Sunday, February 06, 2011

Bill O'Reilly completely disrespects the President during interview before Superbowl.

He tried to tie him to the Muslim Brotherhood, cut him off when he was trying to answer the questions, and snidely asked him how it felt to be hated by half of the country.

And the whole time President Obama handled himself with grace and good humor.

Set, game, match to President Obama.

And fuck Bill O'Reilly!


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Scrub the room the interview was held. Who knows what virus Brillo BillO brought with him.

    How totally disrespectful not only of the Office of the President, of Obama but the fact too it was in the White House.

    Shows that you truly can't dress the Foxwhores up and take them anywhere.

    Obama owned you Brillo BillO

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I won't watch it...know it would upset me as I don't like O'Reilly and don't watch him or FOX. It bothers me horribly to hear he so publically disrespected our President. What an asshole! And, to think this is allowed in our world today. I truly fear for us and it is because of people like O'Reilly, Palin, Beck and Limbaugh. Not our President, who is doing a wonderful job and manages such self control. I don't know how he does it...I'd want to punch O'Reilly's ugly, smart ass face!

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    You are spot on about Bill O'Reilly tonight. He made it seem like he was doing the president a favor by being there.

    What restraint from the president and what unspeakable behavior from a faux journalist. I didn't like him before the interview, but now I put him in a category with Palin...and there is no lower than that.

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Here's the entire interview:

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    When Bill asked him 'how does it feel to be hated..." I wish Obama had said, "I don't know Bill, how does it feel? You've been dealing with it for years." Wouldn't have been pretty funny to hear Bill's response to that.

  6. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Here's Politico's take on things...

  7. JenniferinVA4:36 PM

    O"Really is a sanctimonious, self-righteous, constipated windbag.
    I applaud the President's willingness to sit with him for an interview. It shows that Obama is no coward (I'm looking at YOU ex-guv...)and it must piss everyone over at Faux that he didn't turn Bill-O down.

  8. Anonymous4:36 PM

    It was good of President Obama to do the interview. It must be nice to have that unpleasantry over with so he can go hang out with nice people.

  9. Anonymous4:37 PM

    game, set, match, G.

  10. Anonymous4:37 PM

    So it's just a matter of time before Silly Sarah trots out her commentary on the interview. Can't wait...NOT. She's just so toxic and sick in her behavior that it poisons any discourse that would be otherwise possible. But, you KNOW she'll be fuming and fussing pretty soon now.

  11. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Fuck you, Bill O'Reilly!

  12. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Fox is just plain hateful. I remember the Bret Baier (sp?) last year. All he did was interrupt.

  13. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I can't believe how rude he was! You just do not interrupt the President of the United States.

  14. I replaced the old partial video with the full interview.

    O'Reilly REALLY pisses me off here!

  15. Gasman4:44 PM

    "And fuck Bill O'Reilly!"


  16. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The President says: "We have a saying back in Chicago- If the Asshat fits wear it."

    Billo the clown replied " What's an asshat?"

  17. Anonymous4:49 PM


    Popup ad seen immediately after posting my last comment was "Play Dress Up Sarah. Clothing changes- the leering face of $tupidity grins with thoughts of happy endings - I never click popups- but that's really disgusting!

  18. Anonymous4:50 PM

    President Obama is a leader, and owned that interview. President Obama is not afraid of any negative confrontational interviewer. President Obama doesn't hide behind Face Book and Twitter :)

  19. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The last time BOR interviewed him (I think right before the election), BOR obviously disagreed with him but seemed to enjoy sparring with another very smart person and was more respectful.

    But tonight, BOR was antsy & sitting on the edge of his seat with arrogance in full force. And getting in the snide little digs under his breath as he was transitioning questions. Like the little snark about he'd scare JLo (I guess because he's so mouthy about illegal immigrants. And the "question" about what surprised Obama the most about the job since of course "he wasn't prepared for it" when he came into office (making it sound like Obama was unqualified overall versus simply that no POTUS totally knows what to expect since it is such a unique job).

    The other thing I worry about is Obama's remark that "the first two years have been a disaster", meaning he had to manage a bunch of crises and now he can settle into some other things now. But if Faux News just used the first part of Obama's sentence, it will look bad out of context.

    Yes, Obama is clearly skilled at handling leading questions and being gracious when faced with a pompous ass.

  20. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Our President is a great guy. Thoughtful,wise, witty and warm. Bill is a pompous gasbag.

  21. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Dress Up Sarah Palin popup ad by

    Might want to think twice about clicking to play for free.

    Norton warns of driveby downloads.

  22. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Billo the fucking clown is jumpy from having 100 years of Reagan rammed up his asshat by the bosses at teh teaparty-err teh Rebiblican party- err by the asshats running Fucked Noise.

  23. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The President is not only a class act, he is brilliant! Checkmate!

    Princess Dumbass this is how you handle people who disagree with you. No blaming, snark, bitching and whining!

  24. Anonymous5:05 PM

    O'Reilly was fair. He could have asked Obama what he's been reading. Now that would have been totally uncalled for.

  25. Anonymous5:10 PM

    The best thing I read tonight about the interview was that it was seen by millions of people and they got the opportunity to see what a boorish ass O'Reilly is. Good. Obama the grownup wins.

  26. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I can't bear to listen to BOR. It sounds like the Prez did great - again.

    QUERY: Were you as outraged (if you are outraged) when Stephen Colbert was disrespectful of the president and the presidency when the President (Bush) was sitting right there (Press Club Dinner) and could not respond. I LOVE Jon Stewart, and think Colbert has a very clever gig going - but I lost respect for Colbert that night (he has regained some of it since. He has done some very good things). I think Bush was one of hte worst Presidents we've had - but I don't think what Colbert did was right. And if we are going to be outraged at the lack of respect of shown to Pres Obama, we ought to be outraged at the lack of respect shown to Pres of the opposing party.

  27. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Bill O'Reilly knows he lost that round big time. Look at his face.

    I hope I detect the faintest of triumphs in our President's bland expression.

  28. Anonymous5:14 PM

    So Obama took on O'Reilly and defeated him.

    Let's see Palin talk to Chris Matthews.

    Oh I'm sorry, Palin only talks to FOX people and Barbara Walters who is best friends with the FOX president.

    Palin is so scared of interviews she forbids news people at her speeches, she forbids non-preselected questions and she is afraid of cameras and tape recorders. My my my what a fine president Palin would make for a third world country where she can dictate the rules for her dictatorship.

  29. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Not one single word of victimhood. How wonderful! But that is our President...thankfully.

  30. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Anon @ 5:11
    That was a roast.

  31. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    President Obama is a leader, and owned that interview. President Obama is not afraid of any negative confrontational interviewer. President Obama doesn't hide behind Face Book and Twitter :)

    4:50 PM

    President Obama took on Bill O'Reilly and won.

    President Obama took on the GOP in their house and won.

    President Obama took on McCain and Palin and won.

    So nobody in the world can say President Obama is avoiding them. Can you say that Sarah "No Press or Cameras Allowed" Palin?

  32. Olivia5:20 PM

    He should have asked BillO how it feels to be unknown by 75% of the country.

  33. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Our President takes on all comers at the White House or in your house.

    Sarah Palin - oly oly in come free, where are you?

  34. Anonymous5:23 PM

    It seems strange that Palin didn't do her first Egypt interview with Fox! Do you suppose they might be refudiating her?

    Next stop...public access TV!

  35. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Funny thing is Bill O prepared for this day along with help from FOX and what did he accomplish? Nothing, nada, zip!

    Who is next? The POTUS is waiting for you, bring it on.

  36. Anonymous5:26 PM

    What a perfect ending to Ronnie Reagan's birthday celebration on Fox. Yeah, President Obama!

  37. Anonymous5:26 PM

    4:33 - absolutely loved your proposed response to Billo!

    It is so appropriate and true!

  38. Anonymous5:27 PM

    When you have substance and intellect, you don't need to hide from interviews. Wink, wink, Sarah!

  39. Anonymous5:29 PM

    This is how you talk to your haters. You do not cry you are the victim. You face the biggest bully out there, look them in the eye and go toe to toe.

    Job Well Done Mr. President.

  40. onething5:31 PM

    I'm not gonna watch it, but Obama really, really should have known better than to be interviewed by O'Reilly.

    He demeaned himself. What's next? Letting himself be interviewed by Sarah?

  41. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Where will Palin's response to President Obama and BOR interview be aired at? On MSNBC, on a Sunday talk show, with Chris Matthews or on FOX with her teleprompter?

  42. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I am so very proud to have President Obama leading our country.

    It is so wonderful to have an educated, thoughtful person whose self-knowledge and confidence allows him to suffer fools like Billo.

    President Obama is a class act all the way. He's the best thing about our country.

    Mind you, I wish we could have had a single payer health care system and a few other things by now, but considering what the GOP has done in terms of lying, underhanded tactics, and the money they spread around - hey, we got a heck of a lot done!

    I hope we stand with this President from now on instead of snipping at things that are out of his control. We need to get rid of the GOP/TP folks in the House in 2012! Think about all the good things we could get done --- after we clean up all the crap they leave, i.e.

  43. Anonymous5:41 PM

    How did you listen to that? Bill-O is so completely annoying I was at risk of harming my computer. Just awful

  44. Anonymous5:45 PM

    yes maam, BOR is a pompous ass. But every network has to have one. It seems that brillo pad just has more arrogance than the world's pop combined.

    It is an honor to interview the President any time. Even if you disagree with him, at least respect the office.

  45. Anonymous5:46 PM

    And FOX finds out that their very best is just not up to a simple interview with the POTUS.

    Bill looks more childish and pouty than usual. He was thinking how really BAD he's going to look in the replays.

  46. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I'll likely never interview a president. But at a very young age it was made abundantly clear to me that interrupting Great Aunt Agnes was a crime only slightly worst than speaking back to my father.

    Bill O'Reilly you are TOAST.

  47. I cannot watch it Gryph. I would probably cry. I love my President and I hate FOX; never watch them. I thought there had been a plea for more civility? Did O'Reilly fail to understand that means him too? And in the Whitehouse for goodness sakes. Anyway, I appreciate your comments, especially your last one on this post. Again, thank you. You know, I wish the God I believe in would reckon with certain people we are having to deal with.

  48. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The right can be so pathetic. What's with the attempt to make him look like a fake football fan?

  49. Gryphen, I meant to add in my comment that I really do not believe President Obama is hated by 1/2 of this country and if it were me, I would have been tempted to ask if Bill had confused me with George W. Bush, who obviously from the reports, is also hated in the world.

    As much as I would like to see George W. and Cheney out of this country, I hope they are essentially political hostages in that to venture out of the US will get either or both of them detained, arrested, and charged with war crimes.

  50. Anonymous6:12 PM

    It's a great day to be Green!!
    Kermit the Frog WON!!!

  51. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Palin does not have a response to the POTUS / O'Reilly interview yet. Palin is still waiting for someone to tell her what her response should be.

  52. I think the President did very well, with every interview he does. As for Bill O'Reilly, he always interrupts people, Chris Matthews does the same which is why I don't often watch either one. I find it very irritating that someone asks a question and then doesn't wait for the answer.

    The President, as always, proves to be the better man. Scarah would NEVER show such Class......

  53. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Commenters at blogs $he who quits reads- HI $arah- should put a bug in her ear. If we say Billo brillo and Billo the Clown enough times will her brain slip it in the next time Billo interviews her?

    Billo would explode. Sarah might ask "Billo wtf the problem? Need a happy ending?"

    I'd watch that clip!

  54. Anonymous6:49 PM

    It is amazing that so many of the pople from the right who Obama has graciously allowed to interveiw him have used that very limited access to talk over the answers of the person they are asking questios of.

    It's not like Billo the brat doesn't have house to fill with his excreta, he is so vane that he can't shut up and take advantage of the opportunity, and he is so inept as an interviewer that he cannot control the interview except by cutting off the answers he has just solicited.

    He has all the manners and class of an argumentative drunk.

  55. Annie Goolihy6:58 PM

    Obama LIED!!! Always a pleasure? Let me take that back. He smacked that fuck face down big time! That WAS a pleasure. Pardon my language, but if Gryphen can say it, so can I.

    Just imagine the "thick-skinned" Sarah Palin sitting across from Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow being asked "How does it feel to be hated"? Or being interrupted continuously? Everyone knows she's way too fragile to handle a grilling like that.

    No doubt, she who cannot be interviewed by anyone who dares to ask follow-up questions, will have a scathing rebuttal.

    Sarah, show us you have cojones and have an unscripted sit-down with someone has no desire to sniff your panties.

  56. Anonymous7:04 PM

    God, he's just such a a DORK. I have no doubt he was the world's biggest nerds in high school, and he tries to act all cool as IF he is on an equal footing with the president of the united states. He is a caricature of himself. Trying to be condescending even. what a joke of a human being. I will never see anything except the "
    I so wana be cool"guy everyone avoided in high school.

  57. Annie Goolihy7:11 PM

    4:27, I highly recommend you watch. You would be incredibly proud of our President. He was totally unflappable. You know how Sarah's been bitching about Katie Couric's "gotcha" interview; how deeply offended she's been all this time about the "what do you read" question. President Obama LAUGHED when BillO was being purposely offensive!

    He was relaxed, honest, coherent and good-natured. I promise it won't upset you.

  58. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Ugh, I couldn't get past minute two. So, the official Fox News position is that we should let Mubarak stay in power so that ittle bitty Georgie Bush and Dickie Cheney don't get pantsed?

  59. I would expect nothing less from anyone at Fox. They are a bunch of treasonous, racist, fear and hate mongers.
    As expected, the President took the high road and came out on top - again!

  60. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I agree, O'Reilly was a complete ass!

  61. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Let's all stop worrying about BillO disrespecting our President. That's something "president palin" would be all up in arms about. If it bothered President Obama, he didn't let it show. He was no victim in this interview, and it would never cross his mind to pretend to be a victim.

  62. Lynne7:40 PM

    I haven't watched this yet and probably won't until morning, but O/T, I just looked at today's Mudflats picture of Sarah at a Fur Rondezvous princess competition many years ago (Sister Sarah Ain't No Moses). For the first time I saw the exact same chubby face that we saw in your post a couple days ago of the hugely pregnant Sarah during one of her earlier pregnancies. That was the first actual confirmation I have had that the round face she had in that pregnancy picture was exactly the same as in her pageant photo.

  63. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Eh, I don't see that Bill was any different than usual. He's an arrogant ass and always interrupts the people he is interviewing. Nothing new here.

  64. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Isn't it time we all started to boycott ALL Fox products if we found this offensive?

    This includes both cable and local Fox TV outlets. All 20th Century Movie releases, sorry but no Pirates for me in May. Also I will miss Nat Geographic but if it's owned by Murdoch I want nothing to do with it.

    The only thing that is going to bring civility back is hitting them in the wallet.

  65. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Complete transcript can be found here:

  66. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Gosh...all Sarah's questions would be answered if she just watched this interview. Intelligence and courage are residing in the White House. Our President has things under control. Ms. Dingdong can go back to eating ehr tacos and changing diapers. Just stay out of discussion that you know nothing about. Saying you are 'concerned' about policy adds nothing but fear to the debate.

  67. I bet Obama also knows why the tides go in and out and how the moon was formed. I sort of lost the little bit of respect I had for O'Really? when he showed his lack of science knowledge.

    Obama held his own with that old cow though, and good for him. He made his point regarding how once one has attained the position of POTUS that one has gotten over whether people like or dislike him. The office and the person in it transcends the popularity contest that the rest of the world engages in.

    I also like how O'Really? kind of tried to force Obama into liking football, like that is a litmus test of "Americaness" or something.

  68. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Sorry for being OT Gryph, but for those of you who have trouble with pop-up ads on here or/and other places, and are using the Firefox browser, I recommend the "AdBlock Plus" add-on. It really works!

  69. Annie Goolihy8:18 PM

    "You cannot be confrontational with the President of the United States. You can be direct, but you can't be disrespectful." - Bill O'Reilly

  70. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Aol buying huffing ton post.
    This is not good.

  71. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I wish he had said,in response to the question about how it feels to be hated"Well,Bill,I've been black all my life.No use worrying about now."

  72. Gasman8:46 PM

    Billow is a fucking self inflating sexual predator. He can eat shit and die as far as I am concerned. Additionally, he is an ignoramus. I find the latter point rather amusing as he likes to pretend that he is some sort of intellect, being as he has TWO - count 'em TWO - master's degrees. In reality, he is just a superstitious buffoon who angrily insists on his version of biblical literacy. He does not lack the capacity to learn, he simply is willfully ignorant about anything which he does not want to know. Somehow I find that attitude especially repugnant.

    Despite my moniker, I prefer the "Billow" spelling as it is more gaseous, as is O'Reilly. He is a suppurating pustule on America's anus. Few miscreants have done more to harm this country than has he.

  73. 8:17pm; Ad Block is my hero! There is a thing on Mac that is called "click to Flash" whereby one does not see Flash items unless on clicks on them. It's a real CPU and battery saver, if you are on a laptop.

  74. Anonymous8:48 PM

    We were watching the game at a friend's gathering. Fox used it as an opportunity to push their BS. I was a guest at the house where the game was airing. The TV was muted whenever these a-holes went off on their trip. It made me feel good.

  75. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I'm late on posting the post of Sarah Palin getting cancelled on her next stupid speech. So, as much as it is off topic I have to respond to it here at the top of the page.....

    What everyone in Alaska is doing right now is very important to sink this bitch ship once and for all. The rest of the world, and mostly the US has found out about this nutjob through the effort of so many in Alaska. I take my hat off to all of you up there and fighting a good fight to keep this has-been, self centered weirdo out of politics in the US. Keep on keeping on IM!

    I'd like to add, that the twitter community is laughing it's ass off, especially Egypt, at the hillbilly from wassilly's latest comments about Egypt.

  76. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I'm sorry, I mean't to add at the end of my last comment....Bill O'liely can't touch this President...I'm not sure if anyone else noticed from this interview, but from my vantage point, I seen a ugly man with a very dry mouth, acting very insecure about himself by constantly interrupting and couldn't handle the President of the US. I loved how Obama laughed at him a few times in the interview. It was like....."Are you for fucking real with your idiotic assumptions?"

  77. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Bill O'Reilly makes his money by being an ass. He is not well informed and does not really listen to the President's answers. Obama is well aware what an interview with him entails and handled himself quite well.

  78. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I too was grossed out that Fox had to have BOR on during the pre-game... please. Always glad to see our President though, acting like... a President! I loved how he smiled and laughed at BOR like "aw, I see what you did there... cute! Let me dumb this down so you can understand." I'm sure SP will furiously tweet about this later, and it will be the usual indecipherable lie... the President, on the other hand, will not be tweeting about "gotcha" journalism later!!

  79. he even tried to suggest that the prez is not a real football fan and doesn't know the game. and how the fuck would papa bear know what the prez's close friends say about him? would any friend of the prez betray him to this gob-shite? that word was invented for bill, by the way.

  80. Lucy @ 5:11 pm:
    in answer to your query, you have to understand the venue that is the white house press corps dinner. it is at heart a roast and that is what stephen colbert did. anyone who knows colbert's humor had to know that this would be the outcome, so why did they invite him if they didn't want sarcasm? i thought he was actually pretty gentle on bush.

    on the other hand, this was a sit-down interview with someone who poses as a journalist for a pretend news organization. a little manners and decorum are expected under such circumstances.

  81. I am boycotting Faux News so I missed this. (But I sure don't miss it and my blood pressure's better.)

    I suggest we all do the same. Maybe Rupert Murdoch would listeb if we hit him right smack in the pocketbook.

  82. Anonymous5:41 AM

    You make a good point. The Press Corp Dinner is different, and it is a roast. I was uncomfortable watching it (and I DID NOT LIKE the Bush Presidency. As I said before, I think he was one of hte worst Presidents ever), but honest people of good will can disagree about judgment calls.

    I do think there is some merit to the argument that they invited Colbert, so what he did was somewhat predictable. I'm not sure who invited him. Did Bush have anything to say in that matter? If so, I might change, or at least soften, my opinion.

    Query: Is there anything anyone can say in a roast about Obama that would seem over-the-line to you? or is all fair at a roast? (I realize you didn't say that ANYTHING was fair to say at Bush's roast, just that they got what they should have expected. I'm just trying to flesh out the issues in a medium that's a little difficult for detailed discussions).

    P.S. Had Colbert said what he said on his own show, without Bush in mandatory attendance (particularly with cameras on him), I'd have been ROTFLMAO.

  83. Hannah5:56 AM

    Watched only 4 minutes.....When did Fox news make themselves King? When and where is it written that they can operate at such lower standards than other "journalists"? This was simply an opportunity for Bill O"Reilly to make himself look good to his audience. "Look at me, look at me, I can intimidate the president" Trouble is: IT DIDN'T WORK! It made Bill look like an idiot instead.

  84. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Thank you for posting this. Bill O let the president speak then countered him dismissively. I am glad Obama addressed how people ultimately pay for the uninsured who go to the ER. I am glad the president was at ease to distinguish what Bill O tells his viewers.

    On the "hatred" front I agree with what the president said. There are people who hate Michelle Obama who believe she is exerting government control to control what kids eat and cancel s'mores. Lies serve to manipulate the duped to love the liar dependent on hating or fearing a competitor targeted.

    Good, the media is addressing Bill O's nastiness:)

  85. Anonymous6:28 AM

    We have boycotted FOX news for years now, ever since they took over the local station and went "Unfair and Unbalanced" on us. I used to watch their 10 pm local news every night since it was on before the major networks 11:00 news. Not any more. Now we only watch FOX for football and The Simpsons. We really don't have time for much other TV in our house but do get our nightly with Brian Williams and catch day-old Daily Show and Colbert (wish it wasn't on when the PBS New Hour is, though). Also wish I had more time for Rachel and Charlie Rose, and all the wonderful shows PBS does. Maybe some day... My teen kids are partial to "Myth Busters" on cable. PBS will continue to get my annual donations. I really believe they are the best broadcasters out there and perform a great service to the public.

  86. Anonymous6:29 AM

    After the president stated he must be cautious about what he says referencing even impact on the market BillO corner him to admit the same. The pres already stated he lost spontaneity to converse.

    Does BillO not listen to his guests or is he bent on exerting authority over them ?

  87. Anonymous7:02 AM

    He should ask $P how does it feel to be hated by 80% of America and know that you will never be president.


  88. Anonymous12:55 PM

    What was that stuff about "do you know football?" Like the President is some exotic and effete being, not quite American.

  89. Now admittedly I don't watch Fox News and had never seen BillO interview anybody, but I think Obama handled it fine. I didn't think Billo was that rude and he didn't dish out anything Obama couldn't (and didn't) give out.

    Plus, I think it was great that Obama agreed to this interview. It gave the morons who watch Fox a chance to see him.

    He's a fine president.

  90. Anonymous7:47 PM

    The best part about this interview is how seriously dried mouth O'reilly was and how Obama laughed him down everytime he asked him something stupid.


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