Saturday, February 26, 2011

Behold, the mother of all Obama conspiracies! You might want to have a potent beverage handy while you read THIS one.

From Mother Jones:

In the past few years, paranoid conservatives have cooked up all sorts of conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama. Some have claimed he has a secret plan to confiscate guns. Others have said he has a secret plan to confiscate IRA accounts. Still others have contended he's setting up clandestine FEMA concentration camps. And, of course, there's the big one: Obama's is an undercover socialist purposefully trying to wreck the US economy so he can implement a dictatorial takeover. But here's the mother of all right-wing conspiracy theories: Obama is scheming to bring tens of millions of Muslims—perhaps up to 100 million—from the Middle East into the United States in order to turn this country into an Islamic nation by the end of his second term.

This week, (American-born Israeli named Avi) Lipkin and Special Guests sent an email to television and radio bookers pitching the biggest story of all time:

According to Arabic language broadcasts intercepted and interpreted by Lipkin and his team, "The Moslem world is saying that President Obama wants amnesty for the current Hispanic 12 million illegal immigrants in the US in order to pave the way for the next wave of tens of millions of illegals from the Middle East to the United States, leading to 50 to 100 million Muslims living in the US before the end of Obama’s second term, which will be brought forth by these new US citizens voting for their savior, Obama."

Lipkin, who also goes by the name Victor Mordechai, claims to have "a source with a senior United Nations official" (whatever that means) who says that the United States "will be a Muslim country by the end of Obama's second term." This grand plan is so organized that it even has three parts. Phase One: Obama foments unrest in "each Middle East country" so that these regimes are toppled and replaced by "fanatic" Sunni Mulsims, who go on to "overthrow the competing Shiite regime in Iran without involving American troops." Phase Two: A massive exodus of Muslims heads toward Europe, Canada, and the Unites States, turning all of these Western nations into Muslim countries. Phase Three: The nations now controlled by Islamic extremists "march on Israel in an effort to destroy it" and Obama "keeps his promise…to destroy Israel."

Holy crap, can you believe this bullshit?

This is becoming ridiculous, and will only serve to panic those whose repressed racism and low level intelligence make them highly susceptible to this kind of propaganda.

If you have the stomach for it, try to get through this intellectually insulting video which seems to be aimed at making this Avi Lipkin guy appear to be Glenn Beck 2.0.

By the way the President who was "in the White House to represent Saudi Arabia's interests" was George W. Bush.  Not Barack Obama.

And unlike this manufactured bullshit about Obama we have plenty of real evidence to link George W. with the Saudis.  Including photographic evidence.

This is not a case of both sides manufacturing conspiracies about the other, this is about REAL verifiable facts and something pulled right out of this Avi Lipkin's ass.

But you just watch and see how long it is before this guy is invited to share his theories on Fox News, or some Right Wing talk radio stations.


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Why not the picture of Dubya kissing the Saudi prince?

    Just google it and pick one.

    Don't the muslims arrive in flying saucers also too?

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    The Bush family history is a must Google, it makes for some very interesting reading, so many scandals and questions.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    This is just...sigh...

    I was hoping you were talking about the racist conspiracy put forth about how Bill Ayers wrote Dreams From My Father. This is just...sigh.

    Can't we just talk about the recent allegations from wonkette that Sarah Palin had Lasik surgery and doesn't need to wear glasses and only wears them to look smart?

    Or about how Jamie Oliver called her a Froot Loop for being against Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign?

  4. Bear Woman3:32 PM

    Won't his appearance on Fox be the case of pot meet kettle, considering Fox's ownership has a Saudi prince as a major shareholder and he is one of the "Arabs" that blamed the US for the 9/11 attacks

  5. Gasman3:34 PM

    This guy is Oily Teatz's crazy uncle Avi. What a fucking moron. Yet, I'm sure that the crowd that suckles at the Murdoch teat that is FauxNews will eagerly lap up this shit. I think Avi's tinfoil hat has slipped and allowed in Obama's mind control rays.

    How come the right wingers can't criticize Obama without wallowing in conspiratorial insanity? The left are the only ones whose criticism of Obama is based upon the issues. When the right does it it's because he's Kenyan, or Manchurian, or communist, or Muslim, or muslin, or vegetarian, or because he's secretly a Teletubbie. How come none of this bullshit has ever come true?

    Life seems to be much simpler if you don't have a brain. You simply do what your overlords at FauxNews tell you to do.

  6. I guess President Obama is not content to sit back and wait for all the terror babies that will be taking over in the future.

    Wow, Prez., how's about a little patience.


  7. Roger3:42 PM

    For a long time, we've had the chance to giggle, when standing in the grocery store checkout line, at headlines in such rags as the National Enquirer.

    Items such as: "Elvis Presley photographed buying a potato shaped exactly like the Virgin Mary, from a Martian, out of the tailgate of his flying saucer."

    Even as a nine year old, I just assumed adults bought silly stuff like this, to GOOF over, not actually BELIEVE.

    Sadly, I know of several adult, otherwise normal seeming people, who will state that President Obama is the Antichrist, or from Neptune, or bent on some crazy scheme like the dipshit mentioned in this post claims to be the case--with a straight face!

    I blame the Fox channel, for dumbing down the American mind, so that most people can no longer distinguish bullshit from fact, like I was able to do as a preteen. It was one thing to see it in print, but an entirely different thing to have outright lies and rightwing propaganda, spewed out 24/7 on television.

    For some reason, we tend to think that "someone" would step in and put a stop to such crap being aired on the public airwaves--so maybe its TRUE?

    We need a person with the charisma of a combined Rachel Maddow/Jon Stewart/Bill Maher/Anderson Cooper, to rise to prominence and inform the great majority, to be wary of all these crazy things they are being bombarded with, daily.

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Gee, let's see, where to begin? I know the basics. Even if waves of immigrants were able to come in such numbers (which they aren't),

    1. where would they live or work?
    2. how would they acquire the right to vote quickly enough to ensure a second term for President Obama because you don't become a naturalized citizen quickly enough to accomplish that.
    3. these crazies have to make the giant leap that all the GOP, TP, Independents, Blue Dogs and progressives would be on board with this kind of flood of immigrants. They would not.

    Sounds like Lipkin sees dollars signs ahead for speeches and consulting - or maybe, he is an Israeli operative here to generate a backlash against "Moslems" {sic] because more people here are questioning our limitless flow of money and military hardware to Israel.

    The GOP must be feeling rather desperate to encourage cheap tricks and phonies such as this.

  9. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Wow. Just when you think the right can't get any crazier...they top themselves. By next year, Obama will probably be found to be some long lost Kenyan Prince whose parents were tribal leaders and who taught him to hate white people. Meanwhile, they faked a birth certificate because the grand scheme 50 years ago was to get him elected President of the United States, got him into a white household and raised as an American. He managed to fool everyone in college and at Harvard by looking out for the poor in Chicago and running for office. He used the Presidency as a bully pulpit to get health care for American citizens, regulate amok businesses, and drag the US out of a depression. Meanwhile, he proclaims his Christianity (something a Muslim would never do!) and rejects violent solutions to world issues. Yeah, sounds like a plot to me...for a bad sci-fi movie. To quote Her Heiness: WTF?

  10. Nan (aka roswellborn)3:53 PM

    It's going to be very interesting to see how that can play out when it takes - at a minimum - a full five years from application to actually *become* an American citizen, with the right to vote

    Since the presidential term of office is a whopping FOUR years, that whole five year before voting thing just might put a hitch in what they claim... YA THINK????

    no wonder folks believe the parodies are for real... these idiots have already parodied themselves into outer space!

    Just un-freakin'-believable.

  11. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Bring them over,...they would be better neighbors than the "baggers" or republithugs.

  12. Anonymous4:17 PM

    dude must be related to ol' curveball of iraqi NO wmd infamy

  13. Anonymous4:19 PM

    These people are certifiable! God help us all.

    On a related note, I visited the Boy Scout Museum in Ottawa, IL yesterday. I was shocked to see a pickup parked in a corner of the lot that seemed to indicate it belonged to this museum rather than to a visitor (as there were only two visitors there at the time, me and my sweetie.)

    Anyhow, this truck had a very large bumper sticker affixed to the back. Seriously like 10"x10" or more. It said on it and I quote "Obama is like a termite destroying America from within".

    I almost didn't go into this museum because of that pickup truck.

    Who the hell thinks like that and where the hell was this guy when Bush really was destroying this country from within? These yahoos are so freaking transparent it's sickening.

    I wonder if this truck actually belonged to someone who operates this museum and God help the Boy Scouts if this is what their leadership example is.

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    "Obama is scheming to bring tens of millions of Muslims—perhaps up to 100 million—from the Middle East into the United States in order to turn this country into an Islamic nation by the end of his second term."

    President Barack Obama better get to work.
    It will take 5 years at 55,000 Muslims a day to get 100 million Muslims into the United States.

    May I be the first to welcome you here.

  15. WakeUpAmerica4:29 PM

    Could it be any crazier?
    Yes, use the picture of The Shrub kissing the prince.

  16. Thunk, thunk, thunk . . . That's the sound of my forehead hitting my desk.

    Just yesterday we were told that Obama wasn't doing enough to "control" Libya . . . Now he's the one starting all of it?

    Well, Beck had said that earlier.

    My head hurts even when I stop hitting it on my desk. Only now it's hurting inside.

  17. Anonymous4:58 PM


  18. Anonymous5:00 PM

    This doesn't surprise me. I've had conversations with our local Tea Party folks that have said they believe he's a Muslim. Mind you, I live in an affluent, well-educated suburb of Los Angeles, not Mississippi.

  19. angela5:00 PM

    Damn, and I thought it was harder finding an IQ point in the GOP than getting into this country if you are brown or Islamic. Who knew?

    The crazy stupidity of these people just burns.

  20. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "This is becoming ridiculous, and will only serve to panic those whose repressed racism and low level intelligence make them highly susceptible to this kind of propaganda."

    BINGO!!! And that is EXACTLY who it is aimed at, and anyone else they can "catch in their net of lies" who does not read or listen to reputable news sources, value facts, who is undereducated and/or doesn't know better.

    It's the anti-Obama demolition machine at work, and with 2012 coming up, it will become unbearable! Fox noise will help perpetuate every conspiracy that comes along. The more fear, smear, odium and canned rage they can stir up, the more they get rewarded by their puppet masters.

  21. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I have good friends in Alaska who are teachers, work for Alyeska, BP and many others. You would not believe the bullshit they think is true about Obama. These people are not dumbshits. They have an education and I always thought they were pretty bight individuals. It is damn scary. I really don't quite understand it it. It is not just the uneducated southern trash that believe this bullshit. You might be surprised if you really talked o some of your friends.

  22. Anonymous5:17 PM

    My ex husband buys into this ridiculous garbage. I count my blessings that he got away.

  23. mommom5:21 PM

    Well,he better get cracking on it because it takes some 4 years and 9 months to be able to apply for citizenship after getting a Green card through an employer.3 years to apply if your Greencard is from marriage.It oftenn takes 2 years after the application,and another 180 days to take the oath.So if President Obama plans to use 100's of thousands of Muslim immigrants to vote him a second term,he has probably missed his timetable already by a couple of years.

    Teh stupid burns!!!

  24. bws585:34 PM

    Hey on the upside, it means we won't be have the Christianistas shoving crap down out throats

  25. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Off topic but I had to share this with you. Krewe Du View in New Orleans had their parade last week and one of the floats featured none other that SP and our own Bobby Jindal. She's mushing him in the "Idiot-a-trod" and every so often he'd lift his leg to pee on the State of Louisiana. Yeah, some of us hate her all the way down here, also too;)

  26. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Totally o/t but the team of Huntington and Olds just won the 2011 Iron Dog race. Let's see a headline of: "Palin Loses!"

  27. nancy5:57 PM

    Oh my god, these people are insane. I could only get to the 'he still won't reveal his long form birth certificate' part of that clip.

    These people are effin nuts. Plain and simple. They make it out like Obama was dropped off from unknown parts (I can't keep up is it Kenya? No wait, Saudi Arabia? My head hurts) and was planted here to make America a Middle East out post or something like that. I love the part where he said he 'bowed to the Saudi Prince much to the HORROR of the nation' while the 'scholar' conveniently leaves out the make out session Bush had with a Saudi Prince.

    These people are nuts. It's too bad that a couple of million people in this country are nuts too and actually believe this shit.

  28. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The 9/11 terrorists were all Saudis, but we didn't go to war w/Saudi Arabia. The only people allowed air travel in the days following 9/11 were Saudis, whilst family members of victims were grounded. I'd say Dubya did more than hand hold and kiss....

    Where were these people (who come up with these crazy ideas) then???????? When it was easy......

  29. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I'm afraid that this kind of propaganda will lead to the assassination of the president. Wasn't it just this past week that some redneck in Georgia asked a representative who was going to shoot Obama? This is NOT funny anymore. If the whites think that shooting Obama will solve their problems the blacks and the level-headed, intelligent caucasians will erupt in a civil war that made the first CW look like child's play. I was a 5th grader when Kennedy was shot and that was just a horrible time. I remeber when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot, it was not a good time. I was a 10th grader when Bobby Kennedy was shot and that was just insane. I was so confused at that time it just felt like the world was crashing in all around.

  30. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I am getting so sick of this bullshit. I honestly think that we still live in a country that can't handle the fact we have a black prez. I am so sick of it. What will they think of next?

  31. Anonymous6:37 PM

    In addition, the Freepers are circulating a story on the internet that Obama is in cahoots with Ghaddafi.

    The comment that they are many, many well educated people who actually swallow this stuff whole, and who support Palin, is absolutely true and people need to deal with this fact. No, it is not just the Southern Tea Partiers and they are not all idiots. That is the scary part, my friends. Their are still a great many Hillary supporters who have remained firmly entrenched turncoats in the Palin camp.


  32. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Gasman @ 3:34 -
    "because he's secretly a Teletubbie"

    Okay, now you're really creeping me out!!!

    That image will no doubt haunt my dreams tonight...thanks a lot!

  33. Anonymous7:22 PM

    See, see it's happing already! Look at this! Pretty soon we're all gonna be speakin' that Arabicy and then they're gonna take my TV. Glenn warned us but, no,no, those damned Demos wouldn't listen.

    Now look at what's happened:

    Al Jazeera Tells Comcast: Let's Make A Deal

  34. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Wow, Bush holding a male's hand, gee where did the macho tex rancher persona go?

  35. "There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy and the thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own...for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.”
    The Twilight Zone, Episode 22, The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street, 3/3


  36. Anonymous8:26 PM

    anon @ 6:29
    I also worry about the president's safety. And now that these hateful liars are giving timeframes for the 'takeover' of the country, I worry even more that some crazy will try to be the hero patriot. When do we hold them accountable? The worst any of these fear-mongers gets is bad press. It makes me sick.

  37. Chenagrrl9:45 PM

    In the late 1990s, I worked a lobster shift and on the way home listened to the most odd of all shows with Art Bell.

    Bell had on UFO enthusiasts, people who claimed to have weird tumors and guests like the Gary Stearman mentioned in the video. In those days I recall STearman trying to interpret Revelations with UFO hoodoo.

    I don't recall if Stearman became a Y2K crazy flogging all manor of survivalist crap.

    This one definitely jumps the shark politically.

  38. He served in the IDF and it is common practice for them to pull information out of their asses, what more do we need to know? Were those broadcasts coming from within that woman’s head? I often imagine meetings in the White House where they are all sitting around a table laughing their butts off about this crazy stuff.

  39. Another person of $Palin spiritual persuasion, got a protective order against her:

  40. "Holy crap, can you believe this bullshit?"

    No. Nor can I believe that anyone could think anyone else would believe it, even though someone obviously does.

    Although this Obama-fantasy takes some kind of prize, there is a runner-up on the web that claims our President is the Jewish Messiah, a direct descendant of Mohammad, and related to all the great royal houses. So we can all breathe. The Messiah wouldn't destroy Israel, now would he?

  41. Wow, just wow! The gnashing of teeth!

    And yet no gnashing of right wing teeth . . . when the high holy one Ronald Reagan - with his sidekick of Donald Rumsfeld - hugged, kissed and gave US manufactured chemical weapons and more to dictator Sadam Hossein to enact genocide against his native population traded for access to oil

    ....the deal Reagan cut allowed Sadam to empty his prisons and send TENS OF THOUSANDS of hard core convicts to the US of A ...who arrived with their entire many generation families, received tens of thousands of dollars IN CASH per person, Section 8 housing certificates for life, full medical benefits, Soc Security benefits for their older family members and/or life-time disability benefits for those who were unable to work.

    Our municipality was flooded with Reagan's emigres

    . . .it was wondrous to behold Ma Barker matriarchs lording over their non-English speaking spawn dealing crack within weeks of their arrival under the fine tutelage of Federally funded aides who were to transition the convicts and their large extended families into American life.

    (yes, some of those aides were "busted" for 'corruption'...long after the emigre's many levels of illegal 'businesses' were well established and still on going decades later)

    I still await Tea Baggistan's armed protests to repeal fully tax funded life-time free universal health care for purple finger stained Iraqi population that GW and the GOP installed

    ...should I hold my breath for that non-stop streamed protest by our locked & loaded Tea Baggistani minions?

  42. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Don't forget the kiss Judus W. Bush

  43. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Good God, when Barack got elected, I knew some racists would be very unhappy, but I had no idea so many of them would go batsh*t crazy! People are seriously losing their minds, wow!


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