Monday, February 07, 2011

I am sure that this also has NOTHING to do with Right Wing rhetoric.


Authorities say a Florida man is accused of stabbing another man in the neck after learning he was Muslim during a discussion about religion.

According to an arrest affidavit, the man who was stabbed told 52-year-old Bradley Kent Strott that he was Muslim while the two talked on Saturday. Investigators say Strott then grabbed the man by his shirt and stabbed him with a pocket knife.

The man who was stabbed was treated for his wound, though details about his condition were not available.

If the roles were reversed, and this was a Muslim stabbing a Christian, Fox News would make it their top story all day long.

Of all of the reasons to want to injure somebody, their religious preference should be at the very bottom of the list.


  1. angela2:33 AM

    Yes, yes there would definitely be all kinds of flashing FOX alerts warning people that muslims are knifing "rill americans" and its all President Obama's fault. Of course over at FOX now . . . . crickets.

  2. Anonymous3:26 AM

    "No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship or ministry or shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief, but all men shall be free to profess and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion. I know but one code of morality for men whether acting singly or collectively." Thomas Jefferson, one of those founding fathers, any of them, all of them.

  3. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

  4. Anonymous3:45 AM

    The things done in the name of religion are often far from the heart of the faith. Ignorance, fear, and anger are a dangerous mix.

  5. Anonymous3:51 AM

    I totally agree with all that you said. However I would add that religion and sexual orientation should be at the bottom of the list.

  6. Anonymous4:01 AM

    "If God doesn't take sides, what's the point of religious conflict?" The Vent - 10/16/02
    Atlanta Journal Constitution

  7. Why are you surprised?

    Ask any Jew about the Holocaust.

    And some Protestants have been hating on Catholics for years. The latter kills me. If one of the Teabaggers asks me my religion and I tell them, they answer, "Well I'm a Christian . . ." at which point I walk away because I realize that I'm dealing with pure ignorance and there's no vaccine for stupid.

  8. Anonymous4:26 AM

    So I see that Alaska WTF has a new post, but the page is down. Does he not know it is down? Are you showing the wrong link? It looks like the right URL. WTF?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.