't take our cues from her. We interpret what we see as happening. We just speculate."

Soon after that AP story, a Palin aide asked Mansour to help with "Going Rogue," Palin's biography. Mansour told the New York Times that she met with Palin in Southern California and the two bonded like kindred spirits. She then decided to turn the Conservatives4Palin blog over to other Palinistas and Palin hired her as a "speechwriter, researcher, online communications coordinator and all-purpose advisor."

Since that time of course RAM's voice has been omnipresent in almost everything that Palin says on camera, "writes" on Facebook, or even tweets to her followers.  I have long felt that the vast majority of what people think they know about Sarah Palin from her various posts, articles, and tweets is really what they know about Mansour and not necessary Sarah herself.

Finding where Sarah ends, and the RAM begins is an almost impossible undertaking.

As it is RAM is a virtual ghost on the internet, at least visually.  Though her words, most often attributed to Palin, are impossible to avoid, her physical self is cloaked in mystery. (However I am pretty sure the picture I attached is indeed her.)

Do you want to know something kind of funny?

Back at the beginning of July 2009, right about at the time that Palin was telling Alaska to "take this job and shove it," I was supposed to have dinner with RAM.  I kid you not.

You see Mansour went on the Eddie Burke show (where else?) on July 6th right after Palin had resigned, and essentially called the Alaska bloggers "pathetic." Can you believe the gall?

So my friend Phil Munger called into the show and invited her to have dinner with us and judge how pathetic we were for herself.

RAM was kind of cornered so she agreed.

Phil then sent all of us an e-mail to invite us to dinner. So many of us, myself included, agreed to meet with Sarah Palin's #1 fan. (If nothing else I figured it might be an interesting blog post.)

Less than two days later RAM, who must have though better of it, sent Phil an e-mail in the middle of the night cancelling the get together.

Gee that kind of sounds...what's the word for it.....oh yeah....pathetic.

Apparently in the e-mail Becky assured Phil that she would try to meet with us the next time she was in Alaska. Guess how that turned out.

One can hardly blame RAM for cancelling.  She would have been in a room filled with the smartest people in Alaska, and EVERY one of them knew he idol was a fucking idiot.  She would have had to defend Palin face to face, without having the ability to hide behind Twitter or Facebook.  Of course we would have been cordial but she would still have felt overwhelmed by the large personalities and intellects in the room.  No way she could hold her own with even one of us, much less all of us.

You know looking back it is too bad that the dinner never took place.  I think it would have proved informative to have met this shadowy figure in person.  Besides knowing my friends I bet there would be TONS of pictures of RAM for people to see.

Hey, maybe THAT is why she ran away with her tail between her knees.

Update:  Okay I am going to have to wade in here and say that I agree that we should not be picking on RAM simply because her face could curdle milk and sterilize chickens.  After all the poor woman does not appear to be wearing any makeup.

As I am sure most of us realize without the help of strategically applied makeup LOT'S of people might not be nearly as attractive as they appear WITH makeup.  Take this picture of Sarah Palin sans makeup for instance:

See my point?


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    This is really mean, but she looks like Daniel Day Lewis in drag!!!
    Now she has a face for radio!!
    She can't write worth a crap. What's a (ugly) girl to do? Ugly soul ugly vessel.
    Sorry for being trite. (not really)

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    It would be nice to add this in the post.Flyinureye's pics sums everything Palin dream. See if he can allow you to use some of these. Classic



  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Very interesting story!

    So that is what she looks like. Reminds me of the unattractive girls who attach themselves to the pretty mean girl and do all of their dirty work for them.

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    If that picture is of her, it's entirely possible that she does, indeed, have a tail.

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Whoaaa ..... Is that one of the transexuals Todd pays to "rub him the right way". Holy Wassilla Meth Smoke ..... that is one scary looking, guess I know why it got hooked up with the Palin misfits. Birds of a feather....

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Meanwhile, David Kernell, a 23-year-old convicted of hacking into Palin’s e-mail account, reported to a minimum security prison in Kentucky to serve a term of one year and one day at a minimum security federal prison.

    from Politico

    Let's stop for a moment and wish this young man well.


  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    why does RAM release things in
    the middle of the night, in the

  8. Virginia Voter1:25 PM

    Dude, she is just fugly. Check out the profile, minus the green skin, they are practically twins:

    Maybe we should pour water on Becky too. Heh, now I know why she's never photographed

  9. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I'm going to be honest. That is not, ummm pretty.

  10. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Is it "later" yet?

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Is it true that she was raised by nuns and is on a mission from God?

  12. angela1:35 PM

    Okay everybody, it doesn't matter what RAM looks like.
    What really matter is the ugly in her heart and her abject worship of a woman who would make Gandhi scream.

    It is interesting that we are probably getting angry Rebecca and not just silly Sarah in Facebook, etc. I don't know if Sarah even knows what she thinks. I believe at this point she's just hopping on a feral hamster wheel with her reactions—which is not a good look.

  13. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "I am sick & tired of the 'lack of substance' argument against Sarah Palin," she once tweeted. "Try reading her Facebook posts & listening to her speeches."

    Hilarious! After reading how Suzi Parker, Correspondent, could not tell if is was Palin or Mansour. Since most of the Facebook posts use spell check and grammar, Mansour is talking about Mansour's writing and speeches. The word salad delivery is Palin's "substance."

    Why has she avoided showing a photograph all those years? What about her high school or college year books?

  14. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Ah yes. Palin's brain, so to speak.

    Apart from a million other things, this is another big reason why I think an actual run for the presidency would flop.

    We are naturally attracted to those similar to ourselves. Smart people want to work for smart leaders. Sarah, in turn, while she may be able to hire some that qualify as "professionals", would be third-rate at best. The best and the brightest in campaign strategy simply would not want to work for her. In short, her campaign would be a flop in terms or organization alone. Yes, she'd get tons of free publicity, but running for President isn't a popularity contest, though I'm sure she wishes that it were.


    Hey Sarah - you fucking dummy - what are you doing here slacking off and reading these comments about yourself? Shouldn't you be rehearsing for your Hannity appearance? Good luck with that. Your days are numbered.

  15. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Is it true that she worked with the Obama campaign initially and when they didn't give her a paid position she decided to jump on the Palin Nonsense bandwagon?

    If this is true, I wonder if the Obama campaign leadership saw something (*cough* mental illness *cough*) wasn't quite right with Ms. RAM.

    It's a shame the way some people will sell themselves out for a little notoriety or money in this country. Speaking of money/fame whores, what ever became of Adrienne Ross? She always kind of struck me as a wannabe Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter who wanted a paid position with Palin, but didn't get one, probably because of too much melanin or because Palin saw in Ross someone just a little loonier than she.

  16. Anonymous1:42 PM

    She has an unfortunate last name. Pale In Man Sour.

  17. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I'll bet any moment now the RAM will be swooping in here to 'defend' herself and her queen bee as only she can -- with a second grade level slew of illiterate name-calling replete with shades of a three-year-old's temper tantrum on the floor at Wal-Mart.



  19. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I immediately thought of Adam Sandler's Operaman from SNL

    Wish I could show the picture.

  20. Buttah Face. Mansour never had it so good. She's this close to the Queen and she gets to craft Palin's screeches and FB rants. Not bad for the homeliest girl in class, the one everyone ignored. But she will not be ignored now. There is always a toady for every megalomaniac and RAM is Sarah's. Too bad she will be dropped like a rock when she fails to deliver Palin from the "rabid press." And the smart people of the US.

  21. Anonymous2:12 PM

    RAM ran out of spine and decided not to eat with the barbarian hordes? OOPS that's her description of theC4P creww- well it was RAM who lost out by skipping out.

    I wonder who funded that movie Mansour "wrote" the screenplay for?

    A 24 minute film requires significant financing- that apparently was not provided by the AFI.

    And the director apparently was a one film wonder also too?

    Jack Abramoff is another example of a 'filmmaker' that went on to bigger things.

  22. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Palin & Ramsour are polar opposites in looks,
    but the both have the same hateful spirit. Ram
    might look better if we heard more than hate
    from her. Palin, no matter how attractive she
    is outside, we can't get over the ugly brain &
    heart. Palin is the mean girl cheerleader, and
    Ram is her homely, unpopular, loser flunky.
    Palin isn't going to ever give you a taste, Ram!
    She isn't into girls! Follow her around & do her
    bidding all you want, smelling her used Spanx
    is as close as you'll get to her hate-filled vagina.

  23. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I have a hard time believing the April 2009 Palin-Mansour connection timeline.

    I say this because the Pee blog was deeply involved with raising funds for the Defence Fund - even at one point having the online webathon in June 2009, the same month that the blog was handed over to others as Mansour & someone else, I believe Russo left. Of course the communication for the Defense Fund & donations was to be at arms length with Palin as she was not to be involved in the set-up or operation of it. It was Kristen Cole who ran that -- yea and I believe in Purple People Eaters Too!!!

    Palin announced her stepped down as Gov July 3, 2009

    Many of the 'posts' on the Pee blog was information and pictures that no one else had access to.

    May not have been a face to face meeting, but I have a feeling the online/phone communication was before that. Just no way to prove it.

  24. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Ram reminds me of Howard K. Stern:

  25. Anonymous2:23 PM

    this is how I always pictured RAM, Twittering on her Blackberry:

    not too far off

    - kellygrrrl

  26. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm reading some pretty immature posts here regarding the picture of the woman purported to be RAM. I'm disgusted with the sexism displayed here. So what if a woman is not "pretty," or "attractive?" Shouldn't it be her intellect that is important?

    Now if folks want to rag on her for her politics (or lack thereof), as well as her attachment to Palin, that's one thing. But please take the high road and quit ragging on her looks. That shouuld be beneath anyone who calls him/herself progressive.

  27. Anonymous2:25 PM

    am I the only one who thinks it was Tammy Bruce who came up with the "Surveyor's Mark" line?
    I really felt like she was feeding that to RAM during that interview, at least twice.

    - kellygrrrl

  28. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I'm sticking to my commitment to trying not to attack. That includes comments on her looks. I will comment on how rude she is on twitter. She swears at people and calls them names. She bashes liberals and Democrats. I couldnt get over how unprofessional she was given her role!

    Another blog says she is getting fired? I just guessed, if true, it was for the blood libel comment, but I have no idea if this true or not.

  29. Anonymous2:28 PM

    How does the saying go ?

    She has a face for radio. Or ghost writer.


  30. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Totally O/T, but it has cracked me up how the home page headliner image on the C4P site has changed over the past couple years.

    The mountains, that backside of Ms Palin, and then:

    1) beautiful mountains, but look at the pipelines...

    2) what's that, the Capitol Building in DC?

    3) and now, The White House!

    we need to find humour in small things, these days. And not waste too much energy in bitterness, there is a lot of work to do.

    For those of us of a certain age, remember 1968-69? We had to make choices then, how to live our politics. Many of us left school and went out to work with the less will be debated by our grandchildren how well we did then, but I am not sure we don't have more work to do now. My body aches and death is stalking my shadow, but however and wherever I can manifest the spirit of President Obama's speech, I vow to do so.

    Ok, maybe a tad preachy, but I am pretty worked up over all this. Best to you Gryphen and all who post here; will be off-line for a couple weeks as I move.


  31. Anonymous2:33 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    I immediately thought of Adam Sandler's Operaman from SNL

    Wish I could show the picture.

    1:50 PM"


  32. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "BrownStoneFam said...
    Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm reading some pretty immature posts here regarding the picture of the woman purported to be RAM. I'm disgusted with the sexism displayed here. So what if a woman is not "pretty," or "attractive?" Shouldn't it be her intellect that is important?

    Now if folks want to rag on her for her politics (or lack thereof), as well as her attachment to Palin, that's one thing. But please take the high road and quit ragging on her looks. That shouuld be beneath anyone who calls him/herself progressive.

    2:24 PM"


  33. Anonymous2:39 PM

    If her face were green, she could star in "Wicked."

  34. Anonymous2:46 PM

    @brownstonefarm, whatever. I'm not a progressive and I'll criticize the looks of a woman who is human pond scum all I want. Trust me, she deserves no less.

  35. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Put her hair in a bun, dress her in a black Victorian dress, put her on a bike, add hat and dog--what do you get?

    They do have flying monkeys over there here is the other wicked witch.

  36. "I am sick & tired of the 'lack of substance' argument against Sarah Palin," she once tweeted. "Try reading her Facebook posts & listening to her speeches."

    Honey, we have looked at her (your?) tweets and (tried to) listen to her (your?) speeches.

    That is how we arrived at the conclusion that there is no substance to Sarah Palin. Try again.

    Oh, and RAM? If you are the ah, brains behind Sarah's facebook and twitter yammerings, well then, sorry, there is not much substance to you either.

  37. Anonymous2:54 PM


    I agree, some comments are over the top. Especially those simply calling her ugly.

    But the disparity between Palin's exterior and hers is worth noting and part of the psychology of their relationship. No?

  38. Anonymous3:00 PM

    "I have a hard time believing the April 2009 Palin-Mansour connection timeline."

    Me too.

    "Many of the 'posts' on the Pee blog was information and pictures that no one else had access to.

    May not have been a face to face meeting, but I have a feeling the online/phone communication was before that. Just no way to prove it."

    UH HUH.

    Palin's former staff ask for FIFTEENTH delay in releasing her e-mails to the media.

    Because who knows what campaign finance violations might be hiding in those communications?

  39. laprofesora3:02 PM

    Of course they bonded, over their shared hatred of our President. It doesn't matter what someone's qualifications are, only that they have the same enemies as Scarah.

    But if it's true that Wednesday's video was RAM's idea, it got some pretty bad press. RAM might find herself under the bus soon.

  40. Anonymous3:05 PM

    OMG! Is it just me, or does she look just like the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz???

    I hate to be so mean but.....she literally wrote the book on mean!

  41. Anonymous3:16 PM

    If Mansour played the wicked witch of the West (East?) (North?) in the wizard of Oz then that is her.

  42. Aussie Blue Sky3:16 PM

    I was under the impression that it was no secret that Bekki was in close contact with Staplegun from virtually the beginning of the suck blog.

  43. Anonymous3:17 PM

    That shouuld be beneath anyone who calls him/herself progressive.

    Maybe it should, maybe it shouldn't.

    We have been following this ugly cow for a while now and she is a worthless human being (based on what she choses to do for a living.) Palin gets a pass for alot Because she is a tad pretty. Palin and her minions make looks an issue. It's fair game to comment on Mansour's wicked witch of the west dopplegangerness-i-ness

  44. Enjay in E MT3:18 PM

    Seems interesting that RAM is SP's brain. A good thing to argue with the RWNJ - with SP hiding behind Twitter-FB - how well do we or anyone know the REAL SP?

    What we know of her appearances comes from Faux (performing her punditry, non-recorded speeches & events with NO questions (unless pre-screened & answers are written on hand, SPA show (highly edited and staged), and those glimpses when someone gets her on a camera -- taking down a sign or snipping at someone for "stalking" ....

    Everything done in the last 2+ yrs has a veil on it .. so much for being open & transparent. And someone who HIDES behind the curtain has NO RIGHT to expect votes of the public.

    Will the REAL SP stand up and speak to Maddow, 60 Minutes, or Meet the Press? NOPE!!

  45. Ferry Fey3:43 PM

    Rebecca Mansour is not unattractive, and these juvenile insults really distract from any substantive points
    posters may make. We're trying to present information and analysis, and no-one that we want to persuade is going to want to wade through all the noise.

    Cut the ad hominem crap and focus on Mansour's words and actions.

  46. Anonymous3:50 PM

    "It's a man, baby" - Austin Powers

  47. She looks like the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz. Somebody throw some water on her.

  48. Anonymous4:07 PM

    " Enjay in E MT said...
    Seems interesting that RAM is SP's brain. A good thing to argue with the RWNJ - with SP hiding behind Twitter-FB - how well do we or anyone know the REAL SP?

    What we know of her appearances comes from Faux (performing her punditry, non-recorded speeches & events with NO questions (unless pre-screened & answers are written on hand, SPA show (highly edited and staged), and those glimpses when someone gets her on a camera -- taking down a sign or snipping at someone for "stalking" ....

    Everything done in the last 2+ yrs has a veil on it .. so much for being open & transparent. And someone who HIDES behind the curtain has NO RIGHT to expect votes of the public.

    Will the REAL SP stand up and speak to Maddow, 60 Minutes, or Meet the Press? NOPE!!

    3:18 PM"

    Sarah Palin is probably borderline retarded,
    like Chauncey Gardiner, from the movie Being There. That is why they hide her. I think she
    can read & memorize, but she can't
    come up with ideas on her own. She is a shill.

    Her husband had to sit in on all her business
    meetings as governor...Has anyone ever seen
    SP in public (like @the mall) since the election?
    By herself? Why does she need a babysitter?

    She is almost 50, you'd think someone would
    have snapped a photo of her at the grocery
    store, or sitting in traffic, ALONE. But I
    haven't seen any. There is something wrong
    with her & she doesn't have Nancy Reagan
    to co-president.

  49. Anonymous4:09 PM

    " Nefer said...

    Oh, and RAM? If you are the ah, brains behind Sarah's facebook and twitter yammerings, well then, sorry, there is not much substance to you either.

    2:52 PM"


  50. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Too bad if you guys don't like the comments but she is ass ugly! All I can think of is "I'm melting, I'm melting!"

  51. Anonymous4:26 PM

    "For someone as media-centric as Mansour, there is a surprising dearth of pictures available of her on the Internet. On her personal Twitter page, her profile picture features an ancient coin depicting Queen Elissar, Dido, the founder of Carthage, whose metropolis grew to be a "shining city." She emphasizes the three letters of her first, middle and last names -- RAM -- and lists Los Angeles as her city."


  52. Anonymous4:38 PM

    "Mansour uses Twitter to defend her viewpoints -- and her ethnicity. In one tweet, she wrote, 'I happen to be one of those 'brown folks,' you racist cretin. Look at my last name, you disgusting fool.'"

    "She has also lashed out at news veteran Helen Thomas as 'a total embarrassment to my fellow Lebanese-Americans and to the Maronites. Shame on you, Helen.'"


    Sounds as if Mansour has a chip on her shoulder.

  53. Anonymous4:40 PM

    "Ferry Fey said...

    Cut the ad hominem crap and focus on Mansour's words and actions.

    3:43 PM"

    Pretty is as pretty does. If she was a nice person,
    no one would say anything about her looks. Unless
    she was a Democrat, then the Republicans would
    be making fun of her. You know, like how Rush
    Slimeball called a pre-teen Chelsea Clinton the
    "White House Dog"? Or the way they talk about
    the Obama girls? Or the way that one idiot said
    the chimp who escaped from that zoo was a
    relative of Michelle's? Or the way they put
    out posters with old Democratic women in
    unposed photos next to young Republican
    women in photoshopped head shots? Yeah,
    I know, liberals are supposed to turn the
    other cheek, be above the fray, etc, etc, etc.

  54. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Candidates for President are almost always well developed and informed individuals adept at handling themselves in most situations.

    Not WGE. No, not one bit. Sarah can't cut it on her own. She always needs help. In fact, she needs an entire team consisting of RAM et al to create and perpetuate the "Sarah Palin" myth. Seems like everything Sarah does comes from her foundation of being a star player on a high school basketball team.

    Sarah's next home game against America is scheduled for Monday on Fox News. Sean Hannity will play guard.

  55. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Please cool it with the negative comments having to do with RAM's appearance. I look forward to more comments criticizing RAM for her avid support of Sarah.

  56. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I don't think the comments are petty because I don't think the ugliness is about looks. Take away the set of her jaw and the steely-eyed gaze and you could have an attractive woman. In fact, focusing on her physical features, she reminds me a little of someone I know, a woman of Native American ancestry who has strong, striking features, but also an amazingly gentle spirit and inner light. The woman in the photograph glares; the woman I know glows.

    PS. So has RAM joined the growing crowd under that bus, do we know?

  57. Anonymous4:59 PM

    OK. Can't resist.

    How much you wanna bet she's a lesbian? Nothing wrong with that, of course. But, maybe she and Tammy have the hots for Twitler? I know...eeeewwwww.

    Kinda funny that she approached Obama to work on his campaign. Prolly didn't like McCain at all.

    Then, just like all the 'men' out there that 'support' Crosshair Sarah - got a hardon and switched their support?

    Talk about 'creeped out' by people's worshipful attitude - haha

  58. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "Sarah Palin is probably borderline retarded, like Chauncey Gardiner, from the movie Being There. That is why they hide her. I think she
    can read & memorize, but she can't
    come up with ideas on her own. She is a shill."

    no doubt about it. It's why she skated through elementary school, bare got through HS and pretends to have a Bachelors degree in either Communications or Journalism with a minor in Political Science.

  59. Anonymous5:26 PM

    C'mon, did anything think Palin would have someone prettier than her speaking for her? RAM is the ugly chick that hang around the queen bee for only one reason. To the scapegoat for the queen when she screws up.

  60. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Oh yes...the photo of RAM, if it is her, says it all...

  61. Anonymous6:03 PM

    All of the behind the scenes hoodoo is too much like Osama. It's just juvenile cloak and dagger stuff built on rage. Mansour calling herself brown is a joke. She's a Catholic Lebanese, a Middle Eastern minority. Not Jew, not Muslim. Not Protestant. That's just perfect for a persecution complex. Add to that her rejection in Hollywood (and maybe rejection by Obama's campaign?), and you've got the making's of a suicide bomber. Lots of anger in that chick. Way way too much anger.

  62. Anonymous6:17 PM

    RAM has job security. Sarah can't fire her. Payback is a bitch and RAM is holding onto a lot of Palin's misdeeds and secrets.

  63. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I hate the looks comments too. There is plenty to criticize without going there and I dont want to be like them, no way, no how.. I've been arguing on line that the left is not nearly as bad as the right when it comes to comments. You all are making a liar out of me!!!

    When I first heard about RAM she was acting like a Nazi leader of c for p. There was no dissent allowed! I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt - she used to be a Hilary supporter but she was SO SO mean to people. I hate mean people and she's gotten worse. Sarah does not have a professional team in place. Not at all.

  64. Anonymous6:33 PM

    The funniest thing about Rebecca Mansour is that I'm 100% positive that, in "real life", she barely says boo. She is the nastiest, crudest asshole going when she's safe on the interwebs (even before she started pretending to be Sarah Palin on Facebook), but in reality? I'd bet money that she skulks around, not saying a word and hoping no one looks at her. What a sad excuse for a life.

  65. Anonymous6:54 PM

    My guess is RAM's arm climbed up SP's back and her hand clenched around SP's jaw shortly before Meg Stapletongue decided to spend more time with her precious toddler. Wasn't that in February of last year?

  66. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Um, let me differentiate some things here for the sake of Oz. You are all speaking of Margaret Hamilton as a RAM lookalike (Wicked Witch in THE WIZARD OF OZ) and not beautiful Idina Menzel (star of WICKED).

  67. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I have to say, I just watched video of Palin's "introduction" on 8/29/08. Ugh. Good God, it's amazing how confident she was from the get go. Frightening. She didn't have a hesitation. Someday someone will do a major psychological study on this woman. Psyyyyyyyyycho!

  68. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I think she much have changed her name from "SourMan" judging by her looks.

    What happened to Meg?

  69. We have to do better than just giving lip service to our President's call to civility.

    "Curdle milk"?

    C'mon. We're better than this.

  70. So that's the CPPS (Chief Palin Panty Sniffer).

    She certainly has the qualification (singular)for it.

    Jimmy Durante would be envious ;-)

  71. This woman that has hitched her wagon to Palin's out of control persona is very sad indeed. If Becky Mansour truly was a struggling script writer in LA and she chose to seek fame by hitching herself to the Palin wagon, then she has completely ruined any chance she had of achieving any of her Hollywood goals.

    If Becky Mansour actually harbors all the hate in her heart that she spews forth in her missives that she posts in Palin's name on Facebook, Twitter, and in Palin's speeches, then she is truly a person beyond consideration by thinking and caring individuals. Not only is she not a viable person in Hollywood, she is barely a person.

  72. claire12:02 AM

    If RAM were not so ugly on the inside, she would appear much more attractive on the outside. I suspect that the comments here only reflect who she has shown herself to be on Facebook, Twitter, interviews, etc.

  73. claire12:07 AM

    7:20, yeah, she just knew she had it in the bag. She thought the rest of the country would love her just as Alaska did. Turns out Alaska didn't much love who she turned out to be.

  74. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Hop on over to WTF blog.

  75. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I don't care about her looks, it is a shame the focus goes there. It is not even certain that picture is Rebecca Mansour. I do think it is questionable why she doesn't have a profile photo like most professionals. She may suffer from a form of severe dysmorphia. That is relevant and could explain what we've learned about her. No one with an untreated mental illness should be anywhere near even minor positions of power. One important part of the Tucson massacre is to bring to light that people who show signs of mental illness can't be ignored. It is vital to help them get into treatment.

    There are no pictures from school or during Mansour's screen writing days. I read that she may have taught in a school in Southern California. No photo? Bush's brain is no beauty but he doesn't hide like this woman. He did what Mansour needs to do, get out front and talk up her brand. Instead we see patterns of anger, secrets and unstable psychological quirks.

    Mansour could be the defacto President of the free world if their dreams came true. More shadowy than Todd Palin as Governor of Alaska. Does she have the qualities of any kind of leadership? How did this band of miscreants get into a position where so many took them serious for so long? While they are selling the myth of Palin as a hockey mom and frontierswoman the actual product is more Mansour. The secrets and the relationship between the two women does matter. That is what needs to be examined.

    Water seeks it's own level. Palin is sinking. The last few weeks she had a book failure, a cable series failure and her job on Fox Cable News taken down to reruns. She showed up on talk radio to repeat a Glenn Beck mantra for war. Tammy Bruce is revealed as a top aid or aid to a top aid. Where are Palin's greatest enthusiasts? Talk radio. The brand of talk radio known as hate radio.

    Thanks to Gryphen and Parker for bringing up Palin's Secret Cyber-Messenger. By coincidence the Secret Cyber-Messenger is related to Techrepublican. The lamestream media dropped the ball and that is one reason this is happening. Palin and her Secret Cyber-Messenger may be on their way out. The Murdock empire, hate radio Republican techies and others will find another darling to prop up. We need to see how they did this one and become aware of what could be next.

  76. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Switched on the old laptop this morning and saw that this is a lead story on AOL news.

    Do you think Pathetic Palin will give her PR hack the boot to try to save some face? You know NOTHING is her fault. ;-)


  77. Anonymous6:20 AM

    - kellygrrrl -

    Is there a transcript of the Mansour-Bruce interview your refer to? That is interesting and worth examining.
    How nuts would that be? The buck stops with Palin because she signs off on these people... if Bruce is where she is getting the advise she follows... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! In some radio markets the voice of Tammy Bruce is familiar, her tweets say even more about her character. To think there are people who would buy into her as an adviser to a President, that possibly Tammy Bruce could be in a U.S President's Cabinet... what a nightmarish thought.

    What horrid fiction this is sounding like and yet there is a part of reality that is serious about these bad actors. There are actual people that would buy Bruce and Palin and they have a way to spread their nonsense. I am so relieved they is getting some sunshine poured into their dark crevices.

    I would like to know if it was Bruce who planted the seed about the "Surveyor's Mark." That is significant.

  78. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Men or women like the ones being discussed here are dangerous. They do provoke other like minded crazies. Their excuses and rhetoric must be exposed for what it is and what it is doing to our society.
    10 Recent And Troubling Examples

  79. Anonymous7:00 AM

    4:40 PM

    This is OT, but I think it's amusing when people criticize the Obama girls' looks. People on Gawker said Malia was "awkward" in that photo of the family coming off Air Force One after their vacation. Um...If she's in an awkward stage, please -- let me be awkward. That girl is GORGEOUS. She could probably be a model. And perhaps this is a little catty, but the prettiest of the Palin sisters would need eight more notches of pretty to be even a quarter as attractive as Malia.

    I hope I don't sound pervy. I'm a straight lady who is just disgusted that people would insult Malia for being awkward when she is probably more attractive than 99.999999 percent of the young girls out there. What the hell are those girls supposed to think about themselves?

  80. Anonymous7:14 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    RAM has job security. Sarah can't fire her. Payback is a bitch and RAM is holding onto a lot of Palin's misdeeds and secrets.

    6:17 PM"

    So, in other words, Ramsour knows where the
    bodies are buried? Wouldn't a genius like
    Sarah Palin have known to get a confidentiality
    agreement when she hired her? Anyone with
    a lick of sense knows that women will tell your

    We may find out what happened to Ruffles!

  81. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I regret the tone of the comments about this woman's appearance. We are not even sure this is Becky.

    Becky is an ugly person because she promotes violence, division and hatefulness in our country, regardless of what her face looks like. (I dare say with her employer going to a plastic surgeon, she might have had a little work done herself.)

    Because appearance is very, very important to the contemptible woman.

    Whatever happened to Meg Stapleton?? Has she recovered? If so, I wonder if she might reflect on her experiences.. I hope she is working on a candid book. I think the contemptible woman's life might very well be studied in the years to come, as a lesson for future generations.

    I do believe she has some form of learning disability. I think her hopping from college to college was an opportunity to "fudge" on her transferable credits, and I would be moderately surprised if she really has graduated from college.

  82. Anonymous8:51 AM

    People with no name recognition and who are not political get confidentiality agreements.

    It is ludicrous to think Stapleton or Mansour or anyone else will write a tell all book. If it could happen it would take another 20 or more years. Dream on but don't give it a second of rational thought.

    If a trapped animal was hell bent on revenge they would find another way. Not writing a tell all book.

  83. Anonymous9:24 AM

    When things go wrong and someone has to leave, all the concerned parties try to work out a win, win plan for each party. There is a very, very slim possibility that they were all rogue and no one covered their ass and it will all just blow up.

    It is more likely that RAM would be given a graceful way to leave. She may write a book but it would be all gloss and continue to carry on her Dear Leader's myths.

    RAM may continue to be paid by Sarah PAC (registered in Virginia) through her Aries Petra Consulting LLC, the 2009 Virginia corp. Sarah PAC can use her name and demote her so that no one is the wiser that she only does dishes and wipes the Palin ass now. If anyone listens to Tammy Bruce she may have more clues about the current standing of how the authors of the surveyors mark and blood libel themes are going. Bruce will be loyal to ideology and she will act according to presenting a united front and speak no ill against her own. She may reveal other subtle changes on radio and in twitters.

  84. If you think the picture at the bottom of your blog post is bad, you must have already figured out who the woman we all suspect is Becky Mansour pictured above resembles too!

  85. I'm a bit disappointed that my name is attached - via Gryph's reference to me attempting to set up an informal potluck dinner with the person who had since become Sarah Palin's chief day-to-day ghost voice. Not in the way Gryph wrote the essay, but in the sometimes pathetically cruel remarks by commenters.

    Mansour, from the picture attached (yes - that is her) is not unattractive, and to me, the profile represented in it says a lot that is positive about the person attached to that physical presence: She looks healthy, intelligent and engaged.

  86. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I don't have a problem with the above picture. It bothers me that Rebecca Mansour is a political and public person that doesn't release her own image. Not that she has to do that. She could also make a statement as to why she doesn't choose to release a professional or other image herself. Pictures are good PR and will help people feel they better know one.

    The public is sick of Sarah Palin hiding behind social media and her ghostwriters. Now they learn her ghostwriter is more than a ghostwriter, may be an architect of the Sarah Pac brand and she is in hiding and manifests some strange behaviors. I think she did a video about Mitt Romney with an implication of a gun. She lied to cover up for SarahPac when gun sites were mentioned.
    It would be to SarahPacs advantage if they could say what is up. It is human nature when things are secret to pursue an explanation or in this case what someone looks like.

    Half of my family have noses similar to the above and I don't find it unattractive. One of my favorite childhood shows was Make Room for Daddy. Margo Thomas had a nose job, so what? She would have been beautiful anyway, they were a wonderful American family. One of my best friends from school was American (Lebanese-American), very strong features and very beautiful. I never considered that she was any different, except more gorgeous and sexy, than anyone else. I really hate that part of dividing people up and I hope we get past it. ASAP.

    How do I know for certain Rebecca Mansour is not teaching my child if she is still teaching or returns to teaching one day? I don't care for the behaviors she engages in and she could pass on the vulnerable minds. It helps to know what she looks like.

    Thank you for bringing up this interesting article. Thank you Phil for your direct and clear comment.

  87. Thank you Phil Munger.

    Rebecca looks lovely, regal even.

    By all accounts, she is smart and educated.

    But the angry outbursts (witnessed when she led c4p) and the vitriolic screeds she writes in Mrs. Palin's name are not pretty at all.

    I remain prayerful that RAM will do some soul searching and reflect upon that what she puts forth unto the world.

  88. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Yikes...I have seen that photo we know that is RAM. Just as I imagined her looking.

    Well, it will be soon (if it has not already happened) that she will join some of us under the big, yellow Palin bus. No one stays that close to Palin for very long. She has burned through boatloads of victims already.

    Welcome to the club, Becky!

  89. Scruffer4:19 PM

    Gryphen - really, did you have to go there? Really??
    I mean, do you really really think that 'looks' have to do with anything???
    I mean, to even bring that kind of thing up is to lower yourself to 'the haters level'.
    Actually, I'm pretty hurt by it myself. I have warts all over, they just grow, I have no control. Does that mean I'm 'evil' eventhough I'm not green-skinned?

    Seriously. However RAM looks, it doesn't matter. Making her feel bad about how she LOOKS is, as far as I'm concerned, about as low as one can get.
    Plenty of people struggle with inferiority complexes about their looks.
    I love your blog, I love your wit, insight and intellect.
    On this one're incredibly wrong and hurtful.

    Please continue on the criticism of the intellect, politics, and humanity.

    Please do not ever focus on 'looks' again. It's irrelevant and it makes you look like a shallow teenager.
    Seriously. Focus on the issues.
    Oh, and please 'advice' your readers of the same.
    We're BETTER than that!

  90. Scruffer4:30 PM

    To ALL Anonymous posters:

    Please, refrain from commenting on appearances.
    Take the Palin bunch on only on an intellectual level - don't lower yourselves to a 'looksist' group. That's showing lack of actual reasoning.
    We're all better than that - I'm sure that many of us are not 'Hollywood material', so lay off the emphasis on looks and keep focusing on facts.
    Besides, if I may add, the comments on this woman being a 'possible' Trans....well, I urge those who made those slanderous comments to examine their own feelings about Trans people.
    I myself have experienced many many hateful/hurtful comments and reactions to being just who I am: a Butch woman.

    Please, examine yourself. Would you like YOUR picture examined like that?
    My guess is no. And my guess is that you'd be VERY hurt.

    So ease up.
    Focus on the policy, politics, issues. NOT on the 'looks'.

  91. Scruffer4:39 PM

    "See my point?"

    No I don't.
    Please expand on your point.

    I've never shaved, don't wear make-up, have many warts.

    Gryphen, please expand on your point.
    You're needlessly hurting people. Some on your side, some not.

  92. aj weishar6:46 PM

    Gryphen, you have captured an image of one of the most elusive people on earth. RAM is the Howard Hughes of the 21st century. She is bigger than life as the voice of Palin and obviously a very intelligent person. Her messages are correctly spelled complete sentences, a welcome relief from her boss' notion of journalism. It's too bad RAM doesn't realize she is Palin's brain, much like Karl Rove with Bush.

  93. Anonymous7:02 PM

    YIKES...look at the nozzle on that wanker!!! Holy Moly..... She may require O2 even at sea level !! BUT, since she's got a LOT of extra room in her brain-housing-group, probably not...

  94. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Scruffer, I agree with you for the most part. I do think there are those that are legitimate to scrutinize, like vain politicians, men or women who are in the media or enter contests where their physical appearance is in the market place. There is room for self-moderation but don't forget celebrities do roasts and that kind of humor and fun can get pretty brutal. Today modern day plastic surgery can be excessive and dangerous. When someone is going that way and they look ridiculous or excessive it is healthy to call them out. Like Heidi Montag. It might save a life.

    For this particular person the spotlight should be on what she is doing to our country and to others. She can be very hurtful and cruel. It may be karmic that this reaction came up about her. I don't care whatever the backlash is, I don't like it either and would like to see it go away. Although she made a conscious decision to hide herself. She would know that when the time came and her face would be seen there would be a huge reaction. She is responsible with the way she handled her life in the profession she is in. I'm not down on the commenters having the reaction they have because I don't think it is only about seeing the picture of her. I think it is also about her being secret, dishonest and her cruelty to others.

    One or two asinine remarks would be enough. To expose who and what she is doing is good. Dissect and fillet her in other areas that aren't as superficial. If people had exposed Karl Rove sooner maybe there would not have been a Bush to financially destroyed us. Rove is no stranger to remarks about his physical appearance. His thick skin has no trouble handling that. May this help Rebecca Mansour come out of her shell and grow up.

  95. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You of all people should not be disparaging people's looks. And why would anyone want to waste their time having lunch with a bunch of angry bloggers?

  96. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Oh my, yes. Palin, Becky and Tammy can delight in horrible hate speech about our President, the First Lady and anyone else who doesn't believe in their propaganda. But let some on this blog vent and they should all be chastied. As I've commented many times before on this blog. The arrival of Palin here in Ohio brought out the worst in people. Bigotry came back out in the open. So save the preaching. There's a difference between making fun of kindhearted person's looks and someone who has hatred in their heart. JMO



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